over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello it has been
3s five long years since I lasted on this
6s stage and actually had the opportunity
8s to address this community
11s um and I don't think I've ever
14s empathize with someone quite as much as
16s when CCP Burger was on the stage
18s yesterday saying that being on this
20s stage is kind of this happy place
21s because in his safe place because just
25s being here with the community honestly
28s is
29s um comforting in a way that's hard to
31s describe so as they said about my name
34s is Andrew grohan I read a book series
36s called empires of Eve I've been writing
38s about Eve online yes yes let's do a
41s round of applause for empires of Eve
43s yeah thank you hey we got a copy in the
46s audience
47s appreciate that
49s um
51s so the first time that I ever came to
54s Fan Fest was actually 10 years ago and
56s the slogan for Eve online at the time
58s was Eve online into the second decade
61s and now I feel like that's actually my
62s mission right now is heading into the
64s second decade the grains keep slipping
67s Through The Hourglass my friends it's
69s terrifying
70s so I wanted to use this as an
72s opportunity to kind of give you guys an
74s update on where empires of Eve is right
78s now before we get into the rest of the
79s presentation
81s um
81s to use this as an opportunity to show
84s you or to tell you who I am first of all
86s if you don't actually know who I am
89s and to see what I've actually been up to
91s in the two years since Empires review
94s Volume 2 came out so in 2013 I was a
97s journalist at wired when I decided to
99s launch a Kickstarter to raise a simple
102s amount of money to print a thousand
104s copies of a book about Eve online that I
106s was writing at the time and this
108s community
110s sight unseen and really without my
113s having to ask for too much
116s um decided to just overflow the funding
119s for the project and allowed me to
121s degrade
122s the book that I always wanted to but
124s never even really bothered to dream I
127s would be able to have the space and the
129s funding to be able to go and report and
132s to interview everybody in the community
134s and to to find the story that I always
136s wanted to write and the experience of
138s that fundamentally changed my life and
140s I'm I'm still to this day I mean I'm
143s here because of that initial trust that
146s the community placed in me and um yeah I
149s just can't to this day I still feel warm
152s fuzzies in my belly uh over that moment
155s because it was one of the defining
156s moments of my life then in 2018 we did
159s the campaign on Kickstarter for a sequel
161s which attracted even more support and
163s now to date Empires if he was actually
165s sold nearly 30 000 copies worldwide
169s and uh just being even saying that is is
173s absurd to me because like I said the
175s whole mission in the first place was
177s just to print a thousand copies of the
179s book and I thought most of those were
181s going to end up in my closet so I I to
184s be able to be here at this moment is um
186s is incredible and I thank you all so
188s much so uh last month I actually got a
192s really incredible email kind of out of
194s the blue from a museum in Spain called
198s the espacio telefonica
201s and they're creating a museum exhibit on
205s Virtual Worlds and they wanted to
207s include empires of Eve in their Museum
209s exhibit this is a a screenshot or a a
213s picture they're called pictures when
216s they're real
218s um
219s of an exhibit that they did previously
221s on digital misinformation it's a really
224s wonderful place
226s um
226s and they do a lot of amazing things with
229s technology and popular culture and so
231s the Museum of the exhibit is called
233s virtual world from Cyclorama to
235s metaverse and it's going to be running
237s from November 22nd 2023 through April
241s 2020 or 2024 so if you find yourself in
244s Madrid for whatever reason it's free to
247s the public so you can go in and check
248s out an Eve online exhibit and see what
250s we've been working on
252s just as a quick aside for anybody who
254s doesn't know what a Cyclorama is it's
256s actually kind of interesting it's an
258s 18th century technology that's kind of
260s in a vague way the first ever virtual
263s world what they would do is they had
264s these traveling uh carnivals basically
267s as a carnival exhibit where they would
269s take a huge panoramic 360 degree image
273s that they would paint of like Napoleon's
277s defeat at Waterloo or whatever and they
279s would pipe in music and there would be a
281s door and you would walk into the center
282s of it and you'd be surrounded by like a
285s battle that was unfolding and this was
