over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s thank you
20s sarsak
22s has been waiting
26s ancient Alexis
34s now ruled by the insurgents
38s the fear Fearless
41s the deathless
45s trust is rare among Our Kind
51s yet here you are
54s compelled by my invitation
58s I offer you a Haven a fortress hidden
63s from being
73s I have given it life
75s it feeds on me
78s and he'll return
80s it yields him knowledge and gifts
87s power
91s your forces from Chaos on the front
95s lines
97s harness the might of capsules of the
101s promise
105s men together
107s we will we will lock sarsak's secrets
112s one
114s bye
117s one
154s hello capsules
156s and welcome
160s the Havoc expansion is coming to Eve
164s online on the 14th of November I'm
167s excited I hope you're excited it's going
169s to be amazing
171s we have a lot of amazing does here who
174s are going to be going into all the juicy
176s details and stats for the expansion and
179s are you ready
181s are you ready
185s they'll also be sharing with you some of
187s the foundations that have been laid to
189s get us to this moment as well as what
192s the future looks like Beyond havoc
195s so you're going to want to stick around
196s for this one
198s an important part of engaging in
201s corruption or suppression and preparing
204s for the future of war is building up and
207s strengthening your organizations through
210s valuable connections that you make with
212s other capsuleers
214s to share more on this I'd like to
216s welcome to the stage CCP ghost
229s hello Fan Fest
234s so over the last 20 years there has been
237s countless amounts of people myself
239s included that I wanted to get to the
241s bottom of the Eve Magic
244s what is it about our game that causes
248s countless stories to happen about spying
252s betrayal vast destruction and incredible
256s data points such as the fact that
259s 73 of us claim to have made a friend as
263s a result of playing Eve online
266s and why do we have almost 80 000 active
270s players for more than a decade in our
273s game
281s and believe me this has been studied
282s widely we've had university courses
285s taught on Eve we've had some of the top
287s tier universities in the world wanted to
289s get to study our data set and we've even
291s had people having their doctorate
294s studies on this thing and one thing
298s keeps coming up
301s do you want to guess it
306s all right
308s friendship absolutely but I told you
311s that a couple years ago what is behind
313s the friendship
317s you're the only audience that would say
319s that
321s it's organizations the answer is
323s organizations it's you people
326s the corpse and the groups you organize
328s the chat groups the alliances and there
331s is something seemingly if I may say
333s magical that happens here
335s and CCP has now been studying this
337s phenomena for years
339s and through countless interviews with
341s you the players surveys data Gathering
345s many meetings with the CSM and More We
347s believe We have found a few crucial
349s elements
350s pertaining to the health of a good
352s organization and subsequently the heart
355s of the Friendship machine
357s for example
359s here you can see the player organized
361s effort of the liftoff of CCP Burger
367s and another example we discovered is
369s that the most efficient organizations in
372s onboarding new players into our game in
375s a positive manner deploy similar tactics
377s when it comes to
379s stuff like creating newbie fleets with
382s something we have topped the super Fleet
385s formula
386s would you like to see it
389s all right let's run through it because
391s we love some formulas
393s so the superfleet formula goes a little
395s bit like this first a recruiter finds
398s new recruits
399s and then that recruiter or an FC gives
402s everyone the same ship
405s following that the recruiter or the FC
407s gives each new recruit a role that they
410s can understand
414s and then specific behavioral
416s instructions are given such as find this
418s target shoot it then
421s shoot targets of that type that approach
425s newly formed groups and taken into
426s combat with a specific intention that
428s they will all die together
432s so killing
438s and after this happens the recruiter or
440s the FC explains that this was okay this
442s was a bonding exercise
445s and the recruiter then replaces all the
447s Lost materials
449s and then finally this is repeated and
451s scaled up with increased adversity and
453s complexity
455s and this setup seems to be one of the
457s crucial ingredients in the fact that 14
460s of all brand new players that have
464s played Eve less than 10 hours claimed to
467s have made a friend as a result of
468s playing the game
471s we also found that good groups spend
473s considerable resources and making sure
475s players always have something to do in
477s our game that their activity and
479s interest-based groups to congregate in
481s to find camaraderie a purpose to align
483s behind situations where trust building
486s can Thrive and connections be made and
489s massive resources massive massive
491s resources are devoted to making sure
493s players have regular access to Fleet
496s play and opportunities to have
498s Cooperative kills together mentors
500s available reasons for direct trading and
502s a plethora of scheduling activities
504s together
506s and the deeper we went the more we've
508s come to realize that we want to
510s prioritize healthy group formation in
512s our game
513s not only the initial Connections in the
515s onboarding phase but also the maturing
517s of a group and the deepening of
520s friendships
521s and so
522s one of our focused for the next few
525s years at CCP will be the following
528s mission statement we aim to create or
531s Foster scenarios where existing players
533s can meaningfully connect play and
535s progress with each other and new players
538s in an environment of purposeful
540s friendship
542s because as we can proudly state
546s you are somebody other people want to
549s play with in new Eden and that is a fact
551s when you come into new Eden as a new
553s person not knowing anybody there are
555s literally thousands of people and
557s hundreds of groups waiting for you and
560s wanting to onboard you into their
561s adventures together and that is an
564s amazing thing to be able to say about
565s our world
567s and so in Viridian we introduced
572s Corp projects we introduced Homefront
574s operations and we introduced air
576s opportunities
578s core projects with the aim of giving you
580s the tools to better organize meaningful
582s activity and clearer contributions to
584s your group Homefront operations to
586s provide a venue to practice small Fleet
589s play with different roles through fun
590s adventures that can be lucrative and air
593s opportunities with a long-term plan of
595s air opportunities being your One-Stop
597s shop to find everything you can to do
600s right now and with the relevance to who
602s you are
604s and introducing something like core
606s projects into Eve is a complex
609s undertaking to say the least there are
612s so many potential paths to go so we
615s decided to release a simple version of
617s what we were envisioning for the Corp
619s projects in the first go and to see how
622s you the players would use it and what
624s you would mainly request as additional
626s features so in the first version we had
629s five contribution methods to deliver an
631s item to damage capsuleer to mine
634s unclassified meaning you describe the
637s parameters and to kill an NPC and
641s packaged with this we have manual payout
643s system and then we introduced a dynamic
646s home UI called the air opportunities to
649s find stuff to do now and according to
651s your interest in relevance
653s and to find more features to engage with
655s as well and this is also where we
657s decided to place the new home front
659s operations
661s which is a group of brand new missions
663s designed with the intent of offering
665s exciting Adventures for Cooperative
667s Fleet play
669s and we are happy to see that these
671s missions seem to be widely used by
673s veteran players taking a group of less
675s experienced players out to teach them
678s about roles in Eve and show them
679s Adventures
680s and since we all love the data here is
684s some insights for you the most popular
685s dungeon out of the homefront operations
687s has been entered 26 603 times and 45 of
694s all the players using it are less than
695s three months old so new players
698s and the average completion time is 12
701s minutes
702s with the average reward per completing
704s character being 26 million isk
708s and the most active dungeon has given
711s out a total of 2.5 trillion Ishq in
715s Rewards
717s so with our goals set we wanted to be in
720s a strong position to also be able to
722s learn about healthy organizations and
724s how you might develop using these new
726s tools and these new features and we
728s thought that we should strengthen our
730s ability to monitor these key elements
732s mentioned previously so valuable to
734s group and friendship building in Eve and
737s see if these new systems and other
738s additions to our game could help more
740s healthy organizational and friendship
742s building take place
744s our new connection is being made our
747s older ones being deepened our
748s organizations thriving or not
751s and so alongside our project we've
753s developed something that we're calling
755s the Friendship index
757s and we are happy to report that after
759s the first Homefront deployment in
761s Viridian we are seeing a healthy upward
763s trend line in the Friendship index what
765s this means for you data nerds out there
767s is that we have a weighted index of
770s eight social factors in our game
772s previously mentioned and since Viridian
774s we've been seeing a healthy uptick in
776s corp member logins
778s at the same time and direct trade
781s contacts added with positive standing
784s Co-op kills and cast donations
787s what this means in other words is that
789s you are playing more together
791s a lot of you are giving each other more
793s presence and your Social Circle is
795s growing which is fantastic thank you
806s and this is just a little bit of a peek
807s under the hood of some of the
809s developmental monitoring we do and the
811s health metrics we are now prioritizing
813s to help us keep track in building
816s stronger organizations with all of you
819s but the most important information for
821s us always keeps being player feedback
823s and reception to the things we put out
826s there and so after court calls and the
828s Meridian launch we've seen that this has
831s been uh well received and believe me we
834s have been monitoring your feedback
835s constantly CCP Nomad spent many a night
838s scouring in the internet to try to find
841s every piece of feedback that was out
843s there
844s and a couple of
846s couple of uh days later when we picked
849s them up from the mental hospital he told
851s us all about it
853s but uh all joking aside the feedback has
856s been great and we implemented it
858s straight into our product Vision
860s actually and and the prioritization for
862s the next launch which is happening in
864s November and to tell you more about what
866s exactly that is here he is in the flesh
870s the creative lead for the homefront
872s initiative CCP Nomad thank you
886s hello Fun Fest
894s so uh cispy ghost has said we checked
898s all your feedback and that is how we
900s prioritize the features for November
903s I'll start with the most requested one
906s payments integration to project
910s so this will help
912s provide you the creators of those
914s projects with the ability to associate
917s to assign payments to
919s reward your members for contributing to
922s the projects automatically
930s the projects are now set and forget from
932s the point of view of the creator
934s the design we are implementing is based
938s on a escrow system so essentially the
940s moment you create a project and
942s Associate a payment with the
944s contribution then the total sum is taken
946s out of the corporation account that you
948s have set as active that you have the
950s access to
951s and then the escrow distributes the
954s rewards to the contributors
956s proportional to to the contributions
958s they have made
960s for example your Corp needs Fiverr
963s events
964s so you have the project manager role you
967s create a project and you use the deliver
970s item contribution method for that
973s project
974s and since you have additional overall
976s giving you access to one of the core
977s wallets you can associate a payout with
980s that project
981s you set it at 250 million per
984s contribution which means per one Raven
986s delivered to the Project's hanger
989s and the whole project costs the
991s corporation one point 25 billion is
996s and that is the amount taken from the
998s Corp wallet on Project creation and
1000s you're done you don't have to follow up
1002s with any payments the project run itself
1007s so now if you are a member or a
1009s potential contributor to the project you
1011s want to contribute to it you have two
1014s spare Raven holes in your Hangar for any
1016s reason
1017s so you just drop them to the corporation
1019s projects hunger
1023s and that gives you 500 million reward
1026s for you to claim the contribution you
1028s have made is visible on the project as
1031s well as the as the reward that you have
1033s earned
1034s you claim the reward and 500 million is
1037s goes from the escrow to your personal
1040s wallet the project stays active since
1043s there are still three Ravens left to be
1046s delivered and paid for
1048s and that's it that's how the the system
1050s works should be pretty simple
1053s so it's worth to note
1056s that the total amount of risk available
1058s for each project will be visible on the
1060s particular project itself but also the
1062s total sum of money available on the
1065s table let's say will be visible in the
1067s corporation window so your members will
1068s be like I can earn 5 billion is doing
1070s stuff for the Corp that's great
1073s so this will be a signature of a healthy
1075s Organization for all the members that
1077s are interested into this stuff like they
1079s want to see how is my organization how
1082s healthy it is so this will be a good
1084s indicator
1086s the second upgrade we're doing
1090s the project manager role
1093s so you've been guys asking for it
1095s because it's been only CEOs and
1098s directors that were able to create those
1099s projects so far and we wanted to be able
1102s to delegate it to to other people
1104s without necessarily giving them
1106s access to stuff they probably shouldn't
1109s have
1111s so this should be good and that's how
1113s the project delegation looks like in
1115s your corpse we imagine
1118s they're so happy
1122s and related to this is a quality of life
1125s feature allowing you to clone projects
1128s essentially just copying the parameters
