over 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s ladies and gentlemen welcome my name is
6s brett thomas thomas you're here watching
9s of soundmind verse ride my turtle of
12s sound mind i brought navy armageddon
14s start a absolution guardian navy augra
17s heretic heritage heritage vengeance
19s vengeance i am here with alec alec why
21s don't you introduce me to what right my
23s turtle have brought
24s alexa card here and ride my turtle have
27s brought a bar cast double nighthawks
29s semi triple osprey navy jackdaw a double
32s sky breaker this looks to be a missile
34s kite comp and i think of sam mai might
36s be in some serious trouble
38s i can confirm that this is the flagship
41s bargas here he did dodge that brand
43s brandon that's why it is brought we are
45s seeing the match start now and each of
47s these teams just uh fly straight upwards
50s or to the side we're seeing off sound
51s might rush straight in they know they
53s have to get right on top of it and we're
55s seeing a lot of stuff go down now the
57s heretic go down we've seen damage being
59s applied to organ avian absolution
62s yeah the teams kind of came at a right
63s angle of each other which would favor
65s the close range team but uh ride my
68s turtle just has such speed they're
70s really able to control where this fight
72s happens and they're doing the absolute
73s right thing working smallest to largest
76s taking away of sound minds support wing
78s all their potential tackle all of their
80s links
82s and once they isolate these heavier
84s ships the command ships and the
86s armageddon armageddon it does deal em
88s damage should be fantastic against
90s caldari ships
92s but as far as a faction battleship with
95s all the amount of points that you have
96s to invest in that it actually costs one
98s point more than cable uda's flagship bar
100s guest it's not going to give them as
102s much value as they're hoping for if
104s there's nothing to tackle for it so i
107s think we're definitely seeing an
108s advantage being snowballed here by ride
110s my turtle
112s especially now that they're keeping the
113s sky breaker alive of sound mind having a
115s lot of difficulty getting anything in
117s return although this nighthawk is taking
119s some heavy damage
120s yeah that sky breaker very much to be
123s noticed is stuck deep in the back line
125s it went fully fully deep trying to
127s tackle something down we are seeing
129s bubble 12 in the nighthawk drop really
131s really low they started in the
132s absolution finally pushed forward far
134s enough that they can apply damage much
136s he's saying the scimitar is having to
138s decide does he want to keep that
139s skybreaker up or does he want to keep
140s the nightmare nighthawk up and it looks
142s like he's cheating neither because the
144s nighthawk is going down after the
145s skybreaker has gone down as well
147s yeah a bit of split reps there it seems
149s like the nighthawk is now beginning to
150s stabilize a little bit although he is oh
152s and i say that he's bleeding armor
154s pretty badly now
155s and of sound mind has stopped the
158s bleeding they have not taken any damage
160s their guardian now is being turned on
162s you can see all of rhymemy turtles
164s starting to rush forward under the
166s guardian that one they're not quite
168s tackling it yet
169s yeah but the barca has got dual heavy
171s newts onto that nighthawk it's a flag
174s box so it's probably both very very
176s expensive newts and it's just gonna
178s dominate the capacity of that guardian
181s it's already down into half armor and
183s this nighthawk still hasn't gone down it
185s took taken so much damage but the
187s scimitars pulled in a little bit got
189s into optimal and just heated everything
192s in its eyes to just keep that nighthawk
195s alive um and the guardian's just gone
198s down the barges managed to get on top
200s and just vomit all the dps on it
202s especially with the navy ospreys
205s yeah and it looked like it got tackled
206s there toward the end there were some
207s wrap drones thrown out by of sam mine
209s but while it was already in structure
211s not nearly enough time for those to be
212s effective and i don't know if they had
214s enough to really keep it alive anyway as
216s roger ethel's absolution goes down
219s that's links that's a lot of em damage
222s good against cruisers down that said
224s loki choco chips in the osprey navy's
226s taking some serious damage osprey navy's
229s fantastic damage fantastic speed not
232s fantastic tank especially against laser
235s damage so it is possible that the osprey
237s navies are the weak link of this ride my
240s turtle comp but they have just such a
241s tremendous points advantage at this
243s point as the astarte is about to go down
245s for a sound mind
246s we you may not see it in this but what
248s you can fit on automated navy issues
250s they do have just enough fitting that
251s you can fit a rapid-like cruiser with
254s that ansel and still get enough tank
257s with boosts so that's why you're seeing
259s the osprey drop down at the shield and
261s then just slowly pump up a bit as the
264s simi and the ansel just try and keep it
266s up a little bit more we are seeing the
268s final uh lynx ship four of sound mind in
272s this heritage go down the new touches
274s right on top of hell but as i say this
276s maki in the scimitar has been double
279s webbed and tackled they are now on top
281s of them both the vengeances are there
282s and the armageddon's starting to apply
284s damage but it's just a little bit too
286s late the armageddon's already dropping
288s into armor as the nighthawk hum missiles
292s and the bargas rapid heavy just pump all
294s the damage onto it
295s yeah you can't help but wonder what this
297s match would have been like if of sound
299s mind had made that commitment to the
301s scimitar much earlier when they have
302s more of their tackle and damage alive
304s you can see the ghetto navy is taking
306s significant chunks out of its shield but
309s they're bringing it right back with
310s reptrons as this get navy has no such
313s support it is dropping at a steady clip
316s and there it goes armageddon's finally
318s going down so it's just the two
320s vengeances alive trying to at least get
322s one kill before they go down but as i
324s see that they're hitting low armor now
326s they're just being volleyed through by
327s the rapid-like missiles of these
328s austrian heavies i've never seen
330s vengeances die that fast they're just
332s absolutely getting deleted here as ryde
335s my turtle rides their way to victory
341s oh bye josh
343s thanks for playing congratulations ride
345s my turtle as we send it back to the
347s analyst desk