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EVE Online
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1s | all right oh it's on okay good |
4s | hello |
6s | so I'm excited to be here |
9s | um how many people do Market stuff |
12s | okay okay good good I'm |
14s | makes me a little less nervous so uh my |
18s | presentation is just what I've been |
20s | doing |
21s | uh for like the past four years |
23s | um |
24s | so I'm gonna get it started |
28s | so I wanted to find like what a tycoon |
31s | is uh the in-game definition is just uh |
35s | managing large-scale Market orders |
38s | um actual definition wealthy powerful |
41s | person in business or industry |
44s | and then why am I a tycoon well first I |
48s | Got 5 500 Market orders listed in 17 |
51s | locations all over Eve |
54s | um and I might be expanding soon for 18 |
58s | 300 Market locations or way much more |
62s | I get a little excessive I just started |
64s | making characters and it just kept going |
67s | uh so I have a trillion isk in open |
72s | market orders uh mainly funded through |
74s | investors |
77s | uh and then 150 200 billion in Revenue |
80s | uh each month |
82s | which I'm on track to actually be |
84s | hitting over 200 billion per month now |
86s | with some changes that I'm doing and uh |
89s | 1.96 trillion to date sold in in all the |
93s | regions in Eve uh I think the last time |
96s | I looked at it this is old this is like |
97s | 1.6 trillion that I've sold so far this |
100s | year |
102s | uh and my margins right around like 40 |
105s | percent on top of like that 1.6 trillion |
109s | so far |
110s | uh and then my profits a month are like |
113s | 60 billion a month uh 451 billion when |
117s | this was made were sitting almost at |
119s | like 600 billion for the year for the |
122s | for the total year for my profits |
125s | uh and then I've done 319 000 Market |
128s | transactions uh |
131s | to date this year I'm doing essentially |
134s | two transactions per minute no matter |
136s | what 24 hours a day in the game |
140s | uh and then uh I've sold to 3 32 713 |
146s | individual Pilots through all throughout |
149s | Eve so I'm I'm helping the economy I |
152s | guess |
153s | so how it all started |
156s | um |
156s | was I started running level four |
158s | missions using material uh |
161s | I needed more Tech 2 ammo I'm sure |
164s | everybody needed that you know hey I |
166s | gotta open up the market I gotta look |
167s | and I gotta buy something because I'm |
169s | doing something in Eve uh so I opened up |
172s | looking for some quake and Tremor |
175s | um |
177s | I asked myself asked why you know in the |
180s | past 20 years of Eve |
182s | is there still like none of this on the |
184s | market or if it's or it's a highly |
186s | inflated price |
188s | so I then I just said you know effort |
191s | I'm going to make my own market and |
193s | that's how it all started this is like |
194s | if somebody's not going to do it or |
196s | hasn't done it I'll just do it myself |
199s | so this is a picture of just Placid with |
203s | the like quake and Tremor and this was |
206s | taken like a month or two ago |
208s | so you can still see like stackmon |
212s | in Orville I'm literally there's one |
214s | other person selling the the ammo so |
218s | even after four years of me doing this |
219s | I'm still like |
221s | the only person selling the ammo that I |
223s | need for my level five four missions |
227s | um |
228s | so the beginning |
231s | so how I started out is I started |
234s | running level five missions |
236s | saved up 25 billion isk |
240s | and then I had to think up a Persona |
242s | Eden trade it took me like two days of |
245s | thinking hard a perfect character name |
247s | all that |
249s | and the ones that I wanted were taken so |
253s | uh and then I decided to just buy a |
256s | fordazar and flap flopped it down in |
258s | stackmon |
260s | um |
261s | for some reason nobody blew it up for |
264s | four years until you know the goons came |
266s | in like two months ago and killed it |
268s | very upset about that |
272s | uh and then I picked stackmon the in the |
274s | name was easy to say so a lot of my |
277s | locations that I choose were just easy |
279s | system names to say |
281s | uh and then I created a massive very |
285s | massive time-consuming spreadsheet of |
287s | all the items I wanted to sell in Eve |
290s | which I hand copied and pasted these in |
293s | four years ago and then you can see all |
296s | I have like all the uh different uh |
300s | places of Eve it took me about a whole |
303s | weekend 20 hours to make this |
306s | so |
308s | sorry we got to slow down because we're |
311s | adjusting the market orders too fast |
315s | I just had to put that in there because |
317s | you know when I have to update 15 000 |
319s | Market orders it's uh and then I get 16 |
321s | seconds because I'm going too fast and |
323s | Eve |
325s | I don't know if anybody else has |
326s | actually seen that I've gotten it up to |
327s | like 27 seconds I had to I timed out for |
330s | so |
332s | uh |
334s | and then this is just another thing like |
338s | that whole sheet that I just previously |
340s | mentioned this is me like when I first |
342s | started out I was comparing my |
345s | spreadsheet to what I had listed in the |
346s | game so I had to click on everything in |
348s | the game |
350s | um to restock just stackmon took me 15 |