1129s of an existing project where they're
1131s canceled or completed or or active to to
1134s a new project so less clicking class
1136s writing less effort for all those new
1139s project managers
1141s and finally
1142s seven new contribution methods seven new
1145s project types so we released five in
1148s June this gives you guys in total you
1151s all in total 12 project types that
1153s you'll be able to create for your
1154s corporation
1156s that means more play Styles can be
1159s recognized by the corporation and the
1162s contributors can be rewarded for it
1166s so starting with my favorite remote reps
1180s so the remote repair armor and remote
1182s put Shields those are two types of
1184s projects and they they will provide The
1187s Lodges with all the recognition
1189s within the Corp
1190s so maybe this is not logical mails yet
1193s as CCP ratat said yesterday we are
1197s getting there too but this this actually
1200s allows the corporation to financially
1203s incentivize the members to flyology
1206s because they they will be not only
1208s recognized their effort will not only be
1211s recognized in the corporation by making
1213s them visible as contributors to the
1215s projects but also they can actually earn
1217s money for wrapping people
1220s so the available options here
1223s where that you can set up is the you can
1226s select the location solar system in
1228s particular in which you want to consider
1232s the contributions as made to this
1234s project repaired ship type if you want
1236s to incentivize or if you want to reward
1240s your members for wrapping some types of
1242s ships more than others if if it's needed
1246s and then identity of the ship owner
1248s which means
1250s we want to wrap people from this
1253s Alliance more than from that one
1256s you have your own reasons
1259s no judging
1261s you can also put it as as far down as
1265s designating specific character that you
1268s may want to rep so maybe you are a CEO
1270s and you want
1272s you know where this is going if you are
1274s this type of person do that
1279s kill capsuleer that's another
1281s contribution method so this is an
1283s addition to the
1285s deal damage to capsulele project type
1287s that we released in June
1289s and we started with damage delivery to
1292s Foster Group Play
1293s but you've been asking for recognition
1295s for the actual killmase
1298s those things matter to you so here is a
1301s project type that we recognize the
1303s actual killer basically who gets the
1306s kill mail is the one who is contributing
1308s to the project
1311s so the options available here
1313s they are similar as in the remote reps
1315s you can specify in which solar system
1317s The Killing should happen
1319s what type of ship should be killed to be
1322s considered as a contribution if you want
1324s to Target specific types of ships maybe
1326s the enemy lodges you want to for example
1328s pay more for damage dealt to lodges than
1331s to other ships
1333s and the identity of the ship owner again
1336s just make sure you set this up correctly
1339s because you may incentivize your members
1341s to shoot each other
1344s which might be a good thing I don't know
1350s scan signatures
1352s so you are running a wormhole Corp
1354s yes yes yes
1363s wormholer by the way
1368s okay so so you're running a wormhole
1370s Corp and you have a hard time
1372s making all your members to keep your
1375s home scanned at all times so maybe this
1378s will help or or maybe you are the person
1380s that actually relentlessly is scanning
1383s all the signatures all the time every
1386s day
1387s maybe finally the Corp will start paying
1389s you for it
1393s so the options here allow you to set up
1395s the solar system where the signature
1397s where the signature is and the signature
1398s type so you can reward the people you
1401s you can reward the members more for Sky
1403s signatures in your home system versus
1405s another systems or for scanning
1407s wormholes only rather than any type of
1409s signatures for example
1412s capture and defense functional Warfare
1414s complex
1421s so as you may have noticed we have been
1423s strengthening the factional Warfare
1425s gameplay for some time so it was just
1428s suitable to for this to be reflected in
1430s the core projects as well so if you're
1432s running a militia Corporation you will
1434s be able to better guide your members
1436s about the objectives for today which
1439s system we need to capture which system
1441s we need to defend
1443s and for the members they will always be
1445s aware What What In which direction they
1448s should go what what they should be doing
1450s so the options here the again there's
1453s two types of projects it's separate type
1455s of project for capturing and separate
1456s for defending and the option Fields
1459s gives you
1461s the way to communicate to your members
1464s what are the objectives to objectives
1466s today which systems to capture
1468s also the complex type allows you to
1472s reward people differently for different
1474s type of complex because different types
1476s of complexes have different
1478s values added to the victory conditions
1481s of particular system
1483s so that's the way to incentivize them or
1485s maybe even you have a corporation that
1486s is not enlisted in the factional Warfare
1489s you can still create that project and
1492s then select specific faction or maybe
1494s not
1495s to to incentivize a group of members
1498s that maybe are directly enlisted in your
1500s Corp to actually do something or keep
1502s doing something
1505s so
1507s this looks odd huh
1509s so everyone so far had cool pictures of
1511s spaceships and explosions but some of us
1514s prefer spreadsheets
1516s just imagine doing Excel on this screen
1521s manufacture item
1523s this project type should improve the
1524s organization and
1526s in industrial corporations
1529s the option Fields here is the item type
1533s where you select what type of item you
1535s want to to be manufactured
1539s who should be the job owner whether that
1541s should be a private job installed by the
1543s character for themselves or should that
1545s be a job installed on behalf of the
1547s corporation
1548s and the location of the facility so the
1550s combination of choices here allow you to
1552s create different scenarios where you for
1554s example can you can first create a
1557s deliver item projects to Source the
1558s materials first and then create this
1561s this project to actually ask someone to
1564s build the thing and you can specify
1567s where it should be built maybe you have
1569s higher taxes there I don't know
1571s and
1572s about the individual and Corporation so
1575s the corporation doesn't benefit directly
1577s from private jobs let's say but maybe
1579s you're running a program where you want
1581s to show the ropes to the rookies you
1583s want to incentivize them to do something
1584s to build something that can be useful or
1587s maybe you just want to incentivize your
1590s members to build something in your
1592s competitors HQ to raise their industrial
1594s index that's up to you
1599s so
1600s what all these upgrades amount to
1603s for the people who run the corpse it is
1606s better organization communication with
1608s your members and monitoring of what is
1611s going on and for the members it is
1613s visibility into the direction of the
1615s Corp and its health
1618s and an easy answer to the question what
1621s should I do now
1623s and of course money
1624s but that's up to you guys
1629s but wait there is more
1632s scary dude
1635s in addition to all the core projects
1637s upgrades we are also doing changes to
1640s the new player journey in news
1642s Now new players can start the air
1645s Adventure but they have to finish it
1647s fully or abandon it before they can try
1649s any other thing in the game
1652s so come November we're changing that now
1655s the NP is more will be more open
1658s allowing the new players to break off of
1661s it to try other things to maybe fly with
1664s you in athlete for a while and then come
1666s back to the npe and finish it at their
1669s convenience and they will be able to do
1671s that from the air opportunities window
1675s and the air opportunist window itself
1677s getting an upgrade
1679s so we are adding more types of content
1682s available there
1684s and we are utilizing the system of tax
1686s with combination of the information
1690s about your location and location on the
1692s account of the content to present you
1694s the opportunities that are available to
1697s you
1697s nearby and the opportunities that you
1701s might be interested in should be much
1702s easier to find
1705s so this should be familiar
1708s but let's make it a bit more scary
1711s killed 10 Drifters or sleepers in
1714s Abyssal space
1715s who struggles with this
1717s yes
1719s yes we know we've heard your feedback
1722s about it
1723s uh so this is pretty difficult challenge
1725s for those of you who don't know and it's
1728s not because Drifters are hard to kill in
1730s a piece of that space that's not the
1732s problem the problem is
1733s that you have no control over finding
1736s them there so it may take one attempt or
1738s 10 to find Drifters in the office of
1740s best ways to actually complete this
1742s Challenge and get the skill points
1743s because we all want that
1746s so this makes the rewards not very
1747s accessible we talked to a Laboratories
1751s since the accessibility is their
1753s specialty
1754s and they came up with a solution
1757s and daily goals
1760s so for L the accessibility comes from
1763s the fact that you are able to choose
1765s your path to the end result like in the
1768s air carrier program here you are free to
1770s choose which goals to complete to
1772s progress to the main reward of the day
1775s while iska never marks will be assigned
1777s to every single challenge the skill
1780s points will be awarded for completing
1782s two out of four challenges on a given
1784s day and it is your choice which
1787s challenges to pick
1788s so this should be much more accessible
1790s than hiding the skill points behind
1792s specific challenge
1796s thank you
1804s and on the theme of empowering
1806s organizations who are making the daily
1808s goals East rewards taxable by your
1811s corporations to fund all these projects
1815s evermark rewards will be duplicated for
1817s the corpse as per usual
1821s and we are moving the daily goals to air
1823s opportunities so we'll have a better
1824s overview of your progress towards the
1827s main reward but also you will be able to
1828s see more details of each particular
1830s challenge
1833s and the final note
1836s every day the goals the set of goals
1838s will be the same for all of you
1840s that means it will be much easier for
1842s you to complete them all at once with
1844s all your outs
1855s so this is what's coming in the November
1857s expansion core projects air
1859s opportunities and npe and daily goals
1862s and I would like to share a glimpse of
1864s what is coming to core projects after
1865s that
1867s just a glimpse
1875s does it look good
1877s all right
1879s so because there's another thought that
1881s I would like to leave you with and it
1883s needs just a short introduction
1885s last year we released the Air carry
1887s program in which we provided with a
1889s couple hundred goals that we created for
1891s you and these goals are unlike any other
1894s challenges present in the games in the
1896s game before they are not missions that
1898s you need to sign up for but rather
1899s challenges that monitor your progress
1901s nonetheless and
1904s they just wait for on for you to cause a
1906s specific event
1908s and that allowed us to create some weird
1911s missions like spend is on the market
1914s or enter that space or make one
1918s blueprint copy or lose a ship those are
1920s pretty unusual challenges compared to
1922s what was in the game before because this
1925s thanks to this technology
1927s anything can be a mission
1930s any type of action you can take in the
1932s game can be monitored and have a
1934s challenge made for it and this is great
1937s because we can create a variety of
1939s content for you
1941s however
1942s the most meaningful content in the game
1945s is created by you
1947s and this technology allows us to give
1949s you the tools to create missions tasks
1953s and challenges for others
1955s the people among you
1958s the people among you
1963s some shy clapping don't be shy this is
1966s great
1974s so the people among you who run
1976s corporations will easily be able to
1978s communicate with the members and monitor
1980s their progress and reward them for it
1982s and for the members of the strong
1984s organizations they will always have an
1987s answer to the question what should I do
1989s now
1991s that is all from me
1993s please welcome on stage CCP Mischief
1996s thank you
2007s hello Fun Fest
2012s so lovely to see you all here
2015s I'm CCP Ms Chief a product manager for
2019s Eve online
2020s like all of you here I love games
2024s they've been a massive part of my life
2027s ever since I can remember
2029s and for as long as I can remember I've
2032s always wondered how to make each of the
2035s title I've tried a little bit better for
2037s me and for other players
2040s and now
2043s being a product manager at CCP I get to
2046s do this for Eve online and for all of
2049s you guys
2051s because without you there is no Eve
2055s I still remember my first days at CCP
2058s almost five years ago
2061s coming to a new country starting a new
2064s job
2066s working on a new title
2068s it was exciting
2070s but challenging
2072s will I be able to find my people
2075s am I going to make friends
2078s will I be able to call Iceland home one
2081s day
2084s even though I was surrounded by people
2086s with the same passion connecting with
2089s them still took me a while
2091s and the same applies to all of you
2094s capsuleles in New Eden by default there
2098s is a potential to make a new friend
2100s you're all there playing the same game
2103s there is a shared interest
2105s but Eve is vast with hundreds of things
2108s to do and that's when things get a
2111s little bit tricky
2113s so is there something that we CCP can do
2118s to help you on that Quest
2122s during last year's Fan Fest CCP ratati
2125s talked about the impact that the
2127s self-expression has in building a sense
2130s of belonging and finding your tribe
2133s this was the very first time you've
2135s heard about possible customization
2137s options in development pipeline to be
2141s added to help you fulfill that task
2145s since then Corporation and Alliance
2148s emblems were added
2151s as player corporations are at the core
2154s of social interactions in Eve and the
2157s key to unlocking and forming
2159s long-lasting relationships that was the
2163s very perfect first step
2166s corporations and Alliance emblems are
2169s available to purchase for evermarks in
2172s Paragon stores for all existing ships in
