almost 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s steadfast caldari State capsuleers have
7s successfully achieved a Monumental and
10s historic feat by being the first to
13s bring an Interstellar shipcaster online
15s located in the ottoman system this
18s Cutting Edge transport system grants a
20s significant advantage to kadari forces
22s for Rapid deployment of their fleece to
24s the front lines of the militia conflict
26s this breakthrough infusing triglavian
29s and caldari Technology offers
31s unprecedented speed and efficiency of
34s Fleet mobilization caldari forces
36s operating out of the anamon HQ will be
39s able to respond swiftly and decisively
41s to emerging threats while spearheading
43s offensives into enemy territory
46s Theodore Navy executive General haika
48s torigo expressed her heartfelt
50s congratulations to the caldari
52s capsuleers hailing their achievement as
54s a shining example of the indomitable
57s Spirit of the caldery way
59s executive General torigo has urged
62s capsuleers to leverage this hard-earned
64s Advantage by taking an active role in
66s constructing and safeguarding shipcaster
68s beacons in Target systems by doing so
71s the kadari forces can further bolster
73s their strategic position and secure
75s their dominance in the kaldari galente
78s militia war zone after assembling the
81s necessary resources to construct both
83s the state Stellar ship Caster in Ottoman
85s and The crucial State Stellar transmuter
87s in the Illinois system the caldari bring
90s their race to acquire this technology in
92s the so-called Shadow War to a triumphant
94s close however as the kaldaris celebrate
98s the hard-won fruits of their labor the
100s remaining three Empires continue their
102s pursuit of shipcaster technology and
104s will no doubt continue to covertly
106s Target kaladari research installations
110s this is Alton havery reporting for the
113s scope
113s [Music]
128s [Music]