over 1 year
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | hi guys |
3s | how y'all doing |
5s | mike check my check |
9s | [Applause] |
12s | that's good at least somebody showed up |
14s | for the for the spreadsheet class I was |
15s | I was kind of worried last last year I I |
18s | named the presentation trust trading and |
20s | trillions which was a little bit more |
21s | since like Sensational trying to get |
23s | pulling people into the trading side of |
25s | uh of you online this this year it's uh |
28s | just just hardcore spreadsheet master |
30s | class right if you're here |
32s | um then uh then then yeah then you're |
35s | typically player probably but uh you |
37s | also now you're locked in now you can't |
39s | leave and I'm going to take advantage of |
40s | you |
42s | um |
43s | some of you may may know who I am I'm |
46s | I'm Oz uh I've been playing eve since |
48s | 2004 and I'm just really heavily into |
52s | markets and and trading that's what I've |
55s | been doing since 2004 just you know |
58s | building spreadsheets trying to dominate |
59s | the market uh learning learning the game |
62s | of Eve online with the goal in mind to |
66s | then profit from it in the market right |
68s | and there's some other people uh out |
70s | there doing that you might have seen |
71s | Eden trades presentation earlier one of |
73s | the more extreme examples of that |
76s | um but in 2019 I started then streaming |
80s | it and so I I started switching that |
82s | entire game around because starting in |
85s | 2019 I started not hiding all the |
88s | secrets for myself but letting everyone |
91s | in on the secrets and and talking about |
93s | them and building spreadsheets and |
95s | essentially teaching other people to |
96s | trade in Eve online I also run other |
99s | things uh on on Twitch like the oztank I |
101s | hope a lot of you have seen that uh |
103s | that's that's the Shark Tank but for Eve |
106s | online where uh Eden trade and me and |
109s | some other eve trillionaires listen to |
111s | pitches and then give away all our money |
112s | because |
114s | my numbers just go up I don't really do |
116s | a lot of other things in Eve online so |
117s | my numbers just keep on going up so I |
119s | had to find a way to inject all that is |
121s | back into the community and that's |
123s | that's my way of doing that |
126s | um I'm I've been an eve partner since |
128s | the the launch of the program my my |
131s | guides are used in the eve Academy and I |
132s | also have a Discord server if you're not |
134s | on it come join us it's it's basically |
136s | six six thousand trading nerds or people |
138s | that are just generally interested in |
140s | that play style |
141s | um discussing Eve online and |
144s | and this is what I'm more famous or |
146s | inFAMOUS for is the uh the trading fund |
150s | that I run so what I do is I um I take |
154s | investments from the Eve online |
157s | community and I that's that's around it |
160s | was 4 trillion in July we're closer to 5 |
162s | trillion now I try to get out of it but |
164s | people just keep giving me money I don't |
166s | know why you guys are crazy but |
169s | um I uh I invested money in in Gita so |
172s | just by managing that fund I'm I'm |
175s | playing uh a heavily heavy role also in |
178s | influencing the markets in uh in in Gita |
181s | so last time |
184s | I talked about that this was last year |
186s | you can find this presentation out on on |
188s | YouTube I talked about trust trading in |
190s | trillions and that was basically how I |
191s | take those four trillion and how I |
194s | invest them in the market and the |
196s | strategies associated with that so this |
198s | year I want to do |
200s | um something different and that is |
203s | um I want to talk about the different |
204s | types of spreadsheets that are out there |
207s | um the the data sources that you can use |
209s | how to run a market spreadsheet |
213s | effectively and what I use them for and |
217s | don't worry I'm not going to make this |
218s | too Niche because I think that that |
220s | that's super Niche you know market |
222s | trading playstyle is probably interest |
223s | about maybe one percent of you |
226s | but I'm going to try to do it like I do |
229s | on my stream to to to make it so that |
231s | even if you don't actively trade or if |
235s | you don't build your own spreadsheets at |
237s | least this will be helpful for your |
240s | daily decisions that you make and Eve |
242s | online and uh and I'll try to make it as |
244s | relevant to your playstyle as possible |
246s | so let's start with the types of |
249s | spreadsheets that there are so first of |
251s | all |
252s | the more the most simple spreadsheet |
254s | that you can build in Eve online is the |
256s | the tracking spreadsheet right and |
257s | that's basically how much money did I |
260s | make today for example as a question |
262s | that you're trying to answer you're |
263s | trying to look at your individual Market |
267s | orders your your your profits or maybe |
269s | even for your corporation you look at |
271s | where's our isk at where can we get the |
273s | data from to understand how much risk we |
276s | made today this week this this month |
279s | this year right the second thing you can |
281s | do and this is my favorite and that is |
283s | the the market dashboard so that's your |
286s | Bloomberg terminal if you happen to work |
288s | in in finance or or the markets in real |
290s | life that's your what you know what is |
293s | the market doing today where what |
295s | where's the market moving to what are |
297s | the the new things happening in the |
299s | market today and then |
300s | three it's kind of like the the |
303s | opportunity identification like what um |
306s | what what are opportunities out there |
308s | that I can find because I have a better |
310s | spreadsheets than others or because I uh |
313s | I I gather data better than others to |
316s | profit from it so these are the three |
318s | types of spreadsheets that um that we're |
320s | going to talk about today |
322s | and |
325s | one thing to to understand is that the |
327s | purpose of these spreadsheets will |
329s | determine the data sources that you can |
332s | that you can use in Eve online and I |
334s | think you know for for Eve online more |
337s | so than other games is I think more |
340s | players of Eve online have had some sort |
342s | of exposure about the data sources that |
345s | you can use to pull data in but still I |
348s | understand that a lot of you probably |
349s | have never thought about these sources |
351s | or or don't you know don't don't don't |
353s | come into contact with these data |
355s | sources at all so I'm I'm going to try |
357s | to to start |
359s | um at the uh at the at the bottom |
363s | first of all what type of data sources |
366s | can you use to build spreadsheets in Eve |
368s | online |
369s | most recently a lot of you have seen the |
372s | launch of the Excel atom so the Excel |
375s | add-in is something very special it's |
377s | the first time that Microsoft Excel has |
