over 1 year
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
119s | yeah |
149s | a |
239s | oh |
298s | we're going to kick things off in a |
300s | spectacular fashion with our welcome |
302s | ceremony please give a very warm welcome |
305s | to CCP Paragon and CCP K1 |
316s | P1 hello |
318s | FanFest I am CCP K1 P1 and I'm CCP |
322s | Paragon and first I'd like to thank |
324s | Concord for being with us here over the |
326s | weekend they're going to make sure |
328s | nothing bad happens to us that's not how |
331s | that works |
332s | oh |
334s | oh oh okay well there they go hello |
339s | everyone I'm so glad to be here in your |
340s | presence again and so am I FanFest is my |
344s | favorite time of year um it's uh I'm |
348s | super pumped to be here with all of you |
350s | and there are so many of you because For |
352s | the First Time Ever you sold out FanFest |
358s | w |
363s | for us here at CCP getting to hang out |
366s | and chat with you all in person instead |
368s | of through Reddit or tweets or streams |
370s | is the highlight of our year so we |
372s | really want to thank everyone who took |
373s | the time to uh travel to Iceland and we |
376s | really hope you enjoy your visit and uh |
379s | for those of you joining us at home uh |
381s | thanks for tuning in we know some of you |
382s | are staying up late or waking up really |
385s | early so really just thanks for being |
387s | here uh twitch drops are enabled but for |
389s | those who here in the audience there |
391s | will be plenty of time for you to add to |
393s | your uh FanFest digital item collection |
396s | after you get home so please do not feel |
398s | a need to be on your phone all |
401s | weekend this is a very special FanFest |
403s | and a very special year because Eve is |
405s | celebrating 20 years in space |
413s | wo and with birthdays come |
417s | presents so the FanFest 2023 digital |
421s | items include uh a drake skin uh special |
424s | edition skins just for you including a |
426s | drake skin for that is in twitch drops |
428s | like CC CCP Paragon just said uh and |
431s | then we also have for those of you in |
433s | the audience a megathron avatar and knar |
436s | skin as well as if you bought your |
439s | ticket early then you're also getting a |
440s | rifter |
445s | skin and for us this FanFest is all |
448s | about you it's celebrating this |
451s | Milestone with all of you here as well |
453s | as those that are at home and we're |
456s | constantly Amazed by the kindness that |
457s | you show each other uh and we love to |
459s | see you strengthening the bonds that |
461s | you've created in Eve uh whether it's um |
465s | and you've been busy since we last saw |
467s | you here in |
468s | Iceland it truly was love at first |
473s | fight but it's not only outside of the |
475s | game but also inside E Line where you're |
478s | continued shenan |
480s | uh have captured the hearts and minds of |
482s | people from all over the world whether |
484s | through world record-breaking fights or |
487s | your smallest kindness of helping a new |
489s | player out in EM on line in their very |
490s | first steps uh we have barely scratched |
493s | the surface of what you have yet to |
496s | achieve we have Eve players here from |
499s | over 54 countries and I do believe that |
502s | there are two Eve players here that were |
505s | born after Eve online came out at least |
507s | two are you in the audience now |
510s | they |
513s | are exactly to we got it right I'm just |
517s | really excited that jenz did take the |
519s | time to wake up early for the opening |
521s | ceremony so thank |
522s | you but let's not forget to also give |
526s | thanks to the alliance that really |
529s | brought the numbers to FanFest |
532s | 2023 they had an incredible form up of |
536s | almost 100 people |
540s | so with almost 100 |
544s | attendees it |
548s | is goon swor Federation yeah 30 blubbers |
552s | too many |
554s | people this weekend this weekend we've |
557s | lined up an exciting agenda JM packed |
559s | with the delightful surprises and |
561s | announcements and we're really excited |
563s | to spend it with you but before we get |
565s | started we have a very special |
568s | guest all |
571s | give a very special new Eden welcome to |
574s | the president of Iceland Mr |
577s | gney |
597s | johanan good morning everyone |
600s | welcome to Iceland |
608s | capsuleers it's an honor for us to have |
611s | you all here and uh I know that many of |
614s | you have come from |
616s | afar there was a time when we here on |
621s | this island in the middle of the North |
