10 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | hello everyone and welcome to the stream |
3s | I am Bjorn Ross I mean ccpp and you're |
5s | tuning into uh the Skinner tool which |
7s | we're going to be showcasing now this is |
9s | the third INF Focus stream for aquinox |
11s | expansion and today with me I have CCP |
14s | Nikon welcome hello how are you doing |
17s | today gooder I'm all right man I'm |
19s | excited to show this off I am too we |
21s | have two other guests actually with us |
23s | on the call they're not going to be on |
24s | camera uh but we're going to be playing |
26s | around with the tool we're going to be |
27s | showcasing uh what Skinner has to offer |
29s | both for um the kind of basic setup that |
32s | everyone gets at the start we're going |
33s | to talk about how how it's all going to |
35s | work um so let's dive straight into it |
40s | let me see uh if you get up my overview |
42s | so we can see here we can look through |
45s | first of all the tool itself um you're |
49s | going to find this in your neocom you're |
51s | going to find it up here I believe it's |
52s | in utilities you can slap that onto your |
55s | neocom bar here and the first thing we |
58s | want to talk about is just the the |
61s | different paints and different patterns |
63s | um how can you acquire paints and |
67s | patterns right so uh everyone's going to |
69s | start out with a with a cool selection |
72s | of colors um everyone gets that uh you |
74s | don't have to worry about those but if |
76s | you do want more uh you're going to be |
78s | able to buy more in the Paragon Hub or |
81s | uh you're going to be able to find them |
83s | in DLI uh daily goals and loot drops |
88s | throughout the uh universe so people are |
91s | going to be able to acquire these both |
92s | through Plex and through in-game means |
95s | um and maybe some of them will be more |
97s | rare than others is that is that the |
98s | case yeah yeah definitely that's uh 100% |
101s | the case so that's going to be for both |
104s | colors and for patterns you got it um |
107s | what we want to do actually we have a |
109s | couple of ships here uh with us on the |
111s | call are also CCP Lumi and CCP arcade |
113s | say hello guys hi perfect we're all |
118s | going to have the same kind of halls and |
119s | we're going to try and make our own just |
122s | unique color scheme on them um we're |
124s | going to play around with the tool cuz |
125s | that's really what you guys want to see |
127s | uh we're all going to probably come with |
129s | something completely different we have |
130s | several holes to go through we're going |
132s | to start off with the hurricane today um |
136s | you guys ready for this just to go and |
137s | and make something and just have a have |
139s | a little painting session on our |
142s | ships yeah for sure perfect uh I believe |
146s | CCP Lumi and CCP Nikon you guys only |
149s | have the basic colors whereas arcade and |
152s | I we decided to go for for two and two |
154s | so we have all of the Nano codings and |
157s | all of the patterns um one thing to note |
160s | as well is that I believe that metallic |
162s | colors in general and metallic surfaces |
165s | in general have had a touchup is that |
167s | correct and that they kind of Pop more |
170s | yeah uh so the art team did a pass on |
173s | them and yeah they definitely do look a |
175s | lot better than they did before neat |
178s | let's hop into it uh without further Ado |
181s | let's start let's start painting what |
182s | kind of colors are you going to go for |
184s | Mr Nikon uh well I I cheated a little |
187s | bit and I did buy a few extra |
192s | ones um but I don't know I'm I'm I like |
196s | the the brighter colors myself like uh |
199s | like I got a really nice orange or like |
202s | a turquoise um they all have cool names |
205s | like the oranges exoplanet |
208s | Sunrise I just realized that my push the |
210s | talk button keeps putting me backwards |
212s | I'm gonna change my push the talk for |
213s | just a second because I keep going back |
214s | and forth in the in the thing uh we'll |
217s | keep things on on Nikon's perspective |
219s | can you talk us a little bit about the |
222s | different uh you on the left side there |
224s | you have four different bars what what |
226s | are yeah so on the on the left hand side |
229s | here you have the four different slots |
231s | where you can uh put colors in uh the |
234s | Nano Coatings you can choose either |
235s | regular colors or the |
237s | metallics um there's a primary slot a |
241s | secondary slot uh detailing slot and |
243s | then the tech slot um each of those you |
246s | can put in a different color um and then |
250s | on the right hand side is where you have |
251s | your pattern slot uh where you can |
254s | select your pattern and then once you |
255s | select your pattern you're also going to |
257s | be able to apply uh Nano coding to that |
259s | as |
260s | well so some ships these have they have |
263s | like these predetermined kind of areas |
266s | right that'll correspond to each one of |
268s | these places and it's kind of different |
270s | uh The more I've played with this I've |
271s | realized that um like calari ships will |
274s | often have like a one monochrome scheme |
277s | and the the other color you change |
279s | sometimes doesn't change all that much |
280s | on the ship maybe like a line or two |
282s | here but some ships drastically change I |
285s | think I'm getting like feedback through |
287s | your your headset never mind the some of |
290s | them like drastically changed the |
292s | pattern especially like uh Navy ships |
294s | that have the the pre-existing camo on |
296s | there already right yeah yeah it it was |
299s | difficult to find like um I guess |
302s | patterns and layouts that worked for All |
304s | Ships so the art team actually had to go |
306s | through um and pretty much go faction by |
310s | faction and set these like areas up for |
315s | each each type of Hall so uh it was |
317s | quite Hands-On for them and I definitely |
321s | feel sorry for |
322s | them I don't cuz we ended up with a |
325s | really cool tool what I what I tried to |
327s | do when I was playing around with this |
329s | is usually I'll try and figure out which |
331s | um if you if you hop over to my POV |
335s | which parts actually correspond to which |
338s | places so in this the first part here |
340s | the primary slot is like a huge part of |
343s | the ship itself if we make that purple |
345s | real quick we'll see that this actually |
347s | overlays it a little bit so it has like |
349s | this texture on it let me see so we know |
352s | that that one kind of also covers the |
354s | majority of the ship this third slot |
357s | here if we make that yellow that seems |
358s | to be like the in between bits it's okay |
361s | and the last one here we do that in |
363s | metallic that seems to be like the very |
365s | the inard behind and everything okay so |
368s | I kind of orientated myself first to |
370s | figure out which parts am I going to |
372s | actually be coloring which ones am I |
373s | going to be uh playing around with and |
377s | let's change this this monstrosity in |
379s | something different what uh what colors |
380s | are you guys rocking arcade and |
383s | Lumi I am working with a blue base right |
387s | now and I'm deciding on the color of my |
389s | pattern |
391s | nice I'm pretty much going to go with a |
393s | pretty bold red with a nice subtle |
396s | yellow racing stripe BL and red and like |
