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ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
26s | but there was seats up here yeah I |
29s | see |
89s | I |
119s | h |
149s | oh |
179s | you |
245s | hello welcome all uh my name is CCV zope |
249s | uh senior audio programmer for Ev online |
252s | and welcome to this special audio |
254s | session uh today we'll be celebrating |
257s | the past and exploring the future of the |
258s | sound and music of Eve online by |
261s | chatting with those that have been |
262s | shaping the soundscapes of Eve for your |
264s | oil consumption over the past 20 years I |
267s | want to stress that this is not an open |
269s | Panel but as more of a moderated |
271s | discussion think of it as a talk show of |
274s | sorts I will be your host for this |
276s | session and have prepared a set of |
278s | questions uh for our guests and as with |
281s | all good talk shows there will also be a |
283s | musical performance at the |
285s | end um over its 20e history the audio |
289s | experiences in Eve and its underlying |
291s | audio systems have grown along with the |
293s | game what began first as just simply |
295s | triggering a few sounds for important |
297s | events grew into full-blown ambient |
299s | sounds capes worthy of their own place |
301s | in ambient music |
303s | history amazingly over 20 years less |
306s | than 10 individuals have put their |
308s | direct artistic imprint onto the sound |
310s | of Eve in this session I want to honor |
314s | those that have been integral to shaping |
315s | the soundscapes of Eve through |
317s | conversations because I personally find |
319s | their stories and insights to be |
322s | inspiring um let's bring on our first |
325s | two guests CCP old boy and CCP Christian |
338s | so CCP old boy has been shaping the |
340s | sounds of Eve for 15 years now this is |
342s | old boy hello and he plays a huge part |
346s | in giving soul to Eve uh he's a |
348s | generator of Abyssal Harmony and emplo |
351s | he employs a lot of analog synthesis to |
353s | create Rich atmospheres sound effects |
355s | and musical scores uh CCP Christian |
359s | hello has been involved with Eve for |
362s | about 10 years now he is currently the |
364s | main composer for Eve online and is a |
366s | maestro of vertical Supremacy his |
369s | compositions and sound design can be |
371s | found in the tutorial the uprising |
373s | release Travian space and the upcoming |
376s | Havoc release just to name a few uh |
380s | these two here are the current and only |
382s | sound designers for Ev on line and they |
384s | produce an extraordinary amount of |
386s | content for E online everything you hear |
388s | in the game produced by these |
391s | individuals so |
394s | welcome thank you thank you |
397s | Eric thank you so much um first question |
401s | is for CCP old boy uh how did you first |
404s | get involved with |
406s | Eve um so before I uh continue uh I want |
410s | to correct one thing uh sure we do all |
412s | the sound but we have outside help from |
415s | time to time just to get another uh |
417s | perspective and also just good point uh |
420s | we don't have time for everything all |
421s | the time but yeah like 95% we do so |
425s | you're |
426s | correct so um yeah I uh so that's 15 |
431s | years ago uh last May I think that I |
435s | started uh joined CCP yeah you just hit |
438s | your 15 year anniversary right uh yeah |
440s | so I had been um so my background is uh |
444s | audio uh music and stuff like that uh |
448s | I've uh worked in the radio |
450s | uh you know recording just general |
453s | engineering for many |
455s | years uh and my education as well and at |
458s | the time I I tried joining CCP was a |
462s | time when I was not doing any of that I |
464s | was doing I was selling switches and |
466s | routers and stuff like that so I was |
469s | like uh yeah I want to go back and so I |
472s | I knew a couple of people at CCP at the |
474s | time I worked with them uh in the '90s |
477s | trying to do virtual uh real reality |
480s | things uh so I just called them up and |
483s | they at the time they were |
485s | actually uh they just happen to be uh |
489s | considering uh putting more energy into |
491s | audio so it was good timing I guess but |
493s | then how did you actually get the gig |
494s | did you give them a like an album like |
499s | um or is just I I don't remember exactly |
503s | how it was I just I just uh got the job |
507s | somehow just magically got it |
511s | I yeah they knew me and knew what I had |
515s | done and and and things so it was not |
517s | like I didn't have to prove myself too |
520s | much I think for some reason who who are |
