about 5 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

I just wanted to drop by and point out this section from the PLEX for GOOD dev blog:

IMPORTANT: CCP regards any scamming attempts surrounding PLEX for GOOD to be morally reprehensible, and any attempts at scamming relating to this program will be met with the harshest and swiftest action at our disposal. If you become aware anyone of attempting a scam related to PLEX for GOOD please notify us at [email protected]

While fake bids aren’t scamming per se, they are vexatious to the process of raising money for charity and as such I would urge anyone making fake bids to kindly delete or update their posts accordingly.

about 5 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

This is blowing my mind a little bit, ngl.

about 5 years ago - ISD_Norrros - Direct link

While it was originally & technically in the correct place, moved to sales for more attention as for a charity. GL