11 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
14s | welcome to the pulse from the heart of J |
16s | 44 your source of news from Eve online |
19s | Equinox the newly announced expansion |
21s | for Eve will be hitting new Eden on the |
23s | 11th of June 2024 Equinox will be the |
26s | first step in the reinvigoration of |
28s | nullsec introducing a suite of new oil |
30s | structures like the orbital Skyhook for |
32s | access to new planetary resources in |
34s | Sovereign NK space the sovereignty Hub |
37s | which will replace the ihub and TCU and |
39s | will have sovereignty upgrades the |
41s | automated metox Moon drill that will |
43s | provide passive income in nelc losc and |
45s | Wormhole space three new upwell haulers |
48s | and an upwell freighter all with missile |
51s | capability upwell have launched a |
53s | campaign promoting The Equinox Suite of |
55s | solutions to aspiring capsu groups they |
58s | have also started a recruitment Drive |
60s | AED at the population of Empire space |
62s | with the promise of a new life as the |
64s | cloned Workforce needed to operate the |
66s | Equinox Suite check out the links in the |
68s | description to see each video in full |
70s | also in Equinox an extension to Skinner |
72s | will Empower creative capsuleers to |
74s | design personalized ship skins this will |
77s | unlock a new career path the ability to |
79s | profit by selling your skin designs and |
81s | strengthen the collective identity of |
83s | your group the Paragon Hub will let you |
85s | trade skins and Design Elements while a |
88s | collection will represent your inventory |
90s | of skin skins Design Elements and |
93s | emblems furthermore air daily goals will |
95s | be enhanced with a monthly reward track |
98s | Corporation projects will see more |
99s | variety alongside a Corp window overhaul |
103s | June will also see a major update to e |
105s | Vanguard introducing new activities and |
107s | objectives adaptive Weaponry persistence |
110s | between sessions and a brand new map the |
113s | YC 126 capsu Day Celebrations and event |
116s | have begun Pilots of any experience |
119s | level and play style can join the hunt |
120s | for riches and take on perilous |
122s | challenges across the vast Abyss heed |
124s | the call of the Society of conscious |
126s | thought and gather points by completing |
128s | combat exploration and Manufacturing |
130s | challenges to gain amazing rewards take |
133s | on triglavian enemies as you navigate |
135s | newly surfaced collapsed conduits or |
137s | even Drifters in the Abyssal |
138s | battlefields for the chance to recover |
140s | Priceless Loot and filaments engaging |
143s | with Abyssal pocket sites can earn you |
145s | blueprints and rare materials for |
147s | manufacturing filaments persistent |
149s | Pilots can then use these to access |
151s | increasingly difficult and profitable |
154s | challenges be sure to log in Daily to |
156s | claim valuable rewards like skill points |
159s | everm marks new and exclusive skins s |
162s | ship hulls boosters and |
164s | fireworks a war has been raging between |
167s | powerful coalitions in Wormhole space |
170s | Singularity Syndicate have been leading |
172s | a number of alliances against laser |
174s | horks and their allies with the fighting |
176s | primarily focused around control of very |
179s | lucrative class 6 Wormhole space which |
181s | has in the past been primarily owned by |
183s | laser Hawks through their holding |
185s | Alliance rainbow Knights well over 3 |
188s | trillion isk has been destroyed thus far |
190s | with potentially more destruction to |
192s | come as multiple alliances are moving to |
194s | a full War |
196s | deployment there have also been assorted |
198s | back and forth skirmishes occurring in |
200s | nuluk space one battle in particular |
203s | that took place in utac qvw involved the |
206s | pandafam Coalition taking on the |
208s | Imperium to challenge a for isar armor |
211s | timer featuring approximately 3,000 |
213s | capsuleers resulting in around 1200 |
215s | kills and 350 billion isk in losses the |
219s | sixth iteration of the anger games a |
221s | community-run PVP tournament concluded |
224s | on Sunday after three weekends of |
226s | grueling combat over 50 teams battled it |
229s | out in over 125 matches and in a best of |
232s | five final against spooky action at a |
234s | distance no spaceships for Old Men won |
237s | the fourth match to be crowned winners |
239s | or organizers srail and Dirk stel |
242s | working alongside CCP and over 50 |
245s | volunteers hosted the game on the CCP |
247s | and Eve tournaments twitch channels CCP |
250s | is also contributing a selection of |
252s | triumphant Elite skins to the Plex prize |
254s | pool the organizers have already |
256s | gathered for the tournament winners the |
258s | 10th Annual frigate free-for-all |
260s | Community run PVP event took place in |
262s | the system of Etta on the 20th of April |
265s | organized by Stay Frosty and Lucifer's |
267s | Hammer this event once again attracted |
269s | hundreds of of capsuleers and turned the |
271s | entire system into a PVP Thunderdome for |
274s | several hours the organizers had over |
277s | 10,000 free fitted frigs which were |
279s | handed out to all comers and several |
281s | thousands of those as well as other |
283s | capsulier ships were turned into wrecks |
286s | the free-for-all is always fun and |
287s | chaotic and is one of the biggest events |
289s | of the year in lowex space new Eden is |
292s | better with friends and Eve players |
294s | regularly meet up to talk spaceships in |
296s | real life recently capsules converged on |
299s | New Orleans and in June they will visit |
301s | Amsterdam there the weekend will be |
303s | filled with a multitude of activities |
305s | such as engaging talks panels Raffles |
308s | and a party that will keep you up all |
310s | night no matter your character's age or |
312s | skill points fitting a ship is one of |
314s | the hardest art forms to master to help |
316s | give a baseline to work from or give you |
318s | a goal to work for the in-game community |
321s | fittings have been updated with help |
323s | from amazing resources like Eve |
325s | University even more fits will be added |
327s | in the coming weeks for all sorts of |
329s | activities if you'd like to share your |
331s | fits with the community head on over to |
333s | the Eve online Discord there are a |
335s | number of offers and packs in the eve |
337s | store and the new Eden store for you to |
339s | enjoy currently in the eve Store New |
341s | capsuleer Day packs offer brand new |
344s | Imperial Republic and agis police skins |
346s | Omega Plex and cerebral accelerators |
349s | until the 30th of May also in the eve |
352s | store until the 9th of May you can enjoy |
354s | up to 25% off select Plex packs which |
357s | include more new police skins in the the |
360s | new Eden store Federal and State Police |
362s | skins return permanently at a 30% |
364s | discount and boost bundles will be 20% |
367s | off until the 9th of May that's all for |
370s | this episode of the pulse thank you for |
372s | joining us remember to check the |
373s | description below for more information |
375s | on the Equinox expansion capsu day and |
377s | all of the stories that we've covered |
379s | then hit subscribe and the bell icon to |
381s | stay notified of any new videos that we |
383s | release see you next time |