399s | you said you're going for an orange uh |
402s | actually I changed my mind I'm going for |
403s | a a yellowish making like an old |
407s | banana an old banana okay I like it uh |
412s | I'm going to go for a very flashy the |
414s | opposite of um what a minimar ship |
418s | usually is usually minimar ships are |
420s | quite rustic like Rusty colored I'm |
422s | going to go for a very flashy one very |
424s | metallicy but like like it just came out |
427s | of the |
430s | shop let me see are you guys using any |
433s | patterns yeah I'm using one just to add |
436s | some age spots on this |
439s | banana I only have two but I am using |
442s | the fade same the fade is pretty pretty |
446s | great I'm going to go on voice activity |
448s | for second I want to play around with |
450s | the patterns a little bit I need the |
451s | button I just set up for that uh if we |
453s | go over to my my POV for a second I want |
455s | to show off the patterns and how you can |
456s | manipulate and change them on the ship |
458s | itself uh let's say I just want to do |
460s | this one line here I can have this set |
463s | to uh following my camera so wherever |
467s | I'm looking it's going to be going in |
468s | those directions I can make this line |
470s | bigger or |
471s | smaller I can move this around I can |
474s | lock it in position and then watch the |
476s | shape from different angles I can offset |
479s | it and rotate it from from These Bars |
481s | here if I want to play around it that |
483s | way um I can tell it that I want the |
485s | pattern to be from the top from the side |
487s | from the right so for a ship like this I |
489s | don't want to put a pattern on the very |
491s | front of it so if I put the front it's |
494s | kind of going to get smooshed over all |
496s | of it I think a pattern would probably |
497s | look best uh on top of this so if I put |
501s | it from the |
502s | top |
503s | and probably would have showcased that |
506s | better if I put on |
508s | like something like this |
512s | this if this were from the front it |
514s | would try to have the pattern if you |
516s | think about it kind of smoos on the |
517s | front it would get stretched out instead |
520s | of being uniform squares |
523s | everywhere I like this one a lot too |
525s | this um the corruption ones the ones |
528s | that kind of fade out as |
529s | well let me |
533s | see I said I was going to do a very |
535s | flashy one what if it's half half silver |
538s | and half gold and we go for a flasher |
540s | color with this |
542s | too with a bit of texture on it as |
552s | well yeah can you talk us through the uh |
555s | the ship colors and the um the patterns |
559s | and how the the pricing system is going |
560s | to work as well if you have a color will |
563s | it be permanent or will you have limited |
565s | uses of it right uh so the colors come |
569s | in two flavors um limited use and |
573s | unlimited use uh The Limited use ones um |
577s | which are the ones that you're going to |
578s | be able to buy from the new Paragon Hub |
580s | right at launch uh those each have three |
584s | uses to them uh so that you can use |
587s | those for making three new skins um and |
590s | then the unlimited ones uh you can |
593s | essentially use those as much as you |
595s | want um but those do require a secondary |
598s | resource to generate the skin |
605s | with I ended up uh kind of ditching my |
609s | my plan here and I'm going for a kind of |
611s | a camo version of almost looks like a |
614s | hurricane Fleet |
622s | now yeah can you talk to us about the |
624s | currencies as well if it's Plex only if |
625s | it's evermark |
627s | related uh yeah sure uh right now now um |
630s | it is strictly uh Plex um used to to |
635s | make the Skins um later on uh we do plan |
641s | on working in more more Corp related |
645s | features into it and uh once we do that |
647s | we might look into uh adding more um |
651s | evermark features into it |
655s | okay I think I'm about done with my |
658s | first uh skin are you guys closely done |
660s | or finished already am looking at |
663s | sequencing right now going to start the |
666s | job soon nice maybe we should go talk |
669s | through the sequencing of a skin as well |
671s | then since uh that's something that you |
674s | have to kind of put it in the oven once |
676s | you've designed the skin uh can you talk |
678s | to us about the sequencing um gameplay |
681s | itself or the |
682s | sequencing |
684s | uh yeah um so once once you have a skin |
688s | that you're done and happy with you |
691s | start the sequencing process for it and |
693s | that will bring you to a a new screen |
696s | where it kind of gives you a rundown of |
697s | your skin um it'll tell you if you need |
700s | any of the the secondary re resources or |
703s | as we call them sequencing binders um or |
707s | if if you're just good to go like if |
709s | you're using the The Limited use |
711s | components you can just start it right |
713s | there um once you're actually on the the |
718s | screen as well you can choose how how |
719s | many of those skins you want to make um |
723s | now the the skins that you make they are |
725s | permanent uh you don't have to worry |
727s | about limited uses on those um but if |
732s | you do print more uh you can sell the |
734s | extras in the Paragon Hub to other |
738s | players one thing that came up um |
741s | because it takes a certain time to |
743s | sequence uh there is no difference in |
745s | the time if you sequence one or or 100 |
748s | skins is that correct |
750s | uh yeah that's correct uh so if you have |
752s | the skills to um sequence more than one |
756s | skin at a time uh uh at the same time uh |
761s | the time doesn't change uh you just get |
763s | charged per skin that you're |
766s | creating we're also having a question in |
769s | chat about where to find or get the |
772s | sequencers that's the definitely the |
774s | next question if I minimize this for a |
776s | second look at the sequence items you |
779s | need they are uh alignment sequencer fur |
783s | meic sequencer and the Cur sequencer is |
785s | it uh correct to say that these are |
787s | going to come through gamep playay uh |
789s | and other means as well yeah so uh you |
792s | can get those the exact same way that |
794s | you can get the uh the design elements |
797s | themselves um we're going to be giving |
800s | them away uh in uh DLI right at the |
804s | start of the expansion for everyone to |
806s | get started with but after that uh |
808s | you're going to be able to find them in |
810s | uh gameplay through loot drops and daily |
813s | challenges will it be so that if you |
815s | kill maybe a certain type of rat that it |
818s | it could drop this or it what what sort |
821s | of uh gamepl when you say gameplay it |
823s | could be a wide variety is that through |
825s | scanning hacking or will players just |
827s | have to find out when it when it comes |
829s | uh so yeah uh it will be through all |
832s | like uh combat anomalies hacking sites |
835s | Abyssal uh stuff like |
838s | that the players can expect quite a bit |
840s | of these to be dropping right yes yeah |
843s | for sure perfect I'm going to sequence |
845s | my skin as well and then I'd like to |
847s | meet you guys all on the undock if I |
850s | click the sequencing here I'm not sure |
853s | if it went back or |
854s | not I think I may have I quickly just |
857s | throw this back together because I don't |
859s | think I saved it but I do know what I |
861s | had I had |
865s | a top down pattern oh I might actually |
