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EVE Online
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5s | hello everyone and welcome to match |
6s | number three of the first day of the |
8s | alliance tournament 17 and this is going |
10s | to look like an exciting match we are |
12s | having a platinum sensitivity versus |
15s | exodus and they both |
16s | brought their flagships so this can get |
19s | a really expensive match |
21s | so better tell me about the setups they |
23s | brought |
24s | yeah so both of these teams seem to have |
26s | bought fairly similar sort of archetypes |
27s | they've both gone for sort of shield |
28s | long-range missile comps um exodus |
30s | bringing um perhaps slightly heavier top |
33s | end with spending extra less points on |
35s | the orthuses allowing them to bring two |
36s | nighthawks and a bargain whereas |
38s | platinum sensitivity have brought a |
39s | rattlesnake a flagship scorpion navy |
41s | issue in three dealers so those gealers |
42s | three points more expensive each than |
44s | the authoris um so they've had to have |
46s | to sacrifice their top end there a |
47s | little bit but i am really excited to |
49s | see how this uh this flagship scorpio |
50s | navy issue pairs up i was thinking that |
52s | was um definitely a very very very |
55s | strong choice for a flagship um i'm |
57s | curious to see if it's like a no prop |
58s | variant perhaps and it's just pure |
60s | cruise missile damage match has the |
62s | match has begun |
65s | taking chunks but the ultrasound returns |
68s | they both want to clear off these |
69s | cruisers |
70s | yeah so seeing these rapid heavy |
72s | missiles from the bikes and |
74s | the rapid lights from the office doing a |
75s | lot of work on that healer is doing |
77s | massive damage but that same time mr |
79s | falcon offers is taking damage but he's |
81s | burning away and trying to recover the |
84s | best he can |
86s | yeah i feel like in a match like this |
87s | where you've got two sort of similar |
88s | archetypes and they've both got plenty |
89s | of projection um positioning isn't |
92s | particularly the most important thing i |
94s | think the most important thing here is |
95s | going to be target calling of course |
97s | once you commit to something and then |
98s | you change your mind it's it's it's very |
100s | bad to do that you know you |
102s | i mean some in some situations it can |
103s | work but in a situation like this you |
104s | know you need to make the right call |
105s | first time or you know 30 seconds can |
107s | can win or lose you the match um so both |
109s | these teams have opted to shoot these |
110s | cruisers the gila and the author is both |
112s | taking chunks i'm not sure which is |
113s | going to drop first of course the gila |
114s | with this natural resist bone is very |
116s | very tanky as well and the author is um |
118s | pretty squishy comparison but they're |
120s | both holding the thing |
122s | when in these situations like if you |
124s | burn away you can never |
126s | like mitigate some of the damage and it |
127s | looks like the healer did burn a bit |
129s | away and stabilize a bit but he's going |
130s | down in armor same time they're also |
132s | losing ejector this could give exodus |
135s | the lead they didn't really need for |
136s | this because both teams are going to |
138s | have a have a lot of damage and they as |
140s | soon as you have some lead you can start |
142s | to utilize that |
144s | yeah those dealers are going to continue |
145s | pumping out damage uh that authoris is |
147s | still holding though the three authors |
149s | is um i wonder if the authorization may |
150s | be able to mitigate damage from the gila |
152s | drones just by their their pure speed as |
154s | the first author of mr falcon does |
155s | finally go down but um yeah exodus |
157s | seemed to be just kiting around the |
158s | arena a little bit um |
160s | not not too worried about the the gila |
162s | drones for the time being the yellow |
163s | drones don't seem to be on top of |
164s | anything |
165s | um any of this top end any of these |
167s | authors or anything |
169s | the main thing is that the scorpion navy |
170s | issue and the rattlesnake seem to be |
172s | fitted with the |
173s | torpedoes so they need to get in before |
176s | they can apply the damage this has been |
178s | like in the beginning of the match they |
179s | have struggled to get in range but looks |
181s | like they finally have catching up to |
183s | something so they can bring that big |
185s | heavy dps and this might be what they |
188s | need to turn the match around but |
189s | they're running out of time they're |
191s | losing their stuff and the skybreaker |
193s | which is like their only fast tackle is |
195s | in low shield |
197s | he is but they're they're sort of |
198s | mid-range and top-end ships are holding |
200s | for the time yeah the same guy the same |
202s | guy in the the same kind of office he's |
204s | taking heavy damage like he's getting |
205s | this torpedo damage on him and you can |
207s | see his shield just taking these massive |