623s | Atlantic we would have tried to ask to |
627s | ask every one of you |
630s | this |
632s | simple but very important |
636s | question uh how do you like |
642s | Iceland |
644s | now I hope I hope you like Iceland don't |
647s | get me wrong but we're not going to ask |
649s | you this question to begin with there's |
653s | just too many of you there are too many |
655s | people visiting Iceland these days we're |
658s | happy with that we hope hope you will |
660s | have a lovely time here but |
664s | furthermore uh We've grown in |
667s | self-confidence as it were we don't need |
669s | the positive feedback well yes I hope |
671s | you like iseland but if you don't |
673s | doesn't concern me that |
675s | much we've grown in self-confidence like |
678s | I said and part of it part of it is a |
681s | company like CCP we're celebrating 20 |
683s | years now of Eve online and it's a |
687s | brilliant example of how we |
690s | connect knowhow knowledge expertise in |
694s | this Society with the outside world so |
698s | um CCP is showing us and others what |
703s | we're capable of on this island now |
706s | we're still |
708s | small we here in Iceland how many people |
710s | live in Iceland there's it's me hilmer |
715s | there less than 400,000 people but still |
719s | and this means that we all have a some |
721s | kind of connection my wife used to work |
724s | for CCP at one stage my brother worked |
727s | for CCP for a number of years I play |
730s | football every week with people from |
733s | CCP some of them might pass the ball a |
736s | bit more often to |
738s | me and if they're in the audience I hope |
741s | they will |
744s | obey now should a head of |
748s | state speak speak fondly and warmly |
751s | about a computer |
754s | game ER isn't this yes I hear you say |
758s | yes all right fair enough how do you |
760s | like Iceland you know the answer to that |
762s | and I know the answer to this question |
764s | fair |
765s | enough but the question may still be |
768s | asked aren't computer games a negative |
772s | aspect of uh what we call |
775s | progress yeah |
778s | yeah |
780s | you see where this is leading uh wasn't |
783s | everything better in the good old days |
786s | when uh pas time was more positive when |
792s | uh computer games didn't uh instill in |
796s | US anger uh violence and what have you |
800s | wasn't it better 20 years ago 50 years |
803s | ago thousand years |
805s | ago I'm a historian by profession and |
808s | you have to bear with me now I'm going |
810s | to read you part of a saga an Icelandic |
815s | Saga because during your time here in |
817s | Iceland I encourage you to acquaint |
819s | yourselves with Icelandic literature |
821s | Icelandic Heritage Icelandic history the |
823s | sagas written in the 12th and 13th |
826s | centuries contain Tales of uh bravery |
831s | and bloodshed violence voyages love |
836s | hatred what have you and |
840s | Pastime games that were played in The |
843s | Saga of a the son of hea and |
849s | Scat there's a section on kids playing |
855s | games and let's see if everything was |
858s | better in the |
860s | past it's not a long chapter I'm going |
862s | to read for you but in any case when you |
865s | president nobody dares interrupting |
868s | you |
871s | so scotla and Pera living here in |
874s | Iceland some thousand years |
876s | ago uh we invited to a |
880s | feast with the kids but a our hero in |
884s | the story he was too young he was only |
886s | around 10 or so so scat his father said |
890s | to him you shall not go for you know not |
894s | how to behave yourself in company where |
897s | there is much drinking |
900s | you who are not good to deal with though |
902s | you be |
904s | sober so then he wasn't allowed to go |
907s | there was |
909s | sulky and then there was a game a feast |
912s | and here's the chapter I read to you |
914s | about that a often engaged in wrestling |
918s | he was headstrong and hot tempered but |
920s | all had the sense to teach their sons to |
923s | give way to |
924s | a a game of ball was held at White |
927s | Riverdale in the early winter ask your |
930s | Icelandic friends what the Icelandic |
931s | name of that place is and they will |
933s | comply uh fither went many of Scot's |
937s | household to the game and so it goes and |
941s | I uh take up the story here a was |
945s | matched to play against a boy named gem |
948s | son of heck of hexad I have no idea |
951s | where that |
952s | is gam was 10 or 11 years old and strong |
955s | for his age but when they play together |
958s | a got the worst of it and Grim made all |
961s | he could of his Advantage then AED got |