868s | change it |
870s | put this |
873s | here end up with something completely |
875s | different get the silver one right |
879s | here get the black one |
891s | there and then a bit of yellow in |
894s | between 38 |
906s | so when you are sequencing a skin it |
908s | goes into the oven so to speak and uh |
911s | can you talk to us a little bit about |
913s | that what determines how much time is |
915s | left when you're sequencing a skin yeah |
918s | uh so the time that it takes to to |
920s | sequence the skin is based solely on the |
923s | tier of skin that you're making um and |
926s | then the tier of the skin is based on |
929s | the components that you use to to make |
932s | your skin so the more complex the skin |
935s | that you're making the longer it would |
937s | it would take and the more it would cost |
938s | correct yeah yeah yeah correct now you |
942s | can fast trck this as well by uh by |
944s | speeding it up which we're going to |
947s | quickly do and slap this onto the ship |
949s | that we're |
950s | in once once you're done uh sequencing |
953s | your skin it will appear in your |
955s | collection in the in the new Skinner |
958s | tool and from there you can activate it |
961s | and apply it or you can sell |
963s | it activate and apply and I'll see you |
966s | guys on the the |
975s | undock kind of realizing that my push to |
978s | talk is a different button and |
979s | interacted with a thing wasn't all too |
981s | helpful maybe I should swap it to a |
984s | different button |
985s | here that is probably smart |
989s | I'm going to go and let's all stop our |
991s | ships I'm going to decouple my |
993s | camera and maybe fly around and see what |
996s | you guys have made we actually find |
998s | ourselves in the in the really cool |
999s | system of gerer with his insanely cool |
1003s | nebula I minimize this it's got a |
1005s | galente nebula it's got a Namar nebula |
1008s | and it's got this |
1010s | crazy looking effect in the background |
1012s | there thought this would be a neat place |
1014s | to Showcase off some some |
1017s | art see if this works one in I |
1021s | believe this one is the one that I made |
1023s | the one that looked less minari it's all |
1027s | shiny shiny yellow with some cam on it |
1030s | we see a uh a blue and a purple faded |
1033s | one at the back there that one's really |
1034s | cool looking we made the blue purple one |
1039s | that would be me |
1041s | nice and then we have a uh a green |
1045s | yellow one with kind of a with kind of |
1047s | an effect let me actually slow down this |
1048s | camera here I don't need to be chasing |
1050s | all |
1052s | quickly |
1056s | camera we have the speed on the camera |
1059s | again 3D connection there we |
1064s | go that's much better A lot smoother who |
1068s | made the |
1070s | uh the yellow and green one it's got |
1073s | kind of another pattern on there too |
1074s | like it yeah that's that's my uh banana |
1076s | camo oh okay the ban banana skin the old |
1080s | banana and that leaves ccpr arcade |
1084s | looking like he pulled a hand bre turn |
1087s | through some paint I was going to go |
1090s | with something very subtle but then like |
1092s | I pressed another button and suddenly I |
1093s | got a whole new pattern so I was like |
1095s | yeah let's stick with |
1097s | this nice all very distinctively |
1100s | different and uh yeah very very uniquely |
1104s | different Chad what do you think of this |
1107s | how do you like it splatter looking |
1109s | fantastic they're |
1111s | saying Polaris a system name no we're |
1113s | not in Polaris we're in system called G |
1116s | or G let me actually show you it you can |
1119s | go over here in in Eve we're on a test |
1122s | sh right now but you can go to G and |
1124s | we're actually looking over the trace |
1126s | Cosmos is what's what this stuff is |
1128s | called all right let's dock it up let's |
1130s | do another |
1132s | one request AC |
1146s | okay I think uh coni just said that |
1147s | there was a question about corpse skins |
1150s | um could you talk to us though for right |
1152s | now this is going to be just an |
1153s | individual thing you make your skins you |
1156s | could sell them through the The Hub or |
1157s | or to your friends that way you could |
1159s | get I suppose many of them printed for a |
1162s | fleet but these are on the individual |
1165s | level is that correct yeah yeah for this |
1167s | first iteration uh we focused on the |
1170s | individual um we do want to add uh |
1173s | features for corporations uh in the |
1175s | future like uh one idea that I would |
1179s | like is like a Corp template that the |
1181s | brand manager could set and then uh |
1184s | anyone in that Corporation would just |
1185s | have a template that they could apply to |
1187s | any |
1189s | Hall nice so you would have like a like |
1191s | a theme basically yeah yeah |
1195s | exactly all right let's try um let try |
1199s | Cruiser next let's actually check the |
1202s | axc Navy cuz it has a predetermined kind |
1204s | of camo pattern on it it' be cool to |
1207s | show the the interaction when when it |
1209s | comes to these kind of ships that have |
1211s | this camouflage pattern on it already I |
1214s | think I'm going to do like |
1216s | a like a baby blue pink one between the |
1219s | two |
1222s | colors Let's uh let's get to |
1226s | painting see if me what kind of colors |
1229s | scheme are you thinking for this one you |
1230s | have the basic layout I |
1234s | think I think I'm going to go bright |
1236s | green |
1238s | today right green oh this pattern that |
1242s | pre-existing pattern is really |
1243s | interesting that's thrown me for a loop |
1246s | here which one is that we get the poe |
1249s | from uh Lumi which color is |
1254s | it like a super super green one so my |
1257s | first one that I put on was a super |
1259s | green one well I was expecting it to be |
1262s | more all over the ship and not just in |
1263s | the back and in the front so we'll see |
1266s | what I end up |
1267s | with |
1269s | nice if you go back to my PO that's |
1273s | very showcase here the uh the difference |
1276s | when you're when it's not just a couple |
1279s | of plates next to each other but the the |
1280s | color kind of lives in the same space |
1282s | but not on top of each |
1284s | other we make this one a baby blue and |
1289s | then the second one will make a very |
1292s | contrasting |
1294s | pink |
1296s | maybe yellow even look kind of cool |
1300s | together or darker blue but kind of just |
1304s | changing the whole color scheme of the |
1305s | camo itself but we're not affecting most |
1307s | of the rest of the ship |
1309s | here kind of like the the Blue on Blue |
1312s | here see what this Chang this changes |
1314s | the whole ship itself so what goes well |
1317s | with a blue maybe an even darker blue or |
1321s | like a metallic purple |
1323s | Nile even though it has this pop while |
1327s | like |
1328s | that the whole ship is kind of dark very |
1331s | contrasted |
1334s | though what if we find something that's |
1336s | in the same type |
1338s | of vibe as the ship or maybe the rest of |
1342s | the ship is pink and it's just got the |
1344s | blue camo on it that's that's that's |
1347s | pretty neat bold indeed it's a it's a |
1351s | very very crazy Cherry pink you know |
1355s | what we're sticking with |
1356s | it you know what I think I'm going to |
1359s | need a new color I think we're going to |
1363s | you're going to buy yourself an extra |
1364s | cutor do it get yourself an extra |