378s | done an add-in for a video game I was |
382s | you know I was fortunate enough to to |
384s | test it and to be on the on the on the |
386s | live stream with with the Microsoft |
388s | Excel guys and it was you know it's it's |
390s | it's it's awesome it's it's very very |
392s | cool and it's very Eve you know it's |
394s | very very Eve to have to be the first |
396s | game to to be able to do that so this |
399s | gives us a lot of new opportunities |
403s | there's always been an API so there's |
405s | always been like a way to directly tap |
407s | into the data of Eve online if you know |
409s | if you understand coding or if you have |
410s | some way of um of of scripting uh |
414s | scripting code to to get to that data |
417s | with the Excel add-in you don't have to |
419s | know that anymore right with the Excel |
420s | add-in as long as you understand the |
422s | basics of Microsoft Excel you can |
425s | call data for your characters with |
428s | formulas you log into your character you |
431s | use a a formula like you know Market |
434s | orders and you can within seconds pull |
437s | in all the market orders for your |
439s | character it's not only for Market data |
441s | though you can pull it for all your |
442s | assets you can find your assets in the |
444s | Galaxy you can look at which how many of |
447s | each ship type you have if you're doing |
448s | Fleet compositions whatever it's a very |
450s | useful tool |
452s | we have things like |
454s | adam4eve.eu I hope a lot of you have |
456s | have used it and have not accidentally |
458s | put in adam4eve.com right |
461s | it's a running joke on my stream but |
463s | don't don't do this now don't pull up |
464s | your phones |
465s | you might get flagged on the Wi-Fi here |
468s | um it's it's Adam for Eve how what his |
471s | name's not even Adam I don't know what |
473s | he is I don't know why he called it that |
475s | um but um it's a guy named Ethan and he |
478s | he really if you're interested in Market |
480s | data it some sometimes it looks ugly on |
484s | the surface don't tell him I said that |
485s | it looks a little bit rough but it's |
487s | really it's really the heart of of of |
489s | Market data and and and some other very |
492s | very very useful data so if you've never |
494s | gone to that site and you play Eve |
496s | online I highly recommend you to go |
498s | there and he works on it very very hard |
499s | so Adam for Eve is another one that is |
502s | really useful |
503s | Chief assets also one of my personal |
505s | favorites so this is a Java application |
508s | um so as long as you install the Java |
510s | runtime application in your uh |
512s | environment on your computer you can |
514s | just just just run this and it will if |
516s | you log into your account it will pull |
518s | all the data for your account and it's |
521s | it's just you have to know no coding at |
523s | all and it's even represented in nice |
525s | graphs it's really it's it's as close to |
527s | a a perfect character overview sheet as |
530s | you can get to |
532s | um fuzz work is another one uh a lot of |
534s | you guys know now Steve runs it is um |
537s | it's it's fantastic it's not only a good |
540s | you know LP store calculator if you're |
542s | trying to buy things in AP stores but |
543s | it's also he also uh opens up an API |
548s | to access the market data and it has a |
550s | lot of useful things about it |
552s | something that came out of our community |
555s | um a guy named mocam I'm going to talk |
558s | about this a lot later so because if you |
560s | have not if you're building Square |
561s | spreadsheets and even live and if you |
562s | have not used mocam.dk then I highly |
565s | recommend it because this is the source |
567s | for all the market history and |
569s | everything that you thought was |
571s | impossible to get to and especially for |
574s | things like like I do where you know you |
576s | I invest large sums of money and I need |
578s | to understand where the market is where |
579s | the Market's going mocam is where you |
581s | want to go |
582s | one of my personal favorites is |
584s | evecookbook.com I know there's a lot of |
587s | websites that allow you to uh to |
589s | calculate build cost for things in Eve |
591s | online but if cookbook has the big |
594s | advantage that you can't just go onto |
596s | the website and say |
598s | I am in this station I'm building this |
600s | with these skills with these blueprints |
603s | it also has an API which is super |
606s | helpful because you can literally go |
608s | into Google Sheets and you can type in a |
611s | formula to pull in the exact build cost |
615s | for an item at a specific station for |
618s | your character so it's super useful uh |
621s | what what he's doing there |
622s | and then there's a ton more so this |
624s | that's why I'm prefacing this by saying |
627s | these are the tools that I use and I'm |
629s | sorry if I you know forgot some some |
631s | other tools that might be fantastic as |
633s | well if you think you know tools that |
636s | are doing this but in a better way then |
638s | I'm the first one that wants to know |
639s | about it so this is just to kind of set |
641s | the stage for you all to |
645s | you know to understand what is out there |
646s | where can you where can you get stuff so |
649s | let's jump into the first type of |
651s | spreadsheet there is |
654s | and you know before we jump into that |
657s | this this presentation is called Market |
661s | spreadsheet master class right we just |
663s | have 45 minutes just so spoiler alert |
666s | there's no way I will teach you how to |
667s | build a market spreadsheet if you if you |
669s | know nothing right this is |
672s | um going to be to get you maybe |
673s | interested in it to maybe show you how |
675s | it's not as daunting as it might might |
677s | feel and if you want to dive in deeper |
680s | then you know come see me come join our |
682s | Discord and we can you know anyone can |
685s | learn how to do this stuff if you're if |
686s | you're interested so let's talk about |
688s | the the tracking sheet |
691s | so how much money did I make today for |
693s | example as a or or this month as a uh as |
695s | as kind of a slogan |
697s | the the data we need for that is one we |
700s | need the transactions so your daily |
702s | wallet transactions if you're you know |
703s | trading on a character or in a |
705s | corporation the Wallet balance helps so |
707s | what's going in and out of your wallet |
709s | not only through Market orders there's |
711s | other things that impact your wallet |
713s | right and if you're trading with |
714s | contracts for examples and transactions |
716s | aren't going to help you much |
718s | your current market orders so what are |
720s | the buy and sell orders that you |
721s | currently have out there because for a |
723s | lot of people that are trading that |
725s | constitutes a lot of your your your |
726s | assets or your invested um capital |
729s | and then |
731s | the current item price and that's just |
732s | the whole complicated matter on itself |
