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Has anyone else experienced this? It was happening before downtime and my GPU was sat at almost 100%, whereas usually it'd be ~40%.

After downtime it seemed the GPU was back to normal again at ~40%, but it's taking me for example, 30s to jump gates, display freezes. Some of them here are crashed:


Taken from logs: 15:23:46 Generic Jumping from Utopia to Litom
Taken from local: [15:24:16] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Litom

CPU is fine, GPU is fine (using secondary 1660 SUPER atm, not the 3090 due to outputs). Just wanted to see if this was widespread in any way as 3 corp members have also reported it.



I've verified files etc in launcher before anyone asks that.

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over 1 year ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Hey! It would be great, if you could send a bug report from an affected client (through F12 - Report Bug) directly after you experienced such a slow jump, so that we can investigate further on what might be going wrong.

For the crashes it would also be great to receive bug reports, especially if it happens more than once.


over 1 year ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by White0rchid

I'll see what I can do. One thing that is becoming obvious to me is that the longer I have a client running, the worse it gets. I have two characters in the same station, sitting in the same ship with a cloned overview/same graphics profile. One that's been logged in since downtime (~9 hours) is performing significantly worse (~50ps and stuttering a lot) than my client that's been logged in for only 2 hours which is sitting at 75fps



Even relogging the account that has been logged in for a long time still manifests the lower performance. Very odd. Maybe something being cached that builds up over time?

Edit: I logged ALL accounts out and back in again, and they were all back up to 80fps (gsync limit)

That is indeed interesting and sounds like some kind of leak. I hope we see something in logs about this.

over 1 year ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by ToastieCakes

I'm having pretty much exactly the same issue that OP has described. Have submitted a bug report from the client - unsure how to attach logs though.

Thank you for all the bug reports. We confirmed at least one issue, but we are investigating further, as we are not sure, if this really explains the problem.