over 5 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello Laureus capsuleers and welcome to
2s another edition of Yves pulse where we
5s give you all the latest information
6s about what's going on in New Eden we've
9s had a little bit of a break over the
11s summer while we've been enjoying the
12s three days of good weather that we get
14s here in Iceland but now as we head into
15s the fall we're ready to start talking
17s about internet spaceships again and
19s what's going on in EVE Online this
22s Tuesday I saw the deployment of the
23s August release our second light summer
25s release before we head into the fall a
27s big part of this release was more
29s changes to the war deck system that see
31s the end of nonmutual Wars that don't
33s have a war headquarters any remaining
36s Wars that fit in this category of not
37s having a war headquarters will be
39s finishing soon so if you have any
41s spaceship violence that you want to
42s conclude make sure that you do it within
44s the commandeers the August release also
47s brought with it a host of UI graphical
49s and gameplay fixes that are all
51s available fully listed in detail in the
53s EVE Online patch notes so head on over
55s to the website if you want to take a
56s look at these changes in more detail
58s next week we'll see the start of GM week
60s once again which debuted last year and
62s saw all kinds of fun and shenanigans
64s from the customer support team here at
66s CCP here's a little bit more information
69s now from our GM team about what you can
71s expect over the course of the next seven
72s days
75s hey GM ice cream here now if you
79s remember last year we hosted an event
81s called GM Week and it proved it's so
83s popular that we decided to make it an
85s annual thing so let's see what we have
87s in store GM's and is DS will be joining
92s Bjorn be for a roam throughout New Eden
94s now I dare you to try and blow us up
98s because we'll be having a little bit of
99s Plex and some goodies in our cargo hold
101s so maybe just maybe loot ferry will say
105s yes
106s [Music]
113s roses are red violets are blue you'll
117s get a chance to submit a haiku you have
122s the chance to name a vanity item that
125s may just end up in New Eden
137s last year the reddit AMA proved to be a
139s smashing success and so we're doing it
142s again
142s you get to ask any question you want of
145s the GM Department and we will do our
146s best to answer it on top of that one of
154s you can win a chance to name of one of
157s the meeting rooms in our new
158s headquarters building that we'll be
160s moving to very soon
163s we're also going to have a t-shirt
165s design contest where one of you can win
167s a chance to have your t-shirt misspelled
169s as well but wait there's more back by
187s popular demand that's right it's wacky
189s but you guys gonna get the chance to
191s destroy a capital ship in highsec those
194s are some juicy kill myths so keep an eye
196s out on the news and social media this is
198s GM ice cream signing out
202s in terms of other stuff that's currently
204s ongoing in you even we also have the
206s null sack of local blackout that's
207s currently still in force it's made for
210s some really really interesting metrics
211s and some really interests and changes in
213s player behavior and a lot of that's
215s going to be reflected in the next
216s monthly economic report alongside that
219s we're also switching the quarterly
220s security report to be a monthly security
223s and bottom report and this will be
224s released alongside the M er so that you
227s can see all the details about what we're
228s doing in terms of our Mt and botton and
230s trying to combat all the nasty side of
232s things that goes on in you Eden the next
235s stop on the Eve invasion welter is
237s funfest home it's gonna be in finland
239s it's going to be in a cabin in the
241s middle of the forest in a place that no
243s one can pronounce and we're gonna take
245s an entire funfest
247s and cram it all into one living room for
250s a lucky guy who won a contest last year
252s we don't really know what to expect and
254s we sure it's gonna be a hell of a lot of
256s fun or you're gonna have to join us for
258s the ride and see what happens so be sure
260s to tune in to all our social media
261s channels to find out more about the
263s crazy stuff that's going to be going on
264s in the middle of Finland in the middle
266s of nowhere in the cabin in the woods
268s after Finland we don't slow down the
271s even version world tour continues and
273s next we'll be heading to Germany to
274s Berlin for G fleet this will be taken
277s place on the 13th and 14th of September
279s right in the center of Berlin where
281s we'll have presentations we'll have
283s round tables and we'll have probably a
285s beer or two given that it's Germany so
