over 2 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | the kaldari Navy has deployed |
6s | significant fleets into the long |
8s | disputed system of athenon in the Placid |
10s | region the few galante Federation |
12s | scouting elements in the system are |
14s | being overwhelmed by vastly Superior |
17s | kaldari forces this move by the kaladari |
20s | Navy to further secure strategic |
22s | objectives in athenon is seen as a |
25s | direct response to the federation's |
26s | dramatic and massive 8th of November |
29s | invasion of intake and neighboring |
31s | systems in the disputed region |
33s | president Stella sagard has claimed the |
35s | massive invasion was necessary for the |
38s | security and liberation of the home |
40s | system of the antaki a founding nation |
43s | of the galante Federation chairman akima |
46s | kasaraki of the kaldari chief executive |
48s | panel branded The galente Invasion |
50s | outrageous and the cep swiftly |
53s | authorized the response of deploying a |
55s | major condori Fleet into occupied |
57s | ethanon the athenon system has seen much |
60s | conflict in the months since the |
62s | discovery of a secret edencom station |
64s | orbiting over a triglavian research |
66s | facility on the surface of the fifth |
68s | planet under orders from executive |
71s | General heika torigo capsular militia |
74s | Fighters acting on behalf of the kaldari |
76s | state have managed to maintain their |
78s | control of athenon and The Wider circled |
81s | constellation for months during this |
84s | time the kadari have constructed a new |
86s | Stargate into the system and completed |
88s | initial recovery and research of |
90s | trigolavian Technology |
92s | The increased caldari Navy presence in |
94s | the system has foreclosed galente |
96s | efforts to construct their own Stargate |
98s | and further curtailed the operational |
100s | freedom of federation forces the race to |
103s | acquire triglavian Technology located in |
106s | relay sites scattered across ethanon and |
108s | surrounding systems has been brought to |
110s | an end by kaldari Navy Firepower this |
114s | kaldari state counterpunch leaves their |
116s | scientists and Technical experts with a |
118s | major perhaps decisive advantage in |
120s | researching the triglavian technology |
123s | although the kardari state has swiftly |
125s | demonstrated its willingness to act in |
128s | response to the federation's invasion of |
130s | intaki few believe this will be the sole |
132s | extent of kaldari action |
135s | the kaldari Navy continues to be on high |
137s | alert with a large number of ships |
139s | shifting back to staging positions after |
142s | initially following a counter-invasion |
144s | plan aimed at protecting the core of |
147s | State territory many continue to ask if |
150s | the kaldari intend to further confront |
152s | the galante in the Placid region and |
154s | perhaps even in Taki itself or if the |
157s | dispute can possibly be resolved without |
159s | escalation to full-scale Interstellar |
161s | War |
163s | in Turner the effects of the extreme |
165s | Stellar event that disrupted its star |
167s | are still being felt throughout the |
169s | system the planet of Turner 1 and its |
172s | orbiting station took very significant |
174s | damage with the planet being blasted to |
176s | a scorched Remnant in all life |
179s | extinguished in the events aftermath |
181s | high levels of unstable Wormhole |
184s | activity have emerged across the star |
186s | system scientists believe this activity |
189s | is likely to continue as a permanent |
191s | consequence of the catastrophic failure |
193s | of the Amar Empire's prototype Stellar |
195s | transmuter experiment |
197s | in light of the devastation seen in |
200s | Turner the minmitar Republic's Tribal |
202s | Council have authorized shutdown |
204s | procedures to begin at the two remaining |
206s | Stellar transmuters controlled by |
208s | minmatar forces in the systems of egmar |
210s | and vard |
212s | the Prototype transmuters were |
214s | originally deployed by the Imperial Navy |
216s | in Amar occupied minmitar systems |
219s | evidently this was done with the purpose |
221s | of testing reverse engineered triglavian |
224s | technology the Amar Empire has claimed |
226s | to have gained enough Knowledge from its |
229s | experiments to move to the next stage of |
231s | technological development |
233s | in a rolling offensive over the last two |
236s | months capsuleers loyal to the minmitar |
238s | Republic managed to recapture vard and |
241s | egmar enabling the Republic Fleet to |
244s | seize the transmuters with further |
246s | militia assistance the Minotaur have |
248s | rapidly caught up to the Amar and |
250s | acquired sufficient research data to |
252s | complete their own initial stage of |
254s | development together with additional |
256s | observations made of the Turner |
258s | catastrophe and The crucial data gained |
260s | by midmitar capsulear efforts the |
263s | Republic believes its control of the |
264s | transmuters is such that it can safely |
267s | power down their operations having |
270s | completed their research the minmitar |
272s | clearly intend to reap its benefits |
274s | while preventing further Stellar |
275s | catastrophes this is Alton hovery |
278s | reporting for the scope |
285s | foreign |