209s | chunks of damage like at the same time |
211s | the scalpel of the |
213s | nitoi went down so and the exodus team |
216s | lost one of the notch leaving the other |
217s | one really vulnerable |
219s | this match is still an absolute knife |
221s | edge either these teams could could take |
222s | it from here on out this authoris is |
223s | just about holding the same guy but he's |
224s | going into low hull now um and yeah with |
227s | just one of those scalpels left i'm not |
229s | sure i don't i don't think he'll be able |
230s | to hold him and if these uh if this |
231s | scorpion navy rattlesnake on top of them |
233s | and fully applying their missiles |
234s | they're not quite yeah particularly |
237s | but more distance |
239s | yeah he got these two healer drones uh |
242s | on his ass like he cannot do much about |
244s | it uh same time that the office went |
246s | down |
248s | so it actually looks like extra |
249s | dissolution a lot of the damage the heal |
250s | of lt something is going down but |
253s | uh i think like |
255s | the the pleasant team did manage to turn |
257s | this around |
258s | augments this match is still so so close |
260s | they've traded back another guillotine |
261s | ships dying left and right here um but |
263s | it's just staying so so balanced both |
265s | these teams but more importantly |
266s | platinum sensitivity still have both of |
267s | those scalpels alive and the more damage |
269s | gets cleared from the field which both |
271s | of these teams seem to be doing and the |
273s | more effective those scalpel reps become |
274s | in sort of mitigating a fraction of that |
276s | damage if you will um and those scalpels |
279s | still have platinum sensitivity i would |
281s | assume gonna start coming into their own |
282s | here as damage starts being wiped off |
283s | the field with two of those authors gone |
285s | but i mean the flag barges two |
286s | nighthawks and no slouches for damage |
288s | either which is we're seeing both |
289s | scalpels burning into a heineken in the |
291s | healer trying to to get him some shield |
294s | reps and also the scalpers are taking |
295s | damage so it looks like a lot of spread |
297s | times from exodus you don't really want |
298s | to do that when you rely on the rapid |
301s | missiles |
302s | but if they can take them down it will |
304s | be a huge leap at the same time they're |
306s | losing an office and detector and |
308s | without those two ships they are going |
309s | to struggle to do anything about their |
311s | scalpels yeah i completely agree um |
314s | these scalpels are really gonna start to |
316s | to take the match away if they can't |
317s | deal with them now and it's yeah like |
319s | only the jackdaw and the bifrost and the |
320s | authors can |
321s | gonna be able to apply to them |
323s | particularly well and this although |
324s | verdict is taking chunks into armor now |
327s | but the skiller is in return of heinkel |
329s | um miz this match is still so so close i |
331s | have absolutely no idea who is going to |
333s | win this is incredible |
335s | yeah it's close both teams can position |
337s | when i think that platinum got a little |
338s | bit of a lead and we're seeing that the |
340s | scorpion of uh mark it's the flagship |
343s | scorpion is getting on top of the night |
345s | talk of the viewtone |
347s | so |
349s | he's almost in range for scram i think |
351s | like once he got to scram that he has |
353s | nowhere to go and he's going to feel the |
355s | pain with these torpedoes from this uh |
358s | flagship escapido navy issues it can't |
360s | blink the launchers can blink the damage |
362s | modules it can do a lot of damage i set |
365s | a nice cap in the scalpel is taking a |
367s | much damage so you need to recover fast |
369s | otherwise it can |
370s | be a huge loss from them yeah i think |
373s | that author was gonna die anyway but he |
375s | may have boundaries i'm not sure if he |
376s | if he died just at the edge of the |
377s | boundary or if he actually um boundaries |
379s | and that's what killed him but that |
380s | third order yeah he did the boundary |
382s | he does yeah correct so yeah these like |
385s | you said this scorpion navy issue as i |
387s | was saying at the start of the match i |
388s | love these as flagships i think they |
389s | they the the flagship rules give you so |
392s | much um so much capacity for tank and |
394s | damage and that is exactly what the |
395s | scorpion navy specializes in with eight |
397s | mid slots and a resist bonus is so so |
399s | tanky and at this point you know two |
401s | nighthawks and the bargest i'm not i'm |
403s | not even sure if they even if they win |
404s | even if everything else was evaporated i |
406s | don't think they'd have enough time to |
407s | kill the scorpio navy issue |
408s | um but this viton in the nighthawk now |
410s | has taken huge chunks for shield |
412s | obviously no scalpels left so he's not |
414s | going to be able to rip back up and he's |
415s | yeah he's not long for this world |
418s | yeah and the knight captain scalpel has |
420s | stabilized the objector of the different |
