almost 6 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
5s | hello everyone and welcome back to the |
8s | Eve invasion world tour |
9s | I'm here with variants tonne shard and |
11s | this is the Eva Russia leg and we're |
14s | here to watch Russian web squad go up |
15s | against Z Z boy can you let us know what |
19s | the ships are here Varian yeah Russian |
21s | squeak guard her Russian we squad are |
24s | coming in with the Osprey Navy and a |
26s | vigil fleet whereas xcxc boy Navy in |
28s | vigil fleet so we're seeing similar |
30s | frigates again but the difference here |
32s | is these cruisers which is going to be |
33s | the main point here got a active tank |
36s | OMA Navy versus a buffer Osprey Navy and |
39s | that's not just the only definitely |
41s | detected |
42s | it's not that snot just the only |
44s | difference here though variant we've got |
46s | the omit Navy issue being way better are |
48s | killing off the frigate than the Osprey |
49s | Navy issue those hams are not good |
51s | applying to frigates and you can see the |
53s | two frigates they're actually just |
54s | running away a right at the start of the |
56s | match that's a good cool both of these |
58s | ships have the potential to eat that |
60s | frigate alive if they catch it so it |
62s | looks like yeah we can see that the red |
65s | Osprey Navy is going in trying to lock |
67s | down the Osprey Navy and let the |
69s | mercenary in his vigil fleet issued get |
70s | away you can see here he's been caught |
72s | nearly pushed up to the edge of the |
74s | arena it doesn't look like the omen Navy |
75s | issue has been able to get word to them |
77s | though so he's gonna be tackled down |
78s | here by the Osprey Navy issue and |
80s | stopped from killing it meanwhile the |
83s | little fleet issue from xcxc for the |
87s | fight most of the time so far it's just |
90s | now that drones just now committing to |
91s | killing the uber vigil fleet issue looks |
93s | like but it's too late to stop any sort |
95s | of defensive tackle from happening here |
97s | The Omen Navy is already heavily locked |
98s | down yeah you can see the the long-range |
101s | web star really letting the the beams |
104s | started the posters of that was for Navy |
106s | of issue apply however it looks like a |
107s | tank of the Osprey English sorry the |
109s | omen Navy issue isn't holding here he's |
111s | in really really low armor and this |
113s | Osprey Navy issue has barely been |
114s | touched at all |
116s | that's just a matter of time The Omen |
118s | need you these on an ancillary record |
121s | here so those reps are going to start |
123s | dropping really badly here is |
125s | instructure and that is a vigil fleet |
129s | versus game Osprey Navy that's gonna |
131s | basically be it there's not much a vigil |
134s | fleet with a little bit of buffer can do |
137s | against some house maybe especially |
139s | considering its rocket fit so it's not |
141s | gonna be able to out range the Osprey |
143s | Navy diver know this is a really awkward |
146s | situation we're just gonna have to see |
148s | what happens here and I suspect that the |
150s | plan of the visually issue is going to |
152s | be to try and bait the Osprey Navy issue |
155s | into bound ring still this much played |
157s | out in a really interesting way we saw |
159s | that omen Navy issue try as hard as he |
162s | could to get away from the Osprey Navy |
164s | issue despite the fact that it's a long |
165s | it's a shorter range ship than the |
167s | Osprey Navy why do you think he just |
169s | tried to do that variant I'm not sure |
173s | that might be playing more defensive |
174s | like at the start of the match this |
175s | other vigil fleet issue flight of Icarus |
177s | pulling pretty heavily away Vera's |
180s | Russian weave squad was going much more |
181s | aggressive their vigils |
183s | again getting a nice orbit around the |
186s | Alma deviation immediately had a mocker |
188s | so it probably was just playing off |
190s | defensively but not well enough I would |
193s | have expected some sort of like |
194s | defensive webs on the Osprey maybe just |
196s | to hold him down okay it doesn't seem |
200s | like either team is really taking |
201s | advantage of that like extended web |
204s | range and dancing around the edges of |
205s | the cruisers like maybe they should have |
207s | still it makes sense though both of |
209s | these ships have a lot of tackle and it |
212s | was going to be always going to be |
213s | difficult for them to not land something |
216s | with that you know range bonus web on |
218s | the visual flea issue yeah both teams |
223s | only just have webs as options |
225s | individual fleets you know lock each |
228s | other's cruisers down but at some point |
230s | you know that there's only so much you |
231s | can do with a single web on a chair on |
233s | either side to stop ramming each other |
