over 5 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s bandwidth and usage limitations on
7s faster-than-light communications in null
10s sec were lifted by the SCC earlier this
12s week this marks the end of the two
15s months blackout which was primarily
17s caused by drifter attacks on FTL
20s infrastructure and quantum entangled for
22s helium supplies across null sec while
25s communications have now been fully
27s restored pong court officials warned
29s that communication service levels remain
31s subject to change possibly at short
34s notice the Tri gravy ins have expanded
37s their invasion into lowsec regions as
39s Kaneda iridium and molten Heath have
42s come under attack in the last week
44s reports from the fronts are mixed but
46s defenses seem to be holding low SEC
49s systems in Genesis and The Forge have
51s also been hit by new attacks as the Tri
54s glaive Ian's continue their pattern of
55s shifting attacks around New Eden these
58s new fronts are in addition to continuing
60s incursions into high-security space by
63s Tri glaive Ian's world arcs and
65s widespread scouting forces the scope has
69s acquired new footage from a previously
71s unknown abyssal deadspace pocket the
74s imaging data appears to show an array of
76s construction yards with a high level of
79s activity there are no completed ships
81s visible in the footage but comparisons
84s with the vex or which entered the pocket
86s and provided the footage suggest the Tri
88s glaive Ian ships being constructed can
90s be rated as capital ships the structural
93s components that have been laid down so
95s far also appear to correspond to
97s schematics from intercepted try grave
99s Ian messages the intention behind this
101s new shipbuilding activity remains
103s unknown but analysts believe the Tri
106s glaive Ian's are responding to the
108s course of the war so far and preparing
110s to change their tactics in other news
114s extensive renovations and a major
116s expansion project have started on the g2
118s for for called re Navy assembly plant
121s contracts for all aspects of the project
123s were recently awarded to the PK and
126s interstellar consortium
127s by the CBD lied ID and NIH mega poor by
132s far the busiest trade hub in New Eden
135s the expansion of the station has long
137s been considered overdue the amount of
139s daily traffic and storage requirements
141s have caused over stretch for years and
143s much activity unrelated to trading or
146s the naval facilities has progressively
148s been relocated to other stations in
150s jitta the project's phased program of
154s expansion is expected to take at least
156s 12 months this is Alton Haveri reporting
159s for the scope
161s [Music]