over 1 year
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | tell a joke |
3s | I can |
6s | all right so |
7s | uh accessing memory banks |
12s | hopefully I go all the way through with |
13s | this one |
14s | so as you know uh in years past even me |
18s | at Fan Fest I've had a driver and I |
21s | really thanked him he always asked to do |
23s | it and and I was very grateful for for |
26s | what he did but Pope Francis |
29s | uh he can't drive no more because he's |
32s | the freaking Pope and so he always has a |
35s | driver and so |
37s | Francis told the driver it was in the |
40s | United States and |
42s | and they had a really nice limo and he |
45s | was driving on the East Coast from |
47s | Southern City to a northern city and he |
50s | he told the driver pull over |
53s | so he pulled over he said open the door |
55s | driver's upset why am I opening the door |
58s | for the Pope you have to you have to pee |
60s | on the side of the road so the driver |
63s | said uh what's going on he says can you |
67s | please no one's around there's no |
69s | escorts I just want to drive I love |
72s | driving and I haven't driven in years so |
76s | driver's like no I can't do that he says |
79s | I command it |
82s | so the driver got in the back seat and |
84s | the pope got in the front seat and he |
86s | started driving away and as he's driving |
88s | down the road he just pressed the gas |
90s | pedal he was hauling 90 miles an hour |
93s | 100 miles an hour 110 miles an hour and |
97s | then the blue and red lights |
99s | flashed in the mirror so he pulled the |
102s | pope over and the cop gets out |
106s | walks up to the window |
108s | looks in the window oh wait a minute |
116s | you rang yes come on in |
125s | so the cop looks in the window and he |
127s | goes |
128s | oh |
129s | it goes back to the car doesn't say a |
131s | thing to them picks up the mic he says |
133s | yeah headquarters this is car 32. uh |
137s | do you have a diplomatic contact team |
140s | they're like yes we do you better roll |
142s | the Diplomatic contact team out right |
144s | now right now he's like well who's who's |
147s | the Diplomatic contact I said I have no |
151s | Ethan idea but his chauffeur is the Pope |
167s | all right I guess the time has hit I get |
170s | a backstage uh thumbs up |
172s | hi |
175s | all right I I just |
177s | sorry |
180s | all right I gotta do this |
184s | oh wait I should get this guy to do it |
188s | take my picture with everyone |
191s | apparently |
193s | thumbs up |
196s | or down I don't care |
199s | all right cool |
202s | send that to me on Twitter okay |
206s | all right folks thanks a lot uh |
209s | oh there I am |
211s | uh yeah so I do work for the jet |
215s | propulsion Laboratory |
216s | I've helped put uh remote vehicles on |
219s | Mars |
220s | have my name on five asteroids I helped |
223s | discovered uh in my current job right |
226s | now is I'm a Lessons Learned |
228s | investigator |
229s | and I wrote a paper about the lessons we |
231s | learned on the the Mars rover wheels and |
235s | you can go to the NASA website look up |
237s | uh NASA wheel where you'll find my paper |
241s | up there |
242s | I'm not here as a NASA employee I'm here |
245s | as an eve player |
247s | as a private citizen |
252s | so |
253s | so thank you very much uh this is |
257s | literally maybe my ninth talk the others |
259s | are on YouTube as well I don't have a |
261s | script I don't even have PowerPoint |
263s | notes so if I screw this up you're along |
265s | for the ride uh |
267s | some of you know I did not choose to be |
270s | the space Pope but I screwed up when I |
272s | dressed up by the name you called me |
275s | so now it can't be undone so and quite |
279s | honestly I don't want it to uh I started |
282s | playing in 2008 |
284s | and uh playing Eve online for 15 years |
287s | has |
289s | it has transformed me it has changed me |
291s | and it's changed others as well and |
294s | that's the story I want to tell of three |
296s | people and myself |
298s | of someone you may know reload |
301s | from YouTube can I see the hands of who |
303s | knows reload |
305s | cool yeah quite a few uh rich javix |
310s | do you know Rex javix can you stand for |
312s | a second |
313s | Rex |
321s | and I I guarantee I'm not going to cry |
324s | but I'm probably gonna have to pay all |
325s | of you when I do uh Julia can can you |
328s | stand for a second |
330s | so what I'm talking about today |
335s | all right I'm going to have to go pretty |
337s | fast because we've got a lot of slides |
338s | to get through and they told me I only |
339s | have a limited amount of time left so |
341s | here we go we all started out the same |
343s | and in my day the CEO stood up on a Fan |
346s | Fest stage and said here's a ship Fu |
350s | today it's not all that different we |
352s | download the client uh we pick our |
355s | in-game race that we want to be uh I |
359s | have a surprise about me we choose our |
362s | name and then today we're thrown into a |
365s | battle in the new player experience but |
368s | this was the new player experience back |
370s | then |
372s | uh any of you have choices how many |
375s | choices do you have well there's four |
378s | main choices but it comes down to this |
386s | yeah CCP can advertise oh you can do |
389s | this and do that no this is really it |
391s | yeah this was done by a player not CCP |
394s | so they is there anybody from CCP in the |
397s | house |
398s | yes we are unsupervised |
403s | they say you can't do it all but yes we |
405s | can |
409s | we totally can and they allow it because |
412s | hey subscription subscription right so |
415s | that's pretty good uh so these are the |