734s | so |
736s | the way I've structured this |
737s | presentation is I want to go through |
739s | each of the categories of data sources |
742s | that we have so the the original API the |
746s | Excel add-in and various third-party |
748s | tools and kind of look at what what can |
752s | do which part of the spreadsheet |
754s | building really well and |
758s | if you're looking at transactions Wallet |
760s | balance orders there's really you know |
763s | you can pick your poison there's really |
764s | no difference you can you can get this |
766s | from the API directly you can use the |
769s | Excel add-in if you don't know um if you |
771s | don't know coding you can use |
772s | third-party tools you know specifically |
774s | Chief assets as I mentioned this is just |
776s | really really well right there's just it |
778s | it it's it's not difficult to get these |
781s | types of things at all if you're if |
783s | you're completely new at this I would |
784s | recommend you do either the Excel add-in |
786s | or Jeep assets because it's you know |
788s | it's it's the easiest it doesn't require |
789s | any any any coding but they can all do |
793s | it where this becomes interesting is if |
796s | we're talking about current market price |
798s | because |
799s | what's current market price right that I |
802s | mean that in itself is basically |
804s | impossible to answer for for Eve online |
806s | because you know are we talking Gita |
810s | price are we talking the lowest sell |
812s | order that is currently out there are we |
814s | talking the lowest price |
816s | averaged over the last week month maybe |
819s | year |
820s | um are we talking about the percent |
823s | price which is the you know favorite uh |
826s | with the favorite price of of of Traders |
829s | so |
831s | um you know and what I mean by percent |
833s | price is uh if if it's it's the way that |
838s | Traders and Eve online answer that |
840s | question of there is no right answer to |
843s | the current price and typically what we |
844s | call the current price is the the price |
848s | of the top five percent sell orders in |
852s | Gita so if you were buying the top five |
856s | percent of Gita which is a significant |
858s | Market volume the price of that and what |
861s | that does is it eliminates all the |
863s | outliers if some idiot sells it way too |
866s | low right and idiot is what I call him |
868s | as a market Trader you guys can call |
869s | them you know a nice guy that is selling |
871s | it very cheap |
872s | um but to me he's breaking my market |
875s | right |
876s | um |
877s | so the percent price is something that |
879s | is uh that is very crucial to to to this |
882s | tracking sheet and so the the API only |
886s | does this partially well so that's why |
888s | you know the the the less white the |
890s | worse the solution is in case you |
892s | haven't caught on to the to the Harvey |
894s | balls I used to be a consultant just |
896s | um so the API does this okay but it |
899s | doesn't do the percentage price for |
900s | example you have to calculate that for |
902s | yourself the Excel add-in similarly so |
904s | you can you can you cannot get the |
907s | current price from it you would have to |
909s | get all of the current sell orders and |
910s | then do your own calculations on a |
912s | different sheet and if you do that for |
913s | 1500 items it gets kind of complicated |
916s | and so thankfully we have third-party |
919s | apps that do this really well |
921s | um you know if you go to fast work for |
923s | example you can actually pull that |
925s | pre-calculated percentage price which is |
927s | super helpful |
928s | so uh in essence it's that that current |
931s | item price question that will answer |
935s | what solution you probably want to go |
938s | with and so in this case |
940s | um third-party wins if you if you go |
943s | that and you know before you say well |
946s | you know that's that's that's kind of |
948s | unfair to compare of course it is |
950s | because third-party tools |
952s | are specifically created for one purpose |
956s | or a set of purposes in case of mocam or |
959s | chief assets or fuzz work a lot of that |
962s | has market trading in mind so naturally |
964s | in a lot of these situations third-party |
966s | apps are going to win out but that's you |
968s | know that's okay |
970s | um for the middle one you don't need to |
972s | do no coding at all so that's the big |
974s | advantage of the Excel add-in |
976s | so if we look at the second type of |
979s | um of that of of of spreadsheet the |
983s | dashboard this is where we want to |
985s | understand what is currently going on in |
987s | the market and um I I have a huge one of |
990s | these where I I you know being an eve |
993s | Tycoon myself I wake up in the morning |
994s | at least in my you know in my uh |
997s | imagination I wake up in the morning I |
999s | look at my spreadsheet and I see |
1001s | this is going on in Gita right and I can |
1004s | immediately see okay moon materials down |
1006s | five percent what the hell's going on |
1007s | there we go you know we have to buy we |
1010s | have to understand why it's going on I |
1011s | have to message five people to see |
1012s | what's going on in Null Sec what you |
1014s | guys are doing over there |
1015s | um and |
1017s | um you know ship prices are are |
1020s | exploding this will in the long run make |
1022s | raw materials explode I need to know |
1024s | which where where I need to invest right |
1026s | so this is this is the type of Market |
1027s | dashboard and for this |
1029s | the key difference to the other sheet is |
1032s | the market history so we for this we |
1034s | need to know the market history and |
1035s | again that is something that you can |
1037s | easily say but it's very complicated if |
1040s | you actually explain what it is the |
1042s | market history |
1043s | is the price and the order volume of |
1048s | goods over longer periods of time and |
1051s | immediately you're not talking about a |
1052s | market snapshot of today which is a |
1056s | manageable amount of data and even today |
1058s | is these five these 15 minute uh |
1061s | snapshot if you take that 15 minute |
1064s | slice and you take that back into years |
1067s | which is what I want to work with and |
1069s | this becomes very very very complicated |
1071s | and so |
1073s | it's it's it's just not you know it's |
1075s | not something that you can easily pull |
1077s | from from One Source now |
1081s | if you don't have that market data the |
1083s | something like a current price doesn't |
1085s | really mean anything at all right so you |
1088s | can |
1090s | um if if you if you were looking at the |
1094s | current price of titanium and say it's |
1095s | four ISC and 95 cents |
1099s | that doesn't mean anything to anyone who |
1101s | who has not you know followed the if the |
1104s | the price of titanium over the last you |
1106s | know five years and knows exactly why |
1107s | the price is there so we need to |
1109s | understand is this higher or lower than |
1111s | the yearly average or the monthly |
