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EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
29s | welcome back ladies and gentlemen to |
31s | Alliance tournament 18. we have finally |
33s | made it it is old enough to drink we're |
35s | going to share mimosa |
37s | and we're going to look forward to some |
40s | exciting matches over the next four days |
41s | we have 32 teams that's quite strong uh |
45s | 32 teams 70 matches and I personally |
48s | guarantee all the explosions that you |
49s | could possibly ever ask for I'm ethical |
51s | Hawk I've got a whole crew here with me |
53s | that to help bring this incredible feat |
55s | of Esports to your very eyeballs and we |
58s | are basically ready to get going we have |
60s | our first teams in the arena ready to go |
62s | it is truth honor light and they're |
64s | going to be going up against a hill no |
66s | I'm super excited to see what happens |
68s | with those two teams truth honor light |
70s | of course the defending champions in |
71s | their previous guys has Hydra reloaded |
73s | uh can they make it a twofer can they |
75s | win two in a row will we form Volta |
78s | manage to take gold this year instead of |
80s | silver or will it be some other team |
82s | that no one knows about just yet well I |
84s | mean we've got four days to find out |
86s | um but I mean I think we should get |
87s | started I want to see all these |
89s | explosions |
90s | um we're apparently not ready to go to |
92s | the arena |
93s | um so let's just uh let's just look at |
94s | twitch chat hello twitch chat how are |
96s | you guys doing today I see see many of |
98s | you in there getting ready to to watch |
101s | these explosions which |
103s | to find out guaranteed guaranteed |
106s | um here I think where is Nash Nash is |
108s | through there so let me introduce some |
110s | of the other people that we have |
111s | actually so we've got a whole bunch of |
112s | people you will see on the desk we're |
113s | gonna have mystical might we're gonna |
114s | have Blackboard pirate we're gonna have |
116s | the Basilisk we're gonna have jintan I'm |
118s | joined by some incredible CCP guests |
120s | ccpb CCP Swift CCP zealous is here uh we |
123s | have Bay art J behind the scenes |
125s | biohazard uh we have Nash cadaver we |
128s | have so many people making this happen |
129s | and we have this incredible venue I mean |
131s | we're sitting right now in GTA 404 all |
134s | the way in space looking out the window |
136s | and I this isn't this is an incredible |
139s | incredible set I'm super happy to be |
142s | here |
143s | um I'm just going to ask our production |
144s | crew are we ready to go to the arena |
148s | we're going to throw a next match |
149s | graphic instead let's do it let's have a |
151s | look at what's what's coming up next |
155s | so here we see truth honor light versus |
157s | our Hill no so the uh the red team truth |
160s | on a light Banning out the Deacon the |
162s | Ishtar and the stratios whereas ahil not |
165s | Banning out the Blackbird the carries |
167s | and the jackdaw the trickle bands uh are |
170s | ship ship and ship as well as ship ship |
172s | and ship uh interesting choice of bands |
174s | right there I personally would ban ships |
176s | as well uh that's probably a good good |
178s | move I see what looks like a Maelstrom |
180s | and uh five Dickens being banned there |
184s | um so the captain of Truth on a light is |
186s | a Dexter AKA from Hydra reloaded last |
189s | year and for ahil not it is Daniel |
193s | um the oh we're back to me um there's so |
196s | many uh experienced Pilots here |
198s | um I'm I mean |
200s | we have mystical Knight he's a we're |
202s | ready to go to the match let's go let's |
204s | go see some explosions |
212s | ah welcome to the match boys uh looks |
214s | like some of the ships haven't quite |
215s | arrived yet I think they're having some |
216s | trouble warping in but we have a triple |
218s | BC core with an osprey versus well at |
221s | the moment it's a single Nighthawk who's |
222s | ham sitting at zero wondering where his |
224s | friends are I'm of course joined by Zoo |
226s | mate how you doing brother ah good and |
228s | yourself interesting here I'm just |
229s | wondering if it is just a failure to |
232s | show or if we're having some technical |
233s | difficulties out there |
235s | um it seems by local chat they're having |
236s | some difficulties in forapping referees |
238s | will sort that out but so long we can |
240s | just take a look at the comp here from |
241s | truth honor light I've seen a attack |
244s | battle cruiser tornado I'm always |
246s | interested to see those because they |
248s | have more of a rep of being kind of |
249s | glass cannons |
251s | um what weapons are we seeing on that |
252s | NATO and what do you think about it will |
254s | you not uh we're seeing some interesting |
256s | stuff for sure I'm more looking at the |
257s | fact that we have a harbing a Navy with |
259s | an osprey but yeah those should be Auto |
261s | Canon natives I believe that doesn't |
263s | look like artillery to me so I thought |
265s | that's a lot of DPS in that team to be |
266s | fair that's a lot of DPS and look at the |
268s | rest of the ships are finally arriving |
269s | because uh |
271s | I thank goodness since we will actually |
273s | have a good match to start off this |
275s | tournament luckily so uh teams will just |
277s | be storing themselves so rest we'll sort |
278s | that out if there's any penalties to |
280s | apply which I assume is happening |
281s | considering a bunch of warped to zeros |
283s | there right now but we will have a match |
285s | on the way and we are seeing gilas I'm |
287s | excited to see if these things are gonna |
289s | um follow through with that absolutely |
291s | uh awesome reputation they have right |
293s | now do you think the Gill is still in |
294s | strong position right now wing that |
295s | deals are always strong that's just the |
297s | nature of the Beast unfortunately I'm |
299s | not a fan of them really please Nerf but |
301s | they're honestly going to be very |
302s | interesting interesting to go against |
303s | this uh opposing comp I I'm not sure |
306s | what's gonna happen to be honest this is |
307s | interesting |
308s | is going to be interesting um I like |
310s | seeing the stuff now I like seeing the |
312s | Nighthawk I like command ships in |
313s | general so that bear is always a tough |
315s | cookie to crack in general teams |
317s | normally you face a bit of a dilemma |
318s | once there's a slept in Iron field |
321s | um some teams think like you know kill |
322s | the sleptner once you have the most DPS |
324s | on field because that they're having a |
326s | ridiculous tank bonus and making use of |
328s | xlsb Shield boosting to supplement its |
331s | tanks while there's lodgy still on grid |
332s | so some teams think hey that's cracked |
334s | while we have the most DPS some teams |
336s | leave it for loss thinking why bother |
338s | but then obviously you're going to be |
339s | sitting there for stepner with a lot of |
340s | self-tang stone field and we've seen a |
342s | couple of matches before in the past |
343s | where uh selection just carries the |
345s | match but we do have the match underway |
346s | here |
347s | indeed we do yeah let's see what goes |
349s | first this is going to be a lot of DPS |
351s | from the uh truth on a light team but |
353s | there's also a lot of GPS on that are |
355s | held natives they charge in within the |
357s | ham Hawks |
358s | so I've seen the T1 Osprey here on the |
361s | uh true cider backing off there they're |
363s | all retreating back to that engine in |
364s | the back being rushed right now by all |
366s | hail now |
367s | um tornado left the glass Cannon they're |
369s | definitely going for it but a lot of |
370s | pressure on that free Lodge of the Kirin |
372s | right now Ducks there so it looks like |
373s | they're trying to get rid of the lodgy |
375s | support first before taking out any big |
377s | thing bigger trying to see what else |
378s | they're shooting are they just shooting |
379s | the kid okay they're good they're |
380s | shooting the deal now NATO is about to |
382s | die already that's way too late they |
383s | finally got to Target onto the gear but |
384s | they've already lost a massive chunk of |
386s | DPS that is not a good start for them |
388s | but they are ripping through the Skiller |
390s | still looks like they were probably |
391s | trying to try their luck on Ducks there |
393s | in the Kirin there so freak Lodge you |
394s | obviously having a little Sig seeing |
395s | what they could apply seeing that they |
396s | couldn't apply and going for the Killer |
398s | and successfully falling through on that |
399s | so let's also removing a lot of damage |
401s | uh on the opposition side there of all |
403s | hail na going for the second gear now at |
406s | obviously at the advantage of getting |
407s | rid of these gilas is the longer the |
409s | match goes on the more kite potential |
410s | these gearless might have to just live |
412s | to win at the end but getting rid of |
413s | them now uh they can just make this a |
416s | full-on brawl if they need to uh |
417s | pressure being split there as well now |
419s | to the scalper as the second gear goes |
420s | down yeah Gil is actually painful not to |
423s | crack through it looks like a scalp was |
424s | being ripped apart as well but the uh |
425s | the random unicorn of a shield half Navy |
428s | is currently surviving a lot longer than |
429s | the NATO did and we see Nighthawk taking |
432s | damage as well as a scalpel and Kieran |
433s | so they're trying to go for the |
434s | Nighthawk now trying to remove the last |
435s | big chunk of DPS except for that slap |
437s | yeah but uh bad situation here I might |
440s | say for uh oh hell no I mean they're |
442s | only now working on their second DBS |
444s | ship the tornado went down obviously |
445s | that's a lot of deep air stuff the great |
447s | Harbinger art Navy is like looks like |
448s | he's pretty much secured the killing |
449s | them um so good job on there getting a |
451s | lot of DPS off the field once more the |
453s | Nighthawk of Daniel getting a bit low |
455s | there um but the frig lodgy on uh all |
457s | hail now side doing a good job of |
459s | holding themselves up even if they'd |
460s | split damage so we're gonna have to see |
463s | here although you know lodgy's up still |
465s | on both sides so if this uh command ship |
467s | of the Nighthawk goes down here on all |
468s | hail on our side I think it could be a |
470s | pretty good shot Here For Truth honor |
472s | and considering no pressure is coming |
473s | onto that Osprey of theirs |
476s | it looks like they're now switching on |
477s | to an exact maybe but that Nighthawk is |
478s | not going into Hull he's lost his |
479s | massive Shield bones and he's about to |
481s | get killed and that's going to be |
482s | honestly a pretty painful death metal to |
485s | this comp they're going to try and kill |
486s | his exec Navy under Osprey raps Osprey |
488s | does have two Flats of uh Hornet ECS on |
490s | him might buy them a bit of time back |
492s | don't think they can rip through that as |
493s | a stalk just gets deleted boom |
495s | absolutely gone interesting we can note |
498s | here the hakari on true side of nif um |
501s | looks like he's just plain dedicating to |
503s | that screen position making sure that |
505s | Osprey stays safe so you know a lot of |
507s | people might have spelled blood in the |
508s | water and maybe dedicated themselves in |
510s | but he's playing his role they're |
511s | keeping it Osprey safe unfortunately |
512s | truth does lose another ship here going |
514s | down but I feel like they're in a quite |
516s | comfortable position here as all hail |
518s | now loses their Sky breaker |
520s | yeah that's absolutely pretty look at a |
522s | slept here look like there's a lot of |
523s | DPS but unfortunately that Osprey is |
524s | actually said is being protected by the |
527s | um by the heckony but then again |
529s | that's also a friendly sci-fi also |
531s | protecting the Osprey so they are really |
533s | they know exactly what this team needs |
534s | to win and they're going to not allow |
536s | that to happen |
537s | well we say protected the fly catcher |
539s | there of bulky uh dive down no one moved |
541s | to intercept him he could have probably |
542s | actually made a b line right for the |
544s | Osprey but he seems to be more focused |
546s | on a rupture there right now I think not |
548s | too sure what's happening there he had a |
549s | pretty clean sweep there that Katie |
551s | actually didn't move to intercept and |
552s | now probably only waking up now but |
554s | um not sure if this is really self |
556s | solves your position but we do see the |
558s | vulture of Nick getting a bit of damage |
560s | here what do you think about a vulture |
561s | actually being on guard here right now |
562s | Wingnut thank you boy very tanky boy I'm |
566s | honestly I'm not entirely sure it |
567s | probably does got a lot of DPS with the |
569s | uh I'm just double checking if that's |
570s | the originals or blasters pretty sure |
572s | that's rails |
574s | but it's obviously a very very brutal |
575s | Tanki ship and the instant applied |
577s | damage compared the Nighthawk could be |
578s | very useful also doesn't require that |
579s | much application help so my hook does |
581s | almost uh almost religiously require a |
584s | Loki to provide the webs to give it the |
586s | actual punch it needs |
588s | issue yeah I think here we just seen |
591s | truth on our light going for um you know |
593s | not looking to mismatch their weapon |
595s | system so you know uh dedicating to the |
597s | tourists to just you know make sure they |
599s | have that instant application like |
600s | you're saying you know get the good |
601s | transversal get the good lineups so not |
603s | really a boom headshot comp but you know |
606s | just instant application if everyone's |
607s | doing their job requires a lot more |
609s | skill and dedication versus just |
611s | missiles or drones but uh can get the |
613s | job done as we see the scope will |
614s | finally go down there so the first Lodge |
616s | you should die on today |
618s | yeah it's a weird shadow of the old uh |
621s | Octodad battle cruises there's only four |
623s | of them they've got a good support wing |
625s | with it but it's a lot of DPS in these |
626s | battle cruiser hulls that make them very |
628s | strong and yeah Loki's down they've left |
631s | the slept until last which I think is |
632s | the ultimate disrespect because that is |
634s | usually one of the most dangerous ships |
635s | around it has just been ignored oh |
638s | unfortunately there's this you know we |
640s | spoke about this right at the beginning |
641s | of the match the sepner's not gonna be |
642s | able to carry much against you know what |
644s | seven ships here right now especially if |
646s | the lodge is still up I mean the Ospreys |
647s | got a bit of damage on him but of note |
650s | we do have to say uh hell oh hell no um |
653s | was going to look for more EC drone |
655s | spread up so relying on some RNG which |
657s | probably didn't cover them |
658s | um but truthfinder like going more for |
660s | the DPS drones which probably would help |
662s | them just split that Focus between the |
664s | frigology for the win here |
666s | yeah well truth and I like us to win |
667s | there so we'll send it back to the |
668s | studio see what they think |
671s | another great haul back from Omar damn |
674s | I'm thirsty |
676s | [Music] |
679s | that hits the spot |
691s | Farmers bar could be anywhere |
695s | [Music] |
706s | thank you |
707s | [Music] |
714s | [Music] |
730s | there you have it so the first match of |
733s | the day the victory goes to truth honor |
736s | light there in a what looked like it |
738s | could have been a bit of a controversial |
740s | match going the other way I know a young |
742s | mystical might over here joins me on the |
744s | desk I was somewhat stressing during |
746s | that match uh I believe the exact words |
748s | you said were oh oh please stop dying so |
752s | what was your thoughts here mystical |
753s | mind uh I may have said those words |
755s | there may have been a few curse words |
757s | thrown in in between a little bit I'm |
760s | not going to repeat exactly what I said |
761s | uh watching the match but yeah no I |
763s | think it was a solid win I don't think |
766s | that it was even close I never doubted |
768s | it wasn't close I had full face full |
770s | face full face full face and you still |
772s | have full faith the truth I like gonna |
773s | go all the way yeah of course yeah yeah |
775s | yeah yeah we're not going to lose any |
777s | more ships I'm sure |
778s | interesting all out of the way now no |
781s | more so that we can we can blaze through |
783s | zero to 100 every single time it's fine |
785s | okay and |
786s | um are you willing to put some Plex |
788s | absolutely not okay absolutely not so |
791s | I'm joined by mystical Knight and of |
792s | course black Bart pirate Bart how are |
794s | you today oh I'm doing uh super good I |
796s | am here in this amazing space station |
799s | that we're in uh traveled all the way |
801s | from Earth it was quite tiring so but |
804s | you know I made it you guys live here so |
805s | it's super easy for you guys you don't |
806s | understand what's like to get on |
807s | spaceships and uh fly through the sky so |
809s | that's true we do live in Utah 404. |
811s | we're actually coming to you uh live |
813s | from Nottingham in the UK this year um |
815s | so this is the evante studio uh it |
818s | belongs to us it's completely utterly |
819s | ours it's not rented whatsoever and even |
821s | seems to do in Nottingham is also in |
823s | g244 |
825s | um and yeah I mean the the guys who |
826s | built this whole set and everything is |
828s | absolutely incredible uh I don't think a |
830s | lion's term has ever looked this good |
832s | least in my opinion so black part |
835s | which teams are you looking forward to |
836s | seeing in Alliance tournament this year |
837s | I'm kind of looking forward to all of |
839s | them honestly like I know it's a little |
840s | bit of a cop-out and I kind of cheated |
842s | there but like after watching the |
844s | feeders and seeing like the quality of |
846s | the players that made it through the |
847s | feeders and like the struggle that they |
849s | had to do |
850s | I know that everybody that made it |
852s | through the theaters deserves to be here |
853s | most of the teams like we're seeing so |
855s | many old names we're seeing not Hydra |
857s | we're seeing Volta we're seeing |
858s | templates we're seeing triumvirate we're |
861s | seeing PL apparently is back in maybe |
863s | this time they'll reclaim their former |
864s | glory so I I really am looking for |
867s | looking forward to all the teams I think |
868s | all the matches are gonna be really good |
869s | uh just really excited about it I mean |
872s | this is going to be I think it's gonna |
873s | be really good like we already started |
874s | off with an amazing match so when the |
876s | first one's that good like we'll see |
877s | what goes down I'd I'd hope that's less |
880s | amazing next time so you want like 100 |
882s | to zero victories just boring so you're |
884s | not interested in making these guys have |
886s | a good time |
887s | keeping my heart rate at a reasonable |
890s | level |
891s | I'm a very selfish individual true |
893s | doesn't want entertainment doesn't want |
894s | explosions just once uh his own Peace of |
897s | Mind Peace of Mind exactly |
900s | so we have um the next match is going to |
903s | be arrival versus Deepwater Hooligans |
905s | um but actually tell you what Misty |
906s | let's break down a little bit what |
908s | happened in that last match so you were |
909s | watching very closely very closely |
911s | extremely closely could say I was |
913s | slightly invested slightly invested um |
914s | Talk us through it like talk us through |
916s | what we just saw yeah so what we saw was |
918s | a kiting team on the truth on a light |
921s | side |
922s | um going up against a mimitar rush team |
924s | so as you'd expect with the Minotaur |
927s | Rush team they rushed in |
928s | um secured tackle on the tornado and the |
930s | Harlingen Navy which meant that as we |
933s | saw at the very beginning of the match |
934s | the tornado goes down extremely quickly |
936s | it's a high DPS ship but it's not |
939s | necessarily known for its tank it's more |
941s | of a projection glass cannon that you'd |
943s | expect to sit further back in the in the |
945s | back lines but with the limits of the |
947s | alliance tournament you have to begin |
948s | within 50 kilometers off the beacon so |
951s | if a team comes in at zero on the beacon |
954s | you're starting 50 kilometers away and |
956s | it's not really enough time for a |
957s | tornado to be able to to pull away from |
959s | a rush comp as we saw kind of |
962s | demonstrated by the all hell now team |
963s | but |
965s | thankfully for me the logistics for it |
968s | gets on the Ohio now team decided that |
969s | they were going to go on a little |
970s | Adventure by themselves because they |
972s | took a little bit of damage at the |
973s | beginning and that allowed the truth on |
975s | a light team to kill the gilas which put |
978s | out an incredible amount of damage |
980s | um but they weren't in range of their |
982s | Logistics to get reps so that I think |
984s | really helped the truth on the light |
986s | team kind of pulled through towards the |
987s | beginning of that match awesome and uh |
989s | Bart do you think that the Ariel now |
991s | team could have done anything different |
992s | in that situation uh like as Missy says |
994s | they brought in this moment to a rush |
995s | team they clapped that tornado really |
998s | quickly but then it started to slowly |
1000s | fall apart they looked like they were |
1001s | pulled it back at one point Mr Clement |
1003s | incredibly invested staring at the |
1004s | screen almost shouting and in fact some |
1006s | would say and but what could uh oil now |
1009s | have done in that situation |
1011s | I mean honestly like it was hard to tell |
1013s | but it looked like the lhanel team got |
1015s | warped at zero which I don't know if |
1017s | that was their intent or not but uh if |
1019s | that was their intent uh they were in a |
1022s | position like they grabbed the tornado |
1023s | but I think they really needed to go |
1024s | after that Osprey I'm not sure how well |
1026s | they would have been able to pull it off |
1027s | but the Osprey did actually manage to |
1029s | keep so many ships alive as a Tequan |
1032s | Logistics Cruiser which is pretty |
1034s | impressive I mean it's very solid |
1035s | piloting um |
1036s | you know it is hard like it's hard to |
1038s | see like where they've been able to get |
1040s | on it or not but there was like I feel |
1041s | like there's a little bit of overlapping |
1042s | like over tackling going on where they |
1044s | were just focusing on okay we got the |
1046s | primary everyone tackle the primary and |
1047s | kill it okay let's go to the next |
1048s | primary everyone attacked the primary |
1049s | and kill it which is I think everybody |
1051s | in Eve has had a moment where they did |
1053s | that and everything got away so but I I |
1056s | don't know it's hard to say like Hydra |
1057s | did a really good job splitting sorry |
1059s | truth honor light and uh yeah they just |
1063s | got outkided I mean kiting team versus a |
1065s | Minotaur rush I guess |
1066s | it works there you go so our next match |
1069s | is going to be arrival versus Deepwater |
1070s | Hooligans and we have some graphics to |
1072s | throw up and let's have a look at it uh |
1074s | so arrival Banning out the Armageddon |
1076s | Navy issue the arthrus and the Ishtar |
1079s | whereas deep water choosing to ban out |
1080s | the EOS the curse and the slept near now |
1083s | if you're new to the alliance tournament |
1084s | uh when we see these trickle bands what |
1086s | this means is uh each team gets three |
1088s | blind bands for a total of six if |
1090s | there's any duplicate bands let's say |
1092s | here both teams had banned the Ishtar |
1094s | that both teams would be given one |
1095s | additional trickle ban each if all three |
1097s | ships were the same uh so let's say both |
1099s | teams banned Armageddon Navy Arthur is |
1101s | Ishtar then each team will have another |
1103s | three bands so Mr komari the Armageddon |
1106s | Navy issue that's just recently been |
1107s | buffed in the uprising expansion |
1110s | um is that it's going to be a popular |
1111s | band you think in this uh this Alliance |
1113s | tournament so the Armageddon itself has |
1116s | always been |
1117s | um kind of a scary ship in the alliance |
1119s | tournament setting because it gets a |
1121s | bonus to its newt's Effectiveness |
1123s | um so both the optimal range of those |
1124s | newts actually I'm not sure if it gets a |
1126s | strand bonus maybe it does a small one |
1128s | if any I think it's just an optimal |
1130s | range bonus which means that it's a very |
1132s | difficult ship to fly against because |
1134s | it's denying you an area within that |
1136s | Arena where if you don't want to get new |
1138s | to doubt you can't fly within that that |
1140s | space the Armageddon Navy issue has been |
1142s | recently updated to bring it more in |
1144s | line with the tech one counterparts I |
1146s | think a lot of the faction chips have |
1148s | been because they were kind of lacking a |
1151s | couple of the good qualities that the |
1152s | tech one versions had |
1154s | um I'm gonna have to interrupt you there |
1155s | because the teams are in the arena and |
1157s | we are ready to go to see a rival versus |
1159s | Deepwater Hooligans uh with your casters |
1162s | working across anzu |
1168s | and welcome them back to match two |
1169s | arrival vs Deepwater Hooligans and we |
1171s | have a double go on scorp Navy comp |
1173s | versus a uh well it looks like another |
1176s | no hook rush but it's a little more I |
1179s | don't know exotic what are you thinking |
1181s | about this |
1182s | I'm allowing to see a double marotta |
1184s | comp of Golems obviously the Bastion |
1186s | module is not allowed but these Golems |
1188s | uh look to be set up for Crews |
1190s | um so we've seen I think looks like a |
1191s | ham Rush versus a crew setup so you know |
1193s | uh gonna be interesting to see what the |
1195s | position is uh unfortunately it's T1 |
1197s | freak lodgy on the uh Golem side so deep |
1201s | water Hood against a better time |
1202s | disadvantage there but |
1204s | um maybe I can use that right Edge |
1205s | Advantage use some MGD beacons split up |
1207s | and you know spread the rush around I I |
1209s | think that's what they're Curious by the |
1211s | looks of it that triple Battleship plus |
1213s | Nighthawk I wonder if this is one of the |
1214s | pseudo tanker uh Cruise comps we've seen |
1216s | in the past it's looking like this might |
1218s | be the case we'll have to keep an eye on |
1220s | it that's uh yeah 36 to the match in the |
1223s | way this very interesting to see if this |
1225s | Rush can break that if that is the case |
1227s | actually a good call there so we'll look |
1228s | after this energy transfer is happening |
1230s | that's the case so Russia is still in a |
1231s | good position to go because you can |
1232s | always go bowling and knock them out of |
1234s | energy transfer range that ET has only |
1236s | been between 9 and 10 kilometers not |
1238s | having any bonuses but the match is |
1239s | underway |
1241s | I'm just keeping my eyes on the |
1242s | battleship let's be honest I'm not even |
1243s | looking at the what I'm assuming is a |
1245s | massive Rush yep there's the rush uh |
1247s | let's see yep they are balling up this |
1248s | is almost definitely a pseudo Tinker |
1250s | combo let's go |
1251s | see so let's say the pressure coming in |
1253s | here now direct Navy issue on the |
1255s | arrival side getting that pressure first |
1256s | nice little pickle up there always um |
1258s | but it looks like they're just gonna be |
1259s | looking to strip on the Deep order side |
1261s | the T1 lodgy I mean they're easy |
1263s | pickings if you've got a Russian you got |
1264s | the double Loki webs no reason to not |
1266s | clear those things off the grid |
1267s | absolutely first |
1268s | yeah they're going for the Drake Navy |
1270s | first as well so that could potentially |
1271s | quick as a kill birth goes down that's |
1273s | the last of that logic removed so now |
1274s | it's just the self rep on these three |
1275s | battleships and the Nighthawk I suspect |
1277s | the support Wing has now been left |
1279s | entirely out to dry well I'm not seeing |
1282s | any logic Bots or any energies you |
1284s | transfers so no real signs of a tinker |
1285s | comp yet they might just be going for I |
1287s | don't know some other ballsy player here |
1288s | right now but it's full damage drones on |
1290s | both original right now uh the Drake |
1293s | Navy issue on uh arrival side it looks |
1296s | to speed up in no armor but still living |
1297s | to win right now energy transfers go |
1299s | through the Nighthawk there we go it is |
1301s | definitely a pseudo tanker now because I |
1302s | have to try and survive the world now |
1304s | it's getting given all the capacity it |
1305s | needs but can he survive this massive |
1307s | Rush Drake Navy goes down that could |
1308s | maybe be enough here but he is just |
1310s | taking off a bit of armor |
1312s | oh no he's he's not I don't think he's |
1314s | gonna hold this he's trying his absolute |
1316s | best oh it's getting spicy now if I'm |
1319s | just they need arrivals uh I need to see |
1321s | if they can pressure through this now |
1322s | because obviously that'll be the links |
1324s | as well which is going to be crucial for |
1325s | keeping this Tinker going right now so |
1327s | uh doing enough pressure to make him |
1328s | believe and he does go down so give it a |
1330s | minute or two those links will expire |
1332s | making everything else a much softer |
1334s | Target to break here right now |
1336s | it looks like they're going after the |
1337s | Osprey Navy now with Cruz it's probably |
1339s | not the worst of all calls but um they |
1341s | can't kill the the opposing logic so |
1342s | they need to quickly kill the city ships |
1344s | before they start losing more DPS see a |
1346s | Merlin now just being being clobbered |
1348s | because it can okay where's that Merlin |
1350s | wait hold on where's the Merlin over |
1352s | there I'm sorry I just noticed very |
1354s | interesting that we have double Golems |
1356s | here paint bonus with split damage going |
1357s | onto the Kirin but not a single paint is |
1359s | being applied to that Karen right now on |
1361s | a rival side I mean if you got two |
1363s | golems and you're not applying any of |
1365s | those awesome ridiculously bonus paints |
1367s | to occurrent while you're trying to kill |
1368s | it I think you're doing something kind |
1370s | of wrong here I believe that's because |
1371s | they're going for the Osprey Navy so |
1373s | they're putting all their paint onto |
1374s | that there's also is this a Golem of |
1376s | rilio moving |
1378s | I think he's moving away |
1380s | yeah he is |
1383s | oh let's see this other thing you're a |
1385s | whole good job here holding their et's |
1386s | not trying to give their cards out right |
1388s | at the beginning you know obviously if |
1389s | the ETS goes right off the bat everyone |
1391s | knows right for sure it's a tinker but |
1393s | then again just like you said the ships |
1394s | are super the big giveaway here |
1396s | um logic side for the current uh and |
1398s | scalpel doing a good job of keeping that |
1399s | Osprey up but unfortunately deep order |
1401s | is losing too many of their crucial |
1403s | ships especially without the links and |
1404s | all that support um these golems and |
1406s | scorp Navy is just not going to do much |
1408s | on their own right now I feel they need |
1409s | to kill more DPS if they can get The |
1411s | Offspring Navy and maybe a lucky I think |
1412s | they can almost definitely tank this |
1413s | because they'll still be getting |
1414s | transferred by their friends but it's |
1416s | gonna be a really brutal fight for a |
1418s | while but that being said the scorp Navy |
1420s | is actually holding pretty comfortably |
1422s | I thought he was gonna start losing a |
1424s | lot harder but actually he's he's pretty |
1425s | much chilling over at 60 70 well and now |
1428s | we've seen some good volleys coming |
1429s | through onto the Osprey Navy issue uh |
1431s | might just be them coordinated as far |
1432s | these could cause Osprey Navy does go |
1434s | down and especially like you said |
1435s | stripping off some DPS putting the |
1437s | battleships back into a really good |
1438s | position here so now I'm just to see if |
1440s | they're going to switch those paints |
1441s | over to maybe a frigology or and try and |
1443s | get those off or if they're confident |
1444s | now in the DPS just keep hitting these |
1446s | high DPS ships and just keep putting |
1448s | themselves in a stronger winning |
1449s | position because obviously yeah |
1451s | so what a rival needs to now do is to |
1453s | bump the scorp Navy away from his |
1455s | friends at the moment they're not I |
1457s | think they're trying but they're kind of |
1458s | failing at it they need to get their |
1459s | school maybe out of ET range of his |
1461s | friendly battleships or he will not go |
1462s | down that be said again I say that too |
1463s | early as he starts getting lower in |
1465s | Shield |
1466s | but he's really tanky well the Nighthawk |
1469s | also getting a lot of pressure here on |
1471s | arrival side |
1472s | um I am really interested to see what |
1474s | would happen if they put paints on those |
1475s | free glossy and maybe take a snapshot at |
1477s | them obviously they don't have any webs |
1479s | or grapples right now just really having |
1481s | newts and paints unfortunately so uh if |
1484s | that Sni goes down that's a loss of uh |
1486s | damage that's a loss of energy transfer |
1488s | that's a loss of a buddy to keep this |
1489s | whole Tinker going |
1491s | yeah he's the Scorpion Navy is starting |
1493s | to go down he's he's run out he's trying |
1495s | his best he's repping as hard as he can |
1496s | but that's too much DPS and they're |
1498s | going for the night hook I don't know if |
1499s | I like that it's probably possibly the |
1500s | most tankiest thing on grid right now |
1502s | and they've gone straight for I |
1504s | personally would have maybe gone for one |
1505s | of the locus to try and remove something |
1506s | but this unfortunately it looks like the |
1509s | Tinker won't or the silver Tinker will |
1510s | not hold |
1511s | yeah that's unfortunate looks like most |
1513s | of the DPS that's coming onto the Karen |
1514s | right now is just the light drones that |
1516s | I've been splitting up there right now |
1517s | let's get a big oh yeah maybe there's a |
1520s | chance there's a chance come on get them |
1522s | quickly okay can they survive now that |
1525s | he's got such a sliver lift |
1528s | that is a really big hit there right now |
1530s | oh it might be able to recover here |
1532s | right now but |
1533s | no he can't he's still losing that he's |
1536s | gonna go down 11 structure there he goes |
1538s | that was so much closer than I expected |
1541s | wow |
1543s | you'd almost assume they were packing |
1545s | torps the way these Follies just |
1546s | suddenly come out of nowhere but that's |
1548s | also what happens sometimes when a |
1550s | shield cracks and suddenly all that |
1552s | armor and hell just gets stripped off |
1553s | right away two Golems is still quite a |
1556s | scary uh situation to be in obviously |
1557s | they can still support each other but |
1559s | you know with loss of that extra energy |
1560s | transfer uh any sort of newts it's just |
1563s | gonna slowly get eat away at this |
1565s | capacitor the xlisb requiring a serious |
1567s | amount of capacitor if it's not getting |
1569s | supplemented by something else |
1571s | if they can hold and kill a Loki I think |
1574s | they'll have it but as you can see with |
1575s | that Golem he's gonna have to be repping |
1576s | for his life to stay alive |
1578s | so that's going to be a really tall last |
1579s | not to mention the actual DPS from the |
1581s | support Wing even like as simple as to |
1582s | make sure like two or three hundred and |
1584s | you got whatever's left from the stalk |
1585s | in the bar for us like it's it could |
1587s | honestly add up honestly I mean we're |
1590s | sitting in about half inch of the match |
1591s | about four minutes left I know these |
1593s | Golems aren't in the best position but |
1594s | the points are quite close 48 to |
1596s | arrivals 40 obviously the sky breaker |
1598s | goes down uh only a bit more to rival |
1600s | side but you know if if these Golems can |
1602s | actually hold out and maybe just look at |
1604s | getting rid of something else like maybe |
1605s | take some shot at this fifth a little or |
1607s | the bifrost you know they could be uh in |
1609s | a good position to still win on points |
1611s | here if they manage to push through she |
1612s | also just saw a smartphone go off from |
1614s | the other Golem removing EC drones DPS |
1616s | drones potentially even lodgy drones |
1618s | so that goal is trying to remove what's |
1620s | on him that which might again buy a |
1621s | little bit of time I didn't see him up |
1623s | the other Golem yet the primary of uh |
1626s | Dana I don't think I've seen him fire a |
1627s | smart bomb yet but look at his tank he's |
1630s | actually holding very comfortably I |
1632s | honestly thought he was going to get low |
1633s | there but no he's he's doing quite all |
1635s | right and they're just grinding away at |
1637s | the Loki right now of uh archm Hardy |
1640s | um so it looks like they're just |
1641s | dedicated on getting rid of this high |
1642s | end not reading carrying much for the |
1643s | support taking more advantage of their I |
1646s | like DPS drones to get ridless care and |
1648s | I'm actually surprised that this fiddle |
1649s | of black tooth hasn't gone and maybe you |
1651s | know gotten rid of all these DBS drones |
1653s | on the Kirin so uh the scalpel can just |
1655s | dedicate all these reps to you know |
1656s | keeping this Loki alive instead of his |
1658s | freak lodgy why is this again so close |
1662s | why is this still so close the goal is |
1664s | dipping down a bit lower and the Loki's |
1666s | not going past 30 why is this because |
1668s | the Golem has just dropped down to 10 |
1670s | he's back up to 30. he's just bouncing |
1672s | and I mean what the Loki is getting ever |
1674s | so closer Dino needs to overheat every |
1676s | rep he has or whatever he's got to |
1679s | survive that extreme like 10 20 seconds |
1681s | to maybe break through this this lucky |
1682s | but I think I think the scaffold has |
1684s | finally stopped bothering to save the |
1686s | Kieran perhaps and is now putting |
1687s | everything he's got into the goal |
1688s | because notice that Kieran is slowly |
1689s | starting to creep down so I think every |
1691s | single rep is now on that Loke you're |
1692s | trying to buy them an extra seconds of |
1694s | time well I'm sure we've seen some spicy |
1696s | High slots here on both sides on you |
1698s | know for reps on energy transfers |
1700s | everything DPS modules um if that Loki |
1703s | goes down I mean these Golems are going |
1704s | to be in a spectacular position points |
1706s | and position wise right now we only have |
1708s | it's only about two and a half minutes |
1710s | left so I think it's going to come down |
1712s | to a lot of heat management because one |
1713s | wrong move one wrong cycle an inval |
1715s | burns out or something like that it's |
1717s | just all downhill the low Keys went down |
1720s | 15 Shield there so he's gone past Peak |
1722s | reaching he's slowly taken down the reps |
1725s | are going as hard as they can to buy to |
1726s | buy more time they're holding them just |
1729s | at about 30 then he dips back down the |
1730s | back up to 30. Meanwhile the Golem is |
1732s | now into Hull I think the logifrix might |
1735s | have saved this |
1736s | oh it's spicy now |
1740s | he's gone that's painful pretty much I |
1743s | think they should be able to wrap this |
1744s | up now in the last two minutes of the |
1746s | match here |
1747s | um so you know just grinding with the |
1748s | Golem absolutely spectacular to show you |
1750s | my deep water Hooligans I didn't really |
1752s | give it to them you know right at the |
1753s | back but uh showing some strong Choice |
1755s | I'm a bit uncertain about their choice |
1757s | of Target prioritization how did you |
1758s | feel about that would neck with them |
1759s | focusing purely on the high-end ships |
1761s | and not really touching support I'm |
1763s | pretty sure we cruise that would |
1764s | absolutely struggle to shoot the scalpel |
1766s | and carry even with Target paints and a |
1768s | web from the uh from their support I |
1770s | think they would still struggle going |
1772s | for the big end with the big ship was |
1773s | definitely the way to go I think but I |
1775s | know personally I wasn't the biggest fan |
1776s | of the Nighthawk pick that is |
1778s | potentially one of the tankiest things |
1779s | around I guess it does have the |
1780s | signature of a large Moon so you can hit |
1782s | it pretty easily but I don't know I want |
1784s | to ask the guys at the desk on that one |
1786s | because I'm not sure on that but |
1787s | meanwhile the Golem is still holding |
1788s | here but unfortunately as you see by the |
1790s | Loki of art Arch I'm just going right |
1792s | back up yeah really really strong show |
1794s | you we're just seeing the absolute |
1796s | devastation that these uh Marauders can |
1797s | bring |
1798s | um I'm interested if anyone's going to |
1800s | bring Vargas Vargas obviously not doing |
1801s | a tinker just more rolled Firepower and |
1803s | how they can do in like a rush AC comp |
1805s | um but spectacular show here with the |
1807s | double golems and this is also why we do |
1809s | not allow Bastion because just Bastion |
1811s | would have made that even more |
1813s | ridiculous as we finally do see Smith |
1815s | here getting ground down |
1817s | yeah man good fight's all in local as |
1818s | well I think both teams have realized |
1819s | that was an amazing match yeah one guy's |
1821s | saying that's nail biting |
1823s | absolutely beautiful we got less than 30 |
1825s | seconds left so thank you so much to |
1826s | these two teams would be just honestly a |
1828s | beautiful match this might end up being |
1829s | my highlight but then again these |
1831s | matches always get better the later the |
1832s | night goes |
1834s | um because yeah I'm always going to be |
1835s | excited for any little wild card we see |
1836s | throughout the day um what are we going |
1838s | to be seeing in flagships but without |
1839s | that the battleship does go down and the |
1841s | match is done and we will be sending it |
1843s | back to the studio with arrivals taking |
1845s | the win |
1847s | uh yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
1850s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
1853s | logo is in the game of course you could |
1855s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
1856s | would be kind of a jerk move that kind |
1858s | of oh you don't like it now sucks I'm |
1861s | gonna go |
1868s | [Music] |
1878s | welcome to leave Pandora |
1883s | Pandora Pandora |
1904s | [Music] |
1910s | taking that Victory there over at |
1913s | Deepwater hilgens in a very exciting |
1915s | very tense match that one could have |
1916s | gone either way at so many points one |
1920s | part of the match it was 40 points to 50 |
1922s | but uh the Deepwater crew were trying to |
1925s | kill that Loki worth 17 points if they'd |
1927s | done that maybe their Golem had survived |
1928s | but then arrival managed to just break |
1930s | through kill off that uh that tanker set |
1933s | up and take the W with one second |
1935s | remaining on the clock when they took |
1937s | the the final ship down mystical might |
1939s | uh we that's our first Tinker basically |
1941s | of uh of the alliance tournament the |
1943s | snap curve pseudo tanker what is a |
1945s | tanker and why is it so powerful I mean |
1947s | first Tinker of the tournament second |
1949s | match of the day or second match of the |
1951s | tournament Am I Wrong it you are right |
1953s | you are right thank you very much so um |
1955s | a tanker or a pseudo Tinker in this case |
1957s | is fitting a large energy transfer on I |
1961s | think three or four of your Mainline |
1963s | ships so in this case it was the double |
1964s | Golem Scorch Navy issue and the |
1967s | Nighthawk that would all have energy |
1969s | transfers when you get shot you run |
1972s | through some extra large ASP charges so |
1975s | that's a short booster that you can load |
1976s | with cap Chargers so that you don't have |
1979s | to use your own capacitor to boost your |
1981s | Shields but eventually it runs out and |
1983s | then it costs a lot of capacity to run |
1985s | it again but with the energy transfers |
1987s | what you do is that all of the ships |
1989s | that aren't getting shot give capacity |
1992s | to the ship to the ship that is getting |
1993s | shot and it can run that extra large |
1995s | show booster without the Chargers and |
1997s | that's kind of what the Tinker setup now |
1999s | is |
2000s | um in the modern day and age |
2001s | I'm Bart one of the witnesses we usually |
2003s | see for Tinker setups is they're really |
2005s | not very mobile like those uh that |
2007s | remote cap transfer is maybe like six |
2010s | seven kilometers you have to say super |
2011s | close to each other so sometimes we see |
2013s | teams attempting to bump those ships out |
2015s | of the way we saw arrival uh try and |
2017s | bump the tanker setup apart they did not |
2018s | succeed on that however |
2021s | um tanker setup chose to shoot at |
2022s | kieran's with uh cruise missiles at your |
2026s | thoughts on this this decision yeah it |
2029s | was a pretty bad call on their part um I |
2031s | think that actually they would have won |
2033s | if they had at any point chosen to not |
2035s | shoot at kieran's uh they only did it |
2037s | they did it for about a minute and they |
2039s | did it for another minute like as they |
2040s | tried to break something but we saw that |
2042s | Loki was so close to dropping before the |
2044s | Golem and there was a couple moments |
2047s | during the match where uh before the |
2048s | Scorpion Navy issue dropped when they |
2050s | had all three battleships and they chose |
2052s | to try and take a Kieran down and you |
2053s | know Kieran is a not only is it a |
2054s | frigate that is a logistics frigate so |
2056s | there's a ridiculously small signature |
2058s | radius and cruise missiles just they |
2060s | can't apply to frigates that one well |
2062s | they're made to take out battleships and |
2064s | battle Cruisers we actually saw them |
2066s | take a Nighthawk down with them very |
2067s | easily uh it's just really unfortunate I |
2070s | mean it was like a little bit of Target |
2071s | calling that I feel like if they had |
2073s | gone after the Loki instead of akirin at |
2076s | any point they probably would have won |
2077s | but trying to put cruise missiles on a |
2079s | logistics frigate |
2080s | pretty much doesn't work pretty much |
2082s | doesn't work we also saw um essentially |
2085s | the Nighthawk Loki Rush which was super |
2087s | popular during Alliance open and it's |
2089s | been less successful of late simply |
2091s | because of the points increase for some |
2093s | of these ships during Alliance open the |
2095s | points values were very different it |
2096s | meant it was a very Point efficient comp |
2098s | to bring |
2099s | um what do you think about bringing that |
2101s | comp in this particular Alliance |
2103s | tournament with the current points I |
2104s | mean |
2105s | I guess it's not a terrible comp to |
2107s | bring there's certainly better comps |
2109s | that you could bring if you wanted to do |
2110s | a rush setup it depends on the bands and |
2112s | what the bands were in the previous |
2113s | match |
2115s | um it's a strong setup it was stronger |
2117s | and the alliance opens because you could |
2118s | bring the two battle Cruisers or the two |
2120s | command ships and three Cruisers right |
2124s | that a lot of damage coming out we saw |
2127s | here you can still get a lot of damage |
2128s | out of these ships but it's a little bit |
2130s | more like hodgepodge because the more of |
2133s | the same type of ship that you bring the |
2134s | more the points cost and then you know |
2136s | the point values were changed anyway so |
2139s | they already cost more |
2141s | um so it's a little bit less effective |
2142s | like you said to bring that same setup I |
2144s | don't think it's the best type of Rush |
2145s | that you could bring I think we've seen |
2147s | better ones during the feeders that |
2149s | perhaps they could lean on |
2150s | um but yeah I mean I guess it's |
2152s | something that they're comfortable with |
2153s | based on the fact that it's an old comp |
2155s | yeah they just did pretty well with that |
2156s | during the alliance open if I remember |
2158s | correctly the arrival team |
2160s | um let's look at our next match so it's |
2161s | going to be the tuscaras call versus try |
2163s | and uh we can actually throw up a |
2164s | graphic uh about the tuskers and take a |
2166s | look at them as an alliance tournament |
2168s | team of course they've had various |
2169s | successes over the years including |
2171s | winning Alliance tournament 14 and |
2174s | taking home a bunch of blood Raiders |
2175s | ships the rubisu and the KDs uh for the |
2178s | prizes there tuskers have fielded a |
2180s | total of 53 pilots in their time in the |
2182s | alliance tournament and some incredible |
2184s | veterans there electronicus of course uh |
2186s | very very good Logistics pilot usually |
2188s | you see him in things like the scimitars |
2190s | Suleiman uh the CEO has flown for years |
2192s | he didn't fly for a bit but he is back |
2194s | now this year and look at that like last |
2197s | matches won against try actually so |
2199s | they're they're facing try right now and |
2201s | the last time they played a match in one |
2203s | it was against try I feel like this |
2206s | might be |
2207s | rigged because I believe it says that |
2209s | they are beating try in at 18. oh is |
2212s | that oh no are we licking the script the |
2214s | script has been linked the script has |
2215s | been leaked so there you have it so I |
2216s | guess we could just skip this match and |
2218s | go straight on the tusker is co there |
2219s | taking a commanding Victory uh 100 |
2221s | points to zero over try uh so |
2224s | potentially a bit of a bit of an issue |
2226s | there uh Platinum sensitivity the last |
2228s | team they actually beat and then prior |
2231s | to that snuff there dark side and we |
2232s | form Volta so those are really strong |
2233s | teams that um that tuskers have faced uh |
2236s | all of them very strong team well you |
2238s | say all of them really strong teams but |
2240s | I will remind you that snuffed out did |
2242s | bring four damos's yes let's let's talk |
2245s | about some other time so let's go on to |
2247s | our next graphic now because the teams |
2249s | are about to land in the arena uh so |
2251s | this is the try team so 69 Pilots nice |
2255s | um and some some veterans there as well |
2257s | uh playing in a whole bunch of matches |
2259s | including Annie gardett interesting |
2260s | enough that was from uh when the Volta |
2263s | team was in try uh so Annie despite not |
2265s | even being in try one of their most |
2266s | valuable pilot |
2268s | um and you can see here the vidra |
2270s | reloaded in Alliance tournament I |
2272s | believe that is 16 uh then NC DOT twice |
2275s | sorry Bart uh Brightside death and |
2276s | temples calcium again very strong teams |
2279s | the try team has managed to pull off uh |
2282s | uh victories against unfortunately for |
2284s | them they are scheduled to lose this |
2285s | match to the tuskers coal |
2287s | uh which is somewhat unfortunate for |
2289s | them and we hope that fate will will |
2291s | prevail and maybe they will actually |
2293s | pull out a w we never know teams are |
2295s | landing right now in the arena I'm being |
2297s | told let's have predictions I feel like |
2299s | the fact that the script might have been |
2301s | linked might solid as prediction but |
2302s | mystical man I'm going to come to you |
2304s | anyway what do you think here I'm gonna |
2305s | have to say tuskers based on the script |
2308s | writing for this particular match |
2310s | um I think I think they're a strong team |
2312s | in general |
2313s | um if they've managed to bring back a |
2314s | few of their players |
2316s | um with some of the recent changes to |
2318s | the game perhaps sparking the interest |
2319s | in the tournament again I think they |
2321s | have a strong chance of taking this but |
2322s | I also know to try team strong so it's a |
2324s | 50 50 for me but tuskers excellent |
2327s | non-committal answer there from uh from |
2329s | mystical my bar are you any more |
2330s | committal sure I will say that try is |
2333s | going to win |
2334s | because of the script and maybe we're |
2337s | just trying to mess up people's twitch |
2339s | Channel points here so it's all this |
2340s | like mind game to make sure that the |
2343s | right to people get skins which one that |
2345s | is you know we'll find out but no I I do |
2347s | like tries team |
2348s | um I think last year they didn't do |
2349s | particularly well but it's looking like |
2351s | they maybe have some of their you know |
2353s | original group back together and uh |
2355s | tuskers they haven't performed |
2357s | particularly well in the last like |
2358s | couple days so a couple of couple |
2360s | tournaments so kind of going for try I |
2363s | just kind of want to look at that like |
2364s | something different yeah I also like |
2366s | seeing tuskers loose so well I'm going |
2368s | to put my money behind the tuskers if I |
2370s | could |
2371s | um but let's go to Davina and let's find |
2372s | out who's going to win between the |
2373s | taskers call and try |
2380s | and welcome to the arena tuskers versus |
2382s | try the battle of the teas we're not |
2383s | talking about British uh problems here |
2385s | we're talking about a flagship bar guest |
2387s | it looks like Troy have decided you know |
2389s | what we want to beat tuskers this time |
2390s | we are not having this and they have |
2392s | brought in everything and honestly both |
2394s | teams have brought very similar cops |
2396s | we've got Battleship triple battle |
2398s | cruiser plus support Wings both teams |
2400s | have brought in well forms of lodgy |
2403s | the second Osprey today which I quite |
2405s | like but this is honestly going to be a |
2407s | beautiful match what do you think about |
2408s | this one Zoo uh interesting to see the |
2411s | rapid heavy uh Flagship bar guest there |
2413s | but we've seen uh with tuscos here |
2415s | scorpion Navy issued Cruise fit and |
2417s | warped in at zero unsure what happened |
2419s | there but we're gonna see maybe it's |
2420s | gonna uh be a bit of a bait uh you know |
2422s | a ridiculous uh tank bonus obviously on |
2424s | Sni but you can see both teams obviously |
2426s | going for their triple battle cruiser |
2428s | setup like you said and diversifying to |
2430s | avoid that duplication Point penalty |
2432s | that they need to take if they spam the |
2434s | same ship over and over again so just by |
2436s | versifying they come slightly just so |
2437s | they can take you know more optimized |
2439s | choices here right now but uh I'm very |
2441s | interested to see if a flagship's |
2442s | actually going to be able to give them |
2443s | the edge here interesting thing as well |
2445s | is that the scope Navy is cruise and |
2447s | warped at zero the bar guest is flat a |
2449s | flagship and is rapid Heavies and |
2450s | spawned right at the back of its team I |
2451s | mean if I'm flying a billion or more |
2453s | worth of ship or multiple billions I'd |
2455s | probably warp at the back as well but |
2457s | interesting to see the rapid heavy is |
2458s | being further back than the cruises are |
2460s | but then Cruz does get Full Arena |
2461s | control as the match will be underway in |
2463s | 10 seconds |
2464s | I wanted to see if they're actually |
2466s | going to go into the Scorpion Navy issue |
2468s | right at the frontier but uh once again |
2470s | an osprey like you said gonna be |
2471s | interesting if that lives to win if the |
2473s | bar guys might just go for that headshot |
2474s | off those Rapids right now uh the battle |
2476s | Cruisers are all AC fit as well as we |
2478s | see the match go underway and we see |
2480s | trying for diving right in looks like |
2481s | they're just ignoring that Sni going |
2483s | right from the back line right now let's |
2484s | see if they're going to go for that |
2485s | hospital sink their teeth into something |
2487s | else going for a caracal Navy at the |
2489s | moment looks like a sky fix tackled that |
2491s | actually they was tackled safely of |
2493s | looters now being absolutely pounded |
2495s | upon they're trying to return the favor |
2497s | back the caracal Navy so they're going |
2498s | for these uh reasonably lighter tank but |
2500s | better good DPS ships both the safely |
2502s | and the caracal Navy and yeah one goes |
2505s | down immediately the character Navy is |
2506s | still alive |
2507s | that's that's a very painful start but |
2509s | the character Navy is about to follow |
2511s | second sci-fi is now being primary bit |
2512s | of damage going to a hurricane as well |
2514s | oh we do see the Osprey being attacked |
2516s | up there right now by a jack door so |
2517s | let's see if they're going to follow up |
2518s | for that right now or if they're just |
2519s | going to commit to this character or |
2521s | that seems like both teams going full in |
2523s | on the damage challenge right now we're |
2524s | just seeing a bunch of like Navy uh |
2526s | damage drones right now just to support |
2527s | that DPS right now Cruisers are still |
2529s | being the prime application for both |
2531s | teams the side Fleet issue going down |
2532s | there in the caracal Navy issue as well |
2534s | on the tusker side so let's see with |
2536s | this awesome trade again the exact same |
2539s | trade Navy Crews have been destroyed |
2541s | they are honestly my opinion the best |
2542s | Target they are lightest tank with the |
2544s | best DPS to kill so now that both are |
2546s | done what are they going for us |
2548s | going in for that Oscar it seems they |
2551s | spell blood they're going for they're |
2552s | not going to make the mistake a lot of |
2553s | teams make where you just let the T1 |
2555s | Lodge again |