287s like the 18th century version of a
290s virtual world which is a
292s really cool actually I would love to go
294s I wish we still had those
296s so right now the Empire's review Volume
299s 2 audiobook is something that I just
301s finished working on and it's currently
304s only available to backers of the
306s kickstarter for volume two but that is
307s going to change very shortly because I
310s just finally did all of the little
312s annoying things that you have to do in
314s order to submit it to audible it's a
315s very annoying little process but I
318s submitted that five or six days ago and
320s I'm told it takes about 10 days to get
322s through the approval process so with a
324s little bit of luck it should be
325s available for purchase as soon as next
328s week ideally
330s oh we get a round of applause for that
332s thank you guys that's really cool I
333s appreciate it I appreciate it so for the
336s future of the of the series I want to
337s talk about that a little bit before we
339s get going
340s um in uh next year in 2024 I'm going to
344s be beginning work on some sort of new
347s installment in this series it is very
349s hard for me to talk about what I'm going
352s to be doing next year because I work by
354s myself I'm a single person company so
356s when things get delayed or things slow
359s down my entire company comes to a
361s screeching halt so it's very difficult
363s to call my shot a year out but I am very
367s I have ideas in my head for what I want
369s to do in the future and I'm exploring
372s those and I and I'm really looking
374s forward to it I do not think it's going
376s to be a full-on Empires review volume 3
378s simply because I just don't think that's
380s the best idea for how to explore the
382s rest of the story but I do think that
385s whatever we end up doing will end up
387s substantially expanding The Narrative
389s beyond the events of volume two and
393s whatever I do I promise it'll be a great
394s idea so uh moving on to what we're
398s actually going to talk about today and I
399s wanted to open this up by talking about
400s Pirates of Eve because this was the
403s headspace that I was in when I started
406s working on the the next project that I
408s was that I've been working on for the
410s last five years and it all started when
414s I was in the finishing stages of that
416s book and I want to show you guys
418s something that will be very familiar to
420s a lot of you
422s um but we're making a grander point here
424s so
425s this is uh for anybody who doesn't know
428s this is the sovereignty map of Eve
430s online that shows which organizations
433s own which Null Sec territories and this
436s is a screenshot of Eve as it appeared in
438s 2007 and it's amazing because we can
442s actually this is a time lapse and you
444s can watch a screenshot is each frame of
447s this video showing a day in the life of
450s Eve online and so what I want you to do
452s is I want you to keep your eye on the
454s bottom left hand corner here a lot of
456s you are going to know what's coming but
457s it's it's still pretty interesting to
458s watch it happen in you know maybe 20 or
461s 30 seconds this blue blob down here on
464s the bottom left hand corner that says
465s Band of Brothers on it something
467s terrible is going to happen to it and
470s we've talked about this earlier in the
472s keynote that this is the dissolution of
476s Band of Brothers and what's gonna oh
477s it's already gone oh my God he's gone
479s Band of Brothers Bob is dead I can't
482s believe it happened
484s um
485s and I I these watching this video was so
489s important to me to understanding what
492s Eve online actually is
494s because when you see moments like that
497s happen on the map you know instinctively
500s as a Storyteller that's where the story
503s is those moments of of drastic seismic
507s change are where you go to find the
510s human dramas that makes the story of Eve
514s actually worth learning to people those
516s are the moments where everything changed
518s that's what you need to understand in
521s order to understand the ebb and flow of
523s power so you see for a long period of
525s time the map usually tends to remain
527s mostly stable until you get to these
530s moments where suddenly everything shifts
534s and all of a sudden a blob just appears
537s and wipes something else out
540s and uh this was it was watching this map
544s play out where I really started to
546s understand what I was trying to study
548s with Eve online that I was really
550s looking from the top down at this kind
552s of like petri dish of a a human social
557s ecology that was evolving over time and
561s it's very difficult to read this map but
563s once you understand what you're actually
565s looking at you can actually see these