2175s the game and All Ships released this
2178s year including the ones coming in
2180s November will get their dedicated sets
2183s with Havoc expansion
2187s now with Empires being at War
2190s and Pirates raging through new Eden it's
2195s more meaningful than ever for you to be
2197s able to show your Allegiance by fitting
2201s a faction emblem on your ship
2205s and for those of you who are proud of
2208s your professions career emblems would be
2211s a great addition
2213s both types
2215s are will be available in the near future
2218s with custom emblems following further
2221s down the line
2230s we are also looking into enabling custom
2233s emblems fitting on structures but more
2236s about this in just few minutes
2239s speaking of structures
2242s homes and safe havens for many a source
2245s of headache for some
2247s in Viridian expansion
2250s a new tool that allows structured design
2253s creation was introduced by a paragon
2256s thanks to Skinner you can now create a
2260s custom look for any of your standard
2262s Apple structures by mixing and matching
2265s available Nano coatings
2267s and wow
2269s e2q only
2272s 193 seconds to be precise
2275s to customize the first fortazar
2278s courtesy of holy roaming Empire
2281s and here are a few more examples of your
2284s creativity
2287s you seem to like pink a lot
2294s and let's not forget about the 30
2297s billion one DQ keepser design auction
2301s result
2304s surprise surprise it's pink
2310s this made our day we love seeing you
2314s guys finding creative ways to interact
2316s with Eve and with each other
2320s and I'm pleased to say
2322s that this was just the beginning
2325s in the following months the tool will be
2327s expanded upon we will add a library of
2331s patterns and materials so you can
2334s elevate your designs to go from this
2342s to this
2348s I promise I didn't take a single penny
2351s from Brave to be featured here
2356s to ensure you have an abundance of
2359s options to choose from we will be adding
2362s new sets of all the materials narrow
2365s Coatings and patterns to purchase
2367s directly from the tool no travel
2369s required and some of them will be
2372s dropping as Rewards and loot
2376s Now by now some of you might be thinking
2380s cool Miss Chief but structure
2383s customization is for Corporation use
2385s only
2386s what is it are for me an individual
2388s player
2389s well we got you
2391s we've heard you when you said we want
2394s more ship skins
2398s so how about
2400s we give you the option
2402s to create your own instead of giving you
2405s a limited variety to purchase
2416s yes
2418s the next obvious step for Skinner is to
2421s open it up and allow all of you
2424s to fully customize your ship look
2426s however you want to
2428s similar to structure designs you will be
2432s able to combine Nano Coatings patterns
2435s materials to create your own design
2440s that then you can turn into a permanent
2443s skin with some Flex
2447s designs will be free and shareable
2451s but each individual has to convert them
2454s into a skin
2456s please don't quote me on this as
2457s everything is subjected to change at
2459s this point Twitter I'm also looking at
2462s you
2466s and again
2468s we will make sure you don't get bored
2470s with the choices all mention design
2472s components will be available to purchase
2475s for different currencies depending on
2477s the theme but primarily for evermarks
2480s and LPS so you can create Beauties like
2483s this
2485s and maybe that's a strong Maybe
2488s compete with Timbre for the best design
2490s one day
2493s and with addition
2495s of cooperation and Alliance palettes
2499s you can make sure that everyone wears a
2501s uniform when in battle
2504s now we are aiming to get you the
2508s foundation of the ship skin design tool
2511s in 2024
2514s is it at all
2516s not quite yet
2518s designs is amazing and skins as amazing
2521s as they are and will be are only just
2524s the beginning of what soon you will be
2526s able to do to express yourself in the
2529s new Eden
2532s they say a picture is worth a thousand
2535s words
2536s so let me show you few examples
2540s of what soon within the next three years
2543s will be available for you
2547s let's start with structures and
2549s surrounding space
2576s and one more example
2582s SUNY will be able to control your lights
2585s on structures
2587s display your favorite people's hologram
2589s on them
2593s use animated sculptures
2599s or put up statues
2615s display custom banners
2617s foreign
2620s or even create them
2624s fit emblems
2627s use effects like fireworks
2638s or volumetric clouds
2660s and a very similar treatment can be
2663s applied to the insides of the structures
2666s let's take a peek
2669s you will be able to control the mood of
2672s the stations by controlling lighting
2674s access points and of course adding
2677s banners
2680s showcase the best performance in your
2683s organization
2691s reward the biggest contributors with
2693s their hologram and station and their
2696s achievements
2702s showcase your next project
2709s or control ship dog lights
2717s and last but not least
2721s what about chips
2725s in the near future you will be able to
2727s fit emblems functional ones and custom
2730s ones
2733s of course create your own custom skins
2741s but also add activation effects
2747s or enjoy achievement based skills
2776s thank you
2780s foreign
2783s use custom ship trails or even sound
2786s effects
2790s all for your pleasure to combine however
2793s you want to to show us your true colors
2798s this might get you some friends
2801s or some Torpedoes delivered straight to
2803s your hall
2805s so it's time to start earning and saving
2808s up those evermarks because you are going
2811s to need them
2813s and we also have a few things in store
2816s for that
2818s in response to your feedback and great
2820s TSM suggestions we've decided to improve
2824s how Paragon missions work
2826s all I can say right now that there will
2829s be more variety of those with a better
2831s access
2833s we're also looking into enabling
2836s corporations to have Paragon
2838s representatives in their stations to
2840s make items delivery headache free
2850s new daily challenges and by new I mean
2853s new ones not the ones that are in the
2856s client at the moment will provide you a
2859s new source of evermarks and of course
2862s transaction logs for both evermarks and
2866s LP
2867s will help you individuals and your
2869s organizations to track your earnings and
2872s spending
2875s okay there's one more thing before I go
2879s Hot Topic since yesterday on Twitter
2882s who here wants to see cat ears in the
2885s game hands up
2892s thank you very much don't worry or worry
2895s we're not adding those
2898s body you did help me win a bet
2904s thank you very much for your your all
2906s attention I can't wait to see you all in
2909s space in your custom-made color for
2911s skins
2912s if you have any questions for what
2914s happened so far to ghost Nomad or me
2917s please come and see us at the panel room
2919s at 3 pm today and now welcome to the
2922s stage CCP psych with mold more details
2926s on the November expansion
2939s hello everybody
2942s how are you doing are you having fun
2947s are you excited with everything you have
2949s just heard
2952s cool
2956s so I guess you're ready to talk about
2958s how you are gonna bring chaos to the
2962s front lines
2963s no I guess the presentation is done
2967s yes
2970s so
2972s we are building on the foundations we
2975s created last November with the uprising
2977s expansion
2979s and more specifically
2981s direct Enlistment
2983s it unlocked aligning with the Empire
2985s militias without the need for you to
2987s leave your player Corporation
2991s front lines
2992s a new star system hierarchy based on
2995s relationships between neighboring system
2997s ownerships
3001s and the Advantage system a new attribute
3003s in factional Warfare which that created
3006s the opportunity for new content while
3009s the added value on how you capture in in
3012s the capture mechanics of functional
3014s Warfare
3017s so what is coming this November
3021s we have zarzak we're introducing a new
3023s star system with a unique environment
3025s and a unique rule set
3028s we have aligning with pirates with
3030s direct enlistment in place we are now
3033s taking aligning with NPC factions one
3036s step further
3037s we will give you the ability to enlist
3039s with one of two pirate functions
3043s pirate insurgencies
3045s capsularies that align with pirate
3047s factions will have the opportunity to
3050s get in the versions and participate in
3053s new content
3056s corruption and suppression
3058s a new foundational mechanic for us two
3061s new attributes of star systems that can
3064s alter the rules within those systems
3069s we have new pirate LP stores with two
3071s factions that you will be able to align
3073s with and of course
3075s we have new ships we have Destroyers
3078s we have battleships
3080s sorry battle Cruisers
3083s and we have an angel Titan
3085s thank you
3092s I want to take a pose here
3095s I won't stop for a minute and I want to
3097s try and create this
3099s this model with you so that you can keep
3101s it in mind throughout this presentation
3103s maybe throughout Fun Fest and even
3105s Beyond
3106s I want us to see how everything we built
3109s last November and everything we're
3111s building this November can come together
3113s how they fit together and how they can
3116s potentially be used in the future and
3118s unlock opportunities for us
3126s aligning with pirates so direct
3128s enlistment allowed us to expand on the
3130s ways capturing pledge allegiance to an
3132s NPC and Perfection and now we're using
3135s this to add pirates in the mix
3139s we have front lines that give us a star
3141s system hierarchy and our pirate
3143s insurgencies will allow pirate aligned
3146s players to rein havoc in the front lines
3148s and be rewarded with loyalty points
3153s we have the Advantage system that
3156s reinforced factional Warfare gameplay
3158s corruption and suppression will
3161s reinforce the pirate insurgencies
3163s feature which you will hear about in a
3165s minute
3166s but also it unlocks a huge opportunity
3169s space for us to utilize in the future as
3172s these attributes exist outside of the
3175s systems that are in incursions
3177s keep with me
3181s so building strong foundations this
3183s means building and investing on the
3185s right technology for the future
3188s where our goals of course is to deliver
3191s on the ultimate sci-fi experience
3196s the technology that powers corruption
3198s and suppression allows us to create a
3201s link between Vanguard and Eve online
3204s from day one
3206s we aim to have Vanguard objectives
3208s affect corruption to a degree
3212s in specific systems in Eve online
3215s we are approaching this with an open
3216s mindset
3218s but at the same time we are being
3220s mindful of Eve's ecosystem
3223s we are taking the necessary precautions
3225s to not have the connection be too
3226s disruptive to start with and at this
3229s point
3230s building the ultimate sci-fi experience
3233s is a marathon
3234s we are taking it one step at a time and
3237s we're building strong foundations
3242s one last thing before we go into the
3244s details of November
3247s let us briefly see how the foundations
3249s we're building so far can potentially be
3251s used
3252s and further shape the future of new Eden
3258s our future goals include
3261s saving the future and how Wars are
3264s fought saving the future of war in New
3267s Eden
3268s this can mean a few things
3271s so to complete our mental model let's
3274s add a few things in the future and in
3277s the things that the future may bring
3281s the design Paradise we have been
3283s introducing can have very interesting
3285s applications with tweaks in other spaces
3289s of space in other types of space
3293s this will lead to some major revamps
3299s that will inevitable touch on other
3302s related mechanics
3305s so I'm going to leave this for a minute
3307s there
3308s and when you're ready we'll continue
3314s okay
3315s enough about the future let's talk about
3318s November
3322s a place of wonder
3325s through evil Ops Epiphany you capsules
3327s discovered four Jovian Gates
3330s quite fast I might add
3332s and since yesterday if these gates are
3334s now open and you can visit zarzak
3338s it's a system with a very special
3340s environment and a unique rule set
3344s the environment comes with dangerous as
3346s I think CCP for the showcased yesterday
3350s so explore at your own risk
3354s inside zarzak the deathless are building
3356s a ship caster which
3358s allow pirate aligned players
3361s to use and lots insurgencies in the war
3364s zones
3366s Pirates are establishing a new type of
3368s forward operating base in the war zones
3371s that they can use as their base and it
3375s will act as the landing pad for this
3377s ship caster
3380s the deathless have also established a
3382s base inside an ancient Jovian
3384s megastructure they call the fulcrum they
3387s have extended an invite to garistas and
3390s angels to join them
3392s and they will soon
3394s ask for capsular help
3396s to bring it to life
3402s aligning with pirates
3405s fulfilling the pirate fantasy
3408s so the gurusas and the angels are
3410s recruiting with the next expansion you
3413s will be able to align with one of the
3415s two factions
3417s the enlistment process will be the same
3420s as it is with Empire militias and this
3422s means direct enlistment and also options
3425s for Corporation and alliances
3430s Pirates are of course at war with FW
3432s militias in their area of space meaning
3436s there are specific Rules of Engagement
3438s with the players that are aligned with
3440s those factions
3444s pirate aligned players can earn new
3447s loyalty points by raiding the war zones
3449s and through the Insurgency feature
3452s the eucharistas and Angel ships are
3455s unique to these LP stores
3459s pirate aligned players will also get
3462s some special benefits and access to
3464s zarzak that you will see in November
3470s corruption and suppression
3473s in our pursuit of defining the future of
3476s War we are building another foundational
3478s system in Eve online
3482s corruption represents the amount of
3484s criminal activity that is happening
3486s within a star system while suppression
3488s represents the scale of law enforcement
3491s operations in that system
3495s as corruption and suppression increase
3497s in the system they will trigger effects
3499s and they will alter the rules within
3502s those systems
3503s both can be active at the same time
3505s and you will hear more about this in a
3508s minute
3511s it's foundational work for us because we
3513s are looking at corruption and
3515s suppression As Natural traits of star
3517s systems even for those systems that are
3520s outside of ongoing insurgencies
3524s insurgencies will be the First Source