2556s | gets absolutely deleted on the driver |
2558s | side I swear that like I swear there's |
2561s | like one guy calling like both teams at |
2563s | the same time he's saying kill lodgy and |
2565s | both teams have done the same thing |
2566s | lodgy has now died again so again we |
2568s | have an exact trade to the logic two to |
2571s | two Navy Cruisers and their lodgy both |
2573s | deleted at the same time this is a race |
2576s | with both teams playing from the exact |
2578s | same Playbook I love this all right it |
2580s | is just an absolute blood buffers |
2581s | hurricane of Andrea going down getting |
2583s | absolutely shredded now no support |
2585s | doesn't have the tank all the HP of a |
2586s | hurricane Fleet or a sleptner right now |
2588s | delete it uh right now it's looking |
2590s | quite strong for Tesco's dress because |
2591s | just slightly ahead and points here |
2592s | right now but not to be denied as this |
2594s | Vargo it might be off on rapid reload |
2596s | once it comes off we might seen a lot |
2597s | more things suddenly getting deleted on |
2599s | the tusker side but for Ronald |
2600s | triumphant support is getting shredded |
2602s | as the swivel goes down as well |
2604s | don't forget it's all the Bargas in the |
2606s | back is a flagship Burger so he should |
2608s | put out all our DPS when he's finished |
2609s | reloading Osprey Navy's now being |
2610s | pounded looks like the support Wing has |
2612s | now been deleted now we have Burgers |
2614s | slip their Fleet uh hurricane versus the |
2616s | world and this is just this is chaos I |
2619s | love it I reckon Fleet is now being |
2620s | primed and he will not last long they |
2622s | are not the bit tankiest of ships |
2623s | especially when they're Shield tanked |
2625s | absolutely just a bloodbath we'd love to |
2627s | see it we'd love to see explosions we |
2629s | love to see all the Mayhem right now but |
2630s | I have a funny feeling we might be |
2632s | seeing a flagship going down soon uh but |
2634s | they're gonna be in a bad situation if |
2636s | they even the bar gas they lost a kill |
2637s | they're not going to be able to quite |
2638s | loot it are they the buggest is tackled |
2641s | so they will be able to kill him I |
2643s | suspect they'll probably go for him next |
2644s | because there's no reason not to |
2646s | then again they could just kill the |
2647s | slept near but they are also quite tanky |
2649s | actually there is a mile away so yeah |
2650s | they're gonna go for the bug as I |
2652s | suspect and you can see actually |
2652s | Cyclone's already there |
2655s | that's true they're just gonna get rid |
2656s | of that bar gas leave the stuff now live |
2658s | Luther and do a bit of Victory lapse but |
2660s | you know not to be underestimated still |
2661s | the DPS coming their way with Logie of |
2663s | grid so we're probably going to see a |
2664s | bit more casualties on the tusker side |
2666s | but looking quite strong the broadcast |
2667s | getting shredded we'll be taking |
2669s | advantage of those Flagship bonuses it |
2670s | has for modules right now uh but it |
2673s | might still be able to secure a bit more |
2674s | kill males at least |
2676s | yeah that Bargas that is unfortunate |
2678s | they'll be our first Flagship down the |
2679s | direct Navy does go down I believe that |
2680s | was the slip near dueling it on its own |
2682s | so honorable 1v1 in the arena do I do |
2684s | like those but yeah this bug will go |
2686s | down and that's I don't know how much |
2688s | that's going to be that's going to be a |
2689s | lot of esque Lost |
2693s | but we'll see right now let our teams |
2695s | sometimes just skimp lightly you might |
2696s | use more of a flagship to dodge bands if |
2699s | need be |
2700s | um I don't think the flagship has so |
2702s | much powers used to in the old days |
2704s | um with you know limitations they always |
2706s | do for rules which modules are around I |
2708s | don't think this year they're allowing |
2709s | abyssals though so that's sorry um I |
2712s | just noticed the cycling I think it was |
2713s | it just ejected some cat boosters in a |
2715s | cargo container so we could pick up the |
2717s | loop from the park |
2720s | well played well played good tactical |
2722s | awareness though making sure you got the |
2724s | space to get the goods |
2726s | um but the Cyclone might actually go |
2727s | down unfortunately |
2729s | I mean he has massive boosts when he |
2731s | wraps from xlas but as you can see there |
2733s | he does Outlast the Bargas he's I bet |
2735s | you he's going for that Loop I'm just |
2736s | going to keep an eye on him I don't care |
2737s | about the slipper anymore let's see uh |
2739s | yep |
2741s | stepner is trying to get in there he |
2743s | might be looking to kill this uh Cyclone |
2745s | so that'll be funny if he kills the |
2746s | cycle and they're gonna see two kill |
2747s | males here that's being Tranquility kill |
2750s | males are generated and we might see a |
2751s | double loss of whatever that Argos had |
2753s | fitted could be quite hilarious but um |
2757s | what the Cyclone is Jason osrin |
2760s | where's the Jason Hudson chat boys come |
2763s | on |
2764s | for weeks come on let's hear it |
2768s | but absolutely good wrap up here by |
2770s | tuscares unfortunately the bar gas that |
2772s | didn't do quite that well here |
2774s | um what do you think gave tusker is the |
2776s | advantage here you know teams had quite |
2778s | a similar setup I'd say you know |
2781s | in my opinion bulk they had bulky DPS |
2784s | ships that could take the punishment and |
2786s | what was trying but brought some very |
2788s | heavy DPS ships but they're not known as |
2789s | the most tankiest of options so and also |
2792s | the Bargas honestly might have been more |
2794s | cursed than blessing but we will see |
2796s | nonetheless and this was honestly a |
2798s | wonderful match from both from both |
2799s | parties at the start again thank you for |
2801s | the awesome flying from both teams as uh |
2804s | it looks like I think actually yeah the |
2806s | celebrity was trying to kill the cyclone |
2810s | oh this will be hilarious if we can see |
2811s | another loss I would love to see the |
2813s | last mails for this match right now so |
2814s | take a look at those kill boards off the |
2819s | matches does take the wing over trying |
2821s | very killing a flagship in the process |
2824s | absolutely spectacular show here an |
2827s | absolute bloodbath and with that we'll |
2828s | send it back to the studio |
2831s | guys stop being casual they're really |
2834s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
2837s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
2839s | everybody warp off this is a really |
2840s | really bad execution I'm very |
2842s | disappointed |
2849s | [Music] |
2855s | [Music] |
2859s | crash our enemies your attempts are |
2862s | completely damped out Crush I'm dumped |
2864s | out I'm dumped out you don't like Travis |
2865s | boys |
2868s | everything down I've not been able to |
2870s | look at something again |
2873s | I'm jammed |
2892s | the tusker is cool they're taking that |
2894s | victory over try as we knew would happen |
2898s | thanks to the the brief script leak |
2902s | um black pirate um that looked like an |
2904s | expensive loss for try their first match |
2906s | of the tournament are our third match of |
2908s | the day and I am told that was a |
2910s | flagship bar guest we are hoping to try |
2912s | and get the kill mail for you |
2914s | um what is a flagship and why is that |
2916s | kind of a big deal so a flagship is a |
2918s | that lets you ignore a significant |
2920s | portion of the fitting restrictions that |
2923s | we have so generally almost every ship |
2925s | in the at can only fit up to Tech Two |
2928s | modules |
2929s | except for the flagship which has a |
2931s | specific list of them |
2933s | um they can pretty much fit anything |
2934s | officer besides like you know the big |
2936s | tank mods because you know something |
2937s | like a a-type and vulnerable or an |
2940s | estimable to be just absolutely |
2942s | overpowered but other than that you can |
2944s | fit whatever you want and a lot of teams |
2946s | will do things and obviously we'll see |
2947s | what it is eventually uh probably in the |
2949s | next couple minutes of Z kill updates |
2951s | but uh you often will see these like 50 |
2954s | 60 70 billion isk officer flagships |
2957s | especially with Vargas because people |
2958s | really like to put a rapid heavy officer |
2960s | launchers on them and rapid and officer |
2963s | ballistic controls so it has a potential |
2966s | of being a complete Game Changer |
2968s | um if your ship is doing like 20 or 30 |
2970s | more damage or tanks harder or goes |
2973s | faster or scrams longer it's just |
2975s | absolutely incredible and try just lost |
2978s | their ship on the first match that they |
2981s | played the third match of the day uh and |
2984s | they can't bring it again like once it's |
2985s | gone it's like okay you're done with |
2986s | flagship |
2987s | even if you could replace it you can't |
2989s | you're not allowed to fight for the rest |
2990s | of the tournament so not a good start |
2992s | for them and I actually think we |
2994s | probably just got the kill mail oh did |
2996s | we oh excellent let me fill it up uh so |
2999s | 27 billion isk I am being told uh for |
3002s | this Flagship |
3004s | um which seems rather on the on the |
3005s | cheap side let's have a look here so at |
3007s | cormax modified large Plasma Smart bombs |
3010s | uh we get officer rapid heavy missile |
3012s | launchers yeah it's pretty reasonable |
3014s | actually |
3016s | um |
3016s | that's a big loss for them like one of |
3018s | the important things about having that |
3019s | Flagship available is it makes you it |
3021s | gives you the ability to dodge bands and |
3023s | that's super important and the fact that |
3024s | you've even got it means that people |
3026s | have to have a slightly different |
3027s | Banning strategy against your your team |
3029s | because they know if you have a flagship |
3031s | podcast if they ban your uh the bar gas |
3034s | you can still bring your Flagship and |
3036s | that means that comp is still an option |
3037s | you have to plan around that |
3040s | try luster of our guests so they can't |
3042s | do that anymore they're going to be |
3043s | everyone knows they can't bring that bar |
3045s | gas because it's dead and that is very |
3048s | difficult to bring now let's go quickly |
3050s | on flagships again um last year we had |
3052s | Abyssal modules on flagships and this |
3054s | year we've not we've gone back to |
3056s | regular officer mods which regular |
3058s | officer mods uh faction mods and things |
3060s | like that |
3061s | um what's the kind of the key difference |
3062s | there |
3063s | I think it's a question of availability |
3065s | I think is a really key one when we're |
3068s | talking about officer modules it's not |
3070s | like there's a massive market for |
3072s | officer modules in non-at times and the |
3076s | availability of certain modules is going |
3077s | to be very very controlled when an at is |
3081s | announced there's certain modules that |
3083s | suddenly go up like 10 15 bill because |
3085s | people know that it is essential to make |
3087s | their Flagship strong so with Abyssal |
3091s | modules anyone had the ability to take a |
3093s | standard faction scram and roll it until |
3095s | it was the best scram that they could |
3098s | possibly get and that puts everyone kind |
3100s | of on par a little bit which is a nice |
3102s | thing to have for the teams that perhaps |
3103s | newer to the tournament but it does mean |
3105s | that there's a little bit less |
3106s | investment going into these flagships |
3108s | than perhaps we'd like to see because |
3111s | expensive explosions always the best |
3113s | type of explosions so I think that's a |
3115s | key change that we're going to be seeing |
3116s | here and also fitting restrictions as |
3119s | well on certain modules so a heavy |
3121s | officer scram I think takes four |
3123s | thousand power grid to fit whereas an |
3126s | Abyssal scram takes one power grid which |
3129s | means that it's very easy to fit a |
3131s | flagship with abyssals much harder to do |
3134s | so with officer modules exactly and also |
3138s | um Abyssal mods don't show up properly |
3140s | on zedco because it's impossible to see |
3142s | what the original module is just an |
3143s | Abyssal warp Scrambler you don't know if |
3145s | it's like a 40 billion isk officer |
3148s | module that has been rolled to something |
3149s | just Giga good or if it's just some |
3151s | cheap tech one thing that's been rolled |
3153s | like you cannot tell |
3155s | um whereas with officer mods we can see |
3156s | what you've lost we can see very clearly |
3158s | that it's quite expensive uh so unlucky |
3161s | for try there uh it's definitely going |
3163s | to make an impact on uh their planning |
3165s | for matches uh going forward at tuskers |
3167s | though executed super well I've also |
3169s | been told uh to say to Sully Nash says |
3172s | hello and he's still waiting for an |
3173s | autograph |
3174s | um now what what did tuskers do in that |
3176s | match that executed so well for them |
3177s | there well they uh they brought a kiting |
3180s | setup which we were kind of joking about |
3181s | it in between were like oh shocking |
3183s | tuskers brought a kiting setup because |
3185s | tuskers are extremely well known |
3188s | for in the at bringing basically what |
3191s | they brought obviously the points got |
3192s | changed a little bit so the exact setups |
3194s | are a little bit different but tuskers |
3196s | is extremely well known for being able |
3197s | to fly these sort of long-range missile |
3200s | kiting based setups and they've been |
3202s | doing it for years they are |
3204s | traditionally extremely good at |
3206s | executing it and they did it and they |
3210s | actually beat a Minotaur Rush with it or |
3212s | at an equivalent thing which was really |
3213s | cool because |
3215s | you have to be so careful like and a lot |
3217s | of stuff it's like okay well I'm kiting |
3218s | versus an armor setup it's easy you go |
3221s | faster than them what they were going up |
3222s | against is at about the same speed so |
3224s | just like really incredible piloting and |
3226s | really good Target calling and I think |
3228s | that that's you know we're seeing |
3229s | customers as still a team to be reckoned |
3232s | with |
3232s | um or you know the script said that they |
3235s | were supposed to be depending on which |
3236s | which one you want to talk about on that |
3238s | side but yeah they just did a great job |
3239s | like perfect Target calling never got |
3241s | caught really just well played yeah |
3244s | tuskers usually a team that we consider |
3247s | to be more of an execution team uh they |
3250s | will take something and they will fly |
3251s | super super well other teams uh the old |
3253s | pandemic Legion um tends to be more of a |
3256s | meta team they're very good at theocrats |
3257s | and coming up with things maybe they |
3259s | would fall down on a mirror match up |
3260s | against a team with better execution uh |
3262s | other teams uh like Exodus we usually |
3264s | put into that bracket as well |
3266s | um mystical might what's the kind of |
3267s | like the main differences between these |
3270s | execution teams and meta teams well |
3273s | before I answer that I was going to say |
3274s | with mirror at the helm of tuskers I |
3276s | think they moved slightly towards being |
3278s | more of a meta team in the sense that he |
3279s | came up with some weird wacky ideas that |
3282s | people weren't really used to in some of |
3284s | the matches that we saw previously and |
3285s | like Alliance opens things like that |
3288s | um but an execution team is a team |
3290s | that's going to be focused on |
3291s | predominantly executing whatever setups |
3294s | they're flying really really well what |
3296s | that means is that they need to be |
3298s | flying to the best of their ability |
3299s | because the setups that they're actually |
3302s | flying are going to be |
3304s | fairly difficult to execute properly and |
3306s | one mistake can mean the difference |
3308s | between winning or losing that match |
3310s | right being out of position or not |
3312s | effectively managing your pastor because |
3314s | flying around constantly at high speeds |
3316s | using your like warp drivers cap |
3318s | intensive all of these things need to be |
3320s | taken into consideration whereas The |
3322s | Meta team is looking to completely |
3325s | confuse and then also counteract |
3328s | whatever the enemy team is bringing |
3329s | right So Meta historically may have also |
3332s | included a bit of spying and knowing |
3334s | what the other team is actually bringing |
3335s | ahead of time so you can bring the |
3338s | perfect setup to counter nowadays it's |
3340s | more about just knowing okay people |
3342s | aren't really going to expect this type |
3343s | of setup from us they're not going to |
3345s | really expect us to have a lot of |
3348s | tracking disruptors for example on our |
3349s | armor tank phantasms that we saw in the |
3351s | previous at right like that's not really |
3353s | a defined matter that we'd expect but |
3356s | it's something that in the right |
3357s | circumstance can perform really well so |
3359s | that's the difference between these two |
3360s | teams one really creative |
3362s | can fall flat the other ones |
3365s | sometimes not that creative but really |
3367s | skilled can also fall flat and it's |
3369s | slightly easier I think |
3371s | to uh screw up flying well |
3374s | very uh glass half empty take there from |
3377s | mystical mode you mentioned uh track and |
3380s | disruptors Bart the rules have changed |
3382s | on on scripted e-war what is the fact |
3384s | change and how do you think that's going |
3385s | to impact this tournament well I think |
3387s | so far we haven't really seen it yet but |
3389s | we are also on match three out of 70 |
3391s | something so uh the big change is that |
3394s | you can now put Scripts |
3396s | into your ER modules specifically |
3398s | tracking disruptors guidance disruptors |
3400s | and sensor dampeners that has not been |
3402s | allowed for several tournaments now |
3405s | um I believe specifically the change was |
3407s | back like way back in like 80 11 or 12 |
3410s | when there's these uh drone Rush sensor |
3412s | damp setups where you would just have a |
3415s | lock range of five kilometers and you |
3418s | couldn't do anything so now that they're |
3420s | back I think that we're going to see a |
3422s | lot of a lot of that moving forward I'm |
3424s | actually surprised we haven't but it's |
3426s | the the specific scripts basically |
3428s | double the effectiveness at one thing as |
3430s | opposed to it being you know okay well |
3432s | we can cut your range in half and cut |
3434s | your tracking in half now we can cut |
3435s | your range in half times two which is |
3437s | not one |
3440s | the math works out trust me uh or do the |
3443s | other way around so it does make them |
3445s | much more powerful and then especially |
3446s | like the bonus ships like a celestis for |
3449s | instance or laches much much more |
3451s | powerful so I think that it'll be |
3454s | we should be seeing it I hope |
3457s | um if not maybe everyone just |
3458s | commitmentar rush each other but I don't |
3459s | think that's what's actually going to |
3460s | happen well we've got plenty of time to |
3462s | find that I should say this is just |
3463s | match four coming up uh so plenty of |
3466s | matches where people can bring both |
3467s | damps and mimitar rush and just run into |
3469s | each other's faces |
3471s | um speaking of mimitar this tournament |
3473s | here sponsored by the minitar Republic |
3475s | so the pride ships this year are |
3477s | essentially rebuilds of the old frecky |
3480s | and the mimir from Alliance tournament |
3481s | eight uh some stats were released |
3483s | yesterday the models have been yet to be |
3485s | shown uh but I am assured they are |
3488s | pretty hashtag poggers so I'm looking |
3491s | forward to that let's take a look at our |
3493s | next team coming up here Polaris |
3495s | nationally Alliance versus uh the |
3498s | boundary experts and see what these |
3499s | teams are choosing to ban so Polaris |
3501s | Mercury Banning out the bar guest the |
3503s | curse and the Scimitar whereas boundary |
3505s | experts Banning out that Armageddon Navy |
3507s | issue seeing that band once again the |
3509s | balgorn and the curse so they really |
3511s | don't like news they're like hey news |
3512s | you know go go leave go somewhere else |
3515s | the trickle bands here are Sentinel and |
3518s | Talia mystical mate what are you seeing |
3521s | here from these uh these team bands I |
3523s | mean it's interesting to see that so we |
3526s | see a curse band coming out from both |
3527s | teams right so that would suggest that |
3529s | both teams don't want to see nukes |
3531s | because the curse is an extremely strong |
3533s | Recon ship able to project newts out and |
3535s | it gets a strength bonus as well |
3537s | um to those medium and small nudes |
3539s | making it a super strong ship in an |
3540s | alliance tournament setting but the |
3542s | difference between these two teams here |
3543s | is that Polaris mercenary Alliance also |
3546s | opted to ban The Sentinel which suggests |
3548s | that they're not really worried about |
3549s | the newts so much as they perhaps are |
3551s | worried about the tracking disruptors |
3553s | and guidance disruptors that Bart was |
3555s | just talking about so I'm not sure if |
3557s | they're going to be going for a sort of |
3558s | projection setup I'm not really sure |
3560s | what they're aiming for with these |
3562s | current bands it might be that they |
3563s | actually want to use the Shacks |
3565s | um of which you know uh track and |
3567s | disruptors are extremely effective at |
3569s | countering |
3570s | um The Shack projection and damage |
3572s | because you can break their spool which |
3574s | we'll probably have to explain later |
3576s | um by applying the track and disruptors |
3577s | well let's let's find out because we're |
3579s | ready to go to the arena and see if we |
3581s | are going to see the Shacks between uh |
3582s | Polaris Management Corporation and |
3585s | burner experts so let's go |
3592s | welcome back to the arena mates and we |
3594s | have another Flagship on the field flown |
3596s | by Avery Lewis it looks like it is |
3598s | potentially another pseudo tanker versus |
3600s | Triple Battleship but guess what they're |
3602s | the laser boys it's abaddon's plus sort |
3604s | of date Redeemer so this is going to be |
3606s | again a lot of DPS and also a lot of |
3609s | tank on both of these comps potentially |
3611s | what do you think about this one Zoo uh |
3613s | we have the countdown happening |
3614s | interesting to see another Tinker set up |
3616s | here as well and the flagship just in |
3617s | fourth match and we're just seeing |
3619s | spectacular shows here but um this |
3621s | avatar.com is probably going to love |
3622s | those juicy targets just sitting |
3624s | absolutely stationary just pummeling |
3626s | into them so I'm gonna see what they're |
3627s | going through probably an article's also |
3629s | just gonna love this lasers are |
3630s | absolutely loving status oracle's gonna |
3633s | hate the fact that it can't run away |
3634s | from the cruise hahaha |
3637s | true but we'll see the match on the way |
3639s | here I'm going to see Target |
3639s | prioritization here are they going to go |
3641s | for Nighthawk maybe strip the battleship |
3642s | or get rid of this freak lodgy as well |
3644s | turrets might have a harder time |
3645s | applying to this frequency but obviously |
3647s | you do want to get rid of them don't |
3647s | want to give them just free reps but |
3649s | yeah we see the Nighthawk being |
3650s | primaried and yeah look at the Oracle |
3651s | immediately as said that they're gonna |
3653s | have a lot of trouble under this under |
3655s | the cruise oracles have great DPS |
3656s | they're very good just like the NATO but |
3658s | unfortunately when you can't escape the |
3660s | DPS you will die quick and he's only got |
3662s | an Inquisitor and Navitas for rep so T1 |
3664s | lodgy friggs so this guy will not last |
3667s | long unfortunately but they're going for |
3668s | the Nighthawk trying to break the links |
3670s | off of this pseudo Tinker ASAP very |
3672s | interesting that we're seeing quick and |
3673s | the article trying to pull range I'm not |
3675s | sure what he's thinking like I think |
3676s | he'd rather approach and do as much |
3678s | damage because those Cruisers are going |
3680s | to hit him anywhere in the arena so he's |
3682s | just kind of wasted a lot of DPS time |
3684s | there as he dies I think potentially he |
3686s | could have maybe gotten far away off but |
3687s | it was not worth it but still he should |
3690s | just go in for I think but second |
3691s | article now being hit hard Nighthawk is |
3694s | being hit but he's tanking rather well |
3696s | at the moment |
3699s | unfortunately like you say we just got |
3701s | to see those articles being stripped |
3702s | right now um hopefully you're going to |
3704s | do enough the bursts going down like get |
3705s | rid of those free reps good show |
3707s | hopefully they can follow through into |
3708s | the Bantam and start working on |
3710s | something bigger because with the loss |
3711s | of the second article that's a big |
3712s | portion of a DPS gone obviously there's |
3714s | still three battleships and they still |
3716s | have their free logic it's a fantastic |
3717s | position but because tough to cookies to |
3720s | crack he keeps getting close they can |
3722s | always finally get broken through and |
3724s | then he bursts right back up oh hold on |
3726s | see do you guys just bouncing up and |
3728s | down like a yo-yo which is exactly like |
3729s | his name yo Yaz is barely holding up but |
3733s | there he goes there goes the links in a |
3735s | few more minutes but honestly don't |
3736s | think I'm finding crazy about this this |
3737s | is obviously a flag bug but he's not |
3739s | running away he is sitting next to his |
3741s | uh Tinker Brethren it's just gonna sit |
3743s | there which is not the type of bug I'm |
3745s | used to seeing interesting as well that |
3747s | is the flagship choice so um I don't |
3749s | know I love seeing some laser boys |
3751s | pummeling into uh kaldari ships I'm a |
3753s | bit of a fanboy of Amar but they're bad |
3755s | in getting to half armor a bad and |
3756s | obviously does have the resist bonus |
3757s | does a full free launcher but Inquisitor |
3759s | being the T1 variant there as well as |
3761s | being focused right now half armor |
3763s | probably getting a little spread of the |
3764s | DPS drones teams looking to favor the |
3766s | DPS drones right now just to give that |
3767s | split potential so even when you have |
3769s | these big heavy systems as a sky breaker |
3771s | goes down you can still do some |
3772s | applications to these frigates when |
3774s | we've seen that being quite effective |
3775s | here yeah I'm willing to bet that bad |
3777s | definitely has reactive armor hardness |
3778s | but then of course he's not fighting |
3780s | some CT team they know that these guys |
3782s | probably have these and are firing the |
3783s | rainbow of missiles at them because |
3784s | again missiles can fire anything so that |
3787s | reactive armor Harden will not provide |
3789s | the lengthening benefit that it normally |
3790s | does as he goes into Hull and is just |
3792s | not able to tank these triple Crews I |
3795s | must say you know obviously seeing DPS |
3797s | spots on the field is fantastic but |
3798s | normally you actually see this armor |
3799s | comes going for Redbox and the battle |
3801s | goes down and I'm feeling if they just |
3802s | went Redbox there they might have |
3804s | actually just had the edge they need to |
3805s | just survive that war of attrition with |
3806s | this S9 because S9 Stone structure if |
3808s | they can still push it through and have |
3809s | this equal trade on the battleships |
3811s | they're still in a very strong position |
3812s | although they lost all their lodging |
3813s | these battleships as a scorpion does go |
3815s | down the bar gas in the garden will |
3816s | still be self-repping so it is just |
3818s | seeing if these raw this raw damage from |
3820s | the battleships has enough to break this |
3822s | tank and if they have enough HP is it |
3824s | doing them being a slugfest here there's |
3825s | also a support Wing battle going on at |
3827s | the moment it looks like the jaguar and |
3828s | I believe the harpy of Chad hammercock |
3831s | and Sven block are trying to kill off |
3832s | the last logic frigate and they're being |
3834s | currently attacked by I think it's the |
3836s | sky Breakers so there's a little bit of |
3837s | a logic uh sorry a supporting fight |
3839s | going on there but I think the Jacob |
3841s | Harpy should come out on top so it's |
3842s | gonna be a question of this Battleship |
3843s | brawl but that Golem is aren't he |
3845s | dropping a lot harder than I expected |
3847s | them to uh we'll have to see yeah he's |
3850s | dropping pretty good if he can if they |
3851s | can do that oh that's pretty strong |
3852s | going to Army now getting actually |
3854s | shredded maybe he burnt out some |
3855s | we'll never know that well it could also |
3857s | be |
3858s | sitting and muting him true that's true |
3863s | navitus does go down all reps are all |
3865s | field now it's just battleships slugging |
3866s | into each other they don't know the |
3868s | advantage that we saw the battle cruiser |
3869s | Rush happy before where they can try and |
3871s | balance these battleships with each |
3872s | other more with iron just on Roll |
3873s | Firepower and hit points there but |
3875s | putting that Golem into structure good |
3876s | show |
3877s | oh no this is not looking good for this |
3880s | Flagship uh Bargas now he's not standing |
3882s | alone against a double Battleship comp |
3883s | and they've got the newts to turn him |
3885s | off so this this may not look good for |
3887s | this potentially incredibly shiny Bargas |
3890s | who's now also of course right in front |
3891s | of them he didn't even attempt to move |
3893s | well |
3894s | I would be looking to run but he |
3897s | probably oh |
3898s | so he probably has a local mjd fit for |
3901s | this situation that is interesting |
3908s | I was at the wrong wrong uh side of the |
3910s | Arena unfortunately so yeah he's still |
3912s | alive he's got crazy ship he's still |
3913s | going to hit the abbottom I believe he's |
3914s | a pulse fit too so he's actually out of |
3917s | their range I'm pretty sure very cheeky |
3919s | don't fit a local prop but the mjd |
3921s | doesn't get the broader bonus for this |
3923s | cooldown for images unfortunately so |
3924s | gonna be a while before we can do that |
3926s | again looks like he's slow boating |
3927s | towards another MJG there right now at |
3929s | the bottom there's a beacon um but he |
3931s | might be able to pick up this about end |
3932s | of being a really strong position then |
3933s | he can indeed there is no logic to wrap |
3935s | this boy back up anymore so yeah he can |
3937s | actually take the tablet on down and |
3938s | then it'll be him and then Harpy versus |
3939s | the world and there's only going to be |
3941s | an organ avian a redeemer for the damage |
3943s | this that jump might have actually just |
3945s | entirely again flipped this match again |
3948s | considering a very powerful position now |
3951s | Flag bug versus a redeemer uh there's |
3954s | Harpy unfortunately trying to approach |
3955s | right at the Redeemer and the Redeemer |
3957s | is just pumping into it so the Redeemer |
3958s | will be shredding this last support ship |
3959s | leaving the bar against the last man |
3961s | standing but you know I think by the |
3963s | time the original maybe gets there |
3964s | especially considering they probably |
3965s | don't have any scrabs left maybe this |
3967s | Mario guys can just you know do it again |
3969s | but uh I actually don't think there is |
3971s | even enough time left in the match for |
3972s | that MGD to come with cooldown |
3975s | yeah potentially he's going to try and |
3977s | go for the uh remote one but |
3979s | unfortunately he's not gonna get there |
3980s | in time so now he's have to kill as fast |
3981s | as he can |
3982s | that's I think he might have bought time |
3985s | but I think it's still going to end the |
3987s | same way he's behind on points he's got |
3989s | no friends and the opposing team is |
3990s | already on him |
3992s | oh man |
3994s | absolute good show though love to see it |
3997s | um how much time do we have left in the |
3999s | match here just under uh four minutes |
4001s | it's gonna seem |
4003s | um |
4004s | gotta be tight but I'm gonna say that's |
4007s | gonna be one for the history books right |
4008s | there awesome player you wouldn't expect |
4010s | that coming from a tinker comp so kudos |
4012s | to Avery for his little maneuver there |
4013s | uh securing some more kills uh not going |
4015s | down like a chump at least but um might |
4018s | still be death in the water here with |
4019s | this Redeemer getting on top of him now |
4020s | he's gonna try for the trade with the |
4023s | Redeemer try and get him before he does |
4024s | it's gonna be an interesting race it's |
4026s | going up against a armor ship with |
4029s | missiles and I think Redeemer does have |
4031s | a reactive so unfortunately he will |
4033s | slowly get better and better resist |
4034s | against this barrier so he will then |
4036s | have to reload waste time so |
4038s | this this is going to be close honestly |
4040s | I think the bug will go down very easily |
4042s | but there's honestly there was a moment |
4045s | in time I thought this could have been a |
4046s | lot closer yeah we've seen the sky |
4048s | breaker now of Felicia keeping a scram |
4050s | on Avery they're not gonna let that |
4051s | happen again that bargast is staying |
4054s | exactly where he is there's not going to |
4055s | be any awesome plays even if he manages |
4057s | to get on top of the beacon so he pulled |
4059s | this one trick there uh did his damage |
4061s | but he will be going down as he's |
4063s | heading to structure now hopefully we're |
4064s | going to be seeing another really juicy |
4066s | kill medal here uh which the studio will |
4068s | be able to analyze for us but |
4070s | um goodbye second flagship yep and we |
4073s | can also get to hear the cries of many |
4075s | Channel points being lost but congrats |
4077s | to uh Polaris there for the amazing win |
4079s | and with that we'll go back to the |
4080s | studio and see what they think |
4085s | [Music] |
4091s | [Music] |
4098s | [Music] |
4105s | foreign |
4130s | together |
4143s | foreign |
4154s | [Music] |
4163s | taking that Victory and fourth match of |
4166s | the day second with the flagship two |
4168s | flagships dead both bar guests uh Avery |
4171s | Lewis they're trying to survive at the |
4172s | End by himself the rest of his team not |
4175s | not strong enough not like Chad |
4177s | hammercock in that Jaguar |
4179s | um he just could not survive long enough |
4181s | to keep his his Flagship alive but |
4183s | looking at that bar gas and not the most |
4184s | expensive thing I'm a little bit |
4186s | surprised at that from the boundary |
4188s | experts team there only kaldar Navy |
4190s | cruise missile launchers Tech 2 uh |
4192s | Shield hardeners it's really not that |
4193s | expensive whatsoever but there you are |
4195s | it's dead who cares now I am joined on |
4198s | the desk by two illustrious guests uh we |
4201s | have Mr Jin tan uh you're looking |
4203s | absolutely fabulous at agentan and of |
4205s | course CCP Swift uh CC Swift how are you |
4208s | today I'm doing great uh a little I like |
4211s | the boundary experts team uh you know |
4213s | but I think they just wanted to go to |
4215s | the lower bracket to get more skins so |
4217s | that's probably what they were thinking |
4218s | there also the twitch Channel points |
4220s | they probably they bet against |
4221s | themselves |
4222s | got a lot of twitch Channel points easy |
4224s | yeah those twitch Channel pops could be |
4225s | incredibly valuable to get of course the |
4227s | galnet Skins uh they're pretty cool |
4229s | they're pretty swag skins but also there |
4231s | will be some cool prizes that you can |
4233s | get during the break for this uh for |
4235s | this stream so stay tuned for them a |
4237s | little bit later jintan |
4239s | um what did we see in that match there |
4241s | other than Avery Lewis fleeting feeding |
4243s | a flagship bar guest but yeah what we |
4245s | saw was actually a really amazing play |
4247s | from PMA they brought a laser Rush comp |
4250s | you know Fielding five ships which can |
4252s | use Mega pulses and just dump heavy DPS |
4255s | even to long range really abusing the |
4258s | power of The Scorch L Crystal probably |
4260s | the best ammunition in the game and |
4262s | using that to just present an incredible |
4265s | amount of DPS you saw how girthy that |
4267s | attack bar was even girthier than the |
4269s | the attack bar of four Dimos is just |
4271s | enough to blow its way through anything |
4273s | even after two of those uh you know more |
4276s | weak threats in the oracles got taken |
4278s | down early in the match yeah I mean |
4280s | scratch out obviously a fantastic stick |
4282s | piece of ammunition goes into many guns |
4285s | specifically laser guns but CC Swift is |
4288s | it better than uh hail you know because |
4290s | they always say load hail never fail is |
4292s | that true uh uh I think I've seen people |
4295s | fail with hail it's weird but I think |
4298s | that's happened barrage though also |
4300s | really good ammunition |
4302s | um but yeah the best ammunitions are who |
4305s | I mean whoever named the ammunition for |
4307s | the uh the Eden com yeah uh ships was |
4309s | just having a great time Electro Punch |
4311s | Yeah electrified they sound like energy |
4313s | drinks they're fantastic I love them |
4315s | um so |
4316s | PM agent and you did a couple of |
4317s | interviews with the different teams uh |
4319s | tell us a little bit about the PMA team |
4321s | unfortunately PMA did not respond to my |
4323s | request for an interview that's |
4324s | unfortunate it's been very nice if they |
4326s | had they were clearly busy training |
4328s | because they just took down I think they |
4330s | were probably uh favored to not win that |
4333s | match yes uh which is uh the very nice |
4336s | way of saying they were you know the |
4338s | underdog but uh yeah they were clearly |
4341s | busy training uh like Rocky they |
4343s | probably you know ran up and down some |
4345s | stairs punched some meat somewhere and |
4348s | uh brought a redeemer Oracle in the a |
4351s | couple of badons there you go so CB |
4353s | Swift says that they've been punching |
4355s | meat is that the correct term that's |
4357s | what you're supposed to do right right |
4358s | and it's coming from your time in |
4360s | pandemic Legion Alliance tournament team |
4361s | uh yeah we yeah punched a lot of meat I |
4365s | didn't want to say that out loud but I |
4366s | was thinking in my head uh but you know |
4368s | that team is is completely different |
4369s | it's kind of neat there's a lot of uh |
4371s | tweet teams in this tournament that kind |
4373s | of uh branched off from the the |
4375s | PL super teams from uh back when they |
4379s | had a very very attractive Captain |
4381s | uh co-captain a guy who they put in a |
4385s | ship who had no prep mud that guy was |
4387s | you know incredible |
4389s | I forget his name but you guys probably |
4391s | remember uh I don't know unfortunately |
4393s | the the times of pandemic Legion uh have |
4395s | long passed we will see pandemic Legion |
4397s | actually in this tournament for the |
4399s | first time in a couple of years I'm |
4400s | looking forward to seeing if they can |
4402s | bring it back take a couple of W's or if |
4405s | they will continue their recent trend of |
4407s | uh not being so good uh let's take a |
4410s | look at our next match though because |
4411s | paper numbers is a team that I do know |
4413s | gentan that you know plenty about uh |
4415s | you've been excited to see them they are |
4417s | Banning out the celestis the curse and |
4418s | the jackdaw whereas Odin's call who they |
4421s | will be facing in the next match Banning |
4422s | out the nearest the guardian and the |
4424s | Loki interesting sets of bands Banning |
4426s | both of the tech to armor Logistics |
4428s | Cruisers here from Odin's call Odin's |
4431s | called another team that did very well |
4432s | in a live instrument last year they came |
4433s | through the feeders they performed |
4435s | excellently and secured themselves a |
4437s | place in Alliance tournament 18. jintan |
4440s | what do you make of these bands here it |
4441s | looks to me like Odin's cooler really |
4443s | really focusing in on |
4445s | um Park Banks kind of ship pool he's |
4448s | historically been a very very very |
4449s | competent a logistics pilot probably |
4452s | easily one of the top three in the game |
4454s | and here Odin's cooler taking him out of |
4456s | his comfort picks the aniros and the |
4458s | guardian that's going to force him onto |
4459s | something a little different either an |
4461s | augura an Executor if they want to run |
4463s | an armor comp or you know maybe force |
4465s | them into a shield comp paper numbers |
4466s | have historically really favored running |
4469s | armor comps overshield as well so you |
4471s | know Odin's cooler really just trying to |
4473s | take out what park Bank does best and |
4476s | force them onto something else meanwhile |
4477s | paper numbers their Banning just control |
4479s | control the celestis and amazing damp |
4483s | ship the curse an amazing tracking |
4484s | disruption and new Ting ship and then |
4487s | the Jack door is actually surprisingly |
4489s | in this 80 an incredible damping ship as |
4491s | well with its Sharpshooter bonus giving |
4493s | it a resistance to um e-war effects |
4495s | allowing it to win out a damp war |
4497s | against things like carries is and even |
4500s | hostile celestances so paper numbers |
4501s | just really trying to take |
4503s | um you know a high execution options off |
4505s | the table for Odin's there maybe they'll |
4507s | be bringing something like a shot or a |
4510s | balgorn or something that's you know got |
4512s | that real heavy Focus onto one ship that |
4514s | they don't want it to be neutered |
4517s | awesome and then um this Loki of course |
4520s | being a very popular ship we're seeing |
4521s | quite a few teams already today bringing |
4523s | the low key obviously it's a Minotaur uh |
4525s | sponsored tournament this year uh so all |
4527s | the limited ships are down pointed to |
4528s | make them slightly cheaper to bring and |
4530s | Loki being the Minotaur Attack 3 Cruiser |
4532s | it has with long range bonus webs it's |
4533s | really good in both Rush comps and in |
4536s | more long range comps with just |
4537s | screening keeping people away c2b Swift |
4540s | what is screening tell us about that all |
4542s | right so uh screening is when you kind |
4544s | of control uh ships that are rushing |
4546s | towards you so if there are six ships |
4548s | rushing towards you and you kind of web |
4549s | or scram two of them then those guys are |
4551s | stuck in place and the other four |
4553s | battleships get to you and they might |
4555s | not have enough or the other four ships |
4556s | get to you so they might not have enough |
4558s | critical mass if you screen those other |
4559s | two off uh so that's a tactic you guys |
4562s | should be looking for quite a bit you'll |
4564s | often see a ship like a sky breaker or a |
4566s | jaguar or generally a smaller ship do |
4569s | the screening but you mentioned um the |
4571s | webs from the Loki those things can also |
4573s | come come out and reach and stop a ship |
4575s | in its tracks so very very important |
4578s | thing to counter against specifically |
4580s | Rush comps yeah a lot of times we see |
4582s | teams trying to split up enemy teams as |
4585s | well so if you have one chip that has |
4587s | been controlled down into one area and |
4589s | then you let someone else come through |
4590s | now you have two sets of ships in |
4592s | opposite parts of the Arena the |
4594s | logistics ship maybe has to make a |
4595s | decision hey do I stick with this guy or |
4597s | do I go over and try and save this guy |
4599s | at this point the guy who's just being |
4601s | controlled down has essentially been |
4602s | removed from the match like if you're |
4603s | out of range tackled like if you might |
4606s | be this like 25 Point The Shack and |
4608s | you've been tackled by a jaguar and you |
4610s | can't hit it and all the rest of your |
4611s | friends are like 100 kilometers away and |
4613s | there's nothing you can do you've been |
4615s | removed from that match without even |
4616s | being killed and that's that's super |
4618s | important jintan as a uh like you've |
4621s | captained you've flown a lot of teams |
4622s | how how much effort do you put into |
4625s | splitting up teams like that |
4627s | um you'll normally try and do it um as |
4629s | much as you possibly can but you know |
4632s | something to keep in mind here |
4633s | especially when we're talking about |
4634s | tackling is the shared difficulty in |
4636s | organizing it you land on grid and you |
4638s | have maybe two minutes to figure out |
4639s | what your opponent's comp's trying to do |
4641s | you what their biggest threats are to |
4643s | your comp and then figure out what you |
4645s | can do with the amount of tackle you |
4647s | have you know figure out do I do we have |
4649s | the tackle Advantage do we have enough |
4650s | people to look down with their tackle |
4652s | and then maybe send one other guy in to |
4653s | tackle this key component |
4655s | that's it's so hard that you can't |
4658s | really start from the start of a match |
4660s | split people up you have to go into it |
4662s | see the positions develop and then one |
4665s | of your tackle Pilots will likely call I |
4667s | can lock down this guy here out of range |
4669s | and then you'll sweep in with the rest |
4670s | of your Fleet and just take advantage of |
4672s | it yeah and then just add on that uh as |
4675s | as Jen was saying like those are very |
4676s | complicated decisions to make and you |
4678s | also have uh your e-war squad assigning |
4681s | damps at the same time saying put three |
4683s | dams on this guy if you lose the damn |
4684s | board do this uh so it's very very |
4686s | hectic out there that's why there's |
4688s | generally one or two kind of backup |
4690s | captains that are working the e-war |
4692s | squad and working the tackle Squad uh |
4694s | just kind of to make sure that they work |
4696s | in Tandem and achieve the goal of |
4699s | getting the the fat dub as the kids say |
4702s | that's what the kids say right yeah I |
4704s | mean I wouldn't know anymore I'm afraid |
4707s | um so we actually are pretty much ready |
4708s | to go to this match and I'm being told |
4710s | um that we have another Flagship on |
4712s | another Flagship bar guys Odin's call |
4714s | bringing Bears having just watched two |
4716s | other Flagship bar guests get uh turbo |
4718s | dunked upon uh by the teams that brought |
4720s | them uh flagships currently zero percent |
4722s | survival rate in the last term 18 and we |
4724s | are in match five match five with two |
4727s | flagships down a third one being fielded |
4729s | is this one going to survive our |
4731s | audience call gonna turn and turn this |
4733s | tide of a flagship just destruction uh |
4736s | well let's go to the arena and find out |
4737s | uh with pay for numbers versus Odin's |
4739s | call |
4745s | now welcome back to Duran with me and |
4747s | zoo and damn you Ithaca for ruining my |
4749s | fun because that's right you can on Odin |
4751s | side have brought a flag burgers and we |
4753s | have honestly what it looks to be a kite |
4755s | vs kite match we have a triple battle |
4757s | cruiser with Park Bank saying I don't |
4759s | care how many you banned I've always got |
4761s | more logic Cruisers versus a um well |
4764s | Gila Burgess kite comp so this is I want |
4767s | to see a very interesting match I'm |
4769s | going to be curious to who gets the |
4770s | upper upper hand on this one yeah so the |
4772s | bar guest on the um Odin side having the |
4775s | rapid Heavies |
4776s | um the battle cruiser hulls on the paper |
4778s | number side rocking heavy missiles so |
4780s | going for range I think this is also |
4781s | going to be the first game where we've |
4782s | seen a full commitment to dams as in the |
4784s | mawless and the carriers featuring on |
4785s | both sides and it might be seeing some |
4787s | utility mids also coming to uh |
4789s | application here to put some more dams |
4791s | damps not being restricted to bonus |
4793s | tiles only dams being allowed on |
4795s | anything and dams are allowed to be |
4797s | scripted fun |
4799s | exactly that honestly it's going to be a |
4801s | very interesting match to see who |
4802s | manages to position correctly in this |
4803s | one both teams have gone for full cut |
4806s | there was honestly a lot of damage on |
4808s | both teams even though the bars doesn't |
4809s | seem like much there's actually quite a |
4811s | bit from the gilas from the of the |
4813s | caracals they put out 500 plus a piece |
4815s | so this is |
4816s | like yeah it's gonna be a while the |
4817s | match is about to start momentarily |
4820s | what do you think's gonna happen anyway |
4822s | I'm really hoping we're going to see an |
4823s | osprey die obviously these dams are |
4825s | going to come into effect we're going to |
4826s | see what can happen here the EOS being |
4828s | bonus for info links even though it |
4829s | looks out of place it still is a |
4831s | fantastic Shield ship right now so don't |
4833s | be confused for that um right now the |
4835s | info link is going to be awesome we're |
4836s | going to see the match underway soon but |
4837s | I'm really hoping we're going to see |
4838s | some logic trades here otherwise we're |
4840s | just going to be seen it come down to |
4841s | Pilot scale and the kiting I think |
4843s | it's like it's part skill and Target uh |
4845s | selection is going to be very |
4846s | interesting you see damage being spread |
4847s | out I think that's actually from a small |
4849s | bringer hitting everything yep |
4852s | I mean look at this I can just see the |
4854s | damping going I think there's actually |
4855s | damps on the Drake navies although those |
4857s | are tracking disruptors I believe no |
4858s | wait no so we see most of our own team |
4860s | going towards mjd beak and they're going |
4862s | left opposite so both teams keep in |
4863s | range here low the EOS and the bar gas |
4865s | uh keeping out there we've seen Century |
4866s | Jones come out from the EOS so it looks |
4868s | like EOS just setting up for a screening |
4869s | position unfortunately that means on |
4871s | these next pulse of links the entire |
4872s | Odin's team is going to miss all of |
4874s | those links now a DC will be applying to |
4876s | his Flagship but that bar gas that yoken |
4878s | is uh sending himself forwarding to The |
4880s | Fray |
4881s | yeah there's an absolute wave of damps |
4883s | being put out on the EOS and double uh |
4885s | two gears there was actually a massive |
4886s | wave of tracking disrupters as well I |
4888s | think but they've all now been scattered |
4890s | a bit off I think some dams have |
4891s | definitely ruined that look at the |
4892s | authors of Captain should get already |
4894s | yeah I look up for a second and he's |
4895s | almost gone looks like uh they were just |
4898s | waiting for your cat to give the green |
4899s | light for him being in range obviously |
4900s | him being missile disrupt and once he |
4902s | gave the green light things just started |
4903s | getting deleted but we've seen colonel |
4905s | in the Gila going down as well on the |
4906s | Odin side both team training on the |
4908s | cruiser side and those support uh damage |
4910s | coming still there from the stormbringer |
4911s | so that's obviously annoying the |
4912s | Scimitar right now but luckily it has |
4914s | multiple reps to split up uh not being |
4916s | limited like a troglavian frigate but |
4918s | you see the caracal as well going down |
4919s | another cruiser being deleted I'm |
4922s | actually surprised I went for the uh the |
4923s | authors first because these characters |
4924s | are generally incredibly uh squishy and |
4927s | easy to kill see a second gear now being |
4929s | pumbled the character gets to lead in |
4931s | the second second character is now being |
4932s | primary Gila gets deleted this is again |
4935s | they're picking off the uh the mid-sized |
4936s | DPS ships here and just removing them |
4938s | see look at that character was about to |
4940s | hit armor he's just gonna vanish |
4941s | [Music] |
4944s | making any plays for the cruiser lodgy |
4947s | at all interesting just getting rid of |
4949s | much DBS Christina Melissa Martin on |
4951s | Odin side getting some pressure uh maybe |
4952s | just getting finally sick of that damps |
4954s | that's what I'm saying that Park bank |
4955s | and similar getting some light pressure |
4957s | now they might be looking to finally |
4958s | secure a kill there obviously the bar |
4959s | guest has to go through Rapid reloads as |
4961s | we do finally see our first e-warship |
4962s | actually getting removed off the field |
4964s | yep so now this Scimitar Park bank is on |
4966s | a timer he has only a number of Cycles |
4969s | to use in xlasb and then he is out so |
4972s | then they'll need to make his life count |
4974s | need a picture on Odin's side going down |
4976s | that's going to be a huge positive for |
4978s | paper numbers mean that Scimitar can fly |
4980s | around now again obviously the hyena |
4982s | long range webs being a prime |
4984s | application tool for anything with |
4985s | missiles and even these drones from the |
4986s | dealers but then again these killer |
4988s | drones are in hard Pursuit right now of |
4990s | this uh Scimitar still going to be |
4992s | applying pressure these xlb's charges |
4993s | are going to run out soon and then he'll |
4994s | be going down with no friendly redbots |
4996s | on him |
4997s | yeah EOS drones at the moment and uh the |
4999s | author says thank you very well he's |
5000s | repping very early he's actually been |
5002s | ripping himself over full so I wonder if |
5004s | that's either a uh not an xlsb or maybe |
5006s | his weight potentially wasting Cycles |
5008s | there |
5009s | uh we might be seeing a bit of a dead |
5010s | spot here I think some reloads might be |
5012s | happening once that Bargas comes off or |
5014s | no not some uh you are still being |
5015s | applied to the bar guys so some control |
5017s | but he's right there in the thicker |
5018s | thing so it shouldn't be too much |
5019s | influenced by the disruption uh Scimitar |
5021s | is probably going to start to get low on |
5022s | those charges so they're probably going |
5024s | to try and just smash through him the |
5025s | moment they get a chance but the fly |
5027s | catcher of new cannot on Odin's call be |
5029s | going down that's some more support |
5030s | flycatcher being a lovely little thing |
5032s | to pick off light support as well and |
5034s | just doing full application to that |
5035s | Scimitar is a surprisingly tanky little |
5037s | Destroyer that I was able to pick off |
5038s | its uh fellow brothers but at the moment |
5040s | it looks like paper number actually won |
5042s | the e-war war their carries are still on |
5044s | field who could now pretty much pick a |
5045s | ship and turn it off at the moment I |
5048s | think at the moment he just made the |
5049s | buggiest almost kind of useless oh the |
5052s | Scimitar goes down for paper numbers |
5053s | that's a bad call considering Osprey is |
5055s | still alive on Odin's call with that |
5057s | flag the stock does go down so that's |
5059s | going to be a little links although they |
5060s | still have the EOS to supply some links |
5062s | there so that's still good |
5063s | um but uh looks like Odin's corn is |
5065s | really strong position the Oscar finally |
5066s | getting some pressure onto it but now |
5067s | this bar gas is just filtered like |
5069s | doesn't need to coordinate any Clips the |
5071s | moment it's just sort of reload it can |
5072s | shoot whatever it wants yep and it's |
5074s | going straight into broad range of the |
5075s | Drake maybe pretty much making the |
5076s | carries now a non-factor so we've been |
5078s | damped fine then I'll just get right |
5079s | next to you and he's killed the drag |
5080s | Navy on his own there is there's not |
5082s | much DPS left on that field |
5084s | no Claymore Drake maybe an osprey Navy |
5086s | is a good amount but against a flag bug |
5089s | that might not be enough |
5091s | yeah uh go for the carriers I'd say |
5093s | that's a good call way still have the |
5094s | fly catcher uh make sure that bar gets |
5096s | that nothing can out-cut him yeah |
5097s | carries goes down very good call there |
5099s | and the Fly Catch goes down just in time |
5100s | because otherwise if that fly catch you |
5102s | get down went down there might not have |
5103s | been enough on Courage here till they |
5105s | get rid of that carries and that |
5106s | carriers could have just been an |
5107s | absolute nightmare for that Bargas so a |
5109s | really good call there finishing buffer |
5110s | he still had the things to finish more |
5112s | fun great another Spyro guys can just |
5113s | have the time of its life pummeling into |
5115s | some battle Cruisers |
5119s | and a fly of Echoes so the Stormbreaker |
5121s | isn't even trying to remove the drones |
5122s | he's picking on a Target and starting to |
5124s | shoot I believe |
5126s | so this is a very interesting match I |
5128s | believe this Flag bug is going to have |
5129s | the lead at the moment he's going after |
5131s | a drake maybe ripping through that |
5132s | quickly and they just can't really |
5133s | respond |
5134s | not much to do so uh while they're on |
5136s | them and also even if they switch to the |
5138s | EOS uh well I mean when stormbring goes |
5140s | down they're left with the EOS or bar |
5141s | guys but for other tanky ships not much |
5143s | to do more in DPS storm brewing does go |
5145s | down |
5146s | um kind of tying it up for points here |
5148s | quite close in paper numbers Advantage |
5150s | right now but with the Drake Navy going |
5151s | down soon Odin's call will rip ahead |
5153s | again end points with quite a |
5155s | comfortable lead and quite a comfortable |
5156s | thing in application hit points utility |
5159s | by just having two utility highs so a |
5161s | good position here for Odin's call |
