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What the title says - ever since the DX12 update, I've noticed some severe issues when loading any grid with more than a few other types of ships.

This has been most apparent in Jita where, even with just one account open, the client will hang and freeze for upwards of a minute every time I undock. It's also gotten my multiboxing setup killed two different times now (minimum graphics settings across the board), where all clients froze for a solid 15 seconds after a few people warped ongrid, resulting in me losing all ships and pods both times.

My best guess is that the changes made to the game's Level-of-Detail models & the loading thereof are causing this, since the problem persists regardless of whether I'm using the DX12 or DX11 client (and I've already got the client set to download all resources, so it's not an issue of that either).

I'm also going to make a bug report about it, but I wanted to ask how many of you have also been having this issue, since a few of my friends have said the same thing after I brought it up.

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over 2 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link


A late comment here, as I looked into the bug report from the OP.

Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce this problem in-house (at least by far not to this extent), although I tested on various machines (including on a slow HDD). According to the included logs in the bug report there were indeed warnings about it taking long to load files from disk. This could be due to either a very slow disk or also if the computer was completely lagged out already.

The June release has indeed increased the amount of data to be loaded from disk (like for example for the nebula and related to the LOD changes), although this should not have been as significant.

It would be great to get more details on this, if this is indeed caused by very slow HDDs. I assume switching to an SSD should indeed help quite a bit (as already mentioned in some comments). Otherwise it would be great to see how the CPU usage on the machine is during this. Is it completely maxed out?

Regards, CCP Habakuk