over 5 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | hello glorious capsuleers and welcome to |
3s | yet another edition of Yves pulse where |
4s | we give you all the latest information |
6s | on what's going on in you Eden and |
8s | what's coming up in the not-too-distant |
9s | future the first thing we'd like to talk |
12s | about today is the September release and |
14s | we want to give you a rundown of all the |
16s | cool stuff that's just been put out onto |
18s | tranquility wormholes will have a |
20s | substantial graphical overhaul from the |
22s | audio and graphics team with this |
23s | release that will see new visuals and |
25s | new audio changing their look from a |
27s | flatter 2d effect into a |
29s | three-dimensional effect that varies |
31s | depending on the remain and lifespan of |
32s | the wormhole as well as a color that |
34s | indicates the type of ship that can fit |
36s | through it as well as this there'll be |
38s | changes to the where wormhole visuals |
40s | behave when a ship passes through them |
41s | with more visible effects on traffic |
44s | that's more in line with a visual scene |
45s | during Stargate activation the visual |
48s | updates don't stop there there's also a |
50s | substantial number of tweaks and fixes |
51s | to audio and graphics coming as well as |
54s | an overhaul of some of the effects on |
55s | stars including an increase in speed on |
58s | their surface animations to make them |
59s | look a little more alive and dynamic and |
61s | changes to how a star looks when you're |
63s | silly enough to try and warp to the |
65s | center of it there's also a few quality |
68s | of life changes come in with a September |
69s | release firstly we'll see the |
72s | introduction over the new time to warp |
74s | system which gives an overhaul of the UI |
76s | displayed when a ship is entering warp |
78s | pilots will now be able to see a |
80s | progress bar that indicates how long |
81s | it's going to take them to get into warp |
83s | in addition to this a major change that |
86s | if a ship remains in its pre-warp state |
88s | for three minutes it will automatically |
90s | end a walk this will hopefully prevent |
92s | some of those unfortunate ship losses |
93s | when pilots managed to get themselves |
95s | wedged between asteroids or pleasure |
97s | hubs in Mission sites that kind of thing |
99s | this is never a good way to go of course |
102s | scramblers disruptors and any other form |
104s | of cancel and warp will interrupt this |
106s | timer so a ship can still be pinned down |
107s | and tackled as normal then of course we |
110s | have a few more gameplay changes that |
112s | are coming with the September release |
113s | the first of these are the sinus Ural |
115s | field changes that were presented |
116s | earlier in the summer standard sinus |
118s | Ural field generators will only be able |
120s | to be fit to Force Recon cruiser and |
122s | black ops battleship holes making the |
124s | choice to light a sinusoidal field a |
126s | little bit more expensive and summing |
127s | the pilots might want to think about a |
129s | little more before mashing the button to |
131s | drop black ops battleships will also |
133s | receive a 50% bonus a sinusoidal field |
136s | Eurasian as part of this change along |
139s | with these changes a new type of sign |
140s | all will also be introduced the |
142s | industrial sinusoidal field this only |
145s | needs sinusoidal Theory one trend and |
147s | the module can be fitted on industrials |
149s | deep-space transports and blockade |
151s | runners it can be jumped to by jump |
154s | traders and black ops battleships in |
155s | order to make sure that sign your |
157s | changes have minimal impact on the |
158s | ability to complete logistics in a more |
160s | dangerous areas of space blueprints for |
162s | this new sanno module are available now |
164s | as of the deployment of the September |
166s | release this release also see some |
168s | changes to the venture which is now |
170s | going to be prevented from capturing |
171s | lowsec factional warfare sites the |
174s | ventures great agility and natural |
176s | built-in bonuses to warp core strength |
177s | are a great treat to have on the ship |
179s | but they've been quite viciously abused |
181s | by those seeking to tip the scales and |
182s | factional warfare this wasn't the |
184s | intention with the design of the ship so |
186s | this changed their access to factional |
188s | warfare plexes should even out the |
189s | playing field a little bit and now we |
191s | move on to the even vision world turret |
193s | we've had some crazy events this year |
196s | and the most recent one was in Finland |
198s | where CCP Berger and CCP helm are spoke |
200s | for several hours about the future |
202s | vision for EVE Online you should check |
204s | it out on twitch.tv slash CCP but be |
207s | aware your discretion is advised |
209s | there's burgers and naked butts in this |
211s | one |
213s | [Music] |
221s | [Music] |
278s | [Music] |
283s | now the party begins |
287s | [Music] |
307s | [Music] |
330s | [Music] |
338s | now that everyone's put their clothes |
340s | back on we're gonna kick off |
342s | preparations for G fleet which happens |
343s | this weekend |
345s | September 13th and 14th in the heart of |
347s | Germany Berlin it's going to be an epic |
350s | event and if you're interested in |
352s | finding more out about G fleet or you |
354s | want to come along |
355s | tickets are still on sale and you can |
356s | also head over to G fleet de to see the |
359s | full schedule and everything about the |
360s | speakers who will be attending both |
362s | player and developer after G flea |
364s | concludes we've got a short break and |
366s | then we roll into the next event evey |
368s | aigis which is going to be absolutely |
