over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s hello everyone
7s Welcome to The Fan Fest where we
10s celebrate 20 years of Eve online
12s 20 years such a long time for an MMO
16s or for any video game to exist
17s continuously really
20s my name is CCP aporia I'm a principal
22s programmer on the platform Technology
24s Group
25s and I'm here to talk about how we
28s undertake maintenance projects on our
31s code base how we future proof our code
33s base in order to keep the game running
36s for another 10 hundred or a thousand
39s years who knows right e forever
41s and I'm here today with my colleague CCP
44s Queen B
47s thank you yeah hi hello great to see you
50s and I'm so happy to be here actually
52s I've been with CCP more or less since
55s 2007 but I haven't had a chance to
58s attend Fun Fest for various reasons
60s since 2015 so I went thinking back when
63s I realized this it's just crazy so I'm
65s very very excited
67s to be here today and happy for this
69s chance to tell you about what we're
70s doing
71s I'm a software engineer
74s and I've been in various engineering and
77s management roles at CCP over the years
79s and my current role is technical manager
81s which allows me to do both management
84s and programming
86s I absolutely
88s enjoy a lot writing code I also enjoy a
93s lot sometimes even more deleting code
95s and you'll hear more about that later
98s yeah
99s some of you know what I'm talking about
102s this is our goal like ccpuria mentioned
106s like e forever right
109s and towards that end we work on various
111s projects for years and even decades and
115s we maintain operate and actively develop
119s code that can be up to and sometimes
121s even over 20 years old
123s so what sort of implications does that
126s have for the engineers what sort of
129s challenges does it present
132s well one challenge what I like to think
134s of as keeping the kitchen clean
136s and just this is really quite similar to
139s when you're working in the kitchen you
141s know you should you know put things away
143s keep it tidy as you go it's a lot more
144s enjoyable faster and easier to work in a
147s clean kitchen
149s and yet that's not always how it is or I
153s don't know about you guys but my kitchen
155s at least sometimes gets like really
157s messy and why is that well it's just not
161s always practical if you think about it
162s if you were to wash every single like
165s little knife or spoon or whatever and
166s put it away as we were working still
168s things would start to take a long time
170s and sometimes we just have a lot going
173s on we're cooking up you know we have a
175s big dinner party and the guests are
176s coming and things are cooking in five
178s different pots and pans
181s and then the guests have arrived the
182s food is ready we put it out and we close
184s the door on the mess
185s and we have a lovely evening a lot of
188s fun wake up the next morning you have a
190s choice do you spend time tidying up or
193s do you just you know grab a bowl of
194s cereal take it to the living room and
196s close it or on the mess again
198s and you can keep this up for some time
201s you know you can just live on cereal and
204s and maybe toast for a while
206s and now if you were going to and this is
209s not a very realistic scenario but let's
211s say you were going to just move out of
213s the house just abandon it and you didn't
215s care one bit how you left it then you
217s probably wouldn't even bother
219s but if you're going to live in that
221s house and work in that kitchen for years
223s you're gonna have to tackle that mess
225s one day or eventually
228s and working in code that is heavily
232s burdened with technical debt it does
234s sometimes feel like this
235s and what happens is I'm sure some of you
238s are familiar with this and can relate
239s you start to like make clean a tiny
243s little spaces to work in and you try not
245s to touch too much because you know and
246s not make any sudden moves because things
248s might just start to topple over you know
251s as an analogy I just want to say it's
254s not of course entirely accurate and not
256s fair either because it gives the
258s impression that the developers who made
260s the mess you know they were just being
262s lazy or sloppy or whatever
264s and generally this is not the case
267s um usually people are working given a
269s certain set of constraints there's
271s almost always time constraints
274s um there's backwards compatibility to
277s deal with there's the
279s just the technique attack that is
282s available at the time Frameworks that
284s you have to work with
285s you have maybe you know you work based
289s on the knowledge that you have at the
291s time I'm sure those of you who are
293s developers know the feeling when you're
294s done with the project you know exactly
296s how you would do it if you would you
298s know start over so it's all these things
301s generally people are really doing their
303s best and it's very easy to judge when
306s you look at old code but you have to
308s look back with kindness because
309s in my experience what almost and I think
313s all developers really want most of all
314s is just to write beautiful code that's
316s what we're all trying to do
319s um but
321s even if we had nothing but beautiful
323s perfect coat that did everything we
325s wanted
326s we still have another challenge and that
329s is that the world is constantly changing
332s around this and like if you just look
334s back if you think about it 20 years ago
336s the technology at the time and the
338s changes since then it's just it's
341s mind-blowing really and I came across
344s this image and I don't know like how
346s much of it you can see
347s it sort of goes through a little bit the
350s evolution and devices and programming
354s languages here and operating systems
357s all the things this this is just one
360s small piece of it this doesn't even
361s begin to cover uh Cloud systems software
365s as a service infrastructures code all
367s these things
369s and this is uh so we have to keep