237s | the Osprey Navy match is getting close |
239s | fast enough and even then at point O |
241s | here we can see the Osprey Navy actually |
243s | managing to get a new top on the |
244s | visually issue let's see if this |
246s | actually impacts it it might be able to |
248s | potentially turn off its MWD but it |
251s | doesn't know like it's going to |
252s | unfortunately the visually issue they're |
254s | just turning around and going the entire |
256s | night yeah burning in a straight line |
259s | getting faraway stalled pretty good |
261s | decision Mike just trying to kill off |
263s | these controls here but it looks a bit |
264s | which is also smart Colin how to get |
267s | those up ready for one set any chance of |
269s | mitigating any of the damage from the |
271s | Osprey Navy yet worth noting though the |
273s | Osprey Navy issue just have the victory |
275s | in the bag though there's not a huge |
277s | reason for him to even chase after the |
279s | vigil flea issue here all he has to do |
282s | is survive and he will win the match |
284s | yeah it's all on the vigil fleet here he |
286s | asked to make a at some point it looks |
289s | like he's just doing what he can to pull |
292s | him around but try you can see there |
294s | what he's trying to do or he's trying to |
295s | drive by land a couple of rocket shots |
298s | in and then move away and hope that the |
300s | hope that he can eventually chip away at |
302s | this Osprey Navy issue I don't think he |
304s | has time to do anything like that I |
306s | think he barely has time even if he |
307s | loads rage Rockets and prays that the |
310s | Osprey go down the center of the |
313s | he's looking like he's trying to play |
315s | some boundary games he's just over a |
317s | hundred kilometers so he's getting under |
319s | it maybe just trying to lure the Osprey |
321s | Navy and and do something stupid |
323s | ference interesting to see the |
324s | difference though the difference in |
326s | application that you were talking about |
327s | to start on the math she off-screen Navy |
329s | is just not managing to apply any damage |
331s | even before you can see is heavy |
332s | assaults are actually led deep it's just |
336s | barely scrutiny any damage because he |
337s | visually is just that fast |
339s | yeah hams are also notoriously bad at |
342s | applying to frigates they have such a |
344s | high base signature required to do |
347s | maximum damage that even with sick bloom |
349s | from an MWD the visual issue probably is |
352s | going to be taking anywhere close to |
354s | full damage from them |
357s | whereas what the Navy saw as soon as the |
360s | vigil fleet from the other team was web |
362s | the OMA Navy just put two shots into him |
364s | and it was dead |
364s | yeah that's that's the difference yeah |
368s | we also have to note that the the OMA |
370s | Navia she does have a tracking bonus so |
373s | it's way more specialized in doing |
375s | something like that yeah not mistake |
379s | faction turrets are actually helping |
380s | here as well they should have a little |
382s | bit better tracking than dt2 turrets yes |
386s | so yeah they do |
389s | they haven't bait they have a better |
391s | base damage multiplier as well but they |
394s | don't get the benefit of the |
395s | specialization skill which adds the most |
398s | dps and there's why tier two is better |
401s | than faction normally yeah and matches |
405s | like this you would have seen that OMA |
406s | Navy immediately can arrange to just |
407s | fire and scorch off and just have an |
409s | amazing application but it was still |
412s | just enough well that'll be the case |
414s | with the newest patch that's coming in |
416s | which will allow faction guns and |
419s | officer guns to use T to hammer as |
421s | announced by heavy rise on Twitter a |
423s | reason to spend more money on your ships |
426s | what could go wrong I'm sure I'll enjoy |
428s | the blingy kill Mouse |
431s | looks like the drone wars off the Austin |
434s | Navy isn't deploying any drones anymore |
436s | it looks like the Vitter fleet man she's |
437s | gonna use his drones a little bit better |
439s | get the enemy drones down but even that |
443s | the rocket damage and just a small drone |
445s | Dems from the video fleets probably just |
447s | not gonna be enough he's doing his best |
449s | like I think if this match went on for |
451s | long enough the visually issue would |
453s | eventually win event like he's played |
458s | smart played very safely but it's just |
462s | he's got so little damage to play away |
463s | from the Osprey Navy has a lot of buffer |
465s | to chew through yeah it's just a |
467s | combination of those two things and |
469s | there we can see however that the match |
471s | is over and Russian web squad will take |
474s | the first game in this series |
476s | yep that's time |
481s | you |