417s | four levels that you can do PVP PVE |
419s | industry and community so those are the |
422s | four top levels that everything else is |
423s | derivative from there there's |
425s | you can make the other choice is you can |
428s | play solo which some people attempt to |
431s | do |
432s | some people sort of do it how many |
434s | Heroes solo players |
437s | I I see all five of you yeah and and how |
441s | many are team players with a Corp or in |
443s | order yes I see 99 of you all right |
446s | there you go Eve is really a social game |
448s | and it is part of the but if you want to |
450s | be Han Solo putting yourself in a locker |
453s | against the Umpire good luck uh it is |
456s | possible to do that uh when you team up |
458s | uh you can meet people in the way to |
461s | meet people is being a PVP killer and |
464s | then telling your person how they died |
466s | uh you could be a PVP victim and say |
469s | what did you do that for and they'll |
471s | tell you how you died and you can |
473s | actually become friends by killing each |
475s | other |
476s | what it's really weird uh you can go to |
479s | chat forums there's like lore panels |
482s | there are people who play Eve online or |
485s | if offline |
487s | and they join the forums and they they |
489s | do Laura stuff and they don't even log |
490s | in at all uh matter of fact how many |
493s | here have actually won even have quit |
497s | I there's people here at Eve that have |
499s | actually stopped playing the game |
501s | there's also real life contacts as you |
504s | know we all like to dress up there's |
507s | Saint uh and it's Stewart and uh |
510s | Rhiannon uh the co-founder of the sixth |
513s | Empire up there as well |
514s | uh so relations are fostered and CCP |
518s | actually did a study in why are people |
520s | hanging out together and part of it and |
523s | you can apply this to your real life |
524s | this really works it's proximity how |
527s | close are you to your friends well |
529s | through the internet you can be in Japan |
531s | so that doesn't apply to us so much but |
533s | in real life it does uh there's |
536s | frequency how often do you meet and have |
538s | a beer or a soda or a water uh |
541s | call call your friends you haven't |
543s | called them in a long time and they feel |
545s | bad |
546s | so call them uh duration how long are |
548s | you hanging out together and of course |
551s | the intensity of the engagement there |
553s | was actually a study done in Japan where |
555s | they have uh this bridge that spans a |
557s | Chasm and it's really scary and they put |
560s | a very attractive uh man and a woman on |
564s | the bridge and then they put a very |
566s | attractive man and woman on the safe |
568s | path and in they had an experiment where |
571s | they would actually engage with |
572s | strangers socially there was more |
575s | interaction on the scary Bridge than |
577s | there was on the not so scary Bridge |
579s | true story |
582s | so uh basically in Eve |
586s | this is kind of the thing okay Foundry |
588s | on this has audio turn it up |
594s | I've met a lot of people from all across |
596s | the world I think guys for almost 10 |
599s | years it's such an amazing bunch of |
601s | people that's my favorite part of the |
603s | game basically the crew or the good lads |
608s | you may want to hit your brother knock |
611s | them around a little bit but at the end |
612s | of the day we're all a bunch of brothers |
614s | and sisters it's this amazing group of |
617s | friends it's a passion for everyone that |
619s | I play with friends you make it's the |
621s | people the people are awesome love the |
623s | people who play the game |
629s | so what did you hear there what you |
632s | heard was all around the world that's |
633s | the proximity the flying with the same |
635s | guys for 10 years that's the that's the |
638s | frequency the passion that's the |
641s | intensity you also heard the good lads |
643s | Amazing Friends brothers and sisters |
647s | I gave you a guarantee I'm not gonna cry |
649s | love the people that play the game |
651s | because it is the people |
654s | it is all about the people that's why I |
656s | take a selfie of me with all of you |
658s | because I'm 63 I don't have a lot of |
661s | time left but I treasure every moment |
664s | that I'm with you guys so that's my |
666s | introduction to my talk |
672s | thank you |
675s | I'm kind of known for a really stupid |
677s | long introductions and so that's a long |
680s | introduction so now let's talk about |
681s | what I've actually came here to talk |
683s | about I've come up with a term I've |
686s | called Eve transformation and it's the |
688s | profound and often positive change in an |
691s | individual's life beliefs or behaviors |
693s | as a direct result of interactions |
695s | experiences and relationships fostered |
698s | when Eve online gaming Community it |
701s | encompasses the shift from facing |
704s | personal adversaries and isolation to |
707s | finding Solace support and actionable |
710s | solutions throughout virtual engagement |
712s | that transcend the game's digital |
715s | boundaries into real world impacts is |
718s | that a good definition |
721s | so let's talk about this transformation |
723s | and the first person I'd like to talk |
726s | about is someone I got to know |
728s | and someone I think you can all relate |
730s | to uh and it was a surprise to me |
733s | because I did send out a call back in |
735s | April that said please send me your |
737s | stories for the so those of you who sent |
740s | me the many stories thank you for your |
742s | contribution I had to limit up my slides |
