about 6 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Wormhole system J115405, also known as Rage, is under siege.
7s The Initiative, along with other Imperium elements, have invaded the system
11s and its long-time rulers, Hard Knocks.,
14s have been reeling under the onslaught.
16s Rage has long been the most industrialized of all known wormhole systems
21s as through the years Hard Knocks have constructed
23s multiple complexes and citadels in the system,
26s including two of the mightiest citadels in existence, Keepstars.
32s When it was completed just over 2 years ago,
34s Fort Knox became the first fully operational Keepstar
37s in the history of New Eden.
40s Now heavily damaged in previous attacks
43s and with Imperium forces firmly in control of the wormhole system,
47s it was all but destined for destruction.
50s It seems the Initiative have been planning this invasion for some time
53s as the logistics of deploying forces this deep into wormhole space
57s provides a significant challenge.
59s It has been rumored that the first Initiative freighter
62s arrived in Rage over a year ago,
64s carrying the first load of the assets needed to carry out this invasion.
69s The Initiative launched their attack earlier this month,
72s attacking multiple Hard Knocks structures
74s and seized control of all entrances into the system,
78s making it extremely difficult for Hard Knocks to bring in reinforcements.
83s Four days after the attack started,
85s and mere hours before its inevitable destruction,
88s one can only imagine the despair of the countless thousands
91s of inhabitants occupying the Keepstar.
94s As they watch in disbelief, Hard Knocks capsuleers undock
98s one magnificent capital ship after the other
100s only to self-destruct them in front of the Keepstar.
104s A last resort to prevent them from being captured
106s among the wreckage by enemy hands.
109s Only a fraction of the population may have managed
111s to get aboard the few ships that undocked Fort Knox
115s not to self-destruct but try to either escape the system
118s or seek refuge in some of the other structures in the system.
123s Just before 200 hours on the 12th of 12th YC120,
128s the final attack commenced.
130s It is estimated that around 1,400 capsuleers took part in the final battle,
134s a vast majority of them belonging to the Initiative or other Imperium forces.
140s 49 minutes later and after taking tremendous damage
143s from the large attacking sub capital fleet,
145s the Keepstar hull was breached
147s and had multiple internal fires raging out of control.
150s A few moments later, one of its cores detonated,
153s instantly setting off a chain reaction as bright as a star,
157s killing all its inhabitants in the blink of an eye.
161s Mere seconds later, scavengers were going through the still smoldering,
164s in some places even burning wreckage,
166s collecting what valuables there could be found
169s and despite the Hard Knock attempts by self-destructing
172s as many ships as possible before the final attack,
175s it’s been said that this has been the most profitable wreck in New Eden history.
180s The siege of Rage continues and those few who escaped
183s from the destruction of Fort Knox to find refuge in neighboring structures
187s may only have been delaying their demise,
189s as all Hard Knock structures in the system are being targeted and attacked.
196s We now go back to our live broadcast.
199s In the last hour, Minmatar Republic Fleets have been taking up positions
203s near jump gates in the Republic border systems to the Amarr Empire.
206s These deployments took place shortly following a statement
209s released by Minmatar delegate to Concord Inner Circle Keitan Yun.
214s The statement read as follows:
216s "The Minmatar Republic cannot stand by
218s and tolerate the recurring violent suppression
220s of our brothers and sisters in slavery by the Amarr Empire.
224s The Tribal Council has instructed the Sanmatar
226s to mobilize the Republic Fleet and enforce a blockade
228s of the border with the Amarr Empire.
231s I must inform the Inner Circle that Minmatar taskforces
234s have been sent to Auga, Isbrabata and Vard
238s to secure the gates leading from Heimatar and Metropolis into the Empire."
243s End of statement.
245s Although each fleet is estimated to be relatively small,
248s only around fifty ships,
250s political analysts agree that that this deployment by the Minmatar Republic
254s is a very clear escalation in the fast-growing dispute between the two factions
258s whose relations have been historically strained or outright hostile.
263s Given the violent history, analysts believe that the deployed fleets
267s are being kept deliberately small as not to give
270s the hopefully wrong and dangerous impression that this buildup
273s is a prelude to Republic Naval movements into Amarr space.
278s No statement has as of yet been made by the Amarr Empire
282s but there are reports of Imperial Navy mobilizations
284s and movements towards the borders.
287s Tensions are extremely high and capsuleers are advised
291s to either show caution when travelling through these systems
294s or preferably avoid them altogether if possible.
299s This is Alton Haveri reporting for the Scope.
almost 6 years ago - - Direct link

Alton Haveri reports on the destruction of Fort Knox, the first fully operational Keepstar citadel in New Eden. The besieged structure in the wormhole system known as Rage finally had its defenses breached and underwent a spectacular demise. In other news, Minmatar forces have been taking up positions near jump gates that border Amarr Empire systems, enforcing a blockade.