1367s | color see if we want to have this |
1373s | part all right it's going to be a basic |
1376s | Nano coating I'm just going to see which |
1379s | one it should |
1388s | be holding down the extremely uh The |
1392s | Angry Pink that it had it was very |
1395s | purple let's |
1398s | go oh you know what I'm going back I'm |
1400s | going back to the glossy |
1404s | pink let's overlay this whole skin with |
1407s | a fade |
1410s | if we go here and we put this fade which |
1412s | is now put onto onto one side of the |
1415s | ship um and I believe that the fade is |
1417s | something that you actually start off |
1418s | with the the the stripe and the fade I |
1421s | believe are the one of the the two |
1423s | starting ones is that correct yeah the |
1425s | stripe and the regular fade are the two |
1428s | starting uh patterns that everyone will |
1431s | get nice let me show what you can do |
1433s | with this if we put this on top of the |
1435s | ship and we figure out which side it's |
1438s | actually |
1440s | it's mostly strong on the left side |
1441s | there if I rotate this so we're going to |
1445s | have it fading from the back |
1448s | maybe put it |
1450s | on roughly |
1454s | there we Let It Fade a little |
1459s | bit more from the |
1462s | back L from the |
1466s | front and if we give this an extra color |
1469s | as well instead of the yellow which |
1470s | obviously doesn't fit what if it has a |
1473s | red to Pink |
1476s | fade we could move this around as well |
1478s | how much red do we want I might be |
1481s | rotating actually |
1486s | no there we |
1492s | go this also works with metallics this |
1495s | could be dipped in gold on the back or |
1499s | silver and these can obviously be moved |
1501s | around silver kind of works with it |
1504s | too became Terminator that doesn't work |
1507s | hold |
1508s | on what if it has this purpley extra |
1511s | glimmer yeah there we |
1513s | talking all right I think I think I got |
1516s | a winner here I'm going to I'm going to |
1517s | undock and meet you on the undock in a |
1518s | second |
1529s | chat what do you think of this one Crazy |
1531s | Taxi space taxi is someone making |
1533s | something |
1535s | yellow who's making a yellow taxi I am |
1538s | actually making a yellow one same Yellow |
1544s | Taxi I went with a bloody lime color |
1577s | we go back to my PO for a second um I |
1579s | wanted to show that you once you've made |
1581s | a skin as well in the Skinner tool it |
1584s | shows up in your skin list here as well |
1587s | uh and I'm going to undock and activated |
1588s | Tuma ship you can do that in space as |
1591s | well you can use the tool while you're |
1593s | in space you don't have to be docked up |
1594s | for it um but if you are gate camping |
1597s | for example maybe you should should pay |
1600s | attention to that um or just keep your |
1603s | nose in in the Skinner tool and and look |
1606s | up as soon as your friends start yelling |
1608s | at you just stop painting |
1609s | ships I'm going to activate it here in |
1615s | space and it'll work just like you know |
1617s | with other other skins oh man oh it |
1620s | actually fits the |
1622s | nebula |
1630s | neat I believe that it says so in the |
1632s | Skinner um in the Paragon Hub is that |
1636s | correct I I think that when I was |
1637s | playing with this it would always say |
1639s | made by so you can tell who made the |
1642s | skin right through the Paragon Hub |
1643s | itself yeah that's correct um when you |
1646s | when you do go to buy a skin uh it does |
1649s | tell you who made the skin as well which |
1651s | is super |
1654s | nice so you get that cool space uh clout |
1658s | for being a cool skin |
1661s | designer I like how we all went for very |
1663s | very different palletes and still the |
1666s | camo is the thing that kind of pops out |
1667s | there another yellow one are you are you |
1670s | a yellow enjoyer are all your skins |
1672s | going to be |
1673s | yellow definitely not I think this is my |
1677s | showing I am definitely not an |
1679s | [Laughter] |
1681s | artist let me see the other one up here |
1684s | oh that one I like oh that is like a |
1686s | taxi I see what chat meant okay so you |
1689s | Ed the uh yeah yeah yeah oh that's |
1693s | neat I could legit have spent another 30 |
1695s | minutes just trying to get these Center |
1697s | alignment just right yeah yeah obviously |
1700s | we're making these as quick as we can I |
1702s | can tell that you put the thing on top |
1704s | so it it seems to like kind of stretch |
1706s | over the front part of it so you have to |
1708s | figure figure out which and and making |
1711s | the skin is going to be like an art form |
1713s | right like some people are going to make |
1715s | dope taxis and others are GNA I don't |
1717s | know what that was |
1721s | Lou |
1723s | nice all right let's uh let's do a |
1726s | battleship next I uh I have actually a |
1728s | really cool design in in mind for for a |
1731s | nightmare I was playing around with are |
1732s | you guys ready for a a battleship |
1734s | skinning I was hoping we were going to |
1736s | do the sucus but I can live with the |
1738s | nightmare too we'll do Nightmare and |
1740s | then we'll do uh a FR after |
1745s | that they're yelling Freer |
1749s | please we might do a freigh later I got |
1751s | I got something to show off we'll |
1755s | see so let's hop into a |
1760s | nightmare playing around with a |
1762s | nightmare uh the other day and I know it |
1764s | looks insanely cool with one of the |
1766s | patterns |
1768s | if |
1770s | we hop into the design |
1774s | again because it's a vertical ship it |
1777s | actually goes really well with this |
1778s | pillars |
1780s | of pillars skin which has like a let me |
1784s | see I want to have it from the other |
1787s | side let me |
1790s | rot like this |
1793s | please try and have it |
1798s | like this I'm kind of cheating I've |
1800s | already played around with this skin and |
1802s | I know I know what I'm I'm making here |
1804s | let's move it a little |
1807s | bit yeah even just playing with the tool |
1810s | is a lot of fun like yeah like when we |
1813s | were doing play tests on the team like |
1815s | we'd be scheduled for half hour long |
1817s | meetings but they would run like two or |
1819s | three hours at |
1821s | times I've been going home and hopping |
1823s | on the test serer and just playing |
1825s | around some more I'm going to be honest |
1827s | I figured that uh white gold and black |
1831s | goes insanely well together so I'm gonna |
1833s | have the front white here and I'm going |
1835s | to put the uh the back part here is I |
1838s | think I wanted this to be |
1840s | a a darker color maybe I want actually |
1844s | be able to make the skin again oh |
1846s | no let me |
1849s | see dark abyss no I wanted this part to |
1852s | be |
1856s | dark I mean black and white already |
1858s | looks super cool together but it needs |
1859s | that that |
1861s | pop see if I can get the gold in there |
1864s | as well somewhere there we |
1866s | go that's I think what I I managed to |
1868s | make before it even has like a golden |
1871s | thumbs up on the top |
1874s | there I mean damn right chat hello Jesus |
1878s | Christ W |
1879s | yeah so you're going to figure out some |
1881s | like colors that work really well |
1883s | together and you I mean I could I could |
1887s | move the pattern around let's move that |
1890s | a little bit left and |
1892s | right I mean even just the black and |
1894s | gold on its own but once you get that |