3526s but generate corruption and the way that
3529s corruption is being removed from systems
3531s while Vanguard will be the Second Source
3536s for now Vanguard will only affect active
3539s Insurgency systems
3541s corruption and suppression value reset
3544s its system following the completion of a
3547s pirate Insurgency
3549s some systems though
3551s we have heightened default values and
3554s this means
3556s pirate HQ systems we have an increased
3559s default corruption value
3561s meaning certain effects will always be
3564s active there
3565s and the same goes for the pirate for the
3568s Empire excuse me HQ systems and
3570s suppression
3572s which has different effects always
3574s active at those systems
3578s with that in mind
3579s and before I leave the stage I want to
3581s bring this one final View
3585s just keep it in mind throughout the rest
3588s of the presentation throughout Fun Fest
3591s and for the days to come
3593s now
3595s please welcome on stage CCP K1 P1
3608s hello Fan Fest
3612s I'm CCP k1p1 and now that CCP psych has
3616s laid out the foundations of the future
3618s of War let's dive into What pirate
3620s insurgencies are that that will come in
3623s the Havoc expansion in November
3627s so due to the effect of the ongoing
3629s factional War there are systems in new
3631s Eden that are weakened making them the
3634s perfect Target for the Pirates to raid
3636s from their zarzak base
3638s in these insurgencies a set of systems
3640s is selected to loot and as they loot
3643s they expand outwards setting their
3645s sights on more systems
3647s the Empire militias can respond and
3650s attempt to put down these this
3651s Insurgency and force them to flee
3654s while this is similar to FW mechanics
3657s there are a few key differences
3660s pirate insurgencies represent discrete
3663s asymmetric Warfare inside the war zones
3666s it has a beginning and an end as well as
3669s a winner and a loser
3672s the war zone for an Insurgency is
3674s dynamically created based on player
3676s activity
3677s and can stretch beyond the bounds of
3678s traditional factional Warfare space
3682s but for now they won't go into Null Sec
3684s or any system with a status of 0.8 or
3687s above
3689s while factional Warfare is a tug of war
3691s the insurgencies are a race
3695s so how do the war zone and the
3696s Insurgency interact with one another
3700s this is the factional Warfare map but
3702s the front lines command operations and
3705s rear guard systems
3707s this is the same map with a potential
3710s pirate Insurgency layer
3713s the Insurgency layer sits independently
3716s on top of the factional Warfare systems
3718s and can easily extend into non-fw space
3721s including High sec
3726s so let's go through the flow of how the
3728s Insurgency works
3730s pirate leadership or AI will select a
3733s set of systems for the Insurgency to
3735s begin
3736s and there they will place a pirate
3738s forward operating base
3741s the Insurgency then spreads spreads
3743s three jumps in all directions from the
3746s starting system
3747s and the system will always be in one of
3749s three states
3750s Insurgency HQ where the pirate fob is
3753s active Insurgency with no fob or no
3757s Insurgency
3758s so it's similar to incursions but with
3761s players instead of NPCs
3764s so how do the Pirates and the Empire
3766s players
3768s impact from this point forward
3770s I'm gonna need your help
3772s so I want to take this middle section
3774s right here and you're going to be my
3776s pirate line players
3780s and I'm going to take this side and this
3782s side and you will be my Empire aligned
3785s players
3787s so I want you to keep in mind that
3790s everyone in the middle is fighting with
3791s everyone on the outside but at the same
3794s time you are also fighting with you
3799s so because you are lucky enough to sit
3800s in the middle and got here early you
3802s also get to use the ship Caster from
3804s zarzak which which will shoot you
3806s straight into your pirate fob into your
3808s Insurgency area
3811s so don't forget that I said that the
3814s pirate insurgencies are not a tug of war
3817s like factional Warfare but they're a
3818s race
3819s and once the Insurgency has started the
3821s race has begun
3823s pirate aligned players right here in the
3825s middle will seek to plunder the systems
3827s in the Insurgency Zone and increase
3829s corruption in that system
3831s and at the same time the FW militias on
3834s the side will be acting as the law
3836s enforcement to push back against these
3838s pirate raids and by increasing
3840s suppression in Insurgency systems these
3843s anti-pirates will attempt to put down
3844s the Insurgency and force the Pirates to
3847s flee
3851s fully corrupted systems like the one in
3853s dark purple
3854s will give the Pirates points and the
3857s opportunities to spread the Insurgency
3858s even further
3860s and fully suppressed systems like the
3862s one in green will give the Empire
3864s malicious points and the opportunity to
3866s stop the Insurgency altogether
3869s but how does it work
3871s well let's look at corruption first but
3873s I want to make sure that my Empires on
3875s the sides don't fall asleep because it's
3876s the same mechanics
3878s in order to spread corruption
3880s uh the pirate line players will need to
3882s complete specific activities to increase
3884s the level of corruption in that system
3887s and the corruption level will determine
3889s the types of activities that are that
3891s are available so for example in this
3893s system that we're looking at they
3894s haven't reached any stages of corruption
3896s so there's only one activity available
3898s the corporate Outpost rate which can be
3901s completed to progress corruption and
3903s receive Rewards
3907s so once your pirate insurgents have
3909s reached stage one of corruption they
3912s will trigger the systemoid effects
3914s at that like that level
3917s now
3918s I do want to make it very clear
3920s that none of these system word effects
3921s are final
3922s and they are subject to internal testing
3924s and feedback and we'd love your feedback
3927s but I'm really glad then that this is
3929s not recorded
3932s so for example uh with that being said
3935s our first system-wide effect could be
3938s increased PVP loot drops by for pirate
3942s aligned players that with the player
3944s that kills the the player that deals the
3947s killing blow
3949s and because you reached stage one of
3951s corruption that also means that you've
3953s unlocked more activities
3955s so now you have two activities to choose
3957s from to in order to increase corruption
3959s and and uh increase the different types
3962s of rewards that your fellow Pirates can
3964s receive
3966s this will continue with every level of
3969s corruption uh that you achieve in the
3971s system and the system-wide effects will
3974s stack
3975s so every new stage of corruption will
3978s unlock new effects such as increased
3981s pirate gang spawns Empire police will
3984s stop spawning
3986s stage three could include Advantage
3988s decrease for system owners
3991s and stage four could possibly be warp
3994s speed multiplier for pirate insurgents
3997s now once you reach level 4 of corruption
3999s the Insurgency will also spread one
4002s system in every direction from that
4004s level four system
4006s and at level five Pirates will have
4009s reached maximum corruption but more on
4011s that in a bit because at the same time
4015s that everyone here in the middle is
4016s trying to increase corruption everyone
4019s on the on the outsides is also trying to
4021s increase suppression
4023s so the system effects but they can
4025s unlock through their hard work include
4028s increased pirate bounties
4030s increased militia LP
4034s reduced corruption gains in a system
4036s and triggers the spawning of edencom
4039s security forces
4041s stage four could add web scram range
4044s bonuses for Empire Pilots
4051s and and once my answer pirates on the
4054s sides here reach level five of
4055s suppression that system is considered
4058s fully suppressed and you will receive a
4061s significant system effects like upgraded
4064s turrets deployed on stations and Gates
4067s and once you've reach level 5 of
4069s suppression that also means that the
4071s Pirates can never reach level 5 of
4073s corruption in that system
4077s and once you fully suppressed a
4079s predetermined number of systems let's
4081s say five
4082s then the pirate fob becomes vulnerable
4085s with only a single reinforcement timer
4089s and if my Empire empire militias on the
4093s side are able to successfully destroy
4095s that fob then they will have uh that
4098s they will claim victory and all
4099s capsuleles that participated in putting
4101s down the Insurgency will get rewards and
4104s bonuses
4106s on the other hand
4109s my pirates in the middle don't look so
4111s easily one
4113s and so if they reach maximum corruption
4115s they will trigger a meaningful change in
4118s the whole nature of the system and it'll
4120s depend on where the system is so for
4122s example if you reach maximum corruption
4124s in a system that's high SEC it'll start
4126s to look a lot more like low SEC and if
4128s the system is in low sec it'll start to
4131s look a lot more like nulsek
4136s and if they're able to successfully
4138s corrupt five systems then they will have
4141s won the Insurgency and the Pirates
4142s Pirate line players who participated in
4145s that Insurgency will receive rewards and
4147s bonuses
4149s so not only do you need to keep track of
4152s the corruption per system
4155s but you also need to keep track of the
4158s amount of systems that you have either
4159s fully suppressed or fully corrupted
4163s every fully suppressed or fully
4165s corrupted system will give your side a
4167s point
4168s and here
4169s you can see that the Pirates have won
4171s the Insurgency with their five fully
4174s corrupt systems
4179s but the system is self-balancing so the
4182s more insurgencies you win the more
4184s points you'll have to get next time due
4186s to the ambition modifier
4190s following the completion of an
4191s Insurgency the system will return to its
4193s previous owner with system control at
4196s zero percent and a new fob location for
4199s a new Insurgency will be chosen after
4201s some time
4202s and all of this information will be
4204s available to you in a dashboard not
4206s unlike the one you see before me
4210s so to increase the levels of corruption
4212s or suppression we are introducing four
4214s new pirate activities they are the
4217s corporate Outpost raid
4218s the pirate laundering Center or
4220s anti-pirate security post the mining
4223s Fleet Ambush and the warehouse rate
4227s so the corporate Outpost rate and the
4229s warehouse rate are an iteration on our
4231s FW complexes
4233s we got some really great feedback from a
4235s lot of our players and we aim to improve
4237s on the existing FW gameplay by making
4240s them more engaging with more things to
4242s shoot and more variation including a
4244s more even contest between the Pirates
4246s and the anti-pirates
4247s and like the FW complexes these
4250s activities will have a variety of values
4253s and sizes
4256s with the mining Fleet Ambush and the
4258s laundering Center and security post we
4260s are providing our Pirate players here in
4262s the Middle with the classical fantasy of
4265s raiding mining fleets and outposts and
4267s fighting off the Defenders while my
4269s militia members on the sides are able to
4271s play the hero and attempt to rescue the
4273s fleet or secure the outposts
4276s and I've got to tell you the amount of
4278s meetings that I've been in where we're
4279s talking about the classical pirate
4281s fantasy is really starting to make me
4282s have some really weird dreams
4286s so these activities provide a safe place
4289s for us to test new ideas and if you love
4292s them we would be able to backboard some
4294s of the gameplay into the FW complexes
4298s and of course successfully completing
4300s these activities will reward you with
4302s loot isk and LP
4306s speaking of LP
4308s as my pirate line players who's well
4311s done well done at picking the right seat
4313s you will receive either the garistas or
4315s the angel cartel Insurgent LP
4319s and this is comparable to the Empire
4320s militia LP that we introduced with the
4322s factional Warfare
4324s you can spend it in dedicated LP stores
4326s and purchase all existing and new pirate
4329s ship bpcs
4332s and since we're talking about pirate
4334s ships
4335s let's take a look at what you can fly
4338s come November
4345s behind door number one we have the Mamba
4349s the mekubala class destroyer a fast
4351s projectile boat that has a few turret
4353s hard points and a good damage bonus so
4356s you can choose between artilleries and
4357s auto cannons to fit your play style
4363s here you can see the details for this
4365s ship which you might have seen on TQ but
4367s it's including its 634 slot layout for
4371s your theory crafting
4376s behind door number two
4378s we have the Mamba class destroyer a
4381s light missile drone boat with extra
4382s drone capacity so you can launch
4384s refreshed waves of drones to attack your
4386s enemy complete with a 7-4-2 layout
4394s behold
4402s behind door number three
4404s we have the kids real class battle
4406s cruiser which is what you might expect
4408s from Angel designs with a brand new Hull
4412s the most agile battle cruiser with a
4414s falloff bonus and a 756 layout
4420s for your reading pleasure
4431s and our last store we have the alligator
4434s class battle cruiser which has a simple
4436s design a 764 layout and an added
4439s garista's bonus the alligator is only a
4442s bit faster than a drake but with a high
4444s DPS
4447s check out the teeth on this bad boy
4473s there is the matter
4475s of one final ship
4491s the angel cartel has finally finished
4493s their designs for the long-awaited
4496s azariel class Titan and they are ready
4499s to reward capsuleers
4502s it is the ultimate hyper dunking
4504s platform with high damage and Mobility
4507s that make it particularly strong for hit
4509s and run tactics
4518s so I know you've seen this video before
4521s and it's a pretty video
4524s but here are the stats
4529s the ship has an 877 layout and will be
4532s well worth the wait
4547s you all need to be a little bit faster
4548s at taking pictures
4553s so in the next couple of months you will
4555s get an expanded Court projects Library
4557s daily goals pirate insurgencies pirate
4560s enlistment new activities and yes new
4564s ships
4565s and we can't wait to see what chaos you
4567s unleash with it all in new Eden
4570s uh we'll be in the the second stage with
4573s a panel if you have any questions on
4574s pirate insurgencies and pirate
4576s enlistment any of the ships we'd love to
4578s get your feedback and have your
4579s questions and we look forward to seeing
4581s you later today thank you