524s | your main influences then when it comes |
526s | to music and sound design um uh I think |
530s | uh there are I mean I I think there are |
532s | four people uh doing art and and Tech |
535s | like this a mixture there's a lot of |
537s | influence that they don't realize uh |
540s | that are influencing you but um just |
543s | everyday things and and people around |
544s | you but I can say that what comes to |
549s | mind as far |
550s | as um games go uh it probably be when I |
556s | was playing |
557s | thief and never went to |
560s | Knights they don't have anything to do |
562s | with scii I know that kind of well no I |
566s | does a little bit uh but it's |
570s | the they're so uh atmospheric they're so |
573s | they're so good so at least thief and |
576s | yeah I guess the other one as well and |
578s | so yeah I know they're very different |
580s | from Eve but it was an inspiration for |
582s | some reason uh and there's there's and |
585s | maybe the biggest influence is uh movies |
588s | I think I think most uh from what I know |
591s | of you that makes yeah and and I I think |
594s | that uh for most uh you know game uh you |
600s | know companies that are making games |
602s | that are they look at movies a lot uh |
605s | not just games and For Me Maybe well not |
608s | maybe definitely Blade Runner uh the |
611s | original 82 uh movie and then stalker |
615s | the the tari yeah movie um um these are |
621s | the two ones but I mean there are many |
622s | more and and there are so many that are |
625s | influencing you that you just don't |
626s | realize |
628s | it yeah um I want to include u c |
631s | Christian here now um you originally |
633s | brought him on to work with Eve um how |
637s | did you two meet so we met at a |
639s | conservatory here in Iceland we were |
641s | doing um I was doing my masters in music |
645s | at an old age and I met Christian there |
648s | we had the same uh you know professor |
650s | and we met there this was |
653s | in |
655s | 2013 13 or something like that is that |
658s | right was it earlier no no no no no no |
661s | 10 yeah 2010 yeah many years ago yeah |
665s | yeah yeah we met then so we we started |
668s | you know so you better have been |
670s | conservatory and then you guys what |
672s | started talking about music like how did |
675s | this even there was something with uh I |
679s | was doing like a my final piece was |
681s | being shown and you were there but I |
682s | think I was there yes but I think we we |
685s | we met before that because I think I was |
687s | I contacted you because I was really |
689s | interested in science fiction |
692s | music uh and I was studying this you |
696s | know music from The Shining standing |
699s | kubri and and the 2001 Space Odyssey |
703s | this kind of music that is very static |
705s | and I was super interested in how is |
707s | this and you know how could this relate |
709s | to an interactive music context and I |
711s | contacted Balter at CCP because I heard |
714s | of this you know um uh just crazy guy |
719s | had to meet at CCP and I yeah and yeah |
723s | yeah it was great ideas and and at the |
725s | same time I was actually thinking about |
728s | how we |
729s | could how you know what would be the |
733s | best solution for audio and and |
735s | especially music in a in in a story like |
739s | in a story that hadn't happened yet |
742s | because we in a soundbox and the story |
744s | hasn't happened what should the music be |
746s | and I had you know I was really I I |
749s | remember we had conversations about |
751s | these things yeah and then Christian you |
753s | did your |
755s | PhD uh kind of About Eve correct yeah I |
760s | did it I mean I did a PhD which was |
762s | about interactive music in a um multiv |
766s | massive multi what is it you know like |
768s | an massiv multi |
770s | onl and um uh situated in outer space |
775s | you know in the future and which is |
778s | basically I |
780s | um I was very much angled towards EV on |
783s | line I thought it was a super cool you |
786s | know kind of and it's like 400 Pages |
788s | I've I've only read half of it what's it |
791s | called what's it called again it's |
792s | called Uh a wormhole uh it's called a |
795s | musical Wormhole musical Wormhole and if |
798s | if you were here last year he he uh you |
800s | you you covered a lot of the the yeah I |
803s | went through the yeah the the uh the |
805s | nerdy academic side of that whole thing |
808s | yeah |
810s | um yeah and what what instruments were |
813s | you playing before you were like |
815s | starting to do |
816s | composition I came from rock music |
819s | really I didn't like kind of I was like |
821s | in high school I was just no rock music |