1896s | like extra line because of the vertical |
1898s | of the ship think of like the Nagle far |
1901s | and other vertical ships mermaiden those |
1903s | type of things they're going to have |
1904s | their own type of vibe to them you |
1907s | know pink accents someone's asking for I |
1910s | don't think Pink's going to fit on this |
1912s | I think |
1914s | more shininess in here let me |
1917s | see I've added my mic into the stream |
1919s | just so that when I because I've been |
1921s | I've been asking questions on behalf of |
1922s | twitch chat to these guys but I haven't |
1924s | my voice hasn't been coming through so |
1925s | there's just been BS of Silence while I |
1927s | ask them so just for the just for twitch |
1930s | chat so they know what's going on there |
1931s | was a question here from pixie Warrior |
1932s | they want to know if they'll be able to |
1933s | create skins without having uh all the |
1936s | items that they'll need and save them |
1938s | for later for when they do get |
1940s | them uh at the moment at launch you uh |
1943s | you need to have the items to create the |
1945s | skin for them uh you can create skins |
1947s | for any ship though so you don't need to |
1949s | have the the ship or the hull um but you |
1952s | do uh need the the actual items um in |
1957s | your inventory to create the |
1962s | Skins xelf says will the marsh pafi be |
1964s | able to be skinned I believe the answer |
1966s | that is yes and the only ships that |
1968s | won't be um I think uniques are noo at |
1971s | the moment so none of the at ship sadly |
1973s | no t3s that means T3 Cruisers and T3 uh |
1977s | Destroyers |
1979s | um and from what I've seen at the moment |
1982s | I believe you can't do the the Monitor |
1984s | and a couple others but I'm I'm assuming |
1986s | those are just being worked on but yeah |
1988s | the the Concord ships aren't uh aren't |
1991s | available at the moment um there were |
1993s | some uh things we need to tweak for |
1996s | where the the different color layouts |
1999s | are and all that stuff so those those |
2001s | will come eventually though uh we do |
2003s | want it so you can almost skin every |
2007s | ship in the game other than the |
2013s | uniques all right my ship is uh is |
2016s | basically ready and I know it looks |
2018s | amazing let me see actually have the old |
2022s | save here if it's better we're going to |
2024s | use that one chat to see what that did |
2025s | different that's the clean AF one and |
2028s | then we have the gamer one we'll just |
2029s | use the one I just made looks almost the |
2032s | same I'm cheating I already knew what I |
2034s | was going to make click |
2036s | click I'll see you nerds on the undock |
2040s | hope you look oh |
2046s | okay so I'm UND ducking without having |
2048s | it activated I'm going to activate it in |
2050s | space to see how it looks |
2053s | nice I believe you are right |
2057s | here whoa we got like a really crazy |
2060s | orange and |
2062s | green pumpkiny looking one almost a Bly |
2066s | tiger pattern on the front of something |
2070s | all right I'm ready if you want to |
2072s | activate your ship although you're kind |
2073s | of inside the here I come |
2076s | you I am |
2081s | waiting how about you guys move so I can |
2083s | activate my SK I'm moving I'm |
2090s | moving do it all right guys are you |
2093s | ready it's going to be so spaceship |
2096s | gender I knew it |
2098s | look at it with pink spikes heck yeah oh |
2103s | no yeah that's not pink those is this is |
2105s | the new purple I just bought oh it's |
2107s | Pinky purple true hell |
2111s | [Laughter] |
2114s | yeah and they all have a thumbs up on |
2116s | them too when you realize that the uh |
2118s | some ships will have kind of their own |
2119s | markings when I was playing around with |
2122s | this the uh the nightmare has an e on it |
2124s | as well which I had never noticed before |
2129s | let me see there are three of us is the |
2131s | the fourth one already undocked oh there |
2132s | it is messed up with my pattern though |
2134s | it's only on one side yeah I panicked I |
2137s | heard uh twitch thatat say pink and then |
2140s | I completely changed the whole pattern |
2141s | just to add pink ah you went with the |
2144s | strawberry fetto |
2146s | color is that the name of that |
2149s | strawberry is called strawberry true I |
2153s | think you |
2154s | won oh you can do like fashion shows |
2157s | this is great have him dock one at a |
2160s | time drift out of the station turn |
2162s | around go back and dock again have all |
2164s | the other people lined up in ships sort |
2165s | of taking notes to make orders and stuff |
2167s | this used to be a spaceship game and now |
2169s | everyone's just doing fashion |
2171s | shows FC's will never get anything done |
2173s | anymore nswr 42 asks will there be |
2176s | custom patn I believe the answer to that |
2178s | is no we're just going to be supplying |
2180s | patn because yeah if there's too much |
2184s | too much flexibility with those sorts of |
2185s | things we know some capsulas might have |
2187s | some very adventurous |
2189s | ideas um and uh and that could uh that |
2193s | could get a bit out of |
2196s | control yeah we we we don't want the TTP |
2199s | too low yeah that's |
2203s | right all right let's dock on up and uh |
2207s | let's do a small chip let's do a frer |
2208s | down sucker bu here we come I'm done |
2211s | already I'm going to undock immediately |
2213s | you've already made a |
2216s | succubus so like we said we've been |
2218s | playing around with this all day and I |
2220s | may or may not have already made |
2223s | one someone asked uh what will happen |
2225s | when 5,000 people undock their custom |
2227s | ships so uh load wise is this any |
2230s | different than the ship skins that |
2232s | currently are in the game when it comes |
2233s | to calculating yeah I mean you shouldn't |
2236s | you shouldn't see uh an issue at all |
2239s | like uh we've been doing some Mass tests |
2242s | to to make sure that the performance is |
2244s | good um and yeah uh |
2248s | it's it should be should be a okay |
2252s | hopefully fingers crossed we have three |
2255s | uh frigs let's actually hop into to one |
2258s | each I'm going to just do a stiletto uh |
2261s | I know that arcade was doing a really |
2262s | cool stiletto before when he was testing |
2264s | things out I know that Loom you're |
2266s | already in a succubus I am already on |
2269s | the unu if you want to do any other |
2272s | frigs let's just do small ships this |
2273s | time around method one wants to know is |
2276s | the plan to add T3 stuff later uh yes |
2280s | yeah yeah we we do want to make it so |
2282s | you can skin any STP in the game other |
2285s | than the the woffs and and custom |
2300s | ships Mr arcade which one are you doing |
2303s | you going for I'm doing the arrow |
2305s | Interceptor so I mostly fly it's going |
2308s | to your red sword goes |
2310s | faster all right which which one should |
2312s | I do |
2314s | then uh any any of them we were doing |
2316s | one of each so whichever you pick we'll |
2319s | just have two of which is |
2323s | cool I'm going to go with the sucubus as |
2326s | well because I got a good skin idea |
2330s | nice okay this one here gets the whole |
2333s | wings so now can just to let you know |
2336s | cuz I'm in the C as well mine is it's |
2338s | called a spiky Beetle and I'm ready for |
2341s | it all |
2354s | right uh bgt ask will we I assume |
2357s | they're referring to the the environment |
2359s | within the Skinner itself but uh bgt |