567s organizations uh growing and becoming
572s larger and more powerful over time so
579s having had that in mind and thinking
582s about the dissolution of Band of
583s Brothers I wanted to watch another video
585s and this is a visualization of the
590s entire internet as it existed in 1991
593s and we're watching the exact same thing
596s taking place where we are watching a
599s frame a snapshot of the structure of the
601s internet as it grew day by day over time
605s and these these flowers are network hubs
609s like one of these is going to be Google
611s and another one is going to be YouTube
613s and the we can learn things about the
617s structure of the Internet by studying
618s this map the blue
620s is uh the United States the red I
624s believe is China Green represents the
628s networks of Iran and the Middle East and
631s I believe purple if I'm not mistaken is
634s Europe
635s and so we can watch all of this
637s happening as it unfolds over time and
640s this is a visualization project that's
642s created by Barrett Leon at the Opti
644s project and uh it's honestly one of the
647s most to me one of the most beautiful
649s things that I've ever seen watching the
651s profoundity of this system start to
654s develop like this is to to someone who
657s studies the internet this is like my
659s pale blue dot like this when I look at
662s this I see every hero in Coward every
665s young couple falling in love in the DMS
667s this is everything and so if you
670s actually looked and this is a very
672s zoomed out map we can't actually know
675s what most of these hubs actually are but
678s what's fascinating to me is you can see
680s these similar things starting to take
682s starting to happen on this map as
685s networks start eating each other and and
688s moving around and and
690s conglomerating with one another and it's
694s profoundly fascinating to me to know
698s that if we had enough information we
701s could zoom in on this map we could find
703s Eve online in this bouquet of flowers
707s and perhaps even find the dissolution of
710s Band of Brothers on this map in flow
713s with the entire rest of the internet
721s and
722s um
724s when I started thinking about all of
726s these things and and seeing these it
729s called these Human Social ecologies
731s playing out in front of me
733s I started to feel a little bit crazy
736s and was wondering
739s am I imagining all of this do I want
742s this all to be
744s very profound do I want Eve to be in
748s flow with the whole rest of humanity in
750s the internet or am I actually looking at
753s something really fascinating here and so
757s in order to try to wrap my head around
759s this I reached out to somebody who a lot
762s some of you will know others of you will
764s not know but I think everybody who loves
766s Eve should know it's a guy named RAF
768s Coster RAF Coster was the lead designer
771s of Ultima Online
773s I called in a few uh an Ultima Online
775s was the direct design ancestor of Eve
779s um back way back in the early 2000s even
781s the late 90s one of the early mission
783s statements for Yvonne line as it was
785s being developed was to create Ultima
787s Online in space so this is a person who
789s knows a lot about how these sorts of
792s systems actually work and so I called in
794s a few favors and managed to actually get
796s him on the phone and I'm going to play a
798s couple of clips for you from my
800s conversation with him because it ended
803s up being one of the most profound
805s conversations I've ever had in my life
807s as he immediately started to explain to
810s me the structure of all human
812s civilization across all eras of history
816s and so I bring I bring up this map for
818s you on this graph for you because he's
820s going to reference what's called a
823s Pareto distribution and it's all very
825s simple he's gonna
827s he's gonna fake like he's gonna talk to
829s you about math but don't be afraid he's
831s not actually going to we're going to
832s move past it really quickly but this is
835s what he's going to be talking about when
836s he talks about power laws and burrito
838s distributions you can keep your eye on
839s this map
841s if you take all of the cities in the
846s world when you put them on a graph for
848s population
849s so you end up with yes but if you take
853s this and put it on a log scale so this
855s is the exact same data but on a log
857s scale it looks like that that's called a
861s power law distribution often called a
864s Pareto distribution anyway it turns out
866s that magically throughout history it
869s hasn't matter what the most powerful
871s country in the world was you know
873s regardless of what was going on in
875s politics if you graft the population of
