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The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 21.02). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:

- General Feedback - Known Issues

Initial Release Date: 2023-02-14 Last update: 2023-03-09

🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by player's feedback or suggestions.

Patch Notes For 2023-03-09.1

Defect Fixes:


  • Defect fix for Intaki being able to be a target for lowsec wormholes.

Patch Notes For 2023-03-07.1

Defect Fixes:


  • Kikimoras, Rodivas and Drekavacs are now counted towards the Skillers in the Abyss challenges.

Patch Notes For 2023-02-28.1

Features & Changes:


Added new localized content in French, German, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Japanese and Chinese Simplified.


  • Continued security efforts by the Federation Navy have caused the security status of the Intaki system to increase from 0.4 to 0.5.

Defect Fixes:

User Interface:

  • The Corporation Wallet will no longer have overlapping UI elements when viewed with accountant roles.

Patch Notes For 2023-02-23.1

Features & Changes:


  • Added a new billboard video highlighting the upcoming player-run Stay Frosty Frigate Free-For-All which will take place on Saturday 11 March in Ouelletta!

Patch Notes For 2023-02-15.1

Features & Changes:


  • Content is now localized in French, German, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Japanese and Chinese Simplified.

Patch Notes For 2023-02-14.1

Features & Changes:


  • Updated docking/undocking sfx.


The 'Compact Entropic Radiation Sink' has been improved, it previously had identical stats to the Tech 1 version.

  • CPU Required: 27 → 25

  • Damage Modifier: 9% → 10%

  • Rate of Fire Bonus: 4% → 5%

The 'Clutch Restrained Warp Disruption Field Generator' now has a lower signature radius penalty when unscripted, it previously had no advantage over either the enduring or compact variation.

  • Signature Radius Penalty 50% → 40%

The 'Perun Heavy Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer' has been rebalanced.

  • Powergrid Required: 561 → 396

  • Rep Amount: 496 → 512

  • Capacitor Activation Cost: 564 → 513

  • Armor Rep Bonus per cycle: 10% → 12%

  • Maximum Repair Bonus: 150% → 180%

Factional Warfare:

- The 4 Navy Ewar Frigates are now available as BPC offers in factional warfare militia corp loyalty point stores for 2 million ISK and 4,000 LP.

  • This includes the Crucifier Navy Issue, Griffin Navy Issue, Maulus Navy Issue and Vigil Fleet Issue

  • Supply Caches will now spawn for the attacking faction in Rearguard and Command Operations systems.

  • Updated the Battlefield Icon on the Factional Warfare Map.


  • The traits on the Venture and Prospect ships have been reworded from 'Bonuses to Gas Harvester Amount' to 'Gas Scoop Amount' to hopefully lead to less players buying the wrong size module.

  • Renamed the 'Restrained Interdiction Nullifier', and its blueprint to 'Enduring Interdiction Nullifier', to match other meta modules which give a benefit to capacitor cost.


Energy Neutralizer modules will now show the exact amount of capacitor they removed from the ship they are activated on in the combat log, now taking into account the ships energy resistance value and current capacitor, rather than always reporting the maximum amount possible.

Missions & NPCs:

Perun Heavy Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer will now drop as a 1 run BPC, rather than as the whole module in abyssal space.

Science & Industry:

  • 🤝 Large Industrial Core I and Large Industrial Core II blueprints have had their required input materials decreased by approximately 33%.

  • 🤝 Capital Industrial Core II inputs have been increased.

  • The Strong Frentix Booster Reaction Formula has had the Hydrochloric Acid input reduced from 100 to 20 to match all other strong combat booster reactions.

  • The 'Perun Heavy Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer' blueprint now requires a 'Heavy Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer II' as an input to build.


  • 🤝 It's now possible to store ships which have drones or implants in their Cargo Hold inside Ship Maintenance Bays and Arrays.

User Interface:

Photon UI and Multiple Overviews have now concluded their Feature Preview phase and are being enabled for all players.

  • 🤝 Improved the PI interface so that when you have multiple extractors, with multiple pins each, it's more clear which pins belong to the extractor you are currently editing.

  • 🤝 Added Help Pointers for Alliance Fittings and the Industry Input and Output locations.

  • Improved displaying loading progress and failed states in the Fitting Window's Emblems tab and Paragon Loyalty Points Store windows.

  • Added a light background toggle option to the right-click context menu for the NeoCom.

  • 🤝 Added a new option that lets you toggle Compact Mode by default for all eligible windows globally. You'll find the new option in the Settings menu under the Window Appearance section of the General Settings tab. Note that if you manually toggle Compact Mode away from the default in a window then that mode will be persisted and the window's mode won't change again when the global option is toggled. You can reset all windows to the default mode again in the Reset Settings section of the Settings menu.

  • 🤝 Added a Collapse/Expand option to the window control menu. This option collapses/expands the window the same way as if you'd double-clicked its header.

  • Updated the animation for the docking notification and added a similar notification for the undocking sequence.

  • The text color has been updated in various places around the client.

  • The selected tab underline now animates when a new tab is selected. A faint line was also added underneath all tab groups to improve the visual grouping of tabs.

  • Increased the density of the chat member list further when the "Show Compact Member List" option is enabled.

  • Added configurable default settings for new chat windows. You can now configure the default light background, font size, member list and message portraits mode for new chat windows in the Settings menu (open the Settings from the NeoCom, select the Chat tab and you'll find the new options in the Defaults section).

  • Updated the layout of the Fitting Management window.

  • Tweaked the layout of the Trade window.

  • Increased the width of the price input field in the Market's purchase window.

  • The Compact Mode of the Log and Messages window is a bit more compact now.