2361s | 1990 ask will they be able to change the |
2363s | light color at some point so within the |
2366s | tool |
2368s | right I think they're talking about |
2369s | maybe the lights on the ship oh excuse |
2371s | me that's probably the more logical |
2373s | thing I beg your pardon yeah that's |
2374s | that's probably the |
2377s | question um so we do have plans on uh |
2381s | expanding the feature um there are a |
2384s | bunch of cool things that we do want to |
2386s | do that we weren't able to do for this |
2388s | release um but uh I don't want to give |
2392s | too much away or say things that will |
2394s | get me in trouble so I will just say uh |
2397s | we have plans in the future for cool |
2406s | things you said you're doing a red one |
2408s | does it just have a a racing stripe I |
2411s | changed my mind it's going to be gold |
2413s | now gold with the racing |
2415s | stripe in that case I'm G to yoink the |
2418s | the racing stripe and make a red one and |
2421s | change this up and make the fastest one |
2425s | I can |
2428s | let me |
2429s | see maybe red and and a different shade |
2432s | of red would look good here I'm going to |
2434s | change the outline the blue one but I do |
2436s | want the red racing stripe as |
2441s | well to about a red |
2445s | and one a red and a black actually makes |
2448s | a really cool extra color |
2450s | there change this blue to even more red |
2459s | let's see what this one here actually |
2461s | does oh those are the actual other |
2465s | bits |
2467s | oh I I'm |
2471s | set the anop Alloys one just gave it |
2476s | like that that finishing touch that I |
2478s | needed I'll see you nerds on the |
2481s | undock come and join |
2483s | me fastest boy safe |
2506s | and CCP Nikon and arcade are you guys |
2509s | close to done already oh yeah I'm |
2511s | outside am I always the slowest one who |
2513s | can't decide I'm almost done okay |
2516s | perfect just the final finishing |
2521s | touches I'm going to undock my really |
2523s | really fast frig with no prop mod but in |
2526s | spirit it's really fast trust |
2529s | me all right come meet |
2534s | me in a ship that fast you better |
2536s | control space before you actually end up |
2537s | in the other side of the solar |
2540s | system the red has just made it too |
2543s | unbeatable I'm going to see what you |
2545s | guys are in as we fly toward WS the TR |
2551s | Cosmos even on really small ship it has |
2554s | lots of different |
2556s | um places oh you're also a Red |
2560s | Succubus I'm a ladybug you are a |
2564s | ladybug that's so good |
2569s | oh all right let me see I think should |
2571s | be okay that is a cute ladybug succubus |
2574s | somewhere that we're going |
2576s | towards I hope you're not still |
2578s | moving no I'm sitting still but I am far |
2582s | away from the unlock I needed to find a |
2584s | good space so I can show off my skin of |
2586s | course of |
2588s | course we all went for like a red and a |
2593s | black did one of you guys bump me |
2596s | absolutely |
2598s | did that explains why I turned |
2602s | around believe the third one is just |
2605s | about to catch up here |
2608s | let's see did you match the we said red |
2611s | didn't |
2612s | we it shows |
2615s | up I'm Hing the uh the Chrome deflects |
2618s | lasers you know I don't know if I get |
2619s | any extra |
2625s | resistance I like it it's like half and |
2627s | half you just need to make sure they |
2629s | shoot you on the on the Chrome side of |
2631s | the ship you got a two-c thing going on |
2633s | yeah just just for twitch chat sake if |
2636s | you no he sort of jumping it's not the |
2638s | clients doing that it's my little feeds |
2640s | from the PCS that are skipping a little |
2642s | bit it's nice and smooth on the |
2645s | individual clients like you flew through |
2647s | uh oh I can see the trace Cosmos you can |
2650s | can you go back the reflection of the |
2652s | Sky Box on the gold paint looked amazing |
2654s | I'm try |
2655s | it very precise little tiny movements |
2658s | here he it actually does it's it's right |
2660s | on there that is |
2665s | purple neat |
2669s | imagine this in like a a Titan a golden |
2672s | Titan that's super cool oh I can see the |
2676s | moon that's no moon so lfn asked will |
2679s | ships cost the same sequence or will |
2680s | different holes cost different amounts I |
2683s | believe the cost increases from based on |
2686s | H size just like it does when you're |
2687s | buying skins in the new Weeden store and |
2689s | things like that right yeah so it's uh |
2693s | all based off of tiers um so the cooler |
2696s | the components you use or the rarer the |
2698s | components you use the higher the tier |
2701s | of a skin will be and then the larger |
2704s | the holes are uh they tear up quicker so |
2707s | it's it's a it's a com the final cost of |
2709s | the skin is a combination of those two |
2710s | elements how big is the ship you're |
2712s | putting it on and how much stuff are you |
2714s | sticking into it like using all three |
2715s | layers plus a pattern and a metallic and |
2717s | all that kind of yeah yeah and and the |
2719s | Rarity of those things that you're |
2721s | sticking in those slots yeah we'll be |
2722s | publishing like a a breakdown of this |
2724s | with the patch notes when it comes out |
2725s | but just for the people in twitch chat |
2726s | who have been wondering from the ones |
2728s | that we've put together here behind the |
2729s | scenes if you make a nice battle cruiser |
2731s | skin for yourself for example the Plex |
2734s | cost is pretty much equivalent to what a |
2736s | nice battle cruiser skin costs you now |
2737s | in the nest store |
2740s | anyway so you're not going to be paying |
2742s | like five times as much to make a skin |
2744s | and Skinner for an equivalent hole which |
2746s | you normally get uh from the from the |
2749s | from the NES that we |
2752s | release let's dock on up and hop into |
2755s | something bigger |
2758s | couple of questions in twit chat about |
2759s | the skills that will be associated with |
2762s | this yeah so there's uh a whole new |
2764s | skill category um ones that help reduce |
2768s | the time that it takes for skins to be |
2770s | sequenced uh ones that uh allow you to |
2773s | sell more skins on the Paragon Hub and |
2777s | ones that uh allow you to sequence more |
2779s | skins at a time both uh batch and uh |
2783s | just Mass manufacturing right so that's |
2785s | that's what I wanted to ask because |
2787s | there there is a dis a difference |
2788s | between the the manufacturing slots for |
2792s | these skins and just a plays regular |
2794s | manufacturing sort of uh yes slots right |
2796s | so if you're building if you're fully |
2798s | trained can if you have 11 production |
2799s | lines that you can use in a citadel or |
2801s | something like the building and you |
2803s | build five skins you still have those 11 |
2805s | manufacturing slots it's not the same |
2806s | they are completely |
2809s | separated let's hop into a uh a Naga |
2812s | next I have a a color scheme in mind so |
2815s | we're talking about battle Cruisers and |
2818s | let's keep an eye on the on the cost of |
2820s | making this |
2821s | ship I'm going to hop into the |
2824s | Skinner into the |
2827s | studio I again I'm going to cheat I'm |
2829s | going to make a design that I I know |
2831s | already |
2832s | Works uh I want to go over to the |
2836s | four dots here I want to make sure that |
2839s | they're not coming from Top let me see I |
2842s | would like these to be from the side |