1113s | average why is it down there Etc so this |
1115s | is why we need a market history data |
1119s | the API gives you the market history it |
1122s | gives you this these slices for |
1125s | you know these various slices for daily |
1127s | monthly and yearly you can you can |
1129s | download it from there but then you |
1131s | still have to do a lot of calculations |
1134s | on it so just having the data just it |
1137s | just gives you the data essentially is |
1138s | still a massive spreadsheet to then |
1140s | calculate okay you know what's the |
1142s | volatility of this item what is the |
1146s | 52-week average for that item what's the |
1149s | monthly average volume for this item and |
1152s | so |
1153s | in the API you get all the data and you |
1155s | can do your own calculations in the |
1157s | Excel add-in it's actually even more |
1159s | complicated you can you can call |
1161s | the market history with the formula in |
1163s | the Excel add-in but then you get a huge |
1166s | table back as well and then you almost |
1168s | have no chance of averaging out numbers |
1172s | over a certain column Etc it just |
1175s | becomes very complicated and that's not |
1177s | because it's about a solution it's just |
1178s | because this is basically the most |
1180s | complicated thing you can do with data |
1181s | and even 9. and so |
1184s | this is where the the tool I mentioned |
1187s | earlier comes in mocam.dk what he does |
1189s | is he takes all of that history and he |
1192s | pre-calculates all these kpis for you so |
1196s | he pre-calculates |
1198s | the um the volatility the volume the |
1202s | average price and he does all of this |
1204s | for day for week for month for year and |
1208s | it's just you know for people like me |
1209s | it's just fantastic so again if you use |
1212s | that tool and you can pull that data |
1213s | into Google Sheets you're just your |
1216s | sheets going to be a lot leaner it's |
1218s | going to be a run faster and plus you |
1219s | don't know need to know the ins and outs |
1221s | because I I wager the average like 99 of |
1226s | each players will not be able to get a |
1228s | useful Market history out of the Excel |
1230s | atom because it's just so so complicated |
1232s | it's good at other things just not at |
1234s | that |
1235s | so again the the the current item price |
1238s | uh we talked about that challenge |
1239s | earlier |
1241s | um the the current order volume is |
1243s | something that is very easy so if you |
1244s | want to understand how how many how much |
1248s | how many rattlesnakes are for sale in |
1250s | the Forge right now that's something |
1251s | very easily you can pull that out of uh |
1253s | the API out of the Excel add-in or or |
1255s | various third-party tools so you can |
1257s | even look it up in game it's not very |
1259s | difficult |
1260s | the thing that is difficult is the build |
1262s | cost so the build cost is something that |
1267s | is kind of like the current price it's |
1269s | like what's build cost in Eve online |
1271s | build cost depends on |
1274s | what you're building how researched your |
1277s | blueprint is |
1278s | what station you're using where where is |
1281s | the station what rigs do you have in the |
1284s | station |
1285s | and three four other things the index |
1287s | cost I mean it's it's it's |
1290s | um it's a ton of different things so |
1291s | there's no way for anyone to say |
1293s | oh this item is trading under build cost |
1295s | and a lot of streamers including me like |
1297s | to say that sometimes it's a good idea |
1299s | but as long as you don't know what the |
1302s | build cost is for the best guy or best |
1305s | girl that is doing the over the the a |
1308s | large chunk of the market then that |
1309s | doesn't help you at all and this is |
1312s | um again where |
1313s | the the Excel add-in actually does does |
1316s | this okay so in the Excel add-in you can |
1319s | you can you can pull in a lot of these |
1321s | variables into the sheet but you have to |
1324s | build the sheet yourself which which in |
1325s | itself is quite complicated so if you |
1327s | had someone's template then I think it |
1329s | would be a viable solution from the API |
1332s | you get all the raw data so you can you |
1334s | can actually pull a blueprint with all |
1338s | the so this is how I used to do it in |
1340s | the in the old days |
1342s | uh where I used to pull in the the |
1346s | static data of all bpcs in in new Eden |
1350s | right and then |
1351s | you actually look at all the items that |
1354s | go into it and then you can use that to |
1356s | make calculations on your own in Excel |
1358s | but then again for 99 of people that |
1361s | this is going to be way way way too much |
1363s | so that's why what if cookbook did is so |
1366s | it's so great |
1367s | um that is being able to call with one |
1372s | formula in Google Sheets call |
1375s | um the build cost based on variables |
1378s | that you just tack on you know I'm using |
1379s | T2 rigs in a in a in a in a raitaru in a |
1386s | um you know my with in this system so |
1388s | you can actually send all those |
1390s | variables with and you get the exact |
1392s | cost back and |
1394s | that is important to see because if |
1396s | you're trying to understand the eve |
1397s | economy it's actually very important to |
1400s | understand the build cost of things and |
1401s | why certain items keep being traded |
1404s | under build cost and and why so for the |
1408s | dashboard again no surprise yes the the |
1411s | third party tools win out but mostly due |
1415s | to Market history and and the build cost |
1417s | being being such complex beasts |
1420s | the last sheet is the opportunity sheet |
1423s | this is where you say okay if I if I if |
1426s | I want to get my my feed wet and Market |
1429s | trading I want to understand how this |
1430s | this works I want to maybe do some |
1433s | profitable trades then then how do you |
1436s | um you know how do you go about that and |
1438s | so for this it's uh it's it's a lot of |
1442s | the same the only difference that you |
1444s | probably want here is regional pricing |
1446s | so for opportunities a lot of times what |
1448s | people |
1449s | what people mean by finding |
1451s | opportunities in even online trading is |
1453s | buying in one region and selling in the |
1455s | other because that's the I think the |
1456s | easiest thing to understand to make a |
1458s | trade and there are thousands of these |
1461s | profitable trades out there because |
1464s | hauling all right because hauling is um |
1467s | is a ridiculously stupid thing to do in |
1471s | terms of risk and rewards |
1473s | risk of a reward formula |
1476s | um but uh you know there's there are |
1479s | different different opinions about that |
1480s | I'm just using my stage to bring that |
1481s | message out there |
1483s | um |
1484s | it's it's I I don't understand why |
1486s | people are |
1488s | um it's it's uh it's it's way too risky |
1490s | for the rewards that you get but because |
1493s | it's out there Regional trading can be |