373s evolving and adapting and we could
375s probably spend our time doing nothing
377s but that and falling back to the kitchen
380s analogy that would be a little bit like
382s changing the countertops every week and
384s we couldn't be you know cooking anything
385s because the kitchen isn't a constant
387s state of renovation and again we're
389s eating nothing but cereal and toast
391s so
393s um it's a balancing act when do we make
397s do with what we already have and works
399s and when is it time to spend time
403s adapting to new tech possibly even
406s rewriting or replacing entire components
410s and with that I'm going to give it back
413s over to ccporia
415s thank you Queen B
417s so as you can see a lot of things have
418s changed and as Queen B just mentioned
421s adapting to various Technologies or
424s environmental changes to happen in this
425s time there's always a careful Balancing
427s Act
428s and the first step when approaching a
431s new project to adapt to the changing
433s realities is to effectively take a look
436s at the uh
439s history
442s the pointer isn't working
446s can you
447s use the mouse please
464s this is the reason why we have to do
466s maintenance work on technology
469s so that
470s so that these things happen less
472s regularly
474s so
476s while we're waiting for the computer to
478s uh come back to life
482s as we said the first thing
485s that we always do
487s when we have to tackle new updates and
490s changing environments is that we take a
492s look at the history
493s in this specific case unfortunately you
495s can't see the slide
497s but we decided to upgrade our python
499s interpreter version that we're running
502s basically if online since 2009 has been
504s running on a version of Python 2.7
507s a version of stackless Python 2.7
510s and some of you may or may not know but
513s in 2009 it was also already announced
515s the 2.7 would be the last python 2
519s version that the future would be python
521s 3.
522s and
524s that you know in a few years no more
527s support for python 2 will be happening
530s at that point in time actually happened
532s three and a half years ago
534s so we are effectively left with the
537s choice of maintaining python 2 ourselves
541s or to you know move it move our
544s technology into the future and adapt to
545s Python 3 which was a really big change
547s in the ecosystem for some of you that
550s may know it
552s um
553s so to tackle this project we need to
555s look at the history of python usage at
556s CCP
558s it is a very crucial part of our
559s technology stack very early on in
561s development
563s CCP had realized
565s that using python allowed for a very
568s quick development speed
569s it's a very expressive language it's
571s really quick to get things rolling with
574s it some of you may be aware of python
577s and use it in daily life so if you just
579s open a command line or a shell and type
582s in the python command you get an
583s interpreter
584s you type in a small instruction and it
588s just instantly executes right you get
589s really quick feedback that's really
591s great it's a quick iteration cycle and
594s that just means you get to try out ideas
596s faster you develop faster
599s the other part was that python has a
602s very expressive language also allowed
604s non-programmers to contribute to the
607s development efforts
609s yes we are there thank you
615s so it did
617s this low entry barrier
619s enabled game designers to write up a
622s little effect that they needed to have
624s technical artists write up a little
626s animation that they needed and overall
628s you know for a company that's about to
631s roll out a game that's a really great
633s benefit to have because time to Market
636s is Money in the Bank
641s as a consequence for a long time CCP was
643s very very deeply involved in the python
647s ecosystem CCP was a sponsor on many
650s pycon conference instances
653s we contributed a lot to C Python and
656s stackless python
658s and we even employed two of the core
660s maintainers of stackless python for
662s several years at the company
665s last but not least
667s we were the company that ported python
670s to the PlayStation 3.
672s that is quite the impressive technical
674s feat
676s um
676s the PlayStation 3 had 256 megabytes of
679s memory
680s the phone you're holding there that has
682s more than 256 megabytes of memory
684s and the python interpreter itself
686s without loading any code without loading
688s any modules of the standard library is
690s by default 25 megabytes of memory
693s so we had only 200 megabytes roughly to
696s fit in all the textures game assets data
698s files and the actual game logic right so
702s in short we were quite involved we put
705s off quite many magic things with python
707s but you know we need to keep using it
711s because of that and
713s we needed reasons to upgrade because
716s this is a situation we were in right we
718s have all this all these features in the
720s game
721s and a good foundation but there's this
723s tiny really important pillar that's
724s Python 2.7 and that's slowly crumbling
726s away
728s so as I mentioned previously while we're
731s waiting for the computer to come back to
732s life
733s python 2 was officially end of life
735s January 2020.
738s this kind of prompted us to the reality
741s that we have to adapt
744s when we hire new people
747s they usually don't have a lot of
748s experience of python 2. that's okay you
751s know the world is using Python 3 for the
753s most part and you know we're using
755s stackless python as well so that's
756s another complication in the in the book
760s um one thing we then realized as we were
762s developing the native net client
764s recently is that
767s porting
768s python 2 projects two new hardware like
771s the Apple silicon chip
773s is not quite straightforward python 2
776s has no concept of that
778s you know they don't know there's an
779s arm64 that runs Mac OS so we actually
782s had to spend quite some resources to get
785s Eve running on that Hardware as well
787s with python 2.