822s | that's the you know that's the stuff and |
825s | uh and some classical music as well but |
829s | um I played the guitar and some drums |
832s | and and stuff like this and then I just |
834s | later got into synthesizers and all that |
838s | electronic stuff you can you can do with |
842s | that um so yeah and I just want to point |
845s | out like uh you guys the way you work |
847s | together uh it's it's like an |
850s | unspoken Bond and and your the music you |
853s | make really compliments the spaces you |
855s | make and vice versa what why do you |
858s | think where does that even come from you |
860s | just do you even do you talk about what |
862s | you're going to do beforehand or or does |
864s | it just flow I would say it |
867s | flows um |
870s | so it's like trying to explain art it's |
874s | so difficult it's not possible really |
877s | explain it I think you can try but it's |
881s | difficult so it's yeah it's an |
884s | understanding um it wouldn't matter what |
887s | Christian would do it probably would |
889s | work but I I can have a you know I I can |
891s | tell him yeah but should It Go shouldn't |
894s | it go this way instead of that way he |
896s | probably he probably would agree because |
898s | we always agree on well not always but |
902s | you know usually we agree on things so |
906s | it's it's uh it's um you know we have a |
908s | nice understanding and he he is he is uh |
913s | uh not afraid of telling me something |
915s | that he doesn't like so you have to be |
917s | really able to be honest yeah yeah yeah |
919s | absolutely absolutely definitely it's |
921s | very important I um I think we're going |
925s | to move on to our next gu uh so there |
928s | have been like I said earlier there's |
929s | been less than 10 individuals that have |
931s | directly put their artistic imprint on |
933s | EVE Online um of these individuals |
936s | there's only one person that has filled |
937s | all three of these roles of sound |
939s | designer composer and audio programmer |
942s | so I'd like to welcome to the stage uh |
944s | CCP |
945s | realx uh the original creator of the |
949s | music in even |
958s | line |
961s | hello hello welcome how does it feel to |
963s | be |
965s | here myth FanFest |
969s | yes with quite a break in between though |
972s | obviously yeah it's been a while soon |
973s | for here last um so you you were here |
976s | from the beginning of Eve online like |
978s | from its Inception |
980s | correct uh no but uh the whole time it |
984s | was in full production from the year |
986s | 2000 yes until 2017 so you joined in |
990s | 2000 then yes early 2000 and what what |
994s | Drew you to CCP in the in in the in that |
996s | in the olden times like what Drew you to |
1000s | CCP uh nothing drew me to CCP it was uh |
1003s | just a happen stance like everything in |
1005s | my |
1007s | life so you feel like your life is a a |
1009s | series of I have no control over |
1011s | anything that |
1013s | happens what what was what was CCP like |
1015s | in |
1016s | 2000 what was it like to work for CCP |
1019s | back then I mean it was basically just a |
1024s | family of young people how many |
1026s | employees were there do you know I was |
1028s | employed about 20 or 21 maybe wow so for |
1032s | the most of like between 2000 and then |
1037s | when we published the game in 2003 we |
1040s | were roughly from 30 from the most of |
1043s | the time but we scaled up to like |
1046s | 50 towards the launch if I remember |
1049s | correctly don't quote me we will quote |
1052s | you don't worry about |
1053s | it um and so how how did you actually |
1059s | start working at CP though okay so uh I |
1062s | was just in school you know I was |
1065s | young uh and I was just |
1067s | like it's in Iceland it's called FAL |
1071s | what comes before University so yeah and |
1074s | I was doing this Advanced programming |
1076s | course and the teacher there is like ah |
1078s | let's do like a trip my son just founded |
1081s | a company so we went and visited CCP and |
1085s | they were just like giving us the tour |
1087s | and they were like oh yeah in this room |
1089s | there going to be the the sound guy and |
1091s | I was like oh yeah who who's your sound |
1093s | guy he's like uh we're currently looking |
1097s | for one and then and then you app I I |
1101s | applied wow that's awesome and |
1105s | um so you you began um the music |
1110s | originally or you were also doing the |
1112s | sound design so uh the so yeah it it |
1117s | went like a little bit like this so I uh |
1120s | I applied to music and you know back in |
1125s | for the people who are old enough to |
1126s | remember mp3.com I had I had like an a |
