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Some nobody's list of ideas/other people's ideas that I thought was good on fixing EVE that rolled into a huge list like a Katamari. All these suggestions are changes of a type that CCP has done in the past in some way or form, but perhaps not in that specific space. TL:DR warning.

Skillpoints and learning

  • All attributes set to 26 permanently, remaps removed.

Remaps are a bad game mechanic that punishes new players who need skills from many different attribute types. A bad remap can screw new players for a very long time as remaps have a 1 year cooldown. This change gives 39 base SP/min for all skills, which is 1 more than an optimal remap currently.

  • All + Attributes removed from implants

Learning implants impose a cost on losing your pod and again impact new players the most since they need SP the most but are least able to afford replacing implants. Implants also create an "SP cost" from using implant sets, causing players to have a "learning clone" safe and out of the way with +5's. People who jump clone into learning clones are discouraged from undocking, which is not a good thing.

  • All pilots given biology V for free

Will be relevant for the next point

  • Learning implants in LP store replaced by long duration "Learning boosters" in 5 tiers similar to current implants that grant +X to all attributes. These Boosters persist through death, and with Biology V these boosters last for 30 days. Additional boosters of the same quality taken extends time, better boosters overwrite worse ones with no time refund.

This replaces learning implants in LP stores as the constant demand item to prop up the price of LP. Having this persistent booster removes the cost of losing a pod that doesn't give combat benefits, working on the same reasoning used to remove clone costs. Never fear that flying small ships will cost you your +4's or +5's.

  • Injected SP now no longer penalizes by existing SP, but rather by skill rank. 1x to 3x skill recieve free SP at a 100% ratio, 4x to 6x receive SP at a 80% ratio, 7x to 9x receive free SP at a 60% ratio, and so forth.

Changes the nature of injectors from Titan/Rorqual expresses into something that is useful to everyone to patch up missing skills. This is a buff to people who have higher SP, multipurpose alts (usually players with less alts), and a nerf to super-specialized injected alts that fulfill one purpose.

Citadels, structures, and asset safety

  • Low power citadels have no damage cap, no resists, no timer, no asset safety, no tethering, no active modules, no services. You can still dock to move your stuff out.

  • Pilots with roles can access the Citadel fuel bay from space to refuel Citadels.

Just like unfueled POS

  • Rather than set timezones, citadels use the Strontium system from Towers. No stront, no timer.

Stront as a system works better than set timezones.

  • Number of timers for smaller structures reduced. Small structures have 1, Medium have 2, large have 3. Faction Fortizars also have 3.

Brings down the durability of small structures.

  • All current structures must be anchored at non-sun Celestials. Athanor longer provides tether but subcaps may dock in Athanor.

Puts limit on structure spam and removes citadels on grid with gates, which should increase the risk of gate travel.

  • Structures no longer auto repair. They must be manually repaired to 100% in order to restore the timer.

Important for big tidi fights. EDIT : apparently technically impossible to do

  • All citadel/station services can be shot and disabled. Must be repaired to bring back online.

Restoring a functionality that outposts had.

  • Asset Safety removed from small structures.

POS never had safe assets, their replacements should not either.

  • Asset Safety tax increased to 30%. 15% is removed from the game, 15% is paid to the corp wallet of the pilot who scored the last hit.

Rewards for killing a citadel.

  • While an asset is in the 4 day timer before it moves, the owner can choose to turn the asset safety items over to the corp/alliance of the pilot who scored the last hit. These items are placed into an unmovable asset safety status that allows enemy members to asset safety your items for 60% of the CCP cost, with you receiving 50% of the CCP cost.

In line with above, but also allows people who lost stuff to liquidate quickly and move on if that is their goal.

Cyno and strategic mobility

  • Cyno 1 can be fitted on all subcapitals with high fitting requirement (1000 PG, 100 CPU) and has shorter duration (3 minutes). Force recon, Combat Recon, Hictor, Black ops, Command Ship have fitting bonuses. Capitals may not jump to Cyno 1, but titans can bridge to it.

Having a hard cyno that allows subcaps only to be the first responders to encourage subcap use. The fitting requirements means that this mod is a battleship sized mod except for the specific ships with fitting bonuses.