790s overall the python ecosystem has moved
792s on well this ties a little bit in with
794s new hires not knowing python 2. but this
798s is also a lot of libraries that we are
800s using a lot of packages from the python
802s ecosystem that we are using and that we
803s also have contributed back to well they
805s are slowly leaving python 2 behind or
808s have left python 2 behind this makes
810s certain upgrades for us really difficult
812s because we need to be very careful about
815s the version of the package we can use
817s and if it's let's say a networking
819s package and there's a security issue
821s with it you know that can get quite
823s cumbersome
826s and another thing as well is because
829s Python 3 is a lot more modern on many
832s fronts it allows us to get rid of some
835s of the customizations that we had to do
836s to stackless Python 2.7
838s I mean there are minor things like
840s Unicode support right I mean who wants
842s to play in Korea or Japan or Russia
845s right no this is important and we had to
847s go to very Great Lengths in Python 2.7
849s to actually support us properly in
851s Python 3 that's a lot better and easier
854s another thing is memory allocation
856s routines that doesn't require us to cut
858s deeply into it there's a nice interface
860s for just specifying the functions you
862s use and so we can just you know benefit
864s from some changes in Python 3.
866s that's a great list of of reasons to
868s upgrade
869s and with that we started to come up with
872s something called pre-production where we
874s want to figure out how can we do this
877s update you know we really want to we
878s have good reasons but how can we do it
880s it's such a fundamental piece of our
882s technology basically everything depends
885s on it the graphics engine there's a lot
887s of python on Leaf load audio engine lots
889s of python and refilled Network stack
891s that's all in python as well to some
892s degree you know it's very crucial that
895s we approach this carefully so during
896s pre-production we want to answer a few
899s questions we want to formulate a few
901s questions as well like
903s if we do this upgrade can we simply drop
905s in Python 3 you know go to the
907s python.org website download python3 drop
909s it in the SDK folder compile will that
911s work well no
915s it's not that easy but uh
918s well that was quite obvious to answer
920s but the next one was then can we mix and
921s match python two and three
923s python 2 comes with a future module
926s that allows you to import certain future
928s Behavior you know the python guy is
930s always doing some magic like
931s anti-gravity but in this case future so
933s you can write a certain import statement
935s at the beginning of your python script
936s and that turns the python script into
939s behaving like as if it would be running
940s under Python 3 but almost but very close
943s and can we maybe make benefit of that
948s then
949s last but not least do we know the full
951s extent of the work that is required
954s like there is 20 years of History
957s a lot of time that has passed a lot of
958s code that has been written
961s and you know people that have been
964s working on it have moved on to other
965s projects other companies or other
967s positions
969s and um
971s the version of status python you're
973s using is heavily customized do we know
975s all the customizations
977s 99 of them are probably annotated or 98
980s I ran the numbers once when I was
982s looking into it but uh you know not all
984s of the customizations are annotated
987s so
989s overall it's a very very complex
991s situation and it requires us to do a lot
993s of Investigation of of how we can
995s actually really go through with the work
998s that we have to do
1000s and this investigation sometimes gets
1002s surprising results
1004s on that slide you can see
1007s two main lines the large one the top one
1011s is the the python code lines the lower
1013s two ones are C plus code
1017s um
1018s and you may be able to see it but here
1020s is roughly the time when Python 2.7 was
1022s announced this deprecated
1025s and since then we have basic quadruple
1028s the amount of python code we have in our
1029s code base
1031s good job
1033s makes this job easier right so we we
1036s made some interesting discoveries like
1037s this and that just meant the whole work
1039s just gets a little bit more complex
1043s but because basically everything hinges
1044s on it and we need to do it we need to be
1046s very careful
1048s so with a complex huge problem like this
1051s what do you do the same thing that
1052s Evolution has always done and that
1054s humans also have practiced very
1055s successfully for a few thousand years
1057s when faced with a huge problem divide
1059s and conquer
1061s we came up with three distinct tracks in
1063s which we want to split this work
1065s the first one is the stackless python
1067s interpreter itself like
1070s our 2.7 version is heavily customized
1074s how many of these customizations do we
1076s need to keep
1077s and also how can we make sure that these
1079s customizations that we do have are not
1081s getting in the way of future updates
1083s like they just did with the three with
1085s the version 3 update right now
1088s so we had to come up with a solution for
1090s that the second stage is then you have
1092s just seen the four million lines of
1093s python code that we have how can we get
1096s those translated over
1098s can we just do them wholesale to Python
1101s 3 right away
1102s well
1103s probably but it's not necessarily the
1105s smartest idea because a lot of the game
1107s logic Clips in python in the Python
1109s scripts so any mistake in there
1112s can have disastrous consequences so