878s the cities of the world they always
881s followed that curve think about how
883s whack that is for a second
885s they always have this distribution too
888s the biggest one is always n times larger
891s than the next biggest and so on down the
893s chain
894s I'm describing a shape of human
896s civilization all periods in history
899s regardless of geography the largest
901s cities in the world have always had this
903s structure if you take the wealth of
906s individuals across the world they have
910s tended to follow this curve I mean these
912s curves are hidden everywhere they're
914s hidden in things like your cell like
917s your body follows this kind of curve the
920s graph that is your body has only a very
923s small percentage of cells that are
925s actually in charge of specifically
927s your nervous system cells and the kings
929s of the nervous system cells are in your
931s brain you have cells in your fingernails
934s not only do you not give a about
935s them you intentionally kill them off
937s yourself because they're that
939s unimportant to your network
942s so I actually kind of undersold the
945s ambition of his comments because he went
947s on to describe how these very same laws
950s are bound up in almost every science
954s like the actual states of matter plasma
957s gas liquids and solids are actually
960s simply names for different levels of
963s connectivity in the network graph
965s between the molecules so this is kind of
968s like a
969s universal truth of how things actually
972s uh
974s actually it works scientifically and he
977s kind of started to really blow my mind
979s when he explained how all of this
980s applies to MMOs the reason is because of
984s how networks work when two things form a
988s relationship
989s any two things okay any sort form a
992s relationship mathematicians call that an
995s edge so think of it as a node and a line
997s and another node right let's say you've
1000s got a whole bunch of random nodes and
1002s you just roll dice to start attaching
1004s them what you'll find is that they
1007s attach in kind of a soup the an average
1009s node has the same number of connections
1012s on average as every other node right but
1015s if you tilt the odds just a tiny bit so
1018s so that a node that already has edges
1021s tends to get more
1023s so I want to play WoW because it's where
1027s my friends are okay whatever that's
1029s called a preferential attachment Network
1032s and uh it's very hard to find things in
1035s human society that are not preferential
1038s attachments
1039s you know Facebook wins out over the
1042s other social networks because it's where
1044s everybody already is if you take the
1047s populations of MMOs at any given moment
1051s since MMOs started they also follow this
1054s curve
1056s so it kind of blew my mind and uh then
1059s further went on to explain that not only
1061s do MMOs
1064s collectively follow this structure that
1066s not only are all of the MMOs essentially
1069s sharing a population amongst each other
1072s a single population a single community
1075s that exists and permeates all of the
1077s different titles that are out there even
1079s included
1081s but that this actually also applies to
1083s player organizations this applies to
1085s guilds and corporations as well that
1087s this is
1089s um essentially social science all the
1091s way down
1092s and you can see this in the mega
1094s coalitions of nullsec where you see
1095s these very very few groups that
1098s conglomerate into massive coalitions of
1101s tens of thousands of players whereas the
1103s majority of them fall into the category
1106s of these uh the long tail the very
1108s smaller groups of 30 40 50 players
1112s so
1114s as a Storyteller of MMOs historian of
1117s the internet this is actually
1119s particularly fascinating to me
1121s because he went on to explain that
1123s there's this phrase in the science
1125s called a phase transition that applies
1128s to all of these different types of
1130s networks and a phase transition is
1132s exactly what happened to Band of
1133s Brothers it's when something happens
1135s that suddenly causes the network
1139s connections to shift and when they shift
1142s they tend to shift very rapidly and you
1145s see that immediately there something
1147s terrible happens to Band of Brothers and
1149s it turns to liquid in a moment and a
1151s moment later it's evaporated into gas
1152s and it's gone
1155s and so I started looking
1160s as a Storyteller for these moments of
1163s phase transition
1165s because those are the moments
1168s of deepest Humanity
1170s those are the moments that drill down
1173s deepest into these other digital social
1176s networks and can teach you the most by
1179s digging down into the history of why
