over 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

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Hello there,

Our monthly deployment (Version 18.12) is going live today. Please use this thread for general feedback and discussion on anything that will be released within this version.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

over 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

A quick note that there was an error in the patch notes and there was no change to how Ice Belts are spawned. Instead, we adjusted the rules for spawning Ice Anomalies which are:

  • Ice Anomalies are randomly distributed in any of the ice systems after completion.
  • It is possible for more than one Ice Anomalies to be present in a single system.

Sorry for the unnecessary confusion, everyone!

over 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Thanks for bringing it up! I wanted to let you know that we will be reverting the change which restricted the setting of Medical Clones when no active Clone Bay service is present with tomorrow’s deployment.

There are improvements to be made to make the rules surrounding Home Stations clearer, and enhancing the sense of home in EVE is something that we are excited to explore in the near future. But we want to find more elegant solutions that do not simultaneously interfere with the gameplay everyone got used to over the years.

Appreciate your feedback. Please keep it coming!

over 4 years ago - CCP_Paradox - Direct link

Hi everyone,

I have updated the original forum topic regarding drone behavior changes with the following statement, and I’m cross-posting it here for visibility.

A lot of healthy conversation surrounding the recent drone change is happening and we have been monitoring and discussing your feedback internally.

Our goal is to make PvE activities with drones a more attentive player experience that relies less on low or no attention gameplay moving forward, but the unintended impact on how the drone assist functions in certain scenarios is something we are not happy with. For this reason, we will be changing the drone behavior back to how it was before Tuesday’s patch in an upcoming deployment. We should have news for you on timing tomorrow.

We gathered a lot of valuable data and feedback from you and the CSM in the last couple of weeks on this matter and would like to thank everyone who shared their thoughts with us.

Fly safe! o7