over 2 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

Hallo zusammen,

wir untersuchen gerade die Verbindungsprobleme, die in letzter Zeit manche Spieler in Deutschland betreffen, vornehmlich Kunden der Deutschen Telekom AG.

Wenn bei euch seit dem 1. oder 2. August gehäuft Verbindungsunterbrechungen auftreten und euer Anbieter die Deutsche Telekom AG ist, dann erstellt bitte ein Support-Ticket. Lest bitte den Rest dieses Posts, um herauszufinden, wie ihr die Informationen bekommt, die im Ticket enthalten sein müssen.

Eins vorweg: Bitte postet die Informationen NICHT als Antwort in diesem Thread, da sie persönliche Daten enthalten. Erstellt stattdessen Support-Tickets, wie oben erwähnt. Zudem ist es wichtig, dass ihr eure Beschwerden über die Netzwerkinstabilität in diesem Forumsthread der Deutschen Telekom AG postet.

Im Ticket muss eine sogenannte Traceroute enthalten sein: Hier erfahrt ihr, wie ihr Traceroute-Informationen erhaltet.

Es ist möglich, dass wir je nach Fall bei euch rückfragen, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.

Falls ihr über das nötige IT-Wissen verfügt, wäre es hilfreich, wenn ihr uns stattdessen diese tracert schickt.

Wenn ihr in Deutschland spielt und seit Anfang August öfter Verbindungsprobleme habt, meldet euch bitte trotzdem bei uns, auch wenn euer Anbieter nicht die DTAG ist.

Noch einmal: Bitte postet die Informationen NICHT als Antwort in diesem Thread, da sie persönliche Daten enthalten.

Lest bitte auch diesen Post von @CCP_Explorer über Cloudflare-VPNs. Wenn ihr eure Verbindungsprobleme mithilfe dieses VPNs lösen konntet, würden wir gerne eine Traceroute mit dem aktiven VPN sehen, um die verschiedenen Netzwerkpfade nachverfolgen zu können.

Dieses Problem kann nicht durch einen Patch behoben oder generell von unserer Seite aus gelöst werden. Die Verantwortung für die Problembehebung liegt bei der DTAG, Cloudflare und möglicherweise auch Level3, da Level3 in Frankfurt auch in Traces auftaucht, die uns zugeschickt wurden.

Danke für eure Problemberichte und eure Geduld, während wir das Problem weiter untersuchen.

Hello everyone,

We are looking into the connectivity issues which have recently started affecting certain players in Germany, mainly customers of Deutsche Telekom AG.

If your ISP is Deutsche Telekom AG and you’ve been experiencing more disconnects since 1 - 2 August, then please create a support ticket. Be sure to read the rest of this post to find out how to obtain the information we would like you to include in the ticket.

First off: Please DO NOT post any of your details as a reply in this thread as they will contain private information. Instead provide them via a support ticket as mentioned previously. It is also important that you add your complaint to this Deutsche Telekom AG forum thread about your network route instability.

The information we’d like to see in your ticket is called a Traceroute: How to obtain Traceroute information.

We may follow up with you to gather further information on a case-by-case basis.

If you’re especially confident in your computer skills, please send us this tracert instead.

If you are playing from Germany and have been experiencing disconnects since the beginning of August then we still want to hear from you, even if your ISP is not DTAG.

Again, please DO NOT post these details as a reply in this thread as they will contain private information.

Please also see this post from @CCP_Explorer about Cloudflare VPNs. If you have successfully resolved the connection issues using this VPN, then we would want a traceroute with the VPN active to be able to see the different network paths as well.

This issue can’t be fixed in a patch and can’t be fixed on our side. This needs to be fixed by DTAG and Cloudflare, possibly with Level3’s involvement since we have seen Level3 in Frankfurt in traces that have been sent to us.

Thank you for your reports and ongoing patience while we look into this.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

What we are initially looking for is basic debug information so that Deutsche Telekom and Cloudflare can investigate this issue:

  • Your geographical location, your ISP details, and other relevant information about where and how you connect to the internet. If there are any patterns to the disconnects, please let us know as well.
  • The network path from your computer to Tranquility: Run tracert tranquility.servers.eveonline.com from a Command-Line Window, save the output in a text file and send us.
  • Your network details and how you connect to Cloudflare: In https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/aws/community/eve_network_diagnostics_v6.zip then you will find a file called eve-network-diagnostics v6.ps1, which is a Windows PowerShell Script. Run this script and send us the output file. We are mostly interested in the top two sections in that file.

In addition to posting in the Deutsche Telekom AG forum thread on this issue, if you contact DTAG’s technical support directly then you can refer the support person to their trouble ticket IM0002013917.

For more advanced debug information, please see @CCP_Convict’s original post above with the alternative advanced traceroute and Cloudflare WARP details.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

I’m glad to hear that many of your have been able to resolve or mitigate the issue using a VPN; that builds a case that the underlying root cause is somewhere on the regular network path from your home network to Cloudflare.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

MUC is Münich and FRA is Frankfurt. Interesting to hear that the disconnects might be linked to a DTAG network route to Münich. Have you been able to get a traceroute while it is connected to MUC?

Tranquility and Singularity are not in the same country, not on the same network, not with the same hosting or network providers, and are protected by different DDoS protections.

For a good connection to TQ then ISPs need to provide a high-quality network connection and a stable network route to a nearby Cloudflare colo.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Can you do us a favour, please, and update that ticket with a traceroute with VPN on and with VPN off?

over 2 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Can you do us a favour, please, and update that ticket with a traceroute with VPN on and with VPN off?

over 2 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Yes, running the batch file commands continuously in the background and then on disconnect try and see if the traceroute changed at the same time (scroll through the traceroutes and see if the last few ones are the same or not).

Very interesting, but this network route instability will indeed disconnect EVE. If your connection starts in MUC, when it changes to FRA then the stateful network equipment in FRA will have no details of you and needs to reset the connection.

We have learned that Deutsche Telekom doesn’t have any direct peering with Cloudflare. This issue is then more likely with Deutsche Telekom as they switch between different routes to Cloudflare (hopping across the networks of different companies that have direct peering) or with the carrier(s) that Deutsche Telekom uses.

Furthermore, we have seen these types of issues before and they can be resolved but can only be resolved by the ISP, which is Deutsche Telekom in this case. First and foremost because they control their network routes but also because they are paying their carriers and therefore have contractual leverage.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

Thanks for all the details; happy to hear that Proton VPN is working as a work-around for now. Connecting via Netherlands (most likely Amsterdam) is a good choice anyway since it’s on the route to London, where TQ is, and it is a big network hub. What the VPN does in this case is just to reroute your network traffic away from the problematic area, which appears to be somewhere in München.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

We are in contact with Deutsche Telekom about this issue. Based on the symptoms observed and previous incidents like this, then this will get fixed; but it’s impossible to tell what the timeline could be.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

The graph is still not good:

image1378×538 92 KB