5163s | bogus is stuck on reload just so that |
5166s | the Drake Navy got low enough so he's |
5168s | have to reload then finish him off and |
5169s | then go after potentially The Offspring |
5170s | Navy has these drones I think are |
5173s | picking on the Osprey Navy itself so |
5175s | I'm wondering if it's Jake of uh JC is |
5177s | going for no no he decided to not go for |
5179s | the mjd doesn't want to go out honorably |
5181s | by boundary the EOS of their thing on |
5182s | odd inside getting picked off there |
5184s | um I suppose they're doing what they can |
5186s | given what they got |
5187s | um but with the direct Navy issue down |
5189s | now yokan and the bargast is having an |
5192s | awesome game enjoying being the first |
5194s | Flagship to be fielded that actually |
5195s | lives |
5196s | indeed they have to go for the eels for |
5198s | sure it's it's probably the best Target |
5200s | there but then they have to figure out |
5201s | how do we beat a flag bug and I feel |
5203s | like they're running out of teeth and |
5205s | tools to make this work and that bug is |
5207s | going to start controlling the entire |
5208s | match as a flagship should do |
5211s | as a flagship should do so points lead |
5213s | here for Owens call we got about under |
5215s | four minutes left you up the match EOS |
5217s | is likely to be going down I'm not sure |
5219s | if that's going to put a point Advantage |
5220s | actually for paper numbers |
5222s | um but this barrier should be able to at |
5223s | least hopefully like corner and Osprey |
5225s | Navy and finish that off at the very |
5227s | least just secure a point Advantage |
5229s | still visual will be going down |
5231s | um not really necessary but obviously |
5232s | any free kills any free points just to |
5234s | make sure you're securing that Victory |
5235s | and that time cannot run out in |
5237s | disadvantage towards you |
5239s | interesting though as well is that the |
5240s | Claymore has been damping out the bogus |
5242s | even now I don't think I've seen the |
5244s | bugger shoot you could be potentially |
5245s | reloading or it could actually be |
5246s | properly damped out with the Claymore |
5247s | just running away I believe he's just |
5250s | unreal getting ready for the next clip |
5252s | very funny let's get these velocities |
5253s | borrow gas almost going as fast as this |
5256s | Claymore that's hilarious that is the |
5257s | power of a bar gas just cornering that |
5260s | claimer against the arena he's Kramer's |
5262s | going to have eventually decide to turn |
5264s | around as the skills goes down not put |
5266s | much more space left to run away from a |
5267s | bar gas charging at you |
5269s | yep and now the bucket says related and |
5271s | immediately firing you can just see the |
5273s | damage of these uh officer rapid Heavies |
5276s | can do just ripping this Claymore open |
5279s | well I know they could have cheaped out |
5280s | and gone for some faction you never know |
5282s | what they'd cheap out on these office |
5283s | ships you always expect the bling and |
5285s | then you get surprisingly disappointed |
5286s | when you see that kill mail but um then |
5288s | again it's more about the ship itself |
5290s | and the bonuses it brings that normally |
5292s | in the modules these days |
5294s | yeah oh the Claymore goes down and |
5297s | honestly there is nothing paper numbers |
5298s | can do they gave it one hell of a fight |
5300s | there's a few months ago I thought they |
5301s | could have had it parked bank's |
5302s | legendary lodgy does usually quite well |
5304s | but just can't beat the Flag bug I think |
5307s | what do you think it was a standard bug |
5308s | you think they would have won this or |
5309s | not |
5310s | I don't think the flag actually brought |
5312s | that much to be fair |
5314s | um I think it was just a good trade of |
5316s | things it seems I'm not sure if paper |
5318s | numbers could have done a better |
5319s | application |
5320s | um it seemed at one point paper numbers |
5321s | like you said was it set up in a good |
5323s | position on an e-war side they had no |
5325s | e-war coming their way they had full |
5327s | range advantage and I think maybe they |
5329s | put a pressure on that Osprey a tiny bit |
5331s | late um it's a bit hard to say Obviously |
5333s | positioning comes into uh play these |
5335s | logic Pilots being very good in their |
5337s | positioning coming this uh being in this |
5339s | uh tier of tournament |
5341s | um but I don't think a flag was a |
5342s | linchpin 4 Victory here |
5344s | well I think I might disagree a little |
5346s | bit but either way is well flown by both |
5349s | teams as well like both really gave it |
5352s | their absolute all in this and that bug |
5353s | is now just finishing off the Osprey |
5355s | Navy you can just see the damage per |
5357s | volley from this rapid Heavies that's |
5358s | where Navy was rapping and just can't |
5360s | hold it it's just too much |
5362s | some spicy stuff one thing you always |
5364s | got to be careful with an officer bar |
5366s | gas and running rapid Heavies is you can |
5368s | go through heat super super quickly so |
5371s | well done enough burning out your guns |
5372s | you can and casting your entire team and |
5374s | just being a lump of wasted points agent |
5377s | doing a good job of actually keeping up |
5378s | we've seen some xlsb charges coming |
5380s | through there so good job on just |
5382s | pumping up those numbers |
5383s | um maybe you survived from reload who |
5385s | knows |
5386s | I don't think so there he goes Bravo to |
5389s | um Odin's call well flown well find the |
5391s | paper numbers as well and with that |
5391s | we'll go back to studio and see what |
5393s | they think |
5412s | [Music] |
5416s | foreign |
5422s | [Music] |
5429s | [Music] |
5436s | [Music] |
5467s | thank you |
5475s | Odin's call there with the dub as the |
5478s | kids are saying as CCP Swift informs me |
5480s | with your can in that Flagship bar I |
5482s | guess overcoming all of the curses uh |
5484s | the first blue team to win the first |
5486s | Flagship to be fluid and survive the |
5489s | first Flagship two fields and actually |
5490s | win the match so showing their uh try |
5493s | and Venture experts how to fly a |
5495s | flagship Bargas as he basically carried |
5496s | that match to Victory by himself at the |
5499s | end there fantastic piloting well than |
5501s | Odin's called taking that very very |
5502s | clutch win right there paper numbers |
5504s | were super popular |
5506s | um coming into this tournament many |
5507s | people had them down as a dark horse and |
5510s | this match I remember being one of the |
5511s | hardest ones for us as casters to |
5513s | predict because both teams super strong |
5515s | uh owed into the Fantastic showing in |
5517s | the feeder tournaments they did a really |
5519s | great showing last year in Leicester in |
5520s | 17 pay for numbers of course as you |
5522s | mentioned before Jin another really |
5524s | strong team potentially going to do |
5525s | really well and what a match like what a |
5528s | fantastic match uh CCP Swift you want to |
5530s | talk a little bit about the carries in |
5532s | that particular match yeah so uh the |
5534s | carries is a great platform and |
5536s | specifically when you can script your |
5538s | damps it's a very fast Locker so it can |
5540s | win damp Wars it can stay alive it's |
5543s | incredibly fast it's probably the best |
5545s | damping platform outside of the Raiju |
5547s | which you can't bring so it might as |
5549s | well bring it Unfortunately they were |
5551s | met with Odin's call bringing a bunch of |
5553s | drones those are things you can't really |
5556s | damp so the gilas and the EOS really |
5560s | really good uh calling there by the |
5562s | Odin's call team I don't know if they |
5564s | just stuck those in at the end or if |
5566s | they had this in their pocket knowing |
5568s | that coming up against a control team |
5569s | those would be very powerful but it |
5571s | worked incredibly well for them eking |
5574s | out that win I think if they didn't have |
5575s | even one of those ships I think paper |
5577s | numbers would have won wow you think |
5580s | it's that that clutch that ship right |
5582s | there yep excellent fantastic you should |
5584s | you should bring carries no or don't |
5586s | bring carries I don't know it depends if |
5588s | we like you or not yeah if you're good |
5589s | bring a carries |
5591s | uh if we don't like you don't bring a |
5593s | kid I don't know how this works who do |
5594s | you not like I like everyone okay I |
5596s | think every team should win however only |
5598s | the best team can win |
5600s | excellent very interesting |
5602s | committal and very deep it's uh five |
5604s | deep for me uh jintan you wanted to talk |
5607s | a little bit about the difference |
5607s | between the Osprey uh brought by Odin's |
5610s | call and the Scimitar by paper numbers |
5612s | like what's the key differences between |
5613s | those two ships yeah so obviously the |
5615s | Osprey is a T1 logistic ship and you |
5618s | know you don't see those used a huge |
5619s | amount on T Cube outside of you know |
5622s | very very cheap rooms but in the uh |
5625s | tournament format the points that you |
5627s | save going to a T1 Logistics Cruiser |
5629s | over a T2 Logistics Cruiser can open up |
5632s | so much and you saw that in the Odin's |
5634s | cool comp whereas uh paper numbers had |
5637s | three or four battle cruises |
5639s | um Odin's cool were able to pair that |
5641s | battle cruiser core with a bar guest and |
5643s | that did so much work for them there |
5645s | right at the end of the match especially |
5647s | you cannot sober being able to clutch it |
5649s | out for his team you know I think both |
5651s | myself and the casters always thought |
5652s | paper numbers had won it you know maybe |
5655s | a little bit of an upset potentially but |
5658s | yogan was able to just fly around with |
5660s | the point you know in that the ship that |
5663s | bringing a T1 Logistics enabled them to |
5665s | do and you also saw Odin's be very aware |
5668s | of the situation and the fact that if |
5670s | they let their opponent Scimitar stay |
5671s | alive in the long run it would out-wrap |
5674s | their Logistics and therefore make it |
5676s | more difficult for them to achieve |
5678s | Victory so they opted into a logistics |
5680s | trade very very early on in the match |
5681s | and that's what led to all of those evil |
5683s | ships dying and eventually them having |
5686s | the DPS and tank advantage in the very |
5688s | very end game of that match |
5691s | awesome and uh CP Swift when it comes to |
5693s | these Logistics Cruisers |
5695s | um let's just talk about tech too so um |
5698s | the Scimitar is usually the more popular |
5700s | of The Shield ones and why so the |
5703s | cemetery is incredibly mobile it can run |
5705s | very fast it has a decent enough tank |
5707s | but it's mostly its survivability |
5709s | because if your logistic ship gets |
5711s | caught then most captains will just snap |
5714s | shoot and try and kill it straight off |
5715s | the bat so the Scimitar unlike its uh |
5718s | partner in the Basilisk basket is much |
5720s | slower much easier to catch you |
5724s | generally you use it when you have like |
5726s | that that really strong Battleship core |
5728s | like the Golem a Navy scorpion type |
5730s | thing then uh the Basilisk works well |
5733s | for you but in almost every other |
5734s | situation the Scimitar uh is really the |
5737s | the choice for these teams and Converse |
5739s | the Gin time when we look at Armor comps |
5741s | you have the nearest and the guardian |
5743s | and I think we see much more Guardians |
5745s | than we see uh basilisks but the most |
5748s | popular one is still almost certainly |
5749s | the neuros |
5750s | um why do people just tend to bring that |
5752s | on Euros so the neuros has a couple of |
5754s | key advantages over the guardian uh |
5756s | namely that it can fit a dual prop and |
5758s | uh enough cap to run and a sensor |
5761s | booster and especially in a tournament |
5762s | format like this where damps are so |
5764s | powerful that's a very very key aspect |
5766s | which means that you can put out Reps |
5769s | for a long time and if you get caught |
5770s | you have the potential to actually |
5772s | Escape by just running your afterburner |
5774s | getting some tackle in on your |
5775s | opponent's tackle ship and then just |
5777s | coasting out of the range of their web |
5779s | and scram that said the guardian does |
5781s | have a huge following especially among |
5783s | amongst kind of like top tier teams |
5785s | because the guardian can put out more |
5787s | reps than the neuros I know for example |
5789s | reload uh the logistics pilot for Volta |
5792s | heavily favors the guardian over the |
5793s | ineros |
5794s | yeah and speaking of |
5796s | um having a solid Logistics pilot is |
5799s | such such an important thing uh is |
5801s | probably like one of the single hardest |
5802s | things to do in an alliance tournament |
5804s | is to fly a logistics ship well because |
5806s | you are by yourself uh unless you are |
5809s | have a buddy with the frigates but if |
5810s | you're in a cruiser you're definitely by |
5811s | yourself |
5812s | um you are basically responsible for |
5814s | keeping your team alive while also be |
5816s | responsible for making sure they're not |
5817s | too far away from you but also being |
5819s | responsible to not fly out of the Arena |
5821s | while also not dying yourself there's |
5823s | just so much going on you have to be so |
5824s | situation situationally aware of where |
5827s | everybody is what's going on I mean have |
5830s | you ever done it have you ever tried it |
5831s | I have I've flown Logistics twice in the |
5834s | alliance tournament the ones in Alliance |
5835s | tournament eight |
5836s | um I died but my team won so I did my |
5839s | job copy |
5841s | um but yeah it is incredibly hard |
5843s | because you've got every small ship |
5845s | running after you you're the target of |
5847s | every e-war if you're out of position |
5849s | the team blames you instead of |
5851s | themselves for being out of position |
5853s | like you're the guy that screwed up not |
5854s | every everyone else |
5855s | not fair Logistics Pilot's always right |
5859s | they they at least should be yeah if you |
5861s | have a logistics pilot and your team |
5862s | make sure you say thank you to them |
5864s | because they're the one they're the |
5865s | absolute Heroes |
5867s | um is it's it's one of those ships where |
5868s | you always see the same person in that |
5871s | like if that's true Logistics pilot |
5872s | that's all they fly you won't see them |
5874s | in different ships you're usually in |
5876s | teams you try and organize people so |
5877s | maybe you'll have people who are your |
5879s | Mainline Battleship Pilots some people |
5880s | who specialize in the more like Fast |
5882s | frigates and ebore but still to this day |
5885s | I maintained that this most important |
5887s | person is pretty much the logistics |
5889s | pilot if they're good then the target |
5891s | caller that's also important yeah less |
5893s | important right because people will just |
5895s | go off because they've trained so much |
5896s | they'll generally go off muscle memory |
5898s | so even if the captain's calling a bad |
5900s | Target they'll be like I didn't hear |
5901s | what he said I'm gonna go do this more |
5903s | thing anyways but yeah the logistics |
5905s | file it uh probably one of the hardest |
5906s | things to do and uh you're absolutely |
5909s | right when when you have like a really |
5910s | incredible Logistics pilot you will see |
5913s | that name year after year after year |
5914s | here and he'll generally always reset up |
5917s | a couple months before the alliance |
5918s | tournament to kind of knock that rust |
5920s | off so he can you know you know be uh be |
5923s | the stalwart of the team |
5925s | yeah and then speaking briefly again of |
5927s | captains uh jintan you've flown in a |
5929s | whole bunch of matches and you've run |
5930s | some teams you've done this for a while |
5932s | and when you warp in on grid like how |
5934s | important is just situational awareness |
5936s | Target calling pecking the strategy and |
5938s | then executing it it's key uh |
5940s | understanding what your opponents are |
5941s | trying to do is the first stop first |
5943s | step in preventing them from being able |
5945s | to do it and you know you know Eve Eve |
5947s | tournament play tends to be very very |
5949s | game plan orientated you need to |
5951s | understand okay do we need to take this |
5953s | to an end game do we need to do a |
5954s | logistics trade can we do a logistics |
5956s | trade |
5957s | um what needs to be tackled down and |
5959s | stopped from coming into our core |
5960s | because you know maybe they have a |
5962s | Vindicator or a bowel gone or something |
5963s | that's going to cause them really cause |
5965s | you real issues if it gets to spool up |
5968s | um it is an incredible incredible |
5971s | process and normally you'll have other |
5972s | people on the team helping you so for |
5973s | example you have a couple people like |
5975s | your job is just to go and look at the |
5976s | ship models identify what guns |
5978s | everyone's using feed that information |
5980s | back to me so I can make a better |
5981s | decision uh your Logistics pilot will |
5984s | normally be calling out you know watch |
5985s | out for this tackle and that tackle |
5988s | um and then obviously as um I think |
5990s | Elise said earlier you normally have one |
5992s | of your more veteran Pilots help |
5993s | coordinate your e-war as well if you're |
5995s | running a uh ewall control comp there's |
5998s | a there's a ton of moving parts that go |
6000s | into it and only having two to three |
6001s | minutes to do it is why you need to |
6003s | practice so much of the tournament |
6004s | awesome and if I could happen I think |
6006s | the one thing that separates the good |
6008s | teams from the great teams is |
6009s | decisiveness even if you make the wrong |
6012s | decision but you like stick to it |
6014s | sometimes it'll give you a win-win like |
6017s | if you're indecisive and you swap |
6018s | targets a lot you're like oh maybe this |
6020s | guy's better uh you can I've seen teams |
6023s | lose just doing that swapping back and |
6025s | forth whereas a team that you know just |
6027s | makes the wrong call but sticks to it it |
6030s | generally gets that gets the win well |
6032s | let's find out if one of these teams can |
6034s | get a win because Esports Petopia and |
6036s | Nano fiber tokens are sitting in the |
6038s | arena waiting to go head to head and see |
6040s | who will be the victors so let's go to |
6042s | the arena and find that |
6048s | all right welcome back to the arena and |
6050s | I'm incredibly excited because my |
6051s | favorite ship is here and it's honestly |
6053s | a new variation on my opinion the |
6055s | Nighthawk Rush usually Nighthawks |
6057s | require a Loki they brought a Vindicator |
6058s | even better webs meanwhile on the other |
6061s | side we are seeing the first time now uh |
6063s | Armageddon navies both of them rapid |
6065s | heavy fit so five with the recent |
6068s | changes can be very interesting to see |
6069s | how these ships function in this Arena |
6072s | indeed so um well I'm gonna need the |
6074s | issue getting a bonus towards energy |
6075s | turrets Rapids or Crews and Torpedoes |
6078s | are actually getting a bit of like a |
6078s | Minotaur bonus there being able to use |
6080s | whatever weapon systems it once while |
6082s | keeping a new bonus while having a |
6084s | drawing bonus absolutely spectacular |
6086s | ships both teams opting for the freak |
6087s | logic here as we do seeing these things |
6089s | underway I'm excited to see who's going |
6091s | to be ripping each other apart but I'm |
6092s | excited to see how these night Oaks and |
6093s | Vinnie combo and look at the control bar |
6095s | look at the control bar for 95 seconds |
6097s | it is girthy it is massive there's a lot |
6100s | of control from this I got Sentinel |
6102s | they've got an RB they've got probably |
6103s | an ewos scattered throughout their |
6104s | entire fleet and of course we see what |
6106s | vinegars always do this is what they're |
6108s | known for just rushing in as fast as |
6111s | they can |
6112s | as fast as you can but being a bit slow |
6114s | for Kiko they're finally getting up into |
6115s | speed uh we see the Nighthawk there of |
6117s | yogurt leading the charge so The |
6119s | Nighthawks leading the charge right |
6120s | there follow up with the stabbers so |
6121s | hopefully that Vindicator is going to be |
6123s | able to apply but they've locked down on |
6124s | Chadwick they're in the Army getting |
6125s | Navy issue he looks like he's probably |
6126s | going to be the first primary as they |
6127s | come zeroing in on him |
6130s | yep I think they're gonna go for the |
6131s | head should hit remove the bigger ship |
6132s | first and then go go from there The |
6133s | Vindicator on a |
6135s | Omega maybe should be a reasonably easy |
6137s | win for the getting so for the uh |
6138s | Vindicator sorry especially with twin |
6141s | ham Hawk backup providing a lot of DPS |
6143s | we should do this I'm gonna get maybe |
6145s | suffer quite considerably but then again |
6147s | there is a lot of people in his team |
6149s | that could maybe provide what he needs |
6151s | unfortunately the father has been freak |
6153s | lodging here they're going to have to be |
6154s | quite close to wrap this Armageddon and |
6156s | quite closer even if they want to stay |
6158s | into Prime optimal range that means they |
6160s | can be quick follow-up targets for newts |
6161s | or webs here from that uh Vindicator as |
6163s | we see and the natharia actually getting |
6165s | a lot of pressure there so like I said |
6167s | coming into the danger zone to keep the |
6168s | getting alive and paying the price |
6170s | yep and I noticed the the stabber of |
6172s | Rift Anakin is sitting at the back I |
6174s | believe that's with his own lodgy |
6175s | friends yeah it is see maybe he should |
6177s | have been in the fight but I think he |
6178s | was protecting his logic freaks which |
6179s | are a bit far away absolutely massive EC |
6183s | Cloud we see there on the other of can |
6185s | Paso so they're dedicating all that EC |
6188s | drones to him that is an absolute |
6189s | massive Cloud sitting on him so I'm sure |
6191s | he's not being a happy chappie right now |
6193s | I'm not sure I fully agree with that if |
6195s | you've got that much ECM I would |
6197s | honestly put it on the other Armageddon |
6198s | Navy and break up the rapid heavy Clips |
6200s | make them fire off sync which means that |
6202s | honestly if that happens you have muted |
6204s | rapid heavy see another ship going down |
6206s | this Armageddon Navy is slowly creeping |
6208s | down I'm honestly surprised he survived |
6210s | as long as he had it this guy is getting |
6211s | pounded but there is honestly just a lot |
6214s | going on unfortunate choice of The |
6216s | Nighthawks here unless they actually are |
6217s | up opted out of that they are going to |
6219s | be bonus purely towards kinetic as the |
6221s | stabber goes down there and that kinetic |
6222s | falls in the same kind of damage as um |
6224s | The Blasters of The Vindicator leaning |
6226s | towards Advantage for the Armageddon and |
6228s | the Armor's reactive armor hardening |
6230s | there so that's probably why we've seen |
6231s | this getting damaged stalling out |
6232s | slightly and becoming a bit of a grind |
6234s | first it looks like they probably will |
6235s | be securing the kill here but that's why |
6237s | we've seen a bit of momentum lost there |
6238s | obviously if the side fleet's going down |
6239s | they had a bit more damage choice in |
6241s | them to spread that damage around but a |
6243s | lot more kinetic in the top hand heavy |
6245s | damage here and if they get they're good |
6247s | maybe another very hardcore what do you |
6249s | go for next do you go for the double |
6250s | head shot and try and win from top down |
6252s | or do you try and use the webs from your |
6254s | vindi to start just deleting small stuff |
6256s | with Nighthawk support with audio fight |
6258s | numbers down there let's see if they can |
6259s | even get it this guy is holding there's |
6261s | one thought it goes down other thought |
6263s | you have count is still up um these both |
6265s | free logic are still alive on these |
6267s | Esports side but to get inch will be |
6270s | going down now getting to structure |
6271s | still being a lot of hit points being a |
6273s | faction battleship |
6274s | yeah he was creeping down like one |
6276s | percent of the time on our sort of come |
6278s | up a few times but that's it he's gonna |
6279s | go down so now what's the next choice |
6281s | they've got no hook being hit now they |
6283s | have lodgies I believe are now in the |
6285s | fight they are indeed they're gonna try |
6286s | and save their Nighthawk but what's your |
6287s | next Target what are they gonna go I |
6289s | would be seeing what I can grab for |
6290s | Vinnie to just could do some quick pops |
6292s | off there give you support some |
6293s | breathing that they're going for the |
6295s | get-ons that team they they're |
6296s | comfortable in their position they're |
6297s | probably just being tackled there uh |
6300s | comfortable in what they have what's in |
6301s | range but that Nighthawk is going to be |
6302s | paying the price for this uh slugfest |
6304s | right now I am I'm personally I'm not a |
6306s | fan of that call but I can kind of see |
6308s | why they might go for it commit to the |
6309s | strategy but they they're losing DPS |
6312s | rapidly the Nighthawk is now gone |
6313s | they're now down to Anzac Navy and |
6315s | Nighthawk and Vindicator I can't see |
6317s | them breaking through this getting Navy |
6319s | with their logistical um intact yeah |
6321s | that's true yeah uh nanofiber has the |
6324s | most ships on grid right now but really |
6326s | when you look at it they don't have that |
6328s | much damage most of it coming from the |
6330s | get in obviously some drone support from |
6331s | the vaccinating the EOS execure Navy |
6333s | issue will be going down soon having a |
6334s | lot of structure so he'll be tanking |
6336s | there a bit |
6337s | um but we're seeing no stabilizing a bit |
6339s | of a comfortable position taking |
6341s | advantage of what control they have of |
6342s | the Sentinel the arbitrator and the |
6344s | newts coming from the get a Navy issue |
6347s | yeah they're now in a very hard spot the |
6349s | windy could maybe switch to the EOS but |
6350s | he also can be just as tanky |
6352s | I got options are small ships around him |
6354s | and like what can he shoot like a sky |
6355s | breaker it's not worth it he has to |
6357s | pretty commit to it and it's just not |
6359s | going to work I don't think unfortunate |
6360s | part here is also going for The |
6362s | Vindicator and Nighthawk combo splitting |
6364s | weapon systems like that that means if |
6366s | uh nanofiber was either let's say went |
6368s | all in on their disruption so all |
6370s | tracking disruptors show the Vinnie paid |
6371s | the price they went all in on guidance |
6373s | The Nighthawks paid the price if they |
6375s | split up I mean they can still hit both |
6377s | things so no matter what nanofiber is |
6379s | going to put in those e-roll slots from |
6380s | the arbitrary and Sentinel they were |
6382s | going to disrupt esports's uh weapon |
6384s | systems here splitting them up like how |
6386s | do we get you for sure but also I I love |
6387s | the idea of bringing the web support |
6389s | that's required for Nighthawks in a |
6391s | Vindicator just bringing more DPS of |
6393s | course I just love vindicators so |
6395s | honestly I am incredibly biased |
6398s | but I think unfortunately with jokes |
6400s | around about to go down soon as well |
6401s | this Armageddon Navy is slowly creeping |
6403s | down but it's not gonna be fast enough |
6404s | and you can see the the uh the newts and |
6407s | the e-wars slowly making this Vindicator |
6409s | more and more worthless |
6411s | no it's unfortunately a lot of these |
6412s | easy drones being dead in the water |
6414s | Heroes their pilots have been destroyed |
6416s | no one to control them being abandoned |
6419s | to the cold hardness of space here again |
6421s | and just being ground down so Nighthawk |
6423s | will be disappearing soon so as much as |
6424s | you love the vendi it will be featuring |
6426s | the most in this match being The Last |
6428s | Ship to be destroyed for Esports |
6431s | yeah and now you can watch all the ECM |
6433s | all the e-war all the notes all going |
6436s | onto this Vindicator and just that this |
6437s | is the worst uh the worst life I've |
6440s | indicated to live in it's great being |
6441s | the one Battleship versus everything but |
6443s | it's not great when it's all ewall |
6445s | maybe he can like make a lucky grab grab |
6448s | something and give a few pops just to |
6450s | get those fuel you know kill males to |
6451s | care swag a bit on some people here but |
6454s | he's definitely will be going down there |
6455s | not much Escape I don't think he can |
6457s | even pull off a heroic mjd hero he is |
6459s | scrammed in case for some reason he had |
6461s | one fit as well |
6463s | interesting I think the Vixen Navy |
6465s | actually just bumped him away from the |
6466s | Armageddon Maybe so I believe he can't |
6469s | even kill the Armageddon Navy anymore |
6470s | he's now left him he could maybe try to |
6472s | switch the vexing but he's also been |
6473s | tracking disrupted so again he can't |
6475s | kill anything and unfortunately this is |
6477s | how all good vindicators die they die to |
6480s | all the evil in the world boo hiss but |
6483s | honestly well played identify the tokens |
6485s | while playing Dean good use of the ewall |
6487s | here good use of just all your ships and |
6489s | horses are seeing why teams have been |
6491s | Banning the Armageddon Navy issue so |
6493s | we're really well played here by |
6494s | nanofiber tokens as they take a quite |
6497s | comfortable lead hero and victory over |
6498s | Esports Petopia and we will be sending |
6501s | it back to the studio |
6504s | foreign |
6520s | damn I'm thirsty |
6523s | [Music] |
6526s | ah that hits the spot |
6538s | former spark could be anywhere |
6542s | [Music] |
6554s | [Music] |
6561s | [Music] |
6569s | foreign |
6571s | [Music] |
6580s | ER tokens there taking the victory over |
6583s | Esports Petopia who it seemed to be |
6585s | fielded a shield Vindicator uh strong |
6589s | strong opening move for Alliance |
6590s | tournament 18. uh jintan The Vindicator |
6593s | not normally something we would see fit |
6595s | with Shield mods and we did see that |
6598s | Vindicator wrapping his shield |
6600s | um |
6601s | why |
6604s | um I I think a large part of that is |
6605s | probably coming down to the fact that |
6607s | you can put an absolutely insane amount |
6609s | of damage mods in the many lows that The |
6611s | Vindicator has if you do that I mean you |
6613s | saw at the end of that game The |
6615s | Vindicator actually still almost had the |
6617s | same potential attack bar as the entire |
6620s | nanofiber tokens team however potential |
6623s | damage doesn't really matter when you |
6624s | don't have the capacity to cycle your |
6626s | guns which is going to happen when you |
6628s | have to use your mid slots for shield |
6629s | tank as opposed to injectors and webs |
6632s | that's kind of the other reason you |
6633s | don't normally see Shield vindicators |
6634s | those webs on a Vindicator 90 they can |
6637s | slow absolutely anything down you saw it |
6639s | take that Thalia to almost zero MMS |
6642s | only for the team to not capitalize on |
6644s | it and kill it and instead swap onto |
6646s | Chadwick the tankiest chip on the grid |
6649s | there you are and TV Swift we saw two |
6651s | Armageddon Navy issues uh you must be |
6653s | pretty excited about about that there |
6654s | are the reason they've been buffed in |
6656s | the uprising expansion tell us about it |
6657s | indeed uh so they're good now well they |
6660s | used to be bad the balance team was like |
6661s | hey you know what would that be amazing |
6663s | instead of these being bad we make them |
6665s | good and then they just did it uh and |
6667s | that came out on the November 8th uh so |
6670s | they're very similar we talked about it |
6671s | before they're very similar uh to the |
6673s | standard get now uh so they are just a |
6676s | little bit more hit points uh a great |
6678s | newting platform a great control |
6680s | platform and two of them staring you in |
6682s | the face uh that's very very spooky and |
6685s | these teams didn't have a lot of time to |
6687s | prepare for these so uh Nano fiber |
6689s | tokens these guys uh very quickly when |
6692s | they saw the stats threw this team |
6693s | together and uh you know it got them a |
6696s | win and it looked very convincing no |
6699s | unfortunate Giga Chad picked the |
6701s | Armageddon Navy as the flagship of |
6703s | course because the flagships had to be |
6705s | submitted prior to the announcement of |
6707s | these changes uh and anyone who had |
6709s | submitted a flagship I haven't got a |
6710s | Navy issue prior to the changes would |
6713s | probably be considered utterly insane |
6715s | because as CCP have mentions they were |
6717s | pretty turbo trash uh now I'm super |
6719s | excited for this next match coming up |
6722s | um it's probably one of my favorite ones |
6723s | off to date it's gonna be dark side |
6724s | versus Templars calciv both Story teams |
6728s | with a loss of History a lot of success |
6730s | a lot of strife and some some failure in |
6732s | the tournaments 10 plus cancer last year |
6734s | I think they've got top eight after |
6736s | winning Alliance open they dunked Hydra |
6738s | reloaded and weekend one and Alliance |
6740s | tournament 16 uh much to everyone's |
6742s | surprise and of course Darkseid very |
6745s | experienced team uh thought of the |
6746s | Russian Community pilots flying in there |
6748s | let's take a look at some of the history |
6750s | of these teams let's pull up Darkseid |
6751s | right now and take a look at them |
6754s | uh so dark site another 69 pilot team |
6758s | nice |
6759s | um with a whole bunch of veterans fafi |
6761s | wafi uh they're they're a long time |
6763s | Captain I believe he's back with them |
6765s | again |
6766s | um and we will find out later if you can |
6768s | or cannot faffey the wafi |
6770s | um it seems to be that they more often |
6772s | win uh which is pretty solid pretty |
6774s | solid record for our lives tournament |
6776s | team uh their last matches they have won |
6778s | against bright side of death another one |
6780s | of those storied Russian teams uh Verger |
6783s | collapse back in Alliance tournament 11 |
6784s | so we haven't seen Darkseid do well for |
6787s | a while but the team has been rebuilt |
6789s | this year after they lost a bunch of |
6791s | matches last year to locals primary |
6792s | Volta and the tuskers and now let's take |
6795s | a look at 10 plus calcif |
6799s | so a much smaller team only 28 and of |
6803s | course you can in chat spam that carton |
6805s | to support the Last Spartan uh the |
6808s | captain of the team he's been uh the |
6810s | captain pretty much from the start he's |
6811s | been with him for a very long time and |
6813s | as mentioned they did really well in |
6815s | Alliance open winning it uh they didn't |
6816s | actually lose a single match that whole |
6818s | tournament and they didn't even bring |
6819s | their wild cards for that tournament uh |
6822s | in Alliance tournament 16 they they |
6823s | surprised everybody and in Alliance |
6824s | tournament 17. people felt it was a |
6827s | little bit |
6827s | um underwhelming I think they expected |
6829s | them to do better and if you come like |
6831s | top eight and people are like oh that's |
6832s | kind of not a good performance then you |
6833s | know people are expecting good things |
6835s | from you and I'm expecting good things |
6837s | with temples castlev again this year |
6838s | jintan what are your thoughts about this |
6840s | matchup yeah I think this is a this is |
6842s | one of those matchups you'd much prefer |
6843s | to see you know maybe this the start of |
6846s | the second weekend rather than here but |
6847s | it's going to set up some great |
6849s | storylines from later on I wouldn't be |
6850s | surprised if uh But whichever team does |
6853s | go down here has an Immaculate losers |
6856s | run you know there's a fair few teams |
6858s | that they're going to be trying to stop |
6860s | that but both of these teams have a |
6862s | really really long history of |
6863s | exceptionally good performance Dark Side |
6866s | especially I always have found a |
6867s | fascinating team they tend to come in |
6869s | with some really |
6871s | um interesting Theory crafting |
6874s | um and uh and alongside that have |
6877s | amazing execution they're one of the |
6878s | Russian speaking teams that have been |
6880s | with the game for an exceptional amount |
6882s | of time they uh competed under many |
6885s | different names as well they competed |
6887s | under afterlife for a while and they |
6889s | actually reformed basically just to |
6891s | compete in the tournament this year nice |
6892s | after they've actually put me out of the |
6895s | tournament in Alliance tournament 13 |
6897s | with my team the bastards they put us |
6899s | right out let's take a look at the bands |
6900s | for this upcoming match and see what |
6901s | these teams are choosing not to face so |
6904s | a dark side Banning out the Deacon The |
6905s | Gila and the Loki whereas Temple is |
6908s | choosing to Banner the EOS the bar guest |
6909s | and the guardian CP Swift what do you |
6911s | make about these bands here uh I I think |
6914s | these teams are just starting to uh |
6916s | rather these caliber teams can realize |
6919s | how annoying drones can be specifically |
6921s | if they predicate their comp on control |
6924s | with damps and stuff like that so |
6925s | getting rid of the Gila and the EOS |
6927s | really really strong moves the Deacon |
6930s | generally makes the uh the pairing of |
6933s | the logic frigates that much better so |
6935s | dark side saying I don't want to give |
6937s | you an advantage for Logie frigates they |
6939s | know templates can do really really well |
6941s | with that they've got two incredibly |
6942s | great Logistics pilots on their side so |
6945s | forcing them into a shield comp as well |
6946s | and templates have the a similar idea |
6949s | saying hey we don't want a Guardian |
6950s | we're just talking about it and we also |
6952s | don't want this bar guest this thing's |
6954s | too pesky it offers too much so get it |
6956s | out it doesn't really give away too much |
6958s | it just give it just reduces a lot of |
6961s | the potential uh archetypes that might |
6964s | uh throw a cog or a spanner in their |
6965s | cogs I don't know how you guys talk like |
6968s | that I'm trying to be more English |
6970s | because uh we're over here in Nottingham |
6972s | but whatever spanners cogs spanner in |
6975s | the works there you go hey there you go |
6977s | I thought like you've learned it for a |
6978s | while |
6981s | so the cool thing about the the Deacon |
6983s | ban here is um there's a rule this year |
6986s | in the last turn which is new for the |
6987s | alliance tournament which is point |
6988s | inflation so if you bring multiple |
6990s | copies of the same ship then each of |
6993s | them cost more points so if a ship is |
6994s | five points and you bring two of them |
6996s | it's not ten it is 12 points because |
6998s | each one increases by one point so by |
7000s | Banning the Deacon you're forcing them |
7002s | to bring maybe two taliers for example |
7005s | if they wanted to bring armor uh |
7007s | logistic frigates uh Tech 2 at least but |
7009s | then the add more points so then you |
7011s | have to readjust the rest of your comp |
7012s | if you had it predicated for one Deacon |
7014s | one Talia so that one band can take out |
7016s | a lot of ships which uh you pointed out |
7018s | there c2b Swift I don't actually know if |
7020s | these teams have bar guest flagships but |
7023s | that's a very popular Flagship this year |
7025s | I believe the most popular |
7027s | um and we do see that Burgers band so we |
7029s | might see one on uh one on grid but I |
7031s | mean I guess we could go to the arena |
7032s | and uh and find out |
7034s | um in a couple of minutes because the |
7036s | match is due in four minutes three |
7038s | minutes oh my God we're almost there in |
7040s | a minute it'll be two minutes it will be |
7041s | two minutes that is fantastic maths |
7044s | um let's do protections because we've |
7046s | not really done that very much |
7047s | um and this is a really hard to predict |
7049s | match in my opinion please be Swift |
7051s | uh so you mentioned templates has an |
7053s | incredibly great record uh when we were |
7055s | doing Alliance tournament 16 uh points |
7058s | we were kind of looking at templates and |
7059s | just nerfing all their comps that's |
7061s | essentially what we did uh because they |
7063s | were just so dominant there uh so I |
7066s | think templates will probably squeak |
7068s | this one out uh but Darkseid I mean this |
7070s | could be a finals match right these |
7072s | teams are both incredibly incredibly |
7074s | good uh and Darkseid has incredible |
7076s | Talent not only with faffy wafi but they |
7079s | have Pandy and a lot of members from the |
7080s | vidra team which does incredibly well |
7083s | each year so |
7085s | um anyone game but I'm gonna get slight |
7087s | Edge to templates I'm a card and spam |
7090s | red heart and jintan if you could uh if |
7092s | you could do it in 10 seconds or less |
7093s | who would you go for uh I would go for |
7095s | Darkseid in this match I think they're |
7096s | going to bring something that uh |
7097s | Templars don't expect and kind of get a |
7099s | little bit of an upset okay uh well I |
7101s | think I'm gonna go for templates I think |
7102s | that Spartan has got this I'm a carton |
7104s | spammer as well so let's go to the arena |
7106s | and find out in templar's Castle and |
7107s | dark side |
7110s | foreign |
7115s | here with moderator we are commentating |
7118s | Darkseid versus template's House of dark |
7120s | side coming with a very tanky drone comp |
7122s | anchored around this Armageddon AV issue |
7125s | a real heck of a ship the Temple's cow |
7127s | stuff is going to have to find a way to |
7129s | deal with moderator what tools do they |
7131s | have |
7133s | yeah so we're seeing |
7134s | um double Nighthawk Drake Navy issue and |
7137s | orthrus and Osprey caracal Navy issue in |
7140s | another pair Osprey Navy issue and |
7143s | jacked on we are seeing a lot of heavy |
7145s | assault missiles uh templates is going |
7147s | to want to close range very quickly |
7148s | brawl uh pick off that Armageddon Navy |
7152s | issue as soon as possible get rid of |
7154s | links in the form of the mermaidon |
7157s | and the remember that might actually be |
7159s | their best bet here it's of their heavy |
7161s | ships the least tanky and probably has a |
7163s | lot of impact with the links boosting up |
7165s | the rest of their Fleet font effects is |
7167s | also an option although given their |
7169s | missile Choice it might be tough to kill |
7171s | those smaller ships |
7174s | yeah um I mean looking at the attack bar |
7176s | off of the very get-go here we can see |
7179s | that templas has a lot of potential one |
7182s | of the sort of downsides of armor |
7187s | drone boats is that you can't really use |
7189s | any sort of rep Bots to support your |
7192s | team because if you do that means you're |
7195s | not using those same you know drone |
7197s | slots for damage and that can be a bit |
7200s | of a problem one of the saving Graces |
7203s | though is that both teams are pretty far |
7205s | away from each other I want to say about |
7206s | 50 to 60 kilometers at closest both |
7209s | teams coming in at opposite sides of the |
7211s | warp in here |
7214s | and the links are popping we're about to |
7216s | begin will be interesting to see |
7217s | Temple's Castle's Target Choice here and |
7219s | what did they decide to headshot first |
7221s | with that insane attack bar |
7224s | both of them are charging across the |
7225s | arena now and we're starting to see some |
7228s | of the missiles begin to fly as they go |
7230s | for the Confessor of tick-tock |
7232s | yeah that um you know kind of makes a |
7235s | bit of a sense he's the initial ship in |
7236s | on the screen we see that Safway is |
7238s | going to be the initial primary uh it |
7240s | makes a lot of sense to me that you'd |
7241s | want to get rid of those fairly weak |
7244s | links uh however the Vengeance instantly |
7246s | dying before he can even pop an ADC uh |
7249s | safoy continuing to take long-range |
7251s | Century damage we see uh kurators and |
7254s | other Sentry drones from that ball of |
7257s | you know ishtars and mermanons but |
7259s | centuries might not be the best choice |
7261s | going forward we see that now both teams |
7264s | have definitely closely Gap we're in a |
7266s | full-on brawl and Sky killer Russian |
7268s | will be the primary for templas |
7271s | yeah the centuries are an interesting |
7272s | choice at the start I actually think |
7274s | they're working well here for them they |
7276s | have managed to move the fight ahead of |
7279s | the century Germans the sentries are |
7280s | sitting there kind of in a sort of a |
7282s | second back line here and they're |
7284s | ravaging the Temple's Castle team as |
7286s | their FC The Last Spartan drops now they |
7289s | are going to trade this Army get a Navy |
7290s | for it and despite losing their logic |
7292s | and one of their best Pilots That's a |
7295s | trade you've got to be happy with if |
7296s | your temple scoutset that is a huge |
7298s | chunk of control and damage off the |
7300s | field I mean look at the attack bar |
7302s | right now between these two teams it's |
7303s | not even close right now I'm I'm almost |
7306s | tempted to say that temples calcif |
7309s | almost won this at the draft stage |
7312s | um this is just a very good comp for |
7316s | them to be coming up against in kind of |
7318s | a |
7319s | you know that kind of caldari Rush |
7321s | templas choosing to you know be role |
7325s | players not just in game but in the |
7327s | alliance tournament as well the caracal |
7328s | Navy issue of Devin going down but |
7330s | they'll trade out candies of star for it |
7332s | which is a great trade and very |
7334s | interestingly if they had gone with the |
7335s | same setup but more of a kite style |
7338s | setup I think Darkseid would a favorite |
7340s | would have gone much more favorably here |
7342s | but against them the high damage Rush |
7344s | where they're coming in up close they |
7347s | just weren't prepared for it I think |
7349s | I think they were expecting a kite team |
7350s | and they ran into |
7352s | a wall of hams that is just decimating |
7356s | them it's truly taking out their high |
7357s | end you see faffy wapis mervidon about |
7359s | to join his friends in the graveyard |
7361s | here as his armor is absolutely getting |
7363s | shredded he's trying to rep back but to |
7365s | no avail |
7367s | yeah we can see that Darkseid has a |
7368s | pretty sustainable large amount of |
7371s | active repping in their defense bar but |
7374s | template cows if their attack is just |
7376s | it's it's massive they just decided yeah |
7379s | um we're gonna put heavy assault |
7380s | missiles on everything we're not going |
7382s | to kite we're just gonna brawl in your |
7384s | face and |
7386s | be they had a very favorable mashup to |
7389s | do that they just got on top of this |
7390s | Navy getting they're getting on top of |
7392s | this so neros now with Rick Orris and |
7394s | once everything gets on top of him he's |
7396s | going to go down pretty quickly here |
7398s | yeah the big local defense bar for |
7401s | Darkseid that's the the purple bar there |
7403s | I'd have to imagine that is on the |
7405s | nearest and the stratiosis so we might |
7408s | see them take a little bit of time to |
7410s | actually get chewed through but actually |
7412s | as I say that the aniros of Rico is |
7415s | absolutely getting shredded I don't |
7418s | think there's any stopping this team or |
7419s | even slowing them down they might not |
7421s | even lose this orthos |
7423s | uh still wishes orthos will go down in a |
7426s | second here there's a cloud of drones on |
7427s | top of him he's you know doing what he |
7429s | can to kite away but it's gonna be too |
7430s | little |
7431s | um Sam Punisher will be the primary uh |
7433s | being held down at close range by uh |
7436s | Drake Navy issues and Nighthawks and the |
7438s | Pont affects the remaining link bout is |
7441s | being |
7442s | held by actually nothing the sky breaker |
7446s | is now burning for him trying to get |
7448s | some tackle but uh pontifex just being |
7450s | chased by a cloud of drones howitz's |
7452s | stratios is doing the very best he can |
7454s | to try to kite away but |
7456s | um armored drone ships are not known for |
7458s | their speed compared to kaldari |
7461s | um heavy missile ships and |
7464s | that stratios is going to be tackled |
7466s | right now actually so not going to be |
7469s | able to get away from anything |
7471s | the pontifex is he's doing his best to |
7474s | try to string it out here but he has a |
7476s | very very low amount of structure and a |
7478s | very big cloud of drones he will go down |
7480s | those drones will most likely relocate |
7482s | over to how it's and we'll start to see |
7484s | his armor drop very rapidly |
7488s | yeah the caracal Navy issue and the two |
7490s | direct navies are now just closing on |
7492s | top of him and uh that stratios is about |
7496s | to get his light switch turned off |
7498s | meanwhile uh Lily SG in the vexer is |
7501s | done everything he can to try to burn |
7504s | away to one of the other beacons as the |
7506s | last remaining ship he will have to be |
7510s | spooling that micro jump drive unit |
7512s | pretty soon |
7515s | that is the question |
7519s | um well either way I think he's going to |
7521s | get killed it's going to be whether or |
7523s | not he dies to the boundary or whether |
7526s | he dies to this rapidly approaching ball |
7528s | of heavy missile ships |
7530s | uh I'm zoomed in on him it looks like he |
7532s | is angling away from the arena if he |
7534s | activates this micro jump Beacon he will |
7536s | launch himself toward the edge of glory |
7540s | he is at zero velocity though so I don't |
7542s | think he's gonna be breaking any records |
7544s | but |
7545s | uh he's gonna start making that decision |
7547s | soon he they're gaining ground on him |
7549s | quite rapidly here and now he's turning |
7552s | yeah he may be choosing to go uh you |
7554s | know out on his shield we've seen good |
7556s | fights in local both teams realize that |
7558s | the match has been |
7560s | um over for some time now |
7563s | and surprisingly |
7566s | it's really only the Nighthawk of Killa |
7569s | 542 that's really approaching uh |
7571s | deciding that now he's going to end it |
7574s | we see a microderm drugs pull from |
7576s | Dexter trying to get to one of the other |
7578s | beacons laterally across from him |
7581s | and he makes it |
7585s | Lilo SG choosing life |
7587s | uh he has a very long game to play |
7590s | though there's almost four well about |
7591s | three and a half minutes remaining in |
7593s | this match that's a long time for this |
7595s | fexa to try to stay alive |
7597s | yeah I I don't think he'll manage to do |
7599s | it for the next three and a half minutes |
7601s | but I can't help but feel though |
7605s | you know some sort of mjd play or some |
7607s | sort of range control had to be |
7610s | something that Darkseid had to |
7613s | choose as their strategy instead of just |
7616s | deciding to brawl against heavy assault |
7619s | missile boats you're never going to win |
7620s | that DPS trade at zero against tamboats |
7623s | I think to one of your points earlier |
7625s | though they really didn't have much |
7626s | choice in the matter their Mobility |
7627s | versus these uh rapidly approaching |
7631s | kaldari ships quite limited again not a |
7634s | very mobile ship mermaiden not that |
7637s | great |
7637s | ishtars that has some speed but if they |
7641s | plated it up and you know maybe through |
7643s | an afterburner on it you're really not |
7646s | getting much out of it this vexer its |
7648s | top speed seemed to have been about 1600 |
7650s | that's just not going to cut it |
7652s | yeah he probably had 1600 plates and he |
7654s | chose to burn for the Edge of Glory at |
7656s | 125 kilometers that'll be it for us |
7658s | sending it back to the desk |
7674s | [Music] |
7677s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
7679s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
7681s | logo is in the game of course you could |
7683s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
7685s | would be kind of a jerk move that kind |
7687s | of oh you don't like it now sucks I'm |
7690s | gonna go join |
7697s | [Music] |
7706s | welcome to Eve Pandora |
7710s | Pandora |
7733s | [Music] |
7738s | template cows have taking the win there |
7740s | in what looked like a loss at first I |
7744s | think a lot of people are as included |
7745s | were like ah no it's all gone horribly |
7747s | wrong for Temple's Castle fear that |
7749s | opening move from Dark Side seemed to be |
7751s | super strong they stacked up with |
7753s | guidance disruptors they knew what |
7755s | templates was going to bring and then it |
7758s | just started to slowly go the wrong way |
7760s | attempt was elected to stop dying and |
7763s | start killing and then after that it was |
7764s | kind of a game over for the dark side |
7768s | team CP Swift like where did that whack |
7770s | I mean obviously I know why they made |
7771s | the change they wanted to win rather |
7772s | than lose which is bonus is the strategy |
7775s | to go for but what made the change uh so |
7778s | uh templates realized that the position |
7780s | they were in when there's a lot of |
7782s | control and a lot of news on the field |
7783s | you want to kind of get those newts off |
7786s | the field very early so you saw them |
7788s | even though they lost their Osprey |
7789s | pretty quick they said you know we have |
7791s | to all in get this Navy getting off the |
7793s | field it's going to screw us over if we |
7795s | let it sit there for too long so they |
7797s | all ended killed it uh and then you know |
7799s | killed off uh some of the uh tackle that |
7802s | was keeping them down and after that |
7803s | they were able to kite around uh the |
7805s | match and you know just apply damage |
7808s | willy-nilly it was uh really really well |
7810s | thought out by templates a nice recovery |
7812s | there uh they might argue that they |
7815s | never had to recover but you know they |
7816s | still recovered and they still did |
7818s | really well |
7819s | I'll tell you who didn't recover uh The |
7821s | Last Spartan he died |
7823s | um he was put in his cartoon as I |
7824s | believe you said during the uh during |
7826s | the match itself |
7828s | argentan said that I don't want to steal |
7831s | a really good joke that's real bad |
7834s | um gentan I'd like to talk to you about |
7836s | the stratios choice there so Darkseid |
7838s | banned out the Gila which is a pretty |
7840s | strong drone boat then they themselves |
7842s | brought drones |
7844s | um and the stratus is usually not as |
7846s | good as a gila some might say |
7848s | um what's what's the logic here well uh |
7851s | the healer is as one of those special |
7853s | case ships which is significantly more |
7855s | points than the rest of the pirate |
7856s | Cruisers just due to its raw power level |
7859s | I think it's priced very comparatively |
7860s | to a hack |
7862s | um and as such you wouldn't have |
7864s | actually been able to fit a Healer in |
7865s | that composition regardless |
7868s | um the stratios has a couple of uh |
7870s | bonuses which are really effective in |
7872s | this sort of comp especially one that's |
7874s | so control orientated obviously they |
7876s | were trying to utilize those missile |
7877s | guidance disruptors and their new to |
7879s | just slow down disrupt the ability of |
7881s | their opponents to apply damage to them |
7883s | and then when you're already doing that |
7885s | to some degree through your e-war those |
7887s | resistance bonuses when paired with the |
7889s | TT Logistics can make those stratuses |
7891s | live for a very long time and they can |
7893s | effectively work as basically heavy |
7895s | tackle you can throw your strategy or |
7896s | set something it can scram web dump |
7899s | newts onto something and make it easier |
7901s | to pick apart with the what you saw was |
7903s | actually a relatively low damage |
7904s | composition there from Darkseid their |
7906s | attack bar was almost half the size of |
7908s | Templars yeah but the size isn't |
7911s | important is what you do with that |
7912s | damage bar that makes uh makes the |
7914s | winner not |
7915s | um now we have a brief interlude so we |
7918s | can actually go to a quick video from |
7920s | CCP Roar to tell us a little bit about |
7921s | some of the new features in the uprising |
7923s | expansion |
7931s | coming in Uprising we have a number of |
7933s | updates to faction Warfare including new |
7936s | complexes for people to take part in new |
7938s | systems that impact the war zone and new |
7940s | ways to play around those systems as |
7942s | well |
7943s | by adding additional objectives Beyond |
7945s | just irregular complexes we're seeing a |
7947s | shake up to the complexes that we're |
7949s | adding to faction Warfare with new |
7952s | restrictions a large new number of |
7953s | complexes and a whole lot more variety |
7956s | for you to play with the faction Warfare |
7958s | system that you've become accustomed to |
7960s | is still there it's forming the |
7962s | foundation of the uprising expansion but |
7964s | we're adding new layers on top of it to |
7966s | round out the gameplay in addition to |
7968s | the complexes that you're used to in |
7969s | faction Warfare while there are more of |
7971s | them there are also additional |
7973s | objectives that you'll see in space such |
7975s | as Supply Depots there that are owned by |
7978s | the owners of the system or Supply |
7980s | caches by the attackers Rendezvous |
7983s | points where you can assault enemy |
7985s | fleets and more all of these things will |
7987s | factor into what is called the Advantage |
7989s | system the Advantage system simulates |
7991s | exactly which faction that is fighting |
7994s | over a system has an advantage how well |
7997s | are they doing in the war effort is |
7999s | there propaganda up to par in terms of |
8001s | turning the citizens of that system over |