1115s maybe there's a way for us to be a bit
1116s more
1118s um conservative and a bit less risky in
1120s that approach
1122s the last one is then migrating our C
1124s plus plus components that we have
1126s two Python 3 and
1128s well that is unfortunately a track where
1131s we had to do everything
1133s but with these three tracks identified
1134s individually we could limit the risk and
1137s the scope of this project as much as we
1139s can
1142s this is good in the sense that it also
1144s allows us to fail early like if we can't
1146s get the stackless python interpreter
1148s up and running properly with our
1150s constraints you know then we may as well
1152s just say okay we cannot update to Python
1154s 3 we need to find other ways of dealing
1156s with python 2 in the future
1157s and discovering these sorts of failures
1159s early in such a project is really
1161s important because the later you discover
1163s these sorts of failures the more
1164s expensive it gets to basically resolve
1167s them or to fix them like if you would
1169s have discovered this like a year later
1171s then
1173s well a lot of money has been spent
1176s but in order to then tackle all these
1179s three tracks that we had set up we
1182s decided to leverage some expertise
1184s now the C plus plus code is obviously
1186s something where the expertise lays
1187s in-house we have written our physics
1189s engine we have written our Graphics
1191s engine we have written our audio engine
1192s and the network stack and various other
1195s components that we have and a lot of
1197s these systems have such Arcane knowledge
1200s encoded in them that you know
1203s bringing other people into it to help us
1205s difficult would be the same amount of
1207s effort as just doing at work ourselves
1210s but on the python front you know Python
1213s 3 has been out for well over a decade
1215s and there's many companies that help
1217s with like doing transitions from python
1219s 2 to python 3. we found really good
1221s partners in a company called reckon
1223s digital
1224s and you know they started helping us out
1227s and we are very very pleased with the
1228s results so far that we have seen the the
1230s guys have been blazing through the
1232s upgrade process that's kind of
1234s impressive
1236s and
1237s the other thing or the last important
1239s thing to keep in mind for such complex
1242s projects is it's really difficult to put
1245s a time scale on it
1246s like you can't just say like oh yeah I'm
1248s just going to put in the Python 3
1249s interpreter get our things to comply
1251s with it and run some scripts on a python
1253s 2 code to convert it and it's going to
1254s take me like six months nah
1257s um there are too many unknowns
1259s for for these things to happen
1262s and
1263s as such we basically decided to set
1266s certain Milestones that we wanted to
1267s reach again the idea being fail early
1270s fail fast
1272s we have our game engine something called
1274s the python interpreter mode where we can
1276s start it up like a python shell that was
1278s for us the first Milestone where we
1280s would know if our integration of Python
1282s 3 would work
1283s so we set that as the first milestone
1286s the other two important Milestones that
1287s we then had
1289s because they are critical to running the
1290s game and getting it in your hands
1292s is getting the server and the client up
1294s and running now we could have switched
1295s them around but we opted for the the way
1297s of first getting the server up and
1299s running simply because it requires less
1301s C plus components
1303s and as we're running two of these three
1305s tracks that are outlined earlier in
1306s parallel where I can digital doing the
1308s python work while we are doing the C
1309s plus plus work
1311s that means you know we kind of can keep
1313s Pace with them
1314s and we get to see results a bit quicker
1319s and all of these complexities and
1322s realities then ended up in a oh that's a
1325s wrong slide sorry and then up in
1328s in a situation like this
1331s um this looks very very busy in the
1333s graphic
1334s but effectively
1335s we have the two tracks right on the top
1337s we have the python track and the bottom
1339s we have the espresso's track
1341s that's actually from a stakeholder
1342s meeting we had a few weeks ago so this
1343s is fairly up to date we will focus on
1346s the project and here you can see that in
1348s order to isolate our risks a bit more we
1351s have certain check-in points the python
1353s code runs in a specific bra the python
1355s two to three transition runs in a in a
1358s certain Branch to begin with once we are
1360s happy with the results there we get that
1362s into the main line of one or one of our
1364s products
1365s this is important because our test
1368s infrastructure may not necessarily cover
1369s all of the intrinsic intrinsic details
1371s that the project has whatever the game
1374s has and this is then a point where we
1376s can figure out more of the critical
1378s Parts well this is where these things
1380s are going on
1381s we happily Chuck along and get our c
1383s plus components ready
1385s and at one point they are kind of ready
1388s right and at that point we can start
1390s getting the python code purely python
1392s free as well
1394s get them integrated
1396s and
1397s end up with like hopefully something we
1399s can release at some point
1401s uh but yeah so these are the
1403s complexities that we sometimes have to
1405s deal with and especially in the case of
1406s this Python 3 project that we have
1408s approached Queen B is now going to tell
1410s you about another project we've recently
1412s been doing
1415s that is right so we had uh some
1419s different challenge
1422s and when I saw this image it really