1130s | stuff there and so I gave them my stuff |
1132s | there and so they liked it and they |
1134s | called me in for an interview and then |
1136s | like in interview number three they're |
1138s | like pretty confident that I was going |
1140s | to get hired and they like uh you do |
1144s | programming I was like yeah I do |
1148s | programming I you know I I I I did some |
1151s | light scripting as a kid you know yeah |
1153s | but in in like the 286 in basic right so |
1157s | I was very confident and I was like oh |
1158s | you can do the sound effects as well I |
1159s | was like sure I guess but I I couldn't |
1163s | really do either of those things well |
1166s | apparently you |
1167s | can well I mean there's a whole audience |
1170s | here that knows your music so yeah yeah |
1172s | I was confident in the music part but |
1174s | not maybe so much the programming part |
1176s | or the sound |
1177s | effect I mean it played in the game |
1179s | didn't |
1180s | it yeah yeah |
1184s | success I did all the original weapon |
1186s | sounds that everybody |
1188s | hated you did all the original weapon |
1190s | sound and everyone hated weapon sounds |
1191s | yeah the weapon sounds how how did how |
1195s | did you know that people hated that at |
1196s | the |
1197s | time uh have you heard of thing called |
1200s | forums yes I |
1202s | have we still have |
1204s | them |
1205s | um and what what what are your main so |
1208s | you you were focused mainly on music |
1210s | what what are your main musical |
1211s | influences then like I'm just a true kid |
1214s | of the '90s it's like I fell in love |
1217s | with electronic music I had like a |
1219s | religious experience when I got to like |
1223s | I like what AG 13 14 I went into like U |
1227s | my first what's it call like a like a |
1231s | dance in scho school dance you know yeah |
1233s | yeah and went into this black room and |
1236s | pro Charlie prodigies Charlie was |
1238s | playing strobe lights black lights |
1242s | lasers and I was like oh what's |
1245s | happening so it's Prodigy that got you |
1247s | into electronic music definitely |
1250s | wow got got a prodigy fan in the |
1253s | audience um and back then like when Eve |
1257s | first came out did you need |
1259s | what was the hardware like did you have |
1261s | to have an external sound card |
1263s | or uh most definitely yeah yeah I mean |
1267s | so back in 2000 uh yeah like I said I |
1270s | was just a kid I didn't know |
1272s | anything but CCP like B was saying there |
1275s | was an other company the CCP was funded |
1277s | out of what called o which is like a |
1279s | studio that b ran and uh uh they got |
1284s | that guy to suggest what gear to buy and |
1287s | they bought a lot of gear for me |
1289s | yeah and I was like I don't like this |
1292s | gear so I just bought in my own gear |
1293s | because i' had been making music for |
1295s | like 7 eight years at that point and uh |
1299s | and So speaking of gear so we have the |
1303s | original synthesizer that he used to |
1304s | make uh below the asteroids well yeah |
1307s | definitely and Stellar shadows and all |
1309s | the original all the original tracks |
1311s | were written on this silver thing over |
1313s | there and what so you said that they |
1315s | bought you a bunch of gear but you |
1317s | didn't like it and I I didn't know how |
1319s | to use it you know I I was more |
1322s | comfortable with my own stuff so I like |
1325s | this really expensive they bought this |
1327s | like like a 90 sampler called an emu |
1331s | like emac sampler and was like really |
1334s | the thing back in the you know late '90s |
1337s | but I just it was left on a shelf for |
1339s | like years and then you produced how |
1342s | much of the music of even online is |
1344s | produced with this |
1345s | synthesizer in percentage Yeah Yeah show |
1349s | roughly yeah I don't |
1351s | know like from Eve that came out in 2003 |
1356s | I think it was like 90% the synthesizer |
1359s | really yeah 90% wow yeah so that's what |
1362s | gives it that |
1363s | distinct sound yeah yeah yeah and I mean |
1366s | it's not an in like today this is |
1368s | considered like a piece of crap this is |
1370s | a digital |
1372s | wrong is just like you know well I mean |
1375s | you can see so you produced tons of the |
1379s | music we even aligned just with this |
1380s | yeah and then we have all the gear over |
1383s | here which comes from both old boy and |
1386s | Christian |
1389s | so why is it so I'm going to open this |
1391s | up to everyone what what's changed why |
1394s | why is it so complex now why why why |
1396s | could you get away with using just the |
1397s | Triton in the past and now you have to |