8003s | to their side or are their fleets well |
8006s | supplied or are they being attacked at |
8009s | mid-transport all of these things are |
8011s | factored into the advantage score the |
8012s | better your faction does the higher |
8014s | their score the more victory points |
8016s | you'll earn when completing complex |
8018s | which means the faster you can capture |
8020s | systems with Uprising we're creating a |
8022s | healthy foundation for the faction |
8023s | Warfare ecosystem which will continue to |
8025s | build on going into the future in the |
8027s | future there will be more objectives as |
8029s | well as additional ways for people who |
8031s | are not actively in a militia today to |
8034s | join without having to leave their |
8035s | corporation or Alliance the faction |
8037s | Warframe system has long been beloved by |
8039s | many players and it's a very important |
8041s | part of the Eve online ecosystem and |
8044s | it's about time that we return to it |
8045s | give it a new facelift and begin to |
8048s | expand on the foundation that is already |
8050s | there |
8059s | yeah Uprising |
8061s | um it's fantastic I don't know if you've |
8063s | had a chance to go on and look at like |
8064s | the new hangers are incredible I spent |
8066s | some time just zooming around from ship |
8067s | to ship they're absolutely wonderful uh |
8070s | I've played a bit on Singularity during |
8071s | the war games for factional Warfare uh |
8074s | before it came out it was it's just such |
8076s | a cool revamp concept I'm super happy |
8078s | about it c65 |
8080s | um what's your favorite parts of |
8081s | Uprising |
8082s | um so the oh man let's pick a favorite I |
8085s | don't want to pick but the thing I like |
8087s | a lot again is uh faction Warfare uh |
8089s | when it first came out I had a ton of |
8091s | fun with the feature and now that it's |
8093s | been kind of rebuilt with a whole bunch |
8095s | of new systems uh it is incredibly fun |
8097s | uh even if you're not in faction Warfare |
8099s | you can get a lot of great fights out of |
8101s | it uh the propaganda structures that CCB |
8103s | Aurora was uh showing that works with |
8105s | the Advantage system they're an |
8107s | incredible way to get a fight you just |
8108s | plop went down and everyone in the |
8110s | system sees this like giant Target that |
8112s | they have to fight it's very reminiscent |
8113s | of like uh the sovereignty blockade |
8116s | units if you guys are remember that in |
8117s | the old soft system those you have to |
8120s | wait three hours this one is 10 minutes |
8121s | so it's way fast and a lot less ehp of |
8124s | course but it's a fantastic way to get a |
8126s | fight the front line systems are amazing |
8129s | as well you don't have to like wander |
8131s | around the map trying to find people you |
8133s | know exactly where they'll be because |
8134s | that's where the best rewards are |
8136s | um and it's it's so much fun it's also |
8138s | really good to see worms stuck outside |
8140s | of complexes unable to get in they're |
8143s | like oh I want to fight with my |
8144s | overpowered ship and then just like a |
8146s | Republic Fleet Fire tail would just go |
8147s | sucker just keep going it's great I love |
8149s | it I am I had to go on on Singularity |
8152s | and some of the new structures I didn't |
8154s | read Because reading is difficult and I |
8157s | took them and I dropped one down to see |
8158s | what would happen and all these NPCs |
8160s | came in oh cool and they just murdered |
8162s | me like it just wasn't even close like |
8164s | okay noted need to get better shapes or |
8167s | read the patch notes uh something I did |
8168s | not do now we have another match coming |
8170s | up in just about five minutes it's going |
8172s | to be rusty Hyena's Clan versus Alexis |
8173s | Matari another one I'm super excited |
8175s | about today's been so good with matches |
8176s | Alexis Matari or minitar role-playing |
8179s | Alliance |
8181s | um the only one that made it into the |
8183s | actual Lions tournament this year |
8185s | um we can look at their bands and see |
8187s | what they have chosen uh not to face |
8191s | Rusty Hyena's Clans Banning out the EOS |
8194s | the pontifex and the mega so they're |
8196s | saying we really don't like links armor |
8198s | links uh just don't bring any of them |
8200s | please that would be fantastic Alexis |
8201s | Matari um a bit of a bit of an issue |
8204s | with mutes here uh Banning out the |
8205s | Armageddon Navia through the Armageddon |
8207s | and the curse uh Jin tan what are your |
8209s | thoughts on this set of bands here |
8211s | uh I don't know this is a very |
8213s | unorthodox set of bands from both teams |
8215s | uh Rusty hike as you said Rusty hyen is |
8217s | there just taking out as many skirm |
8219s | viable Skirmish link fielders as |
8220s | possible uh and Alexis Matari there just |
8223s | deleting newts it I I have to assume |
8226s | that electors are going to fly something |
8227s | that's really really dependent on |
8229s | capacitor and that doesn't have a way of |
8230s | dealing with an Armageddon |
8232s | um maybe something like a kite comp uh |
8235s | you know I'm not sure how many hack kite |
8237s | comps we're really going to see because |
8238s | of the changes two hacks that were also |
8240s | recently implemented with the uprising |
8242s | patch which is drastically nerfed their |
8244s | lock range something that makes uh |
8246s | flying around with you know two three |
8248s | server cerberuses and just trying to pee |
8250s | on people from range pretty much |
8252s | impossible |
8254s | um but another interesting note here |
8255s | actually is the lack of a Gila ban so |
8257s | Alexis Matari could opt to be doing that |
8260s | and that's something that also struggles |
8261s | against the curse the Armageddon |
8263s | something with those long-range news |
8265s | uh sorry I'm going to jump in that's |
8267s | okay I I grant you permission thank you |
8270s | host |
8271s | um to me this screams from electus |
8273s | Matari I want to take a leshack which |
8275s | might be our first leshack of the day uh |
8278s | but uh yeah that that like it hates a |
8280s | curse it hates nudes get rid of a curse |
8282s | get rid of a whole bunch of nudes |
8284s | leshack I'm not sure if the left Shack |
8285s | is going to be very good in the |
8286s | tournament but um that's that's just |
8288s | what it screams to be maybe that's what |
8290s | they're trying to bait like they're |
8291s | saying yo we want to bring a leshack and |
8293s | the other guys are going to be like oh |
8294s | they want to bring a lecheck but they |
8296s | then they don't see I'm choosing to |
8298s | believe that they're leading into the |
8299s | Minotaur role play here Banning out Amar |
8301s | and they're going to bring a full |
8302s | Minotaur rush and just lean into it |
8304s | that's what that's what I choose to |
8305s | believe but we can probably go to the |
8307s | arena uh now and find out |
8310s | um can we go to 39 and find out |
8312s | that's a question for them we cannot we |
8314s | cannot go to the arena and send out |
8316s | so let's uh let's find out what our |
8319s | guests think instead of going to the |
8321s | arena and finding out ourselves uh CP |
8324s | Swift who's who's going to take this |
8325s | Victory electus Matari did really really |
8327s | well |
8328s | um in the trials uh they looked very |
8330s | convincing that's how they got in here |
8332s | and you know uh teams that fly a lot |
8334s | Under Pressure I think they do much |
8336s | better uh in the alliance tournament |
8337s | than teams that just buy their way in |
8339s | awesome narrow teams are on grid and we |
8341s | can go to the event and find out so |
8343s | gentan in a in as many words as there's |
8345s | uh in the team name who isn't going to |
8347s | win here I like this Atari I like some |
8349s | Atari I think I'm running for that as |
8350s | well so let's go through here and find |
8351s | that |
8356s | hello I am moderator joined by my |
8359s | colleague Alexa of card for this match |
8362s | between Rusty Heinz Clan and Alexis |
8364s | Matari Rusty hyenas choosing to go with |
8366s | nightmare double vulture ferrox scalpel |
8369s | Kieran double jacked off flycatcher and |
8372s | a sky breaker |
8374s | meanwhile Alexis machari betraying their |
8377s | Minotaur RP Roots as they're bringing |
8379s | two Nighthawks in addition to their |
8380s | typhoon Fleet issue as the top end we've |
8383s | got a Loki for control the brand new |
8385s | revamped communion and some interesting |
8388s | lower end ships including tech one |
8391s | Logistics frigates this is a very |
8393s | aggressive comp |
8396s | yeah of note it would appear that those |
8398s | vultures have fit railguns that's not |
8402s | particularly uncommon to see you know |
8404s | wanting to use the optimal range bonus |
8407s | that those vultures get and try to |
8409s | mitigate using range |
8411s | um interesting to see a nightmare |
8413s | brought here |
8415s | um but you know it makes sense is that's |
8417s | their Flagship I believe they're one of |
8418s | the few teams that did choose to bring a |
8421s | nightmare as their flag |
8423s | um |
8424s | nightmare will be you know have pretty |
8429s | good op options going against uh |
8432s | Nighthawks as em therm and will be |
8435s | pretty hard to hold down actually but |
8436s | interesting to see how this new revamp |
8438s | Union factors into the match |
8441s | yeah the nightmare is going to be very |
8443s | slippery the Loki on the electus which |
8446s | are team is going to be the MVP here if |
8448s | he can land some double webs on that |
8450s | Flagship and slow it down but the |
8451s | nightmare scares well with scales well |
8453s | with isk and here we'll go the Bantam is |
8458s | dropping very rapidly this tech one |
8460s | Logistics forget not long for this world |
8462s | they'll trade a fly catcher for it |
8464s | up in there if that's actually an |
8466s | electus matari's favor here |
8468s | yeah I'll say that one of the things |
8470s | that we've seen never scale well in any |
8472s | tournament has been this Taekwondo |
8473s | Logistics |
8474s | um the jackdaw is going to go down |
8476s | swipel getting some reps but swipel is |
8479s | about to pop any second now we see |
8481s | drones going after him into low hole |
8485s | somehow holding on but now popping as |
8487s | Aaron |
8488s | 007 is now one of the primaries yeah |
8491s | they'll trade the jacked off for it that |
8493s | was a good job by the uh by the simple |
8495s | pilot to just extend his lifespan a |
8498s | little bit it got them a little bit of a |
8499s | damage Edge on this jackdaw and now the |
8501s | jackdaws down while the burst of Kira is |
8504s | barely taking any Shield damage yet |
8507s | that'll keep their Logistics frigate |
8509s | alive for a little bit longer but now |
8510s | they've gone on to the the linchpin of |
8513s | this Electro swatary setup versus the uh |
8516s | Rasta Aina set up that Loki dropping |
8518s | into two-thirds shield and who was their |
8521s | Shield |
8525s | um this team with the vultures are |
8527s | definitely using their ability to kite |
8529s | and mitigate with railguns they're going |
8531s | to kill the Loki here but the vulture of |
8536s | um race at his or Nissan Riser has been |
8539s | pushed by uh this typhoon of Debbie Spar |
8542s | it looks like the nightmare actually is |
8546s | being held down |
8548s | yeah it's being held down by the Sleep |
8550s | typhoon right now on at zero so not |
8553s | where you want to be if you're a |
8554s | nightmare but typhoon Fleet issues are |
8556s | not known for their Shield tank at all |
8558s | no but they are known for their damage |
8560s | application particularly with the new |
8562s | Uprising patch that nightmare is not |
8565s | where he wants to be and he doesn't have |
8567s | a lot of tools to get out of there the |
8569s | electus Matari team is swarming on top |
8571s | of him he's got multiple ships kind of |
8573s | corralling him around and they're |
8576s | deciding to go all in on this tackled |
8578s | nightmare which will wind up being a |
8580s | great call if they can kill it it's |
8582s | currently a two-thirds shield and |
8584s | dropping fairly slowly the nightmare |
8586s | with isk has a tremendous tank even |
8588s | though it doesn't seem like it would |
8589s | have any bonuses for it the slot layout |
8592s | the fitting it can fit a pretty |
8594s | substantial tank and it's being tested |
8597s | right now as it dips to half Shields but |
8599s | it could take a Nighthawk with it |
8601s | yeah the Kirin and the scalp and the |
8604s | scalpel are doing a really good job of |
8605s | keeping after him while the nightmare |
8607s | continues to primary Arthur Elkins |
8609s | Nighthawk once that Nighthawk drops in |
8612s | the next I want to say you know 10 to 15 |
8614s | seconds maybe sooner uh the nightmare |
8618s | will be possibly stabilizing but it's |
8621s | going to be difficult with allatin and |
8623s | debus continuing to apply damage to his |
8625s | local tank |
8628s | he's got barely any Shields left he is |
8631s | dipping now even if he holds where he's |
8633s | currently at he'll start to bleed some |
8634s | armor but it looks like they're still |
8636s | able to get through his rep cycle so it |
8638s | might take considerably longer but that |
8640s | nightmare is going to die it's armor |
8643s | tank not nearly as substantial as its |
8645s | Shield tank that said he's overheating |
8648s | or he's doing something because his reps |
8650s | are seemingly getting him a lot more now |
8652s | could be someone's on reload he is |
8654s | hanging in there meanwhile Davis in the |
8656s | typhoon Fleet issue starting to drop a |
8658s | little low getting into 25 Shields |
8661s | yeah I'm not so sure that this nightmare |
8663s | is gonna die he's managed to get away |
8665s | from any sort of tackle yeah he's still |
8667s | painted but he's pulling range from |
8669s | these Nighthawks uh the typhoon Fleet |
8671s | issue is out of range and if the typhoon |
8674s | Fleet issue goes down |
8676s | um he should be able to easily solo tank |
8679s | against the night Hawkin and munin |
8681s | um the Nighthawk or nightmare rather had |
8683s | been pushed to the edge of the Arena had |
8685s | to make a hard turn but now he's been |
8687s | able to slip webs and I mean that's just |
8689s | the power of that afterburn or bonus |
8691s | ship |
8692s | yep that's the slipperiness you cannot |
8695s | scram it to disable its micro warp drive |
8697s | because it doesn't have one it just has |
8699s | an After Burner that makes it go pretty |
8700s | much as fast if not faster |
8703s | and he's just came down the typhoon |
8705s | Fleet issue that's a devastating loss |
8707s | for electus Matari as Rusty hyenas has |
8709s | taken themselves out of a very scary |
8711s | position stabilized this match and now |
8714s | taken a considerable advantage |
8717s | yeah I mean this was the perfect setup |
8719s | to be able to bring your nightmare into |
8721s | right none of those ships really had |
8723s | Grapplers that were able to hold it down |
8726s | uh typhoon Fleet issue doesn't have a |
8728s | lot of tank he was just able to mitigate |
8730s | and do what he could to you know survive |
8733s | with that you know faction tank that |
8736s | he's allowed to have from the local |
8738s | boosters and just chew through a |
8740s | Nighthawk then chew through while you |
8743s | know continuing to bleed through armor |
8744s | and it paid off for them |
8748s | paid off big time and also the lodgy |
8751s | from Rusty hyenas still alive the |
8753s | scalpel and Kieran coming in clutch |
8755s | there helping that nightmare tank |
8757s | through its Darkest Hour |
8759s | the electus matori bifrost goes down |
8761s | then to be followed by alteon's |
8763s | Nighthawk dripping into about a third |
8766s | Shield dying slowly but that is |
8768s | definitely going to accelerate now that |
8770s | the uh |
8772s | that's basically the only viable Target |
8774s | they've got on the field here this |
8775s | Munich the new munin it seems to be |
8778s | kiting around not doing a ton what do we |
8780s | think of the new munin layout moderator |
8785s | um it kind of remains to be seen one of |
8788s | the difficulties that a lot of these |
8790s | teams you know |
8792s | will be facing is that because Uprising |
8795s | the new patch just dropped in the last |
8797s | half week or so |
8799s | teams haven't really had a lot of time |
8801s | to fully act as much as they might like |
8804s | to with the new setup like yeah you can |
8807s | see the stats but you haven't really |
8808s | been able to trim with it until very |
8812s | very recently and it's going to be a bit |
8816s | of a shake-up I mean I know a lot of |
8818s | teams were expecting to be able to fly a |
8821s | Cerberus that would be able to punch out |
8823s | much further under the old setup and now |
8827s | it's not really the same and we'll be |
8829s | seeing how that affects themes and |
8831s | compositions as things continue as |
8835s | Smitty Ultras munin is being pushed by |
8838s | this cloud of Republic drones and now |
8841s | goes down |
8844s | wanted a thrilling match congratulations |
8846s | fresh tahini's plant Rusty hyenas Clan |
8849s | well flown throwing this one back to the |
8850s | desk |
8859s | [Music] |
8868s | guys stop being casual they're really |
8870s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
8873s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
8875s | everybody warp off this is a really |
8876s | really bad execution I'm very |
8878s | disappointed |
8886s | [Music] |
8895s | crash our enemies your temps are |
8898s | completely damned out Crush I'm dumped |
8900s | out I'm dumped out you don't like |
8901s | Chambers boys again |
8910s | I'm jammed |
8929s | Rusty Hyena's Clan there with the w |
8931s | um |
8932s | hello Rusty Hyena's Clan there with the |
8934s | w |
8935s | um over Alexis Matari unfortunate for |
8937s | them they didn't get that Flagship kill |
8939s | it looked for a while to that nightmare |
8941s | which was a flagship nightmare was going |
8943s | to go down but he managed to hold on to |
8945s | his underpants and stayed alive pretty |
8947s | good for them of course that means they |
8948s | still got their Flagship going forward |
8950s | which unlike try and some of the other |
8952s | teams that just fed theirs they still |
8954s | have the option to bring that Flagship |
8955s | once again the nightmare a pretty |
8957s | popular Flagship not the most popular |
8959s | but it scales super well I'm joined by |
8961s | the Basilisk um he joins me on the desk |
8963s | with mystical mate once again basilisk |
8966s | what's your thoughts on nightmare |
8967s | flagships I kind of like it to be honest |
8969s | um I think it benefits quite a lot from |
8971s | all the all the bonuses you can get from |
8972s | having the flagship restrictions you can |
8974s | get really powerful guns you can get |
8975s | powerful Shield tanks all the damage |
8976s | mods so it's I think a damage focused |
8978s | Flagship is a really strong option in |
8981s | the current meta with obviously the |
8982s | bands on Golem and Le Shack and all this |
8984s | sort of stuff from being flagships |
8987s | um I I think I still overall prefer the |
8989s | Bargas just because the versatility of |
8990s | it you can feel it in armor kingslayer |
8991s | you can fill it in Shield |
8993s | but the nightmare also has some of that |
8996s | same sort of Versatility available to it |
8997s | I think we saw a bunch of armor |
8998s | nightmare comps come out last year |
9001s | we did and we saw a few armor nightmares |
9003s | die last year as well mystical might |
9006s | speaking of nightmare comps um we just |
9008s | saw what tahinas feel the nightmare comp |
9009s | and you had some thoughts on uh the |
9012s | origins of said comf well I was informed |
9015s | by bazza here that just looked very much |
9017s | like a comp that localist primary were |
9019s | perhaps running last year |
9021s | um I'm just thinking back to Rusty |
9023s | hyenas and the feeders |
9026s | um because they played through the |
9027s | feeders to get their place here in the |
9029s | alliance tournament they were also |
9030s | Fielding a lot of comps that we've seen |
9032s | from other you know well well to do I |
9034s | guess well-performing teams |
9036s | um like Hydra |
9038s | um thinking more about like the Tinker |
9040s | setup that they brought which they won |
9041s | with so it seems like they are Premier |
9043s | conflictives but they do fly them well |
9046s | which is always good to see it's always |
9048s | interesting because it does expand |
9051s | their options you know what they could |
9053s | potentially bring to a match it's hard |
9054s | to pin them down because they're not |
9055s | sticking with one particular archetype |
9057s | yeah being able to just pack up a comp |
9059s | that maybe you haven't created |
9060s | um that you've just seen and be like |
9062s | actually that's really good and then fly |
9063s | it to great effect is actually quite |
9065s | difficult I know I've I've been in that |
9067s | situation many years ago Alliance |
9068s | tournament I think 13. myself and Nash |
9070s | cadaver were the uh the co-captains of |
9072s | the bastards team and we had our comps |
9074s | and we were very very happy with them |
9076s | and then the day before day one of |
9078s | Alliance tournament we've practiced |
9079s | against Shadow cartel and they just |
9081s | dumpstered us with this bomber tanker |
9082s | which we hadn't even thought of so we |
9084s | immediately stole it and flew it the |
9086s | next day and then one with it so we were |
9088s | very happy with that uh comp thievery |
9090s | good job |
9092s | um if it wins if it wins who cares |
9094s | exactly so steal all the comps steal |
9096s | this comp |
9097s | um so let's look at our next matches |
9099s | because I think this some of these are |
9100s | going to be incredibly exciting exciting |
9102s | especially for me because uh we Farm |
9104s | Volta is going off against Rock Coppell |
9107s | um yes this is uh this is where I |
9108s | started to get nervous because we had a |
9109s | mystical mate earlier on just staring |
9112s | down at the laptop it's probably going |
9113s | to move me this time so we from Volta |
9115s | Banning out the balgorn the a badon and |
9118s | the Scorpion whereas root Capel Banning |
9121s | out the Scimitar the Blackbird and the |
9123s | Loki both of these teams very very |
9124s | experienced they've played in 35 and 37 |
9127s | matches respectively both winning almost |
9129s | 20 and with significantly large uh |
9132s | rosters uh Volta 35 man people have ever |
9136s | flown for the Volta team and 90 for Road |
9138s | Capel so a bit more return over there |
9140s | um Mr come out what do you make of these |
9142s | bands here from both teams I mean it's |
9144s | interesting to see that both teams look |
9146s | to be trying to get rid of some of the |
9147s | stronger EC M setups that perhaps could |
9150s | be brought I think the Blackbird is a |
9152s | staple for Volta I think volta's brought |
9155s | the Blackbird actually quite a few times |
9156s | in some of the previous tournaments |
9159s | um with mixed effect I think it manages |
9162s | to secure them second place last year so |
9164s | I wouldn't say that it's necessarily a |
9165s | bad move the Scorpion I'm not sure that |
9167s | I've really seen Roca pill bring that |
9168s | out too much perhaps they have and I |
9170s | just can't remember a time that they |
9171s | they've done so |
9173s | um but yeah it seems like both teams |
9174s | want to be able to lock the targets they |
9176s | want to shoot which is all obviously a |
9178s | good key thing that you need to do if |
9181s | you want to win yep but it also looks |
9182s | like rockapell wants to perhaps hinder |
9185s | the ability to bring some of the shield |
9186s | kite setups that you might expect as |
9187s | well especially Banning the low key |
9189s | which we see often paired with |
9190s | Nighthawks to great effect when it comes |
9193s | to rush so Ambassador Squad but there's |
9195s | a bad and Dan coming from from voltas |
9197s | not a not a super common ban why might |
9199s | you ban that ship oh I think we saw it |
9201s | used quite a lot last year in those sort |
9202s | of 48 gun salute comps with the three |
9205s | balance three oracles so I don't think |
9206s | we're going to see that same sort of |
9208s | comp come out as much this year with the |
9209s | point duplicate rules but it's still a |
9211s | very very strong just gunship you know |
9213s | it's tanky it does lots of damage and if |
9214s | you want to apply DPS at range the |
9216s | abandon's a pretty good choice for an |
9217s | armor comp just to touch on the ECM |
9219s | bands that you guys mentioned I'm |
9220s | actually a little bit surprised to see |
9221s | both these teams Banning ECM because I |
9223s | think with scripted e-ore in play |
9225s | ECM becomes a lot weaker because if you |
9228s | run ECM into damps and you try and jam |
9231s | something the dams just go onto the ECM |
9232s | guy |
9233s | and the ECM is then effectively sort of |
9235s | muted and the the ECM can go back onto |
9239s | the damps |
9240s | but then the dams just shut down anyway |
9242s | so the ECM against stamps is basically |
9244s | always a losing War I think so it's a |
9246s | sort of |
9247s | although we haven't actually seen that |
9248s | much sort of damp Supremacy so far so |
9252s | yeah I mean that's been somewhat |
9254s | surprising I guess because when the |
9256s | rules came out for uh Reliance |
9257s | tournament 18. everyone was like oh no |
9259s | damn so it's gonna be damped all over |
9261s | again oh okay cry cry and then we didn't |
9264s | see that much scripted damping uh it's |
9267s | definitely being used I mean you'd be |
9269s | silly not to use it |
9270s | um and we see things like the armor |
9271s | jackdaw which can of course just fill |
9273s | its mids with with uh with damps |
9276s | um but it's not being as like oppressive |
9279s | as previous uh tournaments when we've |
9281s | seen it I'm just gonna say I mean the |
9283s | the rule and the the I guess the lifting |
9286s | of the uh the ban on scripted War |
9289s | doesn't only impact dams but it also |
9291s | impacts guidance disruptors and tracking |
9294s | disruptors which we're seeing a lot more |
9295s | of now because you can be sure of their |
9297s | effect regardless of the range so with |
9300s | damps it's a little bit easier to |
9301s | counter where if you have a sensor |
9303s | booster because you're expecting to go |
9304s | up against an ECM comp because that's |
9306s | what you need if if you're trying to |
9308s | count easy ECM you use eccm |
9311s | extra C that's really important the |
9313s | extra C is really important but that can |
9315s | be switched to give you extra targeting |
9317s | range or locking speed which helps you |
9319s | to kind of deal with some of the effects |
9320s | that damps may be bringing whereas it's |
9322s | less likely that you'll have remote |
9324s | tracking computers on some of your |
9326s | friendly ships right so I I guess it's a |
9329s | little bit harder to counter the |
9330s | guidance disruptors and the tracking |
9331s | disruptors which is why people are |
9332s | leaning into it a bit more awesome let's |
9335s | see if we can take a look at some of the |
9336s | the team histories uh here so let's see |
9338s | if we can pull up the the Volta team and |
9341s | have a look at some of their last |
9343s | matches so a lot of Team size about 35 |
9346s | and Annie radet second time we've seen |
9348s | him today in one of these graphs uh we |
9349s | saw him for the try team he's played 51 |
9351s | matches with uh Theron viral act 46 and |
9354s | Alliance executor Starfleet Commander at |
9357s | 44. they've been relatively successful |
9360s | winning more matches than they've lost |
9361s | which is always good and last year they |
9364s | won twice against Hydra reloaded Dark |
9366s | Side cast about and immediate |
9368s | destruction uh the years before the hard |
9371s | reloaded matches of course were in the |
9373s | uh I think the third and fourth place |
9376s | and then the final uh they played twice |
9378s | um securing Volta second place as you |
9380s | can see they're lost matches against |
9381s | that would be the other ones which we |
9384s | don't talk about but that got um Volta a |
9387s | second place and crucially down there we |
9389s | also lost one against root Capel who |
9392s | they're going up against next spooky |
9395s | spooky stuff very spooky let's switch |
9397s | over to Rook Capell and have a look at |
9398s | uh their history here so 90 Pilots they |
9402s | certainly like people all the way |
9404s | through and uh look at that last matches |
9406s | won against |
9407s | we form Volta so can they can they make |
9410s | it a two for can they beat Volta once |
9412s | again uh and take themselves into a good |
9415s | start from day one here in the last |
9416s | tournament 18. uh the last matches |
9418s | they've lost against the pretty |
9419s | reasonable teams here like fighter |
9421s | reloaded in Atlanta 17. you know not no |
9423s | slouch team uh psychotic Tendencies uh |
9426s | did really well last year somewhat |
9427s | unexpectedly |
9429s | um and then forsaken Empire another |
9431s | fairly strong team although turbo |
9433s | funeral Glory they send it to Turbo feed |
9435s | so |
9436s | um losing I'm actually in trouble for |
9438s | Glory kind of shows the the dichotomy of |
9440s | rock cappell here |
9442s | um again very very historic team I've |
9444s | been around for many many years and I |
9446s | think a lot of people have refer to them |
9447s | the past as you know the uh aggressively |
9449s | mid-tier gatekeeper of the of the upper |
9452s | echelons of Alliance tournament if you |
9454s | are a good team and you can get through |
9455s | Rook Capel then uh usually you'll |
9458s | probably do relatively well because they |
9459s | are not an easy team to beat |
9462s | um mystical might do you have any any |
9463s | thoughts on this upcoming matchup I mean |
9465s | I think it'll be interesting either way |
9466s | I'm hope thing that it is going to be an |
9469s | exciting match in the best way possible |
9472s | where it perhaps comes down to two ships |
9474s | remaining one on either side you know |
9476s | real 50 50 just to spice up life a |
9479s | little bit get the heart racing I mean |
9480s | for me I would not like that however I |
9482s | am here for you dear viewers and I I |
9485s | want a a competitive match of course |
9487s | yeah all of Albert you guys uh you know |
9489s | I'm gonna put my ego to the side unlike |
9490s | mystical Knight who uh was calling for |
9493s | uh truth on a light to take the full |
9494s | victories I want something nice and |
9496s | close |
9497s | um |
9498s | but we can go to the arena and find that |
9500s | right now excellent uh so let's go to we |
9502s | from Volta versus Rook Capell |
9509s | hello and welcome back we're here with |
9511s | weaveform Volta versus Roe Capel Wii |
9514s | from Volta coming in with a strong |
9516s | missile comp we've got two Nighthawks |
9518s | Drake Navy Osprey two Osprey Navy issues |
9521s | two caracal Navy issues that is an |
9524s | insane amount of missile damage with |
9526s | some of those ships receiving Buffs in |
9528s | the latest patch moderator what do we |
9530s | have on the Road Coppell side |
9532s | brookpell has chosen to go Dominic's |
9534s | Navy issue get a Navy issue a Hyperion |
9536s | Magus pontifex double Thalia for tank uh |
9540s | Pand a pair of hyenas for webbing and |
9543s | crucifier and they are certainly going |
9545s | to need those hyenas |
9547s | as that is a team of entirely heavy |
9551s | assault missiles that is going to want |
9553s | to close range get on top of those |
9555s | battleships and just absolutely melt |
9557s | them |
9558s | um so it'll be critical to see verdict |
9560s | and vorian do the very best they can try |
9563s | they can to try to screen and mitigate |
9565s | uh oncoming damage |
9568s | very interested to see how the Dominic's |
9571s | Navy issue performs here one of the few |
9573s | times we see it in the tournament |
9574s | received a pretty sizable buff to its |
9576s | local tank in the next patch it's |
9578s | basically a better Hyperion |
9581s | yeah the Dominic's Navy issue had kind |
9583s | of languished as a ship that just was |
9587s | frankly almost worse than its uh tech |
9590s | one counterpart The Dominics and now |
9593s | with the kind of the changes that we've |
9595s | seen with Uprising it's been given |
9598s | just like the Armageddon Navy issue kind |
9600s | of a new lease on life getting you know |
9603s | put more in tune with its |
9605s | um other counterparts and being brought |
9608s | back into kind of the meta and relevance |
9611s | so uh would be interesting to see how |
9613s | Lady labia the team captain |
9616s | um of the roadside you know chooses to |
9620s | fly that |
9622s | also I've recently revamped in the patch |
9625s | the caracal Navy issue receives a little |
9627s | bit of an extra damage buff and we do |
9629s | see them sporting hams in this match |
9630s | they are going to be throwing out a |
9633s | sizable portion of DPS with great |
9635s | application to smaller targets which I |
9637s | think is not going to be good news for |
9639s | those values |
9642s | yeah |
9644s | um it'll be difficult Valley is still do |
9646s | pretty well against heavy assault |
9647s | missiles unless they're being webbed |
9649s | down volleys tend to be 10 amend fit so |
9653s | um they have pretty small signatures but |
9654s | we see already uh fly catcher the Osprey |
9657s | Navy issues trying to close range the |
9660s | Drake Navy issue of control freak |
9662s | leading in front and they're primary the |
9664s | highness to the surprise of literally no |
9667s | one |
9668s | um already the hyperians trying |
9671s | to you know close ranks |
9673s | um deal with some of these incoming |
9675s | drones and right now we're not really |
9677s | seeing reform Volta really try to push |
9680s | or get on top of anything they're just |
9682s | trying to position themselves and go for |
9686s | targets of opportunity the |
9688s | behind this their credit are doing a |
9690s | good job of webbing down these |
9692s | Nighthawks trying to split up |
9694s | um you know Volta and preventing them |
9696s | from really blobbing together and |
9698s | getting on top of them at zero |
9700s | some interesting piloting from the Volta |
9702s | team the Cruisers the the caracals and |
9704s | the Oscar navies they're flying in for a |
9707s | little bit and then they're turning and |
9709s | kind of cycling around to the back line |
9710s | I think they're trying to throw off the |
9713s | webbing and Tackle game of Road Capel |
9716s | trying to sort of obfuscate how close |
9719s | they really are which targets they need |
9721s | to be webbing potentially throw in some |
9723s | confusion on the fceing side meanwhile |
9725s | they're putting a lot of fire into Alice |
9727s | hecates Hyperion it is tanking because |
9730s | that is what hyperians do but it is |
9732s | losing that game the real question will |
9734s | be can they trade it for either supreme |
9736s | leader or control freak |
9738s | yeah so the phase of kind of |
9742s | you know |
9743s | the dance the dance of trying to get |
9745s | into positions very well and truly over |
9746s | else hakate is definitely the primary |
9749s | control freak is also being primaried uh |
9752s | the hyena of Orient is down |
9754s | um |
9755s | Volta is now getting on top of the |
9758s | entire team at zero and meanwhile a |
9761s | ryload at Planet Six in that Osprey is |
9764s | completely Home Free |
9766s | um interesting to see black uh Panther |
9770s | um going down here uh elephantate will |
9773s | be losing links but I don't think he's |
9775s | gonna survive long enough for that to be |
9776s | an issue however they do drop a Navy |
9779s | Drake for that |
9781s | oh and that Navy drag dropping was |
9783s | significant you immediately saw much |
9785s | more effective reps from the Hyperion |
9787s | it's also worth noting that theranath |
9790s | which is one of The Nighthawks is now |
9793s | broken free of what was tackling it it |
9795s | is now zooming in to replace that damage |
9797s | and we saw the Hyperion drop almost |
9799s | immediately |
9801s | yes cyclohexanol is going to be the next |
9803s | primary the pontifex key is getting it's |
9805s | got absolutely slaughtered by a cloud of |
9807s | drones and heavy assault missiles |
9809s | that'll be all the links out for rogue |
9811s | Capel and now they're going to lose |
9814s | verdict in the hyena the crucifier is |
9817s | probably going to be chased by drones |
9821s | because he's continuing to provide |
9823s | guidance disruption onto those |
9825s | Nighthawks uh lady labia will be the |
9827s | next primary and |
9829s | um I can't help but feel like Volta at |
9832s | this point is starting to run away with |
9834s | it we can already see that lady labia is |
9836s | getting absolutely smashed doing the |
9838s | best he can to try to rep but that is a |
9840s | lot of incoming damage |
9843s | yeah the only interesting Factor the |
9846s | possible wrinkle here in waveform Volta |
9848s | is they do not have any Logistics on |
9850s | their team which means it's only a |
9853s | matter of time before their team gets |
9854s | ground down and the more ships they lose |
9856s | the more chance that lady labia is |
9858s | Dominic's Navy issue is going to be able |
9860s | to tank it it has a tremendous local rep |
9863s | bonus and I guarantee you it's running |
9865s | double wrappers it could conceivably |
9868s | tank their team if they remove enough |
9870s | DPS from the field that said they're not |
9873s | doing a good job at removing that DPS |
9875s | very quickly as they just lost one of |
9877s | their Logistics frigates and are about |
9878s | to lose the other one |
9880s | that they're going to trade it for a |
9882s | caracal Navy issue the the damage output |
9884s | just not quite there for the road Capel |
9887s | team although they have potentially what |
9890s | they need to do well here they need to |
9892s | start applying this damage they need to |
9894s | get themselves back in the game |
9897s | yeah so lady labia apathetic Brent the |
9900s | captain |
9902s | um and Rory hashino are the two |
9903s | remaining members of this team we can |
9906s | see that they have a pretty sizable |
9907s | defense bar but I mean look at the |
9909s | defense part of that Volta has it's |
9911s | basically Max the screen out that's |
9912s | going to be these Nighthawks of theronth |
9915s | and Annie gardett and they're trading an |
9917s | offspring Navy issue for all of Lady |
9920s | labia's armor and that's going to be |
9923s | Brent going down leaving Marie as the |
9925s | only remaining ship and at this point I |
9928s | don't see a reasonable path for road |
9931s | back into the match even with this Navy |
9933s | Osprey going down |
9935s | it certainly is a very high road a very |
9938s | Steep Hill for them to climb they're |
9941s | holding on ever so slightly lady leave |
9943s | you just barely hanging on in structure |
9946s | just got another rep cycle in another |
9947s | rep cycle oh and it goes down oh to the |
9951s | wire you could see it pulling back huge |
9954s | chunks of armor with those bonus traps |
9956s | but it's just not enough ruri's |
9958s | Armageddon Navy is not going to have the |
9960s | closing power they need to have any |
9962s | remaining chance in this match I think |
9964s | The Nighthawks and the Osprey flycatcher |
9968s | Sky breaker they will overcome here |
9970s | correcting my earlier call I thought |
9971s | that was an osprey Navy issue that is a |
9974s | traditional regular logistic ship Osprey |
9977s | flown by Planet Six which has sealed the |
9979s | deal here he's managed to keep himself |
9981s | alive throughout the entire match flying |
9983s | under the radar did not even get tackled |
9985s | or pressure really in any way and that |
9988s | is going to cost Road Capell dearly here |
9992s | yeah both teams saying good fights and |
9994s | local the co-captain cyclohexanol saying |
9997s | White Flag reset I definitely feel that |
9999s | if you're real Coppell um you know |
10002s | um one upside of this is that wrote |
10004s | didn't lose their Flagship I guess |
10006s | that's something of a silver lining |
10009s | um they're gonna have a tough road in |
10010s | the lower bracket but this is probably |
10012s | what we had predicted in kind of the |
10016s | pre-show that |
10019s | Volta would win this and Roe just kind |
10022s | of a very unfortunate setup to be |
10024s | bringing against this Nighthawk Drake |
10026s | Osprey rush it seems to be a pretty |
10028s | popular |
10029s | composition and we'll send it back to |
10033s | the desk to talk more about why that |
10036s | match went the way it did |
10038s | foreign |
10054s | guys stop being casual they're really |
10057s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
10059s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
10061s | everybody warp off this is really really |
10063s | bad execution I'm very disappointed |
10072s | [Music] |
10078s | [Music] |
10082s | because our enemies your temps are |
10084s | completely damned out Crush I'm dumped |
10087s | out I'm dumped out you don't like Travis |
10088s | boys |
10091s | everything down I've not been able to |
10093s | look at some of the things |
10096s | I'm jammed |
10116s | good job guys Volta taking the W there |
10119s | over at root Coppell um in a a good |
10122s | match to be honest um it looked like |
10123s | Volta at the start moving around uh Cool |
10126s | Cam collected I'm sure they were all cam |
10127s | collected on on comms as everyone always |
10130s | is during Alliance tournament matches |
10132s | it's uh Hey guys um if we can all just |
10134s | uh shoot this guy here nice and calm no |
10136s | shouting everyone is relaxed |
10139s | um and then they just started to slowly |
10141s | get into position apply that damage and |
10144s | uh the the real copel Team interesting |
10146s | set of comps there with two Navy |
10148s | battleships mystical mate what do you |
10150s | think about those Navy battleships here |
10152s | I mean the Navy getting I think we've |
10154s | mentioned a few times as being one of |
10155s | the strong ships with the recent changes |
10157s | because it gets that bonus to Newts now |
10160s | so it pumps out a lot of damage it does |
10162s | a lot of damage to capacitor as well so |
10165s | it makes sense as a ship that teams are |
10167s | going to want to bring and there was |
10169s | mentioned that you know if these changes |
10170s | came out before the roster lock for |
10172s | flagships maybe some people would have |
10174s | submitted Armageddon Navy use as their |
10176s | Flagship because they were just that |
10178s | good but one thing that we haven't |
10179s | really mentioned and my mind immediately |
10182s | went oh a Navy Dominics that's trash but |
10184s | I do forget that they've recently added |
10186s | the large armor wrap bonus to it or just |
10189s | the armor app bonus typically used with |
10192s | large armor reps on a battleship which |
10194s | means that it can actually tank a |
10195s | substantial amount by itself as we saw |
10197s | it kind of survive for a while against |
10199s | the double Nighthawk Navy Osprey long |
10202s | enough to trade a couple ships for it |
10203s | which is always good but not enough for |
10206s | them to win the match I don't know how I |
10207s | feel about the comp overall |
10209s | I would like to see something else from |
10211s | the rockabill team |
10212s | but I mean |
10214s | if this is where their their testing has |
10216s | taken them then uh hopefully they learn |
10218s | quickly yeah the Hyperion Baza was also |
10222s | an interesting choice um we don't |
10223s | normally see it in uh Alliance |
10225s | tournaments like it's a great ship on on |
10227s | TQ |
10228s | um it's got that armor rep bonus and it |
10230s | can just you know solo roam around and |
10233s | just like you know punch nerds in the |
10235s | face it's fantastic but in a tournament |
10237s | format what's your thoughts as you say |
10239s | on Tranquility you know if if you get |
10241s | tackled down with something you can fit |
10242s | in mjd and just jump off and you know |
10243s | anything else that gets in range to |
10245s | scram you you can scram them and kill |
10246s | them but on in Alliance setting I'm in |
10248s | ninth tournament setting I'm not really |
10249s | a huge fan to be honest I feel like it's |
10251s | kind of well I mean it's a blaster boat |
10254s | so it's kind of like a vindi but just |
10255s | without a web and it's I feel like it's |
10257s | way too Limited in what it does |
10259s | um |
10259s | that sort of ship like if you have a |
10263s | flag vindi I feel like they're best used |
10265s | in a comp that's sort of set up to |
10267s | facilitate the vindi where everyone is |
10269s | on the same page about saying you know |
10270s | we're going to serve up Targets on a |
10271s | plat to spin that he's going to get on |
10272s | top of what he wants to shoot and shoot |
10274s | and a Hyperion |
10276s | just I feel like doesn't have that sort |
10278s | of |
10279s | as non-flag ships go it doesn't really |
10282s | have that sort of same hitting power of |
10283s | a vindi can do it doesn't have those |
10285s | webs obviously and it's obviously it's |
10286s | capacitor Reliant it's got an active |
10288s | tank bonus which makes it extra |
10289s | capacitor Alliance so overall I'm just |
10290s | not really convinced on it in general |
10293s | awesome now out there in twitchland |
10296s | you've all been betting your Twitch |
10297s | Channel points on these matches and I'm |
10299s | here to remind you to keep hold of as |
10301s | many of them as you can build them up uh |
10303s | for during the break there's going to be |
10305s | a whole bunch of cool stuff you can do |
10306s | with the channel points so there will be |
10308s | a 80 quiz in uh in twitch which you |
10312s | interact with by simply clicking on the |
10314s | actual stream itself so you don't have |
10315s | to type the answers in Twitter chat |
10318s | um and you have to link your character |
10319s | in um in twitch so that you can actually |
10322s | win but uh the top three will receive |
10324s | 500 Plex each for that one and also |
10327s | there will be some special rewards that |
10328s | you can redeem with those Channel points |
10330s | so it's going to be two Eve store |
10332s | vouchers worth uh 50 euros 50 |
10336s | um for the regional Eve store which you |
10337s | can get for 50 000 Channel points and |
10339s | then there's going to be a finely |
10341s | crafted Eve online analog watch from |
10344s | Icelandic watchmakers Arctic for 100 |
10347s | 000 Channel points so I hope you've been |
10349s | betting uh and winning to get uh those |
10351s | pretty cool prizes but before we get to |
10353s | those next matches let's check in with |
10355s | CCP carker and hear about some of the |
10357s | quality of life things that she's been |
10358s | working on |
10366s | the little things is sonestif where we |
10369s | collect ideas from players on how to |
10371s | improve their everyday in life we do |
10374s | this on the forums we go through Twitter |
10377s | the Reddit and also in game some of the |
10381s | little things coming in Uprising are |
10415s | foreign |
10437s | foreign |
10469s | we hope those little things will have a |
10471s | big impact on your life in new Egyptian |
10480s | they are CP carco there with a whole |
10482s | bunch of quality of life improvements |
10485s | for Eve online in the uprising expansion |
10487s | some of them are incredible like being |
10488s | able to repair all of your modules at |
10490s | one in one click that's awesome it's |
10493s | fantastic like uh so many good little |
10495s | changes on like trashing all your ships |
10497s | um incredible like not trashing |
10500s | repackaging that's the same thing same |
10501s | thing okay the same thing trashing the |
10503s | rigs you're surrendering because you're |
10504s | like well I'm not gonna live here |
10505s | anymore so you're clearly surrendering |
10506s | that's what you're doing I see I guess |
10511s | I'm not going to stand for this |
10513s | um all right let's look at our next |
10514s | matchup it's gonna be between pandemic |
10515s | horde and Arcos core so let's see what |
10518s | the bands are for this uh upcoming |
10520s | conflict between these two great teams |
10522s | pandemic who are Banning the slept near |
10523s | the curse and the Armageddon Navy issue |
10526s | against super popular band uh thanks to |
10528s | the the Buffs that CeCe Swift talked |
10530s | about earlier on uh Arcos score Banning |
10532s | out the Tempest Fleet issue the |
10533s | background and the oniros so basilisk |
10536s | what are you seeing here well there's a |
10537s | lot of armor bands and a lot of armor |
10538s | Battleship bands the Bell go on the |
10540s | Tempest to eat the Armageddon Navy |
10542s | um of course the new pressure as well |
10543s | from the curse and the Armageddon Navy |
10544s | combined so I think this this set of |
10546s | bands with so many heavy armor ships |
10549s | gotten rid of I feel like leans much |
10551s | more towards a shield focused match for |
10553s | both sides coming up here |
10555s | um it would have to be something a |
10557s | little bit wonky perhaps for an armor |
10559s | comp to work like maybe we saw lost time |
10560s | from Rogue Capel but I would probably |
10562s | advise |
10563s | against that strategy of course we've |
10566s | seen all throughout the day so far lots |
10568s | of tried and tested |
10571s | um you know Nighthawk |
10572s | caracal Navy Australian Navy kind of |
10574s | Shield like missile comp so I wouldn't |
10576s | be surprised to see one or indeed two of |
10578s | those turn up and just have a bunch of |
10579s | missiles spew each other and see what |
10581s | happens |
10582s | awesome and mystical mate anything to |
10584s | add to that one here no I mean it's uh |
10587s | pretty standard I think panelist from |
10589s | Arcos here Daenerys is kind of an odd |
10591s | one because the guardian's always an |
10592s | option you have the tsarm you have the |
10594s | logistics frigates so I don't know if |
10596s | they've done some testing with their |
10599s | practice partners and found that they |
10600s | have a difficult time with the ineros |
10601s | perhaps because they are bringing some |
10603s | kadari kiting Cruisers that may be |
10606s | damage locked in some form to kinetic |
10608s | which is a bad damage type to use |
10610s | against naneros due to its native |
10612s | resists |
10614s | um but yeah I mean the Tempest Fleet |
10615s | issue and the Belgium ban I think is |
10617s | pretty standard based on some of the |
10618s | stuff we saw in feeders a lot of people |
10620s | favoring the three Battleship core |
10623s | um oftentimes using the Tempest Fleet |
10624s | issue one I think because they wanted to |
10626s | get some Rust points but two because |
10628s | it's actually a strong ship |
10630s | um it does decent amount of damage and |
10631s | it has those utility highs to put to use |
10633s | to really help neutralize I guess the |
10635s | threat |
10636s | um that they may be going up against |
10638s | and in this matchup who do you think is |
10640s | going to have the advantage here uh |
10641s | basilisk so uh pandemic horde not really |
10644s | that success from the Lion's tournament |
10645s | I think they've played two matches and |
10646s | lost both of them |
10648s | um Arkham score have no history in the |
10649s | last tournament but they seem to be |
10650s | quite a cohesive unit flying together on |
10652s | uh Tranquility sort of U.S time zone |
10654s | small gang roaming I believe |
10656s | um so who would you give this one to so |
10658s | I actually had a sneak peek at some of |
10660s | the interviews that Jin has done I |
10661s | actually listened to Arcos core |
10662s | interview and they describe themselves |
10664s | as a sort of small gang um |
10666s | quite competent low um sorry roaming |
10668s | group that were sort of battling against |
10670s | the block fighting the good fight |
10672s | um and it sounded like they were doing a |
10673s | good job of it so I against pandemic |
10675s | Hall gets hoard it's sort of the prime |
10677s | target really isn't it they're sort of |
10679s | out wailing in the united |
10682s | as well I mean I mentioned it in the uh |
10686s | tier list stream that we did I think |
10688s | pandemic horde is now the scary version |
10690s | of the pan fam group uh historically |
10693s | it's been pandemic Legion you know if |
10695s | you hear PL you expect a lot of |
10697s | experience and skill and skill points |
10700s | behind that group I think now it's more |
10702s | pandemic horde I think PL basically died |
10705s | and then maybe came back a little bit |
10707s | um off the coattails of NC horde and the |
10710s | 80. but I think you know they have a lot |
10712s | of Pilots to choose from there's a lot |
10714s | of potential there it just depends on |
10716s | whether those Pilots that are active in |
10718s | their standing fleets and actually |
10719s | engaging day to day in their small gang |
10721s | as well actually decide to take part in |
10723s | Alliance tournament I think that's going |
10724s | to be the make or break but I'd favor |
10726s | pandemic order |
10727s | awesome so I'm just looking back at some |
10729s | of the matches we've seen today this is |
10730s | gonna be our last match before the break |
10732s | um and it's been fairly even in terms of |
10734s | uh red and blue the first four matches |
10736s | uh all went to the red team and then it |
10739s | was uh four in a row for the blue team |
10741s | and now we've had two in a row from the |
10742s | red team so it seems to just be swinging |
10744s | back and forward |
10746s | um but we're actually we're just told |
10748s | we're ready to go to this one and see |
10749s | who's going to win between pandemic |
10750s | horde and our cost core uh in this match |
10759s | hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to |
10762s | this next match of the alliance |
10763s | tournament between Arcos core and |
10765s | pandemic horror pandemic horde bringing |
10769s | um that very heavy pointed Battleship |
10771s | core going with a paladin Vindicator and |
10776s | abedin supported by double link ships |
10780s | um some frig laundry a hyena Vengeance |
10782s | and crucifier on the low end |
10785s | meanwhile Arcos score with a rather |
10788s | unconventional setup uh Golem Claymore |
10790s | hurricane Cyclone double Fleet size |
10793s | stabber Fleet issues a sky breaker and a |
10796s | fleet vigil |
10798s | these Tranquility Rivals are squaring |
10801s | off for what's sure to be a very |
10803s | interesting matchup but I'm not quite |
10805s | clear what arca's core game plan here is |
10807s | it's kind of like a combination of |
10809s | mimitar Rush Torpedoes set up with the |
10812s | Golem |
10814s | yeah I mean it kind of makes sense in |
10816s | its own way because those Claymores are |
10819s | fit for heavy assault missiles Golem |
10822s | choosing to go for what appears to be |
10826s | Torpedoes as well they're going to want |
10828s | to close range and I mean if you're |
10830s | going up against a Vindicator and the |
10832s | Baton |
10833s | you're gonna have a good chance to be |
10834s | able to do that the Paladin might be |
10837s | able to pull range and mitigate but |
10839s | Vindicator is definitely going to have |
10841s | to be in the torpedo heavy sole Missile |
10843s | Range same with the abandon unless it's |
10845s | going to run away and use Scorch and |
10847s | already we see that the pandemic uh |
10849s | siphons never Fleet issues are getting |
10851s | across the field trying to pin down |
10853s | their targets and we see |
10856s | counter screens on top of them |
10858s | the Vengeance from pandemic court has |
10861s | already infiltrated the back line here |
10862s | not quite clear what he's going for or |
10864s | maybe he that wasn't intentional I think |
10867s | he's trying to pin down the Golem and |
10868s | keep it in place |
10870s | yeah he has and meanwhile one of the |
10872s | stabber Fleet issues of Taz gets deep |
10874s | into the back line but kind of feeds |
10877s | himself |
10877s | um before the rest of the Arcos core |
10881s | team and core can really catch up and |
10883s | support but I mean critically if this |
10884s | Golem continues to be held in the back |
10886s | by this hero Vengeance of Denville |
10890s | um that's going to be a lot of the |
10891s | damage from Arcos core not being able to |
10893s | really apply to anything because that |
10896s | Golem is still going to be outside of |
10897s | torque range meanwhile products in his |
10899s | side Fleet issue drops yep and ships |
10902s | dropping quickly is going to be a theme |
10903s | for this Arcus core team as all the |
10905s | ships they picked with the possible |
10907s | exceptions of the Cyclone Claymore and |
10909s | Golem are very thin tanks |
10912s | there was another site Fleet issue |
10914s | trading for effectively nothing here |
10917s | they've applied some Shield damage to a |
10918s | few ships but they're really having |
10920s | trouble pressing the advantage here if |
10922s | they had one at all |
10924s | yeah I mean you'd have to be able to |
10926s | push past those Thalia reps and part of |
10929s | the problem is that you're being |
10931s | linchpin ship the in the Golem is still |
10933s | being held on the back line by a |
10935s | Vengeance and the Golem just doesn't |
10937s | apply damage to that and they've lost a |
10939s | hurricane in the meantime uh honest to |
10942s | God the way we're headed I would not be |
10943s | entirely surprised if we saw a near 100 |
10946s | to nil sweep from pandemic horror |
10948s | they're just running away with it at |
10949s | this point |
10950s | yeah Arcos score lacking the damage here |
10953s | to really meaningfully push the |
10955s | advantage the Golem is not even opening |
10957s | oh wait no he's just started opening |
10959s | fire he's trying to shoot the frigate |
10960s | that's tackling him with those missiles |
10963s | that is going to be a very very tough |
10964s | call |
10965s | uh not really applying much damage of |
10968s | anything to the Vengeance here he's |
10970s | cackling comfortably he's also under |
10973s | reps on top of that there's really not |
10975s | much threat here the vengeance is |
10977s | shooting the drones possibly the only |
10978s | thing that could really hurt him |
10980s | Meanwhile we're about to see the vigil |
10982s | Fleet issue drop quite quickly on the |
10984s | Arcos core team he's run out of shields |
10988s | yeah and I mean that's kind of the the |
10991s | story of this match can we get some duck |
10993s | spam in chat honestly we need more horde |
10995s | a hawks the way that this match is going |
10997s | uh very decisively in their favor uh the |
11000s | sky breaker uh trying to do what he can |
11003s | to you know get some tackle but I mean |
