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4s hello everyone welcome back to the arena
6s this is temples in blue versus uh the
9s network in red so
11s wingnut can tell about this uh these
13s setups i brought
14s yeah now we're bringing a praxis geddon
17s double damnation curse double vector
19s purify double inquisitor setup which is
21s that's a lot of weird ships in that one
22s and templars bringing their flag bug
24s triple absolution double d can hire a
27s double confessor and crucifier so a lot
29s of lasers and a very expensive burgers
32s yes look like they scrapped the paladins
34s in favor for getting free absolutions
36s instead so let's see how this fares as
38s they're up against the what looks like a
40s control setup
43s yeah
44s the practice is definitely weird i'm
46s curious to see what this obviously
47s practices can be fit with damn near
48s anything looks like it is a rapid heavy
50s pressure yeah rapid heavy and also
53s looks like the damnation's actually got
55s heavy missiles
64s yeah those confessors definitely gave
65s that inquisitor a real hard stop
68s looks like you're starting to hold now
71s yeah we've seeing the
72s inquisitor burning back and that the
74s hyena did go into him but it looks like
75s the heinen turned around so he's pulling
78s back again waiting for a narrow play
81s yep and looks like damage is being
82s spread a little bit we see confessors
84s being shut out we see the bug of last
86s spartan being shot at
88s but at the moment nothing really secure
90s at the moment and the tempest is trying
92s the other inquisitor it looks like he's
93s catching reps again like these
95s encounters are close to each other so
97s it's easy for them to swap over that
99s being said the is taking damage
101s trying to push him away
105s yeah just waiting to see what this team
106s does they've got i've always got a
107s couple of damn nations these are really
109s really thick ships and also got there
110s but i believe there's a full newt gideon
112s who's actually screaming in look at him
114s go
117s yes the confessor of
119s dale
120s has a swarm of drones on him
122s he's not tackled but he isn't muted by
125s the armageddon and might actually get
126s attacked really close this can
129s uh be a loss for them we see a swarm of
130s preparatory i would say going on him
133s yep uh news from the getting and from a
135s curse actually for a while we're on that
136s confess it looks like the armageddon is
137s switching over to a different target now
140s i believe they might be are they gonna
141s go for the bug yep i believe it's ducey
144s newt's on the barge so then maybe
145s they're gonna try and go for that again
146s is actually taking a pretty good
147s pounding at the moment starting to go
148s through those armor
151s yeah so these are beam absolutions so
153s they don't need to be on top of the
154s target to apply damage and looks like
157s they're trying to cut away and just
159s shooting whatever they present
162s to them that confessor is still trying
164s hard to get out there he did have a
165s burst of speed but looks like he got
167s denuded out again
169s yeah at this point he's doing all right
170s certain defensive mode be able to resist
171s pretty well
172s it looks like the vexer of knock is
174s actually at the back of that company's
176s currently being shut out
177s and honestly these damn nations i'm kind
179s of curious what they're going to be
180s trying to do they are very thick and
181s slow ships you see one be currently
183s being held down
186s yeah and looks like the domination of
187s nikolas is trying to push in and see if
189s he can maybe uh get tackled on something
191s but he is screened off by the bargain
194s this is the flagship pack so he can have
195s a shiny uh scram and really utilize the
198s long range scram bonus but confessio is
201s going down they cannot keep it alive
202s this is a huge loss i suppose them to be
204s in their offensive play now
206s yep there's a vexer and a damnation that
208s was enough to make that uh confessor go
210s pop so at the moment it looks like um
213s network actually ahead of templates here
214s at the moment
217s yeah we saw a template struggling in the
218s previous match against
221s a bright side of death but uh yeah i
224s really have to bring out the a game
226s again if they don't want to risk getting
228s knocked out
230s looks like a vexer of erdog has been
232s pretty well held down his team is
234s currently coming to rescue him but
236s there's a bit of time with these
237s episodes and the buggers could put a lot
238s of damage and maybe break him before his
240s support can really save him
243s it looks like he actually got scrapped
244s by the uh bargest
246s so he's struggling to pull back again so
248s if they can get it down they can
249s equalize the points so they can be a
251s huge uh
253s progress for the uh templars team
256s yeah normally a bug has to play a bit
257s more defense a bit more safe because
259s spargus is just so blinged out he can
261s actually sit in front of his team play
263s like a screen
264s bring out his like long-range notes and
266s just be an absolute pain in the rear as
267s the vex it does go down tempo is to kill
269s him
270s two
272s two donations uh going in for that the
273s vargas if they can let scramble him he's
275s going to be in a vulnerable spot they do
276s have scratches they're on top of him
279s oh that is not good i just finished
281s saying he can actually do that be a good
283s screen and he got caught by damn nation
285s one of the thickest fattest ships in eve
288s yeah like
290s dominations are usually not the ships to
293s tackling by but this is like one of
294s these situations where if a good pilot
296s can see a good play they can go in and
298s go for it and it looks like they managed
300s to capitalize on this
302s at this point templar's got to react now
304s like okay what about a flag bargas
306s tackle we have to do something here it
307s looks like actually at the moment he's
308s screaming the damage from back and i
310s believe he's oh he's actually might be
311s after but is he have to benefit
313s no no maybe not ignore me ignore me
315s sorry
317s at the same time the network actually
318s primary and killer in the absolution
321s it might actually be a softer target
323s since it's a battlefield and the yeah
325s maybe not stick to
327s uh but yeah it looks like they're having
329s some really good targets they're locked
330s down