1424s resonated with me it really felt like it
1426s captured it well it's uh made by a
1430s Belgian visual artist his name is Philip
1432s desert you can find him on Instagram and
1434s he makes these fictional photographs of
1437s mostly architecturally impossible
1438s buildings
1440s and what we had was this
1444s big monolithic monolithic system that
1448s had been growing over the years and it
1450s held pretty much everything except the
1453s server so it had like the payment stuff
1456s the accounts the sign up the city Keys
1459s the body program the you know what all
1462s sorts of things that gathered over the
1465s years
1466s we knew some of the pieces weren't
1467s needed but we didn't really know what
1469s would happen if we took them out
1471s and like apodia mentioned we had you
1475s know people had come and gone there were
1477s some lost knowledge there
1478s and frankly people were a bit scared to
1480s go in there because they didn't know
1482s where they would end up
1484s so we knew we had to get out of that
1485s situation like heading for the future
1488s and at first we thought we would just
1492s abandon that
1494s system you would write a new one it
1496s would be simple and beautiful and do
1498s everything we wanted
1500s and of course that was just an illusion
1502s it was this we were fantasizing about a
1506s Greenfield project and by definition
1508s that is a product where you start from
1509s scratch
1511s you have no Legacy systems no
1514s infrastructures no dependencies quite
1516s obviously not what we had
1519s unfortunately we realized this quickly
1521s we didn't spend a lot of time on it
1523s I wanted to mention it though because
1525s this is so common
1527s um it's so often when you have a
1530s complicated system lost knowledge
1532s technical debt all these things you
1534s think are just be easier to write it
1536s from scratch I've heard many stories
1538s like this I'm sure you've some of you
1540s are familiar with them as well
1542s um it's almost never the answer exactly
1544s because it's complicated you don't know
1546s all the requirements and the system is
1549s still in active development it's going
1550s the requirements are going to change as
1552s you are working
1554s so beware
1557s um Plan B we would start cutting out the
1560s pieces that we knew we didn't need we
1562s would figure out you know what was
1563s needed excuse me uh how we could cut
1567s them out and then at the same time we
1569s would improve and fix the things that we
1572s wanted to take forward towards the
1574s future so we started acting on that and
1577s we did so mainly in two ways on one hand
1581s we went in just deliberately removing
1585s components such as the body program as I
1587s remember that I mentioned which was a
1589s precursor to today's recruitment system
1592s and the recruitment system today is it's
1595s on just separate independent service but
1598s about the program at the time was a part
1601s of this big thing and it had tentacles
1603s into other things so even if it was no
1605s longer in use it was still affecting the
1608s work that we were doing we sometimes had
1610s to you know work around it there were
1612s tests automated tests that were ensuring
1614s that the body program still worked so
1616s when we were making changes elsewhere we
1618s sometimes had to you know fix that so
1621s just we went in with uh components like
1624s this removing them and like just digging
1627s deep going removing any dependencies
1630s then that were Obsolete and so on so
1632s just try to get some of these
1636s complications that were no longer
1638s relevant out of the picture
1641s and we sort of worked on this alongside
1643s other development work for a good
1646s stretch of time at the same time the
1647s other thing that we did was just to be
1650s always very mindful about being good
1652s citizens about when we went in we're
1654s doing development we were fixing
1656s something and adding something
1659s to make sure to leave the code better
1661s than it was when we came in like when
1664s you if you have to go in and you have to
1666s figure out and you have to spend time
1667s figuring out what's happening
1669s try to leave it so that when the next
1672s person come or when you come in six
1674s months that you don't have to go through
1676s that process again
1677s and just as a practical or just a very
1680s simple example of this
1682s in the original implementation of a
1685s payment object we had assumed we would
1688s be storing some credit card information
1690s I think it was the last four digits and
1692s the CVC code
1694s this never happened we never stored this
1696s data
1698s but it was always a part of the payment
1700s these properties were always there and
1702s they were always being you know when you
1703s added something new that that was
1704s payment you were always dealing with
1705s this making sure to copy it along and
1708s when a new programmer came in and they
1709s would be like are we storing credit card
1712s information I didn't know that is this
1714s neat that for backwards compatibility or
1715s why is this there
1716s and it's a small thing
1719s but many small things add up to a lot of
1723s like just mental burden and confusion
1726s um
1727s another just practical example this is
1730s from a recent change
1733s the code on the left was deleted in
1735s favor of that one green line on the
1737s right
1738s and this is also example of yeah isn't
1742s this fun
1743s a code on the left is also a good
1746s example I think of how this technical
1748s depth grows somebody comes in they need
1750s to add some logic and they don't want to
1751s touch the other logic because it
1753s probably needs to be there so I'll just