963s | angry and lifted up the bat and struck |
965s | Grim whereupon gream seized him and |
967s | threw him down with a heavy fall and |
970s | handled him rather roughly and said he |
972s | would thrash him if he didn't |
975s | behave but when a got to his feet he |
978s | went out of the game and the boys hooted |
980s | at him and now we're coming to the |
982s | conclusion of the story because a went |
984s | to a friend and wanted to seek |
987s | revenge I will go with with you and we |
989s | will be Avenged on them so here's the |
992s | finale here's the grand finale of the |
997s | story ER he gave into ael's hand a whole |
1001s | beard that he had been carrying such |
1003s | weapons were then |
1006s | customary they went Where the Boys game |
1010s | was uh gream now had got the ball and |
1014s | was running away with it and the other |
1016s | boys after them then a it bound it upon |
1019s | gam and drove his axe into his |
1024s | head so that so that it at once pierced |
1028s | his |
1029s | brain so games were not better in the |
1032s | good old |
1034s | days you go |
1040s | on you go on playing computer games and |
1044s | having |
1046s | fun fight as you wish |
1049s | as hard as you can in new Eden but |
1054s | behave in the real world make friends |
1057s | here at this FunFest be merry stay safe |
1062s | show respect for each |
1064s | other and then all shall be well have a |
1067s | safe journey back home and enjoy the |
1068s | FanFest it's a pleasure to be here with |
1070s | you thank you very much thank |
1077s | you |
1093s | all |
1094s | right thank you Mr President whoa I'm so |
1099s | intimidated by that didn't know how to |
1100s | follow the president this is probably |
1102s | the only gaming company in the world |
1104s | that can pull that off uh and it's all |
1107s | for you uh I am CCP Swift and I am CCP |
1111s | zealous and |
1118s | yeah and we are here to talk to you |
1121s | about the csm1 18 |
1123s | elections uh yeah we held these |
1127s | elections about two weeks ago or so you |
1129s | guys voted in Mass it was absolutely |
1132s | incredible uh 47,000 voters showed up |
1135s | the second highest in the STV |
1137s | era |
1141s | yeah we had over 47,000 votes as uh |
1144s | Swift pointed out second highest in the |
1147s | uh STV the single transferable vote era |
1150s | uh it was actually the highest since the |
1152s | 10th anniversary as well absolutely |
1155s | phenomenal um we changed things up a |
1158s | little bit this year as well we |
1159s | previously had a CSM of 10 however we |
1163s | upped it to 12 this year with uh CCP |
1166s | being able to pick the final two out of |
1169s | the top 20 so we get to see our very |
1173s | first two CSM candidates here uh new the |
1179s | incumbent for goons swor Federation |
1181s | kazanir fills our first |
1184s | slot he's back and he is joined by |
1189s | alcoholic Satan or Satan depending on |
1191s | your pronunciation to that |
1194s | one filling our second spot yeah uh and |
1199s | so I don't know if you've really |
1200s | followed through the STV process before |
1203s | we will go through it in probably about |
1204s | a week or two once you guys are all back |
1206s | home we'll go round by round so you |
1208s | could track all the votes but you know |
1210s | we'll give you a bit of an a bridge |
1211s | version this time uh as zeis mentioned |
1214s | casier gets in uh reelected alcoholic |
1218s | Satan gets in from pandemic horde they |
1220s | were the only two candidates that get in |
1222s | in the first round this is very unusual |
1225s | and what's even more unusual is that |
1227s | this is going to stay the same for |
1229s | another 30 rounds uh so it's going to be |
1232s | absolutely grueling but I want to give |
1234s | you uh just a quick shot about what it's |
1237s | going to look like in the first round uh |
1239s | lots of numbers you can kind of find |
1241s | your candidate that you voted for in |
1243s | there uh big props to hoard for somehow |
1245s | getting storm delay their second |
1246s | candidate supporting their first |
1248s | candidate by getting 666 votes exactly |
1252s | that's pretty impressive we didn't talk |
1254s | to that at all uh but yeah you can kind |
1256s | of see how it goes and the V process as |
1259s | I said it's going to go for the next 30 |
1261s | rounds and what that means is there's |
1263s | going to be one candidate removed the |
1265s | one with the lowest amount of first |
1267s | place votes their votes are then going |
1269s | to be trickled through the system and |
1271s | it's going to basically run the election |
