over 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s and she realized that they didn't give
2s me his full name
5s hello ladies and gentlemen my name is
6s brett thomas thomas you're here watching
8s the alliance tournament 17. we're
10s watching esports protopia vs deepwater
13s hooligan i'm here with alex alex why
15s don't you introduce what esports
16s bootopia have brought
18s eastwood zootopia went with a faction
20s heavy setup with a navy apoc triple navy
22s brutix triple orthrus jagger hound hound
26s this is an extremely interesting setup
28s with no lodgie they are super aggro here
31s yeah we're potentially seeing something
33s like a whole rush in here brudex's are
35s known for being very good fitting a lot
37s of those low slots with uh bulkhead
40s modifiers so you can be super super
42s tanky with this deepwater hooligans have
44s brought double fleet typhoon astate and
46s nearest magus double confessor double
49s ishka and gama
51s yeah this is an extremely aggressive
53s setup from esports bootopia without
56s lodging they want to end this match as
57s quickly as possible
59s and they're doing that by primering the
60s typhoon fleet issue of den o l and
62s dropping him
64s very quickly
65s the amount of gps coming off of this
67s team is scary
68s yeah the priority number one for that
70s typhoon is overheat his michael warp
72s drive and just burn burn away but he's
75s burning directly away on all the
76s brutuses are bending directly towards
78s them that they've got perfect tracking i
80s mean i know
81s battleships can't really tracking
82s transversal problems but yeah we're just
85s seeing all things go down we see the
86s authors go down we're seeing one of the
88s confessors go down and we're seeing this
90s typhoon just dip into low armor
92s yeah and it's important to note that i
94s mean the brutuses are going to be faster
96s than these battleships in general uh
99s they probably have local tackles so once
101s they get on top of them okay this
102s typhoon's now webbed down looks like
104s they're webbing down some of the small
105s stuff as well that may be trying to
107s screen them
108s uh they they are gonna overtake these
111s battleships they can't kite them forever
113s and once they catch up they have a world
115s of pain coming their way and there's the
117s first typhoon fleet issue down
119s yeah donna was finally gone down but
120s cotton tos in the politics navy is into
123s half hole whereas terexia in the
125s universe has been caught and he's just
127s getting dps vomited on top of him he's
130s dropping into half armor already you're
132s seeing a bunch of republic fleet
134s valkyries just bounce around that boudix
136s to kill it quickly so they don't have
138s any rep drones to try and keep the
139s ceneros alive he's at 104 from the
141s center of the arena and he's just going
144s down quicker than the brutus navy is
147s now to be fair he is attempting to pull
149s away which should mitigate some of that
150s damage but it's just not going to be
155s of their main enough people need their
157s logistics to try to extend the life of
160s their computer because they planned
161s around keeping those ships alive or as
163s esports utopia went all in on this
166s suicide mission they're do or die and
168s they're doing right now yeah the brutus
171s is still alive as this is starting oh as
174s i say that he goes down as acovus starts
176s in the astate is going to go down you're
178s starting to see some of the ships die
179s quicker and if you're wondering at home
181s what's happening here because they don't
183s have to fit for resist they can fit max
185s buffer the brutus navies of this team
188s are just staying alive much much longer
190s than this astarte is because it's got
192s active repair and it's just gone down
194s now already and as well the magus of
196s your neighbor is also going down
199s the galenci hulls have incredible base
201s hull they're fitting modules which are
203s expanding that by percentage giving them
205s a ridiculous number of hit points it
207s doesn't matter if they're low resist
208s because they're not getting any reps
210s they just care about that raw hip point
212s number and how long they can stay alive
214s now deep water to their credit they are
216s starting to prioritize very smartly
218s clearing those hounds off that's a big
219s source of damage but they're going to
221s trade their last remaining battleship
223s and once it drops they will not have the
225s dps with these remaining issues and the
228s garmer even if they were to
230s stay on target i don't think they're
232s going to have the dps to drop any of
234s these other core ships certainly not the
235s battleship of alaska
239s yeah especially since the authors are
241s still alive and can still apply that
243s really small damage and especially
245s because these pilots in the brutus
247s navies can probably spread range and
248s target down all these ships so there's
250s no specialized type of running under the
253s guns that you can do against enough of
254s these because there's new muslims they
256s can just spread out and pop these ships
258s they did a really smart job here of
260s bringing just straight brutix straight
263s hole and just rushing down against some
265s of the people were thinking that kiting
267s comes may be brought especially with
269s typhoon fleet issues which we haven't
271s seen do well as tournament
273s now in fleet typhoons i mean they are
275s fast for a battleship but we're still
276s talking about a battleship they cannot
278s kite as effectively as uh as cruisers as
281s hacks
282s some of the more common kitty teams like
284s you might see with cerberuses they can
287s attempt to leverage their range but the
288s apoc can hit them the brutixes will
290s overtake them the orthosis can help
292s tackle them and of course jaguars are
295s famously known as like a bulldog assault
297s frigate excellent speedy heavy tackler
300s and there they go esports utopia zooms
303s to victory in just over five minutes