1754s squeeze my thing in there
1756s so rather than do that
1758s uh the Development question spent some
1761s time making sure you know that this was
1763s safe this could be done and simplified
1765s and then what I had with this change
1768s if you were a developer you might be
1770s thinking I hope you're thinking well
1772s didn't you have tests
1774s why did you have to spend even time you
1776s know validating this
1778s very true and tests are super important
1780s automated tests
1782s um thankfully and this has there's
1783s actually a lot somewhat surprisingly for
1786s such old code it actually most of the
1788s system had pretty decent test coverage
1791s and that often helped us at the same
1793s time tests are of course themselves
1795s human constructs they fall prey to the
1798s same
1799s you know processes of Decay over time
1802s and they they're testing obsolete like
1804s the body system that I mentioned they're
1805s just testing obsolete functionality they
1807s also tend to
1809s be even become more difficult to read
1813s than the code itself so we've also put
1815s some effort into making the tests more
1818s uniform and easier to read so
1821s they're easier to work with
1824s um
1825s there so we worked on like this for a
1829s good stretch of time
1831s um eventually we came to a point where
1833s we were trying to move to a new platform
1834s we were making some new code paths they
1837s were parts of the system that we were
1838s you know planning to leave behind but we
1840s couldn't quite do it yet
1841s and so we it starts to become overly
1844s complicated to sort of
1845s maintain backwards compatibility while
1847s trying to go towards the future so at
1850s that point we came up with a new plan
1854s which was to make
1858s copies of the logic that we wanted to
1860s modify and take forward and so that we
1864s could leave the backwards compatibility
1865s in a separate copy of the same code and
1868s this is like the blue is the um the old
1871s bets where you see blue and purple is
1874s where we made copies and then the first
1875s place then you New pieces this is from
1877s an actual like design document or we
1880s were trying to like wrap our heads
1882s around what we were what we had on our
1883s hands we this decision was taken after
1886s careful deliberation it would have been
1888s a terrible idea to do this in the
1890s beginning because
1892s when we did this we had two copies of
1893s the same logic and it did mean in some
1895s cases we had to make changes the same
1897s change in two places so if we had
1900s started out doing this it would have
1902s been a lot of extra work and just a
1904s metal burden to keep track of what we
1906s were doing what we had done
1909s um but at that time we had made enough
1911s progress we knew the code well enough uh
1915s and we could see the Finish Line we knew
1917s this would be for a limited amount of
1919s time that we would have to do the
1921s duplicate changes
1925s um
1926s so this is where we are now
1929s our kitchen is a lot lot cleaner we
1931s still have this
1933s in the corner there which
1936s meaning that we still have one piece of
1938s functionality that still goes through
1941s the old bits the blue boxes there
1944s uh the replacement for that is actually
1947s in testing right now so we foresee we
1949s can cut this away within like a few
1953s weeks at most
1955s when that happens we can delete the last
1957s pieces of those blue boxes and at that
1960s point we will have deleted around 1
1961s million lines of code so that will be a
1963s happy day
1967s and
1969s that means that includes simplifications
1973s like you saw before
1975s um maybe not very that there isn't a big
1978s chunk of the that number
1980s components that are no longer relevant
1983s and also like this Pierre Pere mentioned
1986s with Python 3 projects sometimes when we
1988s have newer Frameworks newer packages and
1991s so on we just we can do things in a
1993s simpler way we need less overhead we
1995s need less customizations and
1996s modifications
1998s um so it's uh a lot uh nicer easier and
2003s faster to work in that code now
2007s and for you the players that just very
2009s simply means we can do more and a better
2011s setup for the future
2013s we started out heading somewhere we had
2017s a rough idea how we're going to get
2018s there
2020s um this has been a journey we have taken
2023s many long conversations in the team it's
2024s very much been a team effort
2027s um deliberating water are we still
2029s heading in the right direction how can
2031s we and we've had to backtrack and all
2033s that
2034s but it's been very rewarding and
2035s especially now where we feel we're
2038s really starting to you know feel the
2040s benefits of this
2043s back to you Korea
2046s speaking of Journeys these upgrade
2049s projects are always Journeys and these
2051s Journeys look different depending upon
2053s the path that we have to take there are
2055s different risks that we have to deal
2057s with
2058s like ascending Everest you can try to go
2060s to straight line up or you can start
2062s here and then you realize oh you need to
2064s change path
2065s the Python 3 project was just one line
2067s of this well we just can go one way
2070s there's a lot of risk to get up there
2073s but we have to do it we need to prepare
2075s well so that we don't fail on our
2078s journey
2079s the payments team had a similar
2081s goal but they had the luxury to deviate
2085s a little bit on their path they could
2086s start here and then realize oh this path
2088s doesn't go forward let's try this one
2090s over there
2091s and that's how they achieved it
2093s so one of the first learnings from this
2095s upgrade projects for CCP is that
2098s different upgrade projects have