1495s | very profitable and so if you're |
1496s | building a sheet like this uh again you |
1500s | can get Regional uh prices from |
1502s | everywhere uh but I would argue that the |
1505s | the reach the lowest you know the lowest |
1507s | price in rents has no meaning to me at |
1511s | all not because you know rent sucks uh |
1513s | but because it's |
1515s | um it doesn't matter but because |
1518s | um but because we need the percentage |
1520s | price right and and once you're talking |
1522s | about five percent of the market volume |
1525s | uh being the relevant type of thing that |
1528s | or the Rel the the relevant data point |
1531s | that you want to get at then you're |
1533s | Landing with uh with third-party apps |
1535s | again and if you're talking about five |
1536s | percent of the market volume of rents is |
1539s | still irrelevant by the way |
1542s | um all right |
1545s | how do we run effective sheets so if |
1547s | we've put all of that together |
1549s | we've taken all the data and we've put |
1552s | it all in our spreadsheet what can we do |
1554s | to make it run well and that's this is |
1556s | very important because you know when you |
1558s | see things like Eve server if API |
1561s | service crashing or third-party tools |
1563s | crashing you know it's because there are |
1565s | crazy people |
1567s | like me every once in a while that pull |
1570s | just too much data and and uh you know |
1572s | and and and aren't aren't you know |
1574s | they're trying different things and |
1575s | they're not doing this uh if efficiently |
1578s | and so when you pull data make sure that |
1582s | uh for one you have some sort of manual |
1585s | trigger so I know a lot of times if you |
1587s | have a spreadsheet you know you open it |
1588s | up and it automatically pulls all the |
1590s | data in for a third some third-party uh |
1593s | developers this is this is a nightmare |
1595s | right because you're every time you're |
1596s | opening the sheet you know and this |
1598s | might be several times a day it's just |
1599s | pulling everything in so make sure you |
1600s | have some sort of manual trigger I |
1602s | learned that very quickly because there |
1604s | are limits for example in Google Sheets |
1606s | that you can pull external external data |
1610s | in if you don't have a professional |
1611s | account so if you don't want to get to |
1613s | those limits then you have to do that |
1615s | also |
1617s | I've learned to have one Central data |
1620s | sheet where I pull all my data in and |
1622s | then I use that data for other specific |
1625s | sheets right because it's easier if you |
1627s | just decide okay this is the data that I |
1629s | need and I'm going to pull into one |
1631s | sheet that is the master sheet for that |
1633s | you know that I use on that day rather |
1635s | than having five different sheets one |
1637s | for industry one for you know as a |
1640s | dashboard one to identify opportunities |
1643s | and you pull the same data from the same |
1645s | people every single time it's going to |
1647s | be an issue |
1648s | and then |
1650s | something that I feel very strongly |
1653s | about and I already said this last year |
1655s | is then limit yourself to relev to a |
1657s | relevant set and I have this discussion |
1659s | all the time you know data scientists |
1661s | will say |
1662s | only all data is good data right |
1665s | um but you can be efficient about it you |
1667s | can say okay we really don't need to |
1669s | look at every single item in Eve online |
1671s | because honestly 80 of the items in Eve |
1673s | online never get traded in in any |
1676s | relevant volume so when we're talking |
1678s | relevant items there are 40 000 items in |
1682s | Eve online all right |
1684s | um and I I showed this slide last year |
1686s | so I'm going to go go through this |
1688s | rather quickly |
1689s | there are 1500 items only that have a |
1692s | trade volume of 1 billion is a day or |
1694s | more and the reason I'm saying that this |
1697s | is relevant is because this doesn't mean |
1699s | that you know this is only for people |
1701s | that are investing billions no no this |
1703s | is total trade volume in the Forge of 1 |
1707s | billion so if you're one of those |
1709s | Traders if you're you know you never you |
1712s | will never own this full Market in Gita |
1714s | um if you're only one of those Traders |
1715s | uh then you know even 50 million or 100 |
1719s | million invested in this item is |
1721s | relevant so really we're talking about a |
1723s | small relevant set if you're if you |
1725s | break that down to 5 billion is per day |
1727s | you're only talking about 400 items and |
1729s | for me typically because I invest 4 |
1732s | trillion this is the relevant set 400 |
1735s | items so my spreadsheet has like 1500 |
1738s | items so it's more the the green box |
1740s | right there but I certainly don't pull |
1742s | data on 40 000 items because that would |
1743s | just you know kill my sheets kill |
1746s | um uh kill the Third are the apps that |
1749s | I'm working with and the environment on |
1752s | the uh probably also |
1754s | um and then we have you know last time I |
1756s | went through this in detail I'm not |
1757s | going to do this today but like if |
1758s | you're just wondering like what's what's |
1760s | in that box like what what are what are |
1762s | things that are um that are in there |
1764s | it's uh it's really all all these things |
1767s | that you see here and uh you know it's a |
1769s | lot of raw materials that can build up |
1771s | into ships uh it's of course it's blacks |
1774s | and injectors and extractors because |
1775s | those are the three biggest uh trade |
1777s | items uh in in Eve |
1779s | it's some structures although they are |
1782s | expensive but move very slowly some of |
1784s | the most most popular ships but a lot of |
1785s | ships not even because a lot of ships |
1787s | are not very popular and they don't move |
1791s | um just to give you an idea so this is |
1794s | the breakdown of the forge the forge |
1796s | right now is trading at about 14 |
1798s | trillion a day and this is the 50 that |
1802s | I'm talking about so if you take the |
1804s | daily trade volume in in Gita which is |
1808s | you know 90 something percent of the |
1810s | forge it's Plex injectors and extractors |
1814s | so it's |
1815s | um you know it's it's Plex and |
1817s | plexadjacent items that take up 50 of |
1819s | that volume so you know that that is why |
1821s | you hear a lot of spec speculators |
1823s | investors talking about you know |
1825s | investing in Plex and that's why when |
1828s | you have something like |
1829s | what I call like to call Plex again or |
1832s | uh what we had uh in in June about a 241 |
1836s | extractor sale that's why people like me |
1838s | go absolutely uh crazy about stuff like |
1841s | that because it's it's it's like it's |
1844s | it's liquid right if you if you're |
1846s | buying extractors for cheap and you know |
1848s | you can sell them later without problems |
1850s | because it's a very liquid item then |