353s | hours on a Saturday after work |
357s | um |
358s | yes it's gotten a lot better so |
363s | so |
364s | after I created my spreadsheet I bought |
367s | everything I could for 24 billion and I |
369s | shipped it down to stackmon where I |
371s | first opened up |
373s | um I bought a freighter to move it |
376s | and essentially I just went to jittah by |
378s | all I just kind of |
381s | took a |
382s | what do you call it |
384s | a gamble I was like hopefully this cells |
389s | so then I posted all those Market orders |
391s | around 1200 Market orders and I set the |
394s | duration for two weeks |
396s | um |
397s | that's not good because then I had 1200 |
399s | Market orders falling off in two two |
401s | weeks so I had to re-list all of those |
404s | that was probably the biggest mistake I |
407s | did when I first started out |
410s | so then that was about another 10 hours |
411s | of posting orders |
413s | uh so stack one was working out really |
416s | well I was making some risk |
418s | but I wanted to expand so I had to |
425s | set it so I set up 300 300 wooden snow |
428s | uh set up three three markets by 2020 |
431s | with my own is just still running level |
433s | five those are some of the locations |
436s | some of those stats that I pulled from |
438s | my old Discord were like stackmon was |
442s | like nine billion in profits |
444s | 7.3 from had a Connie and then my daily |
449s | transactions were around like five to |
452s | eight hundred transactions per day |
454s | um and then I had close to like 5 000 |
456s | Market orders set up by then |
460s | so I wanted to expand more and faster uh |
463s | just because running 20 hours of level |
467s | five missions |
468s | on the weekends was just gonna take me |
471s | way too slow so I created a post on the |
473s | forums asking for 110 billion-esque I'm |
477s | surprised people actually paid me |
480s | but I did have Market data to you know |
482s | back it up I was like you can go to |
483s | stackmon buy my market stuff you can see |
486s | that you know I'm not trying to scam you |
489s | um so surprisingly I got funded very |
492s | quickly I think it was like the end of |
493s | February so it took uh |
496s | like three four weeks to get 110 billion |
500s | uh and then I had six Market hubs going |
503s | with with 110 billion funding uh I set |
507s | up in there I did one nulsek one as well |
509s | to try that out |
513s | um it only got called a scammer a few |
515s | times |
516s | so |
517s | uh and then February through July 2020 |
522s | uh I had to transfer the stackmon for |
525s | desire to I choose you or he's gonna |
528s | blow it up he was like you got to hand |
530s | it over you got to give up your Market |
532s | it's very mad about that but I didn't |
534s | want to have get it blown up so I was |
537s | like I'll transfer it to you and it's |
539s | yours so it got to stay up which uh |
543s | that's what I really wanted it to do |
545s | because a lot of people were using it |
547s | uh then may 2027 Market hubs |
551s | total this is just like an old graph |
554s | that I had |
556s | um with the transaction so I think like |
559s | my Null Sec one did like 13 |
561s | [Music] |
562s | 000 transactions in May which is quite a |
566s | lot |
568s | uh so February July 30th yeah so I |
572s | created by the July I had 30 trade |
574s | characters all right here |
577s | um |
577s | so I started with that |
580s | they're all just named Eden trade clone |
582s | and just randomized after creating four |
586s | or five I got very uh |
589s | worn out of like go creating my |
591s | characters it was just so much work it |
593s | was just like hit the randomized and |
595s | went |
597s | so now after that uh I saw like my model |
599s | was working so then I decided I want to |
603s | expand again but I want to expand bigger |
605s | and I want to make it bigger and better |
608s | um so July I opened up the investment |
611s | investment exchange it was like one |
614s | billion is per share |
617s | um |
619s | so by August I had 305 billion shares |
623s | sold uh September 544 billion |
627s | and then September when I finally |
630s | started getting all this set up it was |
632s | about 70 billion a month in profits that |
635s | I was turning |
637s | uh then in September I closed the |
640s | original funding I essentially brokered |
643s | a deal with myself with myself to buy |
645s | out the old investment |
648s | I don't know how that worked but I made |
650s | it fair for everybody |
653s | so I bought them out and rolled |
656s | everything into one because trying to |
657s | run two Investments was just too too |
659s | much going on and so |
662s | so I condensed everything down into one |
665s | um and then October I hit 90 billion in |
668s | profits for the month |
670s | and then December I sold 1 353 shares so |
676s | that's was about |
677s | 1.353 trillion-esque and then I just |
680s | stopped taking this because it was just |
681s | too much I had too much risk and not |
684s | enough characters and it was too much |
686s | work to be you know posting more than |
688s | fifteen thousand Market orders |
691s | uh so then I expanded in December to 13 |
695s | Market hubs uh |
697s | I think I did 619 000 Market |
701s | transactions by December with uh 354 |
706s | million items sold uh each is so that's |
708s | each piece it could be ammo and whatever |
710s | included into that |
713s | so |