over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

9s thank you
20s zarzak
22s has been waiting
26s for Nexus
34s now ruled by the insurgents
41s the deathless
45s trust it's rare among Our Kind
51s yet here you are
54s compelled by my invitation
58s I offer you a Haven a fortress hidden
63s from the empire
73s I have given it life
75s it feeds on me
78s and he'll return it yields him knowledge
84s and Gifts power
91s tear your forces out for the chaos on
95s the front lines
97s harness the light of Captain ears
106s together
108s that will unlock sourcex secrets
112s one
114s bye
117s one
154s hello capsuleers and welcome
160s the Havoc expansion is coming to Eve
164s online on the 14th of November I'm
167s excited I hope you're excited it's going
169s to be amazing
171s we have a lot of amazing does here who
174s are going to be going into all the juicy
176s details and stats for the expansion and
179s are you ready
181s are you ready
185s they'll also be sharing with you some of
187s the foundations that have been laid to
189s get us to this moment as well as what
192s the future looks like Beyond havoc
195s so you're going to want to stick around
196s for this one
198s an important part of engaging in
201s corruption or suppression and preparing
204s for the future of war is building up and
207s strengthening your organizations through
210s valuable connections that you make with
212s other capsuleers
214s to share more on this I'd like to
216s welcome to the stage CCP ghost
224s thank you
229s hello FanFest
234s so over the last 20 years there has been
237s countless amounts of people myself
239s included that I wanted to get to the
241s bottom of the Eve Magic
244s what is it about our game that causes
248s countless stories to happen about spying
252s betrayal vast destruction and incredible
256s data points such as the fact that
259s 73 percent of us claim to have made a
262s friend as a result of playing Eve online
266s and why do we have almost 80 000 active
270s players for more than a decade in our
273s game
281s and believe me this has been studied
282s widely we've had university courses
285s taught on Eve we've had some of the top
287s tier universities in the world wanting
289s to get to study our data set we've
291s haven't had people having their
293s doctorate studies on this thing and one
297s thing keeps coming up
301s do you want to guess it
308s friendship absolutely but I told you
311s that a couple years ago what is behind
313s the friendship
317s clearly
318s you're the only audience that would say
319s that
321s it's organizations the answer is
323s organizations it's you people the corpse
327s and the groups you organize the chat
329s groups the alliances and there is
332s something seemingly if I may say magical
334s that happens here
335s and CCP has now been studying this
337s phenomena for years and through
340s countless interviews with you the
342s players surveys data Gathering many
345s meetings with the CSM and More We
347s believe We have found a few crucial
349s elements
350s pertaining to the health of a good
352s organization and subsequently the heart
355s of the Friendship machine for example
359s here you can see the player organized
361s effort of the liftoff of CCP Burger
367s and another example we discovered is
369s that the most efficient organizations in
373s onboarding new players into our game in
375s a positive manner deploy similar tactics
377s when it comes to
379s stuff like creating newbie fleets with
382s something we have topped the super Fleet
385s formula
386s would you like to see it
389s all right let's run through it because
391s we love some formulas
393s so the superfleet formula goes a little
395s bit like this first a recruiter finds
397s new recruits
399s and then that recruiter or an FC gives
402s everyone the same ship
405s following that the recruiter or the FC
407s gives each new recruit a role that they
410s can understand
414s and then specific behavioral
416s instructions are given such as find this
418s target shoot it then
421s shoot targets of that type that approach
425s newly formed groups and taken into
426s combat with a specific intention that
428s they will all die together
432s so killing
438s and after this happens the recruiter or
440s the FC explains that this was okay this
442s was a bonding exercise
445s and the recruiter then replaces all the
447s Lost materials
449s and then finally this is repeated and
451s scaled up with increased adversity and
453s complexity
455s and this setup seems to be one of the
457s crucial ingredients in the fact that 14
460s of all brand new players that have
464s played Eve less than 10 hours claimed to
467s have made a friend as a result of
468s playing the game
471s we also found that good groups spend
473s considerable resources and making sure
475s players always have something to do in
477s our game that their activity and
479s interest-based groups to congregate in
481s to find camaraderie a purpose to align
483s behind situations where trust building
486s can Thrive and connections be made and
489s massive resources massive massive
491s resources are devoted to making sure
493s players have regular access to Fleet
496s play and opportunities to have
498s Cooperative kills together mentors
500s available reasons for direct trading and
502s a plethora of scheduling activities
504s together
506s and the deeper we went the more we've
508s come to realize that we want to
510s prioritize healthy group formation in
512s our game
513s not only the initial Connections in the
515s onboarding phase but also the maturing
517s of a group and the deepening of
520s friendships
521s and so
522s one of our focused for the next few
525s years at CCP will be the following
528s mission statement we aim to create or
531s Foster scenarios where existing players
533s can meaningfully connect play and
535s progress with each other and new players
538s in an environment of purposeful
540s friendship
542s because as we can proudly state
546s you are somebody other people want to
549s play with and you eaten and that is a
551s fact when you come into new Eden as a
553s new person not knowing anybody there are
555s literally thousands of people and
557s hundreds of groups waiting for you and
560s wanting to onboard you into their
561s adventures together and that is an
564s amazing thing to be able to say about
565s our world
567s and so in Viridian we introduced
572s Corp projects we introduced Homefront
574s operations and we introduced air
577s opportunities
578s core projects with the aim of giving you
580s the tools to better organize meaningful
582s activity and clearer contributions to
584s your group
585s Homefront operations to provide a venue
587s to practice small Fleet play with
589s different roles through fun adventures
591s that can be lucrative and air
593s opportunities with a long-term plan of
595s air opportunities being your One-Stop
598s shop to find everything you can to do
600s right now and with relevance to who you
603s are
604s and introducing something like core
606s projects into Eve is a complex
609s undertaking to say the least there are
612s so many potential paths to go so we
615s decided to release a simple version of
617s what we were envisioning for the Corp
619s projects in the first go and to see how
622s you the players would use it and what
624s you would mainly request as additional
626s features so in the first version we had
629s five contribution methods to deliver an
631s item to damage capsuleer to mine
634s unclassified meaning you describe the
637s parameters and to kill an NPC and
641s packaged with this we have manual payout
643s system and then we introduced a dynamic
646s home UI called the air opportunities to
649s find stuff to do now and according to
651s your interest in relevance
653s and to find more features to engage with
655s as well and this is also where we
657s decided to place the new home front
659s operations
661s which is a group of brand new missions
663s designed with the intent of offering
665s exciting Adventures for Cooperative
667s Fleet play
669s and we are happy to see that these
671s missions seem to be widely used by
673s veteran players taking a group of less
675s experienced players out to teach them
678s about roles in Eve and show them
679s Adventures
680s and since we all love the data here is
684s some insights for you the most popular
685s dungeon out of the homefront operations
687s has been entered 26 603 times and 45 of
694s all the players using it are less than
695s three months old so new players
698s and the average completion time is 12
701s minutes
702s with the average reward per completing
704s character being 26 million isk
708s and the most active dungeon has given
711s out a total of 2.5 trillion Ishq in
715s Rewards
717s so with our goals set we wanted to be in
720s a strong position to also be able to
722s learn about healthy organizations and
724s how you might develop using these new
726s tools and these new features and we
729s thought that we should strengthen our
730s ability to monitor these key elements
732s mentioned previously so valuable to
734s group and friendship building in Eve and
737s see if these new systems and other
738s additions to our game could help more
740s healthy organizational and friendship
742s building take place
744s our new connections being made our older
747s ones being deepened our organizations
749s thriving or not
751s and so alongside our project we've
753s developed something that we're calling
755s the Friendship index
757s and we are happy to report that after
759s the first Homefront deployment in
761s Viridian we are seeing a healthy upward
763s trend line in the Friendship index what
765s this means for you data nerds out there
767s is that we have a weighted index of
770s eight social factors in our game
772s previously mentioned and since Viridian
774s we've been seeing a healthy uptick in
776s corp member logins
778s at the same time and direct trade
781s contacts added with positive standing
784s Co-op kills and cast donations
787s what this means in other words is that
789s you are playing more together
791s a lot of you are giving each other more
793s presence
794s and your Social Circle is growing which
796s is fantastic thank you
806s and this is just a little bit of a peek
807s under the hood of some of the
809s developmental monitoring we do and the
811s health metrics we are now prioritizing
813s to help us keep track in building
816s stronger organizations with all of you
819s but the most important information for
821s us always keeps being player feedback
823s and reception to the things we put out
826s there and so after court calls in the
828s Meridian launch we've seen that this has
831s been well received and believe me we
834s have been monitoring your feedback
835s constantly CCP Nomad spent many a night
838s scouring the internet to try to find
841s every piece of feedback that was out
843s there
844s and a couple of
846s couple of uh days later when we picked
849s them up from the mental hospital he told
851s us all about it
853s but uh all joking aside the feedback has
856s been great and we implemented it
858s straight into our product Vision
860s actually and and the prioritization for
862s the next launch which is happening in
864s November and to tell you more about what
866s exactly that is here he is in the flesh
870s the creative lead for the home front
872s initiative CCP Nomad thank you
886s hello Fun Fest
894s so uh cispy ghost has said we checked
898s all your feedback and that is how we
900s prioritize the features for November
903s I'll start with the most requested one
906s payment integration to project
910s so this will help
912s provide you the creators of those
914s projects with the ability to associate
917s to assign payments to
919s reward your members for contributing to
922s the projects automatically
930s the projects are now set and forget from
932s the point of view of the creator
935s the design we are implementing is based
938s on a escrow system so essentially the
940s moment you create a project and
942s Associate a payment with the
944s contribution then the total sum is taken
946s out of the corporation account that you
948s have set as active that you have the
950s access to
951s and then the escrow distributes the
954s rewards to the contributors
956s proportional to to the contributions
958s they have made
960s for example your Corp needs Fiverr
963s events
964s so you have the project manager role you
967s create a project and you use the deliver
970s item contribution method for that
973s project
974s and since you have additional overall
976s giving you access to one of the core
977s wallets you can associate a payout with
980s that project
981s you set it at 250 million per
984s contribution which means per one Raven
986s delivered to the Project's hanger
989s and the whole project costs the
991s corporation one point 25 billion is
996s and that is the amount taken from the
998s Corp wallet on Project creation and
1000s you're done you don't have to follow up
1002s with any payments
1004s the project run itself
1007s so now if you are a member or a
1009s potential contributor to the project you
1011s want to contribute to it you have two
1014s spare Raven holes in your Hangar for any
1016s reason
1017s so you just drop them to the corporation
1019s projects hunger
1023s and that gives you 500 million reward
1026s for you to claim the contribution you
1028s have made is visible on the project as
1031s well as the as the reward that you have
1033s earned
1034s you'll claim the reward and 500 million
1037s is goes from the escrow to your personal
1040s wallet the project stays active since
1043s there are still three Ravens left to be
1046s delivered and paid for
1048s and that's it that's how the the system
1050s works should be pretty simple
1053s so it's worth to note that the total
1057s amount of risk available for each
1058s project will be visible on the
1060s particular project itself but also the
1062s total sum of money available on the
1065s table let's say will be visible in the
1067s corporation window so your members will
1068s be like I can earn 5 billion is doing
1070s stuff for the Corp that's great
1072s so this will be a signature of a healthy
1075s Organization for all the members that
1077s are interested into this stuff like they
1079s want to see how is my organization how
1082s healthy it is so this will be a good
1084s indicator
1087s great we're doing
1090s the project manager role
1093s so you've been guys asking for it
1095s because it's been only CEOs and
1098s directors that were able to create those
1099s projects so far and we wanted to be able
1102s to delegate it to to other people
1104s without necessarily giving them
1106s access to stuff they probably shouldn't
1109s have
1111s so this should be good and that's how
1113s the project delegation looks like in
1115s your corpse we imagine
1118s they're so happy
1122s and related to this is a quality of life
1125s feature allowing you to clone projects
1128s essentially just copying the parameters
1129s of an existing project where they're