744s | because I only have 35 minutes left and |
746s | I don't know if I can do this but here |
748s | we go uh so the first person is a Reload |
752s | from uh YouTube and he was an eve player |
755s | and for him playing Eve was overcoming |
760s | his social anxiety uh he developed |
763s | communication skills learning video and |
765s | media production and gaining confidence |
767s | the global community and his real life |
770s | friendships the career advancement and |
773s | the long lasting influence so let's take |
775s | a deeper dive in how this happened so |
779s | you may relate matter of fact when I was |
781s | in the the line to get my badge I met |
783s | someone who says I have social anxieties |
786s | I can't I have a hard time talking to |
788s | people I said no no worries come to my |
791s | talk if you're in here welcome |
794s | uh but he he you may relate because many |
797s | players have similar feelings so for |
800s | some reason this game does uh attract a |
803s | lot of people who are on the autistic |
805s | spectrum and that's okay that's kind of |
806s | cool that's one of our powers that it's |
809s | it's our superpower for some of us who |
811s | play this game uh I myself have some |
814s | issues in that regard uh and it was a |
817s | personal Chow challenge for him he felt |
819s | hindered in a significant social anxiety |
822s | and it allowed him some self-discovery |
825s | for his strength and his weakness |
828s | and in the blue this is what the game is |
831s | the platform just naturally allows us to |
833s | see these things so he ventured into |
835s | whole new Realms he wasn't even aware of |
837s | by blogging then he'd started doing |
840s | videos and skills and then unexpected |
844s | success he had no idea because it was |
847s | affirming and what do I mean by |
849s | affirming feedback it was his customers |
853s | on YouTube started writing him and |
855s | saying good videos he has made |
859s | 523 YouTube videos about how to play Eve |
863s | so if you get a chance look up re reload |
865s | Eve online uh some of his videos are |
869s | still even though uh nine years old some |
872s | of the videos still actually uh actually |
876s | uh did well |
878s | so oh thank you back room I just saw the |
881s | message didn't know you can do that |
882s | they're sending me secret notes under |
884s | the table that's really cool uh |
886s | confronting personal challenges uh this |
890s | was his facing his fears and this is key |
893s | Eve as therapy |
897s | amazing uh growing his confidence |
901s | intangible benefits uh it transformed |
905s | him |
906s | Eric's transformation was awesome |
908s | because he went from shy to the actual |
912s | Spotlight he was the host on uh the eve |
915s | stream Fleet |
916s | and he actually was a co-host on Eve TV |
920s | so |
921s | what a transformation from being someone |
923s | who was socially uh disabled in his |
927s | terms to being out front in front of |
930s | everybody |
931s | uh and he had his community connections |
934s | and so again this is more than a game |
936s | it's |
937s | it's not only enriched uh the digital |
941s | experience |
942s | but it fostered real world uh personal |
945s | growth and influence |
948s | okay |
949s | next up |
951s | we're going to talk about someone |
953s | who's gone through the ringer someone |
956s | who had a very very hard time |
959s | and most of you all know him |
961s | and that's uh our friend Brian Ward or |
964s | Rick's japix |
966s | in Rick's story he sent me |
970s | the in-depth story that many of you may |
972s | not know so thus I'm totally outing you |
974s | here with his permission |
976s | uh |
978s | he |
979s | provided a constant |
982s | vehicle for him during times of enormous |
985s | change |
986s | the community supported him when he was |
989s | down |
990s | and it was kind of career saving in a |
993s | way and it inspired him to give back to |
996s | the eve community and in in Bryan it |
999s | created a sense of purpose |
1001s | long-term engagement and joy according |
1004s | to his words and so what happened to to |
1007s | him was he had a company |
1011s | that was worth about 200 million dollars |
1013s | and he had a lot of colleagues that he |
1016s | made friends with and he had to lay them |
1019s | off |
1019s | there were legal problems as well with |
1023s | the company and things were mounting |
1025s | with the company and then For Better or |
1030s | Worse the worst left him in a divorce |
1035s | accurate yeah okay |
1037s | you're free to correct me at any time uh |
1041s | they repossessed his cars |
1044s | and legal fees were mounting and and the |
1048s | thing that he needed the most where his |
1050s | whole life was centered around was his |
1052s | computer it had an eve art his employee |
1055s | records his business records his divorce |
1057s | records everything on it had crashed |
1060s | and so now he was down and out |
1062s | everything was gone and then he met new |
1065s | people and he started to rebuild his |
1068s | life so he had a new phone so let's go |
1070s | into your story |
1072s | all right so again uh there was a his |
1076s | computer crashed and there was a Eve uh |
1079s | fundraiser made for him and uh he needed |
1083s | like thirty five hundred dollars to get |
1085s | a new computer and that was met in 24 |
1087s | hours |
1089s | your generosity I'll talk about later |
1091s | but that's part of our community uh so |
1095s | the GoFundMe uh last uh was successful |
1098s | and Brian was very thankful about this |
1101s | it really floored him in a time when he |
1103s | was being hit by crap and crap and more |