1401s | have all this well it's kind of weird |
1403s | right because this is actually in a way |
1404s | some of it more oldfashioned than than |
1406s | this yeah so it |
1408s | it just had like those that analog stuff |
1411s | had a Revival at some point cuz it |
1413s | sounds in a certain way and |
1416s | uh yeah you you you just are the |
1420s | expectations higher or like I think it's |
1425s | um so today you like you have more of |
1428s | everything you know not just this but |
1431s | just more of everything more channels to |
1434s | pick from on the TV you know more food |
1438s | more More Everything more gear you know |
1441s | more options it's also that I think I |
1444s | mean it's also uh you know soft syns and |
1447s | stuff that you use in your computer are |
1449s | so good now that you could almost just |
1451s | skip all this but it's not as it's it's |
1454s | different uh you know working with it |
1457s | this is more Hands-On you know the this |
1460s | old syn doesn't have as much hands on as |
1463s | these uh do so it's also that uh and |
1468s | you change as a you know an artist that |
1471s | you want to work with you know the |
1473s | buttons and they're all on top of the |
1474s | sense instead of this but I we could |
1478s | probably make do with something like |
1479s | this and if we had to defitely and and |
1483s | and towards the end I had like when I |
1486s | quit CCP I had turt I didn't use this |
1489s | this one at all I had my own you know |
1492s | of similar setup as we do now so because |
1496s | like you couldn't like like they didn't |
1499s | make a lot of anlock synthesisers back |
1502s | in the uh the late ' 90s or early |
1505s | 2000s I didn't and they well they they |
1508s | made them like back in the like the 70s |
1511s | yeah and then the ' 80s and they became |
1513s | digital with the DX7 and then and then |
1516s | it ended up with the rompler which is |
1518s | like a big for a while like the |
1519s | workstation type yeah but then |
1521s | everything has gone back to the but what |
1523s | I was always doing you were always |
1525s | emulating analog synthesizes with the |
1529s | the um actually this would be a perfect |
1531s | opportunity um you've prepared a little |
1533s | bit of a |
1534s | demo or would could could you demo the |
1538s | the Triton a little bit for us I |
1540s | probably play something that somebody |
1542s | remembers you want to turn it around you |
1544s | want to go |
1553s | sideways yeah there's there's seats down |
1555s | uh okay there's only one seat never mind |
1568s | anybody |
1571s | no |
1577s | okay just a bunch of the tracks was |
1579s | ridden with |
1587s | this |
1591s | and yeah and you said that there was a |
1593s | certain key that you used |
1596s | right yeah I wrote as you see I'm I'm |
1599s | not classically trained like these two |
1601s | guys I don't have any formal training so |
1604s | uh I just learned one chord it's C minor |
1608s | and I just did all the eve music in c |
1611s | minor I mean it's fine fine |
1614s | cord got pretty far with |
1617s | it well |
1632s | obviously yep so many |
1647s | stuff |
1650s | do you have the Stella Shadows uh sound |
1655s | somewhere there hundreds of s here so |
1657s | Stellar Shadows that's the very first |
1659s | track that was ever um first login track |
1662s | right first login track yeah |
1665s | yeah that's it's called something |
1668s | something R and so this has all the |
1670s | presets that you still used back then |
1672s | well I I actually had this Dogma rule I |
1676s | would never use presets oh I always |
1679s | created all the sounds from like from |
1683s | scratch I the first thing I did when I |
1684s | bought the synthesizer I made a a in it |
1688s | sound initialization sound was just like |
1690s | a square wave no saw wave with nothing |
1693s | else |
1694s | so handmade handcrafted with |
1698s | love wait so you would just have to |
1700s | reprogram that every time |
1703s | yeah and I I mean I spent days just |
1707s | making sounds like no music just ah this |
1711s | is a nice patch safe go home you |
1714s | know |
1716s | wow that's how he made music I I'm I'm |
1719s | I'm lazy man |
1725s | yeah and then we have this one I think |
1728s | this is the Stella Shad |
1730s | one yeah there we |
1736s | go |
1763s | awesome thank you so much thank you that |
1765s | was really fun to |
1766s | hear |
1776s | um so I'm going to switch it up a little |
1778s | bit right |
1779s | now and we're going to play a little |
1781s | game of uh name |
1786s | that can't look at the screen |
1789s | now so I'm going to play a few |
1792s | sounds from like a long time ago I I I |
1795s | went pillaging through our old uh |