  • Capital Cyno 1 can only be fitted to Force Recon, Combat Recon, Hictor, Black Ops, Command Ship, Marauder, and FAX. All capitals can jump to Capital Cyno 1.

Capital escalations are harder to do. They will still be weaker than before the cyno change, and FAX is is able to fit them because of the next change.

  • Cyno Spool timer added to all caps. Dreads and FAX 5 seconds, Carriers 15, Supercarriers 30, Titans 45. Being bubbled/pointed past core strength resets spool timer. If the Cyno goes down during spool time it resets as well.

Capital response will now always be slower, the bigger the ship the slower the responsiveness. Faxes are given Capital cynos so they can tank as a hard cyno long enough for supers and titans to come in.

  • Ansiblex travel is now stopped if the target ship is pointed past warp strength/bubbled.

Restriction from JB applied to their replacement

Space changes

Sov Null

  • ADM changed to be constellation based rather than system based

Small change to make all systems in a highly used constellation "hard".

  • Ihub upgrades can be shot/entosised by attackers to disable them. Must be repaired to be restored.

No brainer change

  • Structures in low ADM systems (<3) or anchored in sov that isn't yours lose 1 timer and have no damage cap.

Makes cleaning up structures easier after you already took the sov.

  • Forsaken hub and below now have acceleration gates which block capitals from entering them.

Supercapitals and titans being able to pay for themselves through improved ratting income is one of the big causes of proliferation by making them profitable investments in the long term. An acceleration gate also protects subcapitals from being blapped by covops gankers they can't react to.

  • Havens/Sanctums replaced with a single incursion style site per constellation balanced around a fleet of 10-12 players in Battleships. Upon site completion, participants are notified of which system in the constellation where the next site spawns. Factoring in travel time and LP reward, isk/hour should be in the 150 range in Tech 2 fit T1 Bs. Average system truesec applies a scaling modifier on payout.

Limiting the size of null PvE to battleships and protected by an acceleration gate lowers the gap between groups that have umbrellas and group that do not. Having the spawn move around the constellation requires gate travel, since the site moves too frequently to jump/bridge to every one. The acceleration gate also limits the scope of an engagement, which again, benefits smaller group if they know how to fight inside a complex.

  • Mining anomalies now replenish multiple times per day at fixed times regardless of their completion state if no ship is in the anom, rather than on depletion.

Puts a hard cap on the amount of minerals that can come out of a single null system, forces miners to move to find new mining anoms.

  • Local removed from null by default, can be restored by an Ihub upgrade which reduces bounty/LP payout in the system and reduces quality of mining anom spawns. Attackers can disable the upgrade.

Make local a choice, albeit one that is expensive to maintain ala Cynojammer and reduces PvE payout. Attackers that find botting systems and disable the local there to break the bots.

  • Ability to fit entosis link removed from Frigates, Destroyers, Industrials.
  • Up to 10 entosis links may be applied per node. Side with more, up to 10, count as having control of the node.

Make entosis more a fight and less of a whack a mole by upping the requirements of a node.

  • Having control of more nodes accelerates rate/value of capture considerably. Ex, having 3 nodes under control triples the value of each entosis node captured.

  • Capturing 5 nodes in a row automatically wins the timer.

Make uncontested entosis fights end faster.


  • Timers and damage caps removed from all structures that do not belong to FW Corporations/Alliances. Structures in "hostile" controlled systems lose a timer. Hostile Astrahaus will always have 1 timer.

Citadels have reduced the advantge of "friendly space" in FW. This makes citadels in hostile space harder to maintain and makes friendly docking rights more important.

  • Quality of moons in FW space improved. Invulnerable FW owned Athanor added to all moons in FW systems on "short" frack cycle (7-10 days rather than 60 days) that pull smaller volume but overall higher quality. Number of active Athanor determined by Ihub level, while "Control" of Anathors to set frack time zone/taxes determined by ratio of LP donation for the Ihub (i.e. donate more LP, control more Anathors.)

Makes FW the second big source of moongoo to act as a pressure valve on null goo. These fracks are balanced around procurers/ventures, with smaller volume but higher average worth. Control of Anathors by LP donator rewards people who donate LP to upgrade an IHub.

  • Neutral pilots entering FW plex are marked suspect.

Same logic as highsec neutral logi.