332s actually i think he actually is after
333s benefit yeah indeed he's going about 500
335s and he's scrambled so that isn't after a
337s dual prop barges here
341s that is a very interesting setup there
343s all the mobility that he needs to be
344s able to avoid targets and he actually is
346s pretty much leaving this uh damnation in
348s the dust now
349s yeah he's going into smart bomb these
351s demonstrations of the absolution that's
353s a really good play making good use of
355s that the shiny
357s smart bomb does in the high slot
360s exactly that's going to be really good
362s because the episode won't take too much
362s damage from that either so he can
364s actually remove these drones without
365s really hurting his team so this is
366s honestly quite perfect for him that is a
368s very well played uh bargains right there
371s yes the network is having a purifier
373s something it's not quite probably having
376s a bomber in that team uh
378s but yeah he's doing a really good job
381s staying alive the confessor could make a
382s play for it but he's
384s trying his best to stay behind his teams
386s at that point it actually is getting hit
388s now so if they can remove that they're
390s removing a lot of dps from the networks
394s all team what is the armageddon doing
395s here i'm again i'm seeing a bit of
397s spread in every direction but it looks
398s like he's kind of just sitting in the
399s middle of the range just neuting
400s everything and everyone which is really
402s good control from again but i don't see
403s the control really being focused in any
405s one direction
407s yeah that's dps going
408s all directions on various ships keep in
411s mind that both teams are at four points
413s so whoever takes the next ship is going
415s to be in a lead again and they can yeah
418s confessor goes down so the network is
420s indeed again and there's less than five
422s minutes remaining oh look at the key
425s look at the curse he's been caught
427s yeah of course it's really out of the
429s position
430s the inquisitors are burning in but i
432s don't think they can save the curse
434s they're getting ready for him but if it
436s isn't enough this is just take one the
438s lucky freak stick
439s and curse goes down
441s ouch that is a massive loss of the
443s network now
445s yeah once again the temple's team is
446s showing that they are going to fight to
448s the bitter end and they actually managed
450s to
451s to pull it back
453s yeah at this point they got to kill the
455s network have to kill the absolution
456s absolutely to be able to get get away
459s with the win here because this is going
459s to be definitely going uphill now that
461s there are chips are on target at the
463s moment notice that of course the bargas
465s is still next to his episode he's not
466s even worried about being scrammed
467s because he knows he can just pull out
468s with his a b
470s so this this vargas is actually able to
472s play like right in the front of the
473s enemies if he needs to which is not
474s something you usually see a bug do
476s willingly
478s yeah having the
480s dual prop setup on the bar gives them so
482s much flexibility
484s even if they scram they can just uh
485s punch them
487s afterward and they can be a blank
489s afterburner so they can give a really
490s good
491s boost of speed
493s wait a minute it's like it's just nice i
495s think that bug is actually just kept
496s transferring to the um to the beacon i
499s think it's a cap transfer but looks of
500s it
501s so the bug is also feeding capacitor to
502s his logic that's that's absolutely
504s awesome i love this
509s i'm not entirely sure i think it's just
511s the uh
513s the repair effect but it is still smart
516s bombing these demonstrations yeah so
519s yeah he's taking heavy damage he needs
521s to catch rap really soon
523s he just got saved he was actually a lot
525s lower he's managing to hold on now which
526s is good but again this match is still
528s surprisingly close to all things
530s considered
533s yeah it looks like the tempest is trying
534s for that bomb again it has survived for
536s surprisingly long
537s uh
539s he's getting in really close through
540s everything so he's in the red range of
542s stuff but uh
544s yeah he looks like he's catching reps
545s again and at this point no none of the
548s teams are really taking that much damage
549s they're just trying to probe at each
551s other weaknesses
552s yeah amma bricks first are ma bricks
555s it's very much going to be hard to do
556s damage to each other
558s i just again i just love that the way
559s this bug is being played it is an aggro
561s bug and i'm just loving watching this
563s battle pancake just roaming through the
564s field and it's just past the praxis of
566s all things one of the slowest
568s battleships to be honest
569s this is a wild match so ariana in the
572s absolution is doing a really good play
574s here just setting a little bit
576s away from the brawl making sure to get
578s the best tracking on these small ships
580s this is something that when you have
582s long range guns you can utilize your
584s range to
585s effectively have a better tracking and
587s you need that tracking to apply to these
588s small frigates oh spartan's starting to
591s take some damage again so they try and
592s go for him now he actually is in the
594s middle of this fight and he's being
595s whoops i think he's being scrammed now
597s not that it really matters to an a b
598s ship
599s maybe they try and go for the big
601s expensive kill here they don't have that
602s much damage though so i'm not sure if
604s they can really burst the lights on and
605s then crystal just it just went down
608s this is a logical way so now they can
609s easily kill the other inquisitor and
611s take the victory from here there's only
612s 30 seconds remaining so at this point i
614s don't really think they can break the
616s barges before runs the time runs out
619s yeah
619s it was a hopeful thought
622s once again the tempest is showing that
623s they can really perform well in these
625s kinds of situations they can adapt to
627s really match and uh
629s and take uh
630s make use of every uh place the year
633s to get offered by the uh approaching
635s team
637s exactly yeah the aggro bar playing like
639s very well knowing what the ship can do
641s and using it well like tempers have done
643s very well here congratulations to last
644s spa and the boys
647s the timer is now ended so the match
648s should end at the moment