1852s | that's a one of the best opportunities |
1854s | in Eve online |
1856s | and so you know you've got uh modules |
1861s | um you've got uh ships you've got raw |
1864s | materials you've got basic minerals |
1866s | Commodities and then it just gets gets |
1869s | small right and then you have |
1871s | all of that other stuff most of that |
1873s | other stuff is |
1875s | um is also blue Loot and red loot |
1877s | because so loot you get from a whistle |
1879s | spacer from warmhole space that you sell |
1882s | back to NPC buy orders and |
1885s | [Music] |
1886s | that is essentially not really part of |
1889s | the market uh either because it has |
1892s | nothing to do with player build items |
1894s | it's really just an isk faucet that is |
1896s | pumping isk into the system so very |
1899s | significant but it's it's a big chunk of |
1902s | of other that doesn't really have a lot |
1903s | to do with the market |
1906s | um all right sheets and action examples |
1908s | of uh of of some opportunities that you |
1910s | can identify |
1912s | um with this so |
1915s | you can always look at items that are |
1917s | trading below yearly average that's what |
1918s | I do on a lot of uh a lot of cases I |
1921s | look at the total Market I look at |
1922s | what's trading below the 52-week average |
1925s | because a lot of things in new online |
1927s | are cyclical right you moon materials |
1930s | typically the way it goes unless you |
1932s | know unless CCP fiddles with it you |
1936s | I'm not pointing at anyone in particular |
1938s | over here just I can't see as just |
1940s | lights I can't see anything I promise |
1944s | um |
1947s | um more materials right outside of |
1950s | scarcity which is a word we don't utter |
1952s | around here |
1953s | um |
1955s | is you know |
1956s | they are expensive everyone goes mining |
1959s | them |
1960s | they put them on the market they crash |
1962s | the market they become cheap nobody |
1964s | Minds them anymore |
1965s | you buy them all people start mining |
1968s | them again and it's it's a it's a cycle |
1969s | right and people like me that have a lot |
1971s | of patience and a lot of isk can just |
1972s | ride that cycle and that's why |
1975s | um trading stuff below yearly average is |
1977s | very relevant right this it doesn't have |
1980s | it it doesn't work when there are |
1982s | patches and things that are |
1983s | significantly changing right so right |
1985s | now for example if you looked at my my |
1987s | dashboard |
1989s | um and you look at okay what's what's |
1991s | what are the the most interesting |
1993s | opportunities it will tell you oh buy |
1995s | Freighters you know because Freighters |
1996s | right now they're trading 20 below |
1998s | yearly average but you have to know in |
2001s | June I think it was when the bpcs were |
2003s | changed for a lot of these Freighters so |
2005s | if you don't know that you can't blindly |
2007s | follow your your spreadsheets or you're |
2009s | going to lose a lot of money but still |
2011s | below yearly average is a good indicator |
2014s | of finding good items to trade in |
2016s | below build cost is another |
2018s | but and you know for all the reasons |
2020s | that I just explained on on the build |
2021s | cost side but you have to be aware of |
2025s | um of these LP stores that are out there |
2027s | that will just make a a build cost |
2031s | completely irrelevant because if you can |
2033s | build a what is it I think it's a |
2034s | material right now that is completely |
2036s | messed up or that has been messed up for |
2038s | possibly years |
2041s | um |
2042s | um |
2043s | you you can build a material I think but |
2045s | it doesn't make any sense because you |
2046s | can buy the you can also trade in LP for |
2049s | a material um in the lp store |
2052s | if the lp is too cheap or if people you |
2054s | know generate too much LP for various |
2057s | reasons in Evil 9 people might might be |
2060s | sitting on a ton of Lte then they will |
2062s | crash the price and creating a material |
2065s | from abpc will never make any sense so |
2067s | if you're if you're trying to find items |
2070s | that are building and you have the |
2071s | greatest spreadsheet out there that |
2073s | identifies the items that are trading |
2075s | below build cost you have to be aware of |
2077s | LP stores |
2079s | I like to train items that are low on |
2081s | Supply so I I daily I monitor the those |
2084s | 1500 items that I deem relevant in Eve |
2087s | online and I look at which ones are are |
2090s | dangerously low in Supply because some |
2092s | sometimes you will see certain ship |
2094s | types you will see certain materials |
2097s | that will just you know they will you |
2099s | will see them over weeks they will |
2100s | slowly dwindle dwindle dwindle in Supply |
2102s | and at some point the price is just |
2105s | going to explode and if you can identify |
2106s | those items that's a very very powerful |
2108s | trade in Eve online and this happens |
2110s | with moon materials with even minerals |
2113s | you'd be surprised last week noxium |
2115s | right noxium is one of the basic |
2117s | minerals it got in Gita there was less |
2121s | than one trade day available that means |
2124s | that there was less noxium in the |
2126s | markets than is traded in the markets in |
2129s | one day and noxium is not a very Dynamic |
2132s | thing you know that that that people can |
2134s | generate vast amounts of yes you can |
2136s | find the guy or the girl that has a |
2138s | stockpile of this and can throw it onto |
2141s | the market at very uh at uh you know at |
2144s | a moment's notice but um I typically |
2147s | know those people that can do that |
2149s | um |
2150s | so that's that's another interesting |
2152s | thing uh increased trade volume also |
2153s | monitor what is trading just a lot right |
2156s | so is there an event going on where |
2158s | people are using a specific ship or |
2160s | where are people is there an event where |
2163s | people are |
2165s | um uh get to get some drops that are |
2167s | usually not dropping and then usually |
2169s | crashing the prices because not 90 of |
2171s | players will not care about the market |
2173s | price right they will loot at an event |
2175s | and dump it on the market crashing the |
2177s | price and if I'm there taking advantage |
2179s | of that then I can make a good trade |
2181s | future price increases so um for example |
2184s | as I mentioned that earlier briefly if |
2186s | you have a ship that is very popular |
2190s | um or even better certain modules that |
2192s | are in Fleet compositions right now then |
2195s | you can have a look at it and say okay |
2197s | we saw uh we saw a a dwindling Supply in |
2202s | this good the prices are through the |
2204s | roof likely if there are materials that |
2208s | go into it that are not abundant not raw |
2210s | materials or or more materials but maybe |
2213s | a salvage good or something that is |
2214s | rarer than that then you can speculate |
2216s | on those |
2218s | um those raw materials going into the |
2221s | finished goods and and increasing in |