1131s canceled or completed or or active to to
1134s a new project so less clicking class
1136s writing less effort for all those new
1139s project managers
1141s and finally
1142s seven new contribution methods seven new
1145s project types so we released five in
1148s June this gives you guys in total you
1151s all in total 12 project types that
1153s you'll be able to create for your
1154s corporation
1155s that means more play Styles can be
1159s recognized by the corporation and the
1162s contributors can be rewarded for it
1166s so starting with my favorite remote reps
1180s so the remote repair armor and remote
1182s put Shields those are two types of
1184s projects and they they will provide The
1187s Lodges with all the recognition
1189s within the Corp
1190s so maybe this is not logical mails yet
1193s as CCP ratat said yesterday we are
1197s getting there too but this this actually
1200s allows the corporation to financially
1203s incentivize the members to fly lodgy
1206s because they they will be not only
1208s recognized their effort will not only be
1211s recognized in the corporation by making
1213s them visible as contributors to the
1215s projects but also they can actually earn
1217s money for wrapping people
1220s so the available options here
1223s where that you can set up is the you can
1226s select the location solar system in
1228s particular in which you want to consider
1232s the contributions as made to this
1234s project prepared ship type if you want
1236s to incentivize or if you want to reward
1240s your members for wrapping some types of
1242s ships more than others if if it's needed
1246s and then identity of the ship owner
1248s which means
1250s we want to wrap people from this
1253s Alliance more than from that one
1256s you have your own reasons
1259s no judging
1261s you can also put it as Fair as far down
1264s as designating specific character that
1268s you may want to rep so maybe you are CEO
1270s and you want
1272s you know where this is going if you are
1274s this type of person do that
1279s kill capsuleer that's another
1281s contribution method so this is an
1283s addition to the
1285s deal damage to capsule project type that
1287s we released in June
1289s and we started with damage delivery to
1292s Foster Group Play
1293s but you've been asking for recognition
1295s for the actual kill mugs those things
1298s matter to you so here is a project type
1302s that we recognize the actual killer
1304s basically who gets the kill mail is the
1307s one who is contributing to the project
1311s so the options available here
1313s they are similar as in the remote reps
1315s you can specify in which solar system
1317s The Killing should happen
1319s what type of ship should be killed to be
1322s considered as a contribution if you want
1324s to Target specific types of ships maybe
1326s the enemy lodges you want to for example
1328s pay more for damage dealt to Lodge them
1331s to other ships
1333s and the identity of the ship owner again
1336s just make sure you set this up correctly
1339s because you may incentivize your members
1341s to shoot each other
1344s which might be a good thing I don't know
1350s scan signatures
1352s so you are running a wormhole Corp
1355s yes yes yes
1363s wormholer by the way
1368s okay so so you're running a wormhole
1370s Corp and you have a hard time
1372s making all your members to keep your
1375s home scanned at all times so maybe this
1378s will help or or maybe you are the person
1380s that actually relentlessly is scanning
1383s all the signatures all the time every
1386s day
1387s maybe finally the Corp will start paying
1389s you for it
1393s so the options here allow you to set up
1395s the solar system where the signature
1397s where the signature is and the signature
1398s type so you can reward the people you
1401s you can reward the members more for Sky
1403s signatures in your home system versus
1405s another systems or for scanning
1407s wormholes only rather than any type of
1409s signatures for example
1412s capturing defense functional Warfare
1414s complex
1421s so as you may have noticed we have been
1423s strengthening the factional Warfare
1425s gameplay for some time so it was just
1428s suitable to for this to be reflected in
1430s the core projects as well so if you're
1432s running a militia Corporation you will
1434s be able to better guide your members
1436s about the objectives for today which
1439s system we need to capture which system
1441s we need to defend
1443s and for the members they will always be
1445s aware What What In which direction they
1448s should go what what they should be doing
1450s so the options here the again there's
1453s two types of projects it's separate type
1455s of project for capturing and separate
1456s for defending and the option Fields
1459s gives you
1461s the way to communicate to your members
1464s what are the objectives to objectives
1466s today which systems to capture
1468s also the complex type allows you to
1472s reward people differently for different
1474s type of complex because different types
1476s of complexes have different
1478s values added to the victory conditions
1481s of particular system
1483s so that's the way to incentivize them or
1485s maybe even you have a corporation that
1486s is not enlisted in the factional Warfare
1489s you can still create that project and
1492s then select specific faction or maybe
1494s not
1495s to to incentivize a group of members
1498s that maybe are directly enlisted in your
1500s Corp to actually do something or keep
1502s doing something
1505s so
1507s this looks odd huh
1509s so everyone so far had cool pictures of
1511s spaceships and explosions but some of us
1514s prefer spreadsheets
1516s just imagine doing Excel on this screen
1521s manufacture item
1523s this project type should improve the
1524s organization and in industrial
1527s corporations
1529s the option Fields here is the item type
1533s where you select what type of item you
1535s want to to be manufactured
1539s who should be the job owner whether that
1541s should be a private job installed by the
1543s character for themselves or should that
1545s be a job installed on behalf of the
1547s corporation
1548s and the location of the facility so the
1550s combination of choices here allow you to
1552s create different scenarios where you for
1554s example can
1555s you can first create a deliver item
1557s projects to Source the materials first
1560s and then create this this project to
1562s actually ask someone to build the thing
1565s and you can specify where it should be
1567s built maybe you have higher taxes there
1570s I don't know
1571s and
1572s about the individual and Corporation so
1575s the corporation doesn't benefit directly
1577s from private jobs let's say but maybe
1579s you're running a program where you want
1581s to show the ropes to the rookies you
1583s want to incentivize them to do something
1584s to build something that can be useful or
1587s maybe you just want to incentivize your
1590s members to build something in your
1592s competitors HQ to raise their industrial
1594s index that's up to you
1599s so
1600s what all these upgrades amount to
1603s for the people who run the corpse it is
1606s better organization communication with
1608s your members and monitoring of what is
1611s going on and for the members it is
1613s visibility into the direction of the
1615s Corp and its health
1617s and an easy answer to the question what
1621s should I do now
1623s and of course money
1624s but that's up to you guys
1629s but wait there is more the scary dude
1635s in addition to all the core project
1637s upgrades we are also doing changes to
1640s the new player journey in East
1642s Now new players can start the air
1645s Adventure but they have to finish it
1647s fully or abandon it before they can try
1649s any other thing in the game
1652s so come November we're changing that now
1655s the NP is more will be more open
1658s allowing the new players to break off of
1661s it to try other things to maybe fly with
1664s you in a fleet for a while and then come
1666s back to the npe and finish it at their
1669s convenience and they will be able to do
1671s that from the air opportunities window
1675s and the air opportunist window itself
1677s getting an upgrade
1679s so we are adding more types of content
1682s available there
1684s and we are utilizing the system of tax
1686s with combination of the information
1689s about your location and location on the
1692s account of the content to present you
1694s the opportunities that are available to
1697s you
1697s nearby and the opportunities that you
1701s might be interested in should be much
1702s easier to find
1705s so this should be familiar
1708s but let's make it a bit more scary
1711s kill 10 Drifters or sleepers in Abyssal
1714s space
1715s who struggles with this
1717s yes
1719s yes we know we've heard your feedback
1722s about it
1723s uh so this is pretty difficult challenge
1725s for those of you who don't know and it's
1728s not because Drifters are hard to kill in
1730s a piece of that space that's not the
1732s problem the problem is
1733s that you have no control over finding
1736s them there so it may take one attempt or
1738s 10 to find Drifters in the episode best
1740s ways to actually complete this Challenge
1742s and get the skill points because we all
1744s want that
1746s so this makes the rewards not very
1747s accessible we talked to air Laboratories
1751s since the accessibility is their
1753s specialty
1754s and they came up with a solution
1757s their daily goals
1760s so for air the accessibility comes from
1763s the fact that you are able to choose
1765s your path to the end result like in the
1768s air carrier program here you are free to
1770s choose which goals to complete to
1772s progress to the main reward of the day
1775s while iska never marks will be assigned
1777s to every single challenge the skill
1780s points will be awarded for completing
1782s two out of four challenges on a given
1784s day and it is your choice with
1787s challenges to pick
1788s so this should be much more accessible
1790s than hiding the skill points behind
1792s specific challenge
1796s thank you
1804s and on the theme of empowering
1806s organizations we are making the daily
1808s goals East rewards taxable by your
1811s corporations to fund all these projects
1815s evermark rewards will be duplicated for
1817s the corpse as per usual
1821s and we're moving the daily goals to air
1823s opportunities so we'll have a better
1824s overview of your progress towards the
1827s main reward but also you will be able to
1828s see more details of each particular
1830s challenge
1833s and the final note
1836s every day the goals the set of goals
1838s will be the same for all of you
1840s that means it will be much easier for
1842s you to complete them all at once with
1844s all your outs
1855s so this is what's coming in the November
1857s expansion core projects air
1859s opportunities and npe and our daily
1862s goals and I would like to share a
1863s glimpse of what is coming to core
1865s projects after that
1867s just a glimpse
1875s does it look good
1877s all right
1879s so because there's another thought that
1881s I would like to leave you with and it
1883s needs just a short introduction
1885s last year we released the Air carry
1887s program in which we provided with a
1889s couple hundred goals that we created for
1891s you and these goals are unlike any other
1894s challenges present in the games in the
1896s game before they are not missions that
1898s you need to sign up for but rather
1899s challenges that monitor your progress
1901s progress nonetheless and
1904s they just wait for an for you to cause a
1906s specific event
1908s and that allowed us to create some weird
1911s missions like spent is on the market
1914s or enter that space or make one
1918s blueprint copy or lose a ship those are
1920s pretty unusual challenges compared to
1922s what was in the game before because this
1925s thanks to this technology
1927s anything can be a mission
1930s any type of action you can take in the
1932s game can be monitored and have a
1934s challenge made for it and this is great
1937s because we can create a variety of
1939s content for you
1941s however
1942s the most meaningful content in the game
1945s is created by you
1947s and this technology allows us to give
1949s you the tools to create missions tasks
1953s and challenges for others
1955s the people among you
1958s the people among you
1962s some shy clapping don't be shy this is
1966s great
1974s so the people among who run corporations
1976s will easily be able to communicate with
1979s the members and monitor their progress
1981s and reward them for it and for the
1983s members of the strong organizations they
1986s will always have an answer to the
1987s question what should I do now
1991s that is all from me
1993s please welcome on stage CCP Mischief
1996s thank you
2007s hello Fun Fest
2012s so lovely to see you all here I'm CCP Ms
2017s Chief a product manager for Eve online
2020s like all of you here I love games
2024s they've been a massive part of my life
2027s ever since I can remember
2029s and for as long as I can remember I've
2032s always wondered how to make each of the
2035s title I've tried a little bit better for
2037s me and for other players
2040s and now
2043s being a product manager at CCP I get to
2046s do this for Eve online and for all of
2049s you guys
2051s because without you there is no Eve
2055s I still remember my first days at CCP
2058s almost five years ago
2061s coming to a new country starting a new
2064s job
2066s working on a new title
2068s it was exciting
2070s but challenging
2072s will I be able to find my people
2075s am I going to make friends
2078s will I be able to call Iceland home one
2081s day
2084s even though I was surrounded by people
2086s with the same passion connecting with
2089s them still took me a while
2091s and the same applies to all of you
2094s capsuleles in New Eden by default there
2098s is a potential to make a new friend
2100s you're all there playing the same game
2103s there is a shared interest
2105s but Eve is vast with hundreds of things
2108s to do and that's when things get a
2111s little bit tricky
2113s so is there something that we CCP can do
2118s to help you on that Quest
2122s during last year's Fan Fest CCP ratati
2125s talked about the impact that the
2127s self-expression has in building a sense
2130s of belonging and finding your tribe
2133s this was the very first time you've
2135s heard about possible customization
2137s options in development pipeline to be
2141s added to help you fulfill that task
2145s since then Corporation and Alliance
2148s emblems were added
2151s as player corporations are at the core
2154s of social interactions in Eve and the
2157s key to unlocking and forming
2159s long-lasting relationships that was the
2163s very perfect first step
2166s corporations and Alliance emblems are
2169s available to purchase for evermarks in
2172s Paragon stores for all existing ships in
