5 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s after repelling the drift of forces from
7s zazac the death's name has started to
9s Echo throughout new Eden he has seen an
12s opportunity with the new upwell Skyhook
14s technology to seed his influence on
16s planets to introduce a conduit for the
20s nefarious the key things that our team
22s is trying to achieve with this expansion
24s is increase conflict drivers in nulc add
27s more value to nulc and further the
29s deathless storyline the mercenary Dem
32s this is a new structure that latches
34s onto Sky hooks around temperate planets
36s utilizing the workforce of the planet
38s and generating a new resource that the
40s deathless has his sights on in return
43s for aiding his efforts caps can be
45s rewarded with new clandestine Ambush
48s Hunter ships featuring powerful boarding
51s weapons this boarding weapon will wreak
53s havoc on internals of ships affecting
56s Shields armor and hole on 999 that is
59s the nth of September and 9 years since
62s The Drifters first appeared they
64s launched a surprise attack on zarak
66s specifically laying Siege on the systems
69s surrounding it in response the fulcrum
72s not the deathless himself locked down
74s the gates with an emanation lock this
76s was less of a direct denial of uh access
81s because The Drifters use wormholes and
83s more of a secondary consequence of
85s locking down sarac the siege failed
89s Pilots came out in huge numbers and
92s destroyed The Siege engines and The
93s Drifter officers again and again and
95s again meaning that The Drifters had been
97s locked out of zarak at least for now now
100s that the shrouded structure has been
101s partially revealed the deathless have
103s set up a research station right next to
105s it and has made a request to all
106s citizens of new Eden to bring him out of
108s them ancient Tech that can be found in
110s Relic sites in exchange he'll be giving
113s isk and other goodies the new structure
116s is rumored to have been the trf's target
118s since the failed Siege and the partial
120s reveal the deathless have been intensely
123s trying to reveal its Secrets along with
125s the help of Adam and the fulcrum itself
127s realizing that he can't do this alone
129s and wanting to spread his philosophy the
130s deathless has released a mercenary Den
132s structure to help those wishing to
134s escape upwell in the Empire's corruption
136s and bureaucracies mercenary dens are a
138s new addition to nulc a structure that
141s acts as an add-on to the Skyhook this
144s structure can be deployed by anyone with
146s the skills to do so this means you don't
148s need to be the owner of the sky hope or
151s the system to deploy one they work by
154s latching onto the side of Sky Hooks and
156s utilizing the workforce of the planet to
158s generate infom morphs these infomorph
161s are needed by the deathless and could be
163s traded at item Traders for new deathless
165s ships weapons and ammo with the
168s introduction of the mercenary dens
169s Capers have a new mechanic to condem
171s with Anarchy and
174s development development serves to
176s increase the output of the den the
179s higher the development is the more infos
181s are generated to be collected by the
184s owner Anarchy however has a negative
186s trait as it increases the mercenary Den
189s will start to have an effect on the
191s workforce that the planet can produce
194s without any interaction with the
195s mercenary Den both Anarchy and
197s development will continue to rise over
199s time if you don't want the mercenary Den
201s to impact your Workforce you'll need to
204s complete tactical operations for the
206s mercenary Den to bring the Anarchy in
208s line each Tactical operation you
210s complete will serve to decrease the
212s amount of Anarchy in the mercenary Dem
215s additionally completing TCT Co
217s operations will also increase the amount
219s of development in the mercenary de
222s further increasing infomorph production
224s the way I see it there are three paths
226s for using the mercenary Den first a
229s system owner can deploy the mercenary
231s Den to generate infs creating content
234s for themselves keeping the Anarchy down
237s to avoid any impact on the system's
239s Workforce output
241s second a Raider can deploy a mercenary
243s Den on an unsuspecting a Skyhook
246s complete the Tactical operations to keep
248s the Anarchy down in an attempt to avoid
250s detection and generate
252s infal third an attacker can deploy
255s mercenary dens on an enemy Skyhook allow
258s the Anarchy within the Skyhook to rise
260s and disrupt the workforce output of the
262s system creating a new way to engage
265s enemy sovereignty in all three cases
268s we're creating content and conflict
270s drivers for the players in nsec both the
272s residents and Invaders the mercenary