715s | continued so then January 2021 I set up |
719s | in the Amara region tomorrow were cut |
722s | off by Triggs so I was like that could |
723s | be good if I go down there set up my own |
725s | three more Market hubs |
728s | um |
730s | Jesus Christ |
731s | we're we're going too fast again so we |
734s | should slow down |
736s | yes too many Market transactions |
739s | so by that time when I set up I got all |
742s | 60 characters |
744s | so I managed 60 characters 20 20 |
748s | accounts and it's uh it cost me like 40 |
752s | to 50 billion to Plex all my accounts |
755s | so that's where a good chunk of |
758s | my money goes |
763s | so just to continue on that so by this |
766s | time I was trading in 26 |
769s | of the regions uh in new Eden everything |
772s | that's in yellow you can see that's |
774s | where I set up um a lot of it was just |
776s | random like all the Amar ones I just |
778s | went with the locations that were just |
782s | called you know corazor Prime they ended |
784s | with prime I made it simple so anything |
787s | that was a prime had Prime in the name |
789s | that's just what I went with |
792s | uh |
794s | so then January I hit 90 billion in |
797s | profits for the month so I'm doing |
799s | really good making a lot of money |
802s | moving a lot of things uh February I |
805s | think 19th I hit a record of 4.8 billion |
808s | in profits just for the day almost 30 |
811s | billion for the week |
815s | so the March 17th fully at 17 trade hubs |
819s | where I'm still at today |
821s | uh I got out of uh great wildlands move |
825s | that trade Hub to amamaki from eo2 |
829s | there's just nobody living out there |
830s | it's a dead zone I was hardly making no |
833s | money |
835s | uh and then I moved |
838s | that system name I can't say to Fran |
840s | it's right out right side wrens which I |
843s | didn't think it was going to work |
844s | because we have wrens and then you have |
846s | me over here but everybody's going a lot |
849s | of people are buying for me the next |
850s | system over from Ren so it still baffles |
853s | me today |
856s | uh and then I hit a 100 billion in |
859s | profits for the month it was an all-time |
861s | record |
863s | and then I was projecting for the that |
866s | may 120 billion in profits if we kept |
870s | going |
871s | with |
873s | with that so may 2021 |
877s | anybody can guess what happened to me |
882s | kovitz officially done |
885s | and then profits dropped off by 50 |
887s | percent |
889s | so I was doing really good |
891s | and then everybody decided to go outside |
893s | and not play Eve |
896s | and |
900s | so I went from 100 billion to 68 64 |
904s | billion in profits by the end of July |
908s | um that has been consistent until this |
911s | day 60 to 70 billion that I'm averaging |
914s | per month |
916s | uh and then I'm continuing to maintain |
919s | the 17 Market hubs uh today |
925s | so yeah 60 billion this is just the |
927s | graph uh Power bi |
930s | um so like I started out January 79 |
932s | billion February 62. March 72 and then |
937s | it kind of has its ups and downs I think |
939s | January was like the faction Warfare |
941s | expansion so I think that's where I got |
943s | close to 80 billion and then it's been |
946s | kind of you can see it trickling all |
948s | over from 55 to 70. |
952s | so this year I'm still on track for like |
955s | 750 billion in profits |
958s | um it's not too bad I think we're going |
960s | to go a little bit over that |
962s | um |
963s | on track for almost 2 trillion in |
965s | Revenue |
967s | uh the revenue yeah I got the graph here |
970s | so January like 200 billion February 150 |
974s | I think may we hit 102 206 million uh |
978s | with Revenue this July I took this |
980s | picture and I think back in July so it |
982s | wasn't finished |
985s | uh so we'll hit about 600 000 |
988s | transactions uh just that's how many |
990s | times people are buying from me I think |
993s | I'm going to be able to double that |
995s | because I'm being a lot more competitive |
997s | uh so for like the past three weeks I've |
999s | been clicking on every 15 000 Market |
1002s | order to make it the lowest in the |
1004s | region and that's going to take me |
1006s | a lot a lot a lot of time it takes me |
1010s | like three hours per just one trade hub |
1014s | um and then I reduce my shares from |
1017s | about the 1350 to 700 uh it was four |
1021s | years I was like are you I don't know |
1024s | some people just aren't playing the game |
1025s | I was like if you're still playing the |
1027s | game message me |
1028s | um if not I'm just gonna delete your |
1030s | share out so |
1032s | because you know people I was paying to |
1034s | it's like I see they've been in like the |
1036s | starter court for you know two years and |
1038s | I'm just like I'm just paying a ghost at |
1040s | this time so it was the free up ISC and |
1043s | then get more money to the investors |
1046s | that uh or that are still playing |
1049s | uh and then I hired on a data guy to |
1053s | essentially re-energize the market |
1055s | operations so this I had some guy come |
1058s | to me he was like I can do this All in |
1061s | power bi and I was like sure it's you |
1064s | know show me I'm probably gonna I'm |
1066s | thinking he's trying to scam me for my |
1068s | esque so but if he came up with a great |
1070s | presentation uh foreign |
1072s | and then he showed me everything that he |