1181s Band of Brothers was destroyed what
1184s happened there who was there who did
1187s what and why it all occurred you can
1189s understand so much about Eve online and
1193s that essentially is the structure of the
1195s first empires of Eve book The
1197s dissolution of Band of Brothers Korea is
1198s provides the climax for the story
1201s and so I went around looking for these
1204s other moments of phase transition inside
1207s the other
1209s popular networks within that shared
1212s community of other MMOs and so the the
1215s first story that I investigated was one
1216s of the more famous events in online
1218s gaming history which is this an event in
1220s World of Warcraft called the gates of on
1222s kiraj
1223s and the gates of Entourage was a
1227s one-of-a-kind event in which every
1230s server of World of Warcraft received a
1232s new dungeon with the gates sealed and
1235s each server had to go on a massive
1238s realm-wide Quest that included every
1240s single player on that realm to work
1243s together in order to amass an enormous
1245s amount of supplies to you know Supply
1248s The Siege on on this hidden dungeon
1251s where the old God c'thune this big
1253s eyeball was waiting and they could only
1256s actually go into it when the entire
1258s server had amassed all of these these
1261s enormous amount of supplies and when one
1264s particular hero from each particular
1265s server had gone on this months-long
1268s quest to reforge the scepter of the
1271s shifting Sands so that he could ring a
1274s Gong outside the gates and open them up
1276s for the first time and so what
1278s implicitly ended up happening is that
1280s this has created a race between all of
1283s the different Realms to be the first one
1285s to open up the gates and one server one
1289s in particular a server called madiv
1292s and this guy named callahad was the very
1295s first person to open the gates in World
1298s of Warcraft history and
1300s what nobody anticipated including the
1303s designers of the encounter was that when
1307s you have only one place on one server in
1311s World of Warcraft where something
1313s interesting is happening
1315s every other server empties
1318s all of the players from the other
1320s servers not all of the players but tens
1322s of thousands of players from the other
1323s servers left their server created level
1326s one characters on the medivh server and
1329s began a massive pilgrimage across the
1333s world of Azeroth to arrive in the desert
1336s in one of these higher level zones to be
1338s able to be there to witness the opening
1340s of the gates of on kiraj and that's what
1342s you see here in these uh relatively
1346s Exquisite screenshots of players massing
1349s around the gates as they were opened
1354s so the second story that I dug into
1358s was this story that I called The Siege
1359s of keger mall by the armies of the dead
1361s and it takes place in a zombie
1363s apocalypse text MMO called Urban dead
1367s um which is a fabulous game despite the
1370s fact that it's a text-based MMO and what
1373s ended up happening in urban dead is the
1376s the way the game worked was the zombie
1378s side and The Human Side were not fixed
1380s teams if you died as a human you became
1383s a member of the zombie team and if you
1385s were a zombie and a human jabbed you
1387s with us with a medical syringe you came
1390s back to life and became a human again
1393s so at a certain point the humans got
1396s tired of running away from the zombies
1398s and decided to make a Last Stand at this
1400s place called kager Mall
1402s and hundreds upon hundreds of humans
1404s showed up to defend them all to try to
1407s actually create one little slice of
1409s civilization again in this apocalypse so
1412s that it didn't have to get dispersed by
1413s the overwhelming horde over and over and
1416s over again
1417s and so what happens is the zombies all
1420s find out that this is where everybody is
1422s at and every horde of zombies within the
1426s game converged on keger mall and you
1429s have this incredible battle that takes
1431s place between thousands of players that
1433s unfolded over the course of more than a
1435s month
1436s and the only reason why it ended
1439s is because Urban dead was run by an
1443s independent game developer there was
1445s only one developer in charge of the game
1447s and he was not able to be inside the
1449s virtual environment and actually know
1451s what was happening so in the middle of
1454s the siege of kager Mall
1456s the guy whose name his name was Kevin
1458s Kevin
1460s changed some of the rules remember
1462s that's that revivification syringe that
1465s I talked about he changed the loot rate
1467s of those syringes so that three times as
