about 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
9s welcome to the special end of year
11s episode of the pulse from the heart of
13s g44 as well as a few other special
15s locations from across new Eden we'll be
17s looking at some highlights from 2023
19s what's happening right now and peppering
21s in some special capsu points of
24s interest this year is of course the 20th
26s anniversary of Eve online and when
28s capsulier day rolled around on the 6th
29s of May the celebrations began in Earnest
32s the ever popular capsulier Day event
34s allowed capsulier to represent the guru
36s malakin pirate Cooperative or Society of
38s conscious thought fighting or hacking
40s their way across new Eden for rewards
42s including exclusive capsu day XX skins
45s and a platinum capsule skin the 20th
47s anniversary Mosaic and video celebrated
50s all capsuleers who participated in
52s activities leading up to the anniversary
54s weaving themselves into new Eden's
56s Fabric and the world's within a world
58s Eve Monument in rikic was expanded
60s immortalizing even more capsuleers and
63s further honoring those who were already
64s on there furthermore capsuleers had the
67s chance to get their name on The Epic
69s kill mail generated by CCP Helma
71s undocking from jeta and an avatar class
73s Titan enveloped in the sea of
75s anniversary firewor so in this
77s anniversary year for Eve let's look at
79s the top three ships capsu is used by
81s security
83s [Music]
89s space
93s [Music]
110s 2023 also featured a number of
112s activities that gave capsuleers the
114s power to shape the unfolding future of
116s new edland the shadow War saw capsuleers
119s loyal to the calari State ensure that
121s their empire gained understanding of
123s both Sellar transmuter mechanics and
125s transport relay Tech first consequently
128s boasting the construction of new Eden's
130s first Interstellar ship Caster they were
133s followed in turn by the Amar minmatar
135s and finally the
137s galente eve op's Epiphany unveiled the
140s existence of four ancient Jovian
142s Stargates a landmark in new Eden history
145s capsuleers rushed to solve The Riddles
147s posed by data fragments Jovian symbolic
150s Navigators and an invitation from the
152s mysterious deathless figure those who
155s succeeded in submitting the correct
156s locations to the Society of conscious
158s thought first were rewarded with
160s billions of isk on the topic of loyalty
163s and factional warfare well done to
165s jerkasaurus Rex Inc for the most isk
168s destroyed in factional Warfare and to
170s Karma Fleet for the most loyalty points
174s earned in addition to Epiphany in the
176s shadow War a couple of capsula favorite
178s seasonal events returned the Crimson
181s Harvest place capsuleers in the middle
182s of the bloody conflict between the blood
183s Raiders and the Order of tetron across
185s all security Space featuring exploration
187s sites and combat sites with an
189s escalation path the winter Nexus is of
191s course running right now until the 4th
192s of January and the welcome return of the
194s volatile ice storms has once again
196s provided capsuleers with wintry hacking
198s Mining and fighting activities across
200s space with lowc providing the greatest
202s rewards remember that logging in Daily
204s will get you Aurora universala skins
206s boosters ever marks and that amazing
208s skill point Hall speaking of skins the
211s most expensive skin purchased this year
213s was The Arc YY Festival yc1 121 skin for
216s 80 billion is on a contract major
219s expansions returned to Eve online in
221s 2022 and the launch of vidiian
223s celebrated the glory of the capsulier
225s corporation Corporation projects gave
227s capsula organizations the tools to
229s better manage reward and acknowledge
231s their members for contributing to the
233s overall goals of their Corp or alliance
235s with air opportunities and Homefront
237s operations surfacing accessible content
240s for newer capsuleers looking for their
242s path in Space the Skinner tool gave
244s organizations the freedom to express
246s their true colors by customizing upwell
248s structures and Lancer dreadnots became
250s the first tech 2 capitals introduced
252s into new Eden since jump freighter
255s peridian also featured stunning new
257s visual updates to existing ships gave us
259s volumetric clouds and Eve became the
261s first ever game to integrate with
263s Microsoft Excel via an adding so who
266s made the best use of Court projects this
268s year gold Moon indust indries created
270s the most projects and the Corp that paid
272s out the most isk for them was almost
275s dangerous using the Skinner tool the