2223s | price |
2224s | and then I just like items that have |
2225s | high volatility so I I calculate the |
2228s | volatility over items items that go up |
2230s | and down a lot just because you know |
2232s | buying low selling high is really all |
2234s | you need to know so um if you know these |
2237s | cases you typically you can work |
2239s | backwards from that case and then build |
2241s | a spreadsheet |
2243s | um to to to to to fulfill one of these |
2248s | goals that you have in trading or you |
2250s | know if you're if you're good then then |
2252s | three or four of them |
2254s | all right |
2257s | questions that was good that was fast |
2260s | we have seven minutes for questions I |
2262s | didn't expect that perfect yes please |
2264s | and I really can't see you I'm sorry |
2271s | so um |
2273s | uh so there's uh there's basically a |
2276s | standard deviation that you can that you |
2278s | can look at for for item price and |
2281s | typically I look at a price much more |
2283s | than than volume right because volume |
2285s | volatility is you know it's interesting |
2287s | but it's it it it's much harder to work |
2289s | with so a standard deviation over the |
2292s | price |
2293s | um over a year or a month is is |
2295s | typically a good good thing to go I |
2297s | don't |
2298s | um so the the mocam tool that I |
2301s | mentioned here several kpis already |
2303s | pre-calculated for volatility which is |
2305s | you know amazing so I you know anyone |
2307s | that that is interested in that I can |
2309s | just send to mocam.dk because he's |
2312s | really the best solution for that |
2316s | other questions |
2319s | yes sir what are some of the typical |
2322s | Cycles the easily observed cycles that |
2325s | we see you know weak leap or perhaps |
2328s | monthly or annually and as a follow-on |
2331s | or perhaps whether it's interesting or |
2333s | not is there any utility to perhaps |
2336s | expanding to multi-year trends |
2340s | I'll answer the second question first |
2342s | because I'm I'm always |
2345s | um most most Tools in Eve online look at |
2348s | the past year and to me that is an |
2351s | incredibly limiting thing to do and even |
2353s | even a lot of apis or third-party tools |
2356s | and like if we're talking about Market |
2357s | history one year is really nothing we're |
2360s | talking about a 20 year old game |
2361s | especially with basic minerals there's |
2363s | so much to learn from these cycles that |
2366s | mineral prices went through through |
2368s | various Wars and expansions so |
2370s | definitely a limiting factor and I I |
2373s | would I whenever I can and that's why I |
2375s | like Adam free Eve because he has the he |
2377s | has the the the the longer the longer |
2380s | part of that |
2381s | Cycles |
2383s | there's the super easy ones like |
2386s | um you know back in the day we had or |
2388s | back in the day up until this year we |
2390s | had uh we had |
2391s | um |
2392s | we had events |
2395s | I'm gonna get thrown out tonight |
2397s | um |
2399s | storyline events are also great |
2401s | um the we had the the girls we had the |
2404s | geckos you know the gecko blueprint |
2406s | dropping from an event it was very |
2408s | predictable it was kind of like the |
2409s | capsuleer day Society of conscious |
2411s | thought um you know the easiest trade in |
2413s | Eve online is buying you know buying the |
2415s | Praxis when everyone got a practice uh |
2418s | you know now I heard you get them on |
2419s | Twitch drops this weekend also but um uh |
2422s | you know it's it's uh the the |
2427s | the the cyclical I think event-driven |
2430s | items but only the ones that are really |
2433s | popular so there's a lot of trash right |
2434s | a little of trash but like gecko |
2436s | blueprints uh Praxis gnosis denisis |
2440s | those are really interesting the um |
2443s | agency boosters those are my favorite if |
2445s | you watch my stream that I talk about |
2447s | them all the time because uh agency |
2449s | boosters are not created in game they're |
2451s | only dropped in events but they're so |
2453s | popular that you know the pyrolencia |
2456s | boosters they go from some of them have |
2460s | you know 10 billion trade volumes so if |
2462s | you just if you have enough capital and |
2464s | you just you know vacuum them all up |
2466s | when they're dropping and you can wait |
2469s | you know three four months then you make |
2471s | a lot of money so those those are I |
2474s | think the the most common Cycles |
2477s | any other questions |
2480s | we're gonna we're gonna go there because |
2482s | I already had one yeah yeah |
2485s | it's okay frame |
2487s | I'm just spreading the love |
2490s | the good maintenance |
2493s | yeah |
2497s | he's loud uh how do I I'll repeat the |
2500s | question how do I Define diversification |
2502s | so |
2505s | so first of all what I always tell |
2507s | people if you don't know exactly what |
2510s | you're doing don't trade into an item |
2512s | more than 10 of the daily trade volume |
2515s | so when you have a ship ships are |
2519s | terrible by the way when you have a moon |
2521s | material that trades at you know 1 |
2524s | billion a day if you don't know if |
2527s | you're getting your feedback if you're |
2528s | under trying to understand how the |
2529s | market Works don't buy more than 100 |
2531s | million at a time because |
2533s | you know you don't you don't want to get |
2535s | stuck with it uh if if there's a lull |
2537s | and you don't want to have all your |
2538s | Capital tied up so what I always tell I |
2542s | have a I have something called zero to |
2543s | Omega where I just you know start from |
2545s | zero on and what I tell people is Pick |
2548s | 10 items but don't invest more than 10 |
2551s | of the daily trade volume in there now |
2553s | what does it mean for me diversification |
2556s | with with 4 trillion I I showed you |
2559s | there's there's only about 400 items |
2561s | that I I deem relevant so I um you know |
2565s | out of the 4 trillion right now I have |
2567s | 1.5 trillion in skill extractors that's |
2570s | terrible diversification but it's also |
2572s | the trade of a lifetime because in June |
2575s | uh we had two for one extractors and I |
2577s | bought at 320 million a piece and they |
2581s | are at 460 million today and I haven't |
2583s | sold a single one |
2585s | so I'm I'm going long |
2589s | thank you CCP |
2590s | [Applause] |
2595s | there's one right there |
2606s | I noticed that in Europe do you put |
2610s | Rick's on the muscles |
2616s | yep |
2617s | too many animations |
2623s | next do you feel like |
2627s | um the size of modules |
2630s | where you just communication through |
2633s | and the size of you mean small medium |
2635s | large yes |
2637s | I don't look I don't look at the size at |
2640s | all when I'm doing trading no I look at |
2642s | trade volume and and trade volatility so |
2645s | I look at uh I end up trading in a lot |
2647s | of capital modules and debt space |
2649s | modules because that's just where the |
2651s | volume is because for me if I buy a |