1074s | could do for me and then I was like fine |
1076s | you'll be the first person I will let in |
1079s | my closed Market corporation |
1081s | uh for the past four years so I let him |
1084s | in he said you know I looked over all |
1086s | his data and everything he was going to |
1088s | do and then he's like well I need 30 |
1090s | billion in the wallet to start buying |
1092s | things for you because he's going to buy |
1094s | and ship it with the power bi said so I |
1097s | was like all right here's 30 billion if |
1099s | you rip me off you rip me off so it's |
1101s | only 30 billion |
1103s | last night or the night before he was |
1105s | like I need 40 billion and I was like |
1107s | here's 40 billion more he's so far |
1108s | you're doing what you're saying you're |
1110s | doing |
1111s | um |
1112s | so my current spreadsheet set up here is |
1114s | just Google Sheets |
1116s | uh essentially like I can just drop it |
1119s | down to like any Market Hub I want to |
1121s | look at |
1123s | um it tells me like when I took this |
1125s | like I did like 8 billion in revenue and |
1127s | then the profit for that was like 2.3 |
1130s | billion |
1132s | um that is just based off of the 20 last |
1135s | 2500 transactions since you can only |
1137s | pull like 2500 from from the eve |
1141s | whatever ESI |
1143s | uh and then like tashmir Khan like it |
1146s | shows me the revenue that I did for |
1148s | those 2500 transactions the profits uh |
1152s | and then how many transactions so like |
1154s | out of the 2500 I did sold 344 items |
1157s | over there and then just all my |
1160s | characters as you can see I just named |
1161s | them pretty much even trade clone 11 12. |
1164s | it starts at one and goes to like 40 |
1167s | something like that |
1171s | [Music] |
1172s | um and then expansion three this is my |
1176s | goal is to become a mega Tycoon |
1179s | um |
1181s | I think I'm obsessive I don't I just |
1183s | keep going with it so |
1185s | um I don't need more rest this time I |
1187s | already have too much isk and I don't |
1189s | want any I don't want to be tied up with |
1190s | investors so uh so we're doing the power |
1193s | bi like I talked about uh with the other |
1196s | guy that's helping me |
1199s | uh |
1200s | in the one thing when he came on and ran |
1203s | like his power bi uh |
1206s | he brought up something that was |
1208s | eye-opening so I had one trillion in |
1211s | Market orders listed |
1213s | the order Target should have been 325 |
1215s | billion so that meant I had five six |
1219s | seven hundred billion just sitting there |
1221s | in dead-esque for Market orders |
1224s | so essentially we're selling all that |
1226s | down and that's freeing up a 700 billion |
1229s | I can do whatever with I can keep |
1231s | expanding |
1232s | uh |
1235s | so yeah 700 billion so then I can |
1237s | reinvest that into doing more Market |
1239s | things uh |
1245s | so oh yeah and then you transport that |
1247s | so now now I can easily expand |
1250s | so my to-do list is just make more money |
1253s | make more isk I mean |
1256s | hopefully I can get there |
1258s | uh all that together I should be able to |
1261s | get back to doing like 100 billion in |
1263s | profits uh per month |
1266s | um like the biggest thing is just being |
1267s | competitive right now I think I think |
1269s | when I was posting orders I was just |
1271s | like you know what they'll pay it if |
1273s | they want or if they don't want to pay |
1275s | it then the heck with them but now that |
1278s | I'm seeing that I'm adjusting my prices |
1280s | down I'm getting a lot more risk |
1284s | so we still gotta wait |
1287s | oh my God I really wish they would get |
1289s | rid of this in the game I really do |
1292s | uh this is just uh where I was at from |
1296s | January to July |
1298s | um just some of my market hubs so the |
1300s | Orange is the profits the blue is the |
1304s | revenue so like the biggest one was |
1306s | Alton |
1308s | um 80 billion this is in billions |
1310s | uh stackmon against right around 80 |
1313s | billion sold for the year |
1317s | um right now for some reason amamaki is |
1320s | probably outpacing everything I think I |
1323s | turned like 12 billion through in the |
1325s | past week I have no clue what's going on |
1327s | there but a lot of people are just in |
1329s | that location now buying |
1331s | but it changes week to week month to |
1334s | month just depending on where the |
1335s | players are what they're doing |
1338s | so a couple Lessons Learned |
1341s | don't do nalsack |
1345s | there's too many politics red tapes |
1347s | complaints complaints on prices like |
1350s | I'll post something like I posted |
1351s | something two months ago the price went |
1353s | down in Jetta then I get a bunch of |
1355s | angry emails from from you guys saying |
1358s | well you're over charging me like a |
1360s | hundred percent I was like well it |
1362s | wasn't 100 over charging you two months |
1365s | ago |
1366s | uh |
1367s | NPC stations work just as well as |
1370s | citadels in fact I don't even think we |
1372s | need citadels for markets with the whole |
1376s | like TT thing where they started you |
1378s | know blowing up I choose U stations uh |
1381s | the perimeter thing I moved all of my |
1384s | markets from the I chooseu stations to |
1387s | just an NTC station a blank nobody had |
1391s | orders there that was another gamble |