1471s many syringes were able to be found
1474s and the humans wiped out the zombie Side
1476s by resurrecting almost all of them so
1479s that there were almost no zombies Left
1481s in urban dead
1483s and the story
1487s climaxes or culminates with a protest
1491s March that
1493s where the zombie side and The Human Side
1496s actually joined in common cause and
1498s became allies and marched across the
1500s city in solidarity to try to get Kevin's
1503s attention to say
1505s Lord the game is broken
1507s we need your help please roll back
1509s please roll back the update
1515s this is a game called Asheron's Call
1518s which came out in 2000 and the graphics
1521s are great aren't they guys Round of
1522s Applause for astronauts calls Graphics
1524s thank you
1525s so
1527s astronaut's call is a really cool game
1529s where they had an i the developers of
1532s the game had an idea and what they
1534s wanted to do
1536s was they wanted to uh
1539s release these crystals all over the game
1541s world for the players to find and what
1544s the players didn't know was that when
1546s they smashed these crystals and got a
1548s bunch of loot out of them that these
1550s crystals in the lore were actually the
1553s horcruxes of the game's main villain
1555s this winged demon named balzeron and so
1559s the development team didn't tell the
1560s players that they were trying to trick
1562s them into releasing the demon through
1564s their own greed right they were trying
1566s to pull the old okey-doke on them and
1568s they were trying to like release these
1569s little hints that this is what was going
1571s to happen and that's what you're looking
1572s at right now when you see these players
1574s standing on a mountain top the
1576s development team actually layered a
1578s silhouette of belzeron into the Skybox
1581s of the world so that when lightning
1583s struck you would be able to see just for
1585s like a fraction of a second you would
1586s see the winged demon with his Beady red
1589s eyes beaming down on the world of uh
1592s darrath it was called dareth
1595s and so once the players figured out that
1598s the dev team was trying to
1602s make them complicit in the destruction
1604s of the world that they were role-playing
1606s as saviors of they refused to play along
1609s they literally formed a secret society
1612s that formed Oaths to guard the final
1615s Crystal the final horcrux of belzeron
1618s the Hope Slayer
1619s 24 hours a day seven days a week for
1622s more than a month
1623s and they the cool thing about Asheron's
1627s Call
1628s is that every creature in the game had
1630s experience points and could level up so
1632s if you were a monster you could uh and
1635s you kill the player you would get XP
1637s from that and you might actually level
1638s up and become an even more powerful
1640s monster players used to troll the Newbie
1642s zones by feeding themselves to like a
1645s level one bunny rabbit until it was a
1647s level 30 rabbit and it was just
1649s rampaging through the new the Newbie
1650s zones nibbling
1652s players to death right so they did the
1655s same thing to the Crystal and they
1657s turned it into a level 900 Crystal that
1659s one shot everybody who ever came near it
1662s and it became so broken that it started
1664s refusing Dev commands
1669s they eventually figured out exactly why
1672s it was refusing Dev commands it wasn't
1673s like a ghost or something like that but
1676s uh what what actually happened is the
1678s Crystal had so much extra experience
1680s that the moment they tried to set it
1682s it's HP to zero to destroy it it would
1685s spend its XP on more levels again and
1688s instantly
1689s refill its own health but it took him a
1692s while to figure out why that was
1693s happening they were I talked to the devs
1695s about this they were like we were kind
1696s of scared we were like what's going on
1701s so this is liter this is actually uh so
1703s what they ended up doing is they they
1706s found the greatest troll in Asheron's
1709s Call and recruited them into uh
1712s basically a role play event where they
1713s gave them
1715s um like Infinity Buffs to go in and role
1718s play the destruction of the the crystal
1720s Defenders and destroy the crystal
1723s and which it's too long of a story but
1725s you have to read the story it's a it's a
1727s great tale
1728s um and this is this is belzeron after he
1730s was Ultimate released this down here
1732s this person in the orange in the bottom
1735s left that's vidorian uh the greatest
1737s troll in the history of of Asheron's
1739s Call who ultimately destroyed the
1742s crystal released Bells around the Hope
1744s Slayer and commenced what they called
1746s the fourth sending of Darkness
