over 2 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

This thread has been forked off from the Frontlines Wargame thread. Please leave your feedback about the Frontlines feature in testing Singularity in this thread and use that other thread for feedback and support with the wargame event itself.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

The current system states are:

  • Frontline (system adjacent to an enemy system)
  • Command Operations (system adjacent to a Frontline but no enemy systems)
  • Rearguard (system that is not adjacent to a Frontline or enemy system)
over 2 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

It has been pointed out that there is a typo in the FW window text:


over 2 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

Thanks for the report!

over 2 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

I’m in Minmil and am able to redock in a station in Amarr-held Kourmonen despite getting this message whenever I undock from it:


I’m on my dev account though so I might have some kind of role that permits me to do it. Just to be safe I won’t abuse it during the wargame.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Frontlines Wargame on Singularity