2175s the game and All Ships released this
2178s year including the ones coming in
2180s November will get their dedicated sets
2183s with Havoc expansion
2187s now with Empires being at War
2190s and Pirates raging through new Eden it's
2195s more meaningful than ever for you to be
2197s able to show your Allegiance by fitting
2201s a faction emblem on your ship
2205s and for those of you who are proud of
2208s your professions career emblems would be
2211s a great addition
2213s both types
2215s are will be available in the near future
2218s with custom emblems following farther
2221s down the line
2230s we are also looking into enabling custom
2233s emblems fitting on structures but more
2236s about this in just few minutes
2239s speaking of structures
2242s homes and safe havens for many a source
2245s of headache for some
2247s in Viridian expansion
2250s a new tool that allows structured design
2253s creation was introduced by paragon
2256s thanks to Skinner you can now create a
2260s custom look for any of your standard
2262s Apple structures by mixing and matching
2265s available Nano coatings
2267s and wow
2269s e2q only
2271s 193 seconds to be precise
2275s to customize the first fortazar
2278s courtesy of holy roaming Empire
2281s and here are a few more examples of your
2284s creativity
2287s you seem to like pink a lot
2294s and let's not forget about the 30
2297s billion one DQ keepser design auction
2300s result
2304s surprise surprise it's pink
2310s this made our day we love seeing you
2314s guys finding creative ways to interact
2316s with Eve and with each other
2320s and I'm pleased to say
2322s that this was just the beginning
2325s in the following months the tool will be
2327s expanded upon we will add a library of
2331s patterns and materials so you can
2334s elevate your designs to go from this
2342s to this
2348s I promise I didn't take a single penny
2351s from Brave to be featured here
2356s to ensure you have an abundance of
2359s options to choose from we will be adding
2362s new sets of all the materials narrow
2365s Coatings and patterns to purchase
2367s directly from the tool no travel
2369s required and some of them will be
2372s dropping as rewards and loot
2376s Now by now some of you might be thinking
2380s cool Miss Chief but structure
2383s customization is for Corporation use
2385s only
2386s what is it are for me an individual
2388s player
2389s well we got you
2391s we've heard you when you said we want
2394s more ship skins
2398s so how about
2400s we give you the option
2402s to create your own instead of giving you
2405s a limited variety to purchase
2416s yes
2418s the next obvious step for Skinner is to
2421s open it up and allow all of you
2424s to fully customize your ship look
2426s however you want to
2428s similar to structure designs you will be
2432s able to combine Nano Coatings patterns
2435s materials to create your own design
2440s that then you can turn into a permanent
2443s skin with simplex
2447s designs will be free and shareable
2451s but each individual has to convert them
2454s into a skin
2456s please don't quote me on this as
2457s everything is subjected to change at
2459s this point Twitter I'm also looking at
2462s you
2466s and again
2468s we will make sure you don't get bored
2470s with the choices all mention design
2472s components will be available to purchase
2475s for different currencies depending on
2477s the theme but primarily for evermarks
2480s and LPS so you can create Beauties like
2483s this
2485s and maybe that's a strong Maybe
2488s compete with Timbre for the best design
2490s one day
2493s and with addition
2495s of cooperation and Alliance palettes
2499s you can make sure that everyone wears a
2501s uniform when in battle
2504s now we are aiming to get you the
2508s foundation of the ship skin design tool
2511s in 2024
2514s is that all
2516s not quite yet
2518s designs is amazing and skins as amazing
2521s as they are and will be are only just
2524s the beginning of what soon you will be
2526s able to do to express yourself in the
2529s new Eden
2532s they say a picture is worth a thousand
2535s words
2536s so let me show you few examples
2540s of what soon within the next three years
2543s will be available for you
2547s let's start with structures and
2549s surrounding space
2574s thank you
2576s and one more example
2582s soon you will be able to control your
2585s lights on structures
2587s display your favorite people's hologram
2589s on them
2593s use animated sculptures
2599s or put up statues
2615s display custom Bonners
2620s or even create them
2624s fit emblems
2627s use effects like fireworks
2638s or volumetric clouds
2660s and a very similar treatment can be
2663s applied to the insides of the structures
2666s let's take a peek
2669s you will be able to control the mood of
2672s the stations by controlling lighting
2674s access points and of course adding
2677s banners
2680s showcase the best performance in your
2683s organization
2685s foreign
2691s the biggest contributors with their
2693s hologram and station and their
2695s achievements
2702s showcase your next project
2709s or control ship dock lights
2717s and last but not least
2721s what about chips
2725s in the near future you will be able to
2727s fit emblems functional ones and custom
2730s ones
2733s of course create your own custom skins
2741s but also add activation effects
2747s or enjoy achievement based skills
2766s information
2782s use custom ship trails or even sound
2786s effects
2790s all for your pleasure to combine however
2793s you want to to show us your true colors
2798s this might get you some friends
2801s or some Torpedoes delivered straight to
2803s your hall
2805s so it's time to start earning and saving
2808s up those ever marks because you are
2811s going to need them
2814s and we also have a few things in store
2816s for that
2818s in response to your feedback and great
2820s TSM suggestions we've decided to improve
2824s how Paragon missions work
2826s all I can say right now that there will
2829s be more variety of those with a better
2831s access
2833s we're also looking into enabling
2836s corporations to have Paragon
2838s representatives in their stations to
2840s make items delivery headache free
2845s thank you
2850s new daily challenges and by new I mean
2853s new ones not the ones that are in the
2856s client at the moment will provide you a
2859s new source of evermarks and of course
2862s transaction logs for both evermarks and
2865s LP
2867s will help you individuals and your
2869s organizations to track your earnings and
2872s spending
2875s okay there's one more thing before I go
2879s Hot Topic since yesterday on Twitter
2882s who here wants to see cat ears in the
2885s game hands up
2892s thank you very much don't worry or worry
2895s we're not adding those
2899s body you did help me win a bet
2904s thank you very much for your your all
2906s attention I can't wait to see you all in
2909s space in your custom-made color for
2911s skins
2912s if you have any questions for what
2914s happened so far to ghost Nomad or me
2917s please come and see us at the panel room
2919s at 3 pm today and now welcome to the
2922s stage CCP psych with mold more details
2926s on the November expansion
2934s thank you
2939s hello everybody
2942s how are you doing are you having fun
2947s are you excited with everything you have
2949s just heard
2952s cool
2956s so I guess you're ready to talk about
2958s how you are gonna bring chaos to the
2962s front lines
2963s no I guess the presentation is done
2967s yes
2970s so
2972s we are building on the foundations we've
2975s created last November with the uprising
2977s expansion
2979s and more specifically
2981s direct Enlistment
2983s it unlocked aligning within Empire
2985s militias without the need for you to
2987s leave your player Corporation
2991s front lines
2992s a new star system hierarchy based on
2995s relationships between neighboring system
2997s ownerships
3001s and the Advantage system a new attribute
3003s in functional Warfare which that created
3006s the opportunity for new content while
3009s the added value on how you capture in in
3012s the capture mechanics of functional
3014s Warfare
3017s so what is coming this November
3021s we have zarzak we're introducing a new
3023s star system with a unique environment
3025s and a unique rule set
3028s we have aligning with pirates with
3030s direct enlistment in place we are now
3033s taking aligning with NPC functions one
3036s step further
3037s we will give you the ability to enlist
3040s with one of two pirate functions
3043s pirate insurgencies
3045s capsularies that align with pirate
3047s factions will have the opportunity to
3050s get in the versions and participate in
3053s new content
3056s corruption and suppression
3058s a new foundational mechanic for us two
3061s new attributes of star systems that can
3064s alter the rules within those systems
3069s we have new pirate LP stores with two
3071s factions that you will be able to align
3073s with and of course
3075s we have new ships we have destroyers we
3078s have battleships
3080s sorry battle Cruisers
3083s and we have an angel Titan
3092s I want to take a pose here
3095s I won't stop for a minute and I want to
3097s try and create this
3099s this model with you so that you can keep
3101s it in mind throughout this presentation
3103s maybe throughout Fun Fest and even
3105s Beyond
3106s I want us to see how everything we built
3109s last November and everything we're
3111s building this November can come together
3113s how they fit together and how they can
3116s potentially be used in the future and
3118s unlock opportunities for us
3126s aligning with pirates so direct
3128s enlistment allowed us to expand on the
3130s ways capturing pledge allegiance to an
3132s NPC and Perfection and now we're using
3135s this to add pirates in the mix
3139s we have front lines that give us a star
3141s system hierarchy and all pirate
3143s insurgencies will allow pirate aligned
3146s players to Reign havoc in the front
3148s lines and be rewarded with loyalty
3151s points
3153s we have the Advantage system that
3156s reinforced factional Warfare gameplay
3158s corruption and suppressor will reinforce
3161s the pirate Insurgency feature which you
3163s will hear about in a minute
3166s but also it unlocks a huge opportunity
3169s space for us to utilize in the future
3172s as these attributes exist outside of the
3175s systems that are in incursions
3177s keep with me
3180s um
3181s so building strong foundations this
3183s means building and investing on the
3185s right technology for the future
3188s where our goals of core is to deliver on
3192s the ultimate sci-fi experience
3196s the technology that powers corruption
3198s and suppression allows us to create a
3201s link between Vanguard and Eve online
3204s from day one
3206s we aim to have Vanguard objectives
3208s affect corruption to a degree
3212s in specific systems in Eve online
3215s we are approaching this with an open
3216s mindset
3218s but at the same time we are being
3220s mindful of Eve's ecosystem
3223s we are taking the necessary precautions
3225s to not have the connection be too
3226s disruptive to start with and at this
3229s point
3230s building the ultimate sci-fi experience
3233s is a marathon we are taking it one step
3236s at a time and we're building strong
3237s foundations
3242s one last thing before we go into the
3244s details of November
3247s let us briefly see how the foundations
3249s were building so far can potentially be
3251s used
3252s and further shape the future of new Eden
3258s our future goals include
3261s saving the future and how Wars are
3264s fought saving the future of war in New
3267s Eden
3268s this can mean a few things
3271s so to complete our mental model let's
3274s add a few things in the future and in
3277s the things that the future may bring
3281s the design Paradise we have been
3283s introducing can have very interesting
3285s applications with tweaks in other spaces
3289s of space in other types of space
3293s this will lead to some major revamps
3299s that will inevitable touch on other
3302s related mechanics
3305s so I'm going to leave this for a minute
3307s there
3308s and when you're ready we'll continue
3311s okay
3315s enough about the future let's talk about
3318s November
3322s a place of wonder
3325s through EV Ops Epiphany U capsules
3327s discovered four Jovian Gates
3330s quite fast I might add
3332s and since yesterday these gates are now
3334s open and you can visit zarzak
3338s it's a system with a very special
3340s environment and a unique rule set
3343s the environment comes with dangerous as
3346s I think CCP force is showcased yesterday
3350s so explore at your own risk
3354s inside zarzak the deathless are building
3356s a ship Caster Woods
3358s allow pirate aligned players
3361s to use and lots insurgencies in the war
3364s zones
3366s Pirates are establishing a new type of
3368s forward operating base in the war zones
3371s that they can use as their base and it
3375s will act as the landing pad for this
3377s ship caster
3380s the deathless have also established a
3382s base inside an ancient Jovian
3384s megastructure they call the fulcrum they
3387s have extended an invite to garistas and
3390s angels to join them
3392s and they will soon
3394s ask for capsular help
3396s to bring it to life
3402s aligning with pirates
3405s fulfilling the pirate fantasy
3408s so the gurusas and the angels are
3410s recruiting with the next expansion you
3413s will be able to align with one of the
3415s two factions
3417s the enlistment process will be the same
3420s as it is with Empire militias and this
3422s means direct investment and also options
3425s for Corporation and alliances
3430s Pirates are of course at war with FW
3432s militias in their area of space meaning
3436s there are specific Rules of Engagement
3438s with the players that are aligned with
3440s those factions
3444s pirate aligned players can earn new
3447s loyalty points by raiding the war zones
3449s and through the Insurgency feature
3452s the eucharistas and Angel ships are
3455s unique to these LP stores
3459s pirate aligned players will also get
3462s some special benefits and access to
3464s zarzak that you will see in November
3470s corruption and suppression
3473s in our pursuit of defining the future of
3476s War we are building another foundational
3478s system in Eve online
3482s corruption represents the amount of
3484s criminal activity that is happening
3485s within a star system while suppression
3488s represents the scale of law enforcement
3491s operations in that system
3495s ask corruption and suppression increase
3497s in the system they will trigger effects
3499s and they will alter the rules within
3502s those systems
3503s both can be active at the same time
3505s and you will hear more about this in a
3508s minute
3511s it's foundational work for us because we
3513s are looking at corruption and
3515s suppression As Natural traits of star
3517s systems even for those systems that are
3520s outside of ongoing insurgencies
3524s insurgencies will be the First Source
