almost 6 years ago - CCP_Antiquarian - Direct link

You already have the client (we’ve been packaging the 64bit folder for a while now), but it will only be made active through the launcher during the window for this test.

At present, that window opens on Monday the 6th.

almost 6 years ago - CCP_Antiquarian - Direct link

I’ve spoken to a few people about having an MT scheduled to include players in the UTC-4 to UTC-8 range to make it more convenient for most residents of the Americas.

There are no plans at present, but I have hopes for the future. Plus staying at work til 1AM means I might get food out of the deal. We’ll keep you all posted.

almost 6 years ago - CCP_Habakuk - Direct link

Unfortunately there will be no fresh mirror (as already mentioned in this thread).
This test is also on Singularity and not on Duality.

almost 6 years ago - CCP_Antiquarian - Direct link

We have updated the post above, and added a special page offering instructions to those wishing[1] to experience all the glory of the 64-bit Client.

[1] and by “wishing” we mean log in to Singularity at all, as 64-Bit is mandatory, citizen.

almost 6 years ago - CCP_Habakuk - Direct link

Hi! The 2 million skill points have been added now to 500 characters on Singularity. Thanks for participating!

According to our crash reporting system slightly more than 40 clients crashed during the mass test and nearly all of those crashes are audio related, which are now being investigated further.