1393s | hoping people would come and still buy |
1395s | from me which it turned out to be very |
1398s | effective because no there's no |
1400s | competition I just moved in the station |
1402s | the people see the items they need and |
1403s | they just fly over and buy it |
1406s | which I think in the future if uh if |
1409s | people do start competing with me I'll |
1411s | just drop all my market orders and go to |
1413s | the next empty station that nobody's in |
1415s | just to like reset and keep capturing |
1418s | whatever sales I want |
1421s | uh |
1423s | uh so |
1425s | learn what like the functions do in |
1428s | Excel in sheet in Google Sheets instead |
1431s | of copying pasting raw data like learn |
1433s | ESI |
1435s | um know what a vlookup is an X lookup |
1439s | so it took me like two years before I |
1442s | learned that and I was like wow this is |
1443s | this is very helpful |
1445s | I didn't know what a pivot table was for |
1447s | like a year when I first started |
1450s | uh and then use player creative created |
1454s | services to cut down on the workload so |
1457s | like when I first started I was moving |
1458s | all my stuff by freighter it would you |
1461s | know doing 20 jumps into freighter takes |
1463s | a very long time especially after it |
1465s | took you like 10 hours to buy all your |
1467s | stuff and look through when I first |
1469s | started I've used push X |
1472s | pretty much exclusively for like three |
1474s | and a half years the guy that now is |
1476s | helping me that's doing the buying is |
1478s | finding the cheapest cost for delivery |
1484s | um and then do not list your Market |
1486s | orders for two weeks |
1488s | because you're just gonna have to re-all |
1490s | do it over in two weeks |
1493s | and then just innovate and keep |
1494s | innovating is the biggest thing that I |
1496s | found like you know always figure out |
1499s | you know how to use Google Sheets better |
1501s | Excel better |
1503s | um come up with new systems to like TR |
1507s | the logistics of everything |
1510s | uh you know bring somebody on that knows |
1513s | power bi that can take all my market |
1515s | data crunch it down and then tell me how |
1517s | to run my operation better let's use |
1520s | innovating more for me because he's some |
1522s | big data guy uh in in the uh |
1525s | distribution |
1527s | uh in real life so |
1530s | so I did come up with like a couple |
1532s | steps to become a tycoon uh find a |
1535s | location to set up in high traffic uh |
1537s | jumps per hour pilots in Space the more |
1539s | people it's a busy road the more people |
1541s | that are going by they're opening up |
1542s | their Market window they're going to |
1544s | want to buy something they see it at a |
1546s | good price uh they'll probably stop off |
1549s | and buy it Scout the location watch the |
1552s | activity like sit in local see how many |
1554s | people are there |
1556s | see if people are coming in and out uh |
1558s | and then see what they're doing like The |
1560s | Kill boards look at their kill boards |
1562s | like what are they flying around that |
1564s | area |
1566s | uh yeah figure out what's selling so |
1569s | like here's a few things that are |
1570s | selling that I sell that are actually |
1572s | selling really good if anybody's |
1574s | interested so Riggs uh you can see take |
1577s | up a huge portion of what I sell that's |
1579s | 389 billion I think when I took this |
1582s | back in July ammo everybody's buying |
1585s | ammo you got to shoot people so |
1588s | and then weapons go with that mining |
1590s | equipment you got a lot of new players |
1592s | mining in high SEC of course you know |
1594s | drones |
1595s | um there's a lot of different things you |
1597s | can sell |
1599s | Capital fuel is always good but nobody's |
1601s | really using capitals too much right now |
1605s | uh and then when you purchase when I |
1609s | purchase my items I buy directly just |
1611s | from Jedi just go to Jetta buy all look |
1614s | over the price making sure I'm not |
1616s | getting scammed on like that scam price |
1618s | that's 300 million for a ten thousand |
1620s | dollar mod ten thousand if mod |
1623s | uh move your items using push X |
1627s | um it just ensures your items you're |
1630s | moving if you're moving like I've moved |
1632s | 40 billion with them I don't want to put |
1634s | in my jump freighter because if I lose |
1635s | 40 billion I lose 40 billion push X |
1637s | loses 40 billion I get my 40 billion so |
1641s | there's a good insurance program they've |
1643s | only lost like two contracts in four |
1645s | years |
1647s | uh and then post those orders mark up |
1651s | I'll mark up each item at least 25 |
1652s | percent of what I paid for it |
1655s | um mark up high-isk items less so if |
1657s | it's like 200 million you don't want to |
1659s | mark it up by 25 because I would make it |
1661s | like 250 somebody sees that price |
1663s | they're going to see the 50 million so |
1666s | you gotta the higher cost items should |
1670s | be a little bit lower like the T1 items |
1673s | it's like 20 000 is I'll jack up to like |
1676s | 150 000 because it's 150 000. |
1681s | um and then collect your data figure out |
1683s | how to use your data see you know to see |
1686s | what selling what you can do better like |
1689s | what you need to carry more of what you |
1691s | need to delete and stop selling because |