11006s | really zebra Lily in this Golem since |
11009s | the very get-go has been you know okay |
11011s | now he's been able to pull some range |
11013s | and maybe uh getting on top of that |
11016s | Vindicator now but I mean he's already |
11018s | down into half Shields and Atticus |
11020s | Copernicus at this point and chosen |
11023s | aren't going to be under no real threat |
11025s | those |
11026s | um Follies the Deacon are going to be |
11028s | able to keep him up especially under |
11029s | links |
11031s | um yeah very underwhelming for Marcus |
11033s | core I thought that |
11035s | um what they would try to do is ball |
11037s | together and you know get on top of the |
11039s | main core of uh pandemic horde but they |
11042s | strung themselves off got picked off one |
11043s | by one and |
11045s | you know that's gonna essentially result |
11047s | in a hundred to nil feed you absolutely |
11049s | can't do that in your position |
11051s | yeah a challenging game plan for them to |
11053s | execute even under the best of |
11055s | circumstances and I think pandemic |
11056s | horror knew exactly what they needed to |
11058s | do to counter it they pulled the bulk of |
11061s | their Fleet back which Drew arkos Korean |
11064s | and then they sent their toughest |
11066s | tackler that Vengeance of dindil said |
11068s | I'm right back around to pin the Golem |
11070s | exactly where it was at then applied |
11072s | tackle to the ships that had rushed in |
11074s | they were cut off from their main DPS |
11076s | source and just shredded one by one |
11079s | yeah and I mean that's a perfect example |
11081s | of a four-point ship in the Vengeance |
11083s | completely and utterly just shutting |
11085s | down a 24-point Golem and I mean that's |
11088s | what you you know you have to see it |
11091s | from your tackle Pilots if you want to |
11094s | be able to win matches that's going to |
11096s | be how you do that you see your |
11098s | opponents be out of position you seize |
11100s | upon that you take the initiative and |
11102s | then you control the match from there on |
11103s | out I mean well played |
11105s | um to pandemic Court I have to give them |
11107s | credit for this one |
11110s | and they're just closing the match out |
11111s | now they've got Jacob Josh's Claymore |
11114s | heavily tackled down he is painted nuded |
11117s | disrupted scrammed grappled and was |
11120s | briefly webbed uh likely will be again |
11123s | there it goes |
11126s | uh he is absolutely shut down and to |
11129s | your point earlier the Deacon Thalia |
11130s | reps gonna hold their team strong really |
11133s | no kill pressure left on the Arcos score |
11135s | team as they are about to drop Jacob |
11139s | Josh is doing his best to tank the |
11141s | Claymore does have a very strong tank |
11143s | bonus but unfortunately it's not going |
11146s | to be enough here it might even punch |
11148s | through his reps before his ancillary |
11150s | runs out of charges as now they're into |
11152s | his armor and it's being melted like |
11154s | butter |
11157s | yeah I mean um we'll play to pandemic |
11160s | horde um Arcos core |
11162s | um I'm not entirely sold on their team |
11165s | competition I feel like they could have |
11166s | brought something |
11168s | um a little bit better maybe a little |
11170s | bit more thought out than what we've |
11172s | seen here |
11173s | um one of the problems with these |
11175s | torpedo comps is that they're very All |
11178s | or nothing and in this case it was |
11179s | definitely a nothing uh more on that |
11182s | from the desk as we send it back to them |
11199s | foreign |
11211s | guys stop being casual they're really |
11213s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
11216s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
11218s | everybody warp off this is a really |
11219s | really bad execution I'm very |
11221s | disappointed |
11228s | [Music] |
11234s | [Music] |
11238s | Crush our enemies your temps are |
11241s | completely damned out Crush I'm dumped |
11243s | out I'm dumped out you don't like Travis |
11245s | boys |
11247s | I've not been able to look at the thing |
11249s | again |
11252s | I'm jammed |
11271s | Archos core cord like an apple there by |
11275s | pandemic horde as they take that 100 to |
11277s | zero Victory |
11279s | um and ten does it's pretty much |
11281s | straight into a break we're gonna take a |
11282s | break now and I will be back for our |
11284s | next match uh abandon Park versus |
11286s | platinum sensitivity at 1840 Eve time so |
11289s | in about half an hour uh so we'll see |
11291s | you then don't go away make sure you do |
11292s | the eve quiz and try and win some cool |
11294s | prizes but don't blame the watch I want |
11295s | to watch |
11300s | welcome back to Alliance tournament 18 |
11303s | I'm ethical Hawk joined once again on |
11305s | the desk by mystical Mite and Jin tan uh |
11308s | here for the rest of the day with you |
11310s | and a whole bunch of cool new matches |
11312s | coming up uh the next one I'm looking |
11313s | forward to already is gonna be a band |
11315s | the part versus platinum sensitivity uh |
11318s | I know you're a big plat sense fan Mr |
11320s | Coleman I am I am yes I uh support my my |
11324s | boy Mark Bridges fully yes and I believe |
11327s | they're going to win very easily and |
11328s | he's not gonna let me down right now |
11330s | uh Excellence there's confidence right |
11332s | there more confidence than you should in |
11334s | your own team true yes because I have |
11336s | faith faith all of Mark Bridges and uh |
11339s | and jintan welcome back what do you |
11341s | think about this matchup coming up I |
11342s | think it's gonna be a really interesting |
11343s | matchup it's uh versus two kind of fan |
11345s | favorite teams obviously Platinum |
11347s | sensitivity the uh Japanese uh |
11349s | representation in the tournament going |
11351s | up against Amanda Park who are uh |
11353s | captained by Rick's javix uh very you |
11356s | know very famous artist actually did |
11358s | some commissions that are up on my wall |
11360s | in my house uh fantastic guy to work |
11362s | with and if you are interested in buying |
11364s | his products he has a officially a CCP |
11366s | licensed store which you've probably |
11367s | seen a couple of adverts for yes running |
11370s | through twitch we've got some cool stuff |
11371s | on it especially like the new Eden |
11372s | fantasy map which uh all prophets go to |
11374s | charity let's take a quick look at uh |
11377s | some of these team charts let's pull up |
11378s | a band apart and see a bit of |
11381s | information about them |
11382s | foreign so abandoned part here 44 Pilots |
11386s | have flown for a band apart in their |
11388s | history Rick's flown 16 times uh Jose |
11391s | sampanna the old Captain uh went over to |
11393s | NC DOT uh flew 21 times uh the last |
11396s | matches that they have uh won against uh |
11399s | we form Volta |
11401s | um I remember losing to uh abandon Park |
11404s | in one of the things The Line Tournament |
11406s | 15 and it was uh it was a it was Strife |
11409s | Strife personified I believe you were |
11411s | there as well mystical mind I don't like |
11412s | to remember those days yes the the days |
11415s | of ECM yeah and then let's take a quick |
11419s | look at plant Platinum sensitivity |
11421s | as you mentioned the uh the Japanese |
11423s | contingent very small team but compress |
11424s | only 13 Pilots have flown for them and |
11427s | when you consider it 10 V10 and not very |
11429s | much redundancy there but they've done |
11431s | relatively well winning four matches uh |
11432s | losing one |
11434s | um which is interesting uh because we |
11436s | have to lose two to leave the tournament |
11437s | but we'll you know we'll gloss over that |
11439s | um and last match is the one against |
11441s | laser Hawks Volta this numbers are just |
11443s | coming in here |
11445s | um and network and exodus interesting |
11447s | who hasn't won against Walter I don't |
11449s | know |
11450s | rock Coppell today oh true true uh let's |
11454s | go over to the arena now and see who |
11455s | will win this time between a band apart |
11457s | and platinum sensitivity let's go |
11467s | [Music] |
11469s | versus platinum sensitivity band apart |
11472s | Rocking The balgorn Vindicator Hyperion |
11476s | top end combo of it's like a pick three |
11480s | of the best battleships in the |
11481s | tournament supported by a double |
11483s | Logistics free account and some control |
11485s | and Tackle |
11489s | yeah |
11490s | um we see that Platinum sensitivity |
11493s | um only Japanese team in the event |
11496s | captained by Hydro Affiliated Mark |
11500s | bridges in Vindicator got the little |
11502s | Shack supported by a Nero stormbringer |
11504s | double |
11506s | uh Tech to |
11509s | command destroyer and then we have |
11511s | arbitrator for some guidance disruption |
11513s | uh swipele and a Confessor and a |
11516s | vengeance |
11517s | so somewhat similar archetypes but |
11520s | differing a little bit in the low end |
11521s | choosing for a little bit more uh |
11524s | disruption |
11525s | and going forward noiros instead of you |
11528s | know two Tech two lodgy ships |
11531s | yeah the shack a very strong pick from |
11533s | Platinum sensitivity but it's up against |
11535s | the bow Garden which is possibly one of |
11537s | the worst battleships to see across from |
11539s | you when you're sitting in a Le Shack |
11540s | we'll see how it winds out playing out |
11543s | as the links are popping and we're about |
11545s | to get underway here |
11550s | both of these teams definitely want to |
11552s | be charging into each other however a |
11554s | band apart has started much closer |
11558s | yeah and I mean uh critically |
11561s | um |
11561s | The Vindicator |
11564s | um of both of these teams is in fact a |
11567s | flagship so it'll be interesting to see |
11569s | how that uh Dynamic plays into things uh |
11572s | we see that Mark Bridges and uh the Le |
11574s | Shack of heinekel are you know polling |
11576s | range they're kiting away they're trying |
11579s | to ball up and create good positioning |
11582s | not overextend themselves right now the |
11584s | Hyperion of smudge is pushing in the |
11587s | tyrannus of pertapurda is pushing below |
11590s | trying to get on top of possibly the |
11592s | owneros but he's going to get out of |
11594s | range his figure logic and we see him |
11596s | getting primaried right now actually |
11599s | yeah that Tarana is a very bold play |
11602s | diving very deep into the back line |
11604s | While most of the battleships are |
11605s | starting to Bunch up now around each |
11607s | other kiting in a battleship is always a |
11609s | dicey proposition as part of British |
11611s | tyrannus goes down |
11615s | yeah it'll be interesting to see |
11618s | um we |
11619s | know that these hyperians and the Le |
11622s | Shack The Vindicator they're all |
11623s | starting to fight each other at zero we |
11625s | see Mark Bridges and heinkel they're |
11628s | trying to primary uh this Hyperion of |
11630s | smudge off of the very jump not wanting |
11634s | to go up against the officer balgorn |
11637s | potentially of Rick's javix |
11640s | um interestingly enough though we see |
11642s | that Platinum sensitivity is using their |
11645s | arbitrator to track and disrupt the |
11647s | balgorn tracking disrupt The Vindicator |
11648s | and there's a little bit of kind of um |
11652s | wiggle room where if you |
11654s | can kind of really shut down that |
11657s | Vindicator with guidance you can kind of |
11659s | out kite with your |
11661s | um |
11662s | you know vindicate or creating range |
11665s | corruption um smudge though for his part |
11667s | is holding right now we see a cloud of |
11670s | rep bots on top of him |
11672s | now unfortunately the nearest for |
11674s | platinum sensitivity has been tackled |
11676s | down he's got a vexor Navy issue on top |
11678s | of him just joined by a stabber Fleet |
11680s | issue as you were breaking down that |
11682s | Vindicator Dynamic that is that's a |
11685s | dicey proposition now the cyberfleet |
11687s | issue is taking an insane amount of fire |
11689s | they're doing what they can to free up |
11691s | the ineros but that is clearly an alarm |
11693s | Bell for the Platinum sensitivity team |
11695s | they don't want their nearest pinned |
11697s | down they don't want the balgorn |
11699s | Vindicator Hyperion combo to get on top |
11701s | of it because they will absolutely apply |
11703s | damage |
11704s | and even the balgar and even if it |
11706s | doesn't shoot the ineros its nudes will |
11708s | be able to totally neutralize it which |
11710s | will spell Doom for that LE Shack for |
11712s | sure |
11714s | yeah right now the oniros is totally |
11716s | fine he has a cloud of medium armor bots |
11718s | on top of him and it's really only |
11721s | um the stabber Fleet issue and the vexer |
11723s | Navy we've seen that the Deacon and the |
11727s | Thalia have gone in far back to try to |
11729s | support the Stafford Fleet issue and now |
11732s | we see a bit of a snap call we see the |
11735s | Deacon being primaried instead now that |
11737s | he's really far deep in we see the |
11738s | Confessor and the swipe will get on top |
11740s | of him and this is going to be where the |
11742s | match turns in favor of platinum |
11744s | sensitivity once they've killed this |
11746s | Deacon they're going to go after the |
11747s | Thalia while they're also primary |
11749s | smudges Hyperion |
11753s | well the Battleground seems to be |
11754s | struggling to apply newts throughout the |
11757s | team and I'm not seeing guns firing on |
11760s | it it doesn't appear to have oh wait no |
11762s | I I S I stayed corrected that is a laser |
11766s | balgorn that could be where we are |
11768s | seeing some unexpected Behavior here the |
11771s | Belgrade is not laying down neutralizing |
11773s | pressure across the entire Platinum |
11775s | sensitivity team it is focusing directly |
11778s | on their primary that Vindicator |
11780s | which is good it will turn off the |
11783s | vindicator's guns but not good and that |
11785s | it's not disabling the logistics so |
11786s | they're not killing it fast enough they |
11787s | wind up losing their Hyperion the staff |
11790s | or Fleet issue will follow quickly as |
11792s | well as their Thalia which has no |
11793s | Logistics partner to support it Platinum |
11796s | sensitivity is running away with this |
11798s | match here |
11800s | yeah so with the belgorn of Watson was |
11802s | able to do was he was able to get on top |
11804s | of this Vindicator which is a little bit |
11808s | weird you really don't want to be on a |
11809s | Vindicator at zero because now you're |
11811s | getting shot with uh void |
11814s | um but eventually the Le chap just |
11816s | pulled all the way up and was able to |
11817s | break through the hyperion's active reps |
11819s | and they're losing the Thalia now the |
11821s | Deacon's been dead for some time and |
11823s | like you said it really feels like |
11825s | Platinum sensitivity |
11827s | um was able to use their you know |
11830s | disruption on The Vindicator and the |
11832s | balgorn with tracking to really hurt the |
11834s | output of the band apart and then once |
11837s | that you know Deacon and Thalia |
11839s | overextended to try to save their |
11840s | stabber Fleet issue both got picked off |
11843s | and |
11844s | really aren't going to be in a good |
11845s | situation you know lodgy versus no logic |
11849s | yep the ineros has totally broken free |
11851s | it's completely fine at this point |
11854s | they're attempting to throw some heavy |
11856s | drones onto it now it's going to be too |
11858s | little too late with the rep Bots it has |
11860s | it's not really under any threat and it |
11862s | has pulled safely far away from the |
11865s | balgorn nude so even if they switched |
11867s | over to that now they're really gonna |
11868s | have a hard time getting enough |
11869s | neutralizing pressure on it to take it |
11871s | out of the fight meanwhile they continue |
11873s | to bleed ships Watson Creek's |
11875s | Battleground is perilously low on Armor |
11877s | but it appears Novak's vexer Navy will |
11880s | likely die first as he's getting |
11881s | absolutely shredded right now despite |
11883s | having some pretty powerful local reps |
11886s | they may go down at the same time the |
11889s | damage output from the Platinum |
11890s | sensitivity team is staggering |
11893s | yeah I mean a band apart with trying to |
11895s | run um you know an armor control setup |
11897s | you know augmenting the |
11900s | um Flagship Vindicator that they brought |
11902s | but it really just didn't work and it |
11904s | turned out that |
11906s | um you know despite having a much larger |
11907s | control bar they didn't really have a |
11909s | lot of damage we've seen throughout the |
11911s | entire time |
11913s | um even at the very beginning Platinum |
11914s | sensitivities had a much larger attack |
11916s | bar being applied and you know |
11919s | eventually once that LE Shack spool from |
11921s | Heineken got all the way up and was |
11923s | applying damage to the battleships uh |
11926s | with you know perfect tracking |
11928s | you're not really going to be in a good |
11930s | situation I mean yes a band apart has |
11933s | the crucifier but we haven't really seen |
11936s | ninu be all that impactful compared to |
11939s | nosuku's arbitrator counterpart |
11943s | yeah the the crucifier not adding much |
11945s | when you have all your battleships at |
11947s | zero like that uh The Shack isn't going |
11950s | to have any trouble tracking a tackled |
11952s | Battleship even with tracking disruption |
11954s | and range disruption would be pointless |
11956s | because they're on top of each other |
11958s | so the the crucifier is an odd choice |
11961s | for this match maybe they brought it |
11962s | sort of as a contingency plan if they |
11965s | were up against more of a kite based |
11967s | team or a team with a lot of projection |
11968s | like paladins |
11970s | but for this particular matchup just not |
11973s | adding a lot of value now Platinum |
11975s | sensitivity had an arbitrator on their |
11976s | side which brings about the same as far |
11980s | as e-war but at least that is kicking |
11981s | out some damage as well |
11984s | yeah I mean arbitrators for six points |
11986s | you get quite a bit out of it |
11988s | um you know you get those bonus newts |
11990s | and you get you know four mid flots it's |
11993s | not a lot but it's enough where if you |
11996s | know you throw on a propulsion module |
11998s | you throw on three gun disruptors or |
12000s | three tracking disruptors you can |
12002s | significantly impact the ability of |
12005s | teams to really be able to apply damage |
12007s | but that's going to be all for us as |
12009s | Platinum sensitivity shuts out abandon |
12011s | part 100 to nil |
12024s | foreign |
12046s | foreign |
12064s | switched |
12066s | well it would have been a easy fight |
12067s | right but guess what dude I'm not seeing |
12069s | it people can't get together |
12076s | [Music] |
12093s | Platinum sensitivity they're taking that |
12095s | victory over a band apart as the band |
12097s | apart also loses their Flagship fit |
12099s | Vindicator Mark bridge in Mark bridges |
12102s | in his Flagship Vindicator survived to |
12105s | be fielded yet another time Rex flying a |
12108s | 3.9 billion-esque Vindicator there uh |
12111s | putting uh the the high damage webbing |
12114s | platform to pretty reasonable use we |
12117s | thought briefly there's gonna be a |
12118s | flagship indicator trade but unless it |
12121s | was not to be |
12122s | um |
12123s | we saw the plant sensitivity team there |
12126s | with a Le Shack that looked like it was |
12128s | just left alone to Spill and spill and |
12130s | spill and that seemed to just do more |
12132s | and more damage over the course of that |
12134s | match uh left almost completely |
12135s | unchecked in fact uh gentana I think you |
12137s | pointed out that the crucifier on grid |
12140s | from Vander Park didn't seem to have any |
12141s | tracking disruptors to to put on that LE |
12143s | Shack what's your thoughts there yeah it |
12145s | seems as though their crucifier was fit |
12147s | almost entirely with missile guidance |
12148s | disruptors |
12149s | um and this is a kind of the guessing |
12151s | game you've got to do it's something you |
12152s | especially see uh across |
12155s | um lots of teams rather than going for a |
12158s | mix of the two systems you go all in on |
12160s | one thing you expect to you know run up |
12162s | against something like a typhoon Fleet |
12164s | issue that's gonna be spewing rapid |
12166s | heavy missiles all over the arena or |
12169s | maybe a Cerberus or something like that |
12170s | where you know dealing with its range |
12172s | completely eliminates the uh ability of |
12175s | the ship to function in its game plan |
12176s | where uh but you know that does leave |
12179s | you open to matches like this where you |
12181s | have spent three points on a ship that |
12182s | is completely used useless and speaking |
12186s | of the opposite of useless very useful |
12187s | ship the shack left to spill mystical |
12189s | might why is that such a bad thing to |
12191s | just leave unattended yeah so we |
12193s | mentioned spooling earlier I knew that |
12195s | we'd come back to it |
12196s | um so spalling refers to the type of |
12199s | weapon system that elishak uses so with |
12202s | the super tidal disintegrators uh as an |
12205s | example I don't know if they're all |
12206s | super tidal but with these disintegrated |
12208s | weapons the more that you cycle them the |
12211s | more damage they do so when we're saying |
12212s | that the lashac was left unchecked it |
12215s | means that the balgorn wasn't |
12216s | effectively using its newts to try and |
12218s | interrupt the Cycles on the lecheck once |
12221s | you stop the Le Shack Cycles it resets |
12223s | the damage that it's doing ensuring that |
12225s | okay it's starting from 700 800 again |
12228s | instead of the 1.6 K that it may ramp up |
12231s | to which when you're in an active |
12233s | wrapping trip like a Hyperion |
12234s | isn't an ideal amount of damage coming |
12236s | in over a long period of time and we saw |
12239s | that eventually the Hyperion goes down |
12241s | because it just can't tank that amount |
12242s | of damage coming in from both the |
12244s | lecheck and The Vindicator when it |
12246s | manages to actually get its guns off I |
12248s | mean the balcon was pretty good at |
12249s | shutting that down but I don't think |
12251s | that was really the problem ship that |
12252s | they had to deal with |
12254s | the entirely also saw a platinum |
12256s | sensitivity bringing uh what appeared to |
12258s | be an armor stormbringer uh interesting |
12261s | decision perhaps they're usually fielded |
12263s | as Shield ships uh why might you bring |
12264s | an armor one |
12266s | um I'm not entirely sure to be perfectly |
12268s | honest with you at the cork but it |
12270s | seemed to have worked out really well |
12271s | for platinum sensitivity there you saw |
12273s | them use a lot of tracking disruptors |
12275s | taking what is already a weak point of |
12277s | the Blaster Rush comp in terms of its |
12279s | its inability to project over range and |
12281s | making that even worse you saw how close |
12284s | those the ships from a Vanderbilt had to |
12286s | be to do anything and that was event |
12288s | pretty much what costed in the match you |
12290s | know things were orbiting them at 10K |
12291s | and they couldn't do anything about it |
12294s | um equally having so many midsole allows |
12297s | you to increase your application quite a |
12299s | lot so you can use that Storm Dragon to |
12301s | really really effectively clear drone |
12303s | clouds especially rep drone clouds which |
12306s | in a three Battleship mirror like the |
12307s | one we just watched are so important if |
12310s | your opponents have two or three flights |
12312s | of heavy rep drones on a Target it can |
12313s | be almost possible to break them we saw |
12316s | that with the neuros later on in the |
12317s | game where it was just coated with those |
12320s | red Bots and that kept it alive for so |
12321s | much longer than it needed to be awesome |
12323s | now let's look at our next match up here |
12326s | it's gonna be breaks out of death versus |
12327s | pandemic Legion and we have some um some |
12329s | history of these teams but we'll get to |
12331s | that we're going to look at the bands |
12332s | first uh so bright side of death Banning |
12334s | uh slept near uh hila uh curse uh |
12338s | pandemic Legion banning at the balgar |
12339s | and Chris and EOS and then we have some |
12341s | trickle-down bands thanks to the Dual |
12342s | curse band of Loki for bright side of |
12345s | death and night talk for pandemic Legion |
12347s | and these are two very experienced teams |
12350s | pandemic region of course have won more |
12352s | Alliance tournaments I think than any |
12353s | other team I think they've won five of |
12356s | course today's pandemic Legion is uh not |
12358s | quite as um uh illustrious as the the |
12361s | pandem legion team of old of course |
12363s | um but still you know no slouch team uh |
12366s | you know underestimate them at your own |
12368s | Peril but you can see here over 100 |
12369s | Pilots have flown uh was it over exactly |
12372s | 100 Pilots have flown with pandemic |
12374s | Legion uh they've played 80 matches and |
12376s | 158 of them so pretty historic team Mr |
12379s | Mike what do these bands say to you I |
12381s | mean it's interesting to see the slept |
12383s | in Nighthawk and the Loki ban these are |
12386s | all commonly associated with The Shield |
12387s | Rush setups that we've been seeing today |
12389s | we haven't actually seen many schlepners |
12391s | I think but we have seen the Nighthawk |
12393s | quite frequently usually paired with the |
12395s | Loki so that makes sense these bands |
12397s | they probably don't want to be going up |
12399s | against a strong Shield Rush setup they |
12401s | probably pretty comfortable going up |
12403s | against a weaker version but showed rush |
12406s | in its Peak form perhaps not what they |
12408s | want to be going up against and of |
12409s | course we see the curse and the EOS |
12411s | bands coming out alongside the Gila |
12413s | which suggests again that they don't |
12414s | want that long range Newt and more |
12416s | importantly the guidance disrupters and |
12417s | tracking disruptors but also they don't |
12419s | want to be going up against their |
12420s | respective versions of uh drunkai |
12424s | awesome let's see if we can take a look |
12426s | at a bit more detail about some of the |
12428s | historical matches of pandemic Legion uh |
12431s | and bring that up so |
12434s | um you see here this is bright side of |
12435s | death we're looking at 36 oh this is |
12437s | looking at 100 Pilots uh destoria uh Dan |
12441s | cool of course very experienced people |
12442s | Sheamus Ortiz Lucas Quan flew a whole |
12444s | bunch of logistic Cruisers if I remember |
12446s | correctly and then the last time they've |
12448s | won matches here at a live stream at 16 |
12449s | versus templates calcif uh slice in 1950 |
12453s | and so it's been a while really since |
12454s | they've been a successful team we go |
12457s | right back to Alliance tournament 14 uh |
12459s | when they beat the tuskers and that |
12461s | would have been one of the matches in |
12462s | the Grand Final where they actually lost |
12463s | to the tuskers there uh in terms of |
12466s | dropping matches they dropped against |
12467s | barcode NC DOT Hydra uh initiative and |
12471s | then of course the tuskers again in |
12472s | Alliance tournament 14 and that would |
12474s | have been the the last match of the the |
12476s | Grand Final there let's switch over now |
12479s | to Bright Side of death |
12480s | take a look at them |
12484s | here we are so 36 uh Pilots for bright |
12486s | side of death overall their years of |
12488s | playing and fafi wafi we see him again |
12490s | of course right now he's uh with |
12492s | Darkseid I believe |
12493s | um and you know can you fight for the |
12495s | wifey who knows maybe |
12497s | um they've been pretty okay successful |
12499s | it's kind of 50 50 right down the middle |
12500s | uh last couple of matches that they have |
12502s | beaten include uh TNT cast about laser |
12506s | Hawks salt farmers and the Weekend |
12508s | Warriors they've also lost against some |
12510s | pretty reasonable teams including |
12511s | Darkseid Hydra templates and arrival so |
12514s | these are no no slouch teams of course |
12518s | so |
12519s | gentan what do you think about this |
12520s | matchup this is a historical matchup |
12522s | here yeah this is a a matchup that's |
12525s | going to be very interesting obviously |
12526s | pandemic Legion is a completely |
12527s | different team they're almost rebuilding |
12529s | from scratch they've got a lot of |
12530s | institutional Knowledge from you know |
12532s | teammate team members past but they |
12534s | aren't running with any of their |
12535s | previous captains with November taking |
12537s | the lead for them and meanwhile bright |
12539s | side of death are coming into this with |
12541s | a wealth of experience in this matter |
12543s | specifically uh they had to play uh |
12546s | sorry they got through the |
12550s | they got through the bracket in the |
12552s | trials tournament with Odin's call so |
12555s | they had to play some a very very |
12557s | difficult very high stakes games |
12559s | um to get here uh winning I believe all |
12561s | five of their games to do so uh so you |
12565s | know my money would be on bright side of |
12566s | death I've got to say like I feel like |
12568s | they're coming into this match warmed up |
12569s | they've won a lot of games already and |
12572s | pandemic Legion are probably going to be |
12573s | on it a little more shaky not gonna have |
12575s | the same Excellence of execution that |
12577s | we've seen from them in the past yeah we |
12579s | uh we said before that teams that came |
12581s | through the feeders and basically been |
12583s | like battle hardened already coming into |
12584s | this tournament like you have teams like |
12586s | PL they've yet to play at all they're |
12588s | literally just turning up to see if they |
12590s | can ride in their reputation we will |
12591s | find out very soon uh whereas bsod as |
12594s | Jen mentions have had to go through an |
12596s | absolute Gauntlet in the feeders and |
12597s | they did this did so with great applaud |
12599s | winning all of their matches uh most of |
12602s | them against pretty reasonable opponents |
12604s | including audience Carl uh who everyone |
12606s | thought would be straight through into |
12607s | the uh the main tournament they ended up |
12609s | having to go through the Redemption |
12611s | bracket and make their way in to this |
12613s | particular tournament itself |
12615s | so you're going gentan for B-side but |
12618s | what about you must have got mine I |
12620s | think I'd also lean b-sod just because |
12622s | we've seen a bit more of their |
12623s | performance recently so we have a better |
12625s | idea about what they're actually capable |
12627s | of compared to PR where we identified |
12629s | that they haven't actually been flying |
12631s | too much |
12632s | since at's way back you know |
12635s | um I don't know I I think I'll even be |
12637s | sold here just because peace odd why not |
12642s | I mean I kind of want to see PL do well |
12646s | simply because there's such a historic |
12648s | team like it feels that just feels like |
12651s | it'd be a cool thing for them to come |
12652s | back from uh mediocrity basically is |
12654s | what they've been in |
12655s | um I mean definitely they're a top 32 |
12657s | team this year |
12659s | um last year I think they made it to |
12660s | what top 24. uh they weren't in last |
12663s | tournament I believe the year before |
12664s | then must be thinking of 80 16 yeah yeah |
12666s | it's been a while since we've seen plb a |
12669s | successful team I know some of the uh |
12671s | the people involved are experienced |
12673s | maybe not as leaders in the team I've |
12675s | got radicals is in there as well and he |
12678s | previously flown with boundary experts |
12679s | and a couple of other teams in different |
12681s | tournaments the teams are landing on |
12683s | grid at the minute uh so we're just |
12685s | waiting to get confirmation that |
12686s | everyone is settled and ready before we |
12688s | can actually go to the arena and they |
12690s | are settled and ready so let's go and |
12691s | see who's going to win between brights |
12692s | of their death and pandemic Legion |
12701s | hello I am moderator joined my my |
12703s | colleague alexand we have an excellent |
12706s | match between pandemic Legion and bsod |
12710s | here we are waiting for The Last Ship of |
12714s | pandemic Legion that would be |
12716s | destroya to actually get on grid and he |
12720s | is appearing now it would appear that he |
12725s | made a mistake in the warping so the GM |
12727s | has moved him to |
12729s | um zero and I'm not entirely sure if I |
12733s | would want to be at zero and then I'm |
12735s | gonna get a Navy if I were him |
12740s | well he could do worse |
12742s | um good side of death coming in with |
12744s | Ayla Shack Navy Dominick's drakovic |
12745s | vedmack very triglavian heavy here they |
12749s | are one point short but they're doing |
12750s | well with their low end a pair of |
12752s | protective Logistics frigates and two |
12754s | extremely heavy tacklers |
12759s | yeah um interesting to see the dynamic |
12761s | where both teams are choosing to go you |
12763s | know Deacon Thalia to deal with the |
12765s | points and destroy you waste no time |
12767s | immediately running back towards his |
12769s | team uh not wanting to get held down by |
12772s | the smaller this will Shack this |
12774s | Dominic's Navy issue that all three of |
12775s | them are pushing together meanwhile we |
12777s | see Turon go in for a scream attempt as |
12780s | well as the executor of Chris Pronger |
12783s | now the double Armageddon Navy is gonna |
12785s | be very useful here the additional |
12788s | neutralizer range could help keep the Le |
12790s | Shack Dominic's drakavec at Bay |
12793s | the Dominic Navy is pushing a bit far |
12796s | ahead of his team |
12798s | he's not the primary target but they may |
12800s | do well to tackle him down and now it |
12802s | appears he is webbed down |
12804s | very good screening on behalf of bright |
12807s | side of death yeah I'm impressed to see |
12809s | the amount of damage that's been put |
12811s | onto the slash of amethyst I mean he |
12813s | only does have Tech Two |
12816s | um you know logistics for supporting him |
12817s | but even then you would think that he |
12819s | would have a little bit more in the |
12821s | active rep tank meanwhile |
12823s | um b-thot is trying to push damage onto |
12826s | the pontifex of Turon gorp who is being |
12829s | held down by the heretic of ayat 3000 |
12832s | meanwhile they're also putting damage |
12834s | onto the executive Navy issue of Chris |
12837s | who is sitting on top of the check at |
12839s | zero with a cloud of Repton supporting |
12843s | and listless Shack is getting absolutely |
12845s | pounded now Pia will lose their executor |
12848s | Navy issue which is a tremendous chunk |
12850s | of damage this may see the Le Shack |
12853s | begin to stabilize a little bit he's |
12855s | starting to claw back his armor ever so |
12858s | slightly but the get in navies the |
12860s | longer they're here the more their nudes |
12862s | are going to take their toll on the |
12864s | bright side of death team the Le Shack |
12866s | is pulling back a tremendous amount of |
12868s | his hit points actually but they're not |
12870s | making much progress anywhere else on |
12872s | the field here yeah and the reason for |
12874s | that LE chat calling back is the typhoon |
12877s | flit issue of November was on reload he |
12880s | just now has managed to get his reload |
12884s | back off and he has a smart bomb fit |
12885s | what he's trying to do is getting on top |
12887s | of villa Shack and clear all of the rep |
12890s | drones that are on top of him it would |
12892s | appear that radicos is on top with |
12894s | conflict pushing damage but he is |
12897s | running newts not a smart bomb so |
12899s | November getting very close and once he |
12901s | does these medium armor Bots uh yeah |
12904s | they're starting to get deleted they're |
12905s | in Hull meanwhile the Thalia of blast |
12907s | goes down and November's typhoon is into |
12910s | low armor as well |
12911s | November's typhoon currently smart |
12913s | bombing his own rep drones he's not |
12915s | quite in range of the Le Shack's drones |
12917s | he's been hitting his own support this |
12920s | entire time he looks like he may have |
12922s | realized it and turned it off as he |
12924s | tries to crawl ever closer to the shack |
12926s | but he may go down before he gets there |
12929s | yeah I mean he has heavy drones |
12931s | supporting him uh maybe felt like it |
12933s | would be worth trading a little bit of |
12935s | the damage |
12936s | um of on Heavies to kill the mediums |
12939s | that were on the |
12940s | um Le Shack but he goes down first and |
12943s | even if they lose the Le Shack at this |
12945s | point |
12946s | um the right side of death is still in a |
12948s | pretty good position they are going to |
12949s | kill the Sentinel they've killed all the |
12951s | lodgy |
12952s | um |
12953s | right now pandemic Legion doesn't have a |
12955s | whole lot left in the tank yes they have |
12958s | to get a Navy issues which are fearful |
12960s | by themselves but still they'd have to |
12962s | fight a Dominic's Navy issue a direct in |
12964s | the FED Mac which are pretty beefy ships |
12966s | especially supported by Logistics and |
12968s | links |
12970s | yeah once the pl Logistics Wing went |
12972s | down the rest of their team folded up |
12974s | rather quickly bright side of death |
12975s | doing an excellent job on target calls |
12977s | to take as many ships off the field as |
12979s | quickly as possible while still putting |
12981s | pressure on the top end killing that |
12984s | typhoon was absolutely essential once |
12987s | that went down the Le Shack was able to |
12988s | stabilize and bright side of death is |
12990s | going to look to be able to secure this |
12991s | match here the story is getting Navy is |
12994s | about to drop they're hitting |
12996s | essentially every Target on the pandemic |
12998s | Legion team at the same time and they |
13001s | are shredding here he'll go down the |
13003s | mollusk may join shortly although it's |
13005s | beginning to recover some Shields likely |
13007s | kiting out these drones that are chasing |
13009s | it looks like they're going to split |
13011s | fire between radicos is getting and |
13014s | archeles jackdaw |
13016s | yeah so we see that um Elise Randolph in |
13019s | chat complaining about or maybe not |
13021s | complaining but |
13022s | um you know missing his points in chat |
13024s | I'm feeling very good about having bet |
13026s | on uh be thought in this match we see |
13028s | the mollusk choose to go for the Edge of |
13031s | Glory |
13032s | um using that micro Trump Drive Beacon |
13033s | to get himself |
13035s | um out of the Arena at 200 kilometers |
13038s | um I can't help but feel like the |
13040s | turning point was when |
13042s | what I assume had to have been a |
13044s | reactive armor hardener shifted to full |
13047s | em therm and the clip on that typhoon |
13051s | Fleet you know ran out we thought the |
13053s | lecheck was going to go down he did |
13054s | after all |
13056s | um go into hole but eventually stape |
13057s | wise and pandemic Legion lost enough |
13059s | damage and eventually the match |
13075s | we see the jackdaw of Archdale dark |
13078s | um |
13079s | habitual euthanasia member being |
13082s | apparently euthanized by this heretic |
13084s | we're trading between two light missile |
13087s | boats as they're just Pew pewing each |
13089s | other |
13090s | um and that would be the jackdawg going |
13092s | down |
13094s | um along with pandemic Legion to the |
13096s | losers bracket |
13098s | um sorry Elise but uh bright side of |
13101s | death cleanly winning this 100 to nil |
13114s | thank you |
13120s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
13123s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
13125s | logo is in the game |
13126s | of course you could change your alliance |
13128s | by leaving but that would be kind of a |
13129s | jerk move that kind of oh you don't like |
13131s | it now just leave this logo sucks I'm |
13133s | gonna go join |
13141s | [Music] |
13144s | thank you |
13150s | welcome to leave Pandora |
13177s | [Music] |
13180s | foreign |
13182s | Legion there unfortunately unable to |
13184s | pull out the W they killed one ship for |
13186s | three points and lost all 100 of their |
13189s | own in return to bsod who take a very |
13191s | commanding win over pandemic region if I |
13195s | listen really carefully |
13196s | just about here CTP Swift somewhere in |
13198s | the building uh wailing uh in in a in |
13202s | grief but yeah what went wrong there |
13204s | mystical might for pandemic Legion apart |
13207s | from just some of their ships not moving |
13209s | for maybe nearly a minute but what else |
13210s | went wrong well we yeah we had the |
13211s | little joke about how long would it take |
13213s | for Radicals to actually begin moving in |
13214s | the match and then I made the joke that |
13217s | Destroyer actually stopped moving and |
13218s | the shack began dying again so perhaps |
13221s | you know the best thing that they could |
13223s | have done is just sit still |
13225s | um but I mean they traded |
13227s | the entirety of their team to get the |
13229s | lashac into half structure |
13231s | um I think they went on to reload uh at |
13234s | a point where the lecheck was almost |
13235s | dying I think it was dipping into |
13237s | structure at that time and then they |
13238s | went on to reload and that's really |
13240s | exemplifying the issue that you may run |
13242s | into when you're using rapid Heavies is |
13244s | that if you're just on the cusp of |
13247s | breaking something but you don't quite |
13249s | have enough missiles left then you're |
13250s | screwed and I think that showed pretty |
13253s | pretty convincingly in the pr match here |
13255s | yeah jintan do you think there's |
13256s | anything they could have done |
13257s | differently in that match up that may |
13259s | have maybe could have led them to taking |
13260s | the win or was it kind of almost a |
13262s | forgotten conclusion at that point uh |
13264s | there's definitely a couple of things uh |
13266s | first of all they could have had |
13266s | Destroyer War pin his allotted range |
13268s | rather than being teleported to Zero by |
13271s | the judges as a result of not warping |
13273s | fast enough uh to the arena yes just for |
13276s | those of you who may be new to the |
13277s | tournament |
13279s | um when the teams are teleporters into |
13281s | the system they are uh not able to move |
13283s | not able to warp they're in a very nice |
13284s | line all next to each other and they are |
13287s | told when uh warping is unlocked to warp |
13289s | to the arena at a range of their choice |
13291s | between 0 and 50 kilometers and they |
13294s | have a small window to do this if they |
13296s | fail to do this either because they just |
13297s | don't warp or they warp to the wrong |
13299s | thing like the sun which does happen |
13301s | um or warped a range outside of 50 then |
13303s | they are teleported by the GMS to zero |
13306s | uh which I mean depends on the ship if |
13308s | you're in like an Armageddon Navy issue |
13309s | it's not the worst thing but maybe if |
13311s | you're a scimitar and like a kiting comp |
13313s | going to zero that could be pretty |
13314s | catastrophic for your team so uh right |
13317s | click and warping can be difficult for |
13319s | for some people it can be yeah |
13320s | especially for a team that you would |
13322s | think is quite storied in the alliance |
13324s | tournament itself |
13326s | yes uh that's one way of putting it uh |
13329s | right let's check in for a few minutes |
13331s | with CCP Loki on how |
13333s | um story can Impact gameplay in Eve |
13335s | online |
13344s | narrative Terminus design is something |
13346s | that we started earlier this year we |
13348s | well we have done it sometime in the |
13350s | past in some shape so far but we sort of |
13353s | wanted to escalate it so like in the |
13355s | past in the lead up to for example uh |
13357s | epistle that space we had a story going |
13361s | on and kind of mystery and things for |
13364s | players to discover etc etc and we sort |
13367s | of wanted to apply that to basically as |
13371s | much as we can when we're creating new |
13374s | features for them online this summer we |
13376s | have had things happening around athenon |
13379s | where kalitarian galactir are like |
13381s | struggling it out we have things |
13383s | happening in Turner where the Amar |
13386s | started having just a little transmuters |
13389s | and and the minister trying to stop them |
13391s | we have Tech races between the empires |
13394s | and we want these player activities and |
13397s | events really sort of control how the |
13400s | features are rolled out then in |
13402s | whatsoever and then that players |
13404s | actually do affect the storyline and |
13406s | their history of of newita for example |
13409s | with the uh with the gate construction |
13411s | and often both the kaltari wanted to get |
13414s | into atanan and the galante and it was |
13417s | totally up to the players to determine |
13419s | when or if their empire managed to |
13422s | construct the gate into atan and we are |
13425s | quite willing if players do not manage |
13427s | to actually |
13428s | construct the gate you know meet the |
13431s | requirements for the Empire to actually |
13432s | construct the game into into ultimate |
13434s | they will never get the gate into atana |
13436s | she always totally and completely in in |
13438s | player hands |
13440s | what we are really trying is to co-write |
13443s | the story of new eaten with players and |
13446s | player input and make player input |
13447s | meaningful to that story have them |
13450s | actually affect the politics of music |
13452s | and the world of new items |
13462s | arctp located there with her story and |
13464s | narrative impacts gameplay and Eve |
13466s | online I don't know if you guys had a |
13468s | chance to get involved in some of those |
13469s | storyline events uh I was doing some |
13472s | Ninja Mining and an alpha all uh for the |
13474s | gal Mill you know come on the Federation |
13475s | trying to build the gate we failed |
13478s | um and the Kardashian were just super |
13480s | organized but it was super cool seeing |
13482s | all of the the stuff interact with each |
13483s | other then of course the star and Turner |
13485s | and all the players just getting you |
13486s | know blatted by the star exploding that |
13489s | was awesome I was hiding there in a uh |
13491s | he cloaked uh rookie chip basically to |
13494s | see what would happen and sure enough |
13495s | everything blew up it was a very |
13497s | exciting Mr Gomez did you have a chance |
13499s | to to get involved in any of this I went |
13501s | to the one in Turner with a Pete which |
13503s | is a long-range Loki that you'd use for |
13505s | sniping and a looting alt and uh when |
13510s | the star began to erupt and my Shields |
13512s | and my armor went down I thought hey |
13514s | I'll just enter warp so that I can skip |
13516s | all this damage and then it's still kept |
13518s | hitting me I was like oh I don't really |
13520s | want to die here thankfully it stopped |
13523s | in 25 structure I think which is great |
13526s | um great opportunity to finish off |
13527s | everyone else that was also quite low |
13529s | um but yeah no I've not had much of a |
13531s | chance to interact with the mining |
13533s | events that have been going on in the |
13534s | gate building that's been happening um |
13536s | around the various condos of Eve uh just |
13538s | just the the star stuff what about |
13541s | yourself in town we were talking a |
13542s | little bit about some of the uh like |
13543s | lower things during the break have you |
13545s | been involved with any of these uh no I |
13546s | haven't had the chance to I've been kind |
13548s | of screaming and trying to do as much |
13549s | research as I can about the alliance |
13551s | tournament coming into this year |
13553s | I mean that's perfectly Fair like it |
13554s | takes a lot of time and effort to to be |
13556s | in some of these teams and practice like |
13558s | mystical might obviously you've been in |
13559s | the hide reload and Volta you know just |
13561s | how much how many errors uh some of |
13563s | these teams can put into not just in the |
13565s | actual practicing themselves which you |
13566s | know some teams are doing two three four |
13568s | something even five times a week for a |
13570s | couple like maybe three four hours but |
13572s | also the 3D crafting and everything |
13573s | around it to support those practices can |
13575s | be a huge load on people |
13578s | speaking of teams that probably do |
13579s | practice a whole bunch to get ready for |
13581s | the tournament |
13582s | um that our next match is going to be |
13584s | lock range enjoyers versus Exodus dot uh |
13587s | jintan what can you tell me about these |
13589s | teams I mean this is probably along with |
13591s | the dark side Templars match that we |
13593s | watched earlier uh one of those matches |
13595s | everyone had underlined when the |
13596s | schedule dropped |
13598s | um for today you know log range enjoyers |
13600s | they are a team that effectively local |
13603s | is primary from last year a team that |
13605s | got fourth place |
13607s | um and had an amazing run from the lower |
13609s | bracket going up against Exodus a silver |
13613s | Place medalists multiple times uh team |
13616s | that's almost always historically done |
13618s | really well very Adept at using kiting |
13620s | comps and um other sorts of you know |
13624s | really really high execution intensity |
13626s | uh strategies |
13629s | I'm really excited to see this match up |
13631s | you know it's going to tell us quite a |
13632s | lot about where the meta is as well both |
13634s | these teams have really good theory |
13635s | crafters and we're going to get to see |
13637s | an absolute Joy |
13639s | Mr come out what do you make of these |
13640s | bands here so Locker engine jar is |
13642s | batting at the bar guys the EOS and the |
13643s | oneros with extras Banning the |
13645s | Battleground looking Armageddon I mean |
13648s | again I think these are probably the |
13650s | most common bands that we've seen this |
13652s | entire tournament so far for the first |
13653s | day I don't think we've really seen much |
13655s | that deviates from these bands that |
13657s | we're seeing here I think every team has |
13659s | banned this in some fashion or other |
13661s | um nice |
13665s | um yeah it's again just wanting to |
13667s | remove the ability to apply long-range |
13668s | news with the Armageddon |
13670s | um I can't remember exactly what Exodus |
13672s | is Flagship is I would be willing to bet |
13676s | it's probably a bar guest I would lean |
13678s | bar guest but I can't quite remember |
13680s | because I know there was a good |
13681s | selection of vindicators as well do you |
13683s | know who knows these things and is never |
13684s | wrong twitch chat tell us twitch twitch |
13686s | chat can you let us know who uh what |
13688s | ship they have chosen as their Flags I |
13690s | think it's the bar guest I want to lean |
13692s | back yeah so the bar gas band is fairly |
13694s | interesting if that is the case |
13696s | because twitch that doesn't seem to know |
13698s | Griffin it's the flagship Griffin yes |
13700s | okay you sure it's not the panther yeah |
13703s | Vindicator for lock range enjoys what I |
13705s | know that one yeah Exodus please team |
13707s | get it oh get it that's right yeah so |
13709s | Banning the gedden on The Exodus side |
13711s | yes would allow them to bring their |
13713s | Flagship again without fear of being |
13716s | counted yeah and it sounds like the |
13717s | flagship going to be fielded here thanks |
13718s | Shanna Al Bell uh for your uh your cool |
13722s | production on this tournament without |
13723s | you we couldn't have done this part |
13725s | exactly |
13726s | um so Flagship gedden |
13729s | um interesting choice um why jintan make |
13731s | my team take a flagship again |
13733s | um so the flagship again gains a huge |
13736s | amount of power from the ability to fit |
13738s | faction newts |
13740s | um I don't remember if you can use Dead |
13741s | Space ones or not I think it might just |
13743s | be faction I'll have to track the rules |
13745s | in a little bit but effectively you can |
13747s | uh project you know 50 60 70 kilometer |
13750s | newts out onto the field and that means |
13752s | that no matter where your enemy T2 |
13754s | Logistics warps in you can turn it off |
13756s | and that is incredibly powerful it lets |
13758s | you just have a massive rep advantage |
13760s | and key uh key to that is the fact that |
13763s | it will turn off your opponent's prop |
13764s | mods as well which means that you can |
13766s | quickly burn tackle over and you don't |
13768s | have to worry about anything other than |
13769s | your opponent's screening you off and |
13772s | that lets you lock up all of your |
13773s | opponents tackle very very early on in |
13774s | the match and then your DPS ships will |
13776s | have almost complete free |
13778s | maneuverability around the field |
13780s | awesome I'm just looking at the twitch |
13781s | points here it's fairly even extra 720 |
13785s | 000 twitch Channel points to lockrange |
13787s | enjoyers 880 000 twitch Channel points |
13791s | so not far off of 50 50 to be honest a |
13793s | little bit more favoring lock range |
13795s | enjoyers but I mean let's find out who's |
13798s | going to get all those Channel points |
13799s | and who's going to lose all of their |
13800s | Channel points as we go to lock range |
13802s | enjoyers versus Exodus |
13809s | hello everybody Welcome to the arena I'm |
13811s | the Basilisk joined by the wrinkly brain |
13813s | and buttery smooth voice of fear Viner |
13816s | Fair how are you doing how are you |
13817s | looking forward to this one |
13818s | I'm doing very well and today I see one |
13822s | of my favorite things ever which is |
13824s | Shield rush and uh double Nighthawk uh |
13829s | Shield rush and that all caldari except |
13831s | for that skybreaker coming in from the |
13833s | side of Exodus meanwhile what do we see |
13836s | from Lock range enjoyers well I feel |
13838s | like lock range enjoys a little bit of |
13840s | inside knowledge here I think they've |
13841s | been doing some strumming with Hydra and |
13842s | we see them loving the power of this |
13844s | Navy execro as Hydra did and it will |
13846s | truce on a light or the Justice League |
13848s | whatever you want to call them uh |
13849s | earlier in the day so they clearly think |
13851s | these ships are powerful in their own |
13852s | right and they've decided to bring three |
13854s | of these Navy executors of course |
13855s | rebalance someone in the uprising patch |
13857s | they now get a massive I think it's 25 |
13859s | per level bonus to gun damage and they |
13861s | only lost one gun in the process so I |
13863s | expect these Navy electorals to |
13864s | absolutely spew out damage |
13867s | yeah and it looks like a rush mirror |
13868s | matchup if I'm looking at the ship |
13870s | models correctly so it's going to be |
13872s | very broadly matching over pretty |
13874s | quickly looks like uh dual 180s |
13877s | potentially on uh that uh near so |
13881s | this does appear to be Rush |
13883s | yeah this is going to be a very high DPS |
13885s | compare I think this is going to be well |
13887s | both of these comps I think this match |
13888s | is going to be determined rather quickly |
13890s | off the match starts because obviously |
13891s | one team is going to start taking down |
13893s | ships faster than the other and then |
13894s | it's going to snowball a little bit so |
13896s | um yeah I think both these teams are |
13897s | gonna |
13898s | well they would both ideally of liked to |
13901s | rush into each other but maybe we'll |
13902s | sort of see one team decide actually |
13904s | that this match up against another Rush |
13906s | the other Rush might be Rush here and |
13907s | decide actually they want to try and |
13908s | kite it out but I'm not really sure |
13909s | which of these things that might be |
13912s | correction I misread the models so those |
13914s | are 720s on the uh |
13917s | on the slap nears uh so these are |
13919s | already slaps now I actually have to |
13920s | take a look at these exact navies and |
13922s | see what they I think these are |
13923s | rail execs so they may actually try and |
13925s | kite around here in this sort of rather |
13926s | unconventional Shield kite Compass may |
13928s | turn out to be |
13930s | yeah those are rails so this is actually |
13933s | a kite comp we said it was Rush on the |
13935s | start no it's not kite versus Rush uh |
13938s | faster kiting setup with these slipkners |
13940s | and these acts like navies versus the |
13941s | much slower Nighthawks but the Drake |
13942s | Navy and the orthos definitely on that |
13945s | faster side alongside the caracal Navy |
13946s | issue we'll see how that plays out as we |
13948s | begin the match and we'll see how the |
13950s | teams want to start it in The Kite back |
13952s | immediately from the sidewalk range |
13956s | enjoyers as the rush comes in from |
13959s | Exodus as expected |
13961s | yeah and this lock range enjoys comp |
13964s | it's going to be very very dependent on |
13966s | individual piloting to manage to kite |
13967s | out here because I mean they've got to |
13969s | deal their comp on the whole their top |
13971s | end is fast the slippers are faster than |
13972s | The Nighthawks but they're still going |
13973s | to deal with these cruises the Osprey |
13974s | Navy the caracal and they haven't |
13975s | actually got any control on their side |
13977s | in the form like a hyena or a Loki or |
13979s | some sort of long-range web that can go |
13980s | in and Tackle things down and stop the |
13982s | rush coming into them so it's going to |
13984s | be dependent on how well they can sort |
13986s | of assess their own position assess the |
13987s | incoming push of these Nighthawks and |
13989s | Drake Navy and figure out where they |
13991s | want to be on the field |
13992s | Professor Zale going for the stream |
13994s | potentially on this Nighthawk uh of |
13997s | vidtone from The Exodus side uh that's |
14001s | sad instead they're gonna try to get |
14002s | towards this back line maybe uh find the |