1751s this guy's another great troll
1754s fancy the famous Bard was a character in
1757s EverQuest
1759s who
1760s EverQuest had a problem
1762s with um
1764s what you might call lords they
1767s couldn't control certain aspects of
1769s their community and so they had to
1771s create all these rules to govern these
1773s people's behavior and make sure that
1775s they weren't harassing people out of the
1776s game
1777s and the the players these players hated
1781s that and they were like well we need to
1782s be able to express ourselves to the
1784s maximum of of our capability or else
1787s we're not living our fullest life in the
1789s virtual environment so the solution that
1792s they came up with was to create a no
1793s rules server
1795s and the no rule server had one rule it
1798s wasn't quite a no rule server they had
1800s one rule and it was that any player who
1802s was less than level slower than level
1804s six was invulnerable couldn't be
1806s attacked by other players so this was a
1808s ruthless place that was run by the worst
1811s elements of the community the some of
1813s the some of the most they're some of the
1815s best pvpers in the game but they were
1818s mean dudes and so fancy the famous bard
1823s was a level six player who
1827s skilled only one skill and it was called
1830s celos accelerando silos accelerando is a
1833s movement speed skill that Buffs your
1835s movement speed so that you can run
1837s faster than everyone what he did is he
1840s ran around the world attracting the
1842s aggro of all of these what are called
1844s sand Giants which are very large
1846s formidable enemies and you can see and
1849s it's hard to see some of these Graphics
1851s but you can see the sand Giants are
1853s chasing fancy through the down the river
1856s across the desert here
1858s and he would take this enormous train of
1862s high-level enemies and run it right into
1864s the town centers and kill everybody
1867s and the fun thing about fancy is that he
1870s was role-playing as a doer of good he
1873s worshiped the God of Light this guy
1875s named Nathaniel Mar who was a uh he's a
1878s God in the Everquest Universe who's
1880s who's literally he's a paladin whose
1882s face is so beautiful that he hides it
1883s behind his hair because it would pain
1885s you to look upon him
1887s and that was Fancy's God and fancy
1890s um killed everyone fancy killed 350
1894s people across a rampage of two days and
1897s basically took over sell and Zach at
1899s only level six uh the the no rule server
1901s was called Sullen Zach and he became the
1903s level six God of selenzak here he is
1906s again with it with a whole train of sand
1908s Giants chasing after him there's there's
1911s fancy close-up with his cool green vest
1913s running across the desert I love this
1916s guy
1919s the Sun King shines on the devil of the
1922s Republic the best chapter title I ever
1924s came up with
1926s is about
1927s Second Life
1929s one of the weirdest and ultimately
1932s kind of oddly coolest games that I've
1935s ever learned about uh
1938s in the early 2000s there was a really
1941s big fad around second life and the idea
1945s of creating permanent virtual outposts
1947s inside of second life and the first
1951s political organization in history I
1954s believe to create a virtual headquarters
1956s was the the What's called the front
1959s National in France which is the uh
1963s political party within France that tends
1965s to blame things on immigrants which
1967s tends to be a thing that shows up at
1968s least once in every country it seems
1970s like but the denizens of Second Life
1973s hated this they hated the idea that this
1976s was going to be an unwelcoming space a
1978s place where they were celebrating the
1983s election of Jamari Le Pen who was the
1986s leader of the party who is now who is
1988s actually the father of the current
1989s leader of the party Marine Le Pen and so
1991s they staged uh protest slash Riot they
1996s shot they made guns that shot pigs at
1999s the headquarters building and they
2001s basically shut the entire thing down
2003s they made lots of posters with Jamboree
2005s Le Pen with a little Hitler mustache on
2007s and then my absolute favorite thing one
2010s of the one of them made an AOE attack of
2013s Thomas the Train Engine
2016s which is just worth the whole story just
2020s on its own
2022s um and so
2023s Jean Marie Le Pen's nickname in France
2025s was the devil of the Republic and when
2028s the protesters actually defeated the
2031s front National and forced them to
2033s retreat from Second Life
2036s um they second life is a highly modable
2039s game and they took a JPEG of Dr Martin
2042s Luther King Jr and they superimposed it
2044s on the Sun so that forever afterward Dr