287s be sure that if you haven't got tickets
289s already your goal and your head over to
291s the even vision World Tour website and
293s pick them up as soon as you can because
295s it's gonna be awesome
295s tickets are also on sale for Vegas 2019
299s this is going to be an amazing weekend
301s of spaceship madness
302s we've got presentations we've got round
304s tables and of course we've got the
305s headline party at Caesar's Palace Omni a
308s nightclub the event itself is taking
310s place at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino
312s right on the Las Vegas Strip and it's
314s going to be in Amir's and 3ds so if you
316s haven't already got your tickets and you
317s want to come along make sure that you
319s head to the even vision world tour
320s website as soon as you can and pick them
322s up Eve aigis is an event that has sold
324s out every year so you don't want to be
326s left disappointed and this is gonna be a
328s hell of a show and last but not least
330s we've got something pretty epic coming
332s up this Sunday as you may know back in
334s March we announced a partnership with an
336s awesome tech startup in London called
337s helium who working on a revolutionary
339s new engine called the ether engine it's
342s designed around a lot of the challenges
343s that he faces
344s put thousands even tens of thousands of
347s people in a single environment all
348s playing the same game together at the
350s same time Hadean and CCP hosted the
352s first mass test of this engine at GDC
354s 2019 which resulted in three thousand
357s eight hundred and fifty two players from
358s across the globe joining a host of AI
360s players to stress test the ether engine
362s as hard as they possibly could the
364s result was that those who took part
366s fired more than fourteen point seven
368s million torpedoes and destroyed an
370s astonishing eighty eight thousand nine
372s hundred ships over the course of around
373s an hour of clear test the peak
376s concurrent battlefield population was
377s ten thousand four hundred and twelve
379s pilots including the AI pilots as well
381s of course this weekend we're looking to
383s go one better with Evie Thor's fears to
386s the clear test is going to take place in
388s an abyssal dead space pocket that's
390s packed with resources and players are
392s going to be pitched against each other
394s to see who can kill the more ships and
396s of course who can collect the most
397s resources or the period of the play test
399s and of course for the victors there'll
402s be prizes to every pilot who takes part
405s in Phase two will receive a souvenir
406s skin pack for a selection of Garissa
408s souls in game and every pilot who takes
410s part will also be entered into a prize
412s draw to win a trip for two to Evie Gaz
414s 2019 to join in the celebrations on the
417s eve envision world tour
418s our friends over at Kosair have also
420s decided to join in the fun too and
422s there'll be a war than the pilot who
424s tops the leaderboard during the player
425s test a pretty kick-ass prize the person
428s who makes the top of the leaderboard
429s will win an amazing high-end Corsair one
431s gaming PC worth more than two and a half
433s thousand dollars so be sure to take part
435s if you want a chance to win one of these
436s awesome prizes Evie Thor was first to
440s takes place this weekend on Sunday
442s August the 18th and we want you to help
444s a stress test the ether engine as hard
446s as possible keep an eye on your inbox
449s because everyone who signed up will
451s receive an email that's going to detail
452s how you can download install and get
454s involved in the player test this email
456s is also going to include important
458s information on all the contests we've
459s just mentioned - including what criteria
461s you'll need to meet to be able to be
463s included each prize draw that's all
466s we've got time for and this addition of
467s eve pulse we'll be sure to subscribe
468s with the button down there because as we
471s roll towards the winter we're going to
472s have a lot more information about what's
473s coming up breve online we'll see you in
476s space upon the evening
483s and against how to untwist it
486s [Music]
491s patch uncle again one of our light no no
496s another one ah yeah
498s ok ha ha
506s cheer more smoothing stuff to talk about
511s the event itself has taken part ha ha I
515s can start like ha ha ha
518s why can't I see what make you it ah it's
526s a dead on Sunday
529s wha okay I've got this
over 5 years ago - - Direct link

Another episode of EVE Pulse is here with all the latest from the world of EVE Online. Join us for the ground-breaking EVE Aether Wars: Phase Two tech demo, learn more about the return of the GM Week and the latest release to the #1 space MMO.