14005s | lodgies the Nighthawk has been |
14006s | completely Untouched by tackle no tackle |
14008s | months if you look at the screen right |
14010s | now the control bars are tiny and |
14012s | there's no tackle being shown just a |
14014s | little bit of weapon disruption towards |
14015s | Exodus now the Navy exec of lock range |
14017s | enjoyers of Striker has finally been |
14020s | wept and scrammed so Exodus should start |
14022s | shooting a primary target but look at |
14024s | the damage it's been split from Lock |
14025s | range enjoyers they've been poking and |
14027s | prodding and might be going towards |
14029s | Captain blast a hoe on this caracal Navy |
14031s | issue yeah he's burned in this they |
14033s | split all the DPS Trends onto tin Baron |
14035s | and the Osprey here obviously DPS drones |
14037s | he can't really effectively wrap himself |
14039s | in that type one lodgy but I thought the |
14040s | caracal maybe of Captain blasto might go |
14042s | in for a tackle there but um of course I |
14044s | know sorry that they're on the they're |
14046s | on the same team of course he won't |
14048s | um but yeah I mean this was probably now |
14049s | I think they are starting to take chunks |
14051s | from these rails and the artilleries of |
14052s | the slept near and the and the exact |
14054s | navies yeah Natori uh being the primary |
14057s | from the side of lock range enjoyers |
14060s | he's now volleyed through the armor into |
14063s | structure as well but Tim Baron will be |
14065s | traded and he goes down first so the |
14066s | Ospreys being traded off the start of |
14068s | the match but now look at the health |
14070s | Exodus has missing a lot more Shields |
14073s | than lock range enjoyers |
14075s | yeah they've got a lot more base stats |
14076s | with those command ships than Nighthawks |
14078s | obviously very very beefy and then the |
14079s | Navy Drake Tanki as well I know those |
14081s | Navy Executives of course they are going |
14082s | to be Shield fit which is going to be |
14083s | quite limiting in terms of how much tank |
14085s | they can field so it is going to be |
14086s | entirely dependent on how they can |
14088s | mitigate damage by staying away here and |
14090s | I think this is a good call here from |
14092s | lot range enjoys the way they're playing |
14093s | this out is just playing it slow dealing |
14096s | with the fast ships they're taking out |
14097s | the old spray they to deal with reps |
14098s | they take out the Navy oils prey now |
14099s | they're starting to work on this nibby |
14101s | Cara calendar jackdaw and once they get |
14102s | rid of those fall ships they'll be able |
14103s | to then essentially kite around the |
14105s | Nighthawk In Perpetual in perpetuity |
14107s | yeah really smart call from Lock range |
14110s | enjoyers bringing the kite comp and not |
14112s | bringing any dams right they had some |
14114s | missile disruption maybe thinking uh |
14116s | that this Nighthawk Rush might have come |
14118s | up from Exodus and we see here just how |
14121s | well fast kite works against slower |
14125s | Shield Rush this is why we talk about |
14127s | near rush in place of the Nighthawk |
14129s | rush because in a mirror matchup The |
14130s | Nighthawks beat the slapners into |
14132s | resistance holes but outside of that the |
14134s | Nighthawk is a much slower ship and |
14136s | we're seeing these giant Hawks not get |
14137s | on top of anything caracal Navy of |
14139s | blasto going down and next will be |
14142s | deathwind as well just beautiful |
14143s | piloting from Lock range enjoyers to win |
14145s | this match yeah blasterjoho goes in to |
14148s | get tackle on gruncado and I think he |
14149s | got a web on him for a couple seconds |
14150s | there but lock range enjoyed his |
14152s | immediately just turn around and blast |
14153s | him into outer space and say that maybe |
14155s | caracal is gone and deathwind is going |
14156s | to be next here |
14158s | for Exodus yeah it's translating for it |
14162s | but it's a little bit too little too |
14163s | late you got these real exact navies |
14164s | that have been completely untouched the |
14166s | other two slept nears far off the fight |
14168s | the only thing nearby is this hecatee |
14170s | but he's uh in structure and he's been |
14172s | able to burn out as well and so this |
14175s | orthos of Marcus Drayson going down |
14177s | they're gonna save these Nighthawks for |
14179s | a last and eat their uh cake after |
14182s | they've dealt with the uh main meal that |
14186s | is the low end of Exodus |
14189s | yeah so as this match is going to sort |
14191s | of slowly draw out to a close the points |
14192s | are still kind of close but I think lock |
14194s | range enjoys us we've been saying are |
14195s | just going to slowly Whittle down these |
14197s | ships to the left without much sort of |
14198s | recourse what do you think about the 3x |
14200s | secure navies I mentioned at the start |
14202s | do you think they've sort of flown under |
14203s | the radar a little bit we've seen lots |
14205s | and lots of bands and picks come out of |
14206s | the Armageddon Navy everyone seems to |
14208s | have jumped on that as then you know |
14209s | it's been rebalanced it's the new big |
14210s | thing do you think the Navy exec Hall |
14212s | could also sort of be potentially a |
14214s | really really strong ship that a lot of |
14216s | teams might not have noticed |
14218s | I think so as well I think the cruiser |
14221s | rebalance changes a lot of people were |
14222s | focused on the hacks and how oh no the |
14225s | Cerberus doesn't exist in our Shield |
14227s | kite setups anymore but we see they |
14229s | found a replacement in the exact Navy |
14230s | not only does it cost fewer points so |
14232s | you can field more of them with those |
14233s | Point uh with those Point penalties |
14236s | coming through but also you just have |
14238s | really strong damage on medium railguns |
14241s | which is not something a lot of people |
14242s | think about uh outside of the older kind |
14245s | of Octodad setups where you had |
14247s | you know medium rail guns on Battle |
14250s | Cruisers uh this time around medium rail |
14252s | guards on Cruisers with Artie's on the |
14255s | uh battle Cruisers has been how they won |
14258s | and uh we'll see if other teams decide |
14260s | to pick up on this uh this Army got a |
14262s | Navy still a very scary ship but also |
14264s | rapid Heavies we've seen only once today |
14266s | and it lost |
14268s | yeah we do see now they do finally |
14270s | managed to take down one of those |
14271s | overpowered Navy executors so maybe |
14273s | we'll be able to look at Zed kill in a |
14274s | couple minutes and have a look at that |
14275s | fit of major Jenkins and see what |
14277s | exactly it is that making is making |
14278s | those ships so powerful but I think you |
14280s | know vitone's going down the Nighthawk |
14282s | lot ranging Joys played this perfectly |
14283s | according to their wincon here they knew |
14285s | they could just kite around from the |
14286s | start and you know it wasn't it wasn't |
14288s | an easy match for them because dealing |
14291s | with a rush |
14292s | um you know when you haven't got that |
14293s | kind of long-range controllers can be |
14295s | very difficult |
14296s | um but they they performed it perfectly |
14299s | yep and the execution is very good from |
14302s | both these teams normally we talked uh |
14305s | in the desk beforehand how high the |
14308s | execution typically has been from Exodus |
14310s | start and how high it's been from low |
14312s | cost primary now lock range enjoyers |
14314s | that said this is the English-speaking |
14316s | contingent of that Alliance it's split |
14318s | off into two parts which is lock range |
14320s | enjoys what you're watching right now |
14321s | and big yikes who's gonna be up against |
14323s | your team in uh hidden Leaf Village |
14326s | Ninja Assassin Squad Esports got the |
14328s | full name uh later today |
14332s | yeah and I I'm a fiend for day three I |
14335s | love day three of the alliance |
14336s | tournament it's when you see you know |
14337s | like the wheat has been separated from |
14338s | the chaff you've got good teams all over |
14340s | the bracket you know every match is a |
14342s | banger but at this stage here in day one |
14343s | sometimes you have less experienced |
14345s | teams less Guild teams but this is quite |
14348s | possibly I'd say overall the highest |
14350s | sort of total skill of both teams of the |
14352s | matchups that we've had today both these |
14353s | teams as we say are very very competent |
14355s | unfortunately it is going to be extras |
14357s | dropping down to the lower back bracket |
14358s | of their first entry into uh this |
14360s | Alliance store on 18 lock Rangers |
14361s | enjoyers are going to continue on so |
14363s | with that we're going to snap back to |
14364s | the desk |
14374s | thank you |
14379s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
14382s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
14384s | logo is in the game |
14385s | of course you could change your alliance |
14387s | by leaving but that would be kind of a |
14388s | jerk move that kind of oh you don't like |
14390s | it though it's Lego sucks I'm gonna go |
14392s | join |
14398s | thank you |
14400s | foreign |
14436s | [Music] |
14441s | lock range enjoyers they're enjoying |
14443s | their lock range indeed as they take |
14445s | that victory over Exodus in what looked |
14447s | relatively comfortable and we saw Bart |
14450s | some really interesting ships being |
14451s | fielded there by a lot range enjoyers uh |
14454s | tell me about them uh the big one that I |
14456s | think we saw and uh super relevant |
14458s | because of the new patch is the Navy |
14460s | executor and uh I was I was watching the |
14463s | match and I saw that it's all three of |
14464s | theirs were like breaking about 4K |
14466s | meters a second in speed which is very |
14469s | very fast for a cruiser and when you |
14472s | look at the other things about them um |
14473s | so they just recently got buffed they |
14475s | lost a turret but they gained like so |
14477s | much damage uh they do about 800 DPS as |
14481s | a short range ship they do they're using |
14483s | railguns they're extremely quick and I |
14486s | think that's what we saw them just |
14487s | completely wipe the floor uh there was a |
14489s | moment where Tim Baron gets tackled and |
14492s | then the entire team of lock range |
14495s | enjoyers swaps over and blows up the |
14496s | other Osprey at the same time and that |
14498s | Offspring wasn't tackled it was kiting |
14499s | as hard as it could and it just didn't |
14501s | matter because Navy executive railgun |
14503s | tracking is like that good |
14505s | and uh we are joined here on the desk by |
14507s | the wonderful the Beautiful the |
14509s | Bountiful ccpb CBB how are you today I'm |
14512s | feeling very good glad to be here glad |
14514s | to have you here what do you think of |
14516s | these Shield kiting rail executive |
14518s | navies is that something that you may |
14519s | fly roaming around on TQ I absolutely |
14522s | will be I was looking at it the other |
14523s | day as a blaster platform but after |
14525s | seeing this I need to try it as a rail |
14527s | kiter looked brutal yeah it was uh I I |
14530s | just didn't expect to see it uh I just |
14533s | didn't even consider that really is an |
14534s | option but then seeing them go as |
14535s | PowerPoint 4K a second uh the only thing |
14538s | about that is in the arena 125 |
14540s | kilometers if you go outside of that |
14542s | you're exploded immediately there is no |
14544s | grace period you're out you're gone uh |
14547s | the faster your ships the quicker that |
14549s | boundary approaches uh some people of |
14551s | course much more familiar with that |
14552s | boundary and others and we saw some |
14555s | questions actually about the boundary uh |
14556s | during the quiz that CP convict ran |
14559s | um at the at the intermission and the |
14561s | current record holder is azure and |
14563s | Argent uh I think two |
14566s | 132 kilometers or something like that |
14568s | which when you consider the boundary is |
14570s | 125 is uh some some crazy space Wizardry |
14574s | to get that far out |
14576s | other than that crazy executive Navy bar |
14578s | what else did uh you think about that |
14580s | match there |
14581s | um it was just it was a really really |
14582s | well set up uh so it was a fly killer |
14585s | setup uh which is one of those terms |
14587s | that it's been being thrown around in |
14589s | every at since like at least beginning |
14591s | since I started doing it but basically |
14593s | this we saw sleptner's but they're |
14595s | running artillery in it so it's |
14597s | different than any of the other slept |
14599s | nears like traditionally I think at |
14600s | least for the last couple years you see |
14601s | sleptner's they're Auto cannons and they |
14603s | rush you these are artillery sleptors |
14605s | that they kite around and they try and |
14607s | do a large amount of damage so the |
14609s | entire Locker range enjoyer team was |
14610s | just a very high DPS long range kiting |
14614s | setup without using missiles and we |
14616s | usually see it with missiles we saw it |
14617s | with uh with railguns artillery Etc and |
14621s | it just did really good they were able |
14622s | to pick any Target that they wanted and |
14624s | just blast it yeah great job there by |
14626s | the lock cringe enjoyers |
14628s | um which great team name by the way |
14630s | um Damascus Kadesh the captain uh |
14633s | obviously uh he was also in the Amara |
14634s | Championship uh with myself he was one |
14636s | of the uh fellow title holders |
14638s | um uh winning some silver magnates back |
14641s | in 2014 uh since then he's gone through |
14643s | a whole bunch of different tournaments |
14644s | including the event ones aligned to open |
14646s | lines tournaments and done pretty well |
14648s | uh so excited to see how they do this |
14650s | year now ccbb before you became ccpb we |
14654s | uh we all knew you from twitch uh as of |
14657s | course bjornby uh tell us about your |
14659s | your Eve streaming career |
14662s | um well I started about six seven years |
14664s | ago streaming Eve |
14665s | um can I find myself streaming all kinds |
14668s | of other games before I went into Eve |
14669s | and then just found just a bunch of |
14672s | viewers enjoying the fight the fact that |
14673s | I was uh |
14674s | switching to Eve full-time |
14677s | um I've since then transitioned to being |
14679s | a CCP employee very happy to be that but |
14682s | I feel I'm a little bit out of my |
14683s | element when it comes to these uh |
14684s | tournaments here I could feel it I did |
14687s | go to practice with a bunch of the Hydra |
14689s | guys and I felt there as well that I was |
14692s | in you know |
14693s | surrounded by really really confident |
14695s | pilots and it's kind of Bittersweet to |
14697s | be here I was meant to be in the uh |
14700s | what are they called again |
14705s | help me out here I don't know where |
14707s | we're going |
14709s | like yeah yeah playing on the grid yeah |
14710s | sorry I just blanked out completely yeah |
14712s | that's why uh but yeah um |
14715s | absolutely fumbling here |
14718s | it's super hard uh flying in those |
14721s | matches like I've flown it as well I've |
14722s | flown in live tournaments uh the Mr |
14724s | championship and in uh like events uh on |
14727s | stage and things like that and you can |
14729s | be like a super competent super |
14731s | experienced pilot like yourself on TQ |
14734s | rubbing around I'm sure when you roam |
14735s | you're completely relaxed you're chill |
14737s | in my limit yeah exactly and then |
14741s | um you warp into an alliance tournament |
14743s | match and no matter how experience you |
14744s | are if you're new to Alliance tournament |
14745s | stuff like you feel your heart rate |
14747s | Rising you feel it like you get the |
14749s | shakes coming back and things like that |
14750s | so I absolutely I absolutely get that uh |
14753s | bar you've flown in a bunch yourself I I |
14756s | did um it's been a couple years I uh I |
14758s | figured out the ultimate secret to |
14759s | enjoying the alliance tournament is to |
14762s | sort of divest yourself from really |
14764s | being a team member and a pilot so that |
14767s | you're like like losing sucks so bad |
14769s | like everybody knows losing sucks but |
14770s | like losing in the at is like extra |
14773s | sucky and as somebody that is kind of |
14775s | like |
14776s | done a couple fourth place wins wins uh |
14780s | then like repeatedly you know the first |
14782s | time you get fourth and you're like okay |
14784s | that's cool second time you get fourth |
14785s | and you're like we should have done |
14786s | better and then the third time you're |
14788s | just like okay I'm done with this |
14790s | I moved over to the commentating |
14791s | analysis side and I have a lot more fun |
14794s | mostly because |
14795s | my piloting isn't being scrutinized by |
14798s | everybody so I don't have to focus as |
14800s | hard I don't have to like uh worry about |
14803s | being like a top tier pilot like at this |
14805s | point I'm just total garbage at the game |
14807s | like there's certain things I'm still |
14808s | good at but this kind of stuff not |
14810s | anymore so I can kind of still look at |
14812s | it and understand it but yeah it is a |
14814s | totally different gameplay style than |
14815s | anything on TQ yeah it definitely is and |
14817s | just the fact that it's it's equal |
14820s | basically on both sides so you have to |
14822s | excel in in the 3D crafting and the |
14824s | execution like on TQ you can do other |
14827s | things like bring more people or |
14829s | um just like have better stuff but |
14831s | you're you're limited to 100 points |
14833s | worth of ships no more than 10 people it |
14835s | has to be fit this way you can't bring |
14837s | more than one Logistics Cruiser just |
14838s | stuff like that that kind of like evens |
14840s | this playing field and you have this |
14841s | this great storied history you know |
14843s | great teams over the years like uh like |
14846s | bald back in the day |
14848s | um uh of course camel Empire Hydra |
14850s | reload the pandemic Legion the most |
14851s | winningest team of all time five |
14853s | victories in the 18 Alliance tournaments |
14856s | well this one included |
14858s | um just incredible amount of history and |
14859s | then being part of that and then just |
14861s | feels like there's so much gone before |
14863s | you and every year people get better and |
14865s | better and better like if you took like |
14867s | a mid-range team I think from this year |
14869s | and you put them into like Alliance |
14870s | tournament 12 or 10 or something like |
14872s | that I'm sure they would do like super |
14874s | super well like people have just |
14875s | continued to push the boundary and get |
14877s | better and better and better |
14879s | yeah we're seeing that everywhere in the |
14881s | game I feel um if you would take any of |
14883s | the pilots today the solo Pilots the FCS |
14885s | doesn't matter where they play if you |
14887s | take them and pit them against me from |
14888s | 10 years ago it's not even not even |
14890s | close you know what I did find though |
14892s | really interesting getting to you know |
14894s | do a bit of scrimming leading up to this |
14896s | uh is the fact that this like you talked |
14898s | about this equal back and forth there is |
14901s | no more equal fight you can get |
14903s | technically and it's just skill |
14905s | expression completely uh I thought that |
14907s | was really interesting when when getting |
14908s | into scrim with some high-level players |
14910s | awesome now let's look at our next match |
14912s | which is only a couple of minutes away |
14914s | it's going to be no Forks given versus |
14916s | cast about so let's take a look at the |
14918s | bands here uh for for these two teams so |
14920s | no Forks given Banning out the balgorn |
14923s | the Armageddon Navy issue and the EOS |
14925s | becoming bar relatively standard band |
14928s | there and cast abouts as well buying |
14930s | barges Loki and Scimitar |
14933s | um pretty pretty standards there |
14934s | anything here that's kind of creative to |
14935s | you you know not really uh this is it's |
14938s | kind of been what we've been seeing um |
14939s | at least for this first day and you know |
14941s | as the day goes by you know tomorrow's |
14943s | going to be a different minute next week |
14944s | it's probably going to be wild but uh we |
14946s | do see a lot of teams really afraid of |
14948s | like the balgorn and the Armageddon Navy |
14950s | issue you know post uh post changes is |
14953s | pretty much a balgorn that shoots |
14955s | missiles instead of lasers I mean it |
14956s | doesn't have the webs but it's still |
14957s | pretty strong |
14958s | um and then you know on the cast about |
14960s | side like the Scimitar band really hurts |
14963s | your ability to kite and then the Loki |
14965s | band also really hurts like some of the |
14968s | kiting stuff so I'm not seeing anything |
14970s | particularly different and crazy here |
14971s | but you're starting to see an a band |
14973s | meta evolve and I was talking to uh CCP |
14976s | Swift over in the other room and was |
14979s | like oh like you know it's gonna be |
14981s | really interesting seeing like even |
14982s | tomorrow just how the bands have started |
14985s | to form because I think we're going to |
14986s | see a pattern of like these balgorns |
14988s | these get navies these eoses and maybe a |
14990s | little bit of the Bargas too awesome |
14992s | let's see if we can just take a quick |
14993s | look at the history of the cast about |
14995s | team here because I just wanted to |
14996s | highlight them they're a really cool |
14998s | team so they are made up of members who |
15001s | are in the center for advanced studies |
15003s | the default starter Corp for uh one of |
15005s | the caldari Bloodlines and they never |
15007s | leave they just stay in that starter |
15009s | Corp they have never left it because |
15010s | once you leave you cannot rejoin it and |
15013s | they compete in the alliance room as the |
15015s | center for advanced studies it's a super |
15017s | cool thing people normally see someone |
15019s | in a starter Corp and think hey look at |
15020s | this Noob I'm going to gank them and |
15022s | then they just get wrecked by the Caster |
15023s | votes guys so they've been playing for |
15025s | for many years 55 different people have |
15028s | flown for them in the alliance |
15029s | tournament and they've lost a little bit |
15031s | more than they have one uh they've |
15033s | always been sort of like a mid-tier team |
15034s | I always like to see them they've won |
15036s | most recently against the band apart |
15038s | Penn is out uh Wormhole Poverty Law |
15041s | Foundation 404 Alliance not found and |
15043s | it's only pixels and the teams that |
15046s | they've lost against pretty reasonable |
15047s | teams here so Volta bright side of death |
15049s | Hard Knock citizens back in line student |
15051s | 15 when they were quite good actually |
15052s | Brightside to death once again and dream |
15055s | Fleet so really a really interesting |
15057s | team and a very unique part of Alliance |
15059s | to Urban history the the cast about it |
15061s | so always happy to see them now I |
15063s | believe the teams have landed on grid so |
15066s | we are ready to go to the arena and see |
15068s | who's going to win between norfolks |
15069s | given and cast about |
15077s | Hello everybody welcome back to the |
15078s | arena cast about and no folks given |
15080s | lining up in front of us here no folks |
15082s | given actually bringing a ship that we |
15083s | haven't seen so far today in fact the |
15084s | multiple ships we haven't seen today |
15085s | they've brought Chronos they brought in |
15087s | a shimu and they brought two arbitrators |
15088s | I don't think we've seen any of those so |
15090s | far in the day and I think uh I I I'm a |
15093s | big arbitrator fan I'll be honest I |
15095s | think they're pretty powerful fear what |
15096s | about Caster belts what do you think of |
15097s | their comp |
15098s | I mean they brought one of the bus ships |
15100s | Dominic's Navy issue alongside these |
15102s | dual hurricane fleets in the orthos site |
15104s | Fleet I would have to imagine uh that |
15107s | these are in fact autocannon uh fit uh |
15111s | wait are these never mind I said I |
15114s | imagine their Auto Cannon fit hfis they |
15116s | are not they're 720 fit uh much like the |
15118s | slump mirrors from last time around |
15119s | which is a little bit interesting |
15121s | considering you have a Dominic's Navy on |
15123s | your team |
15124s | yeah and these side Fleet issues I think |
15125s | are also rapid light fits so I imagine |
15127s | these Cruisers the authors deciph Fleet |
15129s | and the hurricane Fleet as you're saying |
15130s | are probably going to try and kite |
15131s | around but then that as you say that |
15132s | begs the question why then choose the |
15134s | Dominic's Navy it seems like a very |
15136s | oh it's an unusual choice for this comp |
15138s | and the other thing that we haven't |
15139s | really touched on here is this this is a |
15141s | comp without Logie from Caster belts |
15143s | which I think has perhaps been one of |
15145s | their trademarks in previous years they |
15146s | loved if I remember correctly they love |
15149s | bringing sort of whole Rush comps comps |
15150s | without a huge amount of logistic |
15153s | staying power that just that just |
15154s | charging and try and beat you in the |
15155s | first couple of minutes without getting |
15157s | attrition down but this is a this is a |
15159s | mixed bag they've got here with this |
15160s | Dominic's Navy it's a little bit sort of |
15162s | fish out of water situation here |
15164s | start of the match both teams burning |
15165s | away from each other but the tackle of |
15167s | cast about is moving in size Fleet issue |
15169s | going to be uh the first primary uh from |
15172s | the side no Forks given though as uh he |
15175s | dips into low Shields but as you |
15177s | mentioned cast abouts they're lodgy less |
15178s | so you can tank the Scythe lead issue |
15180s | however you want uh still dipping into |
15182s | armor and uh doesn't seem to be armor |
15185s | tanks didn't seem to have a whole lot of |
15186s | shields left in them we'll see if he has |
15187s | Hull doesn't look like it either uh |
15190s | actually he has some plates nope he's |
15191s | nope |
15192s | of course I guess the one upside you |
15195s | could say about this customer's comp of |
15196s | not bringing uh any lodges you're not |
15198s | particularly hamstringed by abiding by |
15200s | the usual rules of you know this ship |
15203s | goes with that ship they seem to have |
15204s | brought a real kitchen sink kind of |
15206s | Fleet here and I'm not they don't seem |
15208s | to have made too much impact so far |
15210s | they've broken the shields in the ashimu |
15211s | but of course that's an entirely armored |
15213s | tanked comp from the no Forks get inside |
15215s | and of course with the sort of well |
15217s | fairly standard Thalia Deacon combo they |
15219s | haven't really made much progress here |
15220s | and they need to start making some |
15221s | progress ASAP the longer this goes on |
15223s | the more DPS they're going to lose and |
15224s | the harder it's going to get yeah but if |
15226s | you note on the fancy UI right now at |
15229s | the bottom of your screen uh tracking |
15231s | disruptions going three ways across the |
15233s | uh two hurricane fleets on the Navy |
15234s | brutex and also missile disruptions on |
15237s | this orthos and Fleet site so these |
15238s | arbitrators having value right now |
15240s | making it harder for cast abouts to |
15242s | actually hit any Targets at the moment |
15245s | so far they've gotten zero points |
15246s | they're about to lose another side Fleet |
15248s | issue although he's able to break a |
15249s | little bit away from this high |
15250s | projection low tackle uh comp that |
15253s | norfolk's given has bring they're onto |
15254s | this orthodist though and he's got XL |
15256s | ASP charges but that's not nearly enough |
15258s | to deal with the Paladin and a Chronos |
15260s | blapping you |
15261s | yeah and at this point it's just really |
15263s | looking dire for Caster belts if you've |
15264s | played two minutes of the match with |
15266s | these comps and you haven't really made |
15267s | much of an impact it's just not going to |
15268s | get any better as this Fleet size for |
15269s | David is going to go down very shortly |
15271s | probably soon to be followed by the |
15273s | authors of Kai and I mean yeah these |
15275s | arbitrators as you say from the fancy UI |
15277s | these tracking disruptors will work |
15278s | wreaking absolute havoc on these |
15279s | hurricane fleets and I mean we we |
15281s | obviously don't have information as to |
15283s | how well they're hitting or not hitting |
15285s | but they don't seem to be well it must |
15287s | be working to some effect obviously |
15288s | they're not killing anything |
15290s | no they're not killing anything at all |
15292s | on the side Fleet issue finally goes |
15293s | down uh Burns a little bit back into the |
15295s | range of these Paladin guns and he gets |
15297s | blocked the authoris uh able to rep back |
15299s | up through those xlsb charges but look |
15301s | hurricane Fleet issue of Naz is the |
15304s | Target now for no Forks given they have |
15306s | lost zero ships thus far in this |
15309s | hurricane Fleet issue he's dipped in |
15311s | armor doesn't seem like he had a whole |
15312s | lot of tank and uh it doesn't seem to |
15314s | have those Hull uh Buffs either so |
15317s | instantly blapping through him and it |
15319s | looks like this one is all over for cast |
15321s | abouts |
15322s | yeah it's I have to question really I |
15326s | mean Ithaca said on the desk Caster |
15327s | belts they turn up every year so credits |
15328s | them for for consistently you know |
15330s | participating and as if they said it's a |
15333s | new player call from uh Center of dance |
15335s | studies so they they're welcome to you |
15337s | know NPC Court players |
15339s | um but I have to sort of question |
15341s | when there is |
15343s | you know like a sort of accepted |
15345s | standard of of logic is good you should |
15349s | probably bring it and they seem to so |
15351s | consistently Buck the trend and decide |
15353s | not to bring it and I I really wonder |
15355s | whether you know what evidence they have |
15357s | to suggest that this is a good decision |
15360s | now not only that I mean you had this |
15363s | dual arbitrator and we haven't really |
15364s | talked a whole lot I mean we've |
15366s | mentioned it we haven't really talked a |
15368s | whole lot uh outside of potentially that |
15370s | uh paper numbers Odin's call match about |
15372s | the effectiveness of scripted tracking |
15375s | disruptors and scripted uh unscripted uh |
15378s | sensor dampeners right uh those are |
15380s | allowed in the tournament they're not |
15381s | allowed to be tack two but they are |
15382s | allowed on a meta level with the scripts |
15384s | which makes them better than an |
15385s | unscripted Tech too and what we're |
15387s | seeing here is that if you don't bring a |
15390s | comp that has an answer to tracking |
15392s | disrupters on the other team brought |
15394s | tracking disruptors you're gonna have a |
15396s | really bad time especially when they're |
15398s | trying to kite out that's why we've seen |
15399s | a lot of Rush setups and we've seen kite |
15401s | setups rely more heavily on having their |
15404s | own e-war to stop the potential uh from |
15407s | uh these uh support Cruisers or these |
15412s | e-war Cruisers yeah and the other thing |
15414s | that that that's relevant to that |
15415s | discussion is cost about com also is |
15417s | lacking on links they had those three |
15419s | battle cruises but none of them actually |
15421s | have links bonus and most importantly |
15422s | none of them have info links bonus and |
15424s | if you look at the numbers the most |
15426s | effective way to deal with tracking |
15428s | disruptors is to run that info link that |
15429s | resists against evil disruption because |
15431s | against damps sensor boosts are actually |
15433s | pretty good because not only do they |
15435s | counter damps they counter ECM and it's |
15437s | like a 120 bonus to scan res or |
15439s | targeting range or something |
15441s | um with the sensor boost which is |
15442s | actually pretty good track and computers |
15444s | on the other hand kind of suck so if you |
15446s | want to deal with |
15448s | track tracking disruption I would say |
15450s | the info link that resists against evor |
15452s | is pretty much necessary and they really |
15454s | don't have a good boat to put it on |
15455s | there so they're just feeling the full |
15457s | force of these tracking disrupters from |
15458s | those arbitrates and it's really really |
15459s | difficult for these well it has been |
15461s | difficult for the hurricanes and brutics |
15463s | to actually do much of anything here |
15465s | the other option obviously is remote |
15467s | tracking computers uh being more |
15469s | powerful than local tracking computers |
15471s | uh but you have to really like know that |
15474s | you're going to get use out of them or |
15475s | you have typically it's a command Dusty |
15477s | with the ability to have that extra mid |
15480s | slot because I don't really want to be |
15482s | tackling anything and then get getting |
15483s | really close that is the ability to |
15485s | potentially deal with that as well but |
15486s | as we saw no bonus link ships no command |
15488s | SES nothing that could have brought rtcs |
15491s | even uh for cast abouts and as we see |
15495s | when you're up against a higher |
15498s | projection comp when you're in a kite |
15499s | comp that's forced to come close you're |
15501s | just going to end up eating the floor |
15504s | of course the other thing is as well if |
15506s | you bring let's say a command Destroyer |
15508s | you can put three links on it and then |
15509s | put a fourth link offline and then you |
15511s | land on the grid and you say okay well |
15513s | we don't actually need this info link if |
15515s | you come up against a comp you know |
15516s | maybe that doesn't have much control and |
15517s | you say okay well we don't need the or |
15519s | resist you Offline that one and then you |
15520s | can online something else and get that |
15521s | sort of extra trade-off of having that |
15523s | extra link depending on what you're up |
15524s | against which is it could be pretty |
15526s | handy but cost about here look like |
15527s | they're going to go down 100 to zero |
15528s | here no Forks given are just going to |
15530s | slowly squeeze them out of this match |
15532s | um with the three minutes remaining just |
15534s | to briefly touch and as we I mentioned |
15535s | at the start the Chronos what do you |
15537s | make of the Chronos in the alliance |
15538s | tournament |
15539s | uh it's a ship that exists I think one |
15542s | thing that we've been seeing uh a lot of |
15545s | even though they are not buffed for the |
15546s | at remember the Bastion module which is |
15548s | the big thing that allowed Marauders to |
15550s | be as prevalent as they are on TQ |
15551s | recently uh it does not exist but we see |
15555s | some teams decide to bring uh Marauders |
15558s | and why they do that is because |
15559s | Marauders all have projection bonuses uh |
15563s | and have eight guns worth of DPS right |
15566s | so uh with that and and they typically |
15569s | have a very good slot layout as well uh |
15571s | so with that they're able to uh then |
15574s | build a higher projection comp without |
15577s | getting some of the more damage lacking |
15579s | high production ships such as the apoc |
15581s | and the apoc Navy although the apoc Navy |
15583s | did get a little bit of a buff uh this |
15585s | patch |
15586s | um and being able to project out a bit |
15589s | more they're also very resistant to ewar |
15591s | they have very long lock ranges so |
15593s | things like sensor dampeners don't |
15594s | really affect them that much although |
15596s | once again they can be tracking |
15597s | disrupted even though they all have |
15599s | these kind of projection bonuses |
15601s | yeah I think in this company no folks |
15603s | given here it's like the centerpiece of |
15604s | their comp is these two armor Marauders |
15606s | and they've decided rather than bringing |
15607s | two paladins they've opted for a paladin |
15609s | acronos whether that's the right call I |
15611s | don't know I'd have to do some Theory |
15612s | crafting on the comp but uh it seems to |
15614s | have worked out for them pretty well and |
15615s | as you say as well both these Marauders |
15617s | obviously have a bunch of high slots for |
15618s | utility they can whack newts in there |
15620s | which obviously very effective against |
15621s | you know if you come up against a high |
15622s | period or a Vindicator or whatever |
15624s | something cap Reliant you can shut them |
15626s | down pretty easily |
15627s | um but this is going to be the end of |
15628s | the road here for well not the only |
15630s | gonna drop down to lower bracket but in |
15632s | this match uh cost about unfortunately |
15633s | are going to be shut out |
15635s | yep and one of the uh handful of new |
15639s | player-oriented alliances that are in |
15640s | the tournament the other one's of course |
15642s | being brave and pandemic horde uh Brave |
15644s | having a much longer tournament history |
15646s | uh as well much like Caster bouts |
15649s | um but the thing about castabouts is on |
15651s | TQ is that they pull from NPC corpse uh |
15654s | a lot of the time so uh something that |
15657s | you might see and in fact we do see some |
15659s | members uh have from this team uh being |
15663s | technically mercenaries from those MPC |
15665s | Corps as well who haven't quite taken |
15666s | the step forward uh into the rest of the |
15670s | game so it's a great starting place for |
15671s | people on TQ but when you have this kind |
15674s | of revolving door of people moving past |
15675s | uh later you not don't have a lot of |
15678s | institutional knowledge continuing |
15680s | through the team |
15681s | yeah I think that's a really good point |
15683s | but I think Caster belts is providing |
15684s | something really really valuable which |
15686s | is is sort of an entry point for players |
15688s | who maybe do want to try and get some |
15689s | Alliance tournament experience but um |
15690s | you know maybe not established in their |
15692s | own particular player court maybe if |
15693s | they think you know if they join you |
15695s | know if you join Brave you're competing |
15696s | with I don't know 110 billion other |
15698s | players for a slot in a 10-man team |
15700s | whereas |
15701s | okay you you may have a better chart a |
15703s | shot at actually getting some light |
15705s | storm experience before you then move on |
15707s | um or indeed don't |
15710s | yep moving on to the lower bracket uh |
15712s | they will be facing if I remember |
15715s | correctly they will be facing Exodus uh |
15718s | so uh not a matchup you want to really |
15721s | get into in the lower bracket but one |
15723s | that they're gonna have to take anyway |
15724s | we're gonna send it back to the desk uh |
15726s | before we bring up your team versus big |
15728s | yikes |
15730s | foreign |
15744s | [Music] |
15749s | guys stop being casual they're really |
15751s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
15754s | warp off take the fleet warp everybody |
15756s | warp off this is a really really bad |
15758s | execution I'm very disappointed |
15766s | [Music] |
15773s | thank you |
15776s | Crush our enemies your attempts are |
15779s | completely damned out Crush I'm dumped |
15781s | out I'm dumped out you don't like Travis |
15783s | boys again |
15790s | I'm jammed |
15801s | foreign |
15809s | there with a commanding 100-0 victory |
15813s | over the cast about |
15815s | um in uh just pretty much excellently |
15817s | flown by no farts given there uh to |
15820s | secure themselves that Victory now black |
15822s | part pirate that looked like a a bit of |
15824s | a what we used to call a fly killer |
15826s | setup that Casper it's brought there |
15828s | what is a fly killer setup and um you |
15831s | you said that maybe that wasn't the most |
15832s | optimal flag color setup no uh what we |
15836s | actually just saw from Lock range |
15837s | enjoyers what is probably now a more |
15839s | modern one and then it's cool because we |
15841s | got to see it work and we gotta see it |
15843s | not work and a fly killer setup is like |
15846s | basically set up to be able to take out |
15849s | small ships very very quickly uh you |
15851s | know I think if you've been watching at |
15852s | since forever ago then you'd have seen |
15855s | the like original boom headshot ad |
15858s | um which I believe was Hydra reloaded uh |
15860s | where they basically had a bunch of |
15861s | artillery ships just alfing things off |
15863s | the grid every single cycle so it |
15865s | doesn't work quite as well anymore |
15866s | there's been a lot of game changes |
15867s | regarding like signature tracking cetera |
15870s | but what you saw instead is they're |
15872s | still using artillery ships but now |
15874s | we're using a lot more like railgun |
15875s | ships so executive Navy's is kind of the |
15877s | big one that we just saw one match ago |
15879s | this specific one we saw them try to do |
15882s | it with hurricane Fleet issues |
15884s | Scythe Fleet issues with rapid lights |
15886s | which is a little weird and orthosis so |
15889s | we got this like |
15890s | kind of a combination of a rapid light |
15893s | kite with artillery slope mirrors and it |
15896s | there are artillery hurting Fleet issues |
15898s | and it just didn't work like there |
15899s | wasn't enough application or damage |
15902s | um |
15902s | from any of it's like he kind of almost |
15904s | had it on one end you almost had it on |
15905s | the other end and then at the end you |
15906s | just kind of got rolled and also they |
15908s | brought a Navy Dominics which uh I asked |
15910s | you I was like has a single Navy |
15911s | Dominics won yet and it's an at |
15913s | tradition where Navy domics is never win |
15916s | ever because they look really good on |
15918s | paper but then they actually aren't and |
15920s | it seems like we may still be continuing |
15921s | that even though they have been buffed |
15923s | significantly I still believe in the |
15925s | potato I think it's going to pull on in |
15926s | for sure I think it's gonna I think it |
15928s | must do this year like it's been buffed |
15930s | enough and we're seeing a lot more of |
15931s | them it used to be so rare you would see |
15933s | one that you knew that whoever was |
15935s | bringing this probably just saw the |
15937s | numbers on paper went look how high the |
15939s | DPS and the ship is wow how could we |
15941s | possibly lose and then they lost because |
15943s | the chip is pretty garbage but now it's |
15945s | been buffed it's actually like |
15947s | reasonable so it could win it could |
15950s | happen someone do it please uh when |
15952s | prover's wrong I love being proven wrong |
15954s | but speaking of ships and new ships uh |
15956s | let's check in with CCP Aurora and find |
15958s | out a little bit about the new ships in |
15960s | the uprising expansion |
15969s | you've already seen eight new ships |
15971s | released last month and with Uprising |
15973s | expansion we're expanding the selection |
15975s | of navy ships even further with a new |
15977s | set of Navy destroyers for each faction |
15980s | as well as navy dreadnoughts we chose |
15982s | these ships because they'll fill some |
15984s | gaps in the existing Navy lineup as well |
15986s | as creating new and diverse engagements |
15988s | in the fashion Warfare ecosystem with |
15990s | the dreadnoughts we wanted to give |
15991s | players something that was really |
15993s | aspirational a large goal to work |
15995s | towards something really special and |
15996s | something that will help to mix up the |
15999s | capital ecosystem elsewhere in the game |
16001s | we want to find new and unique uses for |
16003s | these ships in the Eve online ecosystem |
16005s | that isn't just going to step on the |
16007s | toes of other existing vessels each |
16010s | faction has their own like kind of like |
16013s | mini guidelines regarding that the |
16015s | Phoenix is uh for example like a ship |
16018s | that uh needed to be updated the base |
16021s | Phoenix itself is getting all the uh new |
16024s | textures and model pieces that the Navy |
16027s | one has minus some details that we just |
16031s | uniquely made for the for the Navy |
16033s | version for every animation or if I |
16036s | stayed the ship can go in we've added |
16038s | more animations incorporating uh VFX so |
16042s | like if something is moving there's a |
16045s | really good chance that the zombie |
16047s | effects are involved the end and uh |
16049s | highlighting that I can't wait to see |
16051s | these ships get into your hands see what |
16053s | you do with them and look at the deaths |
16055s | on ziko |
16063s | thank you to CCP Aurora there uh those |
16065s | are some incredible new ships the new |
16068s | Navy dreadnoughts are absolutely |
16069s | fantastic I remember when I saw the |
16071s | video of that morals Navy for the first |
16073s | time just such an angry boy going all |
16075s | red and Smoky just oh they're so cool I |
16078s | can't wait to see some people using them |
16080s | on TQ and losing them I imagine they're |
16082s | going to be quite expensive uh there's |
16083s | going to be some some pretty dank kill |
16086s | meals coming from that now ccbb uh |
16089s | you're obviously well known for leading |
16090s | uh like public fleets and Rome's and |
16092s | things like that on your stream and I |
16094s | saw on zedco uh that you took what |
16097s | looked to be a bunch of ccpers out uh |
16099s | one day on a Roman to pockfin uh tell us |
16102s | about that how was that it was actually |
16103s | just an impromptu uh thing that I was |
16106s | asked to just do something fun with them |
16109s | um I ended up going into park to rent uh |
16111s | to just mine and wait for for content to |
16114s | come to us |
16115s | um I've been doing this a little bit |
16116s | every now and then going into parchment |
16118s | in mining ships just actually in |
16120s | vector's mining and you just sit there |
16123s | wait for Gunther to come to you it's a |
16124s | very different |
16125s | than hunting around like like I'm used |
16127s | to how was it like doing that with uh |
16130s | like a bunch of ccpers compared to say |
16132s | like on your stream with all the all the |
16133s | players and things like that uh it's I |
16136s | mean I've flown with CCP a lot over the |
16137s | years as a player first |
16139s | um and taking there was a little |
16141s | different it wasn't like uh we were |
16143s | streaming this we were just having fun |
16144s | in the office for an hour uh for a |
16147s | reason I'm not going to talk about but |
16148s | it was a it was a blast and uh I hope I |
16151s | can do more of that I want to see more |
16153s | CC peers in space yeah exactly more CCP |
16156s | targets for us to shoot that please |
16158s | um now let's quickly take a quick look |
16159s | at our next match because we're going to |
16160s | that in just a few minutes uh hidden |
16162s | Leaf Village Ninja Assassin uh esport |
16166s | squad team whatever they're called uh so |
16169s | many names uh going up against big yikes |
16172s | uh so uh hidden Leaf ninja Village |
16175s | banning at the Absolution curse |
16177s | Armageddon Navy issue and big likes |
16179s | bearing Out The Vindicator stormbringer |
16182s | drekovac I think this is the first time |
16184s | I have seen a Stormbreaker and a |
16187s | drekovic band Blackbird pirate what do |
16188s | you make of that uh I think you're right |
16190s | I think also with the Absolution so |
16192s | there's a lot of a lot of interesting |
16193s | bands here maybe not necessarily good |
16195s | you know we'll see who wins and then |
16197s | we'll decide oh yes they are geniuses or |
16199s | they are uh not but yeah I don't |
16202s | understand a Stormbreaker ban like I |
16204s | understand you know conceptually you can |
16206s | use a storm bringer to take out rep |
16208s | drones or DPS drones like it is kind of |
16210s | a counter drone ship |
16212s | um it's very very good at that but I |
16215s | don't know if it's good enough at that |
16218s | to be worth Banning I think we've seen |
16220s | it twice today and neither time I would |
16224s | say it was like particularly good like |
16225s | they're it could have been good they |
16227s | could have used it in some way or |
16228s | another but it just didn't seem to have |
16230s | actually done anything uh direct band |
16232s | same kind of situation like drekavex |
16234s | aren't a particularly strong Alliance |
16236s | tournament ship um they have all of like |
16238s | the weaknesses of Le Shack and none of |
16240s | their strengths like they don't have a |
16241s | mass amount of tank they don't have a |
16242s | bunch of high slots to do interesting |
16244s | utility stuff with uh well they do but |
16246s | they can't like do the same things uh |
16249s | that a shot can so I don't know I mean |
16252s | sometimes you see teams like do these |
16254s | bands |
16255s | because in their internal testing |
16256s | they've said oh no we get countered by |
16258s | this and then in hindsight it's like |
16262s | well your internal testing said that but |
16263s | the other you know 95 of the player base |
16266s | don't use their ships because they're |
16268s | bad and you're losing to them because |
16270s | you're worse so we'll see what happens |
16273s | I'm like I said kind of confused by it |
16276s | yeah I'm just very interested to find |
16277s | out what comp is counted by a storm |
16279s | bringer enough that you'd want to ban it |
16281s | although sometimes teams that have kind |
16283s | of generated their own meta that's a bit |
16285s | out of the of the blue and can go up |
16287s | against a team that has a more on like |
16289s | established understanding of the meta |
16291s | and when because they bring something |
16293s | completely off the wall that the team |
16295s | the experience team that is you know |
16296s | doing everything correct they're |
16297s | following the matter they're doing |
16299s | things bringing the right ships they get |
16301s | beat by some kind of like almost cheese |
16302s | comp it happens |
16304s | um just because that team has developed |
16306s | their own meta and the other team |
16307s | doesn't really know how to deal with it |
16308s | and it's one of the ways sometimes you |
16309s | can uh almost separate like the really |
16311s | good teams like they'll land on grid and |
16313s | see something completely crazy and |
16315s | they'll still be able to to react and |
16317s | win so we're just waiting to get |
16319s | confirmation the teams have landed on |
16320s | grid I've taught I'm told they are in |
16322s | system |
16323s | and we have a flagship on grid uh for |
16326s | one of the teams I'm not sure who at |
16327s | this point |
16329s | um Blackboard Pirates who are you going |
16330s | to put your uh your virtual e-money |
16332s | behind here oh my virtual e-money |
16335s | um I'm gonna put it behind big yikes |
16337s | because I'm gonna trust that they are |
16339s | actually like the wrinkliest of brains |
16342s | here and they're like yes we have |
16344s | figured out a setup that can only lose |
16345s | to a stormbringer |
16347s | I think I have to put my vote on ball |
16349s | terms |
16350s | I just wanna I wanna see their comes |
16353s | here there comes and uh I I really hope |
16355s | that they win well it's time to find out |
16357s | so let's go to the arena for hidden Leaf |
16358s | Village Ninja Assassin Esports Squad |
16360s | versus big X |
16364s | foreign |
16367s | body welcome to the arena and obviously |
16370s | as a member of hidden Leaf Village I'm |
16371s | hoping they win but especially so |
16373s | because 15 bill or so of my virtual |
16376s | e-money is in that Bargas fit so fingers |
16378s | crossed |
16380s | meanwhile big yikes French contention to |
16383s | locals primary coming out and uh trying |
16386s | to do what they can uh up against Henley |
16389s | Village Under assassin Squad Esports to |
16391s | the team is silent and we see hinley |
16393s | Village start to kite back at the moment |
16395s | I would assume this is a rapid heavy bar |
16397s | guest I hadn't gotten a chance to look |
16398s | at the other ship models though as this |
16401s | balgorn and Tempest Fleet issue seem to |
16402s | be the core for big yikes |
16404s | yeah they started putting some damage on |
16406s | Asuka in the hyena there and he takes a |
16408s | huge chunk through Shield so it's going |
16409s | to be up to the work of |
16411s | um Neo in the lobby he has flown lodgy |
16413s | every single scrum extremely competent |
16415s | logic pilot I can say that for him and |
16416s | he does indeed manage to catch Asuka |
16418s | just on time of course Shield lodgy said |
16419s | the Reps to happen at the start of the |
16421s | cycle so as long as he's got you locked |
16422s | he should hopefully as long as he's |
16424s | awake um be able to be able to keep him |
16426s | safe but there's not much damage being |
16428s | applied the other direction at the |
16429s | moment |
16429s | yep and if we take a look at the attack |
16431s | bar it's completely zero for hiddenly |
16434s | Village they're biting their time |
16436s | looking for an opening now moving |
16438s | towards this astarte of KitKat uh the |
16440s | captain for big yikes I mean they've got |
16443s | dual logic frags and it looks like |
16445s | hiddenly Village I mean we saw a lot of |
16447s | times in feeders they went for this Rush |
16449s | setup now they're in a shield kite setup |
16450s | with this bar guest rabbit heavy clip |
16452s | should be able to go through this to |
16453s | start I it just matters uh what big X is |
16456s | able to get out of this trade yeah both |
16458s | these teams I think are playing sort of |
16460s | quite controlled comps here where |
16462s | um you're not you're not aiming to make |
16465s | a huge impact in the start of the match |
16466s | you're okay to sort of probe it out and |
16467s | see how the match progresses what |
16469s | happens try and make progress but this |
16471s | Belgian of Aria yatalila does try and |
16473s | burn in there and try and web something |
16474s | down on this cake but I think the hyena |
16475s | of Azuka actually got webs on him in |
16477s | return and the shield kite comp is |
16479s | actually now making their way back |
16480s | around the arena and it's looking to be |
16482s | pretty difficult here for this uh big |
16483s | yike scene to actually pin anything down |
16486s | threat of Vengeance on the Navy Drake |
16487s | though has now been webbed by that |
16491s | balgorn but just like that he's out from |
16493s | underneath the webs these hyena webs |
16494s | doing the work that needs to be done to |
16496s | get this battle Gordon which is the big |
16498s | tackle ship from Big yikes uh away from |
16500s | his team he is being primary but as you |
16503s | mentioned the Reps coming in instantly |
16505s | from the Scimitar it's very hard to hit |
16506s | a hyena with battleships unfortunately |
16508s | it does look like dreaded Vengeance in |
16510s | the Drake Navy issue has been caught |
16511s | here by these belgon webs and now you |
16513s | see the the balcony closing in and the |
16515s | Old Navy's coming in the Tempest fleets |
16516s | on him as well and hiddenly Village have |
16518s | just abandoned him he's he's lost to his |
16519s | faith obviously you can't save him out |
16521s | of this situation here you can't bail |
16522s | them out they're just gonna have to |
16524s | accept that loss and hope to make trade |
16525s | in return and there's not too much going |
16527s | on still so far for the hidden Leaf side |
16529s | yeah I mean they've got some damage on |
16531s | this jacked up here uh shendory fine oh |
16534s | it just gets deleted uh from the face of |
16538s | the Earth but still a jacked off for a |
16539s | drake Navy not a trade you want to be |
16541s | making if you're hiddenly Village but at |
16543s | the same time uh right you sell the kite |
16545s | setup you still just have to keep on |
16548s | keeping on trying to kill what you can't |
16549s | from this low end they're on the |
16551s | compressor now of Jita and uh he should |
16554s | not be able to hold through these uh |
16555s | deconthalia reps but I'm saying that he |
16558s | actually is uh repping through it at the |
16559s | moment might see some reloads coming in |
16561s | from the suddenly Village side |
16563s | yeah it's not it's for sure not over |
16565s | because you've lost the Navy Drake but |
16566s | obviously it's not a good looking points |
16567s | but I think hidden Leaf villagers |
16569s | attitude here is switched to try and |
16571s | take out these low end first and then |
16573s | hope to control the big end just through |
16574s | its speed so they're trying to deal with |
16575s | the Confessor they're trying to deal |
16576s | with the Magus they're still just sort |
16577s | of probing perhaps Beltran is on reload |
16579s | and they're just waiting to unleash |
16580s | another volley onto what they deem to be |
16582s | a vulnerable Target here |
16584s | yeah they want to get that Confessor |
16585s | they want to get this tackle Off the |
16587s | Grid uh make way uh for the team to just |
16592s | kite it out and uh live to win uh we saw |
16595s | this a start day of KitKat being the |
16596s | primary off the start he has not been |
16599s | touched at all uh since that the attack |
16601s | bar is anemic right now from both of |
16603s | these teams as they continue to poke and |
16605s | prod and try to find the opening that |
16607s | they need to win the match |
16609s | yeah it's just a slow controlled match I |
16611s | think they're switching on to the Magus |
16612s | now again I've seen him just take |
16613s | another chunk he's going into armor |
16614s | they're just going to try and see if |
16615s | they can volley through him of course |
16616s | they've got rapid lights Osprey Navy |
16617s | Ultra maybe authoris and the bogus with |
16619s | rapid heavy so they have got enough |
16620s | quick damage here to shoot out and they |
16622s | do get rid of those maggots and that |
16623s | could be critical now they've got all |
16624s | those links obviously everything else is |
16626s | going to tank significantly less it may |
16627s | have had Skirmish links which was |
16628s | helping the balgon with you know web |
16630s | range with uh you know speed |
