over 2 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

Hello everyone,

We have updated Singularity today to include the new default overview for your testing and feedback purposes. We are in the process of writing an extensive blog on the full changes for default overview settings which we hope to be able to share with you soon where we will cover the following:

  • Transition on your clients from the old one to the new one and how that is going to work
  • Default overview tabs
  • Default columns
  • Overview Tab Presets
  • Default presets for default tabs
  • Appearance
  • Brackets
  • Default columns

In the meantime, here is the full list of the Tab Presets and we would very much appreciate you taking a look at these and letting us know what you think about them.

It’s worth stating that the release of the new Default Overview will not automatically change any of your current settings on existing accounts.

Please also use this thread to give us your thoughts on the changes found on Singularity.


Preset Name Types States Note
' General ' All NPC ships, all player ships, containers, hacking containers, wrecks, deployables. All Similar to the General preset we have today
' Target Capsuleer: All ' All player ships, drones, bombs and probes Neutral and hostile All targets you can shoot at including drones. No friendly. Useful for solo / small fleets.
' Mining ' All asteroids and asteroid belts Neutral and hostile Similar to the Mining preset we have today but showing also the asteroid belts.
' All ' All Neutral and hostile Similar to the Mining preset we have today but showing also the asteroid belts.
✜ General: Clean - No Wrecks, Collidables Same as ' General ' but with no wrecks and no LCO/LCS All Enables focusing on killing the NPC without the wrecks and collidables cluttering the overview
✜ General: Factional Warfare Subset of ' General ' - less entities, celestials, deployables Neutral and hostile Focused on FW activities
✜ General: Incursion Subset of ' General ' - less entities, celestials, deployables Not in fleet, not neutral Focused on running Incursions
✜ General: NPSI Fleet More PVP focused than ' General ' - ships, stations and gates/td> Not in fleet Handy preset for joining "Not Purple - Shoot It" fleets.
✜ General: War Targets More PVP focused than ' General ' - ships, stations and gates At war only Useful in hisec only. It shows war targets but no neutrals.
✥ Target Capsuleer: All - No Drones Same as ' Target Capsuleer: All ' but with no drones and fighters Neutral and hostile Suited for larger-scale combat where there might be hundreds of drones on the field cluttering the overview
✥ Target Capsuleer: Battlecruisers Battlecruisers and Command Ships Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Battleships Battleships, Black Ops, Marauders Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Capitals All Capitals and Supercapitals Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Capsules Capsules Neutral and hostile Displays Capsules only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Carriers Carriers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Command Destroyers Command Destroyers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Command Ships / T3 Command Ships, Strategic Cruisers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Cruisers Cruisers, Recons, HAC, HIC, Logistic Cruisers, Strategic Cruisers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Dreadnoughts Dreadnoughts Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Drones Drones and Fighters Neutral and hostile Displays Drones and Fighters only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Fighters Fighters Neutral and hostile Displays Fighters only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Flag Cruisers Flag Cruisers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Force Auxiliaries FAX Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Frigates / Destroyers Shuttles, Corvettes, all Frigate-size hulls, all Destroyer-size hulls Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Interdictors Interdictors and HIC Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Logistics Logistic Frigates, Logistic Cruisers, FAX Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Recons Combat Recons and Force Recons Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Stealth Bombers Stealth Bombers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Supercapitals Supercarriers and Titans Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Supercarriers Supercarriers Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
✥ Target Capsuleer: Titans Titans Neutral and hostile Displays specific group of ships only
➲ WarpTo: Dock Stations, Citadels, Refineries, Engineering Complexes All Enables warping quickly to a station or structure to dock (ignores docking restrictions)
➲ WarpTo: Jump Stargates, Jump Gates, Wormholes, Acceleration Gates, Conduits All Displays only the objects to warp to that can be used to jump to another system or to a site pocket
➲ WarpTo: Point of Interest Global beacons (landmarks, sov structures, cynos etc.) All Useful for exploring New Eden by finding interesting objects that might be hidden otherwise.
✪ Friendly: Fleet all ships In fleet Displays all ships in your fleet only