2099s different requirements and they may need
2102s to be approached slightly different
2105s but what else can we learn from these
2106s things
2108s one of the biggest learnings certainly
2110s and it's probably for every company in
2112s the world and it's obvious in hindsight
2115s always is that tribal knowledge will be
2118s a roadblock
2119s quite literally as in this picture
2121s maybe some of you know that picture when
2123s you Google for chesterton's fence
2126s this is one of the results that will
2127s come up what is chess settings fence
2130s that is essentially
2132s what Tribune the philosophical example
2135s for tribal knowledge
2137s the Sears fence that's going across the
2140s road
2141s it's in your way but can you remove the
2143s fence
2144s why is it there
2146s what's the purpose
2149s no one knows except for the people that
2151s put it up right there's no sign here
2152s that says like don't remove the fence or
2154s there's no note here that says like oh
2157s you know we put this fence up because
2158s the neighbors cheaper while moving
2160s freely and we need to keep them away
2161s from this part of the road
2163s nothing
2164s so it's a very very difficult situation
2166s to be in
2167s this is something we are facing a lot
2170s and we have taken measures internally to
2173s combat this tribal knowledge to have
2175s less of a roadblock when we do upgrade
2177s projects these things include code
2180s comments commit messages
2182s and architecture decision records
2186s they serve different purposes the commit
2188s messages and code comments are
2190s definitely very close to the code so
2191s they hopefully
2193s describe why the code was changed in a
2195s way nobody used to tell me this iterates
2198s 10 times over something rather tell me
2200s why you're iterating 10 times over this
2202s thing
2202s and in the case of architecture decision
2204s records it's like just saying like put
2207s up this fence because the neighbor's
2208s horses were feeding on my lawn
2211s another thing is that these upgrade
2214s projects we have to do is a great
2217s opportunity to pay down technical debt
2219s that we have
2221s you can never really justify technical
2224s debt projects in isolation there are
2226s many programmers which say like oh you
2228s know I would like to just spend two
2229s weeks sitting there fixing all these
2232s things in the design that I just like
2234s skimmed all over that when I was doing
2235s the the initial product but
2239s when you don't bring when you then bring
2240s this kind of suggestion to your
2241s production team it's like well but uh
2244s you know what kind of value are we
2246s producing those two weeks and it's
2248s really difficult to just say like well
2250s this is well your Force developers like
2252s there needs to be actually business
2253s value being created so that you know
2256s production will give you the buy-in for
2258s making this change that's a lot easier
2261s when you have a project that's critical
2262s like Python 3 update or the payment
2264s system update then you can say like Hey
2267s we're going to get this new payment
2268s system out of the door which gives us
2270s this benefit on top of it and at the
2272s same time we can make it easier for the
2274s future
2278s again
2284s yeah so
2286s the next learning is that it's really
2289s important to invest in observability and
2291s testing infrastructure for the software
2294s without observability we don't know
2296s what's going on at runtime you know we
2298s can have all our nice little demos and
2301s examples within our projects as they are
2304s but we don't know how it actually
2305s behaves on Tranquility you know then
2307s suddenly eight thousand of you jump into
2309s a system to fight each other it's like
2310s well what's actually happening you know
2312s like this was not supposed to happen
2314s like this but uh to be able to deal with
2317s those situations and to draw proper
2318s conclusions you need observability
2321s the other part is then the testing
2323s aspect where without a good test suit
2326s it's basically impossible to go ahead
2329s and exercise all the functionality in
2332s your project Eve is a super complex game
2334s as we all know and
2336s I think the regression test suit takes
2338s several days if run by a human
2341s so you don't want to spend that kind of
2343s time for every tiny change you make or
2345s for every upgrade project you make
2346s constantly so investing into the test
2348s coverage is really important there as
2350s well
2353s and it works again and um
2357s last but not least maintenance work is
2359s like tending your garden
2361s or cleaning the kitchen as we add
2363s furthermore but if you want to have a
2365s garden that's as beautiful as this one
2367s right everything neatly arranged
2370s cars evenly cut nice arrangement of
2373s flowers if you want something like that
2374s you need to put in a lot of work imagine
2377s you would leave this for like two
2378s seasons without any attendance that
2380s would be things growing all over right
2383s so it's a constant effort you have to
2384s put in
2386s if you don't put in the effort you don't
2388s get a good product that's as simple as
2390s it did as it is
2392s and
2393s with all these learnings this is how we
2396s tend to keep Eve running forever
2398s thank you
2409s I think we have just a few minutes for
2412s questions if you
2414s if you have any yes
2421s is there any kind of reality to that
2424s specific area
2427s can you repeat Mima
2433s yeah do you are you familiar with this
2435s Thomas
2438s uh the question is if there's any truth
2441s to memes about postcode
2444s I've I haven't been away yeah
2449s yeah I think I think that's best
2451s yes please