277s main color used most frequently to paint
279s structures was Singularity
283s obsidian Eve's second major release
285s 20123 brought chaos to the front lines
288s with November's Havoc expansion Havoc
291s gave capsuleers the opportunity to align
293s with the angel cartel and gista pirate
295s factions throwing their lot in with the
297s deathless pirate insurgencies were
300s introduced allowing pirate aligned
302s capsuleers to spread corruption in
304s Empire War zones while simultaneously
306s offering Empire militia align capsuleers
309s the chance to suppress that criminal
310s activity the freshly added ice Refinery
313s Heist activity at corruption or
315s suppression stages three and four also
317s brings a new resource movement mechanic
319s to add further chaos to Insurgency zones
322s The Awakening zarak event that led up to
325s Havoc gave resourceful capsuleers early
327s access to the mechbal and Mamba pirate
329s Destroyers with the alligator and kreel
331s Pirate Battle Cruisers and the Epic
333s aeriel Angel cartel Titan coming with
336s the expansion itself speaking of zarak
339s pirate aligned capsuleers could start
341s docking at the fulcrum Jovian Mega
343s structure as well as at pirate forward
345s operating bases in Insurgency systems
348s marveling at the spectacular pirate
350s hanger Interiors Havoc also enhanced cor
353s projects with integrated payments and
355s more project types as well as the
357s Recently Added air daily goals feature
359s an upgrade to daily challenges a big
362s shout out to senol for registering the
364s highest total Stargate jumps in and out
366s of zarak and to routini tribe for the
368s most isk destroyed in
371s insurgencies here are some more zarak
373s and pirate related
377s [Music]
388s staff
393s [Music]
398s following the Havoc expansion and having
400s been shown for the first time at FanFest
401s 2023 Founders access for Eve Vanguard
404s was launched the new multiplayer sandbox
407s FPS module for e on line had its
409s inaugural First Strike event in December
411s on PC with players contributing directly
413s to corruption in Evon lines Insurgency
415s zones from the ground EV Vanguard First
417s Strike allowed Amega capsuleers to try
419s out the fenetic Dynamic and Innovative
421s shooter currently in early development
423s and provide essential feedback to
424s vanguard's developers aiding the
426s creation of an authentic FPS experience
428s in the eve Universe Eve FanFest 2023 was
432s incredible with the 20th anniversary of
434s Eve front and center a record number of
436s capsuleers attended the event the gates
439s to the long abandoned and freshly
440s rediscovered zazac system were opened at
443s FanFest revealing its unique look and
445s feel as well as The Magnificent fulcrum
447s station the Havoc expansion was
449s announced Eve Vanguard was shown on
451s stage and the results of csm1 18 were
453s also delivered featuring the second
455s highest turnout ever for CSM voting and
458s the selection of two CSM members by CCP
461s also at FanFest ccp's new houseband
463s crowd control headlined the party at the
465s top of the world and you can check out
467s their new Christmas song right now from
469s celebration to obliteration both
471s renowned capsu skills here are some
473s numbers on
478s destruction
485s the alliance tournament continues to be
487s a community highlight and 1819 was no
490s exception congratulations to fraternity
493s for emerging Victorious for the first
495s time beating the tuskers in a mammoth
497s best of five final and while we're on
499s the subject of expert Marksmanship
502s congratulations to Casper 24 for the
504s most valuable solo PVP kill of the year
508s and doom s 9 araral for the most
511s valuable PVP ship loss of the year the
515s eve Community is as well known for
516s political Intrigue and huge stories as
518s it is for Titanic Space Battles and they
520s certainly brought the goods in that
521s department too in 2023 longtime goons
524s swor member Jay amazingness pulled off a
526s colossal Heist worth trillions of isk as
527s he offlined the standup cloning Center
529s in the goon's first Imperial Palace
531s keepstar resulting in the destruction of
533s tens of thousands of jump clones with
535s access to corporate hangers and wallets
537s he also made off with a large quantity
538s of ships including capitals and Titans
540s isk and other valuable assets such as
543s blueprints that brings 2023 in new Eden
546s to a close the year of the big
547s anniversary the pirate Insurgency and
549s the usual dose of clemency it just
551s wouldn't be e without it happy Holidays
555s happy New Year fly safe
562s 2024