Original Post — Direct link

On the 9th (Sunday) I was asked why I dropped corp... I tried to login only to find my passwords were invalid (all 5 accounts).
I tried to reset them... the mails never came.
I used a link in an old eve mail which took me to the account management screen (thank you cached browser token).
All of my accounts email addresses were now using a yopmail address... my stomach dropped... I could see regular activity from a DigitalOcean IP over the weekend.
I submitted a ticket via CCP's support email address and then proceeded to change every password possible (email accounts first).
With it then being 4am I went to bed for some sleep before work (in 3hours time)... I get into the office and check my email... Amazon OTP, EPIC, SQUARE-Enix, Payapl... the list goes on... password reset requests. I explain the implications to my reporting director and go home.
I contact my bank, creditcards and paypal... then onto MFA... I've lost track of how many accounts I've MFA'd since then... well over 40. I have have to scroll 4 pages worth in the Authenticator app... it's that many.
I try to view the ticket I submitted but you the ticket link doesn't work if you can't login.
I submit another ticket using a pre-rorqual mining change character and provide the original ticket number in it... explaining that I can't access it due to the account thefts.
The reset requests keep coming in... I'm about to send a 'polite' email to the yopmail address but decide to do some research... he/she had compromised my email and started changing everything to the yopmail address... but it looked like they made a mistake... had they used the alt address generated as yopmail implements security by obscurity?
I visit yopmail and type the in the address... I click forgot password in one the eve website... boom... I see the email in yopmail.
I then proceed to reverse the email addresses and reset the passwords on my accounts (those which haven't been banned anyway).
I log in... asset stripped and sp extraction had commenced. Isk had been transferred to a burner character.
I updated my support ticket with the steps I've took and turn of my computer (15 years of asset building/isk being lost is a hard swallow).

Wednesday comes... I goto work, I come home. It's been 3 days and I'm still going through the 5 stages of grief... still on anger... I sit down and watch the password reset requests from amazon.in (so yeah likely a hacker from India)... but then the EVE password reset requests start... first 1, then 2, 3 in 20minutes... I send an email to the yopmail address saying I've resecured everything and MFA'd it all...
Must have hit a nerve... he sent me an email...
"I do not care about you, I downloaded all your information from your mail [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]):******** which was yours, all the data I have, I give you 1 hour to unsubscribe you! and maybe we will agree!"

Straight away I jump from stage 2 to stage 5... I find peace with the situation and the hacker's moved to stage 3 (bargining)... there's nothing like ruining the plans of a hacker.
Now just waiting on CCP, keep on watching TiS and INN. Trying to stay off my accounts whilst CCP fixes it (and returns my 2 banned accounts to me)... have a feeling the firesaled assets are gone for good (Rorqs, cap bpos, JFs, spare caps, the works).

External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

Sucks to read, and I'm sorry you are going through this. It's such an invasion of your privacy that I think your EVE accounts, albeit dear to you, might be the least of your concerns...

What makes this even more annoying is that the hacking of your EVE account is driven by demand for RMT goods in EVE. So your fellow capsuleers buying ISK at discounted rates from turdburglars on the internet (Yeah I'm looking at you, a-few-hackers-I-literally-know-by-name).