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Transcript (by Youtube)

4s hello i am moderator joined by wingnut
6s cross for an exciting match of
10s pancake versus pancake action we have so
13s many vargas on each team hidden leaf
16s ninja village assassin esports a lot of
18s anime name with three bar guests a rook
21s a bifrost two kierans a jack dot and a
23s pair of purifiers
25s meanwhile laser hawks have brought also
27s triple pancake a double gila stalk
29s double hyena double burst so they've
32s brought twin hyena for their application
33s very interesting
36s yeah speaking of application hyena is
39s well known for their ability to uh web
42s and paint things but uh remains to be
44s seen how well they will survive under
46s what appears to be full rapid heavies um
49s we're seeing immediately a
51s hyena run across the field from uh laser
54s hawks trying to get tackle onto
57s and paints onto the rook of
59s neath and getting webs into hearing
62s trying to assassinate those logistics
63s and already the rook going down into low
66s shields uh getting absolutely demolished
67s but casey cook all but also getting
69s destroyed
71s interesting thing here as well as
72s there's very little anti-tackle on that
74s team so those hyenas were able to charge
76s directly in and look at that they're
78s actually still alive meanwhile the
79s bargains now is being absolutely pounded
80s kieran goes down this is going to be a
82s bloodbath rapid heavy all the way around
85s yeah it's going to be important to see
86s what these two teams can kill before
89s they do have to go into those rapid
90s heavy reloads and i'm really liking the
92s choice of killing a bargast for
94s uh a rook and a kirin uh most of your
97s damage is going to be um in those vargas
100s cores
101s i very much agree here but i think the
102s rook kind of forced their hand there you
104s have to kill the rook otherwise he will
105s break your rapid heavy clips so yeah
107s they've already killed a bug they're
108s pounding the second one i don't think
109s they'll get him in time maybe i've been
111s wrong before
112s but he's getting low shields now the
113s bursts are trying
115s i feel so sorry for those purifiers that
117s uh decided to be in this match i'm
119s they've been pretty much out of range
121s the entire time and i mean we're seeing
122s what rapid heavy missiles will do to
125s those just absolutely deleting those
127s bombers off of the field and we're
128s seeing the dps bar drop as they do go
131s down
132s so they spent a lot of time and effort
133s obviously trying to remove the support
135s wing now that you have what have they
137s gained they've lost the bargains the
138s second bug is an armor once the reload
140s is done those those bugs are gonna die
143s and these last three burgers for um
144s hidden leaf are just gonna rip
146s everything apart i think
147s i i don't know if killing the support
148s was the right way to go
149s yeah we can see that there's not a lot
150s of damage applying across the field
152s that's going to be all these vargas you
154s know reloading their missile
156s simultaneously but as i say that 098 in
159s the bargast is getting hit so getting
161s hit hard and then icarus um who is being
163s scrammed or was being scrammed towards
165s the edge of the arena hiding out to 110
168s kilometers 112 it will be going down
170s shortly but also uh xerox in his burst
173s is being primaried uh by
175s um the bar guests of hidden leaf village
179s getting ready to see the uh barges of oh
181s that's just a bunch of numbers
182s starting to be shot again the burst is
184s getting killed as well quick note as
186s well is that uh hidden leaf brought a
187s lot of rep drones whereas laser hawks
189s brought damage drones and honestly i
191s feel like they're kind of missing those
192s reptrons right about now
194s yeah that's one of the downsides of
196s bringing kilas they're known for having
198s good drone damage application but when
200s your drones are attacking they can't be
202s defending um simultaneously and we'll
205s see if the call to be putting these
207s drones onto zoorak and those rapid
210s heavies was worth it um you do get some
213s value but it's still only a tech one
215s logistics meanwhile uh both andor and
217s 098 are down into low armor now into
221s structure and i'm wanting to see who's
224s going to get taken out first um i'm
227s gonna probably prefer
231s i'm gonna probably prefer two bargains
232s to
233s bifrost to those kilas um
237s would you tend to agree there
239s oh of course absolutely there's like
240s once that last burger says down well as
242s gills you provide dps the problem is
244s these these bugs can always hit those
246s gears and there's no lodging oh burst
247s and the bug is down at the same time
250s yeah and there are exactly zero uh
251s repair drones on and or kita in
254s that laser hawks bar guest uh however
258s um you know he's being uh held down by
261s another bar guest and
264s ultron is getting that tackle on to
266s andor baltrum now being the primary we
268s see drones uh running across the field
271s getting on top of him that was will be
273s the um medium drones from that gila and
276s or now dropping into low armor as
278s baltrum appears to be wrapping up just a
280s little bit yeah meanwhile uh hiddley
283s still have that jackdaw who if they
285s decide to could start removing these
286s kilojones i mean it's usually not worth
288s it there are so many of them but at the
290s moment he's picking up the last hyena i
291s honestly don't know if that's worth the
293s effort you're you've got gears versus
295s bargais the hilly hyenas aren't really
297s doing anything anymore
299s yeah we can now see that these two
301s vargas um remaining are just dumping
304s their clips into the gila the gila not
306s having any lodging not having any repair
308s drones um heels do have a built-in
310s resist bonus but you don't survive uh
312s the incoming damage of a jacked on two
313s bar gas
315s yeah like they can get up like 60k plus
317s hp but it doesn't matter you've got
319s rapid heavy clips coming at you that you
320s might you can have battleship eh all you
322s want it doesn't make a difference
324s and these bars just having a they're
325s having fun times now this is the best
327s moment here
329s yeah so um these bargas are definitely
331s enjoying themselves as you were saying
333s um i can't help but feel like this match
335s was kind of won uh with the target
338s calling that hidden leaf chose to go
340s with at the beginning of the match uh
342s choosing to kill a bargast whereas laser
344s hawks chose to go after uh utility and
347s we saw that um hidden leaf was just able
350s to out trade
351s exactly like that rook i think was
352s honestly a really great play because it
354s forced them to kill the rook first or
356s risk losing rapid heavy clips so that
358s was a really great play to buy them a
359s little bit of time to obliterate our
361s bargains right at the very start so i
363s honestly feel like that rook is going to
364s be absolutely mvp of this match and he
366s died gloriously
368s yeah that look we did see jams
370s immediately go on to the vargas core and
372s um you know with the changes to ecm
375s they're able to target the rook and
377s shoot that rook but you are forced into
379s that and it'll be very interesting to
381s see um after the match here if we can
384s look at that kill mail and see if it was
385s called bari jammers forcing the bargas
388s to shoot it um meanwhile hidden leaf
390s just cleaning up these uh last pair of
393s hyenas that are kiting around uh going
396s three and a half thousand kilometers uh
398s hein is known for their mobility but
401s not tank as given a terry is being
403s destroyed
404s yeah i'm not a big fan of the double
406s hyena setup but oh well it worked
409s the last one's now right at the edge of
410s the border i think he's either playing
411s for time or he's about to mjd out it's
413s always hard to tell
415s so one other critical
417s um
419s thing that the hidden leaf village did
421s is that we saw that they brought two
423s kierans which are the tech two logistics
426s and laser hawks brought the uh two
428s births but we're out of time as uh one
430s of the ships chooses to boundary violate
432s i'm sure the desk will talk about that
436s thank you for watching this first match
437s we'll send it back to the studio