  • 🤝 Added a UI warning when an Interdiction Nullifier is fitted with a module or rig which disables nullification.

  • 🤝 Whenever you get a new trade while you have a stack of trades in the same stacked window, the new trade window will no longer appear in front of the active trade you're currently working on.

User Interface:

The massive Federation Navy project to secure the Intaki system continues:

  • The Intaki system's security status has increased from 0.3 to 0.4

  • The Federation Navy's enforced moratorium on the deployment of new Upwell Structures within the Intaki system remains in place.

Defect Fixes:


  • Crimewatch audio SFX are now tied to the "Warning Sounds" slider under Advanced Audio Settings.


  • Navy Dreadnought Wrecks can now be destroyed by players.

  • Navy Dreadnought Wrecks can now be salvaged for the intended amount of materials.

  • Warp Disruption Field Generator scripts no longer list obsolete attributes under show info.

  • The volume of some 400mm and 800mm armor plates have been reduced to match consistency across the size of each tier.

  • It's now possible to include the item "Fireworks Package" in contracts.

  • The "Heavy Stasis Grappler II" blueprint now correctly belongs to the tech II type group, so can be filtered properly.


  • The XL Cruise Missile Launcher II now uses the XL cruise missile icon instead of the XL torpedo one.

  • Several Decayed, Gravid and Unstable Mutaplasmids will now have the appropriate mutaplasmid tier color in the mutation window instead of grey.

  • Animations for anchoring and unanchoring are now showing more reliably for Customs Office Gantries.

  • Friendship skin now displays properly on Nestor hulls.

  • Ads in hangars should now have proper orientation.

  • 🤝 Texture on the front of the Aeon hull is no longer stretched.

  • Resolved some UV texture stretching on the Aeon.

  • The bottom of Enforcer and Monitor hulls no longer clip through the dock of the new Upwell Hangars.

  • A fix that eliminates the appearance of flickering black squares for some users within the Upwell hangar has been implemented.

  • An update has been applied to suns so that their brightness is properly adjusted by distance.

  • The NPE Frigate Wreck is now visible on low shader quality.

  • Resolved a pixelated texture when on low shader quality on the Ikitursa.

  • Corrected lighting colors on GalNet SKIN for the Cormorant.

  • Adjusted the mining drone beam scale to be smaller and particle color to match the mining turret coloring.

  • Missing icons added for Grand Tiegjon Casino High-Rollers Platform.

  • Erroneous plane set appearing on the Panther has been removed.

  • Missing missile burst audio for Fighter drones re-added.

  • Missing glass texture on the Megathron and Kronos resolved.

  • Texture seam in a Gallente nebula resolved.

  • 🤝 A turret locator on the Loki which caused some turrets to float slightly above the hull was repositioned.

  • Missing VFX for multiple SKINs on the Leshak (such as Eden's Hunters SKIN) resolved.


  • Adjusted the descriptions on Factional Warfare complex beacon descriptions to correctly state the ship restrictions on them.

  • 🤝 Removed the 'Rapid Torpedo Launcher rate of fire bonus' from the Komodo's trait tab as it can no longer fit them.

  • Added the 50% cynosural field duration reduction bonus to the Marshal's traits. It always had this but was not stated in the traits tab.

  • The new Border and A0 Sun belts that were added in December have been renamed from Asteroid Belt to the name of the site to make them easier to find on the overview.

  • Removed 'light drone operation' from the Hematos masteries because it doesn't have a drone bay.

  • Removed Remote Repair, Remote Capacitor and Tactical Logistic Configurations from Carrier and Supercarrier masteries since they are no longer bonused for them.

  • 🤝 Added text to the bastion module clarifying that it does not affect Rapid Heavy Missile Launchers, also adjusted the text which stated that a ship using bastion is immune to electronic warfare instead of just being resistant to it.

  • The docking status hologram in the Upwell Hangars is now localized to Spanish.

New Player Experience:

  • Fixed a rare issue causing the 'Warp to Location' button to fail on the first attempt during the mining introduction of the AIR NPE.

  • Aura will now correctly identify a fit Missile Launcher as a weapon during Career Agent fitting guidance.


  • Mac client: Fixed a rare client crash.

User Interface:

  • Adjusted the Factional Warfare map 'Enlist my Alliance' button so that it no longer overlaps the faction selection drop down box.

  • The "ESS" page in the Agency with large text enabled no longer fades to make the text more readable.

  • The UI pointer will now point to an element from below if there isn't enough space above it, so that it points to the correct element.

  • The tooltip for a drone in space now includes information on its current state.

  • 🤝 Docking notification animation won't linger any longer than it should.

  • 🤝 The mouse wheel scroll speed has been made consistent in all scroll areas.

  • You can no longer enter an exceedingly long name for your Overview tabs.

  • Custom tabs are no longer forgotten when switching over to the new Overview.

  • The size of loading spinners has been tweaked in a handful of places to prevent them from overlapping other content.

  • The same text colors are now used for transactions in the different tabs of the Wallet window.

  • The sort column text in tables is no longer horizontally cut off when the text wraps to multiple lines.

  • The top-right icons on the Details page in the Market window no longer overlap the item group trace on the left.

  • 🤝 Drones can now be dragged via their health bar again.

  • The header of the Character Sheet is no longer incorrectly indented or hidden in some situations.

  • The confirmation dialog that's displayed when trashing lots of items no longer has rendering artifacts.

  • Fixed an issue which could cause skills to not be added to the Training Queue on the first attempt.

  • Mission Journal banner images are now correctly centered.

  • Paragon Agents will now correctly appear in the Paragon corporation's Information window.

  • Fixed a spelling error in the description of the Naglfar Fleet Issue ship.