1106s | crap but PS there was more crowd uh all |
1110s | of a sudden he is Faith in |
1113s | Killers |
1115s | was restored so again it's more to the |
1119s | game it's a testament to our |
1122s | interconnective but it's also a |
1124s | testament to our generosity to help a |
1126s | player when they've been kicked and down |
1129s | and so e so being naturally gifted in |
1132s | the Arts I asked him via Facebook I said |
1136s | what's the most expensive item you've |
1138s | sold at auction or commission and this |
1140s | is the actual text he wrote me back so |
1142s | it's probably 7 500 for a private |
1144s | commission I did for an eve player who |
1145s | runs his own company it's a large piece |
1148s | that no one has seen |
1149s | one of course those who visit his uh |
1152s | private office and five thousand dollars |
1154s | for three pieces and the rest are |
1156s | various under that I said can I feature |
1158s | these three peaches and by the way this |
1160s | is one of my most favorite ones you've |
1161s | done this is this is my personal |
1163s | favorite but yeah so this is uh one of |
1167s | three that sold for five thousand |
1169s | the typhoon |
1171s | the vagabond |
1175s | and my favorite |
1176s | for obvious reasons |
1180s | although I do like the shark bite you |
1182s | know the shark bite uh |
1185s | uh our apocalypse is one of my favorites |
1188s | uh and then this one this one |
1190s | individually sold for twenty five |
1192s | hundred dollars so the question is why |
1195s | would you pay so much money for this |
1197s | well the answer is simple why do you |
1199s | even buy art you know why do you buy |
1201s | something that gives you pleasure or joy |
1203s | and then I can ask you why did you pay |
1206s | to come here |
1210s | is there any CCP in the room |
1212s | no we're unsupervised |
1215s | why did we come here |
1218s | it's a goddamn uh |
1229s | it's a giant company advertising we are |
1232s | stuck in an infomercial for the next |
1234s | three days |
1239s | because we love it and because of the |
1241s | experience and that's why somebody |
1242s | looked at Brian's art and says I want |
1245s | that and Brian gave him a price |
1249s | but if you don't know this look up |
1251s | Rick's javik's Comics they're still on |
1253s | the network and you got to get back to |
1254s | producing these because these crack me |
1256s | up like like this one why haven't you |
1257s | killed me shut up my mom's home |
1262s | and then he'd even did me |
1265s | uh a couple of Funko Pops a rifter and a |
1269s | couple others uh and and quite honestly |
1272s | this is very touching because I I |
1274s | haven't told you this story uh an eve |
1276s | player did a video of his little girl |
1278s | coloring this and then they sent me a |
1281s | photo of the coloring of this little |
1283s | girl and I'm like I'm not gonna cry I'm |
1284s | not gonna cry |
1287s | he had uh in-person events at his house |
1290s | you know where where he actually have a |
1292s | steel city Eve meets and I think five |
1295s | was yeah five that you that Heath holder |
1297s | and he's also done uh in-game events |
1300s | where he's just given away in-game free |
1302s | ships they're frigate free-for-all and |
1305s | uh Eve again the paper and so much more |
1308s | again |
1309s | it's more than just a game Eve online |
1311s | helped Brian through very hard times it |
1314s | developed His official artwork that we |
1317s | see today and I can say I'm one of your |
1319s | fans |
1320s | so congrats to you |
1330s | okay this one I'm not gonna cry I'm not |
1332s | going to cry and you better not cry too |
1334s | I'm not crying you're crying all right |
1337s | next up is Julia and uh Julia's story is |
1341s | very interesting because she was |
1343s | basically told by her brain surgeon you |
1346s | have six months to live |
1348s | and in in game connections led to some |
1352s | real world |
1353s | she played Eve for pain management |
1355s | during her six months to live |
1358s | and something happened after a surgery |
1363s | she had some recovery support and then |
1367s | at academic achievement so let's get |
1369s | into her story a little more |
1371s | so the challenge uh for Julia was she |
1376s | was diagnosed with an inoperable now |
1378s | that's the key word inoperable brain |
1380s | tumor |
1381s | and she joined this Corporation and she |
1384s | you know she told them I have six months |
1386s | to live and the player is basically you |
1388s | know consoled her and said well we're |
1390s | here for you |
1391s | and she became part of an online family |
1395s | and even her husband uh joined at the |
1398s | same time too |
1399s | uh she joined a pro a corporation called |
1403s | uh blueprint house uh and that's their |
1406s | logo there and you can see these are the |
1408s | actual pictures she sent me of her brain |
1410s | tumor in her inner head well in that |
1414s | corporation that she just joined she |
1416s | talked to a capsuleer called strolling |
1418s | astronomer and he said that's baloney |
1422s | we can operate on that that's not |
1424s | inoperable uh go see my neurosurgeon |
1428s | he's 900 kilometers away because she's |
1431s | from Australia so technically in |
1433s | Australia 900 kilometers is not that far |
1436s | uh uh |
1439s | she went there and she had the |
1442s | inoperable surgery was operated on by |
1445s | this doctor |
1446s | and |
1448s | her memory is a little still affected |
1451s | and impacted |
1453s | and the time away from Eve while she was |
1456s | getting back playing Eve Eve actually |
1459s | helped her re-establish her neural |
1461s | connections and actually helped her play |
1463s | her game |
