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Thank you EVE content creators! 💙🚀
For more EVE Online highlights from 2020 >> https://youtu.be/nRRt6y3d-L4 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EsLWYN2XUAEJRzH.jpg
As our new Senior Software Engineer, you will be working within the Game Engine team, developing a wide variety of features to deliver a best-in-class experience to our players 💫 #gamejobs #gamedevjobs #techjobs I @eveonline #EVEonline https://t.co/HnMTmtiYQt
The gate is green! ✈️🇮🇸 Reunite with your fellow Capsuleers again as EVE Fanfest returns in 2022! Tickets are available but act fast not to miss out on the Early Bird tickets. 📖 Read more: https://t.co/ZeqC3CEcCt 🎟 Get tickets: https://t.co/nJiqpjob0c #tweetfleet #EVEOnline https://t.co/kIbdNDMtui