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CCPls what is this change, everything is fuzzy when the camera moves, and half the time my station goes bright red light

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by Remaining_light

There's now no AA at all with DX11. Not just for me - several people has same issue. I sent bug report during last stress test. No result.

There is AA for DX11, but AA requires high shader quality now.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by ashortfallofgravitas


Hi! Thank you for your bug report!

Regarding blurriness: With what settings (especially also resolution and vsync) are you observing this? Can you capture this in a screenshot? While the changes to antialiasing can indeed something lead to a slight increase of blurriness, it should not be disturbing (and I personally can not even notice it on my computer).

Regarding red light in station: So far I have not been able to reproduce this, but I'll keep looking. Does this depend on specific settings?

almost 2 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by ashortfallofgravitas


The bluriness is extremely obvious for me, I can very clearly see it settle even on AA=low. Running on a 1440p monitor with the settings above, RTX 4070Ti.

As far as I can tell the red light doesn't change based on settings, however it did appear to behave differently when I switched ambient occlusion to high (but it did persist on at least one account). A semi consistent trigger for me has been opening my character sheet, and after maybe 1-1.5s the character portrait will load in, which will trigger the red light bug.

The red light also seems to happen when accounts are just left idle with the character sheet open.

Interesting! Can you screenshot the blurriness itself, or does it not show on screenshots?

almost 2 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by ashortfallofgravitas


As far as I can see it comes through fairly well in these screengrabs

Thank you so much!

almost 2 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by ashortfallofgravitas

As of 4th May, AA now seems to break overlay GUI like the tactical overlay - moving the camera makes the numbers and lines _incredibly_ fuzzy even on AA=low.

Thank you very much for the report. Seems like this did indeed degrade.
We are on it. :(