1798s | wise projects and and found some old |
1800s | sounds that I I think might be iconic |
1803s | and I want to see if if any of you |
1805s | recognize them and if they don't then |
1807s | we'll open it |
1808s | up here's the first |
1815s | one I definitely know what this is you |
1817s | do I definitely |
1820s | don't this was when you deleted a |
1822s | character no what unless it also was |
1827s | there pretty |
1829s | sure I'll trust you more than me on that |
1833s | one I found it under the name capsule |
1835s | destroy so |
1837s | I and I I I found a bunch of uh um |
1842s | entries on the |
1843s | Forum uh where everyone is asking for |
1846s | crunchy sound back so I thought it was I |
1849s | thought it was this one I don't know |
1851s | maybe you guys do you recognize this |
1852s | anyone it's pod kill pod kill that's it |
1856s | but you also use it for huh no no I I'm |
1859s | probably mistaken one for the audience |
1863s | yes what about this |
1868s | one yeah uh it's one of the hangers the |
1873s | Amar hanger if I remember |
1875s | correctly yeah they had some uh you are |
1877s | correct when I joined they had some um |
1881s | like a |
1882s | Catholic kind of thing Gregorian chance |
1885s | Gregorian chance and was ready yeah it |
1888s | was an |
1889s | Amar but was it like this I think I have |
1893s | heard this before was like it was found |
1896s | yeah when when was this like when is |
1898s | this 2009 is what I |
1901s | found and yeah I could tell it yeah this |
1904s | is old from 2003 release oh it goes that |
1907s | far back |
1908s | okay uh let's do one |
1912s | more let's see |
1916s | here |
1923s | PTSD for |
1924s | anyone should we do it over and over |
1927s | so we can do it many times for you you |
1930s | know you like it so explain what what is |
1933s | this uh this is the famous |
1937s | gong |
1939s | what how many in in this audience |
1941s | actually remember this sound and |
1943s | remember this there's only there's only |
1946s | one there's only one one two |
1950s | three cocky remembers cocki uh came into |
1954s | my office and he was really bter |
1959s | um um sort of uh there's a |
1964s | sound uh people don't seem to |
1970s | like and I totally agreed with him but |
1973s | the thing is though then though that the |
1975s | uh the graphics that went with it I mean |
1977s | I I just thought the uh the sound was a |
1981s | good fit for the |
1984s | graphic uh but it just to show that |
1989s | how difficult it is to you can't escape |
1993s | the the sound you just always hear it |
1995s | you can't close your eyes so it's so |
1997s | difficult to uh you know uh ignore you |
2000s | know you can ignore the graphics a |
2003s | little bit it's just a tiny dot on the |
2005s | screen or but uh is different with with |
2008s | the uh the with the sound so yeah it's a |
2012s | it's a terrible sound to hear like um 10 |
2015s | times in 10 seconds yeah so for those |
2018s | who don't know this is kind of like the |
2019s | Red Dot debacle but for audio and this |
2023s | used to play every time that you would |
2025s | uh |
2026s | kill uh a ship but sometimes you would |
2028s | kill a lot so it just go like ding ding |
2030s | you had like rats lined up and you |
2033s | killed like 10 in 10 seconds it's a lot |
2037s | to take in so thanks for that's a Kong |
2040s | that's a Kong yeah thanks for playing |
2042s | name that |
2043s | sound um we're goingon to we're going to |
2046s | end the we're going to end the the talk |
2048s | show before the musical number with with |
2051s | a smarty pants kind of question we're |
2053s | gonna go |
2054s | deep um so Brian Eno which uh he's a |
2060s | seminal ambient and electronic composer |
2063s | um he wrote in the liner notes of his |
2064s | album ambient one music for airports |
2067s | that's the name the album um he wrote |
2069s | that he composed his ambient music to uh |
2072s | accommodate quote accommodate many |
2074s | levels of listening attention without |
2077s | enforcing one in particular it must be |
2080s | as ignorable as it is interesting end |
2083s | quote um do you feel like this is an |
2086s | ethos that pervades the sound design and |
2089s | music of Eve and if so |
2093s | how in the beginning especially for me I |
2096s | would say that that I intentionally try |
2099s | to make music uh that nobody would |
2103s | notice so like I would avoid using |
2106s | frequencies that are close to what is |
2108s | called the the human voice range because |
2112s | it would it would grab your attention if |
2114s | you think there something is a voice |
2116s | like a human voice or like a child's |
2119s | cry people would gravitate towards it |