1465s | and so it was a renewal that the game |
1467s | helped with the reconnection also of the |
1470s | friends |
1471s | I still like this picture it looks very |
1473s | Eve online this |
1476s | looks like one of the implants you can |
1478s | get CCP to make for you |
1480s | but |
1481s | with the turn |
1486s | ER 12 years ago from the surgery and |
1491s | she's alive today because of advice and |
1495s | Eve and helping the play of the game so |
1497s | post surgery continue but there's still |
1500s | strong support from her Corporation and |
1502s | all of us she's determined to recover uh |
1505s | to recover by pursuing higher education |
1508s | and she did achieve her Bachelor's of |
1512s | psychology Science degrees she's |
1515s | published several papers and she |
1518s | continues uh to come I I met her in |
1521s | e-vegas and she came up to me and she |
1525s | told me her story and Hilmar was walking |
1527s | by and I grabbed Hilmar by the shirt and |
1529s | I said stop stop stop stop |
1531s | I said Julia tell your story and he he |
1535s | was like oh my God that's crazy and so |
1539s | everyone please welcome Julia Roberts |
1549s | thank you |
1557s | I'm not crying |
1562s | so so uh so we actually have an |
1567s | announcement we would like to make it's |
1569s | a personal announcement your own Journey |
1572s | and |
1573s | tell us all or the day before we left to |
1577s | come to Fan Fest I submitted my |
1580s | application to undertake a PhD |
1595s | you're crying I'm not |
1599s | all right so next up I said there'd be |
1602s | four players so I'm going to be the |
1604s | fourth victim uh up here I do want to |
1606s | tell you my story uh I people know me as |
1610s | uh the lead the co-founder of the sixth |
1612s | Empire |
1613s | this is my sixth time to Iceland |
1616s | if I come one more it's it'll be the |
1619s | seventh and so everything will be out of |
1621s | whack so this may be my last time to |
1623s | Iceland |
1629s | so I do want to tell you a little bit |
1630s | about my story uh just in case uh that |
1633s | ever happens uh so believe it or not I |
1637s | maybe I may role play the Samarian but |
1639s | my main I was born caldari |
1648s | uh I started in 2008 with |
1651s | I'm not going to tell you his name |
1653s | because I can log in with that guy and |
1654s | nobody bugs me so it's okay but that's |
1657s | the guy in red you can do an image |
1659s | lookup good luck with that uh |
1662s | I always had an interest in Omarion |
1664s | chips because I was flying around in uh |
1667s | asymmetrical |
1669s | uh scorpions and I was like I really |
1672s | wish it was symmetrical and then when |
1673s | they were symmetrical I was like I want |
1675s | my asymmetrical scorpion back |
1678s | CCP can we make Eve classic and just put |
1681s | a new skin on that'd be cool uh |
1684s | so so I created Max singularity in March |
1687s | of 2009 as an alt |
1691s | and I started role playing him I even |
1693s | catfished my own Corp so I had I had him |
1697s | come in and they would say hey Max get |
1699s | on comms because no my kids and wife |
1701s | don't want me to do cons so I would chat |
1704s | with them and my brother was like oh man |
1706s | that Max guy is really cool and and I |
1710s | and a year later I I outed myself I'm |
1713s | like I'm really mad it's like BS yeah |
1714s | Max is cool you're an ass |
1720s | one of our members who lives in Alaska |
1723s | he actually quit in in Madness for a |
1725s | year and it was like a year later like |
1727s | are we still friends he's like yeah |
1728s | whatever |
1730s | uh so that's a little bit part of it uh |
1734s | but there I did not get make myself the |
1736s | space Pope I was trolled |
1740s | somebody made a meme that said uh we |
1743s | would use in my face do you know who I |
1744s | am on the F in space pope of new Eden |
1746s | and I was like |
1748s | that's funny uh |
1751s | there's a cosplay contest and I already |
1753s | had my costume as an admiral |
1755s | and and uh I can't sell worth being but |
1758s | I have a friend who really does who |
1759s | works for Hollywood Studios I said can |
1761s | we make a pope outfit real quick because |
1763s | it's a three-day contest it goes yeah so |
1766s | we put together multiple Pope outfits |
1769s | and I showed up as the Admiral |
1772s | everybody's like oh there's Max on the |
1773s | second day I showed up in my poke |
1775s | costume I've told that story otherwise |
1777s | about the eve the Iceland police so I'm |
1780s | not going to tell it again |
1782s | uh but I made it to the harpa and oh my |
1785s | God everybody lost their mind it's like |
1786s | he is the quizzots had Iraq |
1796s | it can be undone in a heartbeat but oh |
1798s | well I'm not going to do it one of my |
1801s | things my gimmick back then was I read |
1804s | the Chronicles and I read all the |
1806s | Chronicles and I was like that guy that |
1808s | Meme where you know the make an old |
1811s | thinking all the dots fixed I figured |
1813s | out Jamel sorum was illegally the |
1817s | Empress of the Amari Empire she actually |
1819s | killed the theology Council there they |
1822s | didn't say she did a track but if you go |
1824s | back and read them you'll see evidence |
1825s | that the theology Council immediately |
1828s | disappeared just before she Rose to |
1830s | power he's like that |
1834s | it's like who is the only person who can |
1837s | launch an Inquisition |
1839s | Pope |
1842s | so in 2015 I was like I have some new |
1844s | business |
1845s | Jamel sorum is a threat to the new Eden |
1848s | cluster and a heretic of the Omar Empire |
1851s | everybody like |
1854s | what |