2461s so the question is about the no downtime
2463s experiment that we ran last year
2468s um
2468s there has been a little progress on that
2471s front
2471s since last year
2473s we are still aiming for it
2475s and we have picked off the easy
2477s low-hanging fruits
2479s but there are some things that take a
2481s bit more effort and they are currently
2483s being investigated
2485s it's similar to the Python 3 update
2486s right it's a very critical thing and uh
2490s so it takes very careful planning but
2492s it's definitely still on the table
2510s full in the essence of Dr
2517s documents so the question is about the
2520s availability of test servers and whether
2523s certain things are constantly available
2524s on them or not
2527s we are running many many different test
2530s servers intent internally and we do
2533s provide test servers for dedicated
2535s purposes
2536s like for example the native Mac client
2539s way before it was able to to be put into
2542s the main line where it would eventually
2544s be released we already wanted to gain
2546s confidence so we set up a test server
2547s environment where we connect with the
2549s native Mac client to that
2551s um so they may not always be available
2554s to the public
2556s but we definitely have a lot of those
2558s internally and we provide them as needed
2562s any more questions oh yes
2572s hmm
2578s you're making that process easier
2581s so the question is whether when we look
2584s back in 20 years and the next big major
2587s python upgrade comes along whether we
2589s would look back and say like hey yeah
2590s this is going to be easy or not
2593s um
2595s this is a really good question like it
2597s depends a lot on what will be happening
2599s in those 20 years right it depends a lot
2601s on the changes that that are coming
2604s one thing from the current learnings
2606s that we have and if that we have
2608s prepared for such future updates is that
2610s we are very diligent on how we keep
2612s track of the modifications we are making
2614s to python like with python 2 it's all in
2617s the python 2 code base itself littered
2619s over it as I said earlier like some of
2621s like most of it annotated not everything
2623s um but that makes it really difficult
2625s that when you just take the new version
2627s any new version of python really right
2629s we were on 2.7.1 if it would go to 2.7.2
2632s already it's really difficult to judge
2634s what is a genuine change in Python and
2637s what is the thing that we modify that
2639s needs to be adapted we have found a
2641s solution for that internally where we
2642s basically just get the normal sources of
2645s stackless python and then just have a
2646s set of patch files
2648s all individually containing
2650s functionality that we need that then
2652s gets successfully applied on the
2653s original sources so when we then take a
2656s new version of python and there is a
2658s change that affects our
2660s our modifications then that specific
2662s patch is going to fail to apply and we
2664s know exactly what we have to look at so
2666s it should definitely make a lot of
2668s things easier going forward
2671s and maybe then to pick up from that on a
2674s slightly different note or like how what
2677s we think will happen in the next 20
2678s years and where we will be then so all
2681s our efforts now you may have heard about
2682s the quaser platform so we've very much
2686s working towards what we think will help
2688s us to going forward to reduce these
2691s reduce the scope of these big changes uh
2694s making when we make additions to make
2696s them in in isolated services that are
2699s more manageable as units rather than and
2702s this is as you know how uh where the
2706s trend has been going in the recent years
2708s from the big monoliths that we used to
2712s build to use little components that are
2715s more controllable also like Podium
2718s mentioned earlier the
2719s observability and automated tests and
2722s these things that sort of help us to
2723s keep things in a good shape and make it
2725s easier to
2727s take them forward there's a question
2730s that's the last question that we can
2732s take sorry yeah
2764s so I think the question was like do we
2766s have
2773s yes I mean we have I mean the company
2777s and all the development practices are
2779s obvious they have like learned a lot and
2781s matured a lot over the years the
2783s question is are we documenting better
2785s what we do and I think a previous
2786s example of of how we commit uh how we
2789s document our commit is a very good
2791s example this was one of the first things
2793s that I learned when I joined CCP
2796s was when you commit like just
2799s short description link to the work item
2801s and why are you doing it don't tell me
2804s you know at that
2806s I don't know other than if statement
2809s I can see that that's not helpful why
2811s did you do it
2812s and just the paper trail like link to
2816s the work item so that and this happens
2818s we uh sometimes go back you know 10
2821s years wide was this change made so we
2824s have learned a lot we're doing a lot
2826s better definitely from the early days
2828s and if you were sort of startup you also
2829s know like it's just different
2831s requirements when you're getting started
2833s and you just want to get something out
2835s the door you that's a different mindset
2838s in your in a different
2840s sort of there are different things that
2842s are more important than and then you
2845s need to settle into sort of a more
2847s disciplined production Cadence and
2850s that's definitely for like from having
2852s been with CTP since 2007 definitely see
2855s a lot of
2856s uh
2858s maturity and in that
2861s all right thank you very much for
2863s attending