275s dance will produce infomorph which the
277s player can then retrieve trade in those
279s infomorph at zarak for ship weapons and
281s blueprints for the Revenant expansion
283s we're introducing deathless faction
285s ships the tholos destroyer and the senat
287s battle cruiser they can sneak up on
289s their prey using a covert Ops cloak
291s before releasing their signature weapon
293s specialized boarding pods which they can
295s launch towards a Target which penetrate
297s the enemy ship and begin to deal damage
299s to it from the inside deathless faction
302s ships have a terrifying brawling kit
304s they have a special damage overtime
306s weapon a cover Ops cloak and a web
309s resistance bonus that allows them to get
310s in close and deal a massive amount of
312s damage from in close range the deathless
314s breacher pods do not stack if multiple
316s are applied to a Target only the highest
318s deals damage deathless breacher pods are
321s not affected by the resistances of their
323s Target because they're dealing damage
325s from the inside of the ship the damage
326s is dealt from the outside in however uh
329s first damaging Shields then armor and
331s then hoe the death ships have been
333s balanced to have incredibly High
335s strengths with very clear weaknesses
338s they have a lot of damage but they
339s operate best when in close range due to
341s the lack of range bonuses on the ship if
343s you get a chance to shoot at these pull
345s range and try to shoot them from a
346s distance because that's probably where
348s they'll be weaker the death ships have
350s an incredibly high damage potential
352s possibly higher than most other ships of
355s their size mixed weapon types make these
357s however more difficult to operate at
359s maximum effici efficiency requiring more
361s player skill to use well they also have
363s a web resistance bonus which gives it
365s more tactical flexibility in Brawl range
367s while it's slower than Angel ships by
369s base speed under web it can actually be
371s faster due to this bonus death ships
374s have a lot of mids slots and few low
376s slots this gives them a lot of tactical
378s flexibility and space for shield modules
381s while also limiting just how much damage
382s they can deal at the top end active
384s shielding bonuses reinforce its identity
386s as a shield tanking ship while also
389s reinforcing its role is more of a solo
390s small gang ship passive bonuses tend to
393s scale best with larger fleets whereas
395s active bonuses tend to scale best in
397s Solo and small gain content the damage
399s overtime breacher pod weapon doesn't
401s stack so they're less effective on mass
403s but they're still valuable in fleets to
405s apply their damage to many targets if
408s they can get in range and cause chaos
410s for the enemy logistic ships thing I
413s think will surprise players the most is
415s the lingering damage overtime effect the
417s damage overtime effect will catch people
419s off guard even when they think they've
420s won a fight the deathless ship might
422s still take them down from beyond the
423s grave as the effect keeps on ticking
426s whether or not that ship is present I
428s think what people will enjoy the most
429s with death ships is that they will make
431s for terrifying ambushes particularly due
434s to their covert OBS cloaks death ships
436s will be popular in wormholes due to
437s their strength at closer engagement
439s ranges they'll also probably be brought
441s along with Black Ops fleets because they
443s can join in due to their cover Ops cloak
445s bonus they may be seen with large fleets
447s particularly to put pressure on
449s Logistics by making multiple targets
450s need tending as a pirate faction they
453s will not be allowed in faction Warfare
454s Navy complexes however I expect they'll
456s make a terrifyingly strong showing in
458s advanced complexes and Insurgency sites
461s we'll be carefully monitoring their
462s performance in both of these after
464s release the new deathless ships were
466s created to host and use the new breacher
468s pod and paired cloning technology as no
471s other ships were capable of using this
473s technology the deathless wants to share
475s it with the rest of new Eden as a sign
476s of good faith for both the mercenary den
479s and the death ships we're creating new
481s opportunities for conflict and
483s engagement for players I think mercenary
486s dens are going to add a new Dynamic to
487s NOC creating opportunities for stealthy
490s disruption gameplay and also generate
493s content in addition to creating tactical
495s operations for isk and rewards also
498s you're going to love the new desler
500s ships short range Ambush Hunters they're
503s going to be deadly on the battlefield
504s and I know that I'm looking forward to
506s trying them out