16633s | yeah but look at this baltrum has been |
16635s | webbed by the balgorn of Arya this could |
16637s | be a mistake uh being made potentially |
16640s | or just good piloting from hidden or |
16642s | from a big yikes to get on top of this |
16644s | bar guest and this is a shield bar guest |
16646s | it's got a scimitar on them he'll have |
16647s | some rapping power especially because |
16648s | it's a flagship but at the same time if |
16651s | they can get this Tempest Fleet issue if |
16652s | they can get this to start in this exact |
16654s | Navy on top of this bar guest they have |
16656s | a lot of damage that should be able to |
16659s | actually get through uh this potential |
16661s | officer rep or at the very least a dead |
16664s | space rep uh from baltram yeah I think |
16666s | it's gonna be an X-Type rep on the |
16667s | Bargas but they are actually breaking |
16669s | through KitKat and they're starting now |
16670s | they've realized they can't afford any |
16671s | more time just chewing through the |
16673s | support you know the bar guest is caught |
16674s | they need to clear this damage as |
16676s | quickly as they can bogus going into low |
16678s | Shield here 30 shield astarte in the |
16680s | KitKat is sorry I started KitKat in the |
16682s | Estates is going down into low armor |
16683s | he's starting to bleed Hull but I don't |
16685s | know if they kill him is it going to be |
16686s | enough |
16688s | these dual Audrey freaks doing exactly |
16690s | what they need to do at the moment in |
16691s | Beltran he's back up to 50 Shields I |
16693s | mean he's got the natural Shield reach |
16695s | on around that 33 Mark but they're |
16697s | breaking through it he's now down almost |
16698s | out of shields on this |
16700s | money Donald Trump there's no way for |
16704s | him to survive he's now in the half |
16705s | armor and he will die this Flagship |
16708s | getting caught by Arya in the balgorn |
16711s | and that should decide the match uh for |
16714s | big yikes yeah this is absolutely |
16716s | disastrous for my team and my wallet |
16718s | because |
16719s | there's no damage left now on the hidden |
16720s | life team they've got three rapid light |
16722s | boats and that's basically it up against |
16724s | two battleships |
16726s | um yeah |
16728s | I can't living to win one rapid heavy |
16731s | clip that's all you have to deal with as |
16733s | a star day they tried it at the start of |
16735s | the match they didn't get them and now |
16736s | trying again the bottom and a hole but |
16739s | not enough in time the flag Bargas goes |
16743s | down I'm excited to take a look at that |
16746s | fit uh later but with that as you |
16748s | mentioned not a whole lot of damage left |
16750s | for Henley Village they have I mean look |
16752s | at that attack bar it is just massive |
16754s | for big yikes compared to Heavenly |
16755s | Village and uh unfortunately for them |
16758s | they're gonna be knocked down to the |
16759s | lower bracket |
16760s | yeah and this is a strong performance |
16762s | from uh from Big yikes here I think this |
16765s | is not a comp that we've seen too much |
16767s | of today so far obviously with the bow |
16768s | gone being banned so frequently |
16770s | um but it's proved to be very powerful |
16771s | here with the astarter I'm a big fan of |
16773s | the astarte to be honest uh I like the |
16775s | ship a lot I think it does it's good |
16776s | projection it's obviously links that's |
16779s | pretty tanky but this is now just going |
16780s | to be a cleanup job here |
16782s | um and yeah I mean a strong shot from |
16784s | Big suddenly for going to go down to the |
16786s | lower bracket and face the loser of the |
16788s | next match which is going to be between |
16789s | Fancy Pants and brave Collective |
16792s | yeah and that one is a match I'm looking |
16794s | forward to as well not just as a uh |
16796s | co-captain of the Brave team but also |
16798s | because uh that is they were scrim |
16801s | Partners up until the point uh where uh |
16803s | the brackets were drawn Fancy Pants and |
16805s | brave had scrimmed quite a bit so they |
16806s | have inside knowledge of what the other |
16808s | team likes to bring potentially and that |
16811s | plays into uh The Meta gaming that |
16813s | they're gonna do against each other I'm |
16815s | really excited for that matchup uh still |
16817s | uh this was a team that a lot of people |
16820s | didn't really know too much about going |
16822s | into the tournament the new locals |
16824s | primary split into two different |
16825s | alliances big yikes being the French |
16827s | contingent and lock range enjoyers being |
16829s | the English-speaking contingent and uh |
16831s | yinton did some interviews uh with the |
16833s | vignette's captain uh before the |
16835s | tournament and apparently there were |
16836s | some Choice words uh to be said there |
16838s | maybe not an amicable breakup but either |
16841s | way uh if both those teams win their |
16843s | next matches they're going to be facing |
16844s | each other in the upper bracket |
16846s | yeah and of course when a team splits up |
16849s | like that there's going to be |
16850s | institutional knowledge that's carried |
16851s | over from from you know both both sides |
16853s | are going to gain it um but it's always |
16855s | difficult to determine who was sort of |
16856s | the core of the team who was actually |
16858s | behind generating these comps generating |
16860s | this Theory crafting but I mean we sell |
16863s | Lots or lock range enjoys win fairly |
16866s | comfortably over Exodus earlier on in |
16867s | the day and big yikes here uh winning it |
16869s | themselves fairly comfortably so you |
16871s | know it seems to be an even split in |
16872s | terms of theory crafting takeaway from |
16874s | the locals primary sort of breakup |
16877s | I mean and as we see like not a lot of |
16880s | ships are dying at the moment but both |
16882s | teams can just kind of or not both teams |
16884s | uh big X can just kind of hold back they |
16886s | killed the flag bar guest and there just |
16888s | is no damage left from hiddenly Village |
16890s | Ninja Assassin Squad Esports the team is |
16893s | silent uh and they're just plinking away |
16895s | at each other maybe some uh kills will |
16897s | happen but we might just head up into a |
16899s | points victory for uh big yikes yeah and |
16903s | I think this is actually going to be the |
16904s | first points victory of the day every |
16905s | other match so far has ended with one |
16907s | team scoring 100 but these as I said at |
16909s | the start these two teams both bring in |
16911s | Fairly sort of slow controlled comps |
16912s | trying to probe around and poke out and |
16914s | it is going to end in a big yikes |
16915s | Victory but it's not going to go to 100 |
16917s | but of course they got the loot from the |
16918s | barges which is what they were really |
16920s | really interested in here of course the |
16921s | Scimitar the authors all that stuff you |
16922s | know it's just Tech too fit nobody cares |
16924s | but the Bargas is the real that's the |
16926s | real juice that they were looking to |
16927s | drop |
16929s | and with that uh we have one minute left |
16933s | in the match sorry 40 seconds left in |
16934s | the match and uh they'd lose another |
16937s | ship I believe that was the Osprey Navy |
16938s | issue uh being taken down big yikes |
16941s | didn't make it a completely clean |
16942s | Victory they did uh lose a couple ships |
16945s | the megas the jackdaw but other than |
16947s | that have flown incredibly well and I'm |
16950s | excited to see how the desk determine or |
16953s | how the desk analyzes this match yeah I |
16956s | think what we've seen here is uh sort of |
16957s | a justification for why teams are |
16959s | Banning the Battlegrounds so frequently |
16960s | because this ship is damn powerful it's |
16962s | very very good |
16964s | it is very very good you got the webs |
16966s | you can't make it a flagship can't have |
16968s | the officer webs or the uh uh extra |
16970s | range news from officer Dead Space newts |
16973s | on it but still uh having that extra |
16975s | range webs on a battleship that is so |
16977s | tanky and relatively fast for an armor |
16979s | Battleship can be so powerful and you |
16981s | just need to get one Target and blows |
16983s | the match right open we're gonna send |
16985s | her back to the desk but when we return |
16986s | it'll be Fancy Pants Alliance versus |
16988s | Brave Collective |
17001s | thank you |
17011s | thank you |
17035s | connected Channel switched well it would |
17038s | have been a easy fight right but guess |
17039s | what dude I'm not if seeing it people |
17041s | can't get together |
17047s | [Music] |
17080s | I'm sure the Basilisk will be uh rather |
17083s | heartbroken about that he's lost a whole |
17085s | chunk of his investment there and of |
17087s | course losing your Flagship bar gas |
17089s | means that you cannot bring it again in |
17090s | the future uh and that means the rest of |
17093s | the term is just harder like you can no |
17094s | longer Dodge bands you can no longer |
17096s | threaten even the Dodge bands uh the |
17099s | people know that these guys have already |
17100s | fed that ship so rather unfortunate for |
17102s | them uh is they're still in the |
17104s | tournament this is a double elimination |
17105s | tournament so uh they can still fight |
17107s | through the losers bracket and see if |
17108s | they can get back up to the Grand Final |
17109s | but if they do so it will be Sans flag |
17112s | bargest now Blackboard pirate uh what |
17115s | happened there because it looked to me |
17116s | that that bar guest was caught but bar I |
17119s | guess we're pretty fast and Katie like |
17121s | what happened it's it's hard to say uh |
17124s | exactly what happened there because I |
17126s | don't want to be too toxic to somebody |
17128s | that just lost a 22 billion is |
17130s | Battleship as I'm sure they're very sad |
17132s | as is Baza |
17134s | um but |
17135s | baltrum did get tackled he got grappled |
17138s | which that doesn't really do all that |
17139s | much but then the balgorn webs were able |
17142s | to kind of catch up to him and the thing |
17144s | is is like a Bargas is a pretty fast |
17146s | ship it's compared to balgorn but you |
17150s | know thinking about it like it's really |
17151s | easy to say well how do you get caught |
17152s | when your ship is like significantly |
17154s | faster than the other one well the arena |
17156s | is a sphere so you do have to kind of |
17157s | like you can get cut off and I think |
17160s | it's more more likely to say that like |
17161s | the balgorn piloting like the Confessor |
17163s | potting the tackle on big yikes's side |
17165s | was actually very very good and as soon |
17168s | as that Vargas got caught like that was |
17170s | it |
17170s | um I do think uh actually actually B had |
17173s | a comment about uh Target calling a |
17176s | little bit and like missiles and you |
17177s | know over what was it tunnel visioning |
17179s | yeah I think they focused the uh the |
17181s | Confessor a little bit too long |
17183s | um we saw that in practice a couple of |
17184s | times where confides are just way |
17186s | tankier than what people expect it to be |
17187s | and if you clip half your clip into it |
17190s | and you have to go and reload you're |
17191s | kind of done for I think they wasted |
17193s | about a minute at least shooting the |
17195s | Confessor and I think that was what lost |
17197s | the the match for them yeah so you |
17199s | mentioned clipping there um can we just |
17201s | can you just explain a little bit like |
17202s | what that means in this context in this |
17204s | context it means using your rapid light |
17206s | which is kind of a pre-loaded damage |
17208s | system where you shoot a lot of missiles |
17210s | and you have to go and reload for a long |
17211s | long time and in a 10 minute match that |
17214s | is an eternity when you're having to |
17215s | reload again |
17216s | yeah in fact if you watch the uh Arena |
17220s | um scene you will see that there's bars |
17221s | above each team for attack defense and |
17224s | control and in fact the attack bar we |
17227s | were watching it as the astarte was |
17229s | about to go into Hull and we're waiting |
17230s | to see if they were going to clip and |
17231s | you can tell when rapid light and Rapid |
17233s | heavy ships clip because you see the a |
17235s | potential attack bar to jump down |
17237s | briefly as they go into reload then it |
17239s | comes back up um once they've uh once |
17241s | they've started reloading but you can |
17243s | tell that that is a ship that has just |
17244s | clipped and we were like can they break |
17246s | this before they clip five seconds later |
17248s | we saw it happen like oh that's it like |
17250s | they can't do this they have to try and |
17251s | save the bar gas but unfortunately it |
17254s | was not to be |
17255s | um so rather unfortunate for them as I |
17257s | said they are uh they're going to be |
17259s | seen again uh later on this weekend uh |
17261s | but for now let's look forward to our |
17263s | next match which is going to be Fancy |
17265s | Pants Alliance versus Brave Collective |
17267s | so let's take a look at the bands that |
17269s | we have here so Fancy Pants Alliance uh |
17271s | Banning the EOS Bargas and healer um |
17274s | which is again somewhat of a standard |
17276s | set of bands that point but if |
17277s | Collective Banning the cursed the |
17279s | Scimitar and the guardian uh bar |
17282s | anything like super interesting jump |
17284s | right here for you yeah both the uh both |
17286s | the Gila band and the guardian ban are |
17288s | really interesting so on the Fancy Pants |
17289s | side they've basically signaled to Brave |
17292s | that they really really really really |
17293s | don't want to see drones uh we did see a |
17296s | drone set up by I believe Darkseid |
17299s | earlier that did not have eos's in it |
17302s | um and it did have gilas but they died |
17303s | very very fast uh if you get rid of both |
17305s | the EOS and the Gila you're kind of only |
17307s | left with like ishtar's I guess |
17310s | technically Navy dominics's uh regular |
17313s | dominix's and like stratioses and a lot |
17315s | of those ships um and like vector navies |
17317s | but a lot of those have actually been |
17318s | nerfed over the last couple years to not |
17321s | have the ability to feel as many drones |
17322s | as they used to have so Fancy Pants is |
17324s | basically saying please don't send |
17325s | drones against us Brave banding the |
17327s | guardian is a little strange I think |
17329s | that traditionally we actually see much |
17332s | more eos's than Guardians and in general |
17335s | most people consider the uh not a yeah |
17338s | onerouses than Guardians most people |
17340s | consider the ineros to be a much |
17342s | Superior armor logistic ship so that one |
17345s | kind of questions like why did you ban a |
17347s | guardian instead of an oneros I guess we |
17350s | will find out at some point in you know |
17351s | the next five to ten minutes but yeah |
17354s | it's a little weird Let's uh let's take |
17355s | a quick look at the brave team history |
17358s | in the alliance tournament uh and say |
17360s | 7-0 to |
17362s | um dunk Dinkel of course who has just |
17364s | stepped down as the leader of Brave |
17365s | Collective handing over to jinx to care |
17367s | Brave Collective uh they flew in with 48 |
17370s | different pilots in the past |
17372s | um Yuki Yukiko sorry was a rather famous |
17375s | person he flew in the CSM uh captained |
17378s | with them and of course we had catalya |
17380s | Mist as well AKA CCP Aurora who's fluent |
17384s | as well so they've done all right in the |
17386s | in the past they've won more matches |
17387s | than they've lost uh fear Vina one of |
17389s | our Casters in Brave assures me that |
17390s | brave are going to do nothing but lose |
17392s | this tournament so we're waiting to see |
17394s | they've previously won against a bunch |
17396s | of good team to be honest uh I mean |
17398s | Weekend Warriors a decent team buying |
17400s | the park pretty good team uh test |
17401s | Alliance please know it at that time in |
17403s | line 315 we're a good team and as we're |
17405s | thermodynamics but I believe we are |
17408s | ready to go to the arena |
17411s | teams are landing uh so we're not ready |
17413s | to go through here just yet so let's |
17415s | have a let's have a quick prediction so |
17417s | black bear pirate uh do you believe fear |
17420s | when he tells us that brave are in his |
17421s | own words garbage or do you think we're |
17423s | going to see a good Brave team here I |
17426s | don't believe a single thing that fear |
17427s | says |
17428s | um I honestly Brave has consistently |
17430s | been at least some degree of competent |
17433s | in the alliance tournament regardless of |
17434s | how they are on TQ which they're not bad |
17436s | right now but like sometimes they are |
17437s | horrible the Braves generally pretty |
17439s | decent at the alliance tournament |
17441s | I'm over ucpb is it fancy pants are the |
17444s | pants fancy enough in this case or is it |
17445s | brief Collective do you think now even |
17447s | though I like their logo it's absolutely |
17449s | fantastic uh Brave I think is gonna take |
17451s | this |
17452s | um they have definitely grown over the |
17453s | years I've seen it myself and fighting |
17455s | them over multiple years they've gotten |
17457s | a lot better they're no longer Brave |
17459s | newbies I think they're just Brave now |
17460s | there you go so casters crushed |
17462s | potentially in full effect here as we go |
17463s | to the arena to see Fancy Pants Alliance |
17465s | can take it over Brave Collective |
17473s | welcome back to the arena and we are |
17475s | seeing Brave Collective bringing a |
17476s | triple Battleship comp here with a bunch |
17478s | of battleships that we've seen a couple |
17480s | times in the day and a couple times |
17481s | banned the Armageddon Navy has actually |
17482s | snuck through the band phase here again |
17484s | partnered with the little Shack and |
17485s | Tempest Lisa it's a fairly standard |
17487s | triple BS armor core here in fear what |
17489s | are you thinking about Fancy Pants the |
17491s | brass Shield Rush as armor control |
17493s | versus Shield rush and this time around |
17495s | it's worth mentioning do jack in the |
17497s | urban getting Navy that is a gun |
17499s | Armageddon Navy it's got lasers on it |
17501s | doesn't have rapid heavy missile |
17502s | launchers Grant you you can fit both to |
17504s | the ship we'll see how that one plays |
17506s | out in this particular tournament still |
17508s | has that powerful Newt available to him |
17511s | but Shield Rush we've seen at this |
17513s | tournament it's done particularly well |
17514s | against a lot of these cars look at the |
17517s | hair attack bar from Fancy Pants it is |
17518s | absolutely massive compared to Braves |
17521s | yeah that's a really good spot actually |
17522s | about the guns on the geta Navy because |
17524s | obviously everyone's Focus has been you |
17525s | know the Armageddon Navy now I can fit |
17527s | missiles and I think personally that is |
17529s | potentially the stronger configuration |
17531s | in this sort of uh setting where you're |
17533s | focused on taking down a particular ship |
17534s | and then moving on to the next Target I |
17536s | think rapid Heavy's burst of damage |
17538s | gives you that that sort of power and |
17540s | that win condition as it were |
17542s | um |
17543s | but yeah a gun get a Navy I don't think |
17545s | we've seen one of those before but it |
17548s | will at least diversify the damage types |
17549s | of course the shack is uh I believe |
17551s | thermal explosive and the getter Navy is |
17553s | going to be em so |
17554s | any reactives on the other side but of |
17556s | course they've come against the Shield |
17557s | comp so that is effectively moot |
17559s | yep Shield Rush from the side of phantom |
17562s | Panther moving in forward cold fuzz and |
17564s | the Muller gonna be playing screen for |
17566s | the rest of Brave as the battleships try |
17568s | to cut away they've got some damage onto |
17569s | reward Jenkins in this Scythe Fleet |
17571s | issue and he is diving uh pretty low in |
17574s | the shield already but the thought you |
17576s | have Aryan fellow uh appears to have |
17577s | been caught potentially by fancy pads |
17580s | yeah this is at the start just looking |
17582s | like a very similar to the match between |
17584s | Odin's and Laser Hawks at the end of the |
17586s | the feeder tournament here and this |
17588s | Maller is doing the perfect job exactly |
17590s | as he should as it has happened in that |
17591s | match cold fuzz sort of staying back as |
17593s | his team Burns away and just trying to |
17595s | tackle something down I think the slept |
17597s | near of Jeffrey might have got past him |
17599s | I think he went for him and he managed |
17600s | to get past him but he's instead managed |
17601s | to scramble scram on zarthal instead so |
17603s | he is keeping this sleptner uh sort of |
17605s | in no man's land which is exactly what |
17607s | you want to do with this Mala because |
17608s | that means the sleptner then can't |
17609s | really project anything except the |
17610s | mallard in a rush comp like this you |
17612s | want all of your DPS applied to the same |
17614s | Target at the same time and just with |
17615s | break things down very very quickly and |
17617s | if the sleptner is stuck in the middle |
17619s | of nowhere he obviously can't really do |
17620s | that yeah it's a higher burden of |
17622s | execution when you play the kite versus |
17624s | The Rush shot up but if you have the |
17625s | ability to screen off the rush it can't |
17627s | go well in your favorite Sim suit what's |
17629s | being primaried by brave for a little |
17631s | bit but it looks like they've swapped |
17632s | onto Lish syndolos in the Nighthawk the |
17636s | captain for Fancy Pants Alliance is now |
17638s | the primary for brave as lfl and simple |
17640s | goes low but looks like she's in |
17642s | defensive mode so uh she will be |
17644s | difficult to kill on the smaller of Cold |
17646s | Plus has been holding this near of |
17649s | zarthal off of the team and the attack |
17651s | bar even though uh they've got a really |
17654s | big one they can't use it all at the |
17655s | same time this Nighthawk of Lish now |
17657s | into very low Shields yeah this is |
17660s | really not looking good for fancy pants |
17661s | because when you're in a situation like |
17662s | this like I said you need all of your |
17663s | rush to be in the same place on the same |
17665s | Target and now that they ignored the |
17667s | Maller at the start they said okay they |
17668s | sort of committed to the fight they said |
17669s | Okay zaful's a lost cause but if he's a |
17672s | lost cause he's basically as good as |
17673s | dead so at this point in the match |
17674s | although they're both alive fancy pants |
17676s | are effectively down a slept near until |
17678s | they can kill off this Malla but the |
17680s | rest of the team already burned in onto |
17682s | Brave so they would now have to turn |
17683s | around and go back to deal with the Mala |
17685s | and then of course that would give Brave |
17687s | Collective more time to kite around |
17688s | which is exactly what they want to do so |
17690s | I feel like this is a critical error |
17691s | here from Fancy Pants and just accepting |
17693s | the loss of the slept near from from |
17695s | being in a useful position |
17697s | and the Scythe leadership gets deleted |
17699s | or staff of leadership excuse me gets |
17701s | deleted uh from Brave killing off the |
17704s | side of Fancy Pants now they're on the |
17706s | size Fleet issue this is something that |
17707s | we saw a lot earlier on in the |
17708s | tournament from a lot of good teams they |
17710s | take out the Navy Cruisers first before |
17712s | the battle Cruisers and the command |
17713s | ships Brave decided they can kill a |
17715s | Nighthawk and then they're right back |
17717s | onto these Navy battle Cruisers one |
17718s | remaining and there are high DPS for |
17720s | points the Scythe Fleet issue going down |
17722s | very very low remember only T1 frigate |
17724s | logic The Phantom of the birth they |
17725s | can't keep him up against this little |
17727s | Shack and it looks like Brave should be |
17729s | able to win this match from here on out |
17731s | yeah they are still going to have three |
17732s | command ships when this Mala does |
17734s | finally go down I think they are gonna |
17735s | finally break him but I don't think it's |
17737s | going to be enough against three |
17738s | battleships that are left plus the you |
17740s | know the tech two lodgy frigates but |
17741s | yeah I think as you say killing off |
17743s | those faction cruises is critical |
17744s | because they don't really have |
17746s | projection they need to be on top of you |
17747s | which makes them Prime targets they |
17749s | don't have Tech 2 resists so the ratio |
17751s | of DPS that you can get from them in |
17753s | terms of how long it takes to kill them |
17754s | is very very favorable to just look at |
17756s | them first and wipe them off the grid |
17757s | and now Jeffrey in the in the other |
17760s | sleptner is going to take chunks and I |
17762s | think he's actually going to die before |
17763s | zyfl even manages to get on the scene |
17765s | here |
17766s | finally killed cold fuzz but that Mauler |
17769s | did exactly what it needed to do playing |
17771s | the kite versus The Shield Rush setup |
17772s | you screen one they did not turn on him |
17774s | as you mentioned a big mistake Jeffrey |
17776s | goes down zarthel's finally into the |
17778s | fight but now where's the rest of his |
17780s | team |
17781s | yeah it's a really good read on the |
17782s | situation from Brave here at the start |
17784s | of the match of course in Alliance |
17785s | tournament settings matches tend to |
17786s | snowball and the target calling and the |
17788s | objective calling of what you want to do |
17790s | what your what Your different ships need |
17792s | to do in that first minute that first |
17793s | two minutes is so so critical and for |
17795s | brave to say cold fuzz you need to stop |
17798s | one of these sleptness and he does his |
17799s | job perfectly he just absolutely pins |
17801s | Downs off or stops him from committing |
17803s | helping doing anything in this match |
17805s | really until it's basically over |
17806s | fantastic job from Brave here really |
17808s | really good |
17810s | yeah and this is something I think a lot |
17813s | of people might not expect from the the |
17815s | brave team traditionally a team that has |
17817s | built uh itself up on these kind of |
17819s | lower execution higher meta uh style of |
17822s | comps but uh and a team that's been |
17824s | averse to kiting in the past we saw this |
17826s | time they're able to do that they've |
17828s | brought up a lot of Pilots that have |
17830s | been here since the AO uh a lot of |
17833s | Pilots that people might not recognize |
17834s | from Days of Glory past we don't have |
17836s | John LeBlanc we don't have uh yukikukami |
17838s | but at the same time good pilots on this |
17840s | team and uh now they're gonna be facing |
17843s | big yikes in the next round that's gonna |
17844s | be an exciting one to watch |
17846s | yeah of course I think their roster is |
17849s | bolstered here by the addition of some |
17851s | mercenaries as well of course cableuta |
17852s | very experienced pilot turned up last |
17854s | year don't think he did particularly |
17856s | well but you know he's got an alliance |
17857s | tournament experience |
17859s | um and yeah I mean I'm not sure |
17861s | I maybe you can offer some more input |
17863s | into who is sort of the theory crafting |
17864s | and Target calling and you know like |
17866s | yeah |
17870s | [Music] |
17871s | still uh I mean bringing mercenaries |
17874s | online I mean we see some members uh |
17876s | technically mercenaries from uh the uh |
17879s | alafil for example she's from uh Brave |
17881s | United so technically a mercenary even |
17883s | though she's part of the greater Brave |
17885s | family |
17886s | um and I'm really excited to see how the |
17889s | team does in the tournament I know I was |
17890s | downplaying our potential for success in |
17892s | the pre-show uh psyops worked where |
17894s | we're we're gonna go to the Moon I swear |
17897s | I'm kidding |
17898s | well I mean if this matches anything to |
17901s | go by I've got good expectations |
17903s | honestly because it's it's these sort of |
17905s | fundamentals that can help get a team |
17907s | through the early stages even if you |
17909s | haven't quite got the right grasp of the |
17911s | meta or you know you haven't got the |
17913s | perfect comps as we saw earlier in the |
17915s | day I mean in the very first match we |
17917s | saw truth whatever they're called |
17919s | Justice League bring what basically to |
17921s | me at the outset looked like a kitchen |
17923s | sink kind of comp |
17925s | um and just through Target calling and |
17927s | execution |
17928s | um |
17929s | bring out a commanding Victory if you |
17931s | can Master those aspects of Target |
17933s | calling and just identifying what your |
17934s | comp wants to do and what you need to do |
17936s | in a certain matchup to win the match |
17937s | that's a very very powerful skill to |
17940s | have and with that brave Collective are |
17941s | going to take it home 100 to eight and |
17943s | after this I believe we're going to |
17945s | start to see teams eliminated so we've |
17947s | got three more matches today before we |
17949s | send it back after we send it back to |
17950s | the desk |
17951s | um and yeah one of three of those teams |
17953s | are going to be going home |
17978s | [Music] |
17983s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
17986s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
17988s | logo is in the game of course you could |
17990s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
17992s | would be kind of a jerk move that kind |
17994s | of oh you don't like it now sucks I'm |
17996s | gonna go join |
18004s | [Music] |
18007s | thank you |
18013s | welcome to Eve Pandora |
18040s | [Music] |
18044s | foreign |
18045s | Collective taking a commanding Victory |
18048s | there uh over Fancy Pants Alliance and I |
18050s | knew it I said this during the tour less |
18052s | stream that we did Brave is going to be |
18053s | good fear tried to convince us otherwise |
18056s | I didn't believe him I was right to not |
18057s | believe him uh they're going to be a |
18059s | strong team uh this year for sure they |
18061s | flew very well there they had a good |
18063s | comp they executed fancy pants are not a |
18065s | bad team at all so being able to pull |
18067s | out a commanding Victory right there |
18069s | like that makes me uh have a high hopes |
18071s | for the brave Collective team now I'm |
18074s | joined uh once again on the desk by some |
18076s | incredible people and Nash cadaver uh |
18079s | Nash how are you today I'm very good |
18081s | thank you it's uh getting tired towards |
18083s | the end of the day now we're getting |
18084s | through it yeah it certainly it's a long |
18087s | day especially standing on your feet I |
18088s | think that's how small you were Nash |
18090s | it's a bad posture oh it's actually |
18092s | really tall but no Nash we've been doing |
18095s | this uh for for a very long time uh as |
18098s | part of evnt uh take me right back to |
18100s | when it all started the very first event |
18102s | here in Nottingham uh I'll skip all the |
18106s | boring details but yes it's been it's |
18107s | been a fair few years we're just trying |
18109s | to reminisce how long it's been but |
18110s | we've been involved with the alliance |
18111s | tournament since I think 8011 so that |
18114s | must be at least seven years ago right |
18116s | so started with uh with Bay RJ my |
18119s | partner in crime who's continued this uh |
18122s | and still does it you know especially |
18124s | he's in a great position now in the the |
18125s | college that he teaches at |
18127s | um where we now get to use some of the |
18129s | the students that he teaches in the |
18131s | Esports scene which yeah the team has |
18133s | been absolutely incredible other than |
18135s | the event team we're we're about 15 |
18136s | strong here today on top of that we've |
18139s | got about 10 students who've like |
18140s | literally made this a dream today I |
18142s | think best best production I've |
18144s | experienced so far yeah it's been super |
18146s | smooth like um these these students have |
18148s | come in they've helped set up all the |
18149s | lighting all the cameras they've been |
18151s | doing all the framing uh they've been |
18152s | doing all the heavy lifting I just stand |
18153s | here and they spent like about four |
18155s | hours on Friday like setting up all |
18157s | these lights there's so many lights it's |
18158s | such a challenge to light this room |
18160s | because we have a curved gigantic video |
18162s | wall |
18163s | um and no matter how you set things up |
18165s | there's like shadows and like blows out |
18167s | the wall or makes us not bright enough |
18168s | but they've done a really great job uh |
18170s | like making everything look fantastic |
18173s | um and there's like over 30 people |
18175s | working on this production right now so |
18177s | obviously we have about maybe 25 people |
18179s | here in the venue doing all sorts of |
18182s | things things Runners Sound audio |
18184s | lighting like all the tech stuff I've |
18187s | got people editing those those little |
18189s | replay Clips you're seeing stats refs |
18192s | we've got camera operators there's a |
18194s | host we've got some amazing desk people |
18196s | as well and then of course we've got our |
18198s | online casters so there's over 30 people |
18200s | bringing this this whole production to |
18203s | you which is which is incredible if you |
18206s | compare to where we start you know the |
18207s | whole uh doing it from the bedroom yeah |
18209s | this is a bit different exactly and ccpb |
18212s | how is this sort of production compared |
18214s | to like you know you've been doing your |
18216s | huge twitch streams at home like it's a |
18218s | one-man show obviously like what's it |
18220s | like coming into these huge Studio |
18221s | setups I was very impressed coming here |
18223s | I I didn't know what to expect when I |
18225s | was coming here I hadn't done any |
18226s | research on how many people would be |
18228s | here so I was blown away when I was like |
18229s | oh there's 30 40 people here I expected |
18232s | it to be like you know five six seven of |
18234s | us and then it's just this gigantic cool |
18236s | studio with the screen I was seeing |
18238s | videos of it coming here I was like okay |
18239s | okay this is a lot bigger than I thought |
18241s | yeah yeah awesome there's so many people |
18243s | who've made this possible and for me |
18246s | just like thank you to everyone who's |
18247s | been involved to make this happen uh |
18249s | National like I say you've been involved |
18251s | in this from the very start |
18253s | um and just like looking back like |
18255s | what's been like the the highlights over |
18257s | the last sort of like eight years of |
18258s | doing this |
18259s | um it's always the production production |
18261s | days are always the best uh I know the |
18263s | period leading up to the alliance |
18264s | tournament are incredibly intensive and |
18266s | there's uh an incredible amount of prep |
18268s | that goes into it and |
18270s | um uh I've been very fortunate to to be |
18273s | you know working these projects with Bay |
18275s | and he's been for the last three its |
18277s | been working very hard in the background |
18279s | and in the lead up to these projects |
18281s | that make this all happen |
18283s | um General Star days sorry uh CP zealous |
18285s | as uh has done a massive amount of work |
18288s | to make this one happen |
18289s | um and I'm very fortunate to just show |
18291s | up and uh and come on a day and do do a |
18295s | couple of bits and to manage the floor a |
18297s | little bit and try and keep everybody |
18298s | happy so yeah I've got a relatively easy |
18300s | job these days yeah I mean there's a |
18302s | important job like back in the day |
18303s | though one of your main jobs was running |
18305s | around changing the batteries for all of |
18306s | our our mic packs but now we've got |
18308s | these cool cool headsets because we're |
18310s | pro Gamers now so we have wires and |
18312s | that's what the pros use they don't use |
18314s | wireless anymore like that's one less |
18317s | thing to have to run around and do thank |
18319s | God now speaking of playing Eve you've |
18322s | uh you took a little bit of a break I |
18324s | had your back |
18325s | um last I saw you had uh your your |
18328s | fortune was still alive 300 |
18329s | billion-esque about like well a month |
18331s | ago how's that going have you been |
18332s | investing in it like has it has it been |
18334s | going |
18335s | um it's I mean I have to I didn't quite |
18338s | remember how difficult Eve was |
18340s | um I thought it was like you know it's |
18342s | going to be quite easy to get back into |
18343s | the swing of things |
18345s | um I've not necessarily invested a 300 |
18347s | Bill I've uh kind of pretty much sort of |
18350s | lost it all in the last four weeks just |
18353s | trying to learn the game again it's it's |
18354s | been a it's been a tough ride I have to |
18356s | say I tried a little bit most people try |
18358s | and Learn by doing nice simple cheap |
18360s | things what is it you've been doing with |
18362s | your your 300 billionesque |
18364s | well abyssals he's been doing a vessels |
18367s | stuff I have to say it's it's hard it's |
18371s | hard yes this man is 300 billion into |
18373s | the abyss |
18374s | Swift he put it you're stimulating the |
18377s | economy that's that's what I'm doing you |
18379s | know I'm Health in the eve economy you |
18381s | know I've learned a lot spending and |
18383s | blowing up my 300 bill in four weeks yes |
18385s | it's been quantitative easing for the |
18387s | eve economy |
18388s | all right let's have a look at our next |
18390s | match which is going to be our hill now |
18392s | versus Deepwater Hooligans and then |
18394s | let's see what bands uh these teams have |
18396s | chosen to to bring so I will now |
18399s | bringing uh are Banning locate scorpion |
18401s | Navy issue Scimitar and Deepwater |
18403s | Hooligans Banning Out The Vindicator |
18404s | typhoon Fleet issue and the Armageddon |
18407s | Armageddon Navy issue Nash what do these |
18409s | bands say to you here |
18412s | well it's a very interesting choice |
18415s | um I would certainly have bounced the |
18417s | Scorpion Navy issue as well you never |
18418s | know with all those uh gems I think it |
18420s | does so yeah that'd be uh yes good shout |
18422s | excellent choice and what would you |
18424s | bring again to say what Deep Water band |
18426s | here they've banned out a Vindicated |
18427s | type and Fleet issue Armageddon Navy |
18429s | issue what would you bring against that |
18430s | uh probably a shield card comp would |
18433s | work really well against this |
18435s | possibly I'm not 100 sure I'll I'll wait |
18438s | and see until the result is in okay |
18441s | nice nice commitment right there and uh |
18444s | ccpb |
18446s | um what what jumps out here like we've |
18448s | seen a bunch of Loki bands the semitar |
18449s | codes are very very powerful uh Shield |
18452s | Logistics Cruiser |
18453s | um which is certainly going to make it |
18455s | more difficult to bring that Shield kite |
18456s | income because everything it's the main |
18457s | Shield kiting Logistics Cruiser uh that |
18460s | has been banned |
18462s | um what do you what do you think we |
18464s | might see well what jumps out at me here |
18465s | is there's three Battleship bands from |
18467s | Deepwater I'm not sure what they're |
18469s | thinking exactly but I guess we're going |
18470s | to find out in just a few minutes |
18472s | yeah definitely uh let's take a look at |
18474s | some of the uh the history of these |
18475s | teams so uh let's look at deep water |
18477s | first |
18480s | here we are so Deepwater Hooligans uh 19 |
18483s | Pilots have flown for this team uh in |
18485s | their history in the alliance tournament |
18486s | and they've had one win and uh five |
18489s | losses I think that says five |
18491s | um and that is not the best record for |
18493s | them uh to Max zero uh has been around |
18495s | for a while |
18496s | um in a couple of different Corps I |
18497s | believe including Phil broadside back in |
18499s | the day and they beat uh Hard Knock |
18501s | citizens last year in Alliance |
18503s | tournament 17 uh losing to both arrival |
18506s | and local is primary pretty reasonable |
18508s | teams to lose against like a rival or a |
18510s | solid team uh we've lost against them |
18512s | earlier on today uh local is primary |
18514s | again last year did really well write my |
18516s | title |
18517s | um they were pretty reasonable last year |
18519s | they lost probably one of the most |
18520s | expensive ships uh none on tournament |
18522s | ships in either online history uh losing |
18525s | I think it was like a three or four |
18527s | hundred billion is uh faction uh sorry |
18529s | Dead Space Abyssal um bar guest uh yeah |
18532s | that was a very expensive one |
18533s | unfortunately we couldn't see it because |
18535s | it was Abyssal so everything was one-isk |
18537s | but uh I was told very explicitly it was |
18540s | incredibly expensive now let's take a |
18543s | look at our hill now I'm never sure how |
18546s | to pronounce but they have I also lost |
18548s | one match that is today uh they have 10 |
18550s | people fly which makes sense because |
18552s | they've they filmed one match and that |
18554s | was today as well and you can only have |
18555s | up to 10 people and unfortunately have |
18557s | yet to win a match uh but they lost |
18558s | against probably one of the best teams |
18560s | the current defending Champions |
18561s | essentially in truth honor light so |
18564s | there is no shame in losing to that team |
18567s | whatsoever now at csbb you've been |
18570s | flying and practicing and screaming with |
18571s | uh truth on the light essentially |
18574s | um taking me through all of their comps |
18576s | in great detail not a chance they'll uh |
18578s | they'll execute me |
18579s | it has been an eye-opener though |
18582s | um like I said I'm very new to this |
18584s | scene of of the whole tournament and |
18586s | just getting to sit there and watch the |
18588s | theory craft there's an endless amount |
18591s | of the same comp but tweak it a little |
18592s | bit it's it's eye-opening how How Deeply |
18596s | seriously they take this and I can |
18597s | understand why I mean they they they're |
18600s | really good at the game you can see this |
18601s | when they went and did a |
18604s | the nosec deployment that I was with |
18606s | them fairly recently as well |
18608s | um but then when they take it this is |
18609s | like a whole new level the depths they |
18611s | go to yeah and they have some of the |
18613s | best year Crafters in in history of the |
18615s | game uh I mean people like Kadesh for |
18617s | example I use a maintainer of pifer uh |
18619s | just an absolute wizard with uh with |
18621s | spaceship fittings |
18623s | um but anyway speaking of other teams |
18625s | ahil Now versus deep water hooligan the |
18627s | red squash the arena and find out who's |
18629s | going to win between these two teams |
18636s | welcome back to the arena everybody we |
18638s | got deep water Hooligans coming up |
18639s | against and take note Ithaca I believe |
18641s | it's our hail now |
18643s | um our hail now seem to have brought |
18646s | this lashac Armageddon comp with three |
18648s | pirate Cruisers and deep water on the |
18650s | other side fear have got |
18652s | all the shack with uh no pirate Cruisers |
18655s | but quite a bit of low end and some jams |
18657s | in a griffin |
18659s | and uh |
18660s | uh so are we getting the shack versus |
18662s | Doula Shack let's talk about this |
18664s | matchup a little bit because I've heard |
18667s | people like the Armageddon Le Shack more |
18669s | I've heard people like the Dola Shack |
18670s | more what are your thoughts |
18672s | uh I think it depends how the Armageddon |
18674s | is fit and this Armageddon doesn't seem |
18676s | to have any guns at all so I'm gonna |
18679s | assume this is like a full Newt and NOS |
18682s | Armageddon which is obviously very very |
18683s | dangerous for Le Shack to come up |
18685s | against |
18686s | um because if you can keep cycling those |
18688s | newts on them just Spam them you know |
18690s | heavy Newt Cycles 24 seconds if you put |
18692s | four newts on one Le Shack they're |
18693s | cycling every six seconds if you stagger |
18695s | them there's no way he can keep his gun |
18696s | running the whole time and you will stop |
18698s | his spool and he is then essentially a |
18700s | 25 Point bag of nothing |
18705s | yeah and uh this kind of armor control |
18708s | mirror match one that we've seen many |
18711s | times in aet's past not necessarily this |
18713s | particular version of the comps uh but |
18716s | still uh when you see armor control |
18717s | mirror matchups it typically boils down |
18720s | to execution less so than what exact |
18723s | ships you brought we'll see which team |
18724s | has that higher execution as the match |
18726s | is about to go underway |
18728s | yeah I think these kind of comps are |
18729s | actually really interesting because |
18730s | although the top end is pretty |
18732s | frequently similar you see you know |
18733s | three Battleship core or double the |
18735s | shack but the stuff you can do in the |
18737s | low end makes it very very sort of |
18739s | varied in that regard some teams like |
18740s | armor Jack doors we saw a hecatee |
18742s | earlier this team has opted for a |
18743s | griffin which I don't think we've seen |
18744s | at all so far |
18746s | um so all you can as Bjorn was talking |
18747s | about earlier on uh well just now |
18750s | um how truth on a light go through their |
18752s | comps and they make minor alterations |
18753s | there's so many different |
18755s | little twists and turns of the Rubik's |
18757s | Cube you can come up with and try and |
18758s | figure out what comp is actually the one |
18760s | you want to run with |
18762s | um and it makes it very difficult for |
18763s | teams to sort of nail down what the best |
18765s | variant actually is so you come up you |
18767s | can see two Not Mirror comps but similar |
18770s | sort of archetypes come up against each |
18771s | other and not really be sure who |
18773s | actually has the upper hand here because |
18774s | both of these teams think theirs is |
18776s | obviously better |
18777s | yeah and it is an armor jacket in |
18779s | addition to that green uh Griffin from |
18781s | the side of Deepwater Hooligans and |
18783s | having that hyena for the tackle so you |
18785s | look at the control bar both of them |
18786s | pretty much maxed out uh hell not a |
18788s | slightly more because I got more modules |
18790s | but still uh either way they're going to |
18792s | do some poking and prodding see what |
18794s | they want to do because neither of these |
18795s | little Shacks from Deepwater Hooligans |
18797s | want to get under the newts of lover |
18800s | zero in the Armageddon yeah to my |
18802s | understanding the control bar is |
18803s | basically just a number of modules and |
18805s | of course as we said the Armageddon |
18806s | seems to be full new fit so that's going |
18809s | to help them out pretty heavily on that |
18810s | metric as well as the webs and |
18812s | presumably news on the ashimu |
18814s | um so yes it's pretty controlling on |
18816s | that side but they their control seems |
18818s | to be more in the top end in terms of |
18820s | those newts on the Armageddon they |
18821s | assuming whereas the low end on |
18823s | um the Deepwater hooligan side seems to |
18824s | be where they've packed their control |
18825s | presumably going to have some damps on |
18827s | the armor Jack door there's going to be |
18828s | some jams obviously on the Griffin |
18829s | they've got webs on the hyena so |
18833s | yep very slow play though another team |
18835s | really wanting to commit at the moment |
18836s | uh and they'll just be planking away |
18839s | with uh High uh range ammo from these |
18842s | little sharks the further away you are |
18844s | on the little Shacks probably better |
18845s | against this Armageddon uh not willing |
18847s | to deal with the new pressure but the |
18848s | scenarios of tamoxa appears to be the |
18850s | primary uh at least for now from ahayana |
18854s | yeah the thing is they need to be at the |
18856s | start both these teams neither of them |
18858s | is a particularly sort of fast comp in |
18860s | terms of having a massive impact earlier |
18861s | then neither of them are really rushy |
18863s | comps they're both quite attritional |
18864s | particularly in terms of new pressure so |
18866s | I think it's going to be critical when |
18868s | the fight suddenly switches on |
18870s | um whether or not deep water hooligans |
18872s | are able to deal with this Armageddon |
18873s | they may want to focus both of their |
18875s | Shacks on and instantly get rid of it |
18876s | because if that new pressure continues |
18878s | to attrition over the course but the |
18879s | ashimu now of kavegi is |
18882s | yeah tackled by the ishkar cynical makes |
18885s | the dive for the rest of his team now |
18886s | the rest of his team's starting to move |
18888s | forward including those two Le Shacks uh |
18890s | he's got the ADC he's got quite a bit of |
18892s | reps on top of him as well so he's going |
18894s | to try to get as much value out of that |
18897s | dive as possible uh he is webbed off |
18899s | himself though and doesn't have any |
18901s | remaining webs uh onto any members of |
18903s | our hill now so they've been able to |
18904s | peel him off for the time being but now |
18907s | uh Senegal dives into structure he's |
18910s | gonna get one last rap in and probably |
18911s | gonna fall yeah this seems to be sort of |
18914s | jumping the gun a little bit here by |
18915s | cynical we can see timox is doing |
18917s | everything he can to trying to keep this |
18918s | is corrupt but the the ashimu of |
18920s | kabegi's totally fine he's been wrapped |
18921s | up by his frigates he's managed to make |
18923s | it out but of course the ishko once he's |
18924s | in the middle of this situation he is |
18925s | not getting out so his life is now |
18927s | forfeit and it's up to |
18929s | um deep water to try and make something |
18931s | of his sacrifice otherwise they've |
18932s | effectively lost anishka for nothing but |
18934s | the rest of the team doesn't really seem |
18935s | to be pushing in with him here so I'm |
18937s | not that there seems to be a sort of I |
18939s | don't know like a a random push there |
18941s | from the wasn't particularly coordinated |
18943s | with the rest of the the members of his |
18944s | team and meanwhile doxler and Nathalia |
18946s | he's getting plinked away at the moment |
18948s | uh some tracking disruptors on to one of |
18950s | the little Shacks from Deepwater |
18951s | Hooligans uh not exactly sure where that |
18954s | one's coming from it doesn't really tell |
18956s | us but either way uh getting track |
18959s | disruptors onto a shack is always a |
18962s | great thing to do and the Salia duck |
18965s | Slayer I mean he's going into low armor |
18968s | and he hasn't really been wrapped up all |
18969s | that much I'm curious to see like how |
18971s | exactly that has happened there are |
18973s | newts on one of the Le Shacks now |
18975s | Crimson Serenity under the pressure of |
18977s | either the Armageddon or the uh |
18981s | fashion Moon newts looks like the |
18982s | Armageddon from him yeah duck Slayer |
18984s | catches back up I actually saw |
18986s | um the whole team there recall their |
18988s | damage Bots I think they had damage Bots |
18989s | out to kill the ishka and immediately |
18990s | put out rep Bots and issue them straight |
18992s | on to dark Slayer and duck Slayer |
18993s | catches just fine obviously he's keeping |
18995s | pretty significant ranges keeping his |
18997s | speed up quite distance from the enemy |
18998s | Fleet here so those rope belts are able |
19000s | to to you know leisurely get him back to |
19002s | full health but it is now Shanna who's |
19004s | gonna need reps in the Phantasm |
19006s | event has some pretty fast ship uh with |
19009s | that afterburner bonus we'll see how |
19011s | it's fit afterwards uh I think some |
19013s | people don't necessarily like to see |
19015s | tenement After Burner phantasms that |
19017s | aren't blings but uh either way |
19019s | resistant to scrams at the very least |
19021s | neither team really doing a whole lot of |
19023s | damage at the moment if you look at the |
19024s | attack bars they are pretty anemic |
19026s | compared to the rest this is really a |
19028s | war of attrition as you have mentioned |
19030s | earlier on in the match and that one |
19031s | kill might be the only one we see all |
19033s | match we're about halfway done and no |
19034s | one else has fallen |
19036s | yeah I think these Le Shacks are both |
19038s | still scared about the Armageddon but |
19040s | obviously with that loss they need to do |
19041s | something the onus is on them to make |
19043s | something happen here and yeah they're |
19045s | gonna need to do something about that |
19046s | Armageddon or the ashimu because |
19047s | otherwise if this match goes longer and |
19049s | longer and they they're in new Range |
19050s | deal with it yeah it goes down they're |
19054s | going to plank him out with long range |
19055s | ammo with a Sipple of x rander x is the |
19058s | primary from the side of uh all hell nah |
19062s | and simple Scott defensive mode can |
19065s | reduce the Sig still tracking from or |
19067s | Shack is very difficult to deal with |
19069s | especially uh with the rest of the |
19072s | utility that the side of our Hill Nas |
19075s | brought but he's able to rep back up to |
19076s | full armor and I gotta start the cycle |
19078s | all over again yeah that was a good spot |
19080s | on the Magus that was a very good catch |
19081s | they just sort of were taking it |
19083s | leisurely and then suddenly the Magus |
19084s | dropped |
19085s | um the most part our hail now seems to |
19087s | be doing a pretty good job of staying |
19089s | fairly compact keeping everything within |
19090s | these reprick ranges but as you say I |
19092s | assume they loaded long range ammo on |
19094s | the Le shacks and just link that Magus |
19095s | out of existence very very quickly |
19097s | yeah they're under the scenarios though |
19099s | uh at the moment we'll see is the |
19101s | nearest tackled at the moment does not |
19103s | look like it uh just have newts on top |
19105s | of them though and new pressure on top |
19107s | of her Nero it's not something you |
19109s | really want to have happen to your soul |
19111s | logic Cruiser trying to figure out who |
19113s | exactly has the Newt going on to him at |
19115s | the moment I do believe that is getting |
19117s | newts on top of that as miros and he's |
19120s | not able to rap at all right now yeah |
19122s | and the shack is also beaming him and |
19123s | I'm going to hope for his sake that |
19125s | little shank has long range ammo so the |
19126s | nearest can't actually get out of range |
19127s | although I think the beam has stopped so |
19129s | I expect damage to drop off pretty |
19131s | dramatically but the hyena now does just |
19133s | get flapped as well |
19135s | you have webs off the table low ends |
19138s | slowly slowly dying from Deep Water cool |
19141s | against they found the Griffin as well |
19142s | volume to half armor now into half |
19145s | structure there's nothing left in the |
19147s | tank for that Griffin and he will die uh |
19150s | jams not going to do enough because when |
19153s | you jam someone you're just taunting |
19154s | them to him he is able to wrap back up |
19156s | to full uh armor however so the little |
19158s | Shacks have to get some lucky shots to |
19161s | kill that Griffin |
19163s | yeah and this is the other thing with |
19164s | the Armageddon is if it's sort of a |
19167s | protracted close range brawl then the |
19168s | new pressure becomes overwhelming but |
19170s | you can also use the long range of the |
19172s | Noose on the Armageddon to sort of alpha |
19174s | frigate capacitor and then use that as |
19176s | an opportunity to to gain an opening and |
19178s | just as we saw plink away at something |
19179s | and just take it out very very quickly |
19180s | before it has a chance to cap up and and |
19182s | get moving again yeah Daniel ellslash |
19185s | though very extended out right now |
19187s | they're finally deciding to commit with |
19188s | both of the little Shacks but they've |
19190s | turned the damage from this uh the shack |
19193s | from ahel na on top of Dano L as he will |
19196s | be the primary but they're gonna try to |
19198s | go for the Little Shack trade this |
19199s | Armageddon though should be smart enough |
19200s | to get the newts on top of at least one |
19203s | of these little Shacks yeah they've |
19204s | decided to flip the switch they've |
19205s | realized they need to make something |
19206s | happen here and both these the Shacks |
19208s | have burned in and they're trying to |
19208s | break through the first to check I don't |
19210s | know if that's the right call or if |
19211s | they're going to be able to kill him |
19212s | before these news from the get installed |
19213s | to take effect |
19215s | um we're gonna have a little look at the |
19217s | battleship piloting here as well are |
19218s | they going to be able to control space |
19219s | and do what they're tracking are they |
19220s | just going to burn around I think both |
19222s | of them have successfully slowed down so |
19224s | they are going to be applying pretty |
19225s | decently and this Daniel Sunkist in that |
19227s | LE Shack is actually going down pretty |
19229s | quickly here |
19230s | yeah but one of these Le Shacks has full |
19233s | new pressure coming in from lover zero |
19235s | on the Armageddon The Shack in question |
19237s | being Dano I in I said Daniel Shack I |
19241s | already said he was a little shock pilot |
19242s | so he's got no way to uh use an |
19244s | accelerator at the moment needs guns are |
19246s | turned off but full spool coming in from |
19248s | uh one little shock on his team and from |
19251s | Daniel I or from uh dangle Sunkist |
19253s | excuse me and he's into structure right |
19256s | now should end up going down without the |
19258s | shack down there's a whole lot of damage |
19260s | left from aisle na they might end up |
19262s | having this one slip away from them yeah |