2844s | from the right please |
2847s | if I then increase this in |
2850s | size I think about I think we answered |
2852s | this question before but uh someone just |
2854s | said will they new up while hollers and |
2856s | freers be skinable from day |
2858s | one uh the plan is to hopefully have |
2862s | them there they do have to be tested |
2863s | first though so like every every Hull in |
2866s | the game that is uh able to be skinned |
2870s | had to be tested so it's it's a lot of |
2873s | work |
2877s | I'm going to change the color of these |
2880s | Stripes they are Stripes to the darkest |
2884s | Abyss |
2887s | satin then I'm going to |
2890s | change this one to a yellow maybe that |
2895s | one works and here for a total cost of |
2899s | two different things on it uh 30% of of |
2904s | noing players are happy |
2907s | I think uh quickly make a be |
2910s | skin took a couple of things one pattern |
2913s | uh and you could probably put this on |
2915s | all kinds of other things this thing |
2917s | would work on a Rog uh some patterns |
2920s | work better on like this big pattern |
2922s | that I'm using now the block one |
2924s | wouldn't work on like a tall ship all |
2925s | that well I could rotate it around I |
2926s | suppose |
2928s | but I uh I am done since I I knew I was |
2931s | just going to quickly make |
2933s | this I'll see you guys on the undock |
2937s | you're banging this out fast uh somebody |
2939s | asked do you have to be uh where can you |
2941s | make these skins from anywhere it's like |
2943s | yes you can use this tool from within |
2945s | regular NPC stations from within |
2946s | citadels you can use it out in |
2949s | space um if you're doing maybe you're |
2951s | doing an Abyssal and you got a few |
2953s | minutes left you you can just start |
2954s | doing some skinning to let the clock run |
2956s | down before you jump out just so you |
2957s | seem even |
2963s | cooler uh in terms of the number of uh |
2965s | number of colors uh number of patents |
2967s | and so forth that'll be available at |
2969s | launch CCP Nikon do you know the answer |
2971s | to that uh yeah so at launch uh there's |
2975s | going to be 31 different colors um each |
2978s | of those has uh matte satin and gloss |
2982s | variants um I believe there's a total |
2986s | of 10 10 metallics and 13 patterns as |
2993s | well cool so so quite quite a bit and |
2996s | then uh the plan is to keep adding more |
2999s | and more uh whenever we can yeah I don't |
3001s | know if you can answer this on this |
3003s | particular stream but there was a couple |
3004s | questions about that before in terms of |
3005s | what would the do you know what the |
3006s | Cadence will look like for the |
3008s | introduction of new patterns and new |
3010s | colors and those kinds of things um off |
3012s | the top of my head uh not at the moment |
3015s | I do know that uh the dark team has like |
3018s | a whole backlog of of patterns that are |
3021s | almost all ready to go uh it's just a |
3024s | matter of actually finding the time to |
3026s | make them and put them |
3029s | in right someone asked uh how can they |
3032s | find a skin that their buddy made would |
3035s | that be through the power gun Hub itself |
3038s | or would they just search their friend's |
3040s | name uh at the moment there is no search |
3043s | uh that's one of the things that that we |
3044s | do want to get in eventually as well is |
3047s | being able to search uh right now um if |
3051s | you go into the Paragon Hub in a certain |
3054s | Hall it will show you skins that are |
3056s | available for that that Hall uh it's |
3058s | probably the easiest way to find it |
3060s | right now |
3062s | um uh they're like we do want to |
3065s | definitely make it a lot easier to find |
3067s | specific skins and and to be able to do |
3070s | things like that but right now it's just |
3072s | kind of like here's a set of skins for |
3075s | this haul that you're that you're doing |
3077s | or you can filter for specific Halls as |
3079s | well |
3089s | again four very different looking ships |
3093s | that just came out of the unduck |
3095s | there this uh this green and dark green |
3098s | shiny one is super cool too that was |
3101s | like you put the the pattern on yeah |
3103s | it's one of the the camo patterns so I |
3105s | cheated a bit and I got a new pattern |
3108s | cuz I was getting tired of the same ones |
3110s | and this is what's going to happen to me |
3112s | once it's out I'm going to buy them |
3114s | all but yeah so I went with the data |
3117s | fragmentation |
3121s | patter and then we have uh who who was |
3125s | actually undocked before the blue one |
3127s | who's outside yeah that's that's |
3131s | me and then we have arcade up here |
3133s | you've G and done like a kind of slanted |
3136s | line look you rushed us into cre I |
3139s | didn't rush anything I I'm I like it I I |
3143s | like it I I'm saying I like it I can't |
3145s | work under these conditions okay |
3150s | [Music] |
3154s | nice so um with regards to sharing the |
3156s | Skins around so you've you've produced a |
3158s | skin is the only way to put that in |
3160s | somebody's else's hands to use the |
3161s | Paragon Hub or can you sort of like poop |
3164s | it out as like a a skin you could |
3166s | activate and hand it to a buddy yeah |
3168s | right now the the only way you can do it |
3170s | is through the Paragon Hub um but you |
3173s | could tell your buddy hey I've just put |
3174s | that Naga skin you wanted on the Paragon |
3176s | Hub go have look at it they could find |
3178s | it and go Ah that's the one and |
3180s | then but they would have to purchase it |
3182s | from The Hub so they |
3183s | would right yeah yeah so next up um |
3189s | we're going to do the fantasm and I |
3190s | already have a skin ready and I'm not |
3192s | even going to make anything I don't know |
3195s | just wait before you un do okay yeah |
3197s | yeah because I have |
3198s | uh possibly the cutest thing you could |
3201s | possibly make out of a |
3204s | fantasm um |
3207s | let's keep the camera on someone else |
3209s | and uh I'll go to the undock and wait |
3210s | wait for them there does that sound |
3213s | good mrct oh yeah sure go for oh so you |
3216s | want you want me to take somewhere else |
3219s | yes surprise for the stream as well |
3221s | let's go look at ccpr okay well ask this |
3224s | next question so um uh Alf Nell asked |
3227s | again do you have to have the ship to |
3229s | make a skin uh and be able to or just be |
3232s | able to sit in it so my understanding is |
3235s | you don't have to own |
3237s | the ship or even necessarily have the |
3239s | skills to fly but Alpha Pilots will not |
3243s | be able to make skins for AA |
3245s | house that's correct |
3248s | yeah so so you can go in you can search |
3251s | for any Hall that you want like I don't |
3254s | have uh Avatar um but I can still make a |
3258s | skin for an avatar and then sell that on |
3260s | the store uh you can sequence it if if I |
3263s | want um alpha alpha uh players won't be |
3267s | able to only Omega um because Avatar um |
3273s | but yeah uh you don't need to own the |
3275s | ship to make a skin for |
3282s | it I'm seeing a yellow one being made |
3285s | whose camera are we currently on Hep |
3287s | arcade what are you making I have no |
3290s | idea I'm pressing buttons it's looking |
3293s | great it is though it's so it's so |
3296s | simple I feel like doing an infomercial |
3307s | wow and of want some gold spikes maybe |
3310s | but uh I kind of like it like |
