11 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | upwell has started construction of a |
5s | prototype orbital structure in low orbit |
8s | above the planet of avakin 6 no specific |
11s | details have been released regarding the |
13s | purpose of the structure however upwell |
16s | is extending an invitation to capsules |
18s | offering rewards for the submission of |
20s | Rogue drone related materials the Drone |
23s | graviton emitters can be obtained from |
25s | Rogue drone anomalies and signature |
27s | sites within high security space |
30s | addition drone related materials that |
32s | are required can also be collected from |
34s | sensient Rogue drones or possibly |
36s | purchased on the regional market the |
38s | materials need to be handed in at the |
40s | upwell construction facility at alakin 6 |
44s | in recognition of their contributions |
46s | capsuleers are awarded upwell Consortium |
48s | loyalty tokens moreover participants |
51s | stand a chance of receiving new |
53s | blueprint copies for Consortium tractor |
55s | beams and a Consortium mobile tractor |
58s | unit as additional rewards for their |
60s | effort efforts be warned unscrupulous |
63s | capsuleers are known to be loitering |
65s | around the construction site with the |
67s | intention of acquiring these rewards via |
70s | less than legal means recent upwell |
72s | related documents that have been |
74s | acquired by capsuleers from Empire |
76s | operation centers show that upwell is |
78s | reaching out to all of the big four |
80s | Empires proposing a collaboration on |
82s | mass cloning or Rejuvenation of selected |
85s | segments of their population the wording |
88s | of the communications is clearly |
89s | tailored to each individual Empire |
92s | appealing to their culture and beliefs |
95s | capsuleers have been stringing together |
97s | details provided in the documents and it |
100s | seems that upwell is proposing some sort |
101s | of Rejuvenation of different population |
104s | elements depending on the Empire what |
106s | the purpose of this proposed Mass |
108s | cloning or Rejuvenation project is |
111s | remains hotly debated some believe it is |
114s | capser related While others argue that |
116s | it is a type of large Workforce or even |
119s | war clone recruitment |
121s | Perhaps it is a counter move to the |
123s | recent appearance of War clones known as |
125s | Vanguard developed by the |
128s | deathless as the upwell Consortium |
130s | continues to push the boundaries of |
132s | what's possible we are left to wonder |
134s | and watch closely what are they planning |
138s | and more importantly what implications |
140s | will this have on the near future of new |
143s | Eden this is Alton hary reporting for |
147s | the |
149s | scope |
153s | [Music] |