1855s | yeah that happened |
1857s | so that was my role play beginning and |
1860s | uh |
1865s | foreign |
1866s | so when I did CCP I've been told this |
1870s | CCP actually had long-term plans for |
1873s | Jamil they uh they actually had it where |
1876s | she was introducing new Stargates in |
1878s | that but when I started this uh ccpl |
1882s | Falcon and ccpc goal were very much into |
1884s | the role play and Nick Nick Berkeley as |
1887s | well they were like |
1889s | let's play |
1891s | and you'll see in the eve documentary |
1893s | they mentioned we have changed because |
1895s | the players have launched things inside |
1898s | the game and we just ran with it well it |
1900s | was one of the things they ran with so |
1901s | they created a Jamel character they |
1904s | undocked a Titan in the safizon system |
1907s | and she supposedly the story is it was |
1911s | Falcon who was flying Jamil uh at in |
1914s | Iceland and I was flying my beloved |
1917s | Abaddon and he targeted me and he called |
1921s | out to the devs he says hey I got I got |
1924s | Max targeted should I fire and in unison |
1927s | eight devs went no |
1932s | there were no Dev hacks in place to |
1935s | prevent Jamel Storm from getting |
1937s | concorded |
1942s | foreign |
1951s | so this is really this is how it started |
1954s | and this is how it ended |
1960s | by the way you can come visit uh her |
1963s | Rack in fafizon system it's still there |
1966s | for all you to see Titan fires take a |
1968s | long time to burn out |
1970s | and a celebration of that Siegel |
1973s | actually told me as a result of all the |
1976s | role play and a result of all the player |
1978s | interactions subscriptions actually went |
1980s | up and it taught them a lesson to go |
1984s | with the flow of the players and so so |
1987s | it was really cool and that winter the |
1990s | eve used to give away free Christmas |
1991s | gifts and one of the things they you can |
1994s | say either they trolled me |
1996s | or they gave thanks I can't figure out |
1998s | which one |
2000s | but they actually created uh an in-game |
2002s | thing called uh maximaria because |
2005s | paxomaria these are the three fraudulent |
2007s | packs packs of Mario those are the Amara |
2009s | Bibles but since I'm the Pope |
2012s | uh they said I wrote a maximary |
2016s | it's available in all trade hubs it's |
2019s | limited quantities people actually buy |
2021s | it up and those who hate hate me uh |
2024s | eject them from their ship and shoot |
2025s | them with lasers so that's book burning |
2029s | and and those who those who love me uh |
2033s | just keep it for themselves and because |
2034s | it's a limited quality it costs more |
2037s | than a caracal right now |
2039s | and it does absolutely nothing |
2043s | yes |
2048s | send me your kill mail with it and I'll |
2049s | send you tennis |
2056s | I'm sorry |
2060s | I can't hear I can understand |
2065s | yes |
2068s | nice nice |
2070s | also uh to be official in the sixth |
2074s | Empire Alliance uh you have to carry |
2076s | some uh exotic dancers as well so |
2085s | option with CCP has been has been kind |
2087s | of this handshake and so forth and as |
2090s | some of you know because I I did work |
2092s | for NASA my mind was analytical and Eve |
2095s | was kind of breaking for me because it |
2097s | was like I have an Abaddon and its top |
2099s | speed is 230 miles an hour |
2102s | that doesn't work in space |
2104s | so a space anchor what the hell is that |
2106s | how do you anchor something in space so |
2109s | I started for five years working on a |
2112s | physics model and I came up with the |
2114s | power enhanced generator and if you go |
2117s | and buy a copy of the frigates of Eve |
2119s | you can read chapter 8 where Max |
2121s | Singularity is now a part of Canon where |
2124s | he he lectures to uh the military school |
2129s | of candidates who become capsule Earth |
2131s | and you can understand how physics work |
2133s | but what was cool about that was not |
2136s | about me what was cool was the company |
2138s | reaching out to me and interacting with |
2142s | us as they've now done with with Ricks |
2145s | now too the company actually plays with |
2147s | us they're players in a way in a fair |
2149s | way uh it's really kind of cool |
2152s | so so yeah so that happened oh yeah and |
2156s | they also my the second in-game item was |
2158s | a damaged Peg so there's kind of two |
2161s | in-game items |
2163s | I do have an apostle in Amar so it's me |
2166s | and kriba that are there what was kind |
2169s | of cool about this is it was an archon |
2171s | carrier that was assembled with a triage |
2173s | model and when that patch came over all |
2176s | of a sudden it changed and it was now an |
2179s | apostle so I undocked this during |
2181s | holidays especially New Year's and |
2182s | sometimes Christmas and so if you're |
2184s | ever NMR please come and try to gank me |
2186s | because I am tanked to hell |
2190s | one guy launched 10 tornadoes against me |
2192s | and it was like |
2196s | uh |
2197s | I've had a blast in Eve I've really had |
2200s | so much fun and there's a constant |
2202s | saying that I I I've had sovereignty I |
2206s | was gifted a keep star and Ford is ours |
2208s | they've all been taken away they've all |
2211s | been snuffed out I guess he could say |
2215s | |
2218s | no that's how the game is played that's |
2220s | that's a that's so so they were gifted |
2222s | so it was kind of it was kind of cool to |
2224s | see the interaction they chose their |
2226s | time well because it was right during a |
2228s | war between all the Reds of Reds who |
2231s | said they would protect me uh they would |
