over 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

We have just experienced a mass disconnection of players from Tranquility and are currently investigating.

We will let you know as we have further information.

Update 17:54: Some players are having success reconnecting but we’re still investigating connection instability and ongoing issues with chat.

Update - Resolved 18:46: Connectivity to Tranquility is stable. Chat services should be restored at this time - if you are still having an issue you may need to log out and back in to restore functionality.

over 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

Been a busy week or two here so I apologize if I’ve missed some stuff. Feel free to @ me.

over 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

There’s a chance chat is still down for some users. Will let you know once service is fully restored.

about 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

While not related to the original issue of this thread, we’ve had a few small spikes in logouts that we’ve been monitoring today but it’s been rather sporadic and not everyone is effected - but it is being investigated.

As of the last couple hours things are appearing more stable.

about 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

Looking at all of our current connection metrics everything today seems to be fine. The odd spikes yesterday are no longer occurring and abnormal logout rates are at baseline.

If there is an issue that we are not seeing in the metrics, then we will need tickets to Customer Support with details on RL location, what ISP they are connecting through, what kind of network (wired vs wireless, ADSL vs fiber). Also a traceroute from their local computer to tranquility.servers.eveonline.com and a SpeedTest to a nearby location with the ticket.

So if you or your eve friends are still having connection issues please reach out to us at https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us