370s | unbelievable from there we'll then head |
372s | to the final event of the year at Eva |
374s | London tickets are also now on sale for |
376s | all of the additional events for e Vegas |
378s | this includes a traditional pub crawl |
381s | down in the old heart of Las Vegas on |
383s | Fremont Street where we'll be bar |
384s | hopping and sharing a few drinks and of |
386s | course given that everyone came back |
388s | from Eve North axe-throwing session with |
390s | all their appendages and their limbs and |
392s | fingers intact we could host another |
394s | event in Vegas we've also confirmed that |
396s | Puma van will be playing at the E Vegas |
398s | party this time at omnia the awesome my |
401s | club is right across the strip from the |
402s | venue it's going to be an amazing time |
405s | so be sure to grab your tickets while |
406s | you still can |
407s | we have full event tickets for those who |
409s | want to take part in the EVs itself at |
410s | the Flamingo as well as party only |
412s | tickets for that night at Omni Europe |
414s | people just want to see the band play |
415s | we've learned a lot from the even vision |
417s | world tour visiting Toronto us in |
419s | Petersburg Amsterdam and whole host of |
421s | other cities as well saw in 2020 we'll |
425s | be taking the North American gathering |
426s | on the road and the first trip is going |
429s | to be to San Diego California we'll be |
431s | heading out to the course for a little |
432s | bit of a different take on a North |
433s | American gathering another thing we |
435s | learned from the even version world tour |
437s | is that our Russian players are |
438s | incredible they're absolutely crazy they |
441s | know how to drink they know how to party |
443s | and their passion for Eve is pretty much |
445s | unrivaled anywhere in the world so next |
447s | year we're super happy to confirm then |
449s | we'll be heading back to Russia for an |
451s | exclusive Russian event this time we'll |
453s | be moving away from st. Petersburg and |
455s | head into the heart of the Russian |
456s | Federation in Moscow so be sure that you |
459s | save a plenty of vacation days that you |
461s | Mark a lot of ex |
462s | off on your calendars and you keep an |
464s | eye on the news so that you don't miss |
466s | out on some of the most epic events in |
467s | Eve's history next year community |
470s | feedback is incredibly important to us |
471s | and last week just saw the first CSM |
474s | summit for CSM for tea our player |
476s | delegates are flown out to CCP |
478s | headquarters here in Reykjavik Iceland |
480s | and they've been providing feedback on |
481s | everything from the blackout to the new |
483s | sign all changes they've also taken a |
486s | quick look at what's coming up for Eve |
487s | online soon and finally for this edition |
489s | of equals two weeks ago we were super |
492s | happy to put a brand new version of a |
494s | poll the mobile companion app for EVE |
496s | Online in the hands of players across |
498s | the globe the new app features full |
500s | read/write access to your skill queue so |
502s | you can swap skills change training |
503s | plans assign on arcade at skill points |
505s | and even buy in inject skills all on |
508s | your form the usual features are also |
510s | there include mail calendar and some |
512s | beers' information about your character |
513s | in the initial version of the mobile |
515s | character screen there's also the New |
517s | Eden store in there so if you've got |
519s | Plex in your vault you can pick up skins |
521s | and services right from your mobile |
522s | device the feedback on the new version |
524s | of portal has been incredible so far and |
526s | it's been amazing to see so many people |
528s | trying it up this is just the start for |
530s | the app and now that it's built in |
532s | unreal 4 there are endless possibilities |
533s | to link it with EVE Online and give you |
535s | more information more features and |
537s | ability to manage your gameplay through |
539s | a mobile device in the last few days |
541s | we've released updates of massively |
543s | improved compatibility allowing more |
545s | devices to access the app and we're |
547s | looking to expand this even further as |
548s | we go forward however please bear in |
550s | mind that some older devices won't be |
552s | able to run the app given that it's |
553s | built in unreal for the eve community's |
555s | feedback is vital to making Eve Paul a |
557s | success and we want to hear what you |
559s | have to say about the app so head out to |
562s | the EVE Online forums where we've |
563s | created a brand new forum section for |
565s | the discussion of e-poll whether it's |
567s | feature requests assistance report and |
569s | bugs that need to be fixed or general |
570s | feedback you can head on over there and |
572s | let us know what you think of the app so |
574s | we can work on making it bigger and |
575s | better for you in the future |
578s | that's all we've got time for for this |
580s | edition of Yvonne's we apologize again |
582s | for the naked butts and we hope that you |
583s | guys are going to join us again in |
585s | future for more episodes you can |
587s | subscribe down there to make sure that |
588s | you don't miss out on any of the action |
590s | or any of the topics we're going to |
591s | cover in future episodes and that's it |
594s | for now we'll see you in space okay okay |
601s | okay hold on hold on then of course |
608s | we also have some more pahahahah direct |
611s | completed no I don't know how did we |
614s | name it a sinus you will feel that's a |
616s | worse name ever it's so hard to see it |
618s | it's like a flower on jumpy jumpy look |
621s | jumpy fiercest anything I don't know |
622s | Jesus back |
626s | some people vent it firm hold on Tibet |
629s | event oh we have aa ball up |