3313s | this okay I think this is not my ship to |
3316s | make I have two little options it's just |
3319s | a big |
3321s | succubus yeah but that one was easier |
3323s | for some reason |
3327s | tikas asks what about I wanted to make |
3328s | something happy but this is |
3331s | hard well see ifp be found a away and |
3334s | you'll see in just a moment um someone |
3337s | asked what happened about old skins will |
3338s | there be no more CCP made skins no CCP |
3341s | will definitely still be making skins |
3342s | after this there are some things you |
3344s | will noticed that aren't in the tool at |
3345s | the moment for example like the fancy |
3346s | bfx that your Holograms that sort of |
3349s | stuff we're kind of keeping that to |
3350s | ourselves because we still want to be |
3352s | able to produce cool cool skin you're |
3354s | not going to be slapping police lights |
3356s | for example on the random ships and uh |
3359s | there's there's still those things that |
3361s | will will custom make all kinds of skins |
3363s | uh this can coexist in that same um |
3372s | ecosystem all right I'm undocking now |
3376s | all right I'm I'm waiting with my |
3377s | creation because uh I wna do the camera |
3381s | and just get you guys to to get close to |
3383s | me and then you'll be blown away by my |
3386s | creation when I finally show |
3388s | it my proudest my proudest |
3393s | fantasm can we get a randomized button |
3395s | someone |
3396s | asked yeah a randomized button would be |
3399s | cool for sure see all kinds of things oh |
3403s | nice still has that that camoy thing to |
3405s | it looks like a forbidden |
3408s | snack a forbidden snack I don't know |
3410s | what it is the little bumpy Parts look |
3413s | sort of |
3414s | caramelly oh I just it was I was going |
3416s | for for like Operation Desert Storm |
3418s | sorry I what I meant to say is it looks |
3420s | really badass uh thank you thank it's |
3423s | very |
3430s | intimidating or like a moldy wors is |
3433s | that what you were thinking with the |
3437s | [Music] |
3438s | snack I like it though it's like uh it |
3441s | is very camoy desert camoy but with like |
3445s | a hint of |
3448s | hint of green oh whoa that one's |
3452s | cool nice got like a mohawk yeah it does |
3456s | have a mohawk oh my God he give a pink |
3458s | mohawk it's like a it looks so |
3461s | angry holy |
3463s | schmoly it's going to look so angry next |
3465s | to |
3467s | mine dude that's |
3469s | sick |
3474s | what I want another disclaimer that I am |
3476s | not an artist and this is my unhappy |
3480s | dream let me see what have we got coming |
3483s | out of here a blue and yellow with some |
3487s | red angry looking eyes on the thing |
3489s | looks like a Nerf gun it doesn't look |
3492s | like a Nerf gun you're |
3496s | right I got to say out of the the three |
3499s | I think there's yellow with the black |
3500s | Mohawk is |
3501s | is actually ass I kind of like yours too |
3505s | the operation desert snack pretty pretty |
3508s | cool but are you guys ready to be blown |
3511s | away yeah do it let's |
3515s | go all right I'm going to activate this |
3518s | in space chat you're you're your life's |
3523s | about to be changed right oh no it's not |
3525s | ccpb that has the black and yellow skin |
3527s | chat here comes ccpb skin you |
3533s | ready oh I didn't do it it was too quick |
3540s | oh it's got the die nice it does it does |
3543s | in fact have the |
3545s | goog creative use of deal for the |
3550s | wing I mean if this isn't the weather |
3554s | Chad it looks like a little little Happy |
3558s | Fish when B showed this to me the other |
3560s | day I'm like it looks like one of the |
3561s | creatures from Spore if anyone remembers |
3563s | that game yeah yeah yeah |
3567s | it does look like a creation from |
3569s | Spore and uh |
3573s | yes let me see look at my own |
3579s | ship a little Tad |
3582s | pole does look like sport right we |
3584s | looked at some videos it's like the |
3586s | cutest little |
3588s | thing oh no I got the other camera |
3590s | everything I click and of tries to scope |
3592s | onto it |
3599s | but you can tell immediately you can you |
3601s | can kind of go for all sorts of Vibes |
3603s | you want to go for your your badass |
3605s | Mohawk looking thing desert snack |
3607s | operation Nerf gun or cute little cute |
3610s | little Spore creature you're going to |
3612s | you're going to have it all looks like a |
3614s | little merlock someone |
3617s | say p Pony Club takes |
3621s | notes we got some competition here |
3624s | now submarine Sim |
3631s | confirmed all right um I think this |
3635s | about is the the end of our journey with |
3638s | today's stream I hope we showed enough |
3639s | we we didn't get through all the ships |
3641s | that we had um I feel like we've covered |
3644s | the the Paragon Hub and the store and |
3646s | how you're going to get these um things |
3650s | to to make the ships um this is all |
3654s | coming on uh June 11th |
3657s | in the aronox expansion uh huge thank |
3660s | you for CCP Nik on to come and talk to |
3662s | us appreciate your time yeah no problem |
3666s | uh is there anything else I believe |
3667s | we've covered it all I don't think I |
3668s | forgot anything I just want to say there |
3670s | were so many questions I couldn't shout |
3671s | out I'm sorry twitch chat um I know a |
3673s | lot of people had very specific |
3674s | questions about costing um I I'll just |
3677s | reiterate what I said before I think |
3678s | that you'll find that |
3681s | the I think that you'll find sorry I'm |
3684s | laughing at uh the fenry here the you |
3687s | think you'll find that the cost will |
3688s | pretty much be in alignment with what |
3689s | you pay for existing ship type holes uh |
3691s | in the game right now um there won't be |
3693s | any ugly surprises uh and all this stuff |
3696s | will be published in the final patch |
3697s | notes so uh you know exactly what's |
3699s | going on I will also reiterate that |
3700s | we're still tweaking some of this stuff |
3701s | so part of the reason you know we're not |
3703s | committing firmly to anything right now |
3705s | is because we don't want to say one |
3706s | thing now and have something higher or |
3707s | lower uh and then people getting upset |
3709s | about those things when the patch has |
3710s | come out but I think everyone's going to |
3712s | be feeling pretty good about |
3715s | this I I am 100% I agree with you your |
3719s | ship is too yes I can't wait I can't |
3723s | wait to be to be seeing what what |
3724s | everyone's going to be doing hang out |
3726s | with uh with my nerds go on rooms go |
3728s | yeting and see what they bring it's |
3731s | going to be a blast uh thank you all so |
3733s | much for tuning in this was the third in |
3735s | Focus if you guys missed the other two |
3736s | we went over the ships that are coming |
3738s | we went over the S um changes that are |
3741s | coming and that whole overhaul um you |
3744s | can catch those videos those blogs or |
3746s | those live streams as as vods um if you |
3749s | just check out the various channels next |
3752s | week we're going to be diving into more |
3754s | home front stuff can't really talk about |
3756s | we'll see next week we'll explain what |
3758s | that is and uh and then it'll be like |
3761s | one week until expansion thank you all |
3763s | so much for tuning in and we'll see you |
3765s | tomorrow for a Vanguard stream uh that's |
3768s | all for my today thank you and see you |
3770s | next time byebye byebye bye by |