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almost 6 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Shiroe_Kumamato

Make sure you keep watching after he closes, they put in a blooper reel at the end.

CCP Loki is a turd hahaha

almost 6 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by vaminos

Speaking of things that are popular in PvP, T2 weapons can now be fitted to faction, officer and storyline ammunition.

Honestly, it's insane how weird your brain gets when you have to do multiple takes saying the same thing.

Words just start not making sense, and sentences become impossible to repeat. Super easy just to totally lose your train of thought haha

almost 6 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Sentient_Blade

Save yourself a headache. Buy a cheap teleprompter.

Teleprompters also don't prevent it.