2047s King would be shining down smiling upon
2050s the sight of a successful anti-fascist
2051s action
2055s laughs
2059s so I've now been studying MMOs for 10
2063s years and I've been working on these
2064s particular stories uh and studying I've
2066s written I think seven or eight chapters
2069s over the last five years in my spare
2072s time chipping away at this and doing
2074s research on on other games as well at
2076s the same time I was writing about Eve
2077s and the key takeaway is actually
2081s it's profound But ultimately very simple
2083s is that
2084s we are from many games but we exist
2088s across one larger Community that's more
2091s important than any individual game and
2093s that we are ultimately connected to our
2096s Brethren Across The Gaming Community and
2098s to a lesser extent we are in flow with
2101s the entire rest of the digital Humanity
2104s across the internet in that uh
2106s visualization that we watched earlier
2108s makes that relatively clear
2111s and I find this so deeply interesting
2113s because
2116s these moments of phase transition these
2119s moments where the social fabric of the
2121s world breaks down
2123s has everything to teach a modern social
2126s media
2127s about what awaits all of us in a digital
2131s future
2133s because I've got bad news Mark
2136s Zuckerberg doesn't know about any of
2138s this stuff he's never studied it Elon
2140s Musk doesn't know about the history and
2143s what the history of gaming and online
2145s gaming has to teach social media about
2148s the internet's past and it's almost
2151s disappointingly
2153s these moments of protest and rupture our
2156s these social failures where these
2159s societies kind of came apart are are far
2162s more complicated and interesting than
2164s what's going wrong with modern social
2166s media today which is failing at elements
2170s that are far more basic than what games
2172s like Eve are experimenting with in the
2175s modern world and so that is
2177s one of the great things about even the
2180s responsibilities of Eve moving forward
2182s is that Eve is the test pilot for
2186s digital research for testing out Human
2189s Social societies
2191s um and it's a it's an awesome
2193s responsibility and it's one to take
2194s extremely seriously and I know that CCP
2196s does
2201s so
2204s I've Loved writing these stories so much
2206s because they take place in deeply
2209s Fantastical environments and star these
2211s bizarre characters and they grapple with
2216s the functioning of the uni of these
2218s digital universes and and what goes
2220s wrong when things go wrong and I've
2223s spent years trying to figure out what I
2225s should actually call this book when
2228s so many of the characters that we're
2230s meeting and we're grappling with in this
2232s story are some of the most problematic
2234s elements of of the universe of these
2237s digital universes
2240s um and that's why I came up with the
2242s name Edge Lord elegy the faith of
2244s digital societies
2247s and I hope that you will consider uh as
2250s we move forward into the early next year
2251s becoming a supporter as we start to plan
2253s a Kickstarter
2257s so all of my research
2260s over these past five years working on
2263s these stories
2265s suggest just one deeply and desperately
2268s important lesson for Eve and for the
2272s internet broadly and for social media
2273s and it's that every time one of these
2278s societies broke down
2280s if you study it closely enough you find
2283s out that it was designed to break down
2285s exactly as it did it was always going to
2289s happen and so you have to study these
2291s spaces and understand the social
2293s dynamics well enough to get out in front
2295s of it and make sure that that collapse
2297s does not happen because in the future
2301s where we're living in a world where
2304s Facebook has two billion citizens the
2307s consequences of such a rupture arnest
2310s cheeky as fancy the famous Bard they're
2314s potentially extraordinarily serious
2317s and
2319s one of the reasons why I love Eve so
2321s much
2323s is that I know that Eve does take that
2324s responsibility so seriously and
2328s um
2329s if Eve is going to achieve the dream of
2333s Eve forever
2335s the only way that that is going to
2337s happen
2338s is by building the community person by
2342s person and making sure that absolutely
2345s nobody flies alone and that the
2348s community is healthy and strong
2350s and I just want to say thank you guys so
2352s much for coming and for giving me an
2354s opportunity to be up here again I've
2356s missed you all so much and how about a
2358s round of applause for everybody at home
2360s who didn't get to come this year
2362s thank you guys so much thank you