about 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

PatchNotes_19011920×1080 392 KB
Hello there,

The first monthly update (Version 19.01) is live today, and with it, we enter the new EVE Online Quadrant: Reign. Please use this thread for reporting any issues found in this version.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

about 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link


User Interface:

  • The context menu option to “Save Location” is missing in several places, like for stations and for wormholes.
  • The ‘Current Station’ section of the Home Station page of the Character Sheet will fail to show Structures within Wormhole space.
  • In some cases, the Home Station page of the Character Sheet will not update to show the School Station as Home when their previous Home has become inaccessible. Relogging the client will cause the page to update.
  • IntMax shown for distance in fleet finder if no direct gate to gate route can be found.
  • New Fleet Finder in the Agency does not load if language is set to Russian, Korean, and Japanese.
  • The next Stargate on a Route in the Info Panel may not always be selected.
  • Guardians Gala season data challenge contains a typo.
  • Fleetup: “Public fleet” scope is incorrectly placed.
  • Redeeming an automatically opened crate to your Home Station remotely causes a broken window and popup to appear.
about 4 years ago - CCP_Habakuk - Direct link

The fix has been made in code and has been tested. We are still working on moving the fix into the right branch and creating a client build for it. If everything goes fine, then we’ll aim for a client patch later today.

As it was mentioned: Yes, the bug was reported form Singularity (thanks very much for this!) and we filed an internal defect back then based on the bug reports, but unfortunately we did not give the defect the attention, which it should have received - which is totally on us. :frowning:

about 4 years ago - CCP_karkur - Direct link

Looks like a part of a bug in the Fleetup. We are working on a fix :slightly_smiling_face:
Edit: and I believe it´s not fixed if you relog :slightly_smiling_face:

about 4 years ago - ISD_Bahamut - Direct link

Removed a couple of off-topic posts.

ISD Bahamut

about 4 years ago - CCP_karkur - Direct link

If you could file a bugreport on it, it would help us greatly to track it down :slight_smile:

about 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link


Thanks a lot for bringing this up!

We have many gamers trying EVE Online every day, and some of them are not making it past the character creation process. As we are working on improving the early journey and reducing the information overload, we have been reviewing the number of choices new players face when creating their first character.

While Ancestry is a relevant choice that introduces more depth to the lore of a character (to make it abundantly clear, we are not removing the concept of ancestry from EVE Online), it is not a decision that has immediate gameplay consequences and has often been indicated to be among the ones misleading new players to thinking that this will make a difference in their experience.

Each test we conduct gives us more data and information that we can use to increase the number of new Capsuleers successfully starting their adventure in New Eden. We need to get players in so they can have a chance to experience the wonders of EVE Online, at which point, choices like this will mean much more to them. This is but one part of the journey to set a stage for a third thriving decade for EVE Online!


We have seen reports about some players still having the modified character creator with Bloodlines removed that was tested last year. This is not intended, and we will be correcting that in one of the upcoming releases.

about 4 years ago - CCP_Nocturne - Direct link

This issue was addressed with today’s patch and should not be happening anymore, if it is please send a bug report so we can take a closer look.

about 4 years ago - CCP_Nocturne - Direct link

While we deployed a fix for this yesterday, it seems this is still occuring for some users. The information we really need to get to the bottom of this is: Are players using autopilot or are the gates in route being manually selected? Are players minimizing, alt-tabbing, or focused on another program during the duration of the jump?

If anyone can reply with some more information on this it’d be greatly appreciated