1693s | you sell one of it a month and then just |
1697s | always keep in mind people are very lazy |
1699s | and if they got the money they'll just |
1701s | purchase for whatever's closest to them |
1704s | uh even if it's four jumps from Jetta or |
1707s | two jumps from you know a mar so I sell |
1710s | in two locations four jumps from Jetta |
1713s | and they turn a pretty high profit |
1718s | and then worst case if you post if you |
1721s | list a bunch of orders |
1723s | um you can always just liquidate it |
1725s | bring it back to Jitter resell it you're |
1726s | going to lose a little bit of this not |
1728s | too much |
1731s | uh so what do I do with all my esk |
1735s | um I was asset poor so I did not a whole |
1740s | lot with my S because I had to pay |
1741s | investors and I had 20 accounts to sub |
1744s | uh the investors came first |
1747s | so I and I was on the hook for 1.4 |
1749s | trillion-esque so that's that's a lot |
1752s | that I've got to pay back every time I |
1755s | think about it this is just a screenshot |
1757s | of my wallet so like personalisk 118 |
1760s | billion |
1762s | um |
1764s | I think I had like 200 billion in there |
1765s | which is probably the most I've ever had |
1767s | in a while for like at least three years |
1769s | I don't think I actually took any money |
1772s | for the first two years of doing this I |
1775s | just paid the investors and sub my |
1777s | accounts uh try new things like building |
1780s | T2 dreads |
1782s | um |
1783s | I made an |
1785s | industry operation I can produce 252 T2 |
1791s | Cruisers in five days I mean I got 60 |
1794s | characters I can run 600 industry |
1799s | reactions and about 600 in uh ship |
1803s | whatever building |
1805s | things |
1807s | um I got really tired of that after like |
1809s | two months of starting 600 reactions |
1812s | every |
1815s | every Saturday I think I was running 60 |
1818s | billion through Alma Maki their industry |
1820s | thing every week |
1823s | I gave that up very quickly I did join |
1827s | snuff out for a bit for about a year and |
1829s | a half during this they are very |
1832s | expensive to play play with and I almost |
1834s | couldn't keep up with how much isk for |
1836s | the fits and chips they wanted |
1838s | I ended up with like three Dreadnought |
1840s | alts and like two other PVP alts and it |
1844s | was just |
1845s | too expensive |
1847s | and then I get confused by small numbers |
1851s | so I think in like the billions and |
1854s | trillions and then like when I'm trying |
1855s | to type in like 1 million |
1858s | um I just I fumble typing in 1 million |
1861s | I'm usually typing in like a billion |
1862s | when I start |
1865s | uh and then invest in faction Warfare |
1868s | I've been doing a little bit with |
1870s | galente about 20 billion I'm investing |
1873s | in there just to see how it goes to |
1875s | create some content |
1877s | and then I just keep reinvesting my into |
1880s | the operations so I think out of like |
1883s | this 160 billion from the holder and the |
1886s | personal isk I think I have 20 billion |
1888s | of that left because I just reinvested a |
1890s | lot more in like new items |
1892s | um and keeping the heavier selling items |
1895s | in stock for everybody |
1897s | and then I randomly give things away |
1899s | with my isk sometimes I'm just watching |
1902s | Eve Discord and see a noob you know he |
1904s | lost all this stuff here's some isk |
1907s | here's your ships replaced take them |
1910s | uh the last thing is just my wish list |
1913s | please make a mega Tycoon skill book |
1916s | because we keep adding we keep adding |
1918s | items to the game but we don't expand |
1920s | how many Market slots if you do this I |
1923s | could probably get another thousand |
1925s | Market orders in every location so |
1928s | that would be great |
1931s | and then I would have no time to |
1933s | actually do anything else in life |
1936s | uh I sell all a copy and paste item name |
1939s | and price from the spreadsheets into |
1941s | in-game so like I can just copy |
1943s | everything in my spreadsheet the price I |
1945s | want to sell it for and then |
1947s | essentially highlight all those items |
1949s | and then paste it over there and it |
1951s | would just bring up you know the sales |
1953s | price and all those items because it's |
1955s | very |
1956s | time consuming to list you got 17 Market |
1959s | locations 40 to 50 items in each of |
1963s | those locations per week it takes a lot |
1966s | of time to do that and I would rather |
1967s | just be able to sell them all very |
1968s | quickly like the buy all |
1971s | uh Auto renew Market orders |
1974s | um |
1975s | I really hate having to go through all |
1978s | the market orders falling off like I |
1980s | just did before I came out here I had to |
1981s | spend three hours before I got on my |
1983s | flight to update like |
1986s | all about three 400 Market orders that |
1989s | were falling off in one location |
1991s | so that was very time consuming I just |
1994s | want to hit an auto renew and just pay a |
1996s | bill |
1997s | uh and then append the current market |
1999s | orders |
2002s | um if I already have something posted I |
2004s | would just you could just post you could |
2006s | just take that same item and just append |
2009s | it to that so instead of having to |
2011s | cancel it and then you know stack it and |