19265s | it turns out in the end to be a good |
19266s | call from Deep Water Hooligans the power |
19267s | of those two Le Shacks in the right |
19269s | place at the right time very very |
19270s | decisive player to just charge in and |
19272s | break through the shack and of course as |
19273s | we've said it's a full Newt getting so |
19275s | there's not a huge amount of damage |
19276s | actually left on the field here |
19278s | um so that's that's a good pickoff from |
19279s | Deepwater Hooligans that's a very |
19281s | decisive move and that's the kind of |
19282s | thing they needed to do in this |
19283s | situation to to swing the match rapidly |
19286s | rather than you know sort of stay in a |
19288s | Range where they can where they're |
19289s | taking losses but they're not really |
19291s | making much progress very quickly it was |
19293s | it was a good decisive move |
19295s | just about a minute left in the match |
19296s | right now and I hail now that need to |
19298s | kill something but uh they've got |
19300s | nothing in the tank as far as DPS is |
19303s | concerned their team's kind of spread |
19304s | out at the moment trying to not give too |
19306s | many points over to Deepwater Hooligans |
19308s | not like that matters it is double |
19310s | elimination after Hall and their |
19311s | elimination's on the line the Thalia |
19313s | goes down not should be either the sash |
19315s | remember this Phantasm as the damage is |
19316s | split from Deepwater Hooligans so now |
19319s | we're just going on with the scenarios |
19320s | as well from Ohio now but it's too |
19322s | little too late Deepwater rule against |
19323s | 30 seconds left of the match should be |
19325s | able to one uh win this one and move on |
19327s | in the tournament yeah and it's going to |
19329s | be disappointing for our hail now |
19330s | because we saw the feeders they put up a |
19331s | very strong performance I think they |
19332s | went 4-0 overall and got entering sea |
19335s | lions tournament and then go 0-2 on the |
19337s | first day and earn the dubious honor of |
19338s | being the very first team to be |
19340s | eliminated from the tournament is it's |
19342s | got to be a little bit disappointing for |
19343s | them but I think they put up a good |
19345s | showing |
19346s | um it's just it's you know maybe this |
19348s | matchup was perhaps a little bit |
19349s | difficult |
19351s | um keeping that the shack alive is |
19352s | obviously going to be a Herculean task |
19354s | against two of them coming in |
19355s | simultaneously but with that we're going |
19357s | to send it back to the studio and we're |
19358s | going to say goodbye to our hail now |
19367s | [Music] |
19374s | [Music] |
19388s | foreign |
19409s | together |
19422s | foreign |
19432s | [Music] |
19441s | take the Victory and unfortunately I |
19444s | will now become the first of the 32 |
19447s | teams to exit Alliance tournament 18 as |
19450s | that was indeed a loser's Market bracket |
19453s | match uh we say goodbye we say thank you |
19456s | for competing and good luck next time to |
19458s | the ahilna team there and that match was |
19461s | uh it's just intense for both sides |
19464s | because that looked like one of those |
19465s | matches where it's just High APM like |
19468s | lots of piloting and changing decisions |
19470s | and moving stuff around and and kiting |
19472s | and when to committing things and then |
19474s | it was nine six until like a minute and |
19476s | a half to go and then those tourist |
19478s | action deep water did what you called |
19480s | from like like 10 seconds into the match |
19482s | it was just Barrel in and that one the |
19484s | shack and spool on it Bart take me |
19486s | through kind of what happened in that |
19487s | match yeah I think you're right that it |
19490s | was a lot of like high APM and piloting |
19493s | and skillful play that in all all |
19495s | honesty did not need to happen in any |
19497s | way shape or form like as soon as that |
19499s | they realized that Tula Shacks is more |
19502s | than one Le Shack |
19503s | they just pushed them in and blew up the |
19505s | other lecheck and I mean you know we |
19506s | know that math is something that works |
19508s | every single time and two is more than |
19510s | one uh so they were able to defeat it |
19512s | but you know it should be serious like |
19513s | there wasn't enough ability to shut down |
19516s | those Le Shacks unless they had gone in |
19518s | and tackled and so like well the teams |
19519s | are sort of flying around or perhaps |
19522s | jockeying for position as we uh are |
19524s | known to say over and over and over |
19525s | again at any point those Tula Shacks or |
19528s | tackled could have just pushed in and |
19530s | then just started ramping in DPS and the |
19533s | thing about the ahelna team is that they |
19536s | had a lot of energy neutralizers which |
19539s | are more effective as the match goes on |
19540s | I think we talk about it a decent amount |
19542s | but because of cat boosters cap booster |
19545s | 3200s you only have so many of them once |
19547s | you run out that's it so |
19549s | it was a 10-minute match it could have |
19551s | been like a probably two or three minute |
19553s | match like at least would have been one |
19555s | within two or three minutes and uh yeah |
19557s | I don't know I think Jin had an actually |
19559s | interesting comment about their piloting |
19561s | he was uh criticizing it in a much more |
19563s | interesting way than I am |
19565s | 10 uh no comment |
19569s | do you want to say the democracer |
19571s | actually played that game exceptionally |
19572s | well he's living a live um frigates with |
19575s | very very low ehp you're looking at like |
19577s | maybe three four thousand ehp on that |
19579s | Griffin |
19580s | um obviously the ishka went down early |
19582s | on and that was more due to the fact |
19584s | that the ishka decided uh to meet |
19586s | Valhalla in glorious combat rather than |
19589s | play things safe with the rest of his |
19590s | team but yeah especially with an armor |
19593s | comp like that you have to predict when |
19595s | the damage is going to be applied and |
19596s | cycle your reps beforehand or that |
19599s | Griffin's going to go bye-bye very |
19601s | quickly yeah super uh excellent piloting |
19604s | there from Tomoka in that aniros |
19606s | um it's keeping a griffin alive with the |
19609s | like armor reps land at the end of the |
19611s | cycle versus Shield which land at the |
19613s | start like it's just that's just super |
19615s | hard to do and uh he did really well |
19617s | like Griffin as well was flying away |
19619s | from the enemies when he was getting |
19620s | primaried he was like paying radicals |
19622s | attention and then bailing out and just |
19624s | really good really good pile thing from |
19625s | both sides is unfortunately for ahil now |
19627s | they didn't come out Victorious now we |
19629s | have another elimination match coming up |
19631s | in just a few minutes uh three try |
19633s | versus boundary experts so let's take a |
19636s | look at the bands for uh for this match |
19639s | so try Banning out the mollusks the |
19641s | carries and the Scimitar interesting |
19643s | bands there uh CC Swift came on and |
19645s | talked about how great the carries was |
19646s | and everyone should bring it uh try took |
19649s | that uh a personal offense to that and |
19650s | just banned it out boundary experts |
19652s | Banning the Nighthawk the Battleground |
19654s | and the curse uh jintan what do you make |
19656s | of these bands here |
19658s | yes these are buns are kind of we're |
19660s | starting to see a bit of a pattern with |
19662s | the generic bands the power bands |
19663s | normally you're Banning one Rush ship |
19665s | balgorn curse that's that seems to be |
19667s | quite a common Trend now but on the |
19669s | other side Triumph haven't played their |
19670s | part in it there's no bands on any of |
19672s | the Drone ships that we've seen quite |
19673s | heavily targeted no bands on the frigate |
19675s | logy instead they are just dealing with |
19678s | things that would probably be brought by |
19680s | kite so triumvira are probably going to |
19681s | be playing some sort of three Battleship |
19683s | setup or |
19686s | um something similar that wants to be |
19688s | close to wants to be able to project but |
19691s | is relatively immobile something that |
19693s | would be more heavily more heavily |
19696s | interrupted by The Game Plan of those |
19697s | dams that said the celestis is still |
19699s | open so boundary experts do have options |
19701s | if they want to read in too deeply into |
19703s | that bands now if I'm creating |
19705s | remembering both these teams earlier on |
19707s | in the matches which the uh they sadly |
19709s | lost both of them fielded their |
19710s | flagships and both of them lost their |
19713s | flagships um so what we're looking at |
19715s | here is the first match of the |
19716s | tournament I think we're not a single |
19718s | flagship could even be possibly fielded |
19720s | because they're all dead at this point |
19721s | uh bar do you think it would it would |
19724s | maybe make a difference right now for |
19725s | one of these teams if they still had |
19726s | that Flagship you know it might um I |
19729s | think that you know jyn is totally right |
19731s | about the triumvirate thing like they |
19733s | don't want to have to deal with a uh a |
19736s | team that can kite them because like if |
19737s | you throw like a mollusk and it carries |
19739s | in there and then you just fly around |
19740s | well they can't enjoy their lock range |
19742s | and they have like a 20 kilometer lock |
19743s | range um since they did have uh I think |
19745s | both teams had bargists I believe yep |
19747s | and now they don't have Argus anymore |
19749s | yeah it's like it's possible that maybe |
19752s | like with the flagship Argus you could |
19754s | do a kite team that would like |
19755s | counteract the fact that they banned the |
19757s | malices and the carries |
19759s | um but I don't I don't know it's hard to |
19761s | tell like I feel like both of them kind |
19762s | of lost their burgers in ways that the |
19764s | Vargas didn't matter in the match and |
19766s | now it doesn't matter because it's dead |
19767s | and you know election said they still |
19769s | have celestises and I think celestances |
19771s | are actually probably better than |
19772s | molluses and Carries |
19774s | so earlier on um the tri team lost |
19777s | against the tuskers call of course a |
19779s | very experienced team they look like |
19780s | they could be quite strong this year |
19782s | um and the boundary experts lost versus |
19784s | Polaris mercenary Alliance uh who again |
19787s | performed super well in that earlier |
19789s | match I think |
19790s | um maybe a lot better than some people |
19791s | had kind of given them credit for |
19793s | um especially compared to someone like |
19794s | the tuskers so what do we think here um |
19796s | who gentan do you think is going to be |
19798s | able to take this one here is it going |
19799s | to be try or boundary experts |
19801s | I don't know this is a really hard one |
19802s | to call |
19803s | um I think my money is on triumvira uh |
19805s | they're just a team that has a longer |
19807s | history |
19808s | um but you know I think uh boundary |
19810s | experts always have a chance to bring |
19812s | this out they've got so much tour and |
19813s | experience as well and despite |
19815s | everything they did execute fairly well |
19817s | in their last match uh they just needed |
19819s | to you know uh pick a better comp |
19822s | basically and varrobert used |
19824s | well now that uh now that we don't have |
19826s | the script anymore uh we accidentally |
19828s | burned it um I believe that this time |
19831s | try will actually win as opposed to last |
19833s | time where it was uh stacked against |
19835s | them from the beginning well let's find |
19837s | that as we go to the arena to see a who |
19839s | will win between try on Boundary experts |
19847s | welcome back the arena guys try it |
19849s | boundary experts both on the verge of |
19851s | annihilation here |
19852s | three bar guests coming up from try that |
19855s | is an unusual comp Herald and back to |
19857s | look to last year I think but |
19859s | yeah um a lot of boundary experts got oh |
19862s | King Slayer from uh the bar guests and a |
19865s | king Slayer uh from boundary experts |
19868s | they've got double arm and got an 80 |
19870s | Navy and a typhoon Fleet issue so triple |
19872s | rapid heavy from both of these teams one |
19873s | Shield one armor we'll see how they |
19876s | match up in this match I don't believe |
19879s | there are any flagships in this match |
19881s | either so it's do or die for both these |
19884s | teams I'm excited what about you |
19887s | yeah I'm curious about more specifically |
19890s | about the difference in lodgy here |
19891s | because you've got the Deacon and Thalia |
19892s | on one side it may actually be pretty |
19893s | difficult to take down for these bar |
19895s | guests who obviously are going to be |
19896s | spending their mid slots on tank and not |
19898s | particularly as much an application |
19899s | whereas on the other side you've got the |
19900s | Armageddon Navy's in the typhoon Fleet |
19902s | who obviously can afford to spend those |
19903s | midsults and application against the |
19905s | burst and the Bantam who are just going |
19907s | to get obliterated here I would imagine |
19909s | um if they do get looked at by you know |
19911s | drones from the pontifex or the |
19912s | executive Navy's guns or indeed of |
19914s | course the missiles from the Armageddon |
19916s | Navy so I I think on |
19919s | the surface level before the match |
19920s | starts I would actually favor the armor |
19922s | kingslayer in the situation |
19924s | I think I would as well they have hit |
19927s | points to go through but at the same |
19929s | time neither team really has any battle |
19931s | cruiser or cruiser holes which is what |
19933s | rapid Heavies are good against remember |
19935s | you gotta clip out somebody or you have |
19938s | to kill someone before your Clips are |
19940s | dead and both of these teams they only |
19942s | got three clips of Rapid Heavies uh a |
19944s | piece although those are bonus clips and |
19946s | they do quite a bit of damage no rate of |
19948s | fire bonuses because rate of fire is on |
19949s | Reddit but Heavies is bad either way the |
19952s | match is about to go underway and both |
19953s | teams starting to pull back from one |
19956s | another although one team much quicker |
19957s | off the line that being triumvirate |
19960s | yeah and I expect to win con for both of |
19962s | these teams based on my understanding |
19963s | would be that they need to deal with |
19964s | these battleships obviously both these |
19966s | teams have committed 60 odd in fact 75 |
19968s | on the side of tramva into these |
19970s | Battleship |
19971s | um setups and there's going to be |
19973s | obviously therefore very little DPS |
19974s | outside of those so whoever can Whittle |
19976s | through those battleships with their |
19977s | Clips pick the right target pick the |
19979s | right |
19980s | timing to to unleash those volleys and |
19982s | break through |
19984s | um the opposing battleships although of |
19985s | course in missile the missile matchups I |
19988s | think there is a benefit to being the |
19989s | team that's burning away as the other |
19990s | team is forced to run into your missiles |
19992s | and you're potentially able to get out |
19993s | of range of theirs as the missiles sort |
19994s | of expire uh by the time they get to you |
19996s | and it's triumvirate here in the shield |
19997s | comp who's running away |
19999s | and they're faster they're Shield fit |
20001s | they're going to be able to out kite the |
20003s | enemy team it's just whether or not |
20004s | boundary experts can actually catch up |
20006s | to them uh using better positioning |
20008s | either way the exact Navy is the primary |
20011s | from triumvirate they're like all right |
20013s | rapid heavy so good against Cruisers and |
20015s | battle Cruisers there's only one Cruiser |
20016s | on the enemy team we're gonna shoot him |
20018s | first uh they should be able to kill him |
20020s | within the clip although he is getting |
20022s | good reps in from the stekin anathalia |
20024s | combo yeah there's a lot of rep drones |
20026s | on them as well of course the typhoon |
20027s | Fleet Armageddon Navy both have ample |
20029s | drone based to spew out red bots on him |
20030s | although for the Armageddon Navy's |
20032s | perhaps less desirable than they'd like |
20033s | given the new uh drone damage bonus |
20035s | those holes have but he is now actually |
20037s | picking up total Ownage I think the |
20038s | Deacon and Thalia might have been a |
20040s | little bit awesome to the start but |
20041s | they've managed to sort of get in range |
20042s | and get those reps into optimal and now |
20044s | Alex Lennon on the other side in that |
20045s | Shield bogus is going into armor here |
20047s | and that's definitely not a good sign |
20048s | for him |
20050s | yeah he's got some repping power on top |
20052s | of him but the shield ehp from uh these |
20055s | bar guests is rather large if you fit |
20058s | them up correctly but they only got six |
20060s | mid slots uh to deal with and you have |
20062s | to have utility as well it does look |
20064s | like he survived the first clip in half |
20066s | armor should be able to rep back up |
20067s | pretty close to full but he's only got |
20069s | T1 lodgy friggs to try to help him with |
20071s | that |
20072s | yeah and as that happened the Jack door |
20074s | of course just got bullied as well I |
20075s | don't know if uh the exact Navy and the |
20077s | jackdaws on the other side match to plap |
20079s | at him a lot but |
20080s | um this is looking pretty good for |
20081s | boundary experts so far |
20083s | um they're staying pretty compact |
20084s | together which is exactly what you want |
20085s | to do when you've got these lodgy |
20086s | frigates which enables them to sort of |
20087s | stay in range and you know not not have |
20090s | difficulty applying those short range |
20092s | reps |
20093s | um as they as we saw that they caught |
20095s | the exact Navy and now they're still |
20096s | just sort of running around after this |
20097s | bar I guess but they seem to actually be |
20098s | in range the obviously the Bargas as you |
20100s | said are going to be a faster comp but |
20102s | they don't seem fast enough to actually |
20103s | outrun |
20105s | um these armor King Slayers set up |
20106s | yeah and Arena's a sphere right you have |
20110s | to be able to position properly if |
20112s | you're going to kite someone even if |
20114s | they are a little bit slower than you |
20115s | I'll explain in the rapid heavy Clips uh |
20118s | should be coming back up pretty soon and |
20120s | he should end up following there's some |
20122s | damage coming from the rest of these |
20123s | ships as well as he moves up into one |
20126s | third Shield is going to try to survive |
20128s | this but the clips are coming and they |
20130s | should be able to get the kill I mean |
20131s | all this exact Navy of tonal Ownage full |
20134s | armor he's going to be the primary once |
20136s | again we're gonna see if they can get |
20138s | him to bleed a little bit more whole but |
20139s | still that's not a trade you want Alex |
20141s | Lennon now to half Shield the clips are |
20144s | about over and I'm expecting to see that |
20145s | attack bar from triumviron or sorry from |
20148s | boundary experts go to the Moon |
20151s | yeah we are seeing that exit maybe he |
20153s | seems to be their sort of frontliner for |
20154s | their comp he's the one pushing in at |
20156s | the front leaving the charge and the red |
20157s | Bots were otherwise occupied um I think |
20159s | on the Deacon but they are now the |
20160s | executive he has now turned around and |
20162s | the redbots are being reassigned but the |
20163s | example does just go down before but |
20165s | they are going to take out this stalk in |
20166s | exchange and as you say they've reloaded |
20167s | those missiles are coming out again on |
20169s | the Bargas and he only was able to rep |
20171s | up to like a third Shield he is gonna go |
20174s | down on the second clip of these armor |
20176s | kingslayer ships |
20178s | I mean really well done with rapid |
20181s | Heavies there but at the same time |
20182s | they've lost their kind of primary |
20184s | engage tool in that exact Navy we're |
20187s | gonna see if that might actually shift |
20190s | things a little bit towards Triumph for |
20191s | its favor there will lose Alex Lennon |
20193s | it's just a matter of when they actually |
20195s | went for the sky breaker next I think |
20197s | they're going for smaller targets with |
20199s | these rapid Heavies now uh some split |
20201s | damage though between the low end and |
20203s | the high end |
20204s | yeah I think actually the hyena would be |
20206s | a good Target here to focus for these |
20207s | jackdaws because it is going to be |
20209s | basically their only application and |
20211s | they have invested the points into this |
20213s | Deacon and Thalia they have those |
20214s | technology and they've proven that I |
20216s | mean they were able to keep the exec |
20217s | Navy up for an extended period they |
20219s | would surely be able to keep the |
20220s | Armageddon maybe the Titan flipped the |
20221s | core of their comp alive and if they can |
20223s | deal with the application from this |
20225s | hyena that will provide that those webs |
20227s | and paints to the bar guests |
20229s | um it effectively saves their lower end |
20231s | from any real risk in this fight |
20234s | yeah jackdaws armor Jack does though |
20237s | they caught plenty of damps on them we |
20238s | see a lot of them going towards one of |
20240s | the uh or a lot of them being spread |
20242s | Alex London's got a damp on them Mr |
20245s | Rosen has a damp on him as well trying |
20247s | to keep these Bargas a bay but now Alex |
20249s | London he's been going through his armor |
20251s | through his Shields the attack bar about |
20252s | halfway up for boundary experts and they |
20255s | should be able to get this bar gust |
20256s | finally and take a significant points |
20258s | lead |
20259s | yeah and just going back to the armor |
20261s | jackdaws I'm actually surprised how few |
20263s | jackdaws we've seen I don't think we've |
20265s | seen it banned basically at all |
20268s | um and we've you know in this match |
20269s | we've got two but and I think there was |
20271s | one there was one for triumvira as well |
20273s | but I think most matches haven't |
20274s | actually had that many jackdaws but |
20276s | coming into the tournament I was |
20277s | expecting jackdaws to be everywhere |
20278s | because |
20279s | in a damp War the Jack door with its |
20281s | ewall resist basically automatically |
20283s | wins if you have a jacked or against the |
20285s | carries and they're damping each other |
20286s | the jackdaw wins because jackdaw has |
20289s | what is it 60 year old actually if you |
20291s | then stack that with ewall protection |
20292s | link it's basically undampable and armor |
20295s | Jack doors we've seen gets you know |
20297s | three maybe four |
20299s | um damps in those mids so you can be a |
20301s | real pain in the ass with it |
20303s | um and this now the second Bargas of |
20305s | course the ships get less on the |
20307s | triumvirate side these dams are going to |
20309s | become more and more oppressive |
20312s | but at the same time |
20315s | boner experts doesn't need to kill |
20316s | anything more |
20318s | their low end is working on the logic |
20319s | frigates right now this Bantam of chichi |
20321s | down to about one-third now one quarter |
20324s | shields uh and meanwhile rapid Heavies |
20327s | three sets of Rapid Heavies good enough |
20329s | to take down a lot of things two sets of |
20331s | Rapid Heavies you're gonna have a lot |
20332s | more trouble going through someone's |
20334s | entire ehp in one clip |
20337s | yeah it's all about having a critical |
20339s | mass and as we saw they were able to |
20340s | just about get that Navy executor but |
20342s | everything else on the grid here is |
20343s | going to be a very very tough ask them |
20345s | to take down with just these two Bargas |
20346s | soon to be one as Mr Rosen having |
20348s | already lost the flagship bar guest |
20350s | earlier in the day he's gonna add a |
20351s | second bogus kill male to his kill board |
20354s | here |
20355s | you have one more lost Mill for the |
20358s | books goes into structure and the attack |
20360s | bar fully meaty from Battery experts |
20363s | they'll be able to chew through him just |
20365s | fine we got about three minutes left on |
20366s | the match this one's gonna be a bit of a |
20368s | grind so uh let's talk a little bit |
20370s | about what we expect to see through this |
20373s | lower bracket right teams now they've |
20376s | got to pull out all the stops because |
20377s | one loss means that they are out of the |
20380s | tournament |
20381s | yeah and looking at the bracket I think |
20383s | boundary experts having won this match |
20385s | are likely to go up against well it'll |
20387s | be the loser of lock range enjoys |
20388s | against no Forks given and again that's |
20391s | a match that could go either way |
20393s | um in terms of no Forks given against I |
20395s | would expect no Forks even to drop down |
20396s | lot Ranger Joys look very very confident |
20398s | I know they've been screwing with Hydra |
20400s | um and Boundary experts here dropping |
20402s | down to the lower bracket in the first |
20403s | match |
20404s | um that's anybody's game to take and |
20405s | once you start getting through the lower |
20407s | bracket you start inching closer and |
20408s | closer those price ships but every match |
20410s | of course as you say is a must win |
20412s | yeah win two matches and they're |
20415s | guaranteed price ships placing in the |
20416s | top 16 getting a handful of ships for |
20419s | your trouble of each variety and all |
20422s | these teams I mean you're in it for the |
20423s | price ships you want to at least make |
20424s | back your entry fee and uh go into the |
20427s | next tournament uh is the thing but some |
20429s | teams end up being valued prize pool |
20431s | contributors and today that appears to |
20435s | be triumvirate uh we talked a little bit |
20437s | during the pre-view of the tournament |
20440s | about the split of vital reloaded and |
20442s | how those Pilots ended up going between |
20444s | dark side bsot and triumvirate |
20446s | triumvirate ended up getting the shorter |
20448s | and the stick in terms of those pilots |
20449s | and we're seeing this time around uh one |
20452s | of the three Russian teams is out of the |
20454s | tournament and uh dark side and b-sod |
20456s | still in the upper bracket I'm excited |
20457s | to see how they fare maybe if they go up |
20460s | against each other later in the |
20461s | tournament |
20462s | yeah of course those two teams generally |
20464s | more tournament pedigreed in the history |
20467s | um than triumvira has been I know |
20468s | triumvirate came I think it was third or |
20469s | fourth in Alliance tournament 14 or 15 a |
20471s | couple of years ago but overall I'd say |
20473s | dark side and bright side of death are |
20475s | the more sort of experienced teams so |
20477s | for those sort of displaced Russian |
20478s | pilots from vidary they may have seemed |
20480s | like the more attractive options to to |
20481s | join up and join forces with the other |
20483s | Russian groups and yeah there's a real |
20486s | chance that those two teams bolstered by |
20488s | those vydro Pilots could make a really |
20489s | strong run through the upper bracket |
20492s | yeah and through the lower bracket uh |
20495s | boundary experts you know radicos will |
20497s | be uh happy about that you'd think no |
20499s | he's not with boundary experts anymore |
20500s | he's with pandemic Legion who also have |
20502s | a lower Bracken match coming up tomorrow |
20504s | uh either way uh hats off to him for uh |
20507s | making the one veto that didn't make any |
20511s | sense whatsoever in the uh pre-alliance |
20514s | tournament show uh we're getting some |
20516s | boundaries coming out from triumvert |
20518s | they're gonna go for the Edge of Glory |
20519s | this burst 115 out about to hit that 125 |
20522s | Mark uh 30 seconds left in the match |
20524s | though this one should not go 100 points |
20527s | for boundary experts |
20529s | yeah it is going to be unfortunately the |
20531s | end of the road for triumvira they're |
20532s | going to be going home with nothing as |
20534s | you say valued price pool contributors |
20535s | and Boundary experts are going to move |
20537s | on |
20538s | yep 15 seconds left on the match one is |
20541s | down the burst 60 ish kilometers away |
20545s | from the center now getting taken down |
20548s | by the rest of boundary experts four |
20550s | seconds left on the match three two one |
20552s | and it is over |
20557s | we're gonna send it back to the desk |
20559s | break that one down bring us into the |
20560s | last match of the day which will be |
20562s | paper numbers versus Esports Petopia |
20568s | [Music] |
20572s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
20575s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
20578s | logo is in the game of course you could |
20580s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
20581s | would be kind of a jerk move oh you |
20584s | don't like it now sucks I'm gonna go |
20586s | join |
20593s | [Music] |
20596s | thank you |
20603s | welcome to Eve Pandora |
20629s | [Music] |
20633s | foreign |
20635s | they are the second team to say goodbye |
20638s | and we thank them for their valued |
20640s | contribution to the prize pool as they |
20642s | are eliminated from Alliance tournament |
20644s | 18 contention by the boundary experts |
20647s | team |
20648s | um Blackboard pirate uh I can't help but |
20651s | notice that that team fielded three bar |
20653s | guests and thanks to the point inflation |
20655s | rule they went from uh 23 points to 25 |
20657s | points so essentially by bringing three |
20660s | of them they just threw away six extra |
20663s | points uh what's your what's your |
20665s | thoughts on this |
20667s | yeah the uh not only do they throw away |
20669s | six extra points but uh looking at this |
20671s | historically like perhaps if we go back |
20674s | in time about a year-ish where we had a |
20676s | tournament that was uh sponsored by |
20678s | mortu's Legion where the Bargas were |
20680s | even less points and people were flying |
20682s | triple Vargas constantly |
20684s | and then we realized it wasn't that good |
20686s | of a comp because everyone figured out |
20687s | how to beat it |
20689s | um I was a little confused I was like |
20690s | why are you bringing something that has |
20692s | already been solved that is worse |
20694s | significantly because you are spinning |
20696s | so many more points on it uh the I don't |
20699s | remember what the exact name of the rule |
20700s | is this year but basically it's the |
20702s | duplicate rule points inflation ah |
20704s | points inflation yes inflation |
20707s | everywhere even in the alliance even in |
20709s | the alliance tournament we are suffering |
20710s | from inflation but uh every ship you |
20712s | bring in of the same Hull increases the |
20715s | point value by one so Vargas is 23 |
20717s | points you bring two Bargas another 24 |
20719s | and you bring three and now they are 25. |
20722s | math class is still in session for at |
20724s | least another about 20 minutes |
20726s | um but yes you spent uh 75 of your 100 |
20729s | points |
20730s | on three ships which means the other |
20732s | seven of them have to spread out a very |
20735s | small amount and uh I think we kind of |
20737s | saw the weakness of that like you're |
20738s | you're really lacking the ability to you |
20741s | know tackle uh ewar counter screen et |
20744s | cetera et cetera et cetera and they just |
20745s | really didn't work uh genton do you |
20749s | think if that comp had one of those |
20750s | ships is a flagship bar I guess it would |
20752s | have been a different |
20753s | um different outcome or do you think |
20755s | it's just the triple Bargas just not the |
20757s | right meta for Alliance tournament 18. |
20759s | no I don't think that was um there was |
20761s | much to do there in terms of DPS whilst |
20763s | we did see that Navy executor get very |
20765s | very close to dropping during the start |
20767s | that was more of an execution issue on |
20769s | trying for its part rather than |
20771s | um a lack of DPS uh they kind of blew |
20774s | their load early they started engaging |
20776s | all their rhmls before the webs and |
20778s | paints of their hyena had taken effect |
20780s | and that gave them just not enough DPS |
20783s | to break through the Reps uh before they |
20785s | needed to reload |
20786s | yeah that's a super important thing um |
20788s | being able to hold your DPS until you've |
20791s | got the right tackle especially in |
20793s | things with Clips because as gentan |
20795s | mentioned uh if you don't have the |
20796s | target web you don't have them tackled |
20798s | there and painted Etc then a bunch of |
20800s | that damage is just wasted it's |
20801s | mitigated and you rely heavily on those |
20804s | clips so you want to maximize the amount |
20806s | of damage one single clip will give you |
20808s | um so a lot of times teams will hold off |
20810s | hold off hold off and then just apply |
20811s | when they've got the optimal chance of |
20814s | killing something and we saw they're |
20816s | just uh unfortunately didn't work out |
20817s | for a try now let's look forward to our |
20820s | last match of the day which is going to |
20821s | be between paper numbers and Esports |
20823s | Petopia this should be a very exciting |
20825s | match but two very good teams who have |
20828s | found themselves here in the elimination |
20830s | bracket paper number is uh Banning out |
20832s | the lucky Nighthawk and the jackdaw |
20834s | interesting choice there and Esports |
20836s | Banning out a bit more of a traditional |
20838s | set of ships here at the Scimitar the |
20840s | curse and the slept near BART what do |
20842s | you make of these bands uh I think we |
20845s | have a I think this is officially like |
20846s | we haven't seen a single curse yet |
20848s | because they are banned so much and |
20850s | maybe we've seen one but uh you know |
20852s | it's it's kind of turning into like what |
20853s | jyn called Power bands is like this |
20855s | curse is like everybody's getting rid of |
20857s | it but |
20858s | um I think this is the first time we've |
20859s | seen a Nighthawk band uh we have seen a |
20861s | couple Nighthawk rushes today uh they've |
20863s | met with variant success |
20865s | um but it does look like the Nighthawk |
20867s | Loki was uh a extremely powerful Rush |
20870s | setup in the past like two or three |
20873s | tournaments I understand why they're |
20874s | getting rid of it uh it is not |
20876s | necessarily difficult to counter but if |
20879s | you aren't ready to fight it and it |
20880s | lands on you you are going to lose so uh |
20882s | paper numbers probably making a smart |
20884s | choice maybe you know they figured out |
20885s | hey we can't beat this |
20887s | just get rid of it pretty simple works |
20890s | as it is |
20891s | kind of I understand it I get it I |
20893s | appreciate it yeah and I think the |
20895s | mirror is probably one of the most |
20896s | fluent ships in the last term in history |
20898s | in general it was a staple for many many |
20900s | many years in various columns there's a |
20903s | command ship there's a high DPS ship |
20905s | there's a kiting ship just a super |
20906s | powerful ship we don't see it quite as |
20908s | much as we used to but it's still very |
20909s | popular and very powerful and of course |
20911s | it removes |
20913s | um a lot of skirmish and shield links |
20914s | from the field forcing teams to either |
20916s | bring one of the caldari ones bring a |
20919s | claymore or go down to uh command |
20922s | destroyers instead now gentana's jackdaw |
20925s | ban from paper numbers |
20926s | um what do you think about the the span |
20928s | that kind of implies to me that paper |
20930s | numbers is going to do something that |
20931s | involves a lot of damping from their |
20933s | side something I've talked about before |
20935s | is the power of the Sharpshooter mode of |
20937s | the jackdaw especially in a damp setting |
20941s | um so the that gives a resistance to |
20944s | ewall which enables you to counter damp |
20946s | carries his celestances and all manner |
20949s | of damp bonus ships really effectively |
20951s | so by Banning out the jackdaw that kind |
20953s | of tips paper numbers hand a little bit |
20954s | I would expect them to be bringing some |
20956s | form of damp control probably in support |
20958s | of a battleship core or something |
20961s | similar |
20962s | awesome now let's take a quick look at |
20964s | the Esports Petopia team history here in |
20966s | the alliance tournament |
20968s | um so they have filled 17 different |
20971s | Pilots over the uh times they've flown |
20973s | in the alliance tournament |
20975s | um with most of the the core being |
20976s | clearly hanging around for quite a |
20978s | number of matches uh they've went one |
20981s | match and lost three uh last match they |
20983s | won against today at Deepwater Hooligans |
20986s | um and lost against Nano fiber tokens |
20988s | again that was earlier on uh today sorry |
20990s | Depot to hook up was last year my |
20992s | apologies um the loss against Odin's and |
20994s | psychotic Tendencies so three pretty |
20997s | solid teams to lose matches to uh I mean |
20999s | nothing to be ashamed of there at all |
21000s | psychotic Tendencies of course did very |
21002s | well last year uh Odin's call a very |
21005s | strong team we expect to do well this |
21006s | year at nanofiber tokens uh doing really |
21008s | really really good so |
21011s | um I think we have uh I'm trying to get |
21014s | confirmation that teams are on grid |
21016s | um all right great great so we have a |
21019s | ship uh uh screen to show you uh one of |
21023s | these teams Fielding uh a ship we don't |
21025s | see very often in the alliance term it |
21026s | feels like a badger |
21028s | um so the badger in fact uh has got four |
21030s | wins to its uh its name which is great |
21032s | uh unfortunately nine losses but look we |
21035s | saw a whole bunch of uh usage in a |
21037s | tournament a couple of years ago and it |
21039s | tends to uh survive actually uh less |
21042s | than it uh than it doesn't basically so |
21045s | velora cars love to use it uh pandemic |
21047s | Legion perhaps they know something that |
21049s | we don't they're using it twice as well |
21050s | uh Blackberry what's your thoughts on |
21052s | the badger why would a team bring an |
21054s | industrial ship I take one industrial |
21056s | ship to a tournament it's not really a |
21058s | known for its combat abilities no it's |
21060s | not and uh it actually has functionally |
21062s | none but um it does have a lot of mid |
21064s | slots and it's relatively tanky and |
21066s | extremely low Point cost so in a uh in a |
21070s | world that we're in now or you can do |
21071s | scripted e-war or you know some of the |
21073s | things that you might use to counter |
21074s | scripted you were uh it's not a bad pick |
21076s | like it's super low cost you can throw |
21079s | like a bunch of remote sibo's in it you |
21081s | could throw like damps guidance |
21083s | disruptors uh counter damps counter |
21086s | guidance disruptors tracking things like |
21088s | there's a lot of stuff you can put in |
21089s | the mid Slots of it and just kind of use |
21091s | it as like a little bit of a utility |
21092s | knife ship |
21094s | um obviously it doesn't do a |
21096s | particularly good job according to the |
21098s | statistics but we did see it a lot in |
21099s | the feeder rounds and there were a |
21101s | couple teams that actually won thanks to |
21103s | it like you could tell that it's like oh |
21105s | they had this cool idea and then they |
21107s | executed it and it was great so it'll be |
21108s | kind of cool to see how they use it in |
21109s | this match yeah so let's see if that |
21112s | Badger can indeed take the win as it |
21114s | goes into a match against two separate |
21116s | flagships here Flagship Vindicator and a |
21118s | flagship bargeist as paper numbers go up |
21121s | against Esports Petopia as these teams |
21123s | fight to avoid elimination let's go to |
21125s | the arena and find out |
21131s | welcome back to theater everyone for the |
21133s | final match of the day as I think was |
21135s | just saying on the desk we got two |
21136s | flagships here both of these teams |
21138s | obviously in the lower bracket on the |
21139s | verge of elimination there's sunk cost |
21141s | here you know they've spent all the |
21142s | money building up these flagships |
21143s | presumably gonna have some fancy mods on |
21145s | them they want to use them before they |
21146s | go out otherwise it's kind of wasted |
21149s | um and both teams therefore have opted |
21150s | to bring these comps um this looks like |
21152s | a fairly standard shield kite come from |
21154s | Esports what about paper numbers |
21155s | pepper numbers the broad armor control |
21157s | the god of Indy flag vendi uh we'll see |
21160s | what type of webs he has on him if he |
21161s | ends up dying uh expect the purple |
21164s | though I would uh hope from this uh |
21168s | vindi so we actually see some uh a |
21171s | well-fit flag Vindicator unlike what we |
21173s | saw from ABA earlier in the tournament |
21175s | either way the saxack Navy of Captain |
21177s | Shin Ken is the primary from Esports |
21180s | Petopia as I continue to kite out of the |
21182s | way we'll see if they're able to catch |
21184s | up from paper numbers or if they're just |
21186s | going to get kited in this armor control |
21187s | setup |
21188s | yeah but so far Park Bank we all know |
21190s | Park bank is a very very capable |
21193s | Logistics pilot if you've watched lights |
21194s | on before he should be a name you're |
21195s | familiar with last year and literally |
21197s | triggered he put up some very very |
21198s | strong performances in his iconic |
21199s | guardian and yeah I mean going back to |
21201s | the Vindicator I think we were |
21203s | discussing earlier off air we agreed The |
21204s | Vindicator is really it really values |
21207s | really splashing the cash on those |
21208s | officer webs if you're going to cheap |
21209s | out and get some fed Navy webs don't |
21211s | bother if you're going to put some |
21212s | stinking zeros on it I don't know how |
21214s | much they cost God knows |
21216s | um that's when it becomes a really |
21218s | really valuable ship to field here |
21219s | because that range is so important for |
21220s | The Vindicator to get on top of what it |
21221s | wants to get on top of |
21223s | and some damage has been traded from |
21225s | both these teams we see some webs on top |
21227s | of this Claymore on top of this Navy |
21228s | Osprey Vindicator himself uh was webbed |
21231s | for a bit but now the webs are gone from |
21233s | him don't quite see who ravenson has |
21236s | webbed at the moment actually doesn't |
21238s | look like he has anyone at the moment I |
21241s | think it is declaim all they have |
21242s | managed and that was quite a far |
21243s | distance that he was having in webbed as |
21244s | well so this could be actually a fancy |
21246s | web on this Vindicator he's caught that |
21247s | claim on he's just going to start |
21248s | pumping into him here from close range |
21249s | that Claymore is as good as dead |
21252s | now the rest of this team has abandoned |
21253s | him to die potentially |
21256s | uh as they've completely and totally |
21258s | scattered needing to keep the rest of |
21260s | their team alive it's a kite setup they |
21262s | need to kill something in trade for this |
21264s | claimer because the Skirmish links are |
21266s | off the table now are going to be a |
21267s | little bit more difficult to kite |
21269s | without the rapid deployment lengths |
21270s | from that Claymore |
21272s | yeah and as we said earlier I think in a |
21274s | shield kite setup it's not the end of |
21275s | the world if you lose a ship but at the |
21277s | same time you don't have any sort of |
21278s | recourse of going back and getting them |
21280s | out of trouble you can't turn around and |
21281s | bail them out all the rest of you are |
21283s | going to die too but now this Osprey |
21284s | Navy alternative is also getting junked |
21286s | here he is going to go down as well |
21288s | yeah and he was uh caught by this exact |
21291s | Navy issue basically uh soloed him out |
21294s | so really well done from Captain Shin |
21296s | can to make that happen now they can |
21298s | continue to move in and try to catch |
21299s | more members from Esports Petopia Park |
21302s | Bank meanwhile he's currently dancing |
21304s | the dance uh with his armor reps at the |
21307s | moment as the hyena gets completely |
21310s | blabbed from Esports Petopia that's a |
21312s | huge amount of application off the table |
21314s | now yeah with that the webs come off but |
21317s | I don't know if he's just gonna be able |
21318s | to hold but don't seem to be any Red |
21319s | Bulls really on him there's only a |
21320s | handful I think the battleships have |
21322s | sentries out and punk bank is slowly |
21323s | bleeding into hole here he is probably |
21325s | going to go down from these volleys |
21326s | obviously he can't outtrack the missiles |
21328s | he can mitigate someone but he is still |
21329s | going to take some damage |
21331s | meanwhile uh fabuki in the orthos |
21334s | appears to be the tackled pilot now this |
21337s | visual Fleet issue right on top of him |
21338s | this Vindicator though diving towards |
21341s | this Osprey Navy issue on the backside |
21342s | of deer another pilot Falls from Esports |
21345s | Petopia this one Gemma Dawson and the |
21348s | Fly Catcher And now Esports Petopia |
21350s | they've scored zero points and they keep |
21352s | on losing ships they want to get Park |
21354s | bank but I don't know if losing all of |
21356s | their low end is worth it |
21358s | I don't think it is I think this is |
21359s | going to be another Bargas lost now |
21360s | we're going to see maybe towards the end |
21362s | of the match here but I'm sure paper |
21363s | numbers aren't going to let them get |
21365s | away scot-free they want those modules |
21366s | they want to find out what's on that |
21367s | kill mail the possibility of course of |
21369s | bolstering your own Flagship strength if |
21371s | you've maybe they've you know got a |
21372s | cheap damage control and there's a fancy |
21374s | one the Vargas for example they are |
21375s | going to take down Park Bank near us |
21377s | they've still got a reason amount of |
21378s | damage left with the flag by August and |
21380s | these three rapid ships but it's it's |
21383s | going to be a difficult job to deal with |
21384s | two battleships yeah they've taken them |
21386s | down I have t want two frigate lodging |
21389s | at least to help keep the rest of their |
21390s | team alive but you're staying balled up |
21392s | in a kite Side Up versus a brawl setup |
21394s | that's not exactly what you want to see |
21396s | happen and so uh these logic freaks are |
21398s | gonna be a lot further away than they |
21400s | would otherwise be the visual Fleet |
21401s | issue of CEO CEO does go down but they |
21404s | will trade for this Osprey Navy issue of |
21406s | dear moomoo-san as their exact Navy |
21409s | Captain shig Ken now without the nearest |
21411s | reps should end up falling |
21413s | yeah and I think this is actually a good |
21414s | demonstration of what a flag of Indy |
21416s | comp should do I feel like paper numbers |
21418s | have correctly set up a setup here |
21422s | um that is aiming at facilitating The |
21424s | Vindicator on getting on top of things |
21425s | they got the Crusader they had the exact |
21427s | Navy issue they had the fleet vigil and |
21429s | they are now going to catch the blog SDS |
21431s | you've spotted |
21432s | yep siren already into armor at the |
21436s | moment that is a bye bye flag bark gonna |
21439s | try to get sun damage out of rifosen but |
21441s | he's only got a drake Navy issue and a |
21443s | couple rapid light boats to help him out |
21445s | at the moment just absolutely deleted by |
21448s | I would assume officer blasters on top |
21450s | of rifles and we'll have to take a look |
21451s | at the kill mail to see uh what exactly |
21454s | has been shown to be fit to this |
21457s | Vindicator because I don't think it's |
21459s | gonna die and it's going to move on to |
21460s | the next round |
21461s | yeah hopefully paper numbers will be |
21463s | kind enough to link it in local and then |
21465s | we'll be able to just see immediately |
21466s | after the match on the desk what this |
21468s | bug has had of course we all love seeing |
21469s | juicy Flagship kill males but this is |
21471s | looking like it's going to be the end |
21473s | for response close in points but it |
21474s | won't be for long as bogus is going to |
21476s | go down they are trying to pump back |
21477s | into Rife ice and but it's going to be |
21479s | too little too late he can hold under |
21480s | the under his own local rep |
21483s | um and once the bloggers goes down |
21484s | obviously there's not much left |
21486s | fire nicaruka though is wrapping up a |
21489s | shield a little bit at the moment maybe |
21490s | able to get some tracking uh out is this |
21492s | Abba and vindia right on top of them |
21494s | they should be able to track him but uh |
21496s | Bargas of course a very fast ship |
21498s | finally dips in two five percent whole |
21501s | and he is dead rivason should be able to |
21504s | stabilize Now versus the remaining DPS |
21506s | from Esports Petopia and paper numbers |
21509s | this is a team that placed second much |
21511s | to everyone's surprise in the anger |
21514s | games some people were doubting whether |
21515s | the 7v7 will have any application into |
21518s | the 10v10 format they had a very close |
21520s | match versus Odin's call to start off |
21522s | the tournament and they had a very |
21524s | convincing match now against Esports |
21526s | fitopia going through this lower bracket |
21528s | yeah I think the most important thing is |
21530s | that this is a bunch of guys who've |
21531s | stuck together I believe they're on |
21532s | literally triggered in the last 80 and I |
21534s | can see some names here I can see six or |
21536s | seven names that I recognize from those |
21537s | literally triggered matches and when |
21539s | you've got people who are confident in |
21540s | each other's ability that you're |
21541s | confident in that each other understands |
21543s | your win conditions what needs to be |
21544s | done on a match how to fulfill your role |
21545s | that's a very very good strength in |
21547s | having that institutional knowledge |
21548s | maintained within an organization |
21551s | and uh on top of that you know Esports |
21553s | Petopia they |
21556s | improve I think a little bit uh over the |
21558s | last couple tournaments for showing up I |
21560s | think an alliance open if I remember |
21561s | correctly which doesn't get counted in |
21563s | the at Stats which is why we saw only uh |
21566s | last year's stats for them where they |
21567s | pulled off one win this time going out |
21569s | O2 but still respectable losing to such |
21573s | a uh very good team I think as paper |
21577s | numbers who uh we'll move on to the next |
21579s | round of lower bracket |
21581s | yeah I think that's one of the things |
21583s | that we've all noticed from the bracket |
21585s | this year is that there's just so many |
21586s | good teams and you have to be |
21587s | exceptionally lucky to actually Dodge |
21589s | any of the good teams to be honest |
21591s | because they're everywhere it's like a |
21593s | land mine out there like a Minefield |
21595s | um and yeah unfortunately Sports Petopia |
21596s | coming up against as you say the second |
21598s | place in the angry games are very very |
21599s | competent Squad here |
21601s | and uh they brought about a badger this |
21603s | is something Chad's been pointing out |
21604s | the entire time and I think was pointing |
21606s | it out on the desk that it would happen |
21607s | uh we can talk a little bit about that |
21610s | as |
21611s | you don't see the effect that a battle |
21612s | Badger has uh on the fancy UI because it |
21616s | doesn't tell you uh what type of boosts |
21620s | or or tracking boosts uh the badger is |
21623s | giving to the rest of his team and I |
21624s | assume this is an RTC badger |
21626s | yeah I think the situations where a |
21630s | badger is useful are very very Niche but |
21631s | I think this is one of them like I said |
21633s | when you're running a flag vindi you |
21636s | need to have that comp Focus around |
21637s | getting that vindi doing what it wants |
21638s | to do and you ain't when you've got a |
21639s | badger that can just stick three remote |
21641s | tracking computers or whatever it's got |
21643s | onto a Vindicator that is massively |
21645s | helpful for that Vindicator and for just |
21647s | two points it's an absolute bargain in |
21648s | that scenario I think a lot of other |
21650s | scenarios it's probably not great but in |
21652s | this particular one I think it's very |
21653s | very valuable |
21655s | and flag bendy we'll see how it fares |
21659s | throughout the rest of the tournament |
21660s | they're one of only handful teams that |
21661s | have brought it uh most teams favoring |
21663s | this bar I guess but the flag Bargas has |
21664s | only won once today uh unfortunately |
21668s | four at every other flight broadcast has |
21670s | gone the way of the dodo uh we spoke a |
21674s | little bit uh about the flagship choices |
21676s | in the alliance tournament preview show |
21678s | we saw a lot of flag bar guests why do |
21682s | you think that we have seen that |
21684s | throughout the tournament or or I've |
21686s | seen so many of them uh being picked up |
21689s | I think one of the strengths of the bar |
21690s | guest is it's just so versatile you can |
21692s | fit it into a bunch of different comps |
21693s | you can Rush with it you can kite with |
21694s | it but I mean as you say they've all |
21696s | died today except for one the one I |
21697s | spent 15 billion on included um so maybe |
21701s | um you know this this sort of idea of |
21703s | barges being the best choice is totally |
21704s | wrong although I know that a bunch of |
21706s | the top Echelon teams also have their |
21709s | flag Bargas they just haven't chosen to |
21710s | use them there so it on you know it |
21711s | could just be a skill issue in fact it |
21713s | probably is |
21715s | oh you're you're calling your own team |
21717s | out by saying skill issue what is this |
21721s | you're not allowed to do that uh |
21724s | either way 30 seconds left in the match |
21726s | this Kieran of rusan Saw uh no one's on |
21730s | top of him at the moment uh now the |
21732s | Mueller is he should end up falling now |
21736s | yeah so this is unfortunately gonna be |
21738s | the end of the run for useful I remember |
21739s | actually I think it was as you said |
21740s | Alliance open they had a pretty |
21741s | impressive run but unfortunately it is |
21743s | going to be zero two for them this year |
21744s | paper number's going to move on in the |
21745s | lower bracket that's going to be all |
21747s | from us today uh of course same time |
21749s | tomorrow more matches more explosions |
21751s | um I've been the Basilisk he's been fear |
21753s | Viner thank you very much for listening |
21765s | foreign |
21776s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
21779s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
21781s | logo is in the game of course you could |
21783s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
21785s | would be kind of a jerk move that kind |
21787s | of oh you don't like it now sucks I'm |
21790s | gonna go join |
21797s | [Music] |
21800s | thank you |
21806s | welcome to leave Pandora |
21833s | [Music] |
21838s | pay for numbers there taking the victory |
21841s | as Esports Petopia sadly exits from |
21844s | Alliance tournament 18 becoming the |
21845s | third team to leave we came in today |
21847s | with 32 we've gone through a whole bunch |
21849s | of matches and 29 teams remain going |
21852s | into day two tomorrow uh that was our |
21854s | last match of the day and what a match |
21856s | it was Park Bank the uh the nearest |
21858s | Pilot there four paper numbers just flew |
21861s | so well he managed to uh kite off and |
21864s | drag drones around and survive for two |
21867s | maybe two and a half absolutely critical |
21869s | minutes keeping himself and his team |
21871s | alive as the other team had to just keep |
21872s | shooting and shooting and shooting but |
21874s | how how important are just minutes like |
21876s | that when you just don't die I mean it's |
21878s | it's huge like we've talked about the |
21880s | tunnel visioning of DPS but like that's |
21882s | not a tunnel vision they just couldn't |
21883s | finish them off but especially when |
21885s | you're using something like a flag |
21886s | bargist right where you have a limited |
21889s | number of shots and then you have to |
21890s | spend 35-ish seconds reloading um maybe |
21892s | a little less depending on what the |
21894s | module is on it but uh two minutes is |
21896s | like when you add in the fact that you |
21898s | have the rapid clipping is just huge |
21900s | like potentially won the match for them |
21903s | so very very good piloting on parkbank's |
21905s | part absolutely and we've seen Park Bank |
21907s | a number of times before in different uh |
21908s | different tournaments uh he always flies |
21910s | super well one of those uh rail |
21913s | Logistics Pilots that we talk about |
21914s | being like a critical member of the team |
21916s | anyway as I mentioned that was our last |
21918s | match of the day uh so we are pretty |
21920s | much going to wrap up now uh we're gonna |
21922s | go to the pub and celebrate uh and we'll |
21924s | get we'll be back tomorrow for more |
21926s | explosions uh from 14 45 Eve time stick |
21930s | around as we're going to drop all you |
21932s | lovely viewers onto the alliance |
21934s | tournament after show hosted by dtm135 |
21937s | and 404 HD I've been ethical Hawk right |
21939s | now I've got with me Jin tan and |
21941s | Blackboard pirate and we have so many |
21942s | people we'll talk about them more later |
21944s | on thank you very much for watching and |
21946s | I will see you tomorrow |
21955s | [Music] |
21965s | [Music] |
21969s | thank you |
21974s | [Music] |