2234s | have all come together as a purple Fleet |
2235s | but they were at war with each other and |
2238s | so this other Corp was like let's kick |
2240s | that sandbox down |
2242s | and and it was kind of fun I sat there |
2245s | in the chair just laughing like you |
2247s | would not believe just watching the |
2248s | shields of the keepstar going down so it |
2250s | was fun I put the butterfly up there |
2252s | because there is a very old Eve video |
2255s | called The Butterfly Effect how many |
2257s | remember that |
2259s | right |
2261s | how am I not the living embodiment of |
2263s | that promo |
2266s | the little things that have done like |
2268s | they say has just has just had this |
2271s | expense and it really wasn't I wasn't |
2274s | trying I wasn't really out to do it like |
2276s | that it just was part of the game |
2279s | but my transformation from a player |
2283s | to the space Pope came when someone in |
2285s | game wrote me this message |
2288s | my wife and I are due to have a baby |
2290s | very soon my ass that is Holiness send |
2293s | our family a blessing I was like oh I'm |
2295s | going to troll this |
2298s | and then I was thinking am I and I told |
2301s | this well what's a blessing who who can |
2304s | bless and then can I do a real blessing |
2307s | because |
2309s | I'm an atheist |
2312s | I'm the maybe the first atheist Pope |
2315s | make a Wikipedia entry uh |
2320s | and I looked it up and I researched it |
2322s | and I went all kinds of places to figure |
2324s | out and you know what |
2328s | we're either Angels or demons in this |
2331s | heaven right now |
2333s | and you all have the power to bless |
2336s | or a curse I know a few witches |
2340s | and |
2341s | it begins with kindness |
2343s | and it begins with coming from the heart |
2345s | and telling a a full full one oh wait a |
2350s | minute I got a note |
2352s | I got a yes I'm here |
2355s | to do technical issues |
2363s | I love those notes those are Chords it's |
2367s | like that's really neat |
2370s | how long ago do you descend that because |
2373s | I was just like in my own world can you |
2375s | hear me |
2376s | okay uh so so that's the key the answer |
2380s | is yes we all have that ability within |
2382s | this life right now to be kind or to be |
2385s | evil to do that and uh that led me to |
2389s | create the sixth Empire with my friend |
2391s | uh fairy red and our motto is stay alive |
2395s | so we can kill you in game |
2398s | don't commit suicide you know just stay |
2401s | with us because we lost so many people |
2403s | and the story of the sixth Empire is an |
2406s | entire hour-long presentation of the |
2409s | members themselves and and things that's |
2411s | happened in there so I'm not going to go |
2413s | too much into the sixth Empire because |
2415s | then I'll really cry |
2417s | but then people started saying |
2419s | will you marry us |
2421s | and it was their love that became uh |
2425s | Benny and una Chris and Ivy John and |
2430s | Bonnie from Burning Man actually and |
2433s | holgar and Anna and about four others uh |
2436s | that I've done the ceremony for so uh |
2441s | so yeah uh there was uh Benny and una we |
2446s | was in Las Vegas uh got married and it |
2449s | was quite informal we just went out did |
2451s | it and uh I can actually legally do it |
2454s | in a couple of states |
2458s | so there you go the big one which CCP |
2461s | actually made a video so if you type Eve |
2463s | online wedding you will see uh Holger |
2466s | and Anna's wedding there and all the |
2469s | omarians of the fixed Empire uh were |
2472s | there for that as well so that was kind |
2474s | of cool uh |
2475s | and then this was Burning Man |
2479s | so now I'm in the world of crossover uh |
2482s | because I crossed over from Eve to |
2484s | Burning Man and then I tried to keep an |
2486s | air gap at work I didn't let anybody |
2488s | know I was like a pope or an eve player |
2491s | until I got a job as a knowledge manager |
2494s | and my boss David Ober Hettinger said |
2497s | I'd like to introduce to you our newest |
2499s | employee a senior knowledge analyst and |
2502s | on his slide projector he says oh by the |
2504s | way is the pope of new Eden |
2519s | yeah then that happened and then one of |
2522s | the most fun fantastic Elvis weddings |
2524s | ever |
2526s | was Chris and Ivy uh look at their last |
2530s | name |
2534s | they legally changed their name at the |
2537s | wedding to Chris and Ivy Singularity |
2540s | after me |
2550s | how do I deal with this emotionally this |
2553s | is me my family's growing so if you want |
2556s | to join my family |
2558s | applications are available |
2561s | and and again how do I deal |
2564s | a little more serious with permanent |
2567s | transformations |
2569s | like these |
2571s | these are five people who uh associated |
2575s | with the sixth Empire Alliance including |
2577s | sancta who is basically a six Empire nun |
2581s | you saw a picture earlier and she had |
2583s | she spent a week at Chernobyl and so she |
2586s | has a Ukrainian gas mask to pay tribute |
2588s | to the lives that's were spent saving |
2592s | Our Lives |
2593s | and and the sixth Empire none that piece |
2597s | of tattoo is artwork |
2599s | it is detailed like incredible |
2602s | uh and then Matt Kramer |
2605s | that's huge and I mean that's huge |
2610s | Matt has told me if it wasn't for the |
2612s | sixth Empire in the friendship he would |
2614s | have been gone multiple times that he |
2617s | owes his life to us and so that was his |
2620s | way of saying I am |
2623s | the sixth Empire |
2624s | and then there is a uh Eric who has it |
2629s | as well |