2013s | then post that item again |
2017s | uh the last thing is if you can please |
2020s | get rid of this it wouldn't take me it |
2022s | would take me two hours to renew some of |
2024s | my market orders then rather than three |
2028s | um |
2028s | so I'd like to see that screen go away |
2030s | that's the biggest thing if you do that |
2033s | for me if any of the devs do that I |
2035s | would be very happy |
2041s | yes because uh because I'm |
2045s | updating it it's by like one isk just to |
2048s | you know so it goes back to 90 days so I |
2051s | think I'm probably the only one that |
2053s | sees that most of the time |
2055s | no some other people okay good I'm not |
2058s | the only one so I have to slip so I just |
2060s | switch clients back and forth and then |
2062s | when one times out I go to the next one |
2065s | uh so that's my presentation |
2068s | um I guess I'll take questions |
2070s | thank you |
2088s | thank you you mentioned mmake right now |
2092s | there is something happening because you |
2093s | see a lot of Market orders yep did you |
2095s | notice you can predict let's say the |
2098s | start of war or big operation by looking |
2102s | at data collecting data from all your |
2104s | Market orders and maybe predict upcoming |
2106s | Wars or movement of let's say troops |
2109s | that need ships and orders this kind of |
2111s | things |
2112s | um |
2113s | I've always thought about it like uh |
2116s | I don't know if I could predict that |
2119s | um |
2120s | it could it could in those regions but |
2122s | like the one thing that I want to try to |
2125s | predict is you know when somebody is |
2127s | moving you know capitals around like I |
2130s | you know I have cyanos posted liquid |
2132s | ozone the capital fuel it's nothing that |
2134s | I've really gotten into to look at |
2137s | um but I think I could predict some |
2139s | things like that with sales seeing who's |
2142s | buying you know who just bought like all |
2144s | my billions of units a capital fuel so |
2146s | and then hunt them down if I if I really |
2149s | wanted to |
2152s | any other questions |
2170s | have you ever had any uh in-game drama |
2173s | someone sees what you're doing and they |
2175s | get ticked off at you or vice versa you |
2178s | see someone's like in one specific or |
2180s | spot just a pain or a thorn and anything |
2183s | spill over into a war deck or anything |
2185s | like that not really |
2189s | um I know there's some people that uh I |
2192s | think it was during your stream the one |
2194s | guy was really mad that I was working |
2196s | with I choose you I'd essentially just |
2199s | fill this fuel his citadels but when you |
2201s | have one trillion of isk in those |
2203s | citadels you want to make sure they stay |
2205s | online so I was like sure I'll help you |
2206s | feel those but he was just like oh you |
2209s | do you're running the high SEC racket |
2211s | with them I was like no I'm just I'm |
2212s | just selling stuff |
2214s | um nobody's really |
2216s | uh had any had anything anything like |
2219s | that other than calling me a scammer |
2222s | sometimes so there's always those one a |
2225s | couple people out there but other than |
2227s | that nothing really there's sometimes |
2230s | I'll get competition from somebody like |
2232s | stackmon it was like a year ago was |
2233s | listing I think a thousand orders in the |
2236s | same 40s are so I just went in there and |
2240s | said the heck with it and outbid them |
2242s | every like 12 hours and adjusted a |
2244s | thousand Market orders until he moved |
2245s | out |
2246s | and we all lost isk on that |
2251s | all right like yeah great presentation |
2254s | by the way uh could you expand a little |
2257s | bit more on the logistics side of your |
2258s | operation uh and like I'm guessing |
2260s | you're only going for final products and |
2262s | avoiding raw materials and all of that |
2265s | and like what's the rate of of how many |
2267s | Freighters you need like daily I'm |
2270s | guessing uh |
2273s | every time that we go like we just |
2275s | purchased uh did another purchase last |
2278s | night like that 40 billion so no matter |
2281s | what it's definitely at least 17 |
2284s | 17 locations so you're looking at at |
2286s | least 17 Freighters uh whenever we |
2289s | contract a push X when I was Contracting |
2292s | to them |
2293s | I would within one hour create about 20 |
2297s | contracts to them within the hour I |
2300s | became like their biggest customer I |
2302s | didn't get a discount from them but |
2305s | I've spent about 200 billion just to |
2308s | push X I think I can't remember the |
2310s | number I've moved like 6 trillion with |
2313s | them easiest way for the logistics is |
2316s | just you know I use the Corp wallet so |
2319s | all the disk is there it falls into the |
2321s | Corp orders so we buy everything in |
2324s | Jetta we contract it out and then |
2327s | essentially it's just like any other |
2329s | shipping company in the world they take |
2332s | take my contract and move it out to my |
2335s | stations with uh without me having to |
2337s | actually oversee it |
2339s | uh and then all my characters are just |
2341s | set in the station so whenever it gets |
2343s | delivered it falls into the Corp hangers |
2345s | uh and then I just take that and then |
2347s | just start listing the orders from there |
2351s | I've I think that's as simple as we can |
