over 2 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

20.091920×1080 214 KB


Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in the 20.09 version of EVE Online, first released October 11th 2022.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

over 2 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

Known Issues:


  • In some cases sounds can get stuck. Please still send bug reports about this, if you encounter this problem, as we need more information about it. As workaround you can try to disable and re-enable audio through the settings menu.


  • The Paladin Hull has lightning VFX on the default hull and most SKINs.


  • Neocom Icons are sometimes not appearing correctly. Workaround: Resize the Neocom.
  • Classic UI - Unable to select items when creating contract as the checkboxes are not clickable.