2630s | and then uh Rhiannon the co-founder of |
2632s | six Empire she has two of my Logos the |
2634s | first logo is the peg you have six pegs |
2638s | in every Starship that's how it can move |
2640s | and that is Subspace energy coming in |
2643s | and that's your capacitor going out |
2646s | and so it's unlimited energy that's why |
2648s | it comes in slow goes out fast |
2650s | but she also has a semicolon because |
2652s | what I've covered up in here is one of |
2654s | the suicide scars that she cut and and |
2658s | she there's like three different scars |
2660s | on her that she attempted suicide and |
2663s | the semicolon means |
2666s | like a a sentence that didn't finish |
2668s | she's not done |
2670s | and so that's that's the the semicolon |
2673s | there and then uh my alliance leader |
2677s | right now |
2678s | she had a she had a uh a temporary |
2682s | tattoo and she put it on her butt and |
2685s | then she went to the tattoo parlor and |
2687s | said fill it in |
2690s | so getting her to show it you have to |
2692s | give her about four or five drinks yeah |
2696s | and then she'll show it to you so |
2701s | with Berlin and there I am right smack |
2703s | dab in the middle of all of you uh |
2706s | hanging out because it's not just a game |
2709s | it transforms us and I'm only talking |
2711s | about four stories |
2714s | and |
2715s | it's actually endless because people |
2717s | come to me all the time and says oh yeah |
2719s | I did this and I did that and this |
2721s | person did this for me and did that it's |
2723s | all of you transforming each other |
2726s | when pixels become a change in your life |
2730s | can we just call it a game |
2733s | and we have made a difference with Eve |
2735s | online Charities as well |
2737s | we've given we've given over 1.2 million |
2742s | dollars |
2744s | for earthquakes fires covid Wars |
2747s | typhoons |
2750s | monsoons that's your generosity when you |
2755s | bought one of those uh the the passes |
2758s | the the pilot passes we raise money for |
2761s | ablegamers and other charities |
2763s | that's everyone wearing those passes |
2765s | whether you paid or not that's all part |
2768s | of our generosity that we all pull |
2770s | together |
2772s | so I didn't choose this |
2777s | but but literally I stand before you |
2780s | humble |
2782s | uh and yes I will always take a selfie |
2785s | with you this year I'm doing a thing we |
2787s | must touch heads and you have to post it |
2789s | on Twitter because I want to flood |
2790s | Twitter this year of Pope photos so |
2793s | thank you very much |
2797s | I think Eve online transforms real lives |
2800s | thank you |
2820s | thank you |
2822s | uh |
2824s | I usually like to put so many slides and |
2827s | I end so there's no time for questions |
2829s | but it looks like I have a couple |
2831s | minutes of questions so uh can I ask |
2834s | both of you to come join me for a second |
2835s | and if anybody has some questions I have |
2840s | some silly answers |
2843s | yes |
2849s | yeah did my boss know I played Dave uh |
2853s | I told him in confidence at a lunch time |
2858s | Chinese dinner and then because he was |
2860s | the chief knowledge officer that's a |
2863s | boo-boo because he's got because he |
2865s | knows how to do internet research and |
2866s | all that stuff too so yeah that was |
2868s | quite a surprise to me when he doubted |
2870s | me so it was kind of cool yes I have a |
2873s | question |
2883s | to know people that have problems |
2887s | uh do you have anything that you can uh |
2891s | tell other people that may have other |
2893s | issues related to uh to this |
2898s | don't let it stop you |
2900s | just keep going |
2902s | um the minute you quit it's over |
2905s | so just keep pushing |
2908s | cool yes |
2917s | I uh may be quite the confusing question |
2920s | but uh the whole Max Singularity thing |
2923s | started as a role play joke but how far |
2926s | has it really integrated with you as a |
2929s | person how different are child's white |
2931s | or Max singularities that's actually a |
2933s | very good question uh you can hold |
2936s | um |
2937s | profoundly |
2939s | uh it shifted my my |
2942s | not serious about the world at all to |
2946s | focus on kindness it shifted it to a |
2949s | humility |
2951s | because it was like I watched other eve |
2953s | players who became Eve famous and I |
2956s | watched them crash in flames |
2958s | and I know that one misstep I make you |
2963s | all take that hat away from me and and I |
2967s | know that |
2967s | and so it caused me to be much more |
2971s | grateful |
2973s | thankful and I can say every waking |
2976s | moment uh |
2979s | I have positive uh feelings about it and |
2983s | when I'm asleep I have some nightmares |
2985s | about it but yeah no thank you for that |
2988s | question because it has that's why I |
2990s | came up with this talk my dad told me |
2992s | there's two types of people you have to |
2994s | listen to someone that has to say |
2996s | something they're boring as and |
2999s | then someone who has something to say be |
3001s | that guy I was like thanks Dad |
3004s | sure only two days may I interview you |
3007s | whenever you have some free concerts uh |
3009s | yes I have six press interviews contact |
3011s | uh Anita and she'll line you up with uh |
3014s | his Holiness around and try to |
3016s | understand what that means |
3022s | I can't see lights |
3025s | well thank you everyone uh so much uh |
3029s | it is literally our pleasure |
3031s | thank you for living |
3034s | thank you so much and thank you for all |
3036s | you do for the community |
3049s | have a great Fan Fest everybody |