2353s | make the logistics for it |
2357s | um the only other thing is the harder |
2358s | thing is like the jump Freighters going |
2361s | the low SEC you got to wait until you |
2363s | have a lot more sold before you can |
2365s | actually make a trip and |
2367s | and I know push X sometimes will try to |
2370s | keep it under the 60 000 M3 so they can |
2373s | just use blockade Runners it's faster |
2375s | they'll get it there a little bit faster |
2376s | I think those get accepted a little bit |
2378s | easier than the freighters |
2384s | anybody else oh yeah |
2387s | so um you said that you're switching |
2390s | from like the fixed margin to the lowest |
2393s | price in the region is that just gut |
2395s | feeling or do you have because that's |
2397s | gonna it's gonna erode your margins it |
2399s | might just be a terrible move could be a |
2402s | terrible move |
2403s | um everything I've done is just kind of |
2405s | based on what Fields like what it feels |
2408s | like the gut feeling so just over the |
2411s | past two weeks |
2413s | um since I've been doing it like like I |
2415s | think I told you like velor I went from |
2417s | 100 transaction actually 80 80 |
2420s | transactions per day I adjusted all the |
2423s | market orders and then within the next |
2426s | day I'm at |
2428s | 350 transactions when I last looked at |
2431s | it |
2432s | so we're selling more but it could be is |
2436s | less profit as we're essentially going |
2438s | with sell through sell as much as we can |
2441s | to make the most if that we can to |
2443s | capture those sales to see if that works |
2445s | because in May July |
2448s | I posted everything at 60 percent |
2451s | um I went through all the market orders |
2453s | did sixty percent and I still ended up |
2455s | with like a forty percent uh profit |
2457s | margin |
2459s | so so that wasn't working |
2461s | it's essentially my 40 problem I keep |
2465s | making 40 of what the revenue is |
2469s | um so now we're trying just doing sell |
2471s | through on that |
2472s | so it's another thing to try if it |
2474s | doesn't work |
2476s | spend another |
2477s | four weeks readjusting them back up |
2485s | yes |
2486s | I think he has a question |
2491s | all right so um but do you use an |
2494s | external program like G of assets so |
2497s | that you can do all your block buying in |
2499s | one go or are you having to buy for each |
2502s | trade location individually uh each |
2506s | trade location individually |
2508s | um if we bought it all together it would |
2510s | dump out in the same Hangar and then you |
2513s | would have to spend hours unstacking it |
2515s | yeah that's why I'm asking yeah so uh |
2518s | with my Google Sheets actually the guy I |
2521s | can use my Google Sheets to buy but the |
2523s | guy that has the power bi it actually |
2525s | just splits It Up by location |
2527s | and it'll just each location it'll just |
2530s | tell you what to buy like what needs to |
2532s | be bought and then he goes he takes that |
2535s | and he just buys by location using the |
2538s | power bi |
2542s | cool anything else |
2548s | all right anybody wants a misk |
2551s | no |
2552s | sorry I can't afford it |
2556s | has the uh |
2558s | has the uh Eve online Excel add-in |
2561s | factored into anything at all if you'd |
2563s | looked at that is it anything you'd try |
2566s | using or have you you tried using it |
2568s | already or uh I tried it when it first |
2571s | came out I tried to set up a spreadsheet |
2574s | like I had |
2576s | um but for some reason it likes to auto |
2578s | update every cell uh whenever you change |
2582s | something so I got it to a point to |
2584s | where essentially Excel would freeze up |
2586s | for five minutes because it would pull |
2588s | all the market orders and then when I |
2589s | was trying to manipulate that how I have |
2592s | Google Sheets set up it would start Auto |
2595s | recalculating everything so I gave up on |
2598s | that the only thing I do use the Excel |
2600s | for is to pull |
2602s | uh just my market transaction so I can |
2606s | copy and paste them over and keep track |
2607s | of that and then uh |
2610s | that's about all I use it for for right |
2612s | now if they if they were able to stop |
2615s | having it auto calculate |
2617s | and be able to work with the big bigger |
2621s | stuff that I do then it would be easy |
2622s | easy to use |
2634s | you can tell a joke while I'm going over |
2636s | there |
2643s | I said I think in your presentation you |
2645s | spend uh you buy directly from sell |
2649s | orders is that just an effort thing you |
2652s | know not wanting to put up buy orders |
2654s | for example |
2656s | um it's it's really just to make it easy |
2660s | because uh if we were to set up buy |
2662s | orders those would drop in you don't |
2664s | know when you're going to get that but |
2665s | you need the item now like you're sold |
2667s | out of these hundred things like I'm |
2670s | missing sales and then the other thing |
2673s | is just like I said it falls in there |
2675s | you'd have to unstack those items and |
2677s | figure out where they're going so and |
2679s | I'd like I've tried to work with other |
2681s | people to buy directly from people but |
2683s | it was just it's just too complex to do |
2686s | that |
2689s | all right I think that's all the time so |
2693s | perfect thank you |
2700s | all right |