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about 5 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

Thank you for the reports, keep them coming.

FYI on how to report bots in-game: https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000249125-Reporting-suspected-bot-users


about 5 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

Originally posted by Losobie

We got 38 domi bots banned in the north catch pocket, 2 days layer it looks like they have been replaced as NPC kills are back up to ~15k npcs/24hrs/system.


Banning bots is great, but we need to keep up the pressure to make the activity unprofitable, and I would really like to see more of a crack down on the enablers (someone is inviting those 38 bots to corp and someone is inviting that corp to alliance).

Yeah man, I am in agreement. These guys are by and large repeat offenders; you can expect them to come right back. Approximately ~2000 accounts this year so far... Granted, most of the anti-cheating efforts are manual so far, so there was a bit of a backlog from the holiday season.

about 5 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


It means the report resulted in action being taken, whether that is a temporary or a permanent ban. There's a two-strike system with the intention of allowing players to "go legit" after being caught cheating once. Unfortunately, I think most of the people being caught today are repeat offenders, in which case permanent bans are issued.

Also, CCP bans are sweeping - they are not limited to the offending account, we'll take out everything we can tie to the offending accounts. We use various technical methods here, as well as in-game transactions to tie accounts together. EVERYTHING is logged, kept and analyzed.

about 5 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

Originally posted by Pittsburgh2989

There's a difference between a player paying attention and a bot. That bubble trick that instantly brakes them being pretty obvious.

BTW if you are reported as a bot but you aren't actually cheating it should not be a concern for you.

The reports are cleared if they are found to be inconclusive or otherwise inaccurate.

Furthermore reports count as multipliers for various detection methods, so a report in and of itself is probably not enough to get you on team security's radar, you would need to also be "doing stuff in-game".

For juicy details I recommend this EVE Vegas 2019 talk by Larrikin: https://twitter.com/CCP_Peligro/status/1192450679652200449


about 5 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

Originally posted by CptMuffinator

most of the anti-cheating efforts are manual so far

Unless you guys hire more people or are knowingly slacking, the state of botting will not change when backlog is the reason people aren't being banned.

Hey I hope you had a nice holiday and a happy new year man. Real human beings take vacation.

Of course the goal is to automate as much as we possibly can :)

about 5 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

Originally posted by AntikytheraMachines

ever considered releasing statistics on the best bot reporters? even a leaderboard showing, for example, which alliance reports the most bot vs which alliance harbours the most bots might be fun.

a witch hunt is always fun

i dig that idea gonna borrow it

about 5 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

Originally posted by daveyseed

.... As in 2020? Or like ytd

arent those the same thing? so yes to both, these are 2020 bans

about 5 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

Originally posted by MinerDistraction

Hard to report bots in WH's. Any advice? Can't see them, hard to get there, ect.

Tough one but really good point... will raise this internally and see, because I think if the behavior isn't being reported by players in-game CCP is less likely to find it.

That's not to say you can't be banned for cheating without being reported, it's not the case at all.

Also even if Team Law and Order gets more visibility into WH cheating, this won't really translate into more visibility for you as a player, nor would you be informed of any action taken, if they weren't reported in the first place... Hummm...

I'll mull on this one...