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over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by iAmNotorious

Depends on how its implemented. If it is at the folder level it could be really powerful. Off the top of my head:

Wormholes - Expire after 48 hours

Temp Tactical - Expire after 7 days

Well, current plan is that there will be radio-button selection in the window to create a bookmark with a few options (like: "Never", "In 2 days", "In 3 hours") - so if you want you can keep them all on "Never". The selection will be remembered, but you need to be a bit careful, if you switch between options and then need to create a bookmark very fast (but in the current prototype you can cancel the expiry afterwards, if really needed).

over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by mawburn

Would be really cool if this were applied to Folders instead of individual Bookmarks. This would help Corp/Alliance leaders have a little better control over it instead of everyone just adding in chaos.

This seems like an interesting request and it would probably be quite easy to change to this approach.

Is there anybody reading here, who would prefer to select it per bookmark?

Btw: The current plan is that you will be able to have a few folders active at the same time - but it will be for sure limited (like for example 3 shared folders and then another few personal folders, to which only you have access).

over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by CCP_Lebowski

I'm pretty sure you don't want me touching the codebase mate ;)

No worries, I need you anyway to test those changes :)

over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by Exarctus

I’d like to be able to select it per book mark as well. I spend a significant amount of time scanning and being able to set it to be pruned at the EOL/16/24H mark would be sick

One limitation would be for sure that we don't want to complicate the UI too much, so we should not add way too many options for how long the bookmark expiry will be. How would you approach this? Is an option to expire after 48 hours sufficient for WH bookmarks?

over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by iAmNotorious

I think the wormhole groups probably use bookmarks the most (and have the most complex schemes). You should have Exooki work with his constituents to see what they think would be best.

Good idea!

over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by boris_eve

Please for the love of bob allow ESI to interface with these to add/remove people from bookmark groups, delete bookmarks, and manage the bookmark folder.

Unfortunately this will pretty sure be outside of the scope of this project, but we will try to keep it in mind and structure things in a way so that it will be easy to add later.

over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by Mu0nNeutrino

My suggestion would be to keep it on a per-bookmark level, but also allow setting a default expiry time on a per-subfolder basis.

Imagine you have your 'wormholes' subfolder, you can right click on it in the places window or whatever and set this folder to have a default expiry time of 48 hours. When you create the bookmark, in the window that pops up you have the dropdown to select which subfolder you want to save it in, and then you have the radio button to select the expiry time. When you pick your 'wormholes' subfolder from the dropdown, it then automatically sets the radio button to the '48 hour' setting. If that's what you want, then you don't need to do anything else, but say you see this wormhole is EoL, so for this particular bookmark you then manually set the radio button to 4 hours instead. This particular bookmark will then expire in 4 hours, but doing that doesn't affect the default setting for the subfolder so the next bookmark you create pops up with the wormholes subfolder selected and the radio button already set to 48 hours again. And if this next bookmark you want to create is, say, a gate tac rather than a wormhole, then you pick your 'tacs' subfolder and the radio button automatically flips to the 'never' expiry that you had previously set as default for that subfolder. ('Never' would presumably be the default default expiry setting for subfolders that you haven't specifically set something else as default for.)

This seems like the best of both worlds to me - you still can have granular control on a per-bookmark basis of exactly how long you want it to last, but in the cases where you don't need that level of control you have the convenience of subfolder-level default durations that you don't need to mess with.

Great suggestions all around! Thank you all for giving feedback.

This will be for sure discussed further internally, publicly (like when we do our first test on a public test server) and also with the CSM. We discussed the bookmarks proposal already with the CSM as part of the winter summit, but then we did not really go into details regarding the expiring part (and we had no dedicated wormholer in the CSM).

over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Originally posted by michaeltward

I know it was an example but please don't go as low as 3 shared folders.

As a wormholer my corp has 12 folders and I know groups with more.

Each shared folder can then have subfolders, which will replace the current folders within corp bookmarks. Those subfolders don't need a low limit (and have no limit at all so far in the prototype). So you could have a single shared folder for your corp, which has 12 subfolders, and then use the other shared folders for other purposes.

over 5 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

FYI, a forum thread has been posted to discuss details of this feature proposal, following the discussion here: https://forums.eveonline.com/t/shared-bookmarks-use-case-discussion/171216