1273s | again so William Chen will be our first |
1275s | candidate removed but all 108 of his |
1278s | votes will stay because as it turned out |
1280s | if you selected William Chen on your |
1282s | ballot there was someone else on your |
1284s | ballot too that you thought would be a |
1285s | great candidate so that's why all the 4 |
1288s | 7,000 year votes will stay in the system |
1290s | in this first |
1293s | round yeah so those of them in the 2,000 |
1297s | range at the moment you must be uh |
1299s | feeling pretty confident uh but let's |
1301s | see how that breaks down as we go |
1303s | through on to around |
1307s | 30 yeah round 30 is is quite grueling as |
1309s | you can see we've lost uh 20 candidates |
1312s | by now uh which is quite a few we had 49 |
1315s | to begin with uh actually no we've lost |
1318s | about 30 28 candidates so far math it's |
1321s | hard um and these are the ones that |
1323s | remaining as you can see the votes have |
1325s | redistributed quite a lot based on this |
1329s | uh in fact by round 30 only a few |
1331s | hundred of the 47,000 votes actually |
1334s | have been exhausted uh so that means |
1336s | almost everything is still in the system |
1338s | and that's why it's kind of taken this |
1340s | long to get another candidate elected uh |
1343s | you can kind of see uh storm delay went |
1346s | from 666 up to 3 3,000 quite a lot uh |
1350s | the Oz is up there mark resurrect is up |
1353s | there arnhart is up there uh quite a few |
1356s | surprises Mike Azariah also up there uh |
1359s | he's been here quite a |
1361s | bit uh but let's see what |
1365s | happens so we end up with Luke as our |
1369s | next candidate to be |
1372s | elected uh we say goodbye to valad in |
1376s | this round as well and he sets off h |
1378s | chain reaction that pretty much picks in |
1382s | our next six candidates yeah so we had |
1384s | 30 rounds of pretty much just nothing uh |
1387s | then of course venad the pl candidate |
1389s | has to come in and screw things up for |
1390s | everyone uh yay PL um so when vad is |
1396s | eliminated in the 21st position uh as |
1399s | CCB zalis mentioned his votes trickle |
1401s | down and actually get Luke Anan elected |
1404s | reelected I should say as he is the |
1406s | incumbent from CSM 17 now what happens |
1409s | is really cool because now Luke has a |
1410s | bunch of extra votes and those votes |
1413s | also get redistributed so if you voted |
1415s | for Luke on your Ballot or vonet on your |
1417s | ballot it's going to kind of trickle |
1419s | through the system again and start |
1421s | electing new candidates and again as |
1423s | Ellis pointed out it's going to go rapid |
1425s | fire from here uh 29 rounds of almost |
1428s | nothing and then round by round for the |
1430s | next ones we're going to start electing |
1431s | someone and eliminating someone at the |
1433s | same time so this list that you see is |
1435s | going to get a lot shorter real soon |
1442s | so here are existing three kazir |
1445s | alcoholic Satan uh Luke and next up we |
1450s | end up |
1452s | with the votes from Dutch Gunner kosal |
1457s | Aon and Kell Mack elect angry mustache |
1461s | storm delay and dark shines in back |
1464s | toback |
1465s | rounds I know there's a lot of in people |
1468s | here dark shines did get up here as |
1471s | Ellis mentioned but in order to get the |
1473s | votes we had to say goodbye to Pand so |
1477s | Pand is going to have a lot more free |
1479s | time to run your fleets uh so I guess |
1481s | it's a little bit of good A little bit |
1482s | of bad but we want to thank P he was |
1485s | amazing on CSM 17 as all of CSM 17 were |
1488s | and I'm sure he's going to prep shines |
1490s | enough to uh you know be great on csm1 |
1493s | 18 as well uh so yeah as I said round by |
1496s | round we got quite a bit I'm sure angry |
1498s | mustache is going to be relieved uh we |
1500s | can go on to the next slide uh and see |
1503s | now we're at Round 38 and these are the |
1505s | candidates that remain uh in an order |
1508s | that might surprise you uh Mark |
1509s | resurrect is up there this would be if |
1512s | he gets elected and kind of stays there |
1514s | this would be the first time a worm |
1516s | holder has been reelected to the CSM uh |
1519s | never really happened before it got |
1520s | close EXO is around here somewhere he's |
1523s | the the last one that got |
1525s | close uh and yeah undoubtedly this is is |
1527s | going going to be a quite wild |
1532s | experience uh next uh arnhold a Russian |
1535s | streamer he is unfortunately in the last |
1538s | position here so he will be removed and |
