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Hello, fellow EVE nerds!

Over the course of the last few months, the EVE Vegas 2020 planning committee has been tracking the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, and continually assessing whether we are able to host the event we’d originally been planning. We are just three months away from Vegas 2020, and we’re now ready to give you an update on our plans in the face of such a challenging period for everyone.

Starting off with the bad news, our planned dinner and drinks on Friday Oct. 23 will no longer be possible. Unfortunately, trying to fit several hundred nerds into a dinner hall environment simply does not allow for the physical distancing measures in place across both the US and many other countries around the world. As a result of the dinner cancellation, we will be halting the sale of any remaining tickets via our eventbrite page.

We also appreciate that in the current climate, attending EVE Vegas may not be an option for some people for a number of different reasons. As such, we will also be issuing a partial refund for any purchased tickets for this event, though we have made some non-refundable deposits that mean we can’t provide a full refund to everyone who bought a ticket and supported EVE Vegas 2020.

The good news is that, after some significant discussion with Caesar’s Hotels, we have managed to retain our block of hotel rooms within Bally’s Las Vegas at this time. Put simply, this means anyone who would still like to visit Vegas and meet one another over the weekend has that option available. The block is also still taking new bookings, so if you are still looking to make a trip that weekend and haven’t already organised your hotel situation, head on over to our website and use the booking link there.

Despite the fast-changing nature of the year so far, we are still looking into a number of opportunities to have some sort of get-together or other event during the weekend. As we draw closer to EVE Vegas 2020, we will update you again on what, if any, events are possible.

Finally, we’d like to thank the entire CCP community team for their support during this time, and specifically CCPs Convict and Goodfella for their help in resolving some of the more major bumps in the road.

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over 4 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

stay safe everybody, and we will meet again <3