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over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by krizniq

no it is not, and no professional company would do it on their clients by their clients. But since ccp is not professional i guess its alrright

Testing at scale has many facets and from my experience such mass tests have a lot of value.

I can also assure you, that this is not the only scale testing for this feature. I was for example also running extensive tests with thin clients (our special version of bots) in the last few days. The problem with simulated tests like thin clients is that it is testing exactly, what we command them to do (assuming our commands make sense). A mass test on the other hand is invaluable in testing player behavior at scale. Sure, our instructions during the mass test will affect the player behavior to some extent, so it is not perfect, but it is giving us test results, which are much closer to reality. The mass test will also show me areas, which are interesting to test further with thin clients - and the other way around.