2654s | module that that costs 500 000 is just |
2657s | it takes so much time to buy and sell |
2659s | and the profit potential is not there so |
2662s | that I end up just going into the |
2665s | largest most expensive ones but in terms |
2668s | of modules I think |
2669s | ninety percent of modules I invest or |
2672s | trade in are dead space modules because |
2674s | they're you know that's what that's |
2676s | where the volume is there's about 200 |
2678s | billion a day traded in in Gita on Dead |
2682s | Space modules which is about as much as |
2684s | raw material materials so it's it's |
2687s | massive Dead Space modules are massive |
2697s | um I don't I don't ever haul uh I I only |
2700s | let other people haul for me for a set |
2702s | reason that the risk reward |
2704s | the question is ridiculous but um what I |
2708s | do right now with the with the four |
2709s | trillion that I do I've I have stopped |
2712s | going |
2713s | um outside because really Jita is you |
2716s | know as 85 of the the markets and so if |
2719s | you want to go and and move large sums |
2722s | of money even I try to go to the Dixie I |
2726s | try to go to Amar it's just the market |
2728s | gets too small very quickly |
2730s | um but that's that's I mean obviously a |
2731s | first world problem I mean you know for |
2734s | anyone else it's not really a problem |
2736s | yeah so I it's uh it's it's it's fine I |
2740s | mean that's just the problem I run into |
2741s | but that's why I trade in cheetah that's |
2743s | why I look at cheetah |
2745s | okay |
2752s | correct yeah although I mean if you |
2754s | watch Eden trades presentation at 11 |
2757s | this morning what he does is he takes |
2760s | um you know he buys anjita itself and |
2763s | then ships it to 17 Market hubs and |
2765s | sells it there you know making 40 profit |
2767s | that that makes a lot of uh sense |
2771s | um |
2772s | you know also but that was with 18 000 |
2775s | orders or something like that and and I |
2778s | I have I have a wife and I have kids so |
2783s | so I I can't do that anymore |
2786s | and a job but hey |
2791s | I used so I I started my career as a |
2794s | stock Trader I then moved into |
2796s | controlling and then I spent 10 years in |
2798s | management consulting and now I manage a |
2800s | data company so but it's not that far |
2802s | away from it's not it's not coincidental |
2804s | no |
2807s | body else no |
2812s | no I I'm very surprised that Eden said |
2815s | this morning that he's working with |
2816s | someone now I I can I cannot I I I I I |
2819s | have I literally have almost five |
2822s | trillion in money from other people and |
2825s | so I can't give anyone else the key if |
2827s | that I mean that was p |
2829s | unless I wanted to end up in the news |
2831s | one day |
2834s | Spotlight with anyone I would take that |
2836s | myself |
2841s | I said last year I might run away this |
2843s | year I I you know next year |
2847s | I'm still I'm still having a good time |
2848s | I'm making money on Twitch |
2852s | yes |
2855s | but when you're trying to offload stuff |
2857s | you've invested in yes you know if |
2859s | you're if you're trading at 10 of the |
2861s | market volume there's another 90 that |
2863s | are trying to sell just lower than you |
2865s | yes offload their stuff yeah what |
2868s | tactics can you give about how to |
2869s | actually optimal stuff I always tell |
2872s | everyone stop undercutting like real |
2874s | like really like set your price and go |
2878s | outside and enjoy life you're if you're |
2880s | trying to undercut people sell orders |
2883s | you're going to be a better person with |
2887s | a long beard |
2889s | um if if you're male |
2891s | and you're you're going to burn out |
2894s | you're gonna burn out of uh of of |
2896s | trading so I I never I don't do that |
2899s | anymore I don't do I do swing trading |
2900s | but you know that less margin less |
2903s | margin so I make less profit so the 40 |
2905s | that Eden trade does no way right I mean |
2907s | I'm I'm moving in like like the the |
2910s | single digit profit percentage is here |
2913s | but I'm having a much much better time |
2915s | so I I would my suggestion would be |
2918s | don't don't try to undercut it yeah |
2931s | so the question yeah the question is uh |
2934s | do I work do I invest a lot on |
2937s | correlations between let's say a |
2939s | battleship that is going up in price and |
2941s | the materials on it and so the the ships |
2945s | the ships are one thing where that |
2947s | doesn't really all work that well |
2949s | because there's with ships it's |
2951s | everyone's dream and Eve online to build |
2953s | a ship and so everyone builds ships and |
2956s | everyone sells them under cost so it's |
2958s | like trading and ships is just it's just |
2961s | terrible right so I stick mostly with |
2963s | raw materials what I do trade on is more |
2967s | the macro stuff of there's a patch |
2971s | that fixes Capital ships |
2974s | whatever that means very I'm being very |
2977s | vague for vague for a reason so it fixes |
2979s | Capital ships and all of a sudden you |
2981s | know people are actually flying them |
2983s | again because they're not afraid of |
2985s | losing them that is something where raw |
2988s | material prices are going to as a whole |
2989s | really going to go up because production |
2991s | is going to ramp up that's more the |
2994s | stuff that I speculate on not the single |
2996s | rattlesnake that is popular this week |
2998s | because I'm going to be late and it's |
3000s | going to be not worth it |
3002s | I I think somebody's going to throw me |
3003s | out because it's I yeah yes yes okay |
3005s | last question go ahead |
3010s | sorry |
3019s | yeah I work in Excel I work a lot with |
3021s | color color coding so uh and queries so |
3025s | I pull in all the data and and I have |
3027s | you know um what do you call it uh |
3030s | hot hot zones |
3032s | heat Maps hot sounds |
3036s | I'm German by the way |
3039s | um you know I work with heat Maps a lot |
3042s | but then also the best tool is queries |
3044s | so I I pull in the spreadsheets and then |
3046s | I put this query on top of it that then |
3049s | goes through the the spreadsheet and |
3051s | says and I put in the variables so I say |
3054s | I want items that are trading under 90 |
3057s | 52-week average at a higher than average |
3060s | volatility and under build cost and then |
3064s | it it pulls out the 10 items that are |
3066s | relevant and then I look at those 10 |
3067s | items and I decide okay which ones of |
3069s | these make sense and then I trade on |
3070s | that |
3071s | if you have more questions please come |
3074s | find me I'm going to be here till Sunday |
3076s | uh just you know I'm I'm around just |
3078s | find me ask questions really sorry but I |
3080s | they're they're telling me I have to |
3081s | leave I have |
3083s | I have stickers |
3089s | thank you so much I have I have stickers |
3091s | if you want them I have more uh but |
3093s | they're just thank you thank you |
3096s | [Applause] |
3097s | very much thank you thank you |