2122s | like what's happening but if you like if |
2125s | even just EQ the the frequencies just |
2128s | out of your sounds yeah wow so my my my |
2132s | goal was just to to |
2135s | support uh the experience right because |
2140s | it was like in my mind at least it was |
2142s | like this |
2144s | very at the beginning at least a dark uh |
2148s | lonely place not a lot of people and uh |
2153s | so I wanted to emphasize that with the |
2156s | with the music without like drawing the |
2160s | players attention to like I'm listening |
2162s | to music yeah so you you did you did try |
2166s | and make it as absolutely absolutely as |
2168s | it is interesting and yeah and I think |
2170s | uh I agree uh I don't think uh in the |
2175s | same way maybe Adon describes but I |
2177s | definitely uh act in the same way uh we |
2182s | and then Christian I believe was well |
2184s | we're not trying to well we we're we're |
2186s | trying not to draw attention to the |
2189s | music so what methods do you use like he |
2192s | he's he's um trying to stay away from |
2194s | those human uh frequencies are there |
2197s | methods that you use to try and achieve |
2200s | this uh yeah yeah it's very much up the |
2203s | same kind of uh the same thoughts in a |
2206s | way to try and and stay in the |
2208s | background and and support what's |
2211s | happening um and then |
2215s | uh I'm doing it a lot of time for for |
2218s | Eve by kind of vacuum cleaning out a lot |
2221s | of the musical structures that will take |
2223s | your |
2224s | attention so try and uh not have too |
2228s | obvious beats always unless you want |
2230s | some kind of forward movement feeling |
2233s | but for me I was also trying to uh I was |
2237s | very interested in sort of the Infinite |
2239s | Space MH the setting of the game and try |
2243s | and give that some voice in the in the |
2248s | uh in the game so I think this is a good |
2251s | time to point out that the the musical |
2253s | styles of both of you are are ambient |
2256s | technically but quite different yeah |
2259s | yeah um which kind of yeah how would you |
2261s | explain your style uh naive pop naive |
2266s | pop compared to the the musical Geniuses |
2271s | yes and then and then so now it's |
2274s | expanding so we have naive pop that's |
2276s | your I'm not saying that that's your |
2278s | quote and then so where is Eve going to |
2281s | now |
2283s | musically we've been talking about hip |
2285s | hop a lot oh yeah yeah I always wanted |
2288s | to |
2289s | rap I always wanted to rap yeah it's |
2292s | because B wants to rap and he also wants |
2294s | to play bass as well yeah I want to play |
2295s | bass and say yeah so uh you heard it |
2298s | here first next track next next login |
2302s | track is going to be hip-hop don't worry |
2303s | about |
2304s | it well we want to make it more and more |
2307s | interactive for sure so uh yeah that's |
2310s | that's one one thing that that we're |
2312s | working on trying to get it to react |
2314s | more and more to gaml yeah and help uh |
2317s | the player feel uh what's out there |
2320s | what's what's what out there in the |
2322s | darkness grab him even more you know so |
2325s | you want to attract more to the game |
2327s | yeah you know I mean we want don't want |
2329s | to uh attract you know too much |
2332s | attention to the music but we want to |
2334s | use the music to help um make the game a |
2337s | better game you know right so that's |
2341s | just the the goal um I |
2344s | think that's all we have time for do you |
2347s | have something else you like yeah I just |
2348s | wanted to add on top of that like that |
2351s | wasn't the possibility back in 20 2000 |
2354s | you know we we just had pre-recorded |
2356s | tracks right but so much fun things can |
2359s | be done now well and there's definitely |
2361s | preference for this I mean a lot of our |
2363s | old players really really like your |
2365s | tracks and they want to continue to |
2366s | listen to those on top of Eve and and a |
2370s | lot of players also use just what's |
2372s | there which would be your tracks and |
2375s | yours as well um I just want to thank |
2378s | you so much CCP realx for coming here it |
2381s | was really really awesome I'm I'm more |
2384s | than I'm incredibly honored to continue |
2386s | working on what you started and uh let's |
2390s | give it up for |
2395s | him |
2405s | and uh now we'll uh have the musical act |
2408s | the musical portion of this which will |
2410s | be done by well us |
2413s | so |
2425s | enjoy |
2485s | for |
2515s | for |
2545s | St |
2575s | we |
2605s | la |
2635s | oh |
2665s | BL |
2725s | what |
2755s | Ro |
2778s | thank you for |
2785s | coming |