3526s but generate corruption and the way that
3529s corruption is being removed from systems
3531s while Vanguard will be the Second Source
3536s for now Vanguard will only affect active
3539s Insurgency systems
3541s corruption and suppression value resets
3544s at each system following the completion
3546s of a pirate Insurgency
3549s some systems though
3551s we have heightened default values and
3554s this means
3556s pirate HQ systems we have an increased
3559s default corruption value
3561s meaning certain effects will always be
3564s active there
3565s and the same goes for the pirate for the
3568s Empire excuse me HQ systems and
3570s suppression which has different effects
3574s always active at those systems
3578s with that in mind
3579s and before I leave the stage I want to
3581s bring this one final View
3585s just keep it in mind while the rest of
3588s the presentation throughout Fan Fest
3591s and for the days to come
3593s now
3595s please welcome on stage CCP K1 P1
3608s hello Fan Fest
3612s I'm CCP k1p1 and now that CCP psych has
3616s laid out the foundations of the future
3618s of War let's dive into What pirate
3620s insurgencies are that that will come in
3623s the Havoc expansion in November
3627s so due to the effect of the ongoing
3629s factional War there are systems in new
3631s Eden that are weakened making them the
3634s perfect Target for the Pirates to raid
3636s from their zarzak base
3638s in these insurgencies a set of systems
3640s is selected to loot and as they loot
3643s they expand outwards setting their
3645s sights on more systems
3647s the Empire militias can respond and
3650s attempt to put down these this
3651s Insurgency and force them to flee
3654s while this is similar to FW mechanics
3657s there are a few key differences
3660s pirate insurgencies represent discrete
3663s asymmetric Warfare inside the war zones
3666s it has a beginning and an end as well as
3669s a winner and a loser
3672s the war zone for an Insurgency is
3674s dynamically created based on player
3676s activity
3677s and can stretch beyond the bounds of
3679s traditional factional Warfare space
3682s but for now they won't go into Null Sec
3684s or any system with a status of 0.8 or
3687s above
3689s while factional Warfare is a tug of war
3691s the insurgencies are a race
3695s so how do the war zone and the
3696s Insurgency interact with one another
3700s this is the factional Warfare map but
3702s the front lines command operations and
3705s rear guard systems
3707s this is the same map with a potential
3710s pirate Insurgency layer
3713s the Insurgency layer sits independently
3716s on top of the factional Warfare systems
3718s and can easily extend into non-fw space
3721s including High sec
3726s so let's go through the flow of how the
3728s Insurgency works
3730s pirate leadership or AI will select a
3733s set of systems for the Insurgency to
3735s begin
3736s and there they will place a pirate
3738s forward operating base
3741s the Insurgency then Sprints spreads
3743s three jumps in all directions from the
3746s starting system
3747s and the system will always be in one of
3749s three states
3750s Insurgency HQ where the pirate fob is
3753s active Insurgency with no fob or no
3757s Insurgency
3758s so it's similar to incursions but with
3761s players instead of NPCs
3764s so how do the Pirates and the Empire
3766s players
3768s impact from this point forward
3770s I'm gonna need your help
3772s so I want to take this middle section
3775s right here and you're going to be my
3776s pirate aligned players
3779s and I'm going to take this side and this
3782s side and you will be my Empire aligned
3785s players
3787s so I want you to keep in mind that
3790s everyone in the middle is fighting with
3791s everyone on the outside but at the same
3794s time you are also fighting with you
3799s so because you were lucky enough to sit
3800s in the middle and got here early you
3802s also get to use the ship Caster from
3804s zarzak which which will shoot you
3806s straight into your pirate fob into your
3808s Insurgency area
3811s so don't forget that I said that the
3814s pirate insurgencies are not a tug of war
3817s like factional Warfare but they're a
3818s race
3819s and once the Insurgency has started the
3821s race has begun
3823s pirate aligned players right here in the
3825s middle will seek to plunder the systems
3827s in the Insurgency Zone and increase
3829s corruption in that system
3831s and at the same time the FW militias on
3834s the side will be acting as the law
3836s enforcement to push back against these
3838s pirate raids and by increasing
3840s suppression in Insurgency systems these
3843s anti-pirates will attempt to put down
3844s the Insurgency and force the Pirates to
3847s flee
3851s fully corrupted systems like the one in
3853s dark purple
3854s will give the Pirates points and the
3857s opportunities to spread the Insurgency
3858s even further
3860s and fully suppressed systems like the
3862s one in green will give the Empire
3864s malicious points and the opportunity to
3866s stop the Insurgency altogether
3869s but how does it work
3871s well let's look at corruption first but
3873s I want to make sure that my Empires on
3875s the sides don't fall asleep because it's
3876s the same mechanics
3878s in order to spread corruption
3880s uh the pirate line players will need to
3882s complete specific activities to increase
3884s the level of corruption in that system
3887s and the corruption level will determine
3889s the types of activities that are that
3891s are available so for example in this
3893s system that we're looking at they
3894s haven't reached any stages of corruption
3896s so there's only one activity available
3898s the corporate Outpost rate which can be
3901s completed to progress corruption and
3903s receive Rewards
3906s so once your prior insurgents have
3909s reached stage one of corruption they
3912s will trigger the systemoid effects
3914s at that like that level
3917s now
3918s I do want to make it very clear
3920s that none of these system award effects
3921s are final and they are subject to
3923s internal testing and feedback and we'd
3926s love your feedback but I'm really glad
3928s then that this is not recorded
3932s so for example uh with that being said
3935s our first system-wide effect could be
3938s increased PVP loot drops by for pirate
3942s aligned players that with the player
3944s that kills the the player that deals the
3947s killing blow
3949s and because you've reached stage one of
3951s corruption that also means that you've
3953s unlocked more activities
3955s so now you have two activities to choose
3957s from to in in order to increase
3959s corruption and and uh increase the
3961s different types of rewards that your
3963s fellow Pirates can receive
3966s this will continue with every level of
3969s corruption uh that you achieve in the
3971s system and the system-wide effects will
3974s stack
3975s so every new stage of corruption will
3978s unlock new effects such as increased
3981s pirate gang spawns Empire police will
3984s stop spawning
3986s stage three could include Advantage
3988s decrease for system owners
3992s and stage four could possibly be warp
3994s speed multiplier for pirate insurgents
3997s now once you reach level 4 of corruption
3999s the Insurgency will also spread one
4002s system in every direction from that
4004s level four system
4006s and at level five Pirates will have
4009s reached maximum corruption but more on
4011s that in a bit because at the same time
4015s that everyone here in the middle is
4016s trying to increase corruption everyone
4019s on the on the outsides is also trying to
4021s increase suppression
4023s so the system effects but they can
4025s unlock through their hard work include
4028s increased pirate bounties
4030s increased militia LP
4034s reduced corruption gains in a system
4037s and triggers the spawning of edencom
4039s security forces
4041s stage four could add web scram range
4044s bonuses for Empire Pilots
4051s and and once my answer pirates on the
4054s sides here reach level five of
4055s suppression that system is considered
4058s fully suppressed and you will receive a
4061s significant system effects like upgraded
4064s turrets deployed on stations and Gates
4067s and once you've reached level 5 of
4069s suppression that also means that the
4071s Pirates can never reach level 5 of
4073s corruption in that system
4077s and once you fully suppressed a
4079s predetermined number of systems let's
4081s say five
4082s then the pirate fob becomes vulnerable
4085s with only a single reinforcement timer
4089s and if my Empire empire militias on the
4093s side are able to successfully destroy
4094s that fob then they will have uh that
4098s they will claim victory and all
4099s capsuleles that participated in putting
4101s down the Insurgency will get rewards and
4104s bonuses
4106s on the other hand
4109s my pirates in the middle don't look so
4111s easily one
4113s and so if they reach maximum corruption
4115s they will trigger a meaningful change in
4118s the whole nature of the system and it'll
4120s depend on where the system is so for
4122s example if you reach maximum corruption
4124s in a system that's high SEC it'll start
4126s to look a lot more like lowsec and if
4128s the system is in low SEC it'll start to
4131s look a lot more like nulsek
4136s and if they're able to successfully
4138s corrupt five systems then they will have
4141s won the Insurgency and the Pirates
4142s Pirate line players who participated in
4145s that Insurgency will receive rewards and
4147s bonuses
4149s so not only do you need to keep track of
4152s the corruption per system
4155s but you also need to keep track of the
4158s amount of systems that you have either
4159s fully suppressed or fully corrupted
4163s every fully suppressed or fully
4165s corrupted system will give your side a
4167s point
4168s and here
4169s you can see that the Pirates have won
4171s the Insurgency with their five fully
4174s corrupt systems
4179s but the system is self-balancing so the
4182s more insurgencies you win the more
4184s points you'll have to get next time due
4186s to the ambition modifier
4190s following the completion of an
4191s Insurgency the system will return to its
4193s previous owner with system control at
4196s zero percent and a new fob location for
4199s a new Insurgency will be chosen after
4201s some time
4202s and all of this information will be
4204s available to you in a dashboard not
4206s unlike the one you see before me
4210s so to increase the levels of corruption
4212s or suppression we are introducing four
4214s new pirate activities they are the
4217s corporate Outpost raid
4218s the pirate laundering Center or
4220s anti-pirate security post the mining
4223s Fleet Ambush and the warehouse rate
4227s so the corporate Outpost rate and the
4229s warehouse rate are an iteration on our
4231s FW complexes
4233s we got some really great feedback from a
4235s lot of our players and we aim to improve
4237s on the existing FW gameplay by making
4240s them more engaging with more things to
4242s shoot and more variation including a
4244s more even contest between the Pirates
4246s and the anti-pirates
4247s and like the FW complexes these
4250s activities will have a variety of values
4253s and sizes
4256s with the mining Fleet Ambush and the
4258s laundering Center and security post we
4260s are providing our Pirate players here in
4262s the Middle with the classical fantasy of
4265s raiding mining fleets and outposts and
4267s fighting off the Defenders while my
4269s militia members on the sides are able to
4271s play the hero and attempt to rescue the
4273s fleet or secure the outposts
4276s and I've got to tell you the amount of
4278s meetings that I've been in where we're
4279s talking about the classical pirate
4281s fantasy is really starting to make me
4282s have some really weird dreams
4286s so these activities provide a safe place
4289s for us to test new ideas and if you love
4292s them we would be able to backboard some
4294s of the gameplay into the FW complexes
4298s and of course successfully completing
4300s these activities will reward you with
4302s loot isk and LP
4306s speaking of LP
4308s as my pirate line players who's well
4311s done well done at picking the right seat
4313s you will receive either the garistas or
4315s the angel cartel Insurgent LP
4319s and this is comparable to the Empire
4320s militia LP that we introduced with the
4322s factional Warfare
4324s you can spend it in dedicated LP stores
4326s and purchase all existing and new pirate
4329s ship bpcs
4332s and since we're talking about pirate
4334s ships
4336s let's take a look at what you can fly
4338s come November
4345s behind door number one we have the Mamba
4349s the mekubala class destroyer a fast
4351s projectile boat that has a few turret
4353s hard points and a good damage bonus so
4356s you can choose between artilleries and
4357s auto cannons to fit your play style
4363s here you can see the details for this
4365s ship which you might have seen on TQ but
4367s it's including its 634 slot layout for
4371s your theory crafting
4376s behind door number two
4378s we have the Mamba class destroyer a
4381s light missile drone boat with extra
4382s drone capacity so you can launch
4384s refreshed waves of drones to attack your
4386s enemy complete with a 7-4-2 layout
4394s behold
4402s behind door number three
4404s we have the kids real class battle
4406s cruiser which is what you might expect
4408s from Angel designs with a brand new Hull
4412s the most agile battle cruiser with a
4414s falloff bonus and a 756 layout
4420s for your reading pleasure
4431s and our last store we have the alligator
4434s class battle cruiser which is a simple
4436s design a 764 layout and an added
4440s garistas bonus the alligator is only a
4442s bit faster than a drake but with a high
4444s DPS
4447s check out the teeth on this bad boy
4473s there is the matter
4475s of one final ship
4491s the angel cartel has finally finished
4493s their designs for the long-awaited
4496s azariel class Titan and they are ready
4499s to reward capsuleers
4502s it is the ultimate hyperdunking platform
4504s with high damage and Mobility that make
4507s it particularly strong for hit and run
4509s tactics
4518s so I know you've seen this video before
4521s and it's a pretty video
4524s but here are the stats
4529s this ship has an 877 layout and will be
4532s well worth the wait
4547s you all need to be a little bit faster
4548s at taking pictures
4553s so in the next couple of months you will
4555s get an expanded Court projects Library
4557s daily goals pirate insurgencies pirate
4560s enlistment new activities and yes new
4564s ships
4565s and we can't wait to see what chaos you
4568s unleash with it all in new Eden
4570s we'll be in the the second stage with a
4573s panel if you have any questions on
4574s pirate insurgencies and pirate
4576s enlistment any of the ships we'd love to
4578s get your feedback and have your
4579s questions and we look forward to seeing
4581s you later today thank you
4590s thank you