423s | had to burn away to over |
425s | to save himself and he's slowly |
426s | regenerating here that he's going back |
428s | but at this point like i i just feel |
430s | like excess team are lacking the damage |
433s | to do anything to threaten them ejectors |
437s | the only one can threaten their scalpels |
438s | uh that well and uh |
441s | it's uh |
442s | at this point they don't have the damage |
444s | the big question is if they can uh save |
446s | the flag parties |
448s | yeah |
451s | with three minutes left it's gonna be |
452s | damage control here for exodus trying to |
454s | try to keep this flag boris alive um of |
455s | course the flagship rules mean if your |
457s | flagship dies you can't field it again |
458s | and obviously very very expensive with |
460s | all the restrictions we've seen seen the |
461s | stock of oh said burning into tackle |
463s | that barges there i think he's scrammed |
466s | uh |
467s | maybe he got uh he i think just thought |
469s | got the counter scram there but looks |
470s | like the bags are still taking away a |
472s | lot of damage he's getting neutered by |
474s | the two other battleships so he can't |
475s | burn that long at this point i think |
478s | it's safe to say that the bargain is |
479s | going to be doomed and he can't boundary |
482s | so this means that a lot of the loot |
483s | from this ship |
484s | this is a top tier team so they probably |
486s | got some really good stuff on that bags |
488s | and the team we're going to loot it is |
490s | going to get 90 percent of the drop |
492s | since the halloween it went |
494s | so this can be a really shiny um |
497s | oh |
498s | sure this is just |
499s | going to go down he can't go anywhere |
501s | he's been used he's been webbed and |
502s | these rattlesnakes and scorpion navy |
503s | issues are just flying around the arena |
504s | absolutely unburdened by anything and |
506s | they are now right on top of them and |
508s | platinum sensors yeah they're going to |
510s | scalp |
511s | goodies from this vargas they are |
512s | licking their lips in anticipation that |
514s | this bar gets going down |
516s | yeah there's no one from the x's team at |
518s | the back they can't |
520s | kind of try and ninja loot it there like |
522s | that they did lose their first gallon |
524s | the second one is going down but at this |
525s | point this doesn't matter they have |
527s | these two |
528s | really big and the tanky vouchers |
531s | remaining and they're just cleaning up |
533s | that bag is pulling him |
536s | two versus one brawl |
538s | and these torpedoes are going to tear |
541s | through his tank if you already see his |
543s | burning ship there's nothing left he can |
546s | do and |
547s | at this point it's just a nighthawk and |
549s | a jackdaw |
550s | versus |
552s | two of the strongest battleship in the |
554s | in their format yeah this match was |
556s | really really close to most of but now |
557s | it is finally swinging in the way of |
559s | platinum sensitivity they are going to |
560s | kill this flagship vargas they are going |
561s | to collect all the goodies and miz i |
564s | have to ask you |
565s | what do you think of the target calling |
566s | i said at the start with these two sort |
568s | of similar archetype comps that would |
570s | come down to the target calling exodus |
571s | choosing to shoot the gilas um and i'm |
574s | mirrored by platinum sensitivity |
576s | choosing to shoot the officers do you |
577s | think that both of those decisions were |
578s | correct would you change anything yeah |
579s | well both teams did the right thing |
581s | there the key thing is to take out these |
583s | ships as they are going to support your |
585s | luxury figures and your other support |
587s | ships so by taking them down and taking |
589s | out the logistics it gave the platinum |
592s | sensitivity a really strong lead but i |
594s | think the key thing for them uh like |
597s | these brawling battleships needed to get |
599s | on top of something so this is very much |
601s | a match about the positioning and they |
604s | did the positioning well they did manage |
606s | to catch the baggage |
607s | and they |
609s | caught the other things as well and then |
611s | just rolled it down |
613s | yeah i wasn't sure if it might be like a |
614s | no prop um cruise scorpion navy but |
616s | having him just burning around applying |
617s | damage to everything |
618s | um yeah and there was there was very |
620s | little control on the exercise to sort |
621s | of keep him pinned down and stop them |
623s | doing and those that top scorpion navy |
625s | issue |
626s | um so yeah very very dangerous ship to |
627s | have um you know unrestrained and flying |
630s | around the arena and now we're having |
632s | like tf still going to clean up gfs and |
633s | local |
634s | um |
637s | nighthawk just went down before they |
639s | matched uh ended and uh yeah they |
641s | continued and uh it's just going to be a |
644s | flagship down and then the lucious |
645s | bracket so that's going to be tough for |
647s | them and let's set it back to the studio |