9 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s Equinox Expansion Highlights
8s Orbital Skyhook Extract colony resources
16s Sovereignty Hub Seize system-wide control
20s Sovereignty Upgrades Customize your territory
24s Metenox Moon Drill Automated moon mining
28s New Upwell Industrials Specialized holds & missile capability
36s Enhanced Planets More vibrancy, variation & detail
52s Carriers Seize Control Conduit & capital micro jumps
60s Personalized Ship SKINs Make each ship a statement of identity
75s Paragon Hub Embark on your SKIN trading career
83s Collection Browse your treasures & creations
91s Daily Goals & Monthly Rewards Do more, get more!
95s Stronger Organizations More Corp Project types, more contributions
99s Stunning Destruction Impactful & distinct bomb VFX
106s Stunning Destruction Spectacular Upwell explosions
115s Solstice Event runs 20 June - 1 July
117s New Map Explore and conquer a new environment
130s Weapon Modifications Customize your instrument of destruction
134s New Industry Gameplay Enhanced mining tools, abilities & activities
146s Sleek New Gun SKINs New base design & stunning gun SKIN rewards