1541s | then his 1900 votes will be |
1544s | redistributed uh in a way that might |
1546s | surprise you uh |
1551s | maybe can can take over it yeah yeah so |
1555s | uh as it turns out Anna had a lot of IA |
1558s | and Mike on their down ballot so when |
1561s | he's eliminated uh the rest of the CSM |
1564s | comes into the picture real quick uh |
1566s | Mike and Oz are elected and uh we're out |
1570s | of candidates to eliminate |
1575s | yeah so at this stage in the process uh |
1579s | We've now pretty much exhausted |
1581s | everything uh no more people need to be |
1584s | removed only people elected but this is |
1587s | where where the the crazy part happens |
1590s | uh Amelia has about at sometimes 14 |
1593s | votes um separating him between the next |
1596s | candidate uh duj has a pretty good lead |
1600s | it seems but there's still a pretty |
1602s | small buffer between all those uh |
1605s | candidates and right now we're going to |
1607s | have to see how these uh undervotes from |
1610s | arnhart and the uh extra votes from Mike |
1612s | and Oz just basically how these voters |
1615s | put their ballots to elect the next |
1617s | candidates |
1620s | all |
1622s | right we had a drum roll that that was |
1624s | it you guys just experienced |
1627s | it |
1629s | and Mark resurrect this makes it back I |
1631s | know he's watching at home I know he's |
1633s | very excited he stayed up late for this |
1635s | congratulations Mark you've made it uh I |
1640s | I love him too first Wormhole candidate |
1643s | to be reelected I believe I know that's |
1645s | absolutely crazy they've managed to |
1646s | organize themselves |
1652s | worm holers did it again uh they're not |
1654s | just scary Wormhole people after all all |
1657s | right zis who who's next who do we got |
1659s | so with Mark resurrector becoming the |
1662s | Wormhole candidate to be |
1664s | reelected uh Amelia dust Bas squeaks in |
1668s | becoming the 10th member of the CSM all |
1672s | right this was super unexpected Amelia |
1674s | barely squeaks by there were 14 votes |
1678s | separating him from the next candidate |
1680s | uh DJ and Amelia were neck and neck but |
1683s | it looked like some votes from uh |
1685s | candidates like fomite uh obviously um |
1688s | candidates kind of like arot uh they |
1690s | kind of moved Amelia and gave him a |
1692s | surge of Voters uh so Amelia becomes our |
1695s | first time candidates small gang pvper |
1698s | lives in pven uh has been pretty active |
1701s | on the uh talk show circuit as well um |
1704s | yeah so congrats to these 10 but as |
1707s | Ellis mentioned this is a new year we've |
1708s | got a new format where CCP get to uh |
1712s | select two candidates that finished in |
1714s | the top 20 kind of just round everything |
1716s | out um CSM 17 was an incredible success |
1721s | because we got lucky and had a |
1722s | well-rounded knowledge base and it kind |
1724s | of aligned perfectly with what we are |
1726s | working on um so we didn't want to get |
1729s | lucky again we want to kind of make our |
1731s | own luck a little bit and of course uh |
1734s | you guys voted for the candidates that |
1735s | you believed in the most uh |
1738s | CCP zeis in the first round of the CSM |
1742s | draft who does CCP select CCP selects |
1747s | kosal Adon and Stitch kanand there you |
1752s | go they finish out csm1 |
1759s | 18 all right so yeah this is csm1 18 |
1763s | we're going to uh keep them trapped uh |
1766s | after they sign their ndas you'll see a |
1768s | few of them here while you're at FanFest |
1770s | I know several of them are in attendance |
1772s | give your congratulations for the ones |
1774s | that got very close we didn't quite make |
1776s | it we hope you run again this was the |
1778s | best CSM year uh in terms of Elections |
1781s | that I've ever seen I've been running or |
1784s | managing CSM since CSM 4 I didn't quite |
1787s | make it in for CSM 4 five squeaked in |
1790s | for six uh so it does take a little bit |
1793s | of effort but thank you everyone for for |
1795s | hanging out with us I know it's nice and |
1797s | early for some of you uh but sorry to |
1800s | make you guys wait not sorry at all this |
1801s | was the best torture in the world to |
1804s | make these candidates wait uh but ex |
1806s | there you go CSM |
1816s | 18 and we know you love numbers and we |
1819s | know you love data stuff so you're going |
1820s | to be uh in a INF a really treat really |
1822s | big treat for the group that's coming up |
1824s | next uh I am CCB Swift for now and I'm |
1827s | CCP ous and we'll see you guys later woo |
1831s | enjoy |
1835s | FanFest |