  • FW missions - Removed or rewards changed to be in line with other lowsec security missions.

These missions are 99% PvE and don't belong in FW

  • FW systems are considered "safe" if it borders no hostile controlled system. Safe systems do not spawn complexes.

Focuses FW activity into a concentrated warzone so there's less uncontested farming.

  • Clear distinction between "offensive" and "defensive" complexes that can only be started by attackers/defenders. Faction members can only start complexes of the appropriate type, which "opens" the room and allows hostile pilots to take the gate. Rolling back a plex the enemy started is considerably faster than capturing one and awards a fraction of the LP value to the enemy based on the highest progress made by the enemy.

  • 50% of earned LF for offensive complexes are paid out on system capture, 50% of LP for defensive complexes are paid out when system becomes "safe".

  • Substantially increase LP rewards for successful action to account for reduced sources of FW LP.

Mainly to reward people who fight and take away rewards from people who run/bot complexes.

NPC null

  • Remove pirate ship BPC from sov null escalations. Remove Nexus chips from Drones.

The supply of pirate hulls from sov null escalations has bitten hard into the profitability of NPC null missions. Separating the supply should give NPC a bottleneck on a high-demand good, which means profits.

  • Add more stations/security agents to NPC null. Each NPC null region should have 2+ mission hubs that have all levels of NPC agents and multiple L4 agents.

This allows each NPC null region to be a bigger pond, and have multiple groups living in it that don't have to all live in the same system/station. Cough Venal.

  • All NPC regions have at least 2 gates to Empire/other NPC regions.

Makes NPC logistics easier.

  • All sov regions that do not already have an NPC constellation have one added with a mission hub. NPC constellations all have at least 1 system within 7 LY of an NPC system in another constellation/region.

No sov is safe from hotdroppers, a neutral series of jump points also means that alliances living deeper in null don't necessary have to blue alliances closer to highsec in order to have logistics.

  • NPC region added to dronelands

Dronelands is lacking a whole NPC region, should get one.

  • Blood Raider NPC region added between Querious and Catch. Blood Raider home region status removed from Delve.

As one of the major pirate faction, Blood Raiders could use a whole region rather than just a constellation in Delve.


  • Sleeper frigates have scrams and much higher durability. Esclations spawn more additional sleeper frigates.

  • Delayed/no notification for wormhole spawns.

Increase risk of running WH sites.


  • 2 Sansha incursions restored

The removal of multiple incursions damaged the highsec incursion community, which is one of it's better parts.

  • Ability to open L4/L5 abyssals removed

Too safe in highsec.



  • Change capital/capital mod/fighter mineral requirements to be much heavier on high ends and lighter on low ends.

This should remove some direct competition between capitals and subcaps for the same resource pool. Excessive capital production should tank subcap costs as the low ends used by subcap essentially become by-products, this should put some sort of automatic balancing through cost difference between caps and subs.

  • Greatly reduce Capital/supercapital damage, EHP, and local tank to be more in line with subcap progression. Around 33 to 50% depending on hull class.

Caps need to be nerfed, pretty simple.

  • Local tank of FAX nerfed further to be similar to that of Triage Carriers.

Faxes with cap boosters tank way too hard compared to how Triage used to be.

  • AOE DD and HAW removed from Titans

AOE DD was and always will be cancer, so are blap titans.

  • Light Fighters and light support fighter removed from Supercarriers.

  • Heavy support fighters added to supercarriers. Heavy support fighters are optimized against capitals and are ineffetive against subcapitals.

  • Supercarrier neutralization burst signature increased to 4000m, stasis webifier burst to 1000m. Effect affected by sig ratio linearly up to limit.

Removes the ability for supers to blap subcaps at will with their deep fighter bays. Now they can only kill other caps and battleships that get too stupidly close. Note supers can not use space superiority fighters anymore.

  • Fighter application nerfed so they can not apply well to cruisers without web/paint.

Carrier application nerfed so they can not punch down two hull sizes.


  • Drone bonus removed from Rorquals

  • Boost strength now modified by industrial core being active, native boost strength removed.

  • Rorquals can fit "industrial jump portal generator", which allows bridging of all subcapital industrial and mining ships (no Freighters) as well as Orca and Porpoise to Industrial Cyno/Cyno 1. (module itself is very expensive, 3-4B).

