almost 3 years ago - CCP_Paradox - Direct link

Hi everyone,

This week Singularity will have a couple of changes for Pochven that we would like to highlight.

  • We’re changing how rewards are granted to players for several sites in Pochven, including the Observatory Flashpoints.
    The rewards will now be paid similar to how Incursions work, in that only the Fleet that contributes the most damage will receive the payout. Furthermore only those fleet members inside the site that will receive the rewards as long as they are eligible (Eligibility is: Not cloaked, Not inside a rookie ship/Shuttle/Pod/Zephyr)

  • We’re also changing which points of interest the roaming NPCs of Pochven will warp to. Triglavian fleets will focus on gates and stations, EDENCOM NPCs will focus on sites and celestials like planets, and neutral NPCs will be more common around wormholes. Our aim here is to create areas of strength for players loyal to a given faction.

Any feedback or comments are welcome, and we’re also interested in hearing any additional improvements or changes you’d like to see regarding these two small updates.

almost 3 years ago - CCP_Rise - Direct link

Yes, we are talking about it and working on improvements. No specifics for you yet but since you said a vague answer is okay I’m happy to give one :slight_smile:

almost 3 years ago - CCP_Paradox - Direct link

Hi everyone,

Following up on the feedback provided in this thread, we’ve made some additional changes to the roaming NPC and their points of interest. We want to ensure that a few points of interest will be points of conflict between the various NPC groups that roam Pochven. You’ll see conflict between the groups around planets, suns, and the Dazh Liminality Locus.

Thanks for the feedback so far on the changes o7