over 2 years
ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Bargain-hunting capsuleers,
Head to the EVE Store from today until 28 Nov and you´ll find all Omega packs at 20% off with free Navy Battlecruiser SKINs & Dramiel Sariel's Flame SKIN included with select Omega packs. If you already have any Omega time active, the Omega you get in the packs will extend your time by the purchased amount.
The Omega pack offers are as follows:
The Black Friday deals don’t end there. Head in-game to the New Eden Store and treat yourself, and your ship, to a set of SKIN bargains! During the same Nov 7 to 28 period, pilots can conquer systems in style, with 6 Pirate HEX SKIN bundles at 50% off and a 7 SKIN Redclaw Sable Bundle at 60% off. Head to the New Eden Store to take advantage of the Black Friday deals!