  • Rorquals may jump to industrial cynos

  • Industrial Cynos can be fit to mining ships

The goal is to return the Rorqual to the ultimate mining support ship without being able to be multiboxed extensively. Since mining fleets now have to move between systems to clean up belts/anoms, allowing Rorquals to bridge mining ships is a useful function. On a personal note I really want to see people die to fast response covetor fleets that another Rorqual bridges on top of gankers.


  • Battleship warp speed increased to 3. Machariel warp speed increased to 4.

  • All battleships scan res and lock range increase 30%.

  • Battleship signature reduced by 15%.

  • All battleship base HP increased 20%.

  • X-large shield extender added for Shield Battleships.

  • Blops receive Tech 2 resists

Overall buff to Battleships and especially Blops. XLSE is meant to free up a midslot for shield battleships, not necessarily improve their tank that much since it should be hard to fit.


  • Battlecruiser warp speed increased to 3.5

So BC's are still faster than BB's.


  • Cruiser warp speed increased to 4.


Nullified ships

  • Hictor bubbles will stop nullified ships.

No more uncatchable ceptors, and a new role for Hics as the ultimate gatecamper. Note fleet ceptors can still warp through light dictor bubbles and anchored bubbles.


  • Receive hull bonus to allow warp to any ship without scanning. Receives 95% reduced CPU requirement for expanded probe launchers.

A bonus to make interceptors better at intercepting and landing initial tackle.


  • CPU usage hull bonus removed.

  • Torpedo explosion velocity bonus removed.

  • Torpedo velocity bonus removed and replaced with 20% less Covert Cloak CPU usage/level (for 0% CPU use).

  • Torpedo damage bonus changed to +50% all torpedo damage from role, +10 racial damage% per covert ops skill level.

Bombers less capable of self defense against small ships and must be closer to apply damage. Bomber damage bonus evened out between skill levels. Bomber DPS bonus increased to +100% for 6 effective launchers up from 5.25.


  • Optimal range bonus changed to 10% per level.

The range of Kikis allow them to zone tackle too effectively.

Command Destroyers

  • Ships that have been booshed receive "quantum displacement" effect that prevents them from being affected by booshes for 30 seconds.

Chain boosh completley breaks mobility balance.

Pie in the Sky changes

  • Redo the map such that nullsec is in the middle, surrounded by a ring of lowsec, with highsec on the outer rim.

One of the fundamental issues with Sov Null is that the most valuable space is at the four corners, farthest from each other. Instead of having a "king of the hill" fight, you have 4 blobs sitting on 4 hills comfortably away from each other. Games generally try to drive conflict by luring/forcing players together towards one point (see Battle Royales and their closing perimeter for an example), Eve's map does the opposite. Having Highsec On the outside rim means that the safest route between two regions of highsec is never through more highsec, but rather cutting through low/null. Pulling highsec apart from each other makes regional differences in resource more accentuated by making transportation more expensive.

  • Quantum Flux Generator Ihub upgrade adds "static" Null to Null or even a Null - C4 wormhole to a system in addition to increasing WH spawn rates.

#chaos change. Allows null groups to "roll" null>null wormholes to fight people from around the cluster.

  • Cloaks now generate heat while active

less absolute safety in space from just being cloaked.

  • added "warp scrambling burst script", which has a 5 second activation delay and 1 second duration with 10km base range. Extremely cap intensive.

Added as a hard counter to booshes/MJD. Can also be used as a minefield for MWD fleets if you can get ahead of them.

  • More "heavy" midslot mods like Heavy point/Heavy Scram added to battleships. Battleships given more power grid to allow fitting 1-2.

Makes Battleship Utility stronger.

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over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by lodvib

/u/CCP_Falcon pls respond

Respond to what? I'm not a game designer.

I'll bring it to the attention of our design team, but post here if you'd like to get this in the best position to be seen by our designers.


over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Sylvaritius

In your personal opinion. How do you feel about the changes suggested in this post?

I don't have a personal opinion - I'm not a Game Designer :)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Sylvaritius

But you are a former/current player.

Yes, I'm a current player - have been for seventeen years.

I'm also not a